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Hi, I'm Carrie Anne and welcome to Crash Course computer science.
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Over the past a few episodes,
we've been building up our understanding of computer science fundamentals,
such as functions, algorithms and data structures.
Today, we're going to take a step back and look at the person
今天,我们来看一位对计算机理论 贡献巨大的人
who formulated many of the theoretical concepts that underline modern computation.
今天,我们来看一位对计算机理论 贡献巨大的人
The father of computer science
and not quite Benedict Cumberbatch lookalike, Alan Turing.
长得不怎么像 本尼 的 阿兰·图灵
Alan Mathison Turing was born in London in 1912
阿兰·马蒂森·图灵 于 1921 年出生在伦敦,\N 从小就表现出惊人数学和科学能力
and showed an incredible aptitude for maths and science throughout his early education.
阿兰·马蒂森·图灵 于 1921 年出生在伦敦,\N 从小就表现出惊人数学和科学能力
His first brush of what we now call computer science came in 1935
他对计算机科学的建树始于 1935 年
while he was a master student at King's College in Cambridge.
He set out to solve a problem posed by German Mathematician David Hilbert
他开始解决德国数学家 大卫·希尔伯特 提出的问题
known as the Entscheidungsproblem
叫 Entscheidungsproblem (德语)
or decision problem,
which asked the following:
is there an algorithm that takes, as input, a statement written in formal logic,
是否存在一种算法,输入正式逻辑语句 \N 输出准确的"是"或"否"答案?
and produces a "yes" or "no" answer that's always accurate?
是否存在一种算法,输入正式逻辑语句 \N 输出准确的"是"或"否"答案?
If such an algorithm existed,
如果这样的算法存在, \N 可以回答比如 "是否有一个数大于所有数"
we could use it to answer questions like, "Is there a number bigger than all numbers?"
如果这样的算法存在, \N 可以回答比如 "是否有一个数大于所有数"
No, there's not. We know the answer to that one,
不, 没有. 我们知道答案
but there are many other questions in mathematics that we'd like to know the answer too.
So if this algorithm existed, we'd want to know it.
所以如果这种算法存在, 我们想知道
The American mathematician Alonzo Church first presented a solution to this problem in 1935.
美国数学家 阿隆佐·丘奇 \N 于 1935年 首先提出解决方法
He developed a system of mathematical expressions called Lambda Calculus
开发了一个叫"Lambda 算子"的数学表达系统
and demonstrated that no such universal algorithm could exist.
Although Lambda Calculus was capable of representing any computation,
虽然"Lambda 算子"能表示任何计算
the mathematical technique was difficult to apply and understand.
但它使用的数学技巧 难以理解和使用
At pretty much the same time on the other side of the Atlantic,
Alan Turing came up with his own approach to solve the decision problem.
阿兰·图灵 想出了自己的办法来解决"可判定性问题"
He proposed a hypothetical computing machine, which we now call a Turing Machine.
Turing Machines provided a simple, yet powerful
mathematical model of computation.
Although using totally different mathematics,
they were functionally equivalent to lambda calculus in terms of their computational power.
但图灵机的计算能力和 Lambda 算子一样
However their relative simplicity made them much more popular
in the burgeoning field of computer science.
In fact, they're simple enough that I'm going to explain it right now.
A Turing Machine is a theoretical computing device
There's also a state variable in which we can hold a piece of information
about the current state of the machine.
And a set of rules that describes what the machine does.
Given a state and the current symbol the head is reading,
规则是根据 当前状态+读写头看到的符号,决定机器做什么
the rule can be to write a symbol on the tape,
change the state of the machine, move the read/write head to the left or right by one spot
or any combination of these actions.
To make this concrete, let's work through a simple example:
a Turing Machine that reads a string of ones ending in a zero
and computes whether there is an even number of ones.
并计算 1 的出现次数 是不是偶数
If that's true,
如果是, 在纸带上写一个 1
the machine will write a one to the tape
如果是, 在纸带上写一个 1
and if it's false, it'll write a zero.
如果不是,在纸带上写一个 0
First we need to define our Turing machine rules.
If the state is even and the current symbol of the tape is one,
如果当前状态是"偶数", 当前符号是1
then we update the machine state to odd and move the head to the right.
On the other hand if the state is even and the current symbol is zero,
如果当前状态为偶数,当前符号是 0
which means we've reached the end of the string of ones,
then we write one to the tape and change the state to halt,
那么在纸带上写一个 1并且把状态改成 停机(halt)
as in we're finished and the Turing machine has completed the computation.
状态改为"停机" 是因为图灵机已完成计算
We also need rules for when the Turing machine is in an odd state,
但我们还需要 2 条规则,来处理状态为奇数的情况
one rule for the symbol on the tape is a zero and another for when it is one.
一条处理 奇数 + 纸带是 0 的情况 \N 一条处理 奇数 + 纸带是 1 的情况
Lastly we need to define a Starting state, which we'll set to be even.
Now we've defined the rules in the starting state of our Turing machine,
定义好了 起始状态+规则
which is comparable to a computer program, we can run it on some example input.
Let's say we store 1 1 0 onto tape.
假设把"1 1 0"放在纸带上,有两个 1是偶数
That's two ones, which means there is an even number of ones,
假设把"1 1 0"放在纸带上,有两个 1是偶数
and if that's news to you,
如果"偶数"对你是新知识 \N 也许我们该开一门【十分钟速成课:数学】
We should probably get working on crash course Math.
如果"偶数"对你是新知识 \N 也许我们该开一门【十分钟速成课:数学】
Notice that our rules only ever move their head to the right
注意,规则只让 读写头 向右移动
so the rest of the tape is irrelevant.
We'll leave it blank for simplicity.
Our Turing machine is all ready to go so let's start it.
Our state is even and the first number we see is one.
机器起始状态为"偶数",看到的第一个数是 1
That matches our topmost rule and so we execute the effect,
which is to update the state to odd and move the read/write head to the right by one spot.
把状态更新到"奇数" 读写头向右移动一格
Okay, now we see another one on the tape, But this time our state is odd
然后又看到 1, 但机器状态是"奇数",所以执行第三条规则
and so we execute our third rule
然后又看到 1, 但机器状态是"奇数",所以执行第三条规则
which sets the state back to even and moves the head to the right.
Now we see a 0 and our current state is even
现在看到 0并且机器状态是 偶数,所以执行第二条规则
so we execute our second rule
现在看到 0并且机器状态是 偶数,所以执行第二条规则
which is to write a 1 to the tape signifying that yes, it's true,
在纸带上写 1表示"真" 的确有偶数个 1
there is an even number of ones,
在纸带上写 1表示"真" 的确有偶数个 1
and finally the machine halts.
That's how Turing machines work.
Pretty simple, right?
so you might be wondering why there's such a big deal.
你可能想知道 有什么大不了的
Well, Turing shows that this simple hypothetical machine
can perform any computation if given enough time and memory.
It's a general-purpose computer.
Our program was a simple example.
But with enough rules, states and tape,
只要有足够的规则,状态和纸带 可以创造任何东西
you could build anything
只要有足够的规则,状态和纸带 可以创造任何东西
- a web browser, world of warcraft, whatever!
浏览器, 魔兽世界 任何东西!
Of course it would be ridiculously inefficient, but it is theoretically possible.
当然 这样做效率很低,但理论上可行.
And that's why, as a model of computing,
it's such a powerful idea.
In fact, in terms of what it can and cannot compute
there's no computer more powerful than a turing machine.
A computer that is as powerful is called Turing complete.
和图灵机一样强大的,叫 "图灵完备"
Every modern computing system, your laptop, your smartphone
每个现代计算系统 比如笔记本电脑,智能手机
and even the little computer inside your microwave and thermostat
are all Turing Complete.
To answer Hilbert's decision problem,
Turing applied these new Turing machines to an intriguing computational puzzle:
the halting problem.
Put simply this asks
"Is there an algorithm that can determine,
given a description of a turing machine and the input from its tape,
whether the Machine will run forever or halt?"
For example we know our Turing machine will halt when given the input 1 1 0
我们知道输入 1 1 0图灵机会停机
Because we literally walk through the example until it halted,
but what about a more complex problem?
Is there a way to figure out if the program will halt without executing it?
Some programs might take years to run
so it would be useful to know before we run it
所以在运行前知道 会不会出结果很有用
and wait and wait and wait and then start getting worried and wonder
and then decades later when you're old and gray control-alt-delete.
So much sadness!
Unfortunately, Turing came up with a proof that shows the halting problem was in fact unsolvable,
图灵通过一个巧妙逻辑矛盾 \N 证明了停机问题是无法解决的
through a clever logical contradiction.
图灵通过一个巧妙逻辑矛盾 \N 证明了停机问题是无法解决的
Let's follow his reasoning.
Imagine we have a hypothetical Turing machine that takes a description of a program
想象有一个假想图灵机,\N 输入:问题的描述 + 纸带的数据
and some input for his tape
想象有一个假想图灵机,\N 输入:问题的描述 + 纸带的数据
and always outputs either Yes, it halts, or no, it doesn't.
输出 Yes 代表会"停机",输出 No 代表不会
And I'm going to give this machine a fun name
我要给这台机器一个有趣的名字叫 H \N 来自"停机"的第一个字母
H for Halts.
我要给这台机器一个有趣的名字叫 H \N 来自"停机"的第一个字母
Don't worry about how it works.
Let's just assume such a machine exists.
假设这样的机器存在就好 毕竟重点是推论
We're talking theory here.
假设这样的机器存在就好 毕竟重点是推论
Turing reasons if there existed a program whose halting behavior was not decidable by H,
图灵推理说: 如果有个程序, H 无法判断是否会"停机"
it would mean the halting problem is unsolvable.
To find one, Turing designed another Turing machine that built on top of H.
为了找到这样的程序,图灵用 H 设计了另一个图灵机
If H says the program halts,
如果 H 说程序会"停机",那么新机器会永远运行(即不会停机)
then we'll make our new machine loop forever.
如果 H 说程序会"停机",那么新机器会永远运行(即不会停机)
If the answer is no, it doesn't the halt.
如果 H 的结果为 No代表不会停机
That will have the new machine output no and halt.
那么让新机器输出 No然后"停机"
In essence, we're building a machine that does the opposite of what H says.
实质上是一台和 H 输出相反的机器
Halt if the program doesn't halt
and run forever if the program halts.
So this argument will also need to add a splitter to the front of our new machine.
So it accepts only one input and passes that as both the program and input into H.
让机器只接收一个输入,\N 这个输入既是程序,也是输入
Let's call this new Machine Bizzaro.
我们把这台新机器叫 异魔
So far this seems like a plausible machine right.
Now it's going to get pretty complicated.
But bear with me for a second.
Look what happens when you pass bizzaro a description of itself as the input.
如果把 异魔 的描述,作为本身的输入会怎样
This means We're asking h what bizzaro will do when asked to evaluate itself.
意味着在问 H ,当异魔的输入是自己时会怎样
But if H says Bizzaro halts,
但如果 H 说异魔会停机
then Bizzaro enters its infinite loop and thus doesn't halt.
And if H says the Bizzaro doesn't halt, then Bizzaro outputs no and halt.
如果 H 说异魔不会停机,那么异魔会输出 No 然后停机
So H can't possibly decide the halting problem correctly
所以 H 不能正确判定 停机问题
because there is no answer.
It's a paradox.
And this paradox means that the halting problem cannot be solved with Turing machines.
Remember Turing proves that Turing machines could implement any computation.
还记得刚刚说: 图灵证明了图灵机可以实现任何计算
So this solution to the halting problem proves
that not all problems can be solved by computation.
Wow, that's some heavy stuff.
I might have to watch that again myself.
Long story short, Church and Turing showed there were limits to the ability of computers.
No matter how much time or memory you have,
there are just some problems that cannot be solved ever.
The concurrent efforts by Church and Turing to determine the limits of computation,
and in general, formalize computability, are now called the Church-Turing Thesis.
At this point in 1936, Turing was only 24 years old
and really only just beginning his career.
From 1936 through 1938,
从1936年到1938年 \N 在丘奇指导下,他在普林斯顿拿到博士学位
he completed a PhD at Princeton University under the guidance of Church
从1936年到1938年 \N 在丘奇指导下,他在普林斯顿拿到博士学位
then after graduating he returned to Cambridge.
Shortly after in 1939, Britain became embroiled in World War II.
Turing's genius was quickly applied for the war effort.
In fact, a year before the war started,
he was already working part-time at the UK's government Code and Cypher school,
他已经在英国政府的 密码破译学校兼职
which was the British code breaking group based out of Bletchley Park.
One of his main efforts was figuring out how to decrypt German communications.
Especially those that use the Enigma Machine.
In short, these machines scrambled text
like you type the letters H-E-L-L-O
如果输入字母 H-E-L-L-O
and the letters X-W-D-B-J would come out.
机器输出 X-W-D-B-J
This process is called Encryption.
The scrambling wasn't random.
The behavior was defined by a series of real world rotors on the top of the enigma machine.
Each were 26 possible rotational positions.
There was also a plug board at the front of the machine that allow pairs of letters to be swapped.
In total, there were billions of possible settings.
If you had your only enigma machine and you knew the correct rotor and plug board settings,
you could type in X-W-D-B-J and "hello" would come out.
输入X-W-D-B-J机器会输出 hello
In other words, you decrypted the message.
Of course, the German military wasn't sharing their enigma settings on Social Media.
So the allies had to break the code.
With billions of Rotor and plug board combinations,
there was no way to check them all by hand.
Fortunately for Turing, Enigma Machines and the people who operated them were not perfect.
Like one key flaw was that a letter would never be encoded as itself,
as in an H was never encrypted as an H.
H 加密后绝对不是 H
Turing building on earlier work by Polish code breakers
designed a special-purpose electro-mechanical computer called the bombe
设计了一个机电计算机,叫 Bombe
that took advantages of this flaw.
It tried lots and lots of combinations of enigma settings for a given encrypted message.
If the bombe found a setting that led to a letter being encoded as itself
which we know no enigma machines could do.
That combination was discarded then the machine moved on to try another combination.
So bombe was used to greatly narrow the number of Possible enigma settings.
Bombe 大幅减少了搜索量
This allowed human code breakers to hone their efforts on the most probable solutions,
looking for things like common german words in fragments of decoded text.
Periodically, the Germans would suspect someone was decoding their communications
and upgrade the enigma machine,
like they'd add another rotor creating many more combinations.
They even built entirely new encryption machines.
Throughout the war, Turing and his colleagues at Bletchley Park
worked tirelessly to defeat these mechanisms.
And overall, the intelligence gained from decrypted German communications
gave the allies an edge in many theaters
with some historians arguing is shortened the war by years.
After the war, Turing return to academia
战后,图灵回到学术界 \N 为许多早期计算机工作做出贡献
and contributed to many early electronic computing efforts
战后,图灵回到学术界 \N 为许多早期计算机工作做出贡献
like the Manchester Mark 1, which was an early and influential stored-program computer.
比如曼彻斯特 1 号,一个早期有影响力的存储程序计算机
But his most famous post-war contribution was the Artificial Intelligence.
A field's so new that it didn't get that name until 1956.
It's a huge topic. So we'll get to it again in future episodes.
In 1950, Turing could envision a future where computers
1950 年,图灵设想了未来的计算机
were powerful enough to exhibit intelligence equivalent to
or at least indistinguishable from that of a human.
Turing postulated that a computer would deserve to be called intelligent
图灵提出 \N 如果计算机能欺骗人类相信它是人类,才算是智能
if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human.
图灵提出 \N 如果计算机能欺骗人类相信它是人类,才算是智能
This became the basis of a simple test, now called the Turing test.
Imagine that you are having a conversation with two different people
想像你在和两个人沟通 \N 不用嘴或面对面,而是来回发消息
not by voice or in person, but by sending type notes back and forth,
想像你在和两个人沟通 \N 不用嘴或面对面,而是来回发消息
you can ask any questions you want and you get replies.
But one of those two people is actually a computer.
If you can't tell which one is human and which one is a computer,
then the computer passes the test.
There's a modern version of this test called
a completely automated public turing test to tell computers and humans apart
or Captcha for short.
These are frequently used on the internet to prevent automated systems
from doing things like posting spam on websites.
I'll admit sometimes I can't read what those squiggly things say.
我承认 有时我都认不出那些扭曲的东西是什么字
Does that mean I'm a computer?
Normally in this series, we don't delve into the personal lives of these historical figures.
But in Turing's case his name has been inextricably tied to tragedy
so his story is worth mentioning.
Turing was gained a time when homosexuality was illegal in the United Kingdom and much of the world.
And an investigation into a 1952 Burglary at his home
1952 年调查他家的入室盗窃案时,向当局暴露了他的性取向
revealed his sexual orientation to the authorities,
1952 年调查他家的入室盗窃案时,向当局暴露了他的性取向
who charged him with gross indecency.
被起诉 "行为严重不检点"
Turing was convicted and given a choice between imprisonment,
图灵被定罪有2个选择 \N 1. 入狱 2. 接受激素来压制性欲
or probation with hormonal treatments to suppress his sexuality.
图灵被定罪有2个选择 \N 1. 入狱 2. 接受激素来压制性欲
He chose the latter in part to continue his academic work,
but it altered his mood and personality.
Although the exact circumstances will never be known,
it's most widely accepted that Alan Turing took his own life by poison in 1954.
He was only 41.
Many things have been named in recognition of Turing's contributions to theoretical computer science
But perhaps the most prestigious among them is the Turing award
the highest distinction in the field of computer science.
Equivalent to a Nobel prize in Physics, chemistry or other sciences.
相当于物理, 化学等其它领域的诺贝尔奖
Despite a life cut short, Alan inspire the first generation of computer scientists
and lead key groundwork that enabled a digital era that we get to enjoy today.
而且为如今便利的数字时代 做出了重要基石性工作
I'll see you next week.