2018-05-06 11:11:36 +08:00

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Item 10:优先考虑限域枚举而非未限域枚举



enum Color { black, white, red };   // black, white, red 和
                                    // Color一样都在相同作用域
auto white = false;                 // 错误! white早已在这个作用
                                    // 域中存在


enum class Color { black, white, red }; // black, white, red
                                        // 限制在Color域内
auto white = false;                     // 没问题,同样域内没有这个名字

Color c = white;                        //错误这个域中没有white

Color c = Color::white;                 // 没问题
auto c = Color::white;                  // 也没问题也符合条款5的建议

因为限域枚举是通过enum class声明,所以它们有时候也被称为枚举类(enum classes)。


enum Color { black, white, red };       // 未限域枚举
std::vector<std::size_t>                // func返回x的质因子
primeFactors(std::size_t x);            
Color c = red;

if (c < 14.5) {                         // Color与double比较 (!)
    auto factors =                      // 计算一个Color的质因子(!)


enum后面写一个class就可以将非限域枚举转换为限域枚举,接下来就是完全不同的故事展开了。 现在不存在任何隐式的转换可以将限域枚举中的枚举量转化为任何其他类型。

enum class Color { black, white, red }; // Color现在是限域枚举
Color c = Color::red;                   // 和之前一样,只是
                                       // 多了一个域修饰符
if (c < 14.5) {                         // 错误!不能比较
                                        // Color和double
    auto factors =                      // 错误! 不能向参数为std::size_t的函数
        primeFactors(c);                // 传递Color参数


if (static_cast<double>(c) < 14.5) { // 奇怪的代码,但是
                                     // 有效
    auto factors = // suspect, but
        primeFactors(static_cast<std::size_t>(c)); // 能通过编译


enum Color;         // 错误!
enum class Color;   // 没问题

这是一个误导。在C++11中非限域枚举也可以被前向声明但是只有在做一些其他工作后才能实现。这些工作来源于一个事实 在C++中所有的枚举都有一个由编译器决定的基础整型类型。对于非限域枚举比如Color

enum Color { black, white, red };


enum Status { good = 0,
                failed = 1,
                incomplete = 100,
                corrupt = 200,
                indeterminate = 0xFFFFFFFF


为了高效使用内存,编译器通常在确保能包含所有枚举值的前提下为枚举选择一个最小的基础类型。在一些情况下,编译器 将会优化速度舍弃大小这种情况下它可能不会选择最小的基础类型而是选择对优化大小有帮助的类型。为此C++98 只支持枚举定义(所有枚举量全部列出来);枚举声明是不被允许的。这使得编译器能为之前使用的每一个枚举选择一个基础类型。


enum Status { good = 0,
                failed = 1,
                incomplete = 100,
                corrupt = 200,
                indeterminate = 0xFFFFFFFF


enum Status { good = 0,
                failed = 1,
                incomplete = 100,
                corrupt = 200,
                audited = 500,
                indeterminate = 0xFFFFFFFF

那么可能整个系统都得重新编译即使只有一个子系统——或者一个函数使用了新添加的枚举量。这是大家都不希望看到的。C++11中的前置声明可以解决这个问题。 比如这里有一个完全有效的限域枚举声明和一个以该限域枚举作为形参的函数声明:

enum class Status; // forward declaration
void continueProcessing(Status s); // use of fwd-declared enum

即使Status的定义发生改变,包含这些声明的头文件也不会重新编译。而且如果Status添加一个枚举量比如添加一个_audited_continueProcessing的行为不受影响(因为continueProcessing没有使用这个新添加的_audited_continueProcessing也不需要重新编译。 但是如果编译器在使用它前需要知晓该枚举的大小该怎么声明才能让C++11做到C++98不能做到的事情呢 答案很简单:限域枚举的基础类型总是已知的,对于非限域枚举,你可以指定它。默认情况下,限域枚举的基础类型是int

enum class Status; // 基础类型是int


enum class Status: std::uint32_t;   // Status的基础类型
                                    // 是std::uint32_t
                                    // (需要包含 <cstdint>)


enum Color: std::uint8_t;   // 为非限域枚举Color指定
                            // 基础为
                            // std::uint8_t


enum class Status: std::uint32_t { good = 0,
                                    failed = 1,
                                    incomplete = 100,
                                    corrupt = 200,
                                    audited = 500,
                                    indeterminate = 0xFFFFFFFF

由于限域枚举避免命名空间污染而且不接受隐式类型转换,你可能会很惊讶听到至少有一种情况下非限域枚举是很有用的。 那就是引用C++11 tuples中的字段的时候。比如在社交网站中假设我们有一个tuple保存了用户的名字email地址声望点


using UserInfo = // type alias; see Item 9
    std::tuple<std::string, // name
    std::string, // email
    std::size_t> ; // reputation

Though the comments indicate what each field of the tuple represents, thats probably not very helpful when you encounter code like this in a separate source file:

UserInfo uInfo; // object of tuple type

auto val = std::get<1>(uInfo); // get value of field 1 As a programmer, you have a lot of stuff to keep track of. Should you really be expected to remember that field 1 corresponds to the users email address? I think not. Using an unscoped enum to associate names with field numbers avoids the need to:

enum UserInfoFields { uiName, uiEmail, uiReputation };
UserInfo uInfo; // as before

auto val = std::get<uiEmail>(uInfo); // ah, get value of
// email field

What makes this work is the implicit conversion from UserInfoFields to std::size_t, which is the type that std::get requires. The corresponding code with scoped enums is substantially more verbose:

enum class UserInfoFields { uiName, uiEmail, uiReputation };
UserInfo uInfo; // as before

auto val =

The verbosity can be reduced by writing a function that takes an enumerator and returns its corresponding std::size_t value, but its a bit tricky. std::get is a template, and the value you provide is a template argument (notice the use of angle brackets, not parentheses), so the function that transforms an enumerator into a std::size_t has to produce its result during compilation. As Item 15 explains, that means it must be a constexpr function. In fact, it should really be a constexpr function template, because it should work with any kind of enum. And if were going to make that generalization, we should generalize the return type, too. Rather than returning std::size_t, well return the enums underlying type. Its available via the std::underlying_type type trait. (See Item 9 for information on type traits.) Finally, well declare it noexcept (see Item 14), because we know it will never yield an exception. The result is a function template toUType that takes an arbitrary enumerator and can return its value as a compiletime constant:

template<typename E>
constexpr typename std::underlying_type<E>::type
toUType(E enumerator) noexcept

In C++14, toUType can be simplified by replacing typename std::underly ing_type::type with the sleeker std::underlying_type_t (see Item 9):

template<typename E> // C++14
constexpr std::underlying_type_t<E>
toUType(E enumerator) noexcept
return static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<E>>(enumerator);

The even-sleeker auto return type (see Item 3) is also valid in C++14:

template<typename E> // C++14
constexpr auto
toUType(E enumerator) noexcept
return static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<E>>(enumerator);

Regardless of how its written, toUType permits us to access a field of the tuple like this:

auto val = std::get<toUType(UserInfoFields::uiEmail)>(uInfo);

Its still more to write than use of the unscoped enum, but it also avoids namespace pollution and inadvertent conversions involving enumerators. In many cases, you may decide that typing a few extra characters is a reasonable price to pay for the ability to avoid the pitfalls of an enum technology that dates to a time when the state of the art in digital telecommunications was the 2400-baud modem.

记住 • C++98-style enums are now known as unscoped enums. • Enumerators of scoped enums are visible only within the enum. They convert to other types only with a cast. • Both scoped and unscoped enums support specification of the underlying type. The default underlying type for scoped enums is int. Unscoped enums have no default underlying type. • Scoped enums may always be forward-declared. Unscoped enums may be forward-declared only if their declaration specifies an underlying type.