How to Create a User Account Without useradd Command in Linux?
There are three commands are available in Linux to create an user account.
Did you ever tried to create a user account in Linux using manual method?
I mean to say without using an above three commands.
If you don’t know how to do that? we are here to help you on this and will show you in details.
Have you wondering, how it’s possible? If yes, don’t worry, as we have mentioned many times that anything can be done on Linux. It is one of the example.
Yes, we can create it. Are you excited to know more it?
* **[Three Methods To Create A User Account In Linux?][1]**
* **[Two Methods To Create Bulk Users In Linux][2]**
I don’t want to you to wait any more. Let’s do it right away.
To do so, first, we need to find out last created UID and GID information. Once you have these information handy then proceed to next step.
1- Username: This field indicates the User name. Characters length should be between 1 to 32.
2- Password (x): It indicates that encrypted password is stored at /etc/shadow file.
3- User ID: It indicates the user ID (UID) each user should be contain unique UID. UID (0-Zero) is reserved for root, UID (1-99) reserved for system users and UID (100-999) reserved for system accounts/groups
4- Group ID (GID): It indicates the group ID (GID) each group should be contain unique GID is stored at /etc/group file.
5- Comment/User ID Info: It indicates the command field. This field can be used to describe the user information.
6- Home directory (/home/$USER): It indicates the user's home directory.
7- shell (/bin/bash): It indicates the user's shell.