Mu makes it easy to learn how to write Python code.
![Hands on a keyboard with a Python book ][1]
Teaching kids to code is very popular in schools. Many years ago, in the days of the Apple II and [Logo][2] programming, I learned about turtle graphics. I enjoyed learning how to program the virtual turtle and later helping students to do the same.
About five years ago, I learned about [Python's turtle module][3], and it was the segue to my Python journey. Soon, I started using the turtle module to teach students Python programming basics, including using it to create interesting graphics.
### Get started with Python's turtle module
On a Linux or macOS computer, you can just open a terminal, enter the word `python`, and you'll see the Python shell.
If you are using a Windows computer, you will need to install Python first by going to the Python website and [downloading][4] the latest stable version.
Next, import the turtle module into Python with `import turtle`or`import turtle as t`. Then you can start having some fun creating turtle graphics.
### Meet Mu
In the early days of my Python adventure, I used [IDLE][5], Python's integrated development environment. It was much easier than entering commands into the Python shell, plus I could write and save programs for later use. I took some online courses and read many excellent books about Python programming. I taught teachers and students how to create turtle graphics using IDLE.
IDLE was a big improvement, but at PyConUS 2019 in Cleveland, I saw a presentation by [Nicholas Tollervey][6] that changed the way I learned and taught Python. Nick is an educator who created [Mu][7], a Python editor specifically for young programmers (and even older ones like me). Mu can be installed on Linux, macOS, and Windows. It's easy to use and comes with excellent [documentation][8] and [tutorials][9].
On Linux, you can install Mu from the command line.
On Ubuntu or Debian:
`$ sudo apt install mu-editor`
On Fedora or similar:
`$ sudo dnf install mu`
Or, you can use Python to do the install. First, ensure you have Python 3 installed:
`$ python --version`
If that fails, try:
`$ python3 --version`
Assuming you have Python version 3 or better, install Mu using `pip`, the Python package manager:
`$ python -m pip install mu-editor --user`
Then you can run Mu from the command line or create a shortcut using:
Mu is installed by default on the [Raspberry Pi][10], which is a great plus. In the past couple of years, I have introduced students to the Raspberry Pi and Python programming using the Mu editor.
### How to teach Python with Mu
Mu is a great way to show students how easy it is to get started with Python. Here's how I teach my students to start using it.
1. Open the Mu editor.
![Mu editor][11]
(Don Watkins, [CC BY-SA 4.0][12])
2. Enter `import turtle` to import the Turtle module, so you can get the turtle moving. My first lesson is drawing a simple square in Python code.
![Mu editor][13]
(Don Watkins, [CC BY-SA 4.0][12])
3. Save this program, making sure that the file name ends in .py.
![Saving program in Mu][14]
(Don Watkins, [CC BY-SA 4.0][12])
4. Run the program. Running even a simple program like this is energizing—it's fun to see the graphical output of a program you wrote.
![Running Python program in Mu][15]
(Don Watkins, [CC BY-SA 4.0][12])
### Beyond the basics
After this simple lesson, I explain that there are some ways to simplify and expand on the basics the students have learned. One is creating a simpler turtle object, `import turtle as t`. Then I introduce a `for` loopas another way to draw a square with the turtle.
![for loops in Python with Mu][16]
(Don Watkins, [CC BY-SA 4.0][12])
Next, I show how to create a `my_square` function as another way to draw a square.
![my_square function][17]
(Don Watkins, [CC BY-SA 4.0][12])
Later, I expand on this concept by introducing other turtle module methods, including `penup`, `pendown`, and `pencolor`. Soon, my students are developing more complex programs and iterating on them.
![Mu editor][18]
(Don Watkins, [CC BY-SA 4.0][12])
I am always eager to learn, and I would love to know how you are teaching Python in school or at home. Please share your experience in the comments.
[1]: (Hands on a keyboard with a Python book )