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Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne,欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!
So we've talked a lot about sorting in this series
and often code to sort a list of numbers might only be ten lines long,
也写了些 10 行左右的排序代码
which is easy enough for a single programmer to write.
Plus, it's short enough that you don't need any special tools
- you could do it in Notepad.
- 记事本就够了
But, a sorting algorithm isn't a program;
但排序算法很少会是独立程序 \N 更可能是大项目的一小部分
it's likely only a small part of a much larger program.
但排序算法很少会是独立程序 \N 更可能是大项目的一小部分
For example, Microsoft Office has roughly 40 millions lines of code.
举个例子,微软的 Office 大约有 4000 万代码
4000 万!
That's way too big for any one person to figure out and write!
To build huge programs like this, programmers use a set of tools and practices.
Taken together, these form the discipline of Software Engineering
- a term coined by engineer Margaret Hamilton,
- 这个词由工程师 Margaret Hamilton 创造
who helped NASA prevent serious problems during the Apollo missions to the moon.
她帮助 NASA 在阿波罗计划中避免了严重问题
She once explained it this way:
"It's kind of like a root canal: you waited till the end,
"有点像牙根管治疗:你总是拖到最后才做 \N 但有些事可以预先做好
[but] there are things you could have done beforehand.
"有点像牙根管治疗:你总是拖到最后才做 \N 但有些事可以预先做好
It's like preventative healthcare,
有点像预防性体检, 只不过是预防软件出错"
but it's preventative software."
有点像预防性体检, 只不过是预防软件出错"
As I mentioned in episode 12,
第 12 集提过
breaking big programs into smaller functions allows many people to work simultaneously.
把大项目分解成小函数 可以让多人同时工作
They don't have to worry about the whole thing,
just the function they're working on.
So, if you're tasked with writing a sort algorithm,
you only need to make sure it sorts properly and efficiently.
However, even packing code up into functions isn't enough.
然而把代码打包成函数 依然不够
Microsoft Office probably contains hundreds of thousands of them.
如果只是这样,微软 Office 会有几十万个函数
That's better than dealing with 40 million lines of code,
虽然比 4000 万行代码要好一些,但还是太多了
but it's still way too many "things" for one person or team to manage.
虽然比 4000 万行代码要好一些,但还是太多了
The solution is to package functions into hierarchies,
解决办法是:把函数打包成层级. \N 把相关代码都放在一起,打包成对象(objects)
pulling related code together into "objects".
解决办法是:把函数打包成层级. \N 把相关代码都放在一起,打包成对象(objects)
For example, car's software might have several functions related to cruise control,
例如,汽车软件中 可能有几个和定速巡航有关的函数
like setting speed, nudging speed up or down, and stopping cruise control altogether.
比如 设定速度,逐渐加速减速,停止定速巡航
Since they're all related,
we can wrap them up into a unified cruise control object.
But, we don't have to stop there,
cruise control is just one part of the engine's software.
There might also be sets of functions that control spark plug ignition,
可能还有 "火花塞点火" "燃油泵" 和 "散热器"
fuel pumps, and the radiator.
可能还有 "火花塞点火" "燃油泵" 和 "散热器"
So we can create a "parent" Engine Object
我们可以做一个"引擎对象" 来包括所有"子"对象
that contains all of these "children" objects.
我们可以做一个"引擎对象" 来包括所有"子"对象
In addition to children *objects*,
the engine itself might have its *own* functions.
You want to be able to stop and start it, for example.
比如 开关引擎
It'll also have its own variables,
like how many miles the car has traveled.
In general, objects can contain other objects, functions and variables.
And of course, the engine is just one part of a Car Object.
There's also the transmission, wheels, doors, windows, and so on.
Now, as a programmer, if I want to set the cruise control,
I navigate down the object hierarchy,
from the outermost objects to more and more deeply nested ones.
Eventually, I reach the function I want to trigger:
"Car, then engine, then cruise control, then set cruise speed to 55".
Car. Engine. CruiseControl. setCruiseSpeed(55)
Programming languages often use something equivalent to the syntax shown here.
The idea of packing up functional units into nested objects is called
把函数打包成对象的思想叫 "面向对象编程"
Object Oriented Programming.
把函数打包成对象的思想叫 "面向对象编程"
This is very similar to what we've done all series long:
hide complexity by encapsulating low-level details in higher-order components.
Before we packed up things like transistor circuits into higher-level boolean gates.
之前把晶体管 打包成了逻辑门
Now we're doing the same thing with software.
Yet again, it's a way to move up a new level of abstraction!
Breaking up a big program, like a car's software,
把大型软件(如汽车软件)\N 拆成一个个更小单元,适合团队合作
into functional units is perfect for teams.
把大型软件(如汽车软件)\N 拆成一个个更小单元,适合团队合作
One team might be responsible for the cruise control system,
and a single programmer on that team tackles a handful of functions.
This is similar to how big, physical things are built, like skyscrapers.
You'll have electricians running wires,
plumbers fitting pipes,
welders welding,
painters painting,
and hundreds of other people teeming all over the hull.
They work together on different parts simultaneously,
leveraging their different skills.
Until one day, you've got a whole working building!
But, returning to our cruise control example
its code is going to have to make use of functions in other parts of the engine's software,
定速巡航 要用到引擎的其它函数,来保持车速
to, you know, keep the car at a constant speed.
定速巡航 要用到引擎的其它函数,来保持车速
That code isn't part of the cruise control team's responsibility.
定速巡航 团队不负责这些代码,另一个团队负责
It's another team's code.
定速巡航 团队不负责这些代码,另一个团队负责
Because the cruise control team didn't write that,
they're going to need good documentation about what each function in the code does,
定速巡航 团队需要文档 帮助理解代码都做什么
and a well-defined Application Programming Interface
以及定义好的 "程序编程接口" -简称 API
-- or API for short.
以及定义好的 "程序编程接口" -简称 API
You can think of an API as the way that
API 帮助不同程序员合作 \N 不用知道具体细节,只要知道怎么使用就行了
collaborating programmers interact across various parts of the code.
API 帮助不同程序员合作 \N 不用知道具体细节,只要知道怎么使用就行了
For example, in the IgnitionControl object,
there might be functions to set the RPM of the engine,
check the spark plug voltage,
as well as fire the individual spark plugs.
Being able to set the motor's RPM is really useful,
the cruise control team is going to need to call that function.
But, they don't know much about how the ignition system works.
It's not a good idea to let them call functions that fire the individual spark plugs.
Or the engine might explode!
The API allows the right people access to the right functions and data.
API 控制哪些函数和数据让外部访问 \N 哪些仅供内部
Object Oriented Programming languages do this
"面向对象"的编程语言 \N 可以指定函数是 public 或 private,来设置权限
by letting you specify whether functions are public or private.
"面向对象"的编程语言 \N 可以指定函数是 public 或 private,来设置权限
If a function is marked as "private",
如果函数标记成 private
it means only functions inside that object can call it.
意味着 只有同一个对象内的其他函数能调用它
So, in this example, only other functions inside of IgnitionControl,
在这个例子里,只有内部函数比如 setRPM
like the setRPM function,
在这个例子里,只有内部函数比如 setRPM
can fire the sparkplugs.
才能调用 fireSparkplug 函数
On the other hand, because the setRPM function is marked as public,
而 setRPM 函数是 public \N 所以其它对象可以调用它,比如 定速巡航
other objects can call it, like cruise control.
而 setRPM 函数是 public \N 所以其它对象可以调用它,比如 定速巡航
This ability to hide complexity, and selectively reveal it,
"面向对象编程"的核心是 \N 隐藏复杂度,选择性的公布功能
is the essence of Object Oriented Programming,
"面向对象"的核心是 \N 隐藏复杂度,选择性的公布功能
and it's a powerful and popular way to tackle building large and complex programs.
Pretty much every piece of software on your computer, or game running on your console,
was built using an Object Oriented Programming Language,
都是 "面向对象" 编程语言写的
like C++, C# or Objective-C.
比如 C++, C#, Objective-C 等
Other popular "OO" languages you may have heard of are Python and Java.
其他流行 OO 语言,你可能听过 Python 和 Java
It's important to remember that code, before being compiled, is just text.
As I mentioned earlier,
you could write code in Notepad or any old word processor.
Some people do.
But generally, today's software developers use special-purpose applications for writing programs,
但一般来说,现代软件开发者 会用专门的工具来写代码
ones that integrate many useful tools for writing, organizing, compiling and testing code.
工具里集成了很多有用功能\N 帮助写代码,整理,编译和测代码
Because they put everything you need in one place,
they're called Integrated Development Environments ,
因此叫 集成开发环境,简称 IDE
or IDEs for short.
因此叫 集成开发环境,简称 IDE
All IDEs provide a text editor for writing code,
所有 IDE 都有写代码的界面
often with useful features like automatic color-coding to improve readability.
Many even check for syntax errors as you type, like spell check for code.
许多 IDE 提供实时检查,比如拼写
Big programs contain lots of individual source files,
so IDEs allow programmers to organize and efficiently navigate everything.
IDE 帮助开发者整理和看代码
Also built right into the IDE is the ability to compile and run code.
很多 IDE 还可以直接编译和运行代码
And if your program crashes,
because it's still a work in progress,
the IDE can take you back to the line of code where it happened,
IDE 可以定位到出错代码
and often provide additional information to help you track down and fix the bug,
还会提供信息 帮你解决问题
which is a process called debugging.
这叫 调试(debug)
This is important
because most programmers spend 70 to 80% of their time testing and debugging,
大多数程序员会花 70%~80% 时间调试,而不是在写代码
not writing new code.
大多数程序员会花 70%~80% 时间调试,而不是在写代码
Good tools, contained in IDEs,
can go a long way when it comes to helping programmers prevent and find errors.
Many computer programmers can be pretty loyal to their IDEs though
很多开发者只用一款 IDE
But let's be honest.
但承认吧,VIM 才是最棒的编辑器
VIM is where it's at.
但承认吧,VIM 才是最棒的编辑器
Providing you know how to quit.
In addition to coding and debugging,
another important part of a programmer's job is documenting their code.
程序员工作的另一个重要部分是 给代码写文档
This can be done in standalone files called "readme",
文档一般放在一个叫 README 的文件里
which tell other programmers to read that help file before diving in.
It can also happen right in the code itself with comment
These are specially-marked statements that the program knows
to ignore when the code is compiled.
编译代码时 注释会被忽略
They exist only to help programmers figure out what's what in the source code.
注释存在的唯一作用 \N 就是帮助开发者理解代码
Good documentation helps programmers when they revisit code they haven't seen for awhile,
好文档能帮助开发者 \N 几个月后理解自己的代码,对其他人也很重要
but it's also crucial for programmers who are totally new to it.
好文档能帮助开发者 \N 几个月后理解自己的代码,对其他人也很重要
I just want to take a second here and reiterate that it's THE WORST
我想花一秒 再强调一下注释很重要
when someone parachutes a load of uncommented and undocumented code into your lap,
and you literally have to go line by line to understand what the code is doing.
Don't be that person.
Documentation also promotes code reuse.
So, instead of having programmers constantly write the same things over and over,
they can track down someone else's code that does what they need.
Then, thanks to documentation,
they can put it to work in their program, without ever having to read through the code.
"Read the docs" as they say.
In addition to IDEs,
除了 IDE,还有一个重要软件帮助团队协作
another important piece of software that
除了 IDE,还有一个重要软件帮助团队协作
helps big teams work collaboratively on big coding projects is called
除了 IDE,还有一个重要软件帮助团队协作
Source Control,
also known as version control or revision control.
Most often, at a big software company like Apple or Microsoft,
code for projects is stored on centralized servers,
called a code repository .
When a programmer wants to work on a piece of code,
they can check it out,
可以 check out
sort of like checking out a book out from a library.
Often, this can be done right in an IDE.
一般这种操作,可以直接在 IDE 内完成
Then, they can edit this code all they want on their personal computer,
adding new features and testing if they work.
When the programmer is confident their changes are working and there are no loose ends,
they can check the code back into the repository,
known as committing code, for everyone else to use.
这叫 提交 (commit)
While a piece of code is checked out,
当代码被 check out,而且可能被改过了
and presumably getting updated or modified,
当代码被 check out,而且可能被改过了
other programmers leave it alone.
This prevents weird conflicts and duplicated work.
In this way, hundreds of programmers can be simultaneously checking in and out pieces of code,
iteratively building up huge systems.
Critically, you don't want someone committing buggy code,
重要的是,你不希望提交的代码里有问题 \N 因为其他人可能用到了这些代码
because other people and teams may rely on it.
重要的是,你不希望提交的代码里有问题 \N 因为其他人可能用到了这些代码
Their code could crash, creating confusion and lost time.
The master version of the code, stored on the server,
代码的主版本 (master)
should always compile without errors and run with minimal bugs.
应该总是编译正常,尽可能少 bug
But sometimes bugs creep in.
但有时 bug 还是会出现
Fortunately, source control software keeps track of all changes,
and if a bug is found,
如果发现 bug
the whole code, or just a piece,
can be rolled back to an earlier, stable version.
It also keeps track of who made each change,
"源代码管理" 也记录了谁改了什么代码
so coworkers can send nasty,
所以同事可以给你发 讨厌的
I mean, helpful
我是说"有帮助的" 邮件给写代码的人
and encouraging emails to the offending person.
我是说"有帮助的" 邮件给写代码的人
Debugging goes hand in hand with writing code,
and it's most often done by an individual or small team.
The big picture version of debugging is Quality Assurance testing, or QA.
测试可以统称 "质量保证测试",简称 QA
This is where a team rigorously tests out a piece of software,
attempting to create unforeseen conditions that might trip it up.
Basically, they elicit bugs.
基本上就是找 bug
Getting all the wrinkles out is a huge effort,
but vital in making sure the software works
as intended for as many users in as many situations as imaginable before it ships.
You've probably heard of beta software.
你可能听过 "beta 版" 软件
This is a version of software that's mostly complete,
but not 100% fully tested.
但不是 100% 完全测试过
Companies will sometimes release beta versions to the public to help them identify issues,
公司有时会向公众发布 beta 版,以帮助发现问题
it's essentially like getting a free QA team.
用户就像免费的 QA 团队
What you don't hear about as much
你听过比较少的是 \N beta 版之前的版本:alpha 版本
is the version that comes before the beta: the alpha version.
你听过比较少的是 \N beta 版之前的版本:alpha 版本
This is usually so rough and buggy, it's only tested internally.
alpha 版一般很粗糙,错误很多,\N 经常只在公司内部测试
So, that's the tip of the iceberg in terms of the tools, tricks and techniques
that allow software engineers to construct the huge pieces of software that we know and love today,
like YouTube, Grand Theft Auto 5, and Powerpoint.
如 YouTube,GTA5 和 PPT 等等
As you might expect,
all those millions of lines of code needs some serious processing power to run at useful speeds,
这些代码要强大的处理能力 才能高速速度运行
so next episode we'll be talking about how computers got so incredibly fast.
See you then.