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Hello world, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
Hello world我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Over the course of this series, we're going to go from bits, bytes, transistors and logic gates,
在这个系列中,我们会学习 Bits(位)Bytes(字节),晶体管, 逻辑门,
all the way to Operating Systems, Virtual Reality and Robots!
We're going to cover a lot, but just to clear things up
we ARE NOT going to teach you how to program.
我们 *不会* 教你怎么编程
Instead, we're going to explore a range of computing topics as a discipline and a technology.
Computers are the lifeblood of today's world.
If they were to suddenly turn off, all at once,
the power grid would shut down, cars would crash, planes would fall,
water treatment plants would stop, stock markets would freeze,
trucks with food wouldn't know where to deliver, and employees wouldn't get paid.
Even many non-computer objects -like DFTBA shirts and the chair I'm sitting on-
甚至很多和计算机无关的东西,例如 DFTBA 的 T 恤和我现在坐的椅子
are made in factories run by computers.
Computing really has transformed nearly every aspect of our lives.
And this isn't the first time we've seen this sort of technology-driven global change.
Advances in manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution
brought a new scale to human civilization - in agriculture, industry and domestic life.
Mechanization meant superior harvests and more food, mass produced goods,
cheaper and faster travel and communication, and usually a better quality of life.
And computing technology is doing the same right now
- from automated farming and medical equipment,
to global telecommunications and educational opportunities,
and new frontiers like Virtual Reality and Self Driving Cars.
还有 虚拟现实 和 无人驾驶汽车 等新领域
We are living in a time likely to be remembered as the Electronic Age.
现在这个时代很可能会被后人总结成 "信息时代"
And with billions of transistors in just your smartphones, computers can seem pretty complicated,
but really, they're just simple machines
that perform complex actions through many layers of abstraction.
通过一层层的抽象 来做出复杂操作
So in this series, we're going break down those layers,
and build up from simple 1's and 0's, to logic units, CPUs,
operating systems, the entire internet and beyond.
And don't worry, in the same way someone buying t-shirts on a webpage
不用担心正如在网上买T恤的人 不用知道网站代码是怎么写的
doesn't need to know how that webpage was programmed,
不用担心正如在网上买T恤的人 不用知道网站代码是怎么写的
or the web designer doesn't need to know how all the packets are routed,
or router engineers don't need to know about transistor logic,
this series will build on previous episodes but not be dependent on them.
By the end of this series,
I hope that you can better contextualize computing's role both in your own life and society,
希望你能了解计算机在你的人生 以及社会中扮演什么角色
and how humanity's (arguably) greatest invention is just in its infancy,
with its biggest impacts yet to come.
But before we get into all that, we should start at computing's origins,
because although electronic computers are relatively new, the need for computation is not.
The earliest recognized device for computing was the abacus,
公认最早的计算设备是 算盘
invented in Mesopotamia around 2500 BCE.
发明于"美索不达米亚",大约公元前 2500 年
It's essentially a hand operated calculator,
that helps add and subtract many numbers.
It also stores the current state of the computation, much like your hard drive does today.
The abacus was created because,
the scale of society had become greater than
what a single person could keep and manipulate in their mind.
There might be thousands of people in a village or tens of thousands of cattle.
There are many variants of the abacus,
but let's look at a really basic version with each row representing a different power of ten.
但我们来看一个基础版,每行代表 10 的不同次方
So each bead on the bottom row represents a single unit,
最底下那行,一个珠子代表 10 的 0 次方,也就是 1
in the next row they represent 10, the row above 100, and so on.
再上面一行是 10 的 1 次方(也就是 10 \N 再上面一行是 10 的 2 次方 (以此类推)
Let's say we have 3 heads of cattle represented by 3 beads on the bottom row on the right side.
假设最底部的 3 颗珠子,代表 3 头牛
If we were to buy 4 more cattle we would just slide 4 more beads to the right for a total of 7.
假设再买 4 头牛,只需要向右移动 4 颗珠子,共 7 个珠子
But if we were to add 5 more after the first 3 we would run out of beads,
但如果再买 5 头,珠子就不够用了
so we would slide everything back to the left,
slide one bead on the second row to the right, representing ten,
在第二排把 1 颗珠子向右移动,代表 10
and then add the final 2 beads on the bottom row for a total of 12.
然后最底下那行,向右移动 2 颗珠子,代表 12
This is particularly useful with large numbers.
So if we were to add 1,251
假设要表示 1251
we would just add 1 to the bottom row, 5 to the second row, 2 to the third row, and 1 to the fourth row
从下往上:\N第一行移 1 个,第二行移 5 个\N第三行移 2 个,第四行移 1 个
- we don't have to add in our head and the abacus stores the total for us.
Over the next 4000 years, humans developed all sorts of clever computing devices,
在接下来 4000 年,人类发明了各种巧妙的计算设备
like the astrolabe, which enabled ships to calculate their latitude at sea.
Or the slide rule, for assisting with multiplication and division.
And there are literally hundred of types of clocks created
that could be used to calculate sunrise, tides, positions of celestial bodies, and even just the time.
Each one of these devices made something that was previously laborious to calculate much faster,
easier, and often more accurate
- it lowered the barrier to entry,
and at the same time, amplified our mental abilities -
take note, this is a theme we're going to touch on a lot in this series.
As early computer pioneer Charles Babbage said:
计算机先驱 Charles Babbage 说过:
"At each increase of knowledge, as well as on the contrivance of every new tool,
human labour becomes abridged."
However, none of these devices were called "computers".
然而,这些设备那时都不叫 "计算机"
The earliest documented use of the word "computer" is from 1613, in a book by Richard Braithwait.
最早使用 "计算机" 一词的文献 \N 来自 1613 年的一本书,作者 Richard Braithwait
And it wasn't a machine at all - it was a job title.
Braithwait said,
Braithwait 说:
"I have read the truest computer of times,
and the best arithmetician that ever breathed, and he reduceth thy dayes into a short number".
In those days, computer was a person who did calculations,
那时, "Computer" 指负责计算的人
sometimes with the help of machines, but often not.
"Computer" 偶尔会用机器帮忙,但大部分时候靠自己
This job title persisted until the late 1800s,
这个职位一直到 1800 年代还存在
when the meaning of computer started shifting to refer to devices.
之后 "Computer" 逐渐开始代表机器
Notable among these devices was the Step Reckoner,
built by German polymath Gottfried Leibniz in 1694.
由德国博学家 戈特弗里德·莱布尼茨 建造于 1694 年
Leibniz said "... it is beneath the dignity of excellent men to waste their time in calculation
莱布尼茨说过 "... 让优秀的人浪费时间算数简直侮辱尊严
when any peasant could do the work just as accurately with the aid of a machine."
It worked kind of like the odometer in your car,
which is really just a machine for adding up the number of miles your car has driven.
The device had a series of gears that turned;
each gear had ten teeth, to represent the digits from 0 to 9.
Whenever a gear bypassed nine, it rotated back to 0 and advanced the adjacent gear by one tooth.
每当一个齿轮转过 9它会转回 0同时让旁边的齿轮前进 1 个齿
Kind of like when hitting 10 on that basic abacus.
就像算盘超过 10 一样.
This worked in reverse when doing subtraction, too.
With some clever mechanical tricks,
the Step Reckoner was also able to multiply and divide numbers.
Multiplications and divisions are really just many additions and subtractions.
乘法和除法 实际上只是多个加法和减法
For example, if we want to divide 17 by 5, we just subtract 5, then 5, then 5 again,
and then we can't subtract any more 5's… so we know 5 goes into 17 three times, with 2 left over.
直到不能再减 5就知道了 17=5x3+2
The Step Reckoner was able to do this in an automated way,
步进计算器 可以自动完成这种操作
and was the first machine that could do all four of these operations.
And this design was so successful it was used for the next three centuries of calculator design.
它的设计非常成功,以至于沿用了 3 个世纪.
Unfortunately, even with mechanical calculators,
most real world problems required many steps of computation before an answer was determined.
许多现实问题 依然需要很多步
It could take hours or days to generate a single result.
Also, these hand-crafted machines were expensive, and not accessible to most of the population.
So, before 20th century,
所以在 20 世纪以前
most people experienced computing through pre-computed tables
assembled by those amazing "human computers" we talked about.
这些计算表由之前说的 "人力计算器" 编撰
So if you needed to know the square root of 8 million 6 hundred and 75 thousand 3 hundred and 9,
如果你想知道 867,5309 的平方根
instead of spending all day hand-cranking your step reckoner,
与其花一整天来手摇 "步进计算器"
you could look it up in a huge book full of square root tables in a minute or so.
Speed and accuracy is particularly important on the battlefield,
and so militaries were among the first to apply computing to complex problems.
A particularly difficult problem is accurately firing artillery shells,
which by the 1800s could travel well over a kilometer (or a bit more than half a mile).
19世纪这些炮弹的射程可以达到 1 公里以上(比半英里多一点)
Add to this varying wind conditions, temperature, and atmospheric pressure,
and even hitting something as large as a ship was difficult.
Range Tables were created that allowed gunners to look up environmental conditions
and the distance they wanted to fire,
and the table would tell them the angle to set the canon.
These Range Tables worked so well, they were used well into World War Two.
The problem was, if you changed the design of the cannon or of the shell,
a whole new table had to be computed,
which was massively time consuming and inevitably led to errors.
Charles Babbage acknowledged this problem in 1822
Charles Babbage 在 1822 年写了一篇论文
in a paper to the Royal Astronomical Society entitled:
"Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables".
标题叫: "机械在天文与计算表中的应用"
Let's go to the thought bubble.
Charles Babbage proposed a new mechanical device called the Difference Engine,
Charles Babbage 提出了一种新型机械装置叫 "差分机"
a much more complex machine that could approximate polynomials.
Polynomials describe the relationship between several variables
- like range and air pressure, or amount of pizza Carrie Anne eats and happiness.
比如射程和大气压力,或者 Carrie Anne 要吃多少披萨才开心
Polynomials could also be used to approximate logarithmic and trigonometric functions,
which are a real hassle to calculate by hand.
Babbage started construction in 1823,
Charles Babbage 在 1823 年开始建造差分机
and over the next two decades, tried to fabricate and assemble the 25,000 components,
并在接下来二十年,试图制造和组装 25,000 个零件
collectively weighing around 15 tons.
总重接近 15 吨
Unfortunately, the project was ultimately abandoned.
But, in 1991,
但在 1991 年
historians finished constructing a Difference Engine based on Babbage's drawings and writings
历史学家根据 Charles Babbage 的草稿做了一个差分机
- and it worked!
But more importantly, during construction of the Difference Engine,
Babbage imagined an even more complex machine - the Analytical Engine.
Charles Babbage 构想了一个更复杂的机器 - 分析机
Unlike the Difference Engine,
不像差分机,步进计算器 和以前的其他计算设备
Step Reckoner and all other computational devices before it
不像差分机,步进计算器 和以前的其他计算设备
- the Analytical Engine was a "general purpose computer".
分析机是 "通用计算机"
It could be used for many things, not just one particular computation;
it could be given data and run operations in sequence;
it had memory and even a primitive printer.
它有内存 甚至一个很原始的打印机
Like the Difference Engine, it was ahead of its time, and was never fully constructed.
However, the idea of an "automatic computer"
然而,这种 "自动计算机" 的概念
- one that could guide itself through a series of operations automatically,
was a huge deal, and would foreshadow computer programs.
English mathematician Ada Lovelace wrote hypothetical programs for the Analytical Engine, saying,
英国数学家 Ada Lovelace 给分析机写了假想的程序,她说:
"A new, a vast, and a powerful language is developed for the future use of analysis."
For her work, Ada is often considered the world's first programmer.
因此 Ada 被认为是世上第一位程序员.
The Analytical Engine would inspire, arguably, the first generation of computer scientists,
who incorporated many of Babbage's ideas in their machines.
这些计算机科学家 \N 把很多 Charles Babbage 的点子融入到他们的机器
This is why Babbage is often considered the "father of computing".
所以 Charles Babbage 经常被认为是 "计算之父"
Thanks! Thought Bubble
So by the end of the 19th century,
到了 19 世纪末
computing devices were used for special purpose tasks in the sciences and engineering,
科学和工程领域中的特定任务 会用上计算设备
but rarely seen in business, government or domestic life.
However, the US government faced a serious problem for its 1890 census
然而,美国政府在 1890 年的人口普查中面临着严重的问题
that demanded the kind of efficiency that only computers could provide.
The US Constitution requires that a census be conducted every ten years,
美国宪法要求 10 年进行一次人口普查
for the purposes of distributing federal funds, representation in congress, and good stuff like that.
And by 1880s, the US population was booming, mostly due to immigration.
到 1880 年代,美国人口迅速增长,大部分因为移民
That census took seven years to manually compile
and by the time it was completed, it was already out of date
- and it was predicted that the 1890 census would take 13 years to compute.
而且 1890 年的人口普查,预计要 13 年完成
That's a little problematic when it's required every decade!
但人口普查可是 10 年一次啊!
The Census bureau turned to Herman Hollerith, who had built a tabulating machine.
人口普查局找了 Herman Hollerith他发明了打孔卡片制表机
His machine was "electro-mechanical"
他的机器是 "电动机械的"
- it used traditional mechanical systems for keeping count,
- 用传统机械来计数
like Leibniz's Step Reckoner - but coupled them with electrically-powered components.
Hollerith's machine used punch cards
Hollerith 的机器用打孔卡
which were paper cards with a grid of locations that can be punched out to represent data.
For example, there was a series of holes for marital status.
If you were married, you would punch out the married spot,
如果你结婚了,就在 "结婚" 的位置打孔
then when the card was inserted into Hollerith's machine, little metal pins would come down over the card
当卡插入 Hollerith 的机器时,小金属针会到卡片上
- if a spot was punched out, the pin would pass through the hole in the paper
and into a little vial of mercury, which completed the circuit.
This now completed circuit powered an electric motor,
which turned a gear to add one, in this case, to the "married" total.
然后给 "已婚" 的齿轮 + 1
Hollerith's machine was roughly 10x faster than manual tabulations,
Hollerith 的机器速度是手动的 10 倍左右
and the Census was completed in just two and a half years
- saving the census office millions of dollars.
Businesses began recognizing the value of computing,
and saw its potential to boost profits by improving labor- and data-intensive tasks,
可以提升劳动力以及数据密集型任务 来提升利润
like accounting, insurance appraisals, and inventory management.
To meet this demand, Hollerith founded The Tabulating Machine Company,
为了满足这一需求Hollerith 成立了制表机器公司
which later merged with other machine makers in 1924
这家公司后来在 1924 年与其它机械制造商合并
to become The International Business Machines Corporation or IBM
成为了 "国际商业机器公司",简称 IBM
- which you've probably heard of.
-你可能听过 IBM
These electro-mechanical "business machines" were a huge success, transforming commerce and government,
这些电子机械的 "商业机器" 取得了巨大成功,改变了商业和政府.
and by the mid-1900s, the explosion in world population and the rise of globalized trade
到了 1900 年代中叶,世界人口的爆炸和全球贸易的兴起
demanded even faster and more flexible tools for processing data,
setting the stage for digital computers,
which we'll talk about next week.
Our last episode brought us to the start of the 20th century,
上集讲到 20 世纪初
where early, special purpose computing devices, like tabulating machines,
当时的早期计算设备都针对特定用途 比如 制表机
were a huge boon to governments and business
- aiding, and sometimes replacing, rote manual tasks.
它们帮助, 甚至代替了人工
But the scale of human systems continued to increase at an unprecedented rate.
然而人类社会的规模 在以前所未有的速度增长
The first half of the 20th century saw the world's population almost double.
World War 1 mobilized 70 million people, and World War 2 involved more than 100 million.
Global trade and transit networks became interconnected like never before,
and the sophistication of our engineering and scientific endeavors reached new heights
- we even started to seriously consider visiting other planets.
- 我们甚至开始考虑造访其他行星
And it was this explosion of complexity, bureaucracy, and ultimately data,
that drove an increasing need for automation and computation.
人们需要更多自动化 更强的计算能力
Soon those cabinet-sized electro-mechanical computers grew into room-sized behemoths
that were expensive to maintain and prone to errors.
维护费用高 而且容易出错
And it was these machines that would set the stage for future innovation.
而正是这些机器 为未来的创新打下基础
One of the largest electro-mechanical computers built was the Harvard Mark I,
最大的机电计算机之一是 哈佛马克一号
completed in 1944 by IBM for the Allies during World War 2.
IBM 在 1944 完成建造,给二战同盟国建造的.
It contained 765,000 components, three million connections, and five hundred miles of wire.
To keep its internal mechanics synchronized,
it used a 50-foot shaft running right through the machine driven by a five horsepower motor.
它有一个50英尺的传动轴由一个 5 马力的电机驱动
One of the earliest uses for this technology was running simulations for the Manhattan Project.
这台机器最早的用途之一 是给"曼哈顿计划"跑模拟
The brains of these huge electro-mechanical beasts were relays:
electrically-controlled mechanical switches.
In a relay, there is a control wire that determines whether a circuit is opened or closed.
The control wire connects to a coil of wire inside the relay.
"控制线路" 连着一个线圈
When current flows through the coil, an electromagnetic field is created,
which in turn, attracts a metal arm inside the relay, snapping it shut and completing the circuit.
You can think of a relay like a water faucet.
你可以把继电器 想成水龙头
The control wire is like the faucet handle.
把控制线路 想成水龙头把
Open the faucet, and water flows through the pipe.
Close the faucet, and the flow of water stops.
Relays are doing the same thing, just with electrons instead of water.
继电器是一样的,只不过控制的是电子 而不是水
The controlled circuit can then connect to other circuits, or to something like a motor,
which might increment a count on a gear,
马达让计数齿轮 +1
like in Hollerith's tabulating machine we talked about last episode.
就像上集中 Hollerith 的制表机一样
Unfortunately, the mechanical arm inside of a relay *has mass*,
不幸的是,继电器内的机械臂 *有质量*
and therefore can't move instantly between opened and closed states.
A good relay in the 1940's might be able to flick back and forth fifty times in a second.
1940 年代一个好的继电器 1 秒能翻转 50 次
That might seem pretty fast, but it's not fast enough to be useful at solving large, complex problems.
The Harvard Mark I could do 3 additions or subtractions per second;
哈佛马克一号1 秒能做 3 次加法或减法运算
multiplications took 6 seconds, and divisions took 15.
一次乘法要花 6 秒,除法要花 15 秒
And more complex operations, like a trigonometric function, could take over a minute.
更复杂的操作 比如三角函数,可能要一分钟以上
In addition to slow switching speed, another limitation was wear and tear.
Anything mechanical that moves will wear over time.
Some things break entirely, and other things start getting sticky, slow, and just plain unreliable.
And as the number of relays increases, the probability of a failure increases too.
The Harvard Mark I had roughly 3500 relays.
哈佛马克一号 有大约 3500 个继电器
Even if you assume a relay has an operational life of 10 years,
哪怕假设继电器的使用寿命是 10 年
this would mean you'd have to replace, on average, one faulty relay every day!
That's a big problem when you are in the middle of running some important, multi-day calculation.
And that's not all engineers had to contend with.
These huge, dark, and warm machines also attracted insects.
In September 1947, operators on the Harvard Mark II pulled a dead moth from a malfunctioning relay.
Grace Hopper who we'll talk more about in a later episode noted,
Grace Hopper这位我们以后还会提到曾说
"From then on, when anything went wrong with a computer,
we said it had bugs in it."
我们就说它出了 bug虫子"
And that's where we get the term computer bug.
这就是术语 "bug" 的来源
It was clear that a faster, more reliable alternative to electro-mechanical relays was needed
if computing was going to advance further,
and fortunately that alternative already existed!
In 1904, English physicist John Ambrose Fleming
在 1904 年,英国物理学家 "约翰·安布罗斯·弗莱明"
developed a new electrical component called a thermionic valve,
which housed two electrodes inside an airtight glass bulb
- this was the first vacuum tube.
One of the electrodes could be heated, which would cause it to emit electrons
a process called thermionic emission.
-这叫 "热电子发射"
The other electrode could then attract these electrons to create the flow of our electric faucet,
but only if it was positively charged
- if it had a negative or neutral charge, the electrons would no longer be attracted across the vacuum
- 如果带负电荷或中性电荷,电子就没办法被吸引,越过真空区域
so no current would flow.
An electronic component that permits the one-way flow of current is called a diode,
电流只能单向流动的电子部件叫 "二极管"
but what was really needed was a switch to help turn this flow on and off.
Luckily, shortly after, in 1906, American inventor Lee de Forest
幸运的是,不久之后在 1906 年,美国发明家 "李·德富雷斯特"
added a third "control" electrode that sits between the two electrodes in Fleming's design.
他在"弗莱明"设计的两个电极之间,加入了第三个 "控制" 电极
By applying a positive charge to the control electrode, it would permit the flow of electrons as before.
But if the control electrode was given a negative charge,
it would prevent the flow of electrons.
So by manipulating the control wire, one could open or close the circuit.
It's pretty much the same thing as a relay
- but importantly, vacuum tubes have no moving parts.
- 但重要的是,真空管内没有会动的组件
This meant there was less wear,
and more importantly, they could switch thousands of times per second.
These triode vacuum tubes would become the basis of radio, long distance telephone,
and many other electronic devices for nearly a half century.
I should note here that vacuum tubes weren't perfect
- they're kind of fragile, and can burn out like light bulbs,
they were a big improvement over mechanical relays.
Also, initially vacuum tubes were expensive
a radio set often used just one,
but a computer might require hundreds or thousands of electrical switches.
But by the 1940s,
但到了 1940 年代
their cost and reliability had improved to the point where they became feasible for use in computers….
at least by people with deep pockets, like governments.
This marked the shift from electro-mechanical computing to electronic computing.
这标志着计算机 从机电转向电子
Let's go to the Thought Bubble.
The first large-scale use of vacuum tubes for computing was the Colossus MK 1,
第一个大规模使用真空管的计算机是 "巨人1号"
designed by engineer Tommy Flowers and completed in December of 1943.
由工程师 Tommy Flowers 设计完工于1943年12月
The Colossus was installed at Bletchley Park, in the UK,
巨人1号 在英国的"布莱切利园", 用于破解纳粹通信
and helped to decrypt Nazi communications.
巨人1号 在英国的"布莱切利园", 用于破解纳粹通信
This may sound familiar because two years prior Alan Turing,
听起来可能有点熟,因为 2 年前 阿兰·图灵
often called the father of computer science,
had created an electromechanical device, also at Bletchley Park, called the Bombe.
图灵也在"布莱切利园"做了台机电装置,叫 "Bombe"
It was an electromechanical machine designed to break Nazi Enigma codes,
这台机器的设计目的是 破解纳粹"英格码"通讯加密设备
but the Bombe wasn't technically a computer,
但 Bombe 严格来说不算计算机
and we'll get to Alan Turing's contributions later.
Anyway, the first version of Colossus contained 1,600 vacuum tubes,
总之巨人1号有 1600 个真空管
and in total, ten Colossi were built to help with code-breaking.
总共造了 10 台巨人计算机,来帮助破解密码
Colossus is regarded as the first programmable, electronic computer.
巨人 被认为是第一个可编程的电子计算机
Programming was done by plugging hundreds of wires into plugboards,
sort of like old school telephone switchboards,
in order to set up the computer to perform the right operations.
So while "programmable", it still had to be configured to perform a specific computation.
虽然"可编程" ,但还是要配置它
Enter the The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator - or ENIAC -
电子数值积分计算机 "ENIAC"
completed a few years later in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania.
几年后在 1946 年,在"宾夕法尼亚大学"完成建造
Designed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert,
设计者是 John Mauchly 和 J. Presper Eckert
this was the world's first truly general purpose, programmable, electronic computer.
ENIAC could perform 5000 ten-digit additions or subtractions per second,
ENIAC 每秒可执行 5000 次十位数加减法
many, many times faster than any machine that came before it.
It was operational for ten years,
and is estimated to have done more arithmetic than the entire human race up to that point.
But with that many vacuum tubes failures were common,
and ENIAC was generally only operational for about half a day at a time before breaking down.
ENIAC 运行半天左右就会出一次故障
Thanks Thought Bubble.
谢了 思想泡泡
By the 1950's, even vacuum-tube-based computing was reaching its limits.
到 1950 年代,真空管计算机都达到了极限
The US Air Force's AN/FSQ-7 computer, which was completed in 1955,
美国空军的 AN/FSQ-7 计算机于 1955 年完成
was part of the "SAGE" air defense computer system,
是 "SAGE" 防空计算机系统的一部分
which we'll talk more about in a later episode.
To reduce cost and size, as well as improve reliability and speed,
a radical new electronic switch would be needed.
In 1947, Bell Laboratory scientists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley
1947 年,贝尔实验室科学家 \N John BardeenWalter BrattainWilliam Shockley
invented the transistor,
and with it, a whole new era of computing was born!
The physics behind transistors is pretty complex, relying on quantum mechanics,
so we're going to stick to the basics.
A transistor is just like a relay or vacuum tube
晶体管 就像之前提过的"继电器"或"真空管"
- it's a switch that can be opened or closed by applying electrical power via a control wire.
Typically, transistors have two electrodes separated by a material that sometimes can conduct electricity,
晶体管有两个电极,\N 电极之间有一种材料隔开它们,这种材料有时候导电
and other times resist it
- a semiconductor.
- 这叫"半导体"
In this case, the control wire attaches to a "gate" electrode.
控制线连到一个 "门" 电极
By changing the electrical charge of the gate,
通过改变 "门" 的电荷
the conductivity of the semiconducting material can be manipulated,
allowing current to flow or be stopped
来允许或不允许 电流流动
- like the water faucet analogy we discussed earlier.
- 就像之前的水龙头比喻
Even the very first transistor at Bell Labs showed tremendous promise
- it could switch between on and off states 10,000 times per second.
每秒可以开关 10,000 次
Further, unlike vacuum tubes made of glass and with carefully suspended, fragile components,
transistors were solid material known as a solid state component.
Almost immediately, transistors could be made smaller than the smallest possible relays or vacuum tubes.
This led to dramatically smaller and cheaper computers, like the IBM 608, released in 1957
导致更小更便宜的计算机比如1957年发布的IBM 608
the first fully transistor-powered, commercially-available computer.
- 第一个完全用晶体管,而且消费者也可以买到的计算机
It contained 3000 transistors and could perform 4,500 additions,
它有 3000 个晶体管,每秒执行 4500 次加法
or roughly 80 multiplications or divisions, every second.
每秒能执行 80 次左右的乘除法
IBM soon transitioned all of its computing products to transistors,
IBM 很快把所有产品都转向了晶体管
bringing transistor-based computers into offices, and eventually, homes.
Today, computers use transistors that are smaller than 50 nanometers in size
如今,计算机里的晶体管小于 50 纳米
- for reference, a sheet of paper is roughly 100,000 nanometers thick.
- 而一张纸的厚度大概是 10 万纳米
And they're not only incredibly small, they're super fast
- they can switch states millions of times per second, and can run for decades.
- 每秒可以切换上百万次,并且能工作几十年
A lot of this transistor and semiconductor development happened
in the Santa Clara Valley, between San Francisco and San Jose, California.
As the most common material used to create semiconductors is silicon,
而生产半导体最常见的材料是 "硅"
this region soon became known as Silicon Valley.
所以这个地区被称为 "硅谷"
Even William Shockley moved there, founding Shockley Semiconductor,
甚至 William Shockley 都搬了过去,创立了"肖克利半导体"
whose employees later founded Fairchild Semiconductors,
whose employees later founded Intel - the world's largest computer chip maker today.
这里面的员工后来创立了英特尔 - 当今世界上最大的计算机芯片制造商
Ok, so we've gone from relays to vacuum tubes to transistors.
We can turn electricity on and off really, really, really fast.
But how do we get from transistors to actually computing something,
especially if we don't have motors and gears?
That's what we're going to cover over the next few episodes.
Thanks for watching. See you next week.
感谢观看 下周见
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Today we start our journey up the ladder of abstraction,
where we leave behind the simplicity of being able to see every switch and gear,
but gain the ability to assemble increasingly complex systems.
Last episode, we talked about how computers evolved from electromechanical devices,
that often had decimal representations of numbers
- like those represented by teeth on a gear
- 比如用齿轮数来代表十进制
- to electronic computers with transistors that can turn the flow of electricity on or off.
- 再到晶体管计算机
And fortunately, even with just two states of electricity,
幸运的是,只用 开/关 两种状态也可以代表信息
we can represent important information.
幸运的是,只用 开/关 两种状态也可以代表信息
We call this representation Binary
这叫 二进制
-- which literally means "of two states",
- 意思是"用两种状态表示"
in the same way a bicycle has two wheels or a biped has two legs.
You might think two states isn't a lot to work with, and you'd be right!
But, it's exactly what you need for representing the values "true" and "false".
但如果只需要表示 true 和 false两个值就够了
In computers, an "on" state, when electricity is flowing, represents true.
电路闭合,电流流过,代表 "真"
The off state, no electricity flowing, represents false.
We can also write binary as 1's and 0's instead of true's and false's
二进制也可以写成 1 和 0 而不是 true 和 false
- they are just different expressions of the same signal
- 只是不同的表达方式罢了
- but we'll talk more about that in the next episode.
- 我们下集会讲更多细节
Now it is actually possible to use transistors for more than just turning electrical current on and off,
晶体管的确可以不只是 开/关,还可以让不同大小的电流通过
and to allow for different levels of current.
晶体管的确可以不只是 开/关,还可以让不同大小的电流通过
Some early electronic computers were ternary, that's three states,
一些早期电子计算机是三进制的,有 3 种状态
and even quinary, using 5 states.
甚至五进制5 种状态
The problem is, the more intermediate states there are,
the harder it is to keep them all seperate
-- if your smartphone battery starts running low or there's electrical noise
- 如果手机快没电了或者附近有电噪音
because someone's running a microwave nearby,
the signals can get mixed up...
and this problem only gets worse with transistors changing states millions of times per second!
So, placing two signals as far apart as possible
- using just 'on and off' - gives us the most distinct signal to minimize these issues.
- 只用"开"和"关"两种状态,可以尽可能减少这类问题
Another reason computers use binary
is that an entire branch of mathematics already existed that dealt exclusively with true and false values.
And it had figured out all of the necessary rules and operations for manipulating them.
It's called Boolean Algebra!
George Boole, from which Boolean Algebra later got its name,
乔治·布尔George Boole是布尔二字的由来
was a self-taught English mathematician in the 1800s.
是一位 19 世纪自学成才的英国数学家
He was interested in representing logical statements that went "under, over, and beyond"
他有兴趣用数学式子 扩展亚里士多德基于哲学的逻辑方法
Aristotle's approach to logic, which was, unsurprisingly, grounded in philosophy.
他有兴趣用数学式子 扩展亚里士多德基于哲学的逻辑方法
Boole's approach allowed truth to be systematically and formally proven, through logic equations
布尔用 逻辑方程 系统而正式的证明真理(truth)
which he introduced in his first book, "The Mathematical Analysis of Logic" in 1847.
他在 1847 年的第一本书"逻辑的数学分析"中介绍过
In "regular" algebra -- the type you probably learned in high school -- the values of variables
在"常规"代数里 - 你在高中学的那种 - 变量的值
are numbers, and operations on those numbers are things like addition and multiplication.
But in Boolean Algebra, the values of variables are true and false, and the operations are logical.
但在布尔代数中,变量的值是 true 和 false\N 能进行逻辑操作
There are three fundamental operations in Boolean Algebra: a NOT, an AND, and an OR operation.
布尔代数中有三个基本操作NOT, AND 和 OR
And these operations turn out to be really useful so we're going to look at them individually.
A NOT takes a single boolean value, either true or false, and negates it.
NOT 操作把布尔值反转,\N把 true 进行 NOT 就会变成 false反之亦然
It flips true to false, and false to true.
NOT 操作把布尔值反转,\N把 true 进行 NOT 就会变成 false反之亦然
We can write out a little logic table that shows the original value under Input,
我们可以根据 NOT 操作的输入和输出,做出这个表
and the outcome after applying the operation under Output.
我们可以根据 NOT 操作的输入和输出,做出这个表
Now here's the cool part -- we can easily build boolean logic out of transistors.
酷的地方是 - 用晶体管可以轻松实现这个逻辑
As we discussed last episode, transistors are really just little electrically controlled switches.
They have three wires: two electrodes and one control wire.
有 3 根线2 根电极和 1 根控制线
When you apply electricity to the control wire,
it lets current flow through from one electrode, through the transistor, to the other electrode.
This is a lot like a spigot on a pipe
-- open the tap, water flows,
- 打开水龙头,就有水流出来
close the tap, water shuts off.
You can think of the control wire as an input,
可以把控制线,当做输入 ( input ) \N 底部的电极当做输出output
and the wire coming from the bottom electrode as the output.
可以把控制线,当做输入 ( input ) \N 底部的电极当做输出output
So with a single transistor, we have one input and one output.
所以 1 个晶体管,有一个输入和一个输出
If we turn the input on, the output is also on because the current can flow through it.
如果我们打开输入input on) \N 输出也会打开output on \N 因为电流可以流过
If we turn the input off, the output is also off and the current can no longer pass through.
如果关闭输入input off \N 输出也会关闭output off\N 因为电流无法通过
Or in boolean terms, when the input is true, the output is true.
或者用布尔术语来说\N 输入为 真,输出为 真
And when the input is false, the output is also false.
输入为 假 \N 输出为 假
Which again we can show on a logic table.
This isn't a very exciting circuit though because its not doing anything
-- the input and output are the same.
- 输入和输出是一样的
But, we can modify this circuit just a little bit to create a NOT.
但我们可以稍加修改,实现 NOT
Instead of having the output wire at the end of the transistor, we can move it before.
与其把下面那根线当做 输出,我们可以把 输出 放到上面
If we turn the input on, the transistor allows current to pass through it to the "ground",
如果打开 输入,电流可以流过然后 "接地"
and the output wire won't receive that current
输出就没有电流,所以输出是 off
- so it will be off.
输出就没有电流,所以输出是 off
In our water metaphor grounding would be like
if all the water in your house was flowing out of a huge hose
so there wasn't any water pressure left for your shower.
So in this case if the input is on, output is off.
如果输入是 on输出是 off
When we turn off the transistor, though, current is prevented from flowing down it to the ground,
当输入是 off电流没法接地就流过了输出所以输出是 on
so instead, current flows through the output wire.
当输入是 off电流没法接地就流过了输出所以输出是 on
So the input will be off and the output will be on.
如果输入是 off输出是 on
And this matches our logic table for NOT, so congrats, we just built a circuit that computes NOT!
和 NOT 操作表一样!太棒了!我们做了个有点用的电路!
We call them NOT gates - we call them gates because they're controlling the path of our current.
我们叫它 "NOT 门" \N 之所以叫 "门",是因为它能控制电流的路径
The AND Boolean operation takes two inputs, but still has a single output.
"AND"操作有 2 个输入1 个输出
In this case the output is only true if both inputs are true.
如果 2 个输入都是 true输出才是 true
Think about it like telling the truth.
你可以想成是 说真话
You're only being completely honest if you don't lie even a little.
For example, let's take the statement,
"My name is Carrie Anne AND I'm wearing a blue dress".
我叫 Carrie Anne "而且"我穿着蓝色的衣服
Both of those facts are true, so the whole statement is true.
2 个都是真的,所以整个是真的
But if I said, "My name is Carrie Anne AND I'm wearing pants" that would be false,
但如果说,我叫 Carrie Anne"而且"我穿了裤子, 就是假的
because I'm not wearing pants.
Or trousers.
If you're in England.
The Carrie Anne part is true, but a true AND a false, is still false.
虽然前半句是真的,但是 真 "AND" 假,还是假
If I were to reverse that statement it would still obviously be false,
就算把前后顺序反过来,也依然是 假
and if I were to tell you two complete lies that is also false,
如果我说 2 个假的事情,那么结果是假。
and again we can write all of these combinations out in a table.
To build an AND gate, we need two transistors connected together
为了实现 "AND 门",我们需要 2 个晶体管连在一起
so we have our two inputs and one output.
这样有 2 个输入和 1 个输出
If we turn on just transistor A, current won't flow because the current is stopped by transistor B.
如果只打开 A不打开 B \N 电流无法流到 output所以输出是 false
Alternatively, if transistor B is on, but the transistor A is off,
如果只打开 B不打开 A ,也一样,电流无法流到 output
the same thing, the current can't get through.
如果只打开 B不打开 A ,也一样,电流无法流到 output
Only if transistor A AND transistor B are on does the output wire have current.
只有 A 和 B 都打开了output 才有电流
The last boolean operation is OR
最后一个是 OR (前面讲了 NOT 和 AND)
-- where only one input has to be true for the output to be true.
只要 2 个输入里,其中 1 个是 true输出就是 true
For example, my name is Margaret Hamilton OR I'm wearing a blue dress.
比如,我叫 Margaret Hamilton"或"我穿着蓝色衣服
This is a true statement because although I'm not Margaret Hamilton unfortunately,
结果是 true虽然我不是 Margaret Hamilton
I am wearing a blue dress, so the overall statement is true.
但是我穿着蓝色衣服,所以结果是 true
An OR statement is also true if both facts are true.
对于"OR 操作"来说,\N如果 2 个 输入都是 true输出也是 true
The only time an OR statement is false is if both inputs are false.
只有 2 个输入都是 falseOR 的结果才是 false
Building an OR gate from transistors needs a few extra wires.
实现 "OR 门" 除了晶体管还要额外的线
Instead of having two transistors in series -- one after the other --
we have them in parallel.
We run wires from the current source to both transistors.
We use this little arc to note that the wires jump over one another and aren't connected,
我们用"小拱门"代表 2 条线没连在一起,只是跨过而已
even though they look like they cross.
If both transistors are turned off, the current is prevented from flowing to the output,
如果 A 和 B 都是 off电流无法流过
so the output is also off.
所以输出是 off
Now, if we turn on just Transistor A, current can flow to the output.
如果打开 A电流可以流过。输出是 on
Same thing if transistor A is off, but Transistor B in on.
如果只打开 B 也一样
Basically if A OR B is on, the output is also on.
只要 A OR B 是 on 输出就是 on
Also, if both transistors are on, the output is still on.
如果 A 和 B 都 on结果是 on
Ok, now that we've got NOT, AND, and OR gates,
好,现在 NOT 门, AND 门, OR 门 都搞定了
and we can leave behind the constituent transistors and move up a layer of abstraction.
The standard engineers use for these gates are a triangle with a dot for a NOT,
NOT 门的画法是三角形前面一个圆点
a D for the AND, and a spaceship for the OR.
AND 门用 D 表示 OR 门用太空船表示
Those aren't the official names, but that's howI like to think of them.
"D 形状和太空船"不是标准叫法, 只是我喜欢这样叫而已
Representing them and thinking about them this way allows us to build even bigger components
while keeping the overall complexity relatively the same
- just remember that that mess of transistors and wires is still there.
- 晶体管和电线依然在那里,我们只是用符号来代表而已
For example, another useful boolean operation in computation is called an Exclusive OR
除了前面说的三个\N 另一个有用的布尔操作叫 "异或"
- or XOR for short.
- 简称 XOR
XOR is like a regular OR, but with one difference:
XOR 就像普通 OR但有一个区别
if both inputs are true, the XOR is false.
如果 2 个输入都是 trueXOR 输出 false
The only time an XOR is true is when one input is true and the other input is false.
想要 XOR 输出 true \N 一个输入必须是 true另一个必须是 false
It's like when you go out to dinner and your meal comes with a side salad OR a soup
- sadly, you can't have both!
- 你不能两个都要!
And building this from transistors is pretty confusing,
用晶体管实现 XOR 门有点烧脑子
but we can show how an XOR is created from our three basic boolean gates.
但我可以展示一下\N 怎么用前面提到的 3 种门来做 XOR 门
We know we have two inputs again -- A and B -- and one output.
我们有 2 个输入A 和 B ,还有 1 个输出.
Let's start with an OR gate, since the logic table looks almost identical to an OR.
我们先放一个 OR 门. 因为 OR 和 XOR 的逻辑表很像
There's only one problem - when A and B are true, the logic is different from OR,
只有 1 个问题 - 当 A 和 B 都是 true 时 \N OR 的输出和想要的 XOR 输出不一样
and we need to output "false".
我们想要 false
And XOR turns out to be a very useful component,
XOR 超有用的
and we'll get to it in another episode,
so useful in fact engineers gave it its own symbol too -- an OR gate with a smile :)
因为超有用,\N 工程师给了它一个符号,一个 OR 门 + 一个笑脸
But most importantly, we can now put XOR into our metaphorical toolbox
重要的是,现在可以把 XOR 放入"工具箱"了
and not have to worry about the individual logic gates that make it up,
不用担心 XOR 具体用了几个门
or the transistors that make up those gates,
or how electrons are flowing through a semiconductor.
Moving up another layer of abstraction.
When computer engineers are designing processors, they rarely work at the transistor level,
and instead work with much larger blocks, like logic gates, and even larger components
made up of logic gates, which we'll discuss in future episodes.
And even if you are a professional computer programmer,
it's not often that you think about
how the logic that you are programming is actually implemented
in the physical world by these teeny tiny components.
We've also moved from thinking about raw electrical signals to our first representation of data
- true and false - and we've even gotten a little taste of computation.
- 真和假 - 开始有点"计算"的感觉了
With just the logic gates in this episode,
仅用这集讲的 逻辑门
we could build a machine that evaluates complex logic statements,
我们可以判断复杂的语句 比如:
like if "Name is John Green AND after 5pm OR is Weekend AND near Pizza Hut",
[如果是 John Green] AND [下午 5 点后] \N OR [周末] AND [在比萨店附近]
then "John will want pizza" equals true.
那么 "John 想要比萨" = 真
And with that, I'm starving, I'll see you next week.
Hi I'm Carrie Anne, this is Crash Course Computer Science
嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
and today we're going to talk about how computers store and represent numerical data.
Which means we've got to talk about Math!
But don't worry.
Every single one of you already knows exactly what you need to know to follow along.
So, last episode we talked about how transistors can be used to build logic gates,
which can evaluate boolean statements.
And in boolean algebra, there are only two, binary values: true and false.
布尔代数只有两个值True 和 False
But if we only have two values,
how in the world do we represent information beyond just these two values?
That's where the Math comes in.
So, as we mentioned last episode, a single binary value can be used to represent a number.
上集提到1 个二进制值可以代表 1 个数
Instead of true and false, we can call these two states 1 and 0 which is actually incredibly useful.
我们可以把真和假 ,当做 1 和 0
And if we want to represent larger things we just need to add more binary digits.
This works exactly the same way as the decimal numbers that we're all familiar with.
With decimal numbers there are "only" 10 possible values a single digit can be; 0 through 9,
十进制只有 10 个数0到9
and to get numbers larger than 9 we just start adding more digits to the front.
要表示大于 9 的数,加位数就行了
We can do the same with binary.
For example, let's take the number two hundred and sixty three.
拿 263 举例
What does this number actually represent?
这个数字 "实际" 代表什么?
Well, it means we've got 2 one-hundreds, 6 tens, and 3 ones.
2 个 100 \N6 个 10 \N 3 个 1
If you add those all together, we've got 263.
加在一起,就是 263
Notice how each column has a different multiplier.
In this case, it's 100, 10, and 1.
100, 10, 1
Each multiplier is ten times larger than the one to the right.
That's because each column has ten possible digits to work with, 0 through 9,
因为每列有 10 个可能的数字0到9
after which you have to carry one to the next column.
如果超过 9要在下一列进 1.
For this reason, it's called base-ten notation, also called decimal since deci means ten.
因此叫 "基于十的表示法" 或十进制
AND Binary works exactly the same way, it's just base-two.
二进制也一样,只不过是基于 2 而已
That's because there are only two possible digits in binary - 1 and 0.
因为二进制只有两个可能的数, 1 和 0
This means that each multiplier has to be two times larger than the column to its right.
Instead of hundreds, tens, and ones, we now have fours, twos and ones.
就不是之前的 100, 10, 1 \N 而是 4, 2, 1
Take for example the binary number: 101.
拿二进制数 101 举例
This means we have 1 four, 0 twos, and 1 one.
意味着有\N 1个 "4" \N 0个 "2" \N 1个 "1"
Add those all together and we've got the number 5 in base ten.
加在一起,得到十进制的 5
But to represent larger numbers, binary needs a lot more digits.
Take this number in binary 10110111.
拿二进制数 10110111 举例
We can convert it to decimal in the same way.
We have 1 x 128, 0 x 64, 1 x 32, 1 x 16, 0 x 8, 1 x 4, 1 x 2, and 1 x 1.
1 x 128 0 x 64 1 x 32 1 x 16 \N 0 x 8 1 x 4 1 x 2 1 x 1
Which all adds up to 183.
加起来等于 183
Math with binary numbers isn't hard either.
Take for example decimal addition of 183 plus 19.
以十进制数 183 加 19 举例
First we add 3 + 9, that's 12, so we put 2 as the sum and carry 1 to the ten's column.
首先 3 + 9得到 12然后位数记作 2向前进 1
Now we add 8 plus 1 plus the 1 we carried, thats 10, so the sum is 0 carry 1.
现在算 8+1+1=10所以位数记作0再向前进 1
Finally we add 1 plus the 1 we carried, which equals 2.
最后 1+1=2位数记作2
So the total sum is 202.
Here's the same sum but in binary.
Just as before, we start with the ones column.
Adding 1+1 results in 2, even in binary.
But, there is no symbol "2" so we use 10 and put 0 as our sum and carry the 1.
但二进制中没有 2所以位数记作 0 ,进 1
Just like in our decimal example.
1 plus 1, plus the 1 carried,
equals 3 or 11 in binary,
等于 3用二进制表示是 11
so we put the sum as 1 and we carry 1 again, and so on.
所以位数记作 1再进 1以此类推
We end up with this number, which is the same as the number 202 in base ten.
最后得到这个数字,跟十进制 202 是一样的
Each of these binary digits, 1 or 0, is called a "bit".
二进制中,一个 1 或 0 叫一"位"
So in these last few examples, we were using 8-bit numbers with their lowest value of zero
上个例子我们用了 8 位 , 8 位能表示的最小数是 0, 8位都是0
and highest value is 255, which requires all 8 bits to be set to 1.
最大数是 2558 位都是 1
Thats 256 different values, or 2 to the 8th power.
能表示 256 个不同的值2 的 8 次方
You might have heard of 8-bit computers, or 8-bit graphics or audio.
你可能听过 8 位机8 位图像8 位音乐
These were computers that did most of their operations in chunks of 8 bits.
意思是计算机里\N 大部分操作都是 8 位 8 位这样处理的
But 256 different values isn't a lot to work with, so it meant things like 8-bit games
但 256 个值不算多,意味着 8位游戏只能用 256 种颜色
were limited to 256 different colors for their graphics.
但 256 个值不算多,意味着 8位游戏只能用 256 种颜色
And 8-bits is such a common size in computing, it has a special word: a byte.
8 位是如此常见,以至于有专门的名字:字节
A byte is 8 bits.
1 字节 = 8 位 \N 1 bytes = 8 bits
If you've got 10 bytes, it means you've really got 80 bits.
如果有 10 个字节,意味着有 80 位
You've heard of kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes and so on.
你听过 千字节KB兆字节MB千兆字节GB等等
These prefixes denote different scales of data.
Just like one kilogram is a thousand grams,
就像 1 千克 = 1000 克1 千字节 = 1000 字节
1 kilobyte is a thousand bytes.
就像 1 千克 = 1000 克1 千字节 = 1000 字节
or really 8000 bits.
或 8000 位
Mega is a million bytes (MB), and giga is a billion bytes (GB).
Mega 是百万字节MB, Giga 是十亿字节GB
Today you might even have a hard drive that has 1 terabyte (TB) of storage.
如今你可能有 1 TB 的硬盘
That's 8 trillion ones and zeros.
8 万亿个1和0
But hold on!
That's not always true.
In binary, a kilobyte has two to the power of 10 bytes, or 1024.
二进制里1 千字节 = 2的10次方 = 1024 字节
1000 is also right when talking about kilobytes,
1000 也是千字节KB的正确单位
but we should acknowledge it isn't the only correct definition.
1000 和 1024 都对
You've probably also heard the term 32-bit or 64-bit computers
你可能听过 32 位 或 64 位计算机
you're almost certainly using one right now.
What this means is that they operate in chunks of 32 or 64 bits.
意思是一块块处理数据,每块是 32 位或 64 位
That's a lot of bits!
The largest number you can represent with 32 bits is just under 4.3 billion.
32 位能表示的最大数,是 43 亿左右
Which is thirty-two 1's in binary.
也就是 32 个 1
This is why our Instagram photos are so smooth and pretty
所以 Instagram 照片很清晰
- they are composed of millions of colors,
- 它们有上百万种颜色
because computers today use 32-bit color graphics
因为如今都用 32 位颜色
Of course, not everything is a positive number
- like my bank account in college.
比如我上大学时的银行账户 T_T
So we need a way to represent positive and negative numbers.
Most computers use the first bit for the sign:
1 for negative, 0 for positive numbers,
1 是负0 是正
and then use the remaining 31 bits for the number itself.
用剩下 31 位来表示符号外的数值
That gives us a range of roughly plus or minus two billion.
能表示的数的范围大约是正 20 亿到负 20 亿
While this is a pretty big range of numbers, it's not enough for many tasks.
There are 7 billion people on the earth, and the US national debt is almost 20 trillion dollars after all.
全球有 70 亿人口,美国国债近 20 万亿美元
This is why 64-bit numbers are useful.
所以 64 位数很有用
The largest value a 64-bit number can represent is around 9.2 quintillion!
64 位能表达最大数大约是 9.2×10 ^ 18
That's a lot of possible numbers and will hopefully stay above the US national debt for a while!
Most importantly, as we'll discuss in a later episode,
computers must label locations in their memory,
计算机必须给内存中每一个位置,做一个 "标记"
known as addresses, in order to store and retrieve values.
这个标记叫 "地址", 目的是为了方便存取数据
As computer memory has grown to gigabytes and terabytes - that's trillions of bytes
如今硬盘已经增长到 GB 和 TB上万亿个字节
it was necessary to have 64-bit memory addresses as well.
内存地址也应该有 64 位
In addition to negative and positive numbers,
computers must deal with numbers that are not whole numbers,
like 12.7 and 3.14, or maybe even stardate: 43989.1.
比如 12.7 和 3.14,或"星历 43989.1"
These are called "floating point" numbers,
这叫 浮点数
because the decimal point can float around in the middle of number.
Several methods have been developed to represent floating point numbers.
有好几种方法 表示浮点数
The most common of which is the IEEE 754 standard.
最常见的是 IEEE 754 标准
And you thought historians were the only people bad at naming things!
In essence, this standard stores decimal values sort of like scientific notation.
For example, 625.9 can be written as 0.6259 x 10^3.
例如625.9 可以写成 0.6259×10 ^ 3
There are two important numbers here: the .6259 is called the significand.
这里有两个重要的数:.6259 叫 "有效位数" , 3 是指数
And 3 is the exponent.
这里有两个重要的数:.6259 叫 "有效位数" , 3 是指数
In a 32-bit floating point number,
在 32 位浮点数中
the first bit is used for the sign of the number -- positive or negative.
第 1 位表示数的符号——正或负
The next 8 bits are used to store the exponent
接下来 8 位存指数
and the remaining 23 bits are used to store the significand.
剩下 23 位存有效位数
Ok, we've talked a lot about numbers, but your name is probably composed of letters,
so it's really useful for computers to also have a way to represent text.
However, rather than have a special form of storage for letters,
与其用特殊方式来表示字母 \N 计算机可以用数表示字母
computers simply use numbers to represent letters.
与其用特殊方式来表示字母 \N 计算机可以用数表示字母
The most straightforward approach might be to simply number the letters of the alphabet:
A being 1, B being 2, C 3, and so on.
In fact, Francis Bacon, the famous English writer,
著名英国作家 弗朗西斯·培根Francis Bacon
used five-bit sequences to encode all 26 letters of the English alphabet
曾用 5位序列 来编码英文的 26 个字母
to send secret messages back in the 1600s.
And five bits can store 32 possible values - so that's enough for the 26 letters,
五位bit可以存 32 个可能值2^5 - 这对26个字母够了
but not enough for punctuation, digits, and upper and lower case letters.
但不能表示 标点符号,数字和大小写字母
Enter ASCII, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
Invented in 1963, ASCII was a 7-bit code, enough to store 128 different values.
发明于 1963 年ASCII 是 7 位代码,足够存 128 个不同值
With this expanded range, it could encode capital letters, lowercase letters,
digits 0 through 9, and symbols like the @ sign and punctuation marks.
数字 0 到 9, @ 这样的符号, 以及标点符号
For example, a lowercase 'a' is represented by the number 97, while a capital 'A' is 65.
举例,小写字母 a 用数字 97 表示,大写字母 A 是 65
A colon is 58 and a closed parenthesis is 41.
: 是58 \n ) 是41
ASCII even had a selection of special command codes,
ASCII 甚至有特殊命令符号
such as a newline character to tell the computer where to wrap a line to the next row.
In older computer systems,
the line of text would literally continue off the edge of the screen if you didn't include a new line character!
Because ASCII was such an early standard,
因为 ASCII 是个很早的标准
it became widely used,
and critically, allowed different computers built by different companies to exchange data.
This ability to universally exchange information is called "interoperability".
这种通用交换信息的能力叫 "互操作性"
However, it did have a major limitation: it was really only designed for English.
Fortunately, there are 8 bits in a byte, not 7,
and it soon became popular to use codes 128 through 255,
128 到 255 的字符渐渐变得常用
previously unused, for "national" characters.
这些字符以前是空的,是给各个国家自己 "保留使用的"
In the US, those extra numbers were largely used to encode additional symbols,
like mathematical notation, graphical elements, and common accented characters.
On the other hand, while the Latin characters were used universally,
Russian computers used the extra codes to encode Cyrillic characters,
and Greek computers, Greek letters, and so on.
And national character codes worked pretty well for most countries.
这些保留下来给每个国家自己安排的空位,\N 对大部分国家都够用
The problem was,
if you opened an email written in Latvian on a Turkish computer,
如果在 土耳其 电脑上打开 拉脱维亚语 写的电子邮件
the result was completely incomprehensible.
And things totally broke with the rise of computing in Asia,
as languages like Chinese and Japanese have thousands of characters.
There was no way to encode all those characters in 8-bits!
根本没办法用 8 位来表示所有字符!
In response, each country invented multi-byte encoding schemes,
all of which were mutually incompatible.
The Japanese were so familiar with this encoding problem that they had a special name for it:
"mojibake", which means "scrambled text".
"mojibake" 意思是 乱码
And so it was born - Unicode - one format to rule them all.
所以 Unicode 诞生了 - 统一所有编码的标准
Devised in 1992 to finally do away with all of the different international schemes
设计于 1992 年,解决了不同国家不同标准的问题
it replaced them with one universal encoding scheme.
Unicode 用一个统一编码方案
The most common version of Unicode uses 16 bits with space for over a million codes -
最常见的 Unicode 是 16 位的,有超过一百万个位置 -
enough for every single character from every language ever used
more than 120,000 of them in over 100 types of script
100 多种字母表加起来占了 12 万个位置。
plus space for mathematical symbols and even graphical characters like Emoji.
还有位置放数学符号,甚至 Emoji
And in the same way that ASCII defines a scheme for encoding letters as binary numbers,
就像 ASCII 用二进制来表示字母一样
other file formats - like MP3s or GIFs -
其他格式 - 比如 MP3 或 GIF -
use binary numbers to encode sounds or colors of a pixel in our photos, movies, and music.
Most importantly, under the hood it all comes down to long sequences of bits.
Text messages, this YouTube video, every webpage on the internet,
短信,这个 YouTube 视频,互联网上的每个网页
and even your computer's operating system, are nothing but long sequences of 1s and 0s.
甚至操作系统,只不过是一长串 1 和 0
So next week,
we'll start talking about how your computer starts manipulating those binary sequences,
for our first true taste of computation.
Thanks for watching. See you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Ann and this is Crash Course Computer Science.
嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
So last episode, we talked about how numbers can be represented in binary.
Representing Like, 00101010 is 42 in decimal.
比如二进制 00101010 是十进制的 42
Representing and storing numbers is an important function of a computer,
but the real goal is computation, or manipulating numbers in a structured and purposeful way,
like adding two numbers together.
These operations are handled by a computer's Arithmetic and Logic Unit,
这些操作由计算机的 "算术逻辑单元 "处理
but most people call it by its street name:
the ALU.
The ALU is the mathematical brain of a computer.
ALU 是计算机的数学大脑
When you understand an ALU's design and function,
等你理解了 ALU 的设计和功能之后
you'll understand a fundamental part of modern computers.
It is THE thing that does all of the computation in a computer,
ALU *就是* 计算机里负责运算的组件\N 基本其他所有部件都用到了它
so basically everything uses it.
ALU *就是* 计算机里负责运算的组件\N 基本其他所有部件都用到了它
First though, look at this beauty.
This is perhaps the most famous ALU ever, the Intel 74181.
这可能是最著名的 ALU英特尔 74181
When it was released in 1970,
1970 年发布时,它是第一个封装在单个芯片内的完整 ALU
it was It was the first complete ALU that fit entirely inside of a single chip -
1970 年发布时,它是第一个封装在单个芯片内的完整 ALU
Which was a huge engineering feat at the time.
So today we're going to take those Boolean logic gates we learned about last week
to build a simple ALU circuit with much of the same functionality as the 74181.
做一个简单的 ALU 电路,功能和 74181 一样
And over the next few episodes we'll use this to construct a computer from scratch.
So it's going to get a little bit complicated,
but I think you guys can handle it.
An ALU is really two units in one
ALU 有 2 个单元1 个算术单元和 1 个逻辑单元
-- there's an arithmetic unit and a logic unit.
ALU 有 2 个单元1 个算术单元和 1 个逻辑单元
Let's start with the arithmetic unit,
which is responsible for handling all numerical operations in a computer,
like addition and subtraction.
It also does a bunch of other simple things like add one to a number,
which is called an increment operation, but we'll talk about those later.
Today, we're going to focus on the piece of rsistance, the crme de la crme of operations
今天的重点是一切的根本 - "把两个数字相加"
that underlies almost everything else a computer does - adding two numbers together.
今天的重点是一切的根本 - "把两个数字相加"
We could build this circuit entirely out of individual transistors,
我们可以用单个晶体管一个个拼,把这个电路做出来,\N 但很快就会复杂的难以理解
but that would get confusing really fast.
我们可以用单个晶体管一个个拼,把这个电路做出来,\N 但很快就会复杂的难以理解
So instead as we talked about in Episode 3
所以与其用晶体管,我们会像第 3 集
- we can use a high-level of abstraction and build our components out of logic gates,
- 用更高层的抽象,用逻辑门来做
in this case: AND, OR, NOT and XOR gates.
我们会用到 ANDORNOT 和 XOR 逻辑门
The simplest adding circuit that we can build takes two binary digits, and adds them together.
最简单的加法电路, \N 是拿 2 个 bit 加在一起bit 是 0 或 1
So we have two inputs, A and B, and one output, which is the sum of those two digits.
有 2 个输入A 和 B 1 个输出:就是两个数字的和
Just to clarify: A, B and the output are all single bits.
需要注意的是A, B, 输出这3个都是单个 Bit 0 或 1
There are only four possible input combinations.
The first three are: 0+0 = 0
前三个是\N 0 + 0 = 0 \N 1 + 0 = 1 \N 0 + 1 = 1
1+0 = 1 0+1 = 1
前三个是\N 0 + 0 = 0 \N 1 + 0 = 1 \N 0 + 1 = 1
Remember that in binary, 1 is the same as true, and 0 is the same as false.
记住二进制里1 与 true 相同0 与 false 相同
So this set of inputs exactly matches the boolean logic of an XOR gate,
这组输入和输出,和 XOR 门的逻辑完全一样
and we can use it as our 1-bit adder.
所以我们可以把 XOR 用作 1 位加法器adder
But the fourth input combination, 1 + 1, is a special case. 1 + 1 is 2 (obviously)
但第四个输入组合1+1是个特例 \N 1+1=2显然
but there's no 2 digit in binary,
但二进制里没有 2
so as we talked about last episode, the result is 0 and the 1 is carried to the next column.
上集说过,二进制 1+1 的结果是01进到下一位
So the sum is really 10 in binary.
和是 10 (二进制)
Now, the output of our XOR gate is partially correct - 1 plus 1, outputs 0.
XOR 门的输出,只对了一部分, 1+1 输出 0
But, we need an extra output wire for that carry bit.
但我们需要一根额外的线代表 "进位"
The carry bit is only "true" when the inputs are 1 AND 1,
只有输入是 1 和 1 时,进位才是 "true"
because that's the only time when the result (two) is bigger than 1 bit can store
因为算出来的结果用 1 个 bit 存不下
and conveniently we have a gate for that!
It's not that complicated - just two logic gates -
没那么复杂 - 就两个逻辑门而已
but let's abstract away even this level of detail
and encapsulate our newly minted half adder as its own component,
把 "半加器" 封装成一个单独组件
with two inputs - bits A and B - and two outputs, the sum and the carry bits.
两个输入 A 和 B 都是 1 位 \N 两个输出 "总和" 与 "进位"
This takes us to another level of abstraction
heh I feel like I say that a lot.
I wonder if this is going to become a thing.
Anyway, If you want to add more than 1 + 1
如果想处理超过 1+1 的运算,我们需要"全加器"
we're going to need a "Full Adder."
如果想处理超过 1+1 的运算,我们需要"全加器"
That half-adder left us with a carry bit as output.
半加器 输出了进位
That means that when we move on to the next column in a multi-column addition,
and every column after that, we are going to have to add three bits together, no two.
还有之后的每一列,我们得加 3 个位在一起,并不是 2 个
A full adder is a bit more complicated
- it takes three bits as inputs: A, B and C.
有 3 个输入A, B, C (都是 1 个 bit)
So the maximum possible input is 1 + 1 + 1,
所以最大的可能是 1 + 1 + 1
which equals 1 carry out 1, so we still only need two output wires: sum and carry.
"总和"1 "进位"1 \N 所以要两条输出线: "总和"和"进位"
We can build a full adder using half adders.
我们可以用 半加器 做 全加器
To do this, we use a half adder to add A plus B
我们先用半加器将 A 和 B 相加
just like before - but then feed that result and input C into a second half adder.
然后把 C 输入到第二个半加器
Lastly, we need a OR gate to check if either one of the carry bits was true.
最后用一个 OR 门检查进位是不是 true
That's it, we just made a full adder!
Again,we can go up a level of abstraction and wrap up this full adder as its own component.
It takes three inputs, adds them, and outputs the sum and the carry, if there is one.
全加器会把 ABC 三个输入加起来 \N 输出 "总和" 和 "进位"
Armed with our new components, we can now build a circuit that takes two, 8-bit numbers
现在有了新组件,我们可以相加两个 8 位数字
Let's call them A and B and adds them together.
叫两个数字叫 A 和 B 好了
Let's start with the very first bit of A and B,
我们从 A 和 B 的第一位开始
which we'll call A0 and B0.
叫 A0 和 B0 好了
At this point, there is no carry bit to deal with,
because this is our first addition.
So we can use our half adder to add these two bits together.
The output is sum0.
输出叫 sum0
Now we want to add A1 and B1 together.
现在加 A1 和 B1
It's possible there was a carry from the previous addition of A0 and B0,
因为 A0 和 B0 的结果有可能进位
so this time we need to use a full adder that also inputs the carry bit.
所以这次要用全加器,除了 A1 和 B1还要连上进位
We output this result as sum1.
输出叫 sum1
Then, we take any carry from this full adder,
然后,把这个全加器的进位 \N 连到下个全加器的输入,处理 A2 和 B2
and run it into the next full adder that handles A2 and B2.
然后,把这个全加器的进位 \N 连到下个全加器的输入,处理 A2 和 B2
And we just keep doing this in a big chain until all 8 bits have been added.
以此类推,把 8 个 bit 都搞定
Notice how the carry bits ripple forward to each subsequent adder.
For this reason, this is called an 8-bit ripple carry adder.
所以叫 "8位行波进位加法器"
Notice how our last full adder has a carry out.
注意最后一个全加器有 "进位" 的输出
If there is a carry into the 9th bit, it means the sum of the two numbers is too large to fit into 8-bits.
如果第 9 位有进位,代表着 2 个数字的和太大了,超过了 8 位
This is called an overflow.
这叫 "溢出" (overflow)
In general, an overflow occurs when the result of an addition is too large
一般来说 "溢出" 的意思是, 两个数字的和太大了
to be represented by the number of bits you are using.
This can usually cause errors and unexpected behavior.
Famously, the original PacMan arcade game used 8 bits to keep track of what level you were on.
著名的例子是,吃豆人用 8 位存当前关卡数
This meant that if you made it past level 255 - the largest number storablein 8 bits - to level 256,
如果你玩到了第 256 关( 8 位 bit 最大表示 255
the ALU overflowed.
ALU 会溢出
This caused a bunch of errors and glitches making the level unbeatable.
The bug became a rite of passage for the greatest PacMan players.
这个 bug 成了厉害吃豆人玩家的代表
So if we want to avoid overflows,
we can extend our circuit with more full adders, allowing us to add 16 or 32 bit numbers.
我们可以加更多全加器,可以操作 16 或 32 位数字
This makes overflows less likely to happen, but at the expense of more gates.
An additional downside is that it takes a little bit of time for each of the carries to ripple forward.
Admittedly, not very much time, electrons move pretty fast,
so we're talking about billionths of a second,
but that's enough to make a difference in today's fast computers.
For this reason, modern computers use a slightly different adding circuit
called a 'carry-look-ahead' adder
叫 "超前进位加法器"
which is faster, but ultimately does exactly the same thing
它更快,做的事情是一样的 - 把二进制数相加
-- adds binary numbers.
它更快,做的事情是一样的 - 把二进制数相加
The ALU's arithmetic unit also has circuits for other math operations
ALU 的算术单元,也能做一些其他数学运算
and in general these 8 operations are always supported.
一般支持这 8 个操作
And like our adder, these other operations are built from individual logic gates.
Interestingly, you may have noticed that there are no multiply and divide operations.
That's because simple ALUs don't have a circuit for this,
因为简单的 ALU 没有专门的电路来处理
and instead just perform a series of additions.
Let's say you want to multiply 12 by 5.
假设想算 12x5
That's the same thing as adding 12 to itself 5 times.
这和把 "12" 加 5 次是一样的
So it would take 5 passes through the ALU to do this one multiplication.
所以要 5 次 ALU 操作来实现这个乘法
And this is how many simple processors,
like those in your thermostat, TV remote, and microwave, do multiplication.
It's slow, but it gets the job done.
However, fancier processors, like those in your laptop or smartphone,
have arithmetic units with dedicated circuits for multiplication.
And as you might expect, the circuit is more complicated than addition
-- there's no magic, it just takes a lot more logic gates
- 没什么魔法,只是更多逻辑门
which is why less expensive processors don't have this feature.
Ok, let's move on to the other half of the ALU:
好了,我们现在讲 ALU 的另一半:逻辑单元
the Logic Unit.
好了,我们现在讲 ALU 的另一半:逻辑单元
Instead of arithmetic operations, the Logic Unit performs well...
logical operations, like AND, OR and NOT, which we've talked about previously.
比如之前讨论过的 ANDOR 和 NOT 操作
It also performs simple numerical tests,
like checking if a number is negative.
For example, here's a circuit that tests if the output of the ALU is zero.
例如,这是检查 ALU 输出是否为 0 的电路
It does this using a bunch of OR gates to see if any of the bits are 1.
它用一堆 OR 门检查其中一位是否为 1
Even if one single bit is 1,
哪怕只有一个 Bit (位) 是1
we know the number can't be zero and then we use a final NOT gate to flip this input
我们就知道那个数字肯定不是 0然后用一个 NOT 门取反
so the output is 1 only if the input number is 0.
所以只有输入的数字是 0输出才为 1
So that's a high level overview of what makes up an ALU.
以上就是 ALU 的一个高层次概括
We even built several of the main components from scratch, like our ripple adder.
As you saw, it's just a big bunch of logic gates connected in clever ways.
Which brings us back to that ALU you admired so much at the beginning of the episode.
让我们回到视频开始时的 ALU英特尔 74181
The Intel 74181.
让我们回到视频开始时的 ALU英特尔 74181
Unlike the 8-bit ALU we made today, the 74181 could only handle 4-bit inputs,
和我们刚刚做的 8 位 ALU 不同74181 只能处理 4 位输入
which means
你刚做了一个比英特尔 74181 还好的 ALU
Well.. sort of.
其实 差不多啦..
We didn't build the whole thing
but you get the idea.
The 74181 used about 70 logic gates, and it couldn't multiply or divide.
74181 用了大概 70 个逻辑门,但不能执行乘除.
But it was a huge step forward in miniaturization,
opening the doors to more capable and less expensive computers.
This 4-bit ALU circuit is already a lot to take in,
4 位 ALU 已经要很多逻辑门了
but our 8-bit ALU would require hundreds of logic gates to fully build
但我们的 8 位 ALU 会需要数百个逻辑门
and engineers don't want to see all that complexity when using an ALU,
工程师不想在用 ALU 时去想那些事情,
so they came up with a special symbol to wrap it all up, which looks like a big V'.
所以想了一个特殊符号来代表它,看起来像一个大 "V"
Just another level of abstraction!
Our 8-bit ALU has two inputs, A and B, each with 8 bits.
我们的 8 位 ALU 有两个输入A和B都是 8 位 (bits)
We also need a way to specify what operation the ALU should perform,
我们还需要告诉 ALU 执行什么操作
for example, addition or subtraction.
For that, we use a 4-bit operation code.
所以我们用 4 位的操作代码
We'll talk about this more in a later episode,
but in brief, 1000 might be the command to add, while 1100 is the command for subtract.
简言之,"1000"可能代表加法命令 \N "1100"代表减法命令
Basically, the operation code tells the ALU what operation to perform.
操作代码告诉 ALU 执行什么操作
And the result of that operation on inputs A and B is an 8-bit output.
输出结果是 8 位的
ALUs also output a series of Flags,
ALU 还会输出一堆标志Flag
which are 1-bit outputs for particular states and statuses.
For example, if we subtract two numbers, and the result is 0,
比如相减两个数字,结果为 0
our zero-testing circuit, the one we made earlier, sets the Zero Flag to True (1).
我们的零测试电路(前面做的)\N 会将零标志设为 True1
This is useful if we are trying to determine if two numbers are are equal.
If we wanted to test if A was less than B,
如果想知道: A 是否小于 B
we can use the ALU to calculate A subtract B and look to see if the Negative Flag was set to true.
可以用 ALU 来算 A 减 B看负标志是否为 true
If it was, we know that A was smaller than B.
如果是 true我们就知道 A 小于 B
And finally, there's also a wire attached to the carry out on the adder we built,
so if there is an overflow, we'll know about it.
This is called the Overflow Flag.
Fancier ALUs will have more flags,
高级 ALU 有更多标志
but these three flags are universal and frequently used.
但这 3 个标志是 ALU 普遍用的
In fact, we'll be using them soon in a future episode.
So now you know how your computer does all its basic mathematical operations digitally
现在你知道了\N 计算机是怎样在没有齿轮或杠杆的情况下 进行运算
with no gears or levers required.
现在你知道了\N 计算机是怎样在没有齿轮或杠杆的情况下 进行运算
We're going to use this ALU when we construct our CPU two episodes from now.
接下来两集 我们会用 ALU 做 CPU
But before that, our computer is going to need some memory!
但在此之前,计算机需要一些 "记忆"
We'll talk about that next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science.
嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
So last episode, using just logic gates, we built a simple ALU,
上集,我们用逻辑门做了个简单 ALU
which performs arithmetic and logic operations, hence the 'A' and the 'L'.
它能执行算术(Arithmetic)和逻辑(Logic)运算 \N ALU 里的 A 和 L 因此得名
But of course, there's not much point in calculating a result only to throw it away
- it would be useful to store that value somehow,
and maybe even run several operations in a row.
That's where computer memory comes in!
If you've ever been in the middle of a long RPG campaign on your console,
or slogging through a difficult level on Minesweeper on your desktop,
或玩困难模式的 "扫雷"
and your dog came by, tripped and pulled the power cord out of the wall,
you know the agony of losing all your progress.
真同情你 :(
But the reason for your loss is that your console, your laptop and your computers
你损失数据的原因是 \N 电脑用的是"随机存取存储器",简称"RAM"
make use of Random Access Memory, or RAM,
你损失数据的原因是 \N 电脑用的是"随机存取存储器",简称"RAM"
which stores things like game state - as long as the power stays on.
Another type of memory, called persistent memory, can survive without power,
另一种存储 (memory) 叫持久存储,电源关闭时数据也不会丢失
and it's used for different things;
We'll talk about the persistence of memory in a later episode.
我们之后会讨论存储 (memory) 的持久性问题
Today, we're going to start small
- literally by building a circuit that can store one.. single.. bit of information.
- 做只能存储 1 位的电路
After that, we'll scale up, and build our very own memory module,
and we'll combine it with our ALU next time, when we finally build our very own CPU!
下次和 ALU 结合起来,做出 CPU
All of the logic circuits we've discussed so far go in one direction
- always flowing forward.
- 总是向前流动
like our 8-bit ripple adder from last episode.
比如上集的 8 位 "脉动进位加法器"
But we can also create circuits that loop back on themselves.
Let's try taking an ordinary OR gate, and feed the output back into one of its inputs
我们拿一个 OR 门试试,把输出连回输入
and see what happens.
First, let's set both inputs to 0.
首先,两个输入都设为 0
So 0 OR 0 is 0, and so this circuit always outputs 0.
"0 OR 0" 是 0所以电路输出0
If we were to flip input A to 1.
如果将 A 变成1
1 OR 0 is 1, so now the output of the OR gate is 1.
"1 OR 0" 为 1所以输出 1
A fraction of a second later, that loops back around into input B,
一转眼的功夫,输出回到 B
so the OR gate sees that both of its inputs are now 1.
OR 门看到两个输入都是 1
1 OR 1 is still 1, so there is no change in output.
"1 OR 1" 仍然为1所以输出不变
If we flip input A back to 0, the OR gate still outputs 1.
如果将 A 变成 0OR 门依然输出 1
So now we've got a circuit that records a "1" for us.
现在我们有个电路能记录 "1"
Except, we've got a teensy tiny problem - this change is permanent!
No matter how hard we try, there's no way to get this circuit to flip back from a 1 to a 0.
无论怎么试,都没法从 1 变回 0
Now let's look at this same circuit, but with an AND gate instead.
我们换成 AND 门看看会怎样
We'll start inputs A and B both at 1.
开始时A 和 B 都设 1
1 AND 1 outputs 1 forever.
"1 AND 1" 永远输出 1
But, if we then flip input A to 0, because it's an AND gate, the output will go to 0.
如果之后 A 设为 0由于是 AND 门,输出会变成 0
So this circuit records a 0, the opposite of our other circuit.
这个电路能记录 0和之前那个相反
Like before, no matter what input we apply to input A afterwards, the circuit will always output 0.
就像之前,无论 A 设什么值,电路始终输出 0
Now we've got circuits that can record both 0s and 1s.
现在有了能存 0 和 1 的电路
The key to making this a useful piece of memory is to combine our two circuits into what is
为了做出有用的存储 (memory) \N 我们把两个电路结合起来
called the AND-OR Latch.
这叫 "AND-OR 锁存器"
It has two inputs, a "set" input, which sets the output to a 1,\Ncalled the AND-OR Latch.
It has two inputs, a "set" input, which sets the output to a 1,
它有两个输入\N "设置"输入, 把输出变成 1\N "复位"输入, 把输出变成 0
and a "reset" input, which resets the output to a 0.
它有两个输入\N "设置"输入, 把输出变成 1\N "复位"输入, 把输出变成 0
If set and reset are both 0, the circuit just outputs whatever was last put in it.
如果"设置"和"复位"都是 0电路会输出最后放入的内容
In other words, it remembers a single bit of information!
也就是说,它存住了 1 位的信息!
This is called a "latch" because it "latches onto" a particular value and stays that way.
这叫"锁存", 因为它"锁定"了一个值
The action of putting data into memory is called writing, whereas getting the data out is called reading.
放入数据的动作叫 "写入" ,拿出数据的动作叫 "读取"
Ok, so we've got a way to store a single bit of information!
Unfortunately, having two different wires for input - set and reset - is a bit confusing.
麻烦的是, 用两条线 "设置"和"复位" 来输入, 有点难理解
To make this a little easier to use, we really want a single wire to input data,
that we can set to either 0 or 1 to store the value.
将它设为 0 或 1 来存储值
Additionally, we are going to need a wire that enables the memory
to be either available for writing or "locked" down
启用时允许写入,没启用时就 "锁定"
- which is called the write enable line.
- 这条线叫 "允许写入线"
By adding a few extra logic gates, we can build this circuit,
which is called a Gated Latch since the "gate" can be opened or closed.
Now this circuit is starting to get a little complicated.
We don't want to have to deal with all the individual logic gates...
so as before, we're going to bump up a level of abstraction,
and put our whole Gated Latch circuit in a box -- a box that stores one bit.
把 "门锁" 放到盒子里 - 这个盒子能存一个 bit
Let's test out our new component!
Let's start everything at 0.
一切从 0 开始
If we toggle the Data wire from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0,
数据输入从0换到1, 从1换到0
nothing happens - the output stays at 0.
什么也不会发生 - 输出依然是 0
That's because the write enable wire is off, which prevents any change to the memory.
因为 "允许写入线" 是关闭的,所以内容不会变化
So we need to "open" the "gate" by turning the write enable wire to 1.
所以要给 "允许写入线" 输入 1, "打开" 门
Now we can put a 1 on the data line to save the value 1 to our latch.
现在往 "数据线" 放 11 就能存起来了
Notice how the output is now 1.\NNow we can put a 1 on the data line to save the value 1 to our latch.
Notice how the output is now 1.
注意输出现在是 1 了
We can turn off the enable line and the output stays as 1.
现在可以关掉 "允许写入线" ,输出会保持 1
Once again, we can toggle the value on the data line all we want,
现在不管给 "数据线" 什么值
but the output will stay the same.
The value is saved in memory.
Now let's turn the enable line on again use our data line to set the latch to 0.
现在又打开 "允许写入线" \N "数据线" 设为0
Enable line off, and the output is 0.
"允许写入线" 关闭,输出 0
And it works!
Now, of course, computer memory that only stores one bit of information isn't very useful
当然,只能存 1 bit 没什么大用
-- definitely not enough to run Frogger.
- 肯定玩不了游戏
Or anything, really.
But we're not limited to using only one latch.
If we put 8 latches side-by-side, we can store 8 bits of information like an 8-bit number.
如果我们并排放 8 个锁存器,\N 可以存 8 位信息,比如一个 8 bit 数字
A group of latches operating like this is called a register,
一组这样的锁存器叫 "寄存器"
which holds a single number, and the number of bits in a register is called its width.
Early computers had 8-bit registers, then 16, 32,
早期电脑用 8 位寄存器,然后是 16 位32 位
and today, many computers have registers that are 64-bits wide.
如今许多计算机都有 64 位宽的寄存器
To write to our register, we first have to enable all of the latches.
We can do this with a single wire that connects to all of their enable inputs, which we set to 1.
我们可以用一根线连接所有 "允许输入线", 把它设为 1
We then send our data in using the 8 data wires, and then set enable back to 0,
然后用 8 条数据线发数据,然后将 "允许写入线" 设回 0
and the 8 bit value is now saved in memory.
现在 8 位的值就存起来了
Putting latches side-by-side works ok for a small-ish number of bits.
A 64-bit register would need 64 wires running to the data pins, and 64 wires running to the outputs.
64 位寄存器要 64 根数据线64 根连到输出端
Luckily we only need 1 wire to enable all the latches, but that's still 129 wires.
幸运的是,我们只要 1 根线启用所有锁存器 \N 但加起来也有 129 条线了
For 256 bits, we end up with 513 wires!
如果存 256 位要 513 条线!
The solution is a matrix!
In this matrix, we don't arrange our latches in a row,
we put them in a grid.
For 256 bits, we need a 16 by 16 grid of latches with 16 rows and columns of wires.
存 256 位,我们用 16x16 网格的锁存器,有 16 行 16 列
To activate any one latch, we must turn on the corresponding row AND column wire.
要启用某个锁存器,就打开相应的 行线 和 列线
Let's zoom in and see how this works.
We only want the latch at the intersection of the two active wires to be enabled,
我们只想打开交叉处 锁存器的 "允许写入线"
but all of the other latches should stay disabled.
For this, we can use our trusty AND gate!
我们可以用 AND 门!
The AND gate will output a 1 only if the row and the column wires are both 1.
只有 行线和列线 均为 1 AND 门才输出 1
So we can use this signal to uniquely select a single latch.
This row/column setup connects all our latches with a single, shared, write enable wire.
这种行/列排列法,用一根 "允许写入线" 连所有锁存器
In order for a latch to become write enabled,
为了让锁存器变成 "允许写入"
the row wire, the column wire, and the write enable wire must all be 1.
行线,列线和 "允许写入线" 都必须是 1
That should only ever be true for one single latch at any given time.
每次只有 1 个锁存器会这样
This means we can use a single, shared wire for data.
代表我们可以只用一根 "数据线" \N 连所有锁存器来传数据
Because only one latch will ever be write enabled, only one will ever save the data
-- the rest of the latches will simply ignore values on the data wire because they are not write enabled.
其他锁存器会忽略数据线上的值,因为没有 "允许写入"
We can use the same trick with a read enable wire to read the data later,
我们可以用类似的技巧, 做"允许读取线"来读数据
to get the data out of one specific latch.
This means in total, for 256 bits of memory,
所以对于 256 位的存储
we only need 35 wires - 1 data wire, 1 write enable wire, 1 read enable wire,
只要 35 条线 \N1条"数据线", 1条"允许写入线", 1条"允许读取线"
and 16 rows and columns for the selection.
还有16行16列的线用于选择锁存器 \N 16+16=32, 32+3=35
That's significant wire savings!
But we need a way to uniquely specify each intersection.
但我们需要某种方法来 唯一指定 交叉路口
We can think of this like a city,
where you might want to meet someone at 12th avenue and 8th street
你可能想和别人 在第 12 大道和第 8 街的交界碰面
-- that's an address that defines an intersection.
- 这是一个交叉点的地址
The latch we just saved our one bit into has an address of row 12 and column 8.
我们刚刚存了一位的地址是 "12行 8列"
Since there is a maximum of 16 rows, we store the row address in a 4 bit number.
由于最多 16 行, 用 4 位就够了
12 is 1100 in binary.
12 用二进制表示为 1100
We can do the same for the column address: 8 is 1000 in binary.
列地址也可以这样: 8 用二进制表示为 1000
So the address for the particular latch we just used can be written as 11001000.
刚才说的"12行 8列"可以写成 11001000
To convert from an address into something that selects the right row or column,
为了将地址转成 行和列
we need a special component called a multiplexer
我们需要 "多路复用器"
-- which is the computer component with a pretty cool name at least compared to the ALU.
- 这个名字起码比 ALU 酷一点
Multiplexers come in all different sizes,
but because we have 16 rows, we need a 1 to 16 multiplexer.
因为有 16 行,我们需要 1 到 16 多路复用器
It works like this.
You feed it a 4 bit number, and it connects the input line to a corresponding output line.
输入一个 4 位数字,它会把那根线,连到相应的输出线
So if we pass in 0000, it will select the very first column for us.
如果输入 0000它会选择第一列
If we pass in 0001, the next column is selected, and so on.
如果输入 0001会选择下一列依此类推
We need one multiplexer to handle our rows and another multiplexer to handle the columns.
一个多路复用器处理行(row) \N 另一个多路复用器处理列(column)
Ok, it's starting to get complicated again,
so let's make our 256-bit memory its own component.
那么把 256 位内存当成一个整体好了
Once again a new level of abstraction!
It takes an 8-bit address for input - the 4 bits for the column and 4 for the row.
它输入一个 8 位地址4 位代表列4 位代表行
We also need write and read enable wires.
我们还需要 "允许写入线" 和 "允许读取线"
And finally, we need just one data wire, which can be used to read or write data.
Unfortunately, even 256-bits of memory isn't enough to run much of anything,
不幸的是, 256 位的内存也没法做什么事
so we need to scale up even more!
We're going to put them in a row.
Just like with the registers.
We'll make a row of 8 of them, so we can store an 8 bit number - also known as a byte.
一行8个可以存一个 8 位数字 \N 8 位也叫一个字节byte
To do this, we feed the exact same address into all 8 of our 256-bit memory components at the same time,
为了存一个 8 位数字,我们同时给 8 个 256 位内存一样的地址
and each one saves one bit of the number.
每个地址存 1 位
That means the component we just made can store 256 bytes at 256 different addresses.
意味着这里总共能存 256 个字节 byte
Again, to keep things simple, we want to leave behind this inner complexity.
Instead of thinking of this as a series of individual memory modules and circuits,
we'll think of it as a uniform bank of addressable memory.
We have 256 addresses,
我们有 256 个地址
and at each address, we can read or write an 8-bit value.
每个地址能读或写一个 8 位值
We're going to use this memory component next episode when we build our CPU.
我们下集做 CPU 时会用到这个内存
The way that modern computers scale to megabytes and gigabytes of memory
现代计算机的内存 \N 扩展到上兆字节MB和千兆字节GB的方式
is by doing the same thing we've been doing here
-- keep packaging up little bundles of memory into larger, and larger, and larger arrangements.
As the number of memory locations grow, our addresses have to grow as well.
8 bits hold enough numbers to provide addresses for 256 bytes of our memory,
8 位最多能代表 256 个内存地址 \N1111 1111 是2550~255 一共 256 个数字)
but that's all.
To address a gigabyte - or a billion bytes of memory - we need 32-bit addresses.
要给千兆或十亿字节的内存寻址,需要 32 位的地址
An important property of this memory is that we can access any memory location, at any time, and in a random order.
For this reason, it's called Random-Access Memory or RAM.
因此叫 "随机存取存储器" ,简称 RAM
When you hear people talking about how much RAM a computer has
当你听到有人说 RAM 有多大
- that's the computer's memory.
RAM is like a human's short term or working memory,
RAM 就像人类的短期记忆
where you keep track of things going on right now
- like whether or not you had lunch or paid your phone bill.
Here's an actual stick of RAM - with 8 memory modules soldered onto the board.
这是一条真的内存,上面焊了 8 个内存模块
If we carefully opened up one of these modules and zoomed in,
The first thing you would see are 32 squares of memory.
会看到 32 个内存方块
Zoom into one of those squares, and we can see each one is comprised of 4 smaller blocks.
放大其中一个方块,可以看到有 4 个小块
If we zoom in again, we get down to the matrix of individual bits.
This is a matrix of 128 by 64 bits.
这个矩阵是 128 位 x 64 位
That's 8192 bits in total.
总共 8192 位
Each of our 32 squares has 4 matrices, so that's 32 thousand, 7 hundred and 68 bits.
每个方格 4 个矩阵 \N 所以一个方格有 32768 个位 8192 x 4 = 32768
And there are 32 squares in total.
而一共 32 个方格
So all in all, that's roughly 1 million bits of memory in each chip.
总而言之1 个芯片大约存 100 万位
Our RAM stick has 8 of these chips, so in total, this RAM can store 8 millions bits,
RAM 有 8 个芯片,所以总共 800 万位
otherwise known as 1 megabyte.
也就是 1 兆字节1 MB
That's not a lot of memory these days -- this is a RAM module from the 1980's.
1 MB 如今不算大 - 这是 1980 年代的 RAM
Today you can buy RAM that has a gigabyte or more of memory
如今你可以买到千兆字节GB的 RAM
- that's billions of bytes of memory.
So, today, we built a piece of SRAM - Static Random-Access Memory - which uses latches.
今天,我们用锁存器做了一块 SRAM静态随机存取存储器
There are other types of RAM, such as DRAM, Flash memory, and NVRAM.
还有其他类型的 RAM如 DRAM闪存和 NVRAM
These are very similar in function to SRAM,
它们在功能上与 SRAM 相似
but use different circuits to store the individual bits
- for example, using different logic gates, capacitors, charge traps, or memristors.
- 比如用不同的逻辑门,电容器,电荷捕获或忆阻器
But fundamentally, all of these technologies store bits of information
但根本上 这些技术都是矩阵层层嵌套,来存储大量信息
in massively nested matrices of memory cells.
但根本上 这些技术都是矩阵层层嵌套,来存储大量信息
Like many things in computing, the fundamental operation is relatively simple.
it's the layers and layers of abstraction that's mind blowing
-- like a russian doll that keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller.
I'll see you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, this is Crash Course Computer Science
嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
and today, we're talking about processors.
今天我们讲 处理器
Just a warning though - this is probably the most complicated episode in the series.
提示下 - 这集可能是最难的一集
So once you get this, you're golden.
We've already made a Arithmetic and Logic Unit,
which takes in binary numbers and performs calculations,
and we've made two types of computer memory:
Registers -- small, linear chunks of memory, useful for storing a single value
寄存器 - 很小的一块内存,能存一个值
and then we scaled up, and made some RAM,
之后我们增大做出了 RAM
a larger bank of memory that can store a lot of numbers located at different addresses.
RAM 是一大块内存,能在不同地址存大量数字
Now it's time to put it all together and build ourselves the heart of any computer,
现在是时候把这些放在一起,组建计算机的 "心脏" 了
but without any of the emotional baggage that comes with human hearts.
但这个 "心脏" 不会有任何包袱,比如人类情感.
For computers, this is the Central Processing Unit, most commonly called the CPU.
计算机的心脏是"中央处理单元",简称 "CPU"
A CPU's job is to execute programs.
CPU 负责执行程序
Programs, like Microsoft Office, Safari, or your beloved copy of Half Life: 2,
比如 OfficeSafari 浏览器,你最爱的 《半条命2》
are made up of a series of individual operations,
called instructions, because they "instruct" the computer what to do.
这些操作叫"指令"(Instruction) \N 因为它们"指示"计算机要做什么
If these are mathematical instructions, like add or subtract,
the CPU will configure its ALU to do the mathematical operation.
CPU 会让 ALU 进行数学运算
Or it might be a memory instruction,
也可能是内存指令CPU 会和内存通信,然后读/写值
in which case the CPU will talk with memory to read and write values.
也可能是内存指令CPU 会和内存通信,然后读/写值
There are a lot of parts in a CPU,
CPU 里有很多组件.
so we're going to lay it out piece by piece, building up as we go.
We'll focus on functional blocks, rather than showing every single wire.
When we do connect two components with a line,
this is an abstraction for all of the necessary wires.
This high level view is called the microarchitecture.
这种高层次视角叫 "微体系架构"
OK, first, we're going to need some memory.
好,我们首先要一些内存,把上集做的 RAM 拿来就行
Lets drop in the RAM module we created last episode.
好,我们首先要一些内存,把上集做的 RAM 拿来就行
To keep things simple, we'll assume it only has 16 memory locations, each containing 8 bits.
为了保持简单,假设它只有 16 个位置,每个位置存 8 位
Let's also give our processor four, 8-bit memory registers, labeled A, B, C and D
再来四个 8 位寄存器,叫 ABCD
which will be used to temporarily store and manipulate values.
寄存器用来 临时存数据 和 操作数据
We already know that data can be stored in memory as binary values
我们已经知道数据 是以二进制值存在内存里
and programs can be stored in memory too.
We can assign an ID to each instruction supported by our CPU.
我们可以给 CPU 支持的所有指令,分配一个 ID
In our hypothetical example, we use the first four bits to store the "operation code",
在这个假设的例子 \N 我们用前四位存 "操作代码" operation code
or opcode for short.
简称 "操作码" opcode
The final four bits specify where the data for that operation should come from -
this could be registers or an address in memory.
- 可以是寄存器或内存地址
We also need two more registers to complete our CPU.
我们还需要两个寄存器,来完成 CPU.
First, we need a register to keep track of where we are in a program.
1. 一个寄存器追踪程序运行到哪里了,我们叫它 "指令地址寄存器"
For this, we use an instruction address register,
1. 一个寄存器追踪程序运行到哪里了,我们叫它 "指令地址寄存器"
which as the name suggests, stores the memory address of the current instruction.
And then we need the other register to store the current instruction,
2. 另一个寄存器存当前指令,叫 "指令寄存器"
which we'll call the instruction register.
2. 另一个寄存器存当前指令,叫 "指令寄存器"
When we first boot up our computer, all of our registers start at 0.
当启动计算机时,所有寄存器从 0 开始
As an example, we've initialized our RAM with a simple computer program that we'll to through today.
为了举例,我们在 RAM 里放了一个程序,我们今天会过一遍
The first phase of a CPU's operation is called the fetch phase.
CPU 的第一个阶段叫 "取指令阶段"
This is where we retrieve our first instruction.
First, we wire our Instruction Address Register to our RAM module.
首先,将 "指令地址寄存器" 连到 RAM
The register's value is 0, so the RAM returns whatever value is stored in address 0.
寄存器的值为 0因此 RAM 返回地址 0 的值
In this case, 0010 1110.
0010 1110 会复制到 "指令寄存器" 里
Then this value is copied into our instruction register.
0010 1110 会复制到 "指令寄存器" 里
Now that we've fetched an instruction from memory,
we need to figure out what that instruction is
so we can execute it.
That is run it.
Not kill it.
This is called the decode phase.
这是 "解码阶段"
In this case the opcode, which is the first four bits, is: 0010.
前 4 位 0010 是 LOAD A 指令
This opcode corresponds to the "LOAD A" instruction,
前 4 位 0010 是 LOAD A 指令
which loads a value from RAM into Register A.
意思是,把 RAM 的值放入寄存器 A
The RAM address is the last four bits of our instruction which are 1110, or 14 in decimal.
后 4 位 1110 是 RAM 的地址, 转成十进制是 14
Next, instructions are decoded and interpreted by a Control Unit.
接下来,指令由 "控制单元" 进行解码
Like everything else we've built, it too is made out of logic gates.
就像之前的所有东西 \N "控制单元" 也是逻辑门组成的
For example, to recognize a LOAD A instruction,
比如,为了识别 "LOAD A" 指令
we need a circuit that checks if the opcode matches 0010
需要一个电路,检查操作码是不是 0010
which we can do with a handful of logic gates.
Now that we know what instruction we're dealing with,
we can go ahead and perform that instruction which is the beginning of the execute phase!
就可以开始执行了,开始 "执行阶段"
Using the output of our LOAD_A checking circuit,
用 "检查是否 LOAD_A 指令的电路"
we can turn on the RAM's read enable line and send in address 14.
可以打开 RAM 的 "允许读取线", 把地址 14 传过去
The RAM retrieves the value at that address, which is 00000011, or 3 in decimal.
RAM 拿到值0000 0011十进制的 3
Now, because this is a LOAD_A instruction,
因为是 LOAD_A 指令 \N 我们想把这个值只放到寄存器 A其他寄存器不受影响
we want that value to only be saved into Register A and not any of the other registers.
因为是 LOAD_A 指令 \N 我们想把这个值只放到寄存器 A其他寄存器不受影响
So if we connect the RAM's data wires to our four data registers,
所以需要一根线,把 RAM 连到 4 个寄存器
we can use our LOAD_A check circuit to enable the write enable only for Register A.
用 "检查是否 LOAD_A 指令的电路" \N 启用寄存器 A 的 "允许写入线"
And there you have it
-- we've successfully loaded the value at RAM address 14 into Register A.
- 把 RAM 地址 14 的值,放到了寄存器 A.
We've completed the instruction, so we can turn all of our wires off,
and we are ready to fetch the next instruction in memory.
To do this, we increment the Instruction Address Register by 1 which completes the execute phase.
我们把 "指令地址寄存器"+1"执行阶段"就此结束.
LOAD_A is just one of several possible instructions that our CPU can execute.
LOAD_A 只是 CPU 可以执行的各种指令之一
Different instructions are decoded by different logic circuits,
which configure the CPU's components to perform that action.
这些逻辑电路会配置 CPU 内的组件来执行对应操作
Looking at all those individual decode circuits is too much detail,
so since we looked at one example,
既然已经看了 1 个例子,
we're going to go head and package them all up as a single Control Unit to keep things simple.
干脆把 "控制单元 "包成一个整体,简洁一些.
That's right a new level of abstraction.
The Control Unit is comparable to the conductor of an orchestra,
directing all of the different parts of the CPU.
"指挥" CPU 的所有组件
Having completed one full fetch/decode/execute cycle,
"取指令→解码→执行" 完成后
we're ready to start all over again, beginning with the fetch phase.
现在可以再来一次,从 "取指令" 开始
The Instruction Address Register now has the value 1 in it,
"指令地址寄存器" 现在的值是 1
so the RAM gives us the value stored at address 1, which is 0001 1111.
所以 RAM 返回地址 1 里的值0001 1111
On to the decode phase!
到 "解码" 阶段!
0001 is the "LOAD B" instruction, which moves a value from RAM into Register B.
0001 是 LOAD B 指令 \N 从 RAM 里把一个值复制到寄存器 B
The memory location this time is 1111, which is 15 in decimal.
这次内存地址是 1111十进制的 15
Now to the execute phase!
现在到 "执行阶段"
The Control Unit configures the RAM to read address 15 and configures Register B to receive the data.
"控制单元" 叫 RAM 读地址 15并配置寄存器 B 接收数据
Bingo, we just saved the value 00001110, or the number 14 in decimal, into Register B.
成功,我们把值 0000 1110 \N 也就是十进制的 14 存到了寄存器 B
Last thing to do is increment our instruction address register by 1,
最后一件事是 "指令地址寄存器" +1
and we're done with another cycle.
Our next instruction is a bit different.
Let's fetch it.
1000 0100.
1000 0100
That opcode 1000 is an ADD instruction.
1000 是 ADD 指令
Instead of an 4-bit RAM address, this instruction uses two sets of 2 bits.
这次后面的 4 位不是 RAM 地址,\N 而是 2 位 2 位分别代表 2 个寄存器
Remember that 2 bits can encode 4 values,
2 位可以表示 4 个值
so 2 bits is enough to select any one of our 4 registers.
所以足够表示 4 个寄存器
The first set of 2 bits is 01, which in this case corresponds to Register B,
第一个地址是 01, 代表寄存器B
and 00, which is Register A.
第二个地址是 00, 代表寄存器A
So "1000 01 00" is the instruction for adding the value in Register B into the value in register A.
因此1000 0100代表把寄存器 B 的值,加到寄存器 A 里
So to execute this instruction, we need to integrate the ALU we made in Episode 5 into our CPU.
为了执行这个指令,我们要整合第 5 集的 ALU
The Control Unit is responsible for selecting the right registers to pass in as inputs,
"控制单元" 负责选择正确的寄存器作为输入
and configuring the ALU to perform the right operation.
并配置 ALU 执行正确的操作
For this ADD instruction, the Control Unit enables Register B
对于 "ADD" 指令, "控制单元" 会
and feeds its value into the first input of the ALU.
启用寄存器 B作为 ALU 的第一个输入
It also enables Register A and feeds it into the second ALU input.
还启用寄存器 A作为 ALU 的第二个输入
As we already discussed, the ALU itself can perform several different operations,
之前说过ALU 可以执行不同操作
so the Control Unit must configure it to perform an ADD operation by passing in the ADD opcode.
所以控制单元必须传递 ADD 操作码告诉它要做什么
Finally, the output should be saved into Register A.
最后,结果应该存到寄存器 A
But it can't be written directly
但不能直接写入寄存器 A
because the new value would ripple back into the ALU and then keep adding to itself.
这样新值会进入 ALU ,不断和自己相加
So the Control Unit uses an internal register to temporarily save the output,
turn off the ALU, and then write the value into the proper destination register.
关闭 ALU然后把值写入正确的寄存器
In this case, our inputs were 3 and 14, and so the sum is 17, or 00010001 in binary,
这里 3+14=17二进制是 0001 0001
which is now sitting in Register A.
现在存到了寄存器 A
As before, the last thing to do is increment our instruction address by 1,
和之前一样,最后一件事是把指令地址 + 1
and another cycle is complete.
Okay, so let's fetch one last instruction: 0100 1101.
来看最后一个指令0100 1101
When we decode it we see that 0100 is a STORE_A instruction, with a RAM address of 13.
解码得知是 STORE A 指令(把寄存器 A 的值放入内存) \N RAM 地址 13
As usual, we pass the address to the RAM module,
接下来,把地址传给 RAM
but instead of read-enabling the memory, we write-enable it.
但这次不是 "允许读取" ,而是 "允许写入"
At the same time, we read-enable Register A.
同时,打开寄存器 A 的 "允许读取"
This allows us to use the data line to pass in the value stored in register A.
这样就可以把寄存器 A 里的值,传给 RAM
Congrats, we just ran our first computer program!
It loaded two values from memory, added them together,
and then saved that sum back into memory.
Of course, by me talking you through the individual steps,
I was manually transitioning the CPU through its fetch, decode and execute phases.
我们人工切换 CPU 的状态 "取指令→解码→执行"
But there isn't a mini Carrie Anne inside of every computer.
但不是每台电脑里都有一个迷你 Carrie Anne
So the responsibility of keeping the CPU ticking along falls to a component called the clock.
其实是 "时钟" 来负责管理 CPU 的节奏
As it's name suggests, the clock triggers an electrical signal at a precise and regular interval.
时钟以精确的间隔 触发电信号
Its signal is used by the Control Unit to advance the internal operation of the CPU,
控制单元会用这个信号,推进 CPU 的内部操作
keeping everything in lock-step
- like the dude on a Roman galley drumming rhythmically at the front,
- 就像罗马帆船的船头,有一个人负责按节奏的击鼓,
keeping all the rowers synchronized... or a metronome.
让所有划船的人同步... 就像节拍器一样
Of course you can't go too fast,
because even electricity takes some time to travel down wires and for the signal to settle.
The speed at which a CPU can carry out each step of the fetch-decode-execute cycle
CPU "取指令→解码→执行" 的速度叫 "时钟速度"
is called its Clock Speed.
CPU "取指令→解码→执行" 的速度叫 "时钟速度"
This speed is measured in Hertz - a unit of frequency.
单位是赫兹 - 赫兹是用来表示频率的单位
One Hertz means one cycle per second.
1 赫兹代表一秒 1 个周期
Given that it took me about 6 minutes to talk you through 4 instructions
因为我花了大概 6 分钟,给你讲了 4 条指令
that means I have an effective clock speed of roughly .03 Hertz.
所以我的时钟速度大概是 0.03 赫兹
Admittedly, I'm not a great computer
but even someone handy with math might only be able to do one calculation in their head every second or 1 Hertz.
但哪怕有人算数很快,最多也就是一秒一次,或 1 赫兹
The very first, single-chip CPU was the Intel 4004, a 4-bit CPU released in 1971.
第一个单芯片 CPU 是 "英特尔 4004" \N 1971 年发布的 4 位CPU
It's microarchitecture is actually pretty similar to our example CPU.
它的微架构 很像我们之前说的 CPU
Despite being the first processor of its kind,
it had a mind-blowing clock speed of 740 Kilohertz
但它的时钟速度达到了 740 千赫兹 - 每秒 74 万次
-- that's 740 thousand cycles per second.
但它的时钟速度达到了 740 千赫兹 - 每秒 74 万次
You might think that's fast,
but it's nothing compared to the processors that we use today.
One megahertz is one million clock cycles per second,
一兆赫兹是 1 秒 1 百万个时钟周期
and the computer or even phone that you are watching this video on right now is no doubt a few gigahertz
-- that's BILLIONs of CPU cycles every single... second.
- 1 秒 10 亿次时钟周期
Also, you may have heard of people overclocking their computers.
This is when you modify the clock to speed up the tempo of the CPU
意思是修改时钟速度,加快 CPU 的速度
-- like when the drummer speeds up when the Roman Galley needs to ram another ship.
- 就像罗马帆船要撞另一艘船时,鼓手会加快敲鼓速度
Chip makers often design CPUs with enough tolerance to handle a little bit of overclocking,
芯片制造商经常给 CPU 留一点余地,可以接受一点超频
but too much can either overheat the CPU,
但超频太多会让 CPU 过热
or produce gobbledygook as the signals fall behind the clock.
And although you don't hear very much about underclocking,
it's actually super useful.
Sometimes it's not necessary to run the processor at full speed...
maybe the user has stepped away, or just not running a particularly demanding program.
By slowing the CPU down, you can save a lot of power,
把 CPU 的速度降下来,可以省很多电
which is important for computers that run on batteries, like laptops and smartphones.
To meet these needs,
many modern processors can increase or decrease their clock speed based on demand,
很多现代处理器可以按需求 加快或减慢时钟速度
which is called dynamic frequency scaling.
这叫 "动态调整频率"
So, with the addition of a clock, our CPU is complete.
加上时钟后CPU 才是完整的.
We can now put a box around it, and make it its own component.
A new level of abstraction!
RAM, as I showed you last episode,
RAM上集说过是在 CPU 外面的独立组件
lies outside the CPU as its own component,
RAM上集说过是在 CPU 外面的独立组件
and they communicate with each other using address, data and enable wires.
CPU 和 RAM 之间 \N 用 "地址线" "数据线" 和 "允许读/写线" 进行通信
Although the CPU we designed today is a simplified example,
虽然今天我们设计的 CPU 是简化版的,
many of the basic mechanics we discussed are still found in modern processors.
Next episode, we're going to beef up our CPU,
下一集,我们要加强 CPU给它扩展更多指令.
extending it with more instructions as we take our first baby steps into software.
I'll see you next week.
Hi, Im Carrie Anne and this is Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Last episode, we combined an ALU, control unit, some memory, and a clock together to
上集我们把 ALU, 控制单元, RAM, 时钟 结合在一起
make a basic, but functional Central Processing Unit or CPU
做了个基本,但可用的"中央处理单元", 简称 CPU
the beating, ticking heart of a computer.
Weve done all the hard work of building many of these components from the electronic
circuits up, and now its time to give our CPU some actual instructions to process!
这次我们给 CPU 一些指令来运行!
The thing that makes a CPU powerful is the fact that it is programmable
CPU 之所以强大,是因为它是可编程的 -
if you write a different sequence of instructions, then the CPU will perform a different task.
So the CPU is a piece of hardware which is controlled by easy-to-modify software!
CPU 是一块硬件,可以被软件控制!
Lets quickly revisit the simple program that we stepped through last episode.
The computer memory looked like this.
Each address contained 8 bits of data.
每个地址可以存 8 位数据
For our hypothetical CPU, the first four bits specified the operation code, or opcode, and
因为我们的 CPU 是假设的这里前4位是"操作码"
the second set of four bits specified an address or registers.
In memory address zero we have 0010 1110.
内存地址 0 是 0010 1110
Again, those first four bits are our opcode which corresponds to a "LOAD_A" instruction.
前 4 位代表 LOAD_A 指令
This instruction reads data from a location of memory specified in those last four bits
意思是:把后 4 位指定的内存地址的值,放入寄存器 A
of the instruction and saves it into Register A. In this case, 1110, or 14 in decimal.
后 4 位是 1110十进制的 14
So lets not think of this of memory address 0 as "0010 1110", but rather as the instruction
我们来把 0010 1110 看成 "LOAD_A 14" 指令
"LOAD_A 14".
我们来把 0010 1110 看成 "LOAD_A 14" 指令
Thats much easier to read and understand!
And for me to say!
And we can do the same thing for the rest of the data in memory.
In this case, our program is just four instructions long,
and weve put some numbers into memory too, 3 and 14.
还有数字 3 和 14
So now lets step through this program:
First is LOAD_A 14, which takes the value in address 14, which is the number 3,
"LOAD_A 14" 是从地址 14 中拿到数字3放入寄存器A
and stores it into Register A.
"LOAD_A 14" 是从地址 14 中拿到数字3放入寄存器A
Then we have a "LOAD_B 15" instruction, which takes the value in memory location 15,
"LOAD_B 15" 是从地址 15 中拿到数字14放入寄存器B
which is the number 14, and saves it into Register B.
"LOAD_B 15" 是从地址 15 中拿到数字14放入寄存器B
Easy enough.
But now we have an "ADD" instruction.
下一个是 ADD 指令
This tells the processor to use the ALU to add two registers together,
"ADD B A" 告诉 ALU \N 把寄存器 B 和寄存器 A 里的数字加起来
in this case, B and A are specified.
"ADD B A" 告诉 ALU \N 把寄存器 B 和寄存器 A 里的数字加起来
The ordering is important, because the resulting sum is saved into the second register thats specified.
So in this case, the resulting sum is saved into Register A.
也就是寄存器 A
And finally, our last instruction is "STORE_A 13", which instructs the CPU to write whatever
最后一条指令是 "STORE_A 13" \N 把寄存器 A 的值存入内存地址 13
value is in Register A into memory location 13.
最后一条指令是 "STORE_A 13" \N 把寄存器 A 的值存入内存地址 13
Our program adds two numbers together.
我们把 2 个数加在了一起!
Thats about as exciting as it gets when we only have four instructions to play with.
So lets add some more!
Now weve got a subtract function, which like ADD, specifies two registers to operate on.
SUB 是减法,和 ADD 一样也要 2 个寄存器来操作.
Weve also got a fancy new instruction called JUMP.
还有 JUMP跳转
As the name implies, this causes the program to "jump" to a new location.
This is useful if we want to change the order of instructions, or choose to skip some instructions.
For example, a JUMP 0, would cause the program to go back to the beginning.
举例, JUMP 0 可以跳回开头
At a low level, this is done by writing the value specified in the last four bits into
JUMP 在底层的实现方式是 \N 把指令后 4 位代表的内存地址的值
the instruction address register, overwriting the current value.
覆盖掉 "指令地址寄存器" 里的值
Weve also added a special version of JUMP called JUMP_NEGATIVE.
"This only jumps the program if the ALUs negative flag is set to true.
它只在 ALU 的 "负数标志" 为真时,进行 JUMP
As we talked about in Episode 5, the negative flag is only set
when the result of an arithmetic operation is negative.
If the result of the arithmetic was zero or positive, the negative flag would not be set.
结果不是负数时, "负数标志"为假
So the JUMP NEGATIVE wont jump anywhere, and the CPU will just continue on to the next instruction.
如果是假JUMP_NEGATIVE 就不会执行 \N 程序照常进行
Our previous program really should have looked like this to be correct,
otherwise the CPU would have just continued on after the STORE instruction, processing all those 0s.
否则跑完 STORE_A 13 之后,\N CPU 会不停运行下去,处理后面的 0
But there is no instruction with an opcode of 0, and so the computer would have crashed!
因为 0 不是操作码,所以电脑会崩掉!
Its important to point out here that were storing
both instructions and data in the same memory.
There is no difference fundamentally -- its all just binary numbers.
它们在根本层面上毫无区别 - 都是二进制数
So the HALT instruction is really important because it allows us to separate the two.
HALT 很重要,能区分指令和数据
Okay, so lets make our program a bit more interesting, by adding a JUMP.
好,现在用 JUMP 让程序更有趣一些.
Well also modify our two starting values in memory to 1 and 1.
我们还把内存中 3 和 14 两个数字,改成 1 和 1
Lets step through this program just as our CPU would.
现在来从 CPU 的视角走一遍程序
First, LOAD_A 14 loads the value 1 into Register A.
首先 LOAD_A 14把 1 存入寄存器A \N因为地址 14 里的值是 1
Next, LOAD_B 15 loads the value 1 into Register B.
然后 LOAD_B 15把 1 存入寄存器B\N因为地址 15 里的值也是 1
As before, we ADD registers B and A together, with the sum going into Register A. 1+1 = 2,
然后 ADD B A 把寄存器 B 和 A 相加 \N 结果放到寄存器 A 里
so now Register A has the value 2 in it (stored in binary of course)
现在寄存器 A 的值是 2 \N (当然是以二进制存的)
Then the STORE instruction saves that into memory location 13.
然后 STORE_A 13 指令,把寄存器 A 的值存入内存地址 13
Now we hit a "JUMP 2" instruction.
现在遇到 JUMP 2 指令
This causes the processor to overwrite the value in the instruction address register,
CPU 会把"指令地址寄存器"的值,现在是 4改成 2
which is currently 4, with the new value, 2.
CPU 会把"指令地址寄存器"的值,现在是 4改成 2
Now, on the processors next fetch cycle, we dont fetch HALT,
因此下一步不再是 HALT
instead we fetch the instruction at memory location 2, which is ADD B A.
而是读内存地址 2 里的指令,也就是 ADD B A
Weve jumped!
Register A contains the value 2, and register B contains the value 1.
寄存器 A 里是 2寄存器 B 里是 1
So 1+2 = 3, so now Register A has the value 3.
1+2=3寄存器 A 变成 3
We store that into memory.
And weve hit the JUMP again, back to ADD B A.
又碰到 JUMP 2又回到 ADD B A.
So now register A has the value 4.
现在寄存器 A 是 4
See what's happening here?
Every loop, were adding one.
Its counting up!
But notice theres no way to ever escape.
Were never.. ever.. going to get to that halt instruction,
永远不会碰到 HALT
because were always going to hit that JUMP.
总是会碰到 JUMP
This is called an infinite loop a program that runs forever… ever… ever… ever…
这叫无限循环 - 这个程序会永远跑下去.. 下去.. 下去.. 下去
To break the loop, we need a conditional jump.
为了停下来,我们需要有条件的 JUMP
A jump that only happens if a certain condition is met.
只有特定条件满足了,才执行 JUMP.
Our JUMP_NEGATIVE is one example of a conditional jump,
比如 JUMP NEGATIVE 就是条件跳转的一个例子
but computers have other types too - like JUMP IF EQUAL and JUMP IF GREATER.
还有其他类型的条件跳转,比如\N JUMP IF EQUAL如果相等\N JUMP IF GREATER如果更大
So lets make our code a little fancier and step through it.
Like before, the program starts by loading values from memory into registers A and B.
就像之前,程序先把内存值放入寄存器 A 和 B.
In this example, the number 11 gets loaded into Register A, and 5 gets loaded into Register B.
寄存器 A 是 11寄存器 B 是 5
Now we subtract register B from register A. Thats 11 minus 5, which is 6,
SUB B A用 A 减 B11-5=6
and so 6 gets saved into Register A.
6 存入寄存器 A
Now we hit our JUMP NEGATIVE.
The last ALU result was 6.
上一次 ALU 运算的结果是 6
Thats a positive number, so the the negative flag is false.
是正数,所以 "负数标志" 是假
That means the processor does not jump.
因此处理器不会执行 JUMP
So we continue on to the next instruction...
...which is a JUMP 2.
No conditional on this one, so we jump to instruction 2 no matter what.
JUMP 2 没有条件,直接执行!
Ok, so were back at our SUBTRACT Register B from Register A. 6 minus 5 equals 1.
又回到寄存器 A-B6-5=1
So 1 gets saved into register A.
A 变成 1
Next instruction.
Were back again at our JUMP NEGATIVE.
1 is also a positive number, so the CPU continues on to the JUMP 2, looping back around again
因为 1 还是正数,因此 JUMP NEGATIVE 不会执行 \N 来到下一条指令JUMP 2
to the SUBTRACT instruction.
This time is different though.
1 minus 5 is negative 4.
And so the ALU sets its negative flag to true for the first time.
这次ALU的 "负数标志" 是真
Now, when we advance to the next instruction,
JUMP_NEGATIVE 5, the CPU executes the jump to memory location 5.
JUMP NEGATIVE 5, CPU 的执行跳到内存地址 5
Were out of the infinite loop!
Now we have a ADD B to A. Negative 4 plus 5, is positive 1, and we save that into Register A.
现在的指令是 ADD B A-4+5=11 存入寄存器 A
Next we have a STORE instruction that saves Register A into memory address 13.
下一条指令 STORE_A 13把 A 的值存入内存地址 13
Lastly, we hit our HALT instruction and the computer rests.
最后碰到 HALT 指令,停下来.
So even though this program is only 7 instructions long, the CPU ended up executing 13 instructions,
虽然程序只有 7 个指令,但 CPU 执行了 13 个指令,
and that's because it looped twice internally.
因为在内部循环了 2 次.
This code calculated the remainder if we divide 5 into 11, which is one.
With a few extra lines of code, we could also keep track of how many loops we did, the count
of which would be how many times 5 went into 11… we did two loops, so that means 5 goes
into 11 two times... with a remainder of 1.
And of course this code could work for any two numbers, which we can just change in memory
to whatever we want: 7 and 81, 18 and 54, it doesnt matter
-- thats the power of software!
Software also allowed us to do something our hardware could not.
Remember, our ALU didnt have the functionality to divide two numbers,
ALU 可没有除法功能
instead its the program we made that gave us that functionality.
And then other programs can use our divide program to do even fancier things.
And you know what that means.
这意味着 一层新抽象!
New levels of abstraction!
这意味着 一层新抽象!
So, our hypothetical CPU is very basic all of its instructions are 8 bits long,
我们这里假设的 CPU 很基础,所有指令都是 8 位,
with the opcode occupying only the first four bits.
操作码只占了前面 4 位
So even if we used every combination of 4 bits, our CPU would only be able to support
即便用尽 4 位,也只能代表 16 个指令
a maximum of 16 different instructions.
即便用尽 4 位,也只能代表 16 个指令
On top of that, several of our instructions used the last 4 bits to specify a memory location.
而且我们有几条指令,是用后 4 位来指定内存地址
But again, 4 bits can only encode 16 different values,
因为 4 位最多只能表示 16 个值,
meaning we can address a maximum of 16 memory locations - thats not a lot to work with.
所以我们只能操作 16 个地址,这可不多.
For example, we couldnt even JUMP to location 17,
我们甚至不能 JUMP 17
because we literally cant fit the number 17 into 4 bits.
因为 4 位二进制无法表示数字 17
For this reason, real, modern CPUs use two strategies.
因此,真正的现代 CPU 用两种策略
The most straightforward approach is just to have bigger instructions, with more bits,
最直接的方法是用更多位来代表指令,比如 32 位或 64 位
like 32 or 64 bits.
最直接的方法是用更多位来代表指令,比如 32 位或 64 位
This is called the instruction length.
这叫 指令长度
The second approach is to use variable length instructions.
第二个策略是 "可变指令长度"
For example, imagine a CPU that uses 8 bit opcodes.
举个例子,比如某个 CPU 用 8 位长度的操作码
When the CPU sees an instruction that needs no extra values, like the HALT instruction,
如果看到 HALT 指令HALT 不需要额外数据
it can just execute it immediately.
However, if it sees something like a JUMP instruction, it knows it must also fetch
如果看到 JUMP它得知道位置值
the address to jump to, which is saved immediately behind the JUMP instruction in memory.
这个值在 JUMP 的后面
This is called, logically enough, an Immediate Value.
这叫 "立即值"
In such processor designs, instructions can be any number of bytes long,
which makes the fetch cycle of the CPU a tad more complicated.
Now, our example CPU and instruction set is hypothetical,
要说明的是,我们拿来举例的 CPU 和指令集都是假设的,
designed to illustrate key working principles.
So I want to leave you with a real CPU example.
所以我们来看个真的 CPU 例子.
In 1971, Intel released the 4004 processor.
1971年英特尔发布了 4004 处理器.
It was the first CPU put all into a single chip
这是第一次把 CPU 做成一个芯片 \N 给后来的英特尔处理器打下了基础
and paved the path to the intel processors we know and love today.
这是第一次把 CPU 做成一个芯片 \N 给后来的英特尔处理器打下了基础
It supported 46 instructions, shown here.
它支持 46 个指令
Which was enough to build an entire working computer.
And it used many of the instructions weve talked about like JUMP ADD SUBTRACT and LOAD.
它用了很多我们说过的指令,比如 JUMP ADD SUB LOAD
It also uses 8-bit immediate values, like we just talked about, for things like JUMPs,
它也用 8 位的"立即值"来执行 JUMP, 以表示更多内存地址.
in order to address more memory.
它也用 8 位的"立即值"来执行 JUMP, 以表示更多内存地址.
And processors have come a long way since 1971.
处理器从 1971 年到现在发展巨大.
A modern computer processor, like an Intel Core i7, has thousands of different instructions
现代 CPU, 比如英特尔酷睿 i7, 有上千个指令和指令变种
and instruction variants, ranging from one to fifteen bytes long.
For example, theres over a dozens different opcodes just for variants of ADD!
举例,光 ADD 指令就有很多变种!
And this huge growth in instruction set size is due in large part to extra bells and whistles
指令越来越多,是因为给 CPU 设计了越来越多功能
that have been added to processor designs overtime, which well talk about next episode.
See you next week!
Hi, Im Carrie Anne and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
As weve discussed throughout the series, computers have come a long way from mechanical devices
capable of maybe one calculation per second,
从 1 秒 1 次运算到现在有千赫甚至兆赫的CPU
to CPUs running at kilohertz and megahertz speeds.
从 1 秒 1 次运算到现在有千赫甚至兆赫的CPU
The device youre watching this video on right now is almost certainly running at Gigahertz speeds
你现在看视频的设备八成也有 GHz 速度
- thats billions of instructions executed every second.
1 秒十亿条指令
Which, trust me, is a lot of computation!
In the early days of electronic computing, processors were typically made faster by
早期计算机的提速方式是 减少晶体管的切换时间.
improving the switching time of the transistors inside the chip
早期计算机的提速方式是 减少晶体管的切换时间.
- the ones that make up all the logic gates, ALUs
晶体管组成了逻辑门ALU 以及前几集的其他组件
and other stuff weve talked about over the past few episodes.
晶体管组成了逻辑门ALU 以及前几集的其他组件
But just making transistors faster and more efficient only went so far, so processor designers
have developed various techniques to boost performance allowing not only simple instructions
to run fast, but also performing much more sophisticated operations.
Last episode, we created a small program for our CPU that allowed us to divide two numbers.
上集我们写了个做除法的程序,给 CPU 执行
We did this by doing many subtractions in a row... so, for example, 16 divided by 4
方法是做一连串减法比如16除4 会变成
could be broken down into the smaller problem of 16 minus 4, minus 4, minus 4, minus 4.
16-4 -4 -4 -4
When we hit zero, or a negative number, we knew that we were done.
碰到 0 或负数才停下.
But this approach gobbles up a lot of clock cycles, and isnt particularly efficient.
So most computer processors today have divide as one of the instructions
所以现代 CPU 直接在硬件层面设计了除法 \N 可以直接给 ALU 除法指令
that the ALU can perform in hardware.
所以现代 CPU 直接在硬件层面设计了除法 \N 可以直接给 ALU 除法指令
Of course, this extra circuitry makes the ALU bigger and more complicated to design,
这让 ALU 更大也更复杂一些
but also more capable - a complexity-for-speed tradeoff that
但也更厉害 - \N 复杂度 vs 速度 的平衡在计算机发展史上经常出现
has been made many times in computing history.
但也更厉害 - \N 复杂度 vs 速度 的平衡在计算机发展史上经常出现
For instance, modern computer processors now have special circuits for things like
举例,现代处理器有专门电路来处理 \N 图形操作, 解码压缩视频, 加密文档 等等
graphics operations, decoding compressed video, and encrypting files
举例,现代处理器有专门电路来处理 \N 图形操作, 解码压缩视频, 加密文档 等等
all of which are operations that would take many many many clock cycles to perform with standard operations.
You may have even heard of processors with MMX, 3DNow!, or SSE.
你可能听过某些处理器有 MMX, 3DNOW, SEE
These are processors with additional, fancy circuits that allow them to
execute additional fancy instructions - for things like gaming and encryption.
These extensions to the instruction set have grown, and grown over time, and once people
have written programs to take advantage of them, its hard to remove them.
So instruction sets tend to keep getting larger and larger keeping all the old opcodes around for backwards compatibility.
The Intel 4004, the first truly integrated CPU, had 46 instructions
英特尔 4004第一个集成CPU有 46 条指令
- which was enough to build a fully functional computer.
But a modern computer processor has thousands of different instructions,
which utilize all sorts of clever and complex internal circuitry.
Now, high clock speeds and fancy instruction sets lead to another problem
- getting data in and out of the CPU quickly enough.
- 如何快速传递数据给 CPU
Its like having a powerful steam locomotive, but no way to shovel in coal fast enough.
就像有强大的蒸汽机 但无法快速加煤
In this case, the bottleneck is RAM.
RAM 成了瓶颈
RAM is typically a memory module that lies outside the CPU.
RAM 是 CPU 之外的独立组件
This means that data has to be transmitted to and from RAM along sets of data wires,
called a bus.
This bus might only be a few centimeters long,
and remember those electrical signals are traveling near the speed of light,
but when you are operating at gigahertz speeds
但 CPU 每秒可以处理上亿条指令
thats billionths of a second even this small delay starts to become problematic.
It also takes time for RAM itself to lookup the address, retrieve the data
RAM 还需要时间找地址 \N 取数据,配置,输出数据
and configure itself for output.
RAM 还需要时间找地址 \N 取数据,配置,输出数据
So a “load from RAM” instruction might take dozens of clock cycles to complete, and during
this time the processor is just sitting there idly waiting for the data.
CPU 空等数据
One solution is to put a little piece of RAM right on the CPU -- called a cache.
解决延迟的方法之一是 \N 给 CPU 加一点 RAM - 叫"缓存"
There isnt a lot of space on a processors chip,
因为处理器里空间不大,所以缓存一般只有 KB 或 MB
so most caches are just kilobytes or maybe megabytes in size,
因为处理器里空间不大,所以缓存一般只有 KB 或 MB
where RAM is usually gigabytes.
而 RAM 都是 GB 起步
Having a cache speeds things up in a clever way.
When the CPU requests a memory location from RAM, the RAM can transmit
CPU 从 RAM 拿数据时 \N RAM 不用传一个,可以传一批
not just one single value, but a whole block of data.
CPU 从 RAM 拿数据时 \N RAM 不用传一个,可以传一批
This takes only a little bit more time,
but it allows this data block to be saved into the cache.
This tends to be really useful because computer data is often arranged and processed sequentially.
For example, let say the processor is totalling up daily sales for a restaurant.
It starts by fetching the first transaction from RAM at memory location 100.
先取 RAM 地址 100 的交易额
The RAM, instead of sending back just that one value, sends a block of data, from memory
RAM 与其只给1个值直接给一批值
location 100 through 200, which are then all copied into the cache.
Now, when the processor requests the next transaction to add to its running total, the
value at address 101, the cache will say “Oh, Ive already got that value right here,
地址 101缓存会说"我已经有了,现在就给你"
so I can give it to you right away!”
地址 101缓存会说"我已经有了,现在就给你"
And theres no need to go all the way to RAM.
不用去 RAM 取数据
Because the cache is so close to the processor,
因为缓存离 CPU 近, 一个时钟周期就能给数据 - CPU 不用空等!
it can typically provide the data in a single clock cycle -- no waiting required.
因为缓存离 CPU 近, 一个时钟周期就能给数据 - CPU 不用空等!
This speeds things up tremendously over having to go back and forth to RAM every single time.
比反复去 RAM 拿数据快得多
When data requested in RAM is already stored in the cache like this its called a
如果想要的数据已经在缓存,叫 缓存命中
cache hit,
如果想要的数据已经在缓存,叫 缓存命中
and if the data requested isnt in the cache, so you have to go to RAM, its a called
如果想要的数据不在缓存,叫 缓存未命中
a cache miss.
如果想要的数据不在缓存,叫 缓存未命中
The cache can also be used like a scratch space,
storing intermediate values when performing a longer, or more complicated calculation.
Continuing our restaurant example, lets say the processor has finished totalling up
继续餐馆的例子,假设 CPU 算完了一天的销售额
all of the sales for the day, and wants to store the result in memory address 150.
想把结果存到地址 150
Like before, instead of going back all the way to RAM to save that value,
就像之前,数据不是直接存到 RAM
it can be stored in cached copy, which is faster to save to,
and also faster to access later if more calculations are needed.
But this introduces an interesting problem -
- the caches copy of the data is now different to the real version stored in RAM.
缓存和 RAM 不一致了.
This mismatch has to be recorded, so that at some point everything can get synced up.
For this purpose, the cache has a special flag for each block of memory it stores, called
因此缓存里每块空间 有一个特殊标记
the dirty bit
叫 "脏位"
-- which might just be the best term computer scientists have ever invented.
- 这可能是计算机科学家取的最贴切的名字
Most often this synchronization happens when the cache is full,
同步一般发生在 当缓存满了而 CPU 又要缓存时
but a new block of memory is being requested by the processor.
同步一般发生在 当缓存满了而 CPU 又要缓存时
Before the cache erases the old block to free up space, it checks its dirty bit,
在清理缓存腾出空间之前,会先检查 "脏位"
and if its dirty, the old block of data is written back to RAM before loading in the new block.
如果是"脏"的, 在加载新内容之前, 会把数据写回 RAM
Another trick to boost cpu performance is called instruction pipelining.
另一种提升性能的方法叫 "指令流水线"
Imagine you have to wash an entire hotels worth of sheets,
but youve only got one washing machine and one dryer.
但只有 1 个洗衣机, 1 个干燥机
One option is to do it all sequentially: put a batch of sheets in the washer
选择1按顺序来放洗衣机等 30 分钟洗完
and wait 30 minutes for it to finish.
选择1按顺序来放洗衣机等 30 分钟洗完
Then take the wet sheets out and put them in the dryer and wait another 30 minutes for that to finish.
然后拿出湿床单,放进干燥机等 30 分钟烘干
This allows you to do one batch of sheets every hour.
Side note: if you have a dryer that can dry a load of laundry in 30 minutes,
另外一说:如果你有 30 分钟就能烘干的干燥机
Please tell me the brand and model in the comments, because Im living with 90 minute dry times, minimum.
请留言告诉我是什么牌子,我的至少要 90 分钟.
But, even with this magic clothes dryer,
即使有这样的神奇干燥机, \N 我们可以用"并行处理"进一步提高效率
you can speed things up even more if you parallelize your operation.
即使有这样的神奇干燥机, \N 我们可以用"并行处理"进一步提高效率
As before, you start off putting one batch of sheets in the washer.
You wait 30 minutes for it to finish.
等 30 分钟洗完
Then you take the wet sheets out and put them in the dryer.
But this time, instead of just waiting 30 minutes for the dryer to finish,
但这次,与其干等 30 分钟烘干,\N 可以放另一批进洗衣机
you simultaneously start another load in the washing machine.
但这次,与其干等 30 分钟烘干,\N 可以放另一批进洗衣机
Now youve got both machines going at once.
Wait 30 minutes, and one batch is now done, one batch is half done,
30 分钟后,一批床单完成, 另一批完成一半
and another is ready to go in.
This effectively doubles your throughput.
Processor designs can apply the same idea.
In episode 7, our example processor performed the fetch-decode-execute cycle sequentially
第7集我们演示了 CPU 按序处理
and in a continuous loop: Fetch-decode-execute, fetch-decode-execute, fetch-decode-execute, and so on
取指 → 解码 → 执行, 不断重复
This meant our design required three clock cycles to execute one instruction.
这种设计,三个时钟周期执行 1 条指令
But each of these stages uses a different part of the CPU,
但因为每个阶段用的是 CPU 的不同部分
meaning there is an opportunity to parallelize!
While one instruction is getting executed, the next instruction could be getting decoded,
and the instruction beyond that fetched from memory.
All of these separate processes can overlap
不同任务重叠进行,同时用上 CPU 里所有部分.
so that all parts of the CPU are active at any given time.
不同任务重叠进行,同时用上 CPU 里所有部分.
In this pipelined design, an instruction is executed every single clock cycle
这样的流水线 每个时钟周期执行1个指令
which triples the throughput.
吞吐量 x 3
But just like with caching this can lead to some tricky problems.
A big hazard is a dependency in the instructions.
第一个问题是 指令之间的依赖关系
For example, you might fetch something that the currently executing instruction is just about to modify,
举个例子,你在读某个数据 \N 而正在执行的指令会改这个数据
which means youll end up with the old value in the pipeline.
To compensate for this, pipelined processors have to look ahead for data dependencies,
因此流水线处理器 要先弄清数据依赖性
and if necessary, stall their pipelines to avoid problems.
High end processors, like those found in laptops and smartphones,
高端 CPU比如笔记本和手机里那种
go one step further and can dynamically reorder instructions with dependencies
会更进一步,动态排序 有依赖关系的指令
in order to minimize stalls and keep the pipeline moving,
which is called out-of-order execution.
这叫 "乱序执行"
As you might imagine, the circuits that figure this all out are incredibly complicated.
Nonetheless, pipelining is tremendously effective and almost all processors implement it today.
Another big hazard are conditional jump instructions -- we talked about one example, a JUMP NEGATIVE,last episode.
第二个问题是 "条件跳转",比如上集的 JUMP NEGATIVE
These instructions can change the execution flow of a program depending on a value.
A simple pipelined processor will perform a long stall when it sees a jump instruction,
简单的流水线处理器,看到 JUMP 指令会停一会儿 \N 等待条件值确定下来
waiting for the value to be finalized.
简单的流水线处理器,看到 JUMP 指令会停一会儿 \N 等待条件值确定下来
Only once the jump outcome is known, does the processor start refilling its pipeline.
一旦 JUMP 的结果出了,处理器就继续流水线
But, this can produce long delays, so high-end processors have some tricks to deal with this problem too.
Imagine an upcoming jump instruction as a fork in a road - a branch.
可以把 JUMP 想成是 "岔路口"
Advanced CPUs guess which way they are going to go, and start filling their pipeline with
高端 CPU 会猜哪条路的可能性大一些
instructions based off that guess a technique called speculative execution.
然后提前把指令放进流水线,这叫 "推测执行"
When the jump instruction is finally resolved, if the CPU guessed correctly,
当 JUMP 的结果出了,如果 CPU 猜对了
then the pipeline is already full of the correct instructions and it can motor along without delay.
However, if the CPU guessed wrong, it has to discard all its speculative results and
如果 CPU 猜错了,就要清空流水线
perform a pipeline flush - sort of like when you miss a turn and have to do a u-turn to
get back on route, and stop your GPSs insistent shouting.
让 GPS 不要再!叫!了!
To minimize the effects of these flushes, CPU manufacturers have developed sophisticated
为了尽可能减少清空流水线的次数CPU 厂商开发了复杂的方法
ways to guess which way branches will go, called branch prediction.
Instead of being a 50/50 guess, todays processors can often guess with over 90% accuracy!
现代 CPU 的正确率超过 90%
In an ideal case, pipelining lets you complete one instruction every single clock cycle,
理想情况下,流水线一个时钟周期完成 1 个指令
but then superscalar processors came along
which can execute more than one instruction per clock cycle.
During the execute phase even in a pipelined design,
whole areas of the processor might be totally idle.
For example, while executing an instruction that fetches a value from memory,
比如,执行一个 "从内存取值" 指令期间
the ALU is just going to be sitting there, not doing a thing.
ALU 会闲置
So why not fetch-and-decode several instructions at once, and whenever possible, execute instructions
所以一次性处理多条指令(取指令+解码) 会更好.
that require different parts of the CPU all at the same time
如果多条指令要 ALU 的不同部分,就多条同时执行
But we can take this one step further and add duplicate circuitry
我们可以再进一步,加多几个相同的电路 \N 执行出现频次很高的指令
for popular instructions.
我们可以再进一步,加多几个相同的电路 \N 执行出现频次很高的指令
For example, many processors will have four, eight or more identical ALUs,
举例,很多 CPU 有四个, 八个甚至更多 完全相同的ALU
so they can execute many mathematical instructions all in parallel!
Ok, the techniques weve discussed so far primarily optimize the execution throughput
好了,目前说过的方法,都是优化 1 个指令流的吞吐量
of a single stream of instructions,
好了,目前说过的方法,都是优化 1 个指令流的吞吐量
but another way to increase performance is to run several streams of instructions at once
另一个提升性能的方法是 同时运行多个指令流
with multi-core processors.
You might have heard of dual core or quad core processors.
This means there are multiple independent processing units inside of a single CPU chip.
意思是一个 CPU 芯片里,有多个独立处理单元
In many ways, this is very much like having multiple separate CPUs,
很像是有多个独立 CPU
but because theyre tightly integrated, they can share some resources,
like cache, allowing the cores to work together on shared computations.
But, when more cores just isnt enough, you can build computers with multiple independent CPUs!
但多核不够时,可以用多个 CPU
High end computers, like the servers streaming this video from YouTubes datacenter, often
高端计算机,比如现在给你传视频的 Youtube 服务器
need the extra horsepower to keep it silky smooth for the hundreds of people watching simultaneously.
Two- and four-processor configuration are the most common right now,
but every now and again even that much processing power isnt enough.
So we humans get extra ambitious and build ourselves a supercomputer!
If youre looking to do some really monster calculations
like simulating the formation of the universe - youll need some pretty serious compute power.
A few extra processors in a desktop computer just isnt going to cut it.
给普通台式机加几个 CPU 没什么用
Youre going to need a lot of processors.
No.. no... even more than that.
A lot more!
When this video was made, the worlds fastest computer was located in
The National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi, China.
The Sunway TaihuLight contains a brain-melting 40,960 CPUs, each with 256 cores!
神威·太湖之光有 40960 个CPU每个 CPU 有 256 个核心
Thats over ten million cores in total... and each one of those cores runs at 1.45 gigahertz.
总共超过1千万个核心每个核心的频率是 1.45GHz
In total, this machine can process 93 Quadrillion -- thats 93 million-billions
每秒可以进行 9.3 亿亿次浮点数运算
floating point math operations per second, knows as FLOPS.
也叫 每秒浮点运算次数 (FLOPS)
And trust me, thats a lot of FLOPS!!
相信我 这个速度很可怕
No word on whether it can run Crysis at max settings, but I suspect it might.
So long story short, not only have computer processors gotten a lot faster over the years,
but also a lot more sophisticated, employing all sorts of clever tricks to squeeze out
more and more computation per clock cycle.
榨干每个时钟周期 做尽可能多运算
Our job is to wield that incredible processing power to do cool and useful things.
Thats the essence of programming, which well start discussing next episode.
See you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science.
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Over the last few episodes,
We've talked a lot about the mechanics of how computers work.
How they use complex circuits to save and retrieve values from memory,
and perform operations on those values
like adding two numbers together.
We've even briefly talked about sequences of operations,
which is a computer program
What we haven't talked about is how a program gets into a computer?
You might remember in episode 7 and 8 ,
你应该记得在第 7, 8 集,我们一步步讲了例子程序
we step through some simple example programs for the CPU that we had created
你应该记得在第 7, 8 集,我们一步步讲了例子程序
For simplicity, we just waved our hands and said that the program was already magically in memory
But in reality, programs have to be loaded into a computer's memory.
It's not magic. It's computer science
The need to program machines existed way before the development of computers.
The most famous example of this was in textile manufacturing
If you just wanted to weave a big red tablecloth
You could simply feed red thread into a loom and let it run
What about if you wanted the cloth to have a pattern like stripes or plaid?
但如果想要图案怎么办? 比如条纹或者方格
Workers would have to periodically reconfigure the loom as dictated by the pattern,
工人要每隔一会儿 调整一次织布机
but this was labor intensive which made patterned fabrics expensive.
The presence or absence of a hole in the card determined if a specific thread was held high or low in the loom
Such as the cross thread, called the weft, passed above or below the thread
To vary the pattern across rows these punch cards were arranged in long chains
Forming a sequence of commands for the loom.
Sound familiar?
Many consider Jacquard loom to be one of the earliest forms of programming.
Punched cards, turned out to be a cheap, reliable, fairly human-readable way to store data.
事实证明 穿孔纸卡便宜、可靠、也易懂
Nearly a century later,
punch cards were used to help tabulate the 1890 US census
穿孔纸卡用于 1890 年美国人口普查
which we talked about in episode 1
Each card held an individual person's data.
things like race
marital status
number of children
country of birth and so on
出生国家 等等
for each demographic question
a census worker would punch out a hole of the appropriate position
when a card was fed into the tabulating machine
a hole would cause the running total for that specific answer to be increased by one
in this way you could afeed the entire counties worth of people
and at the end you'd have running totals for all of the questions that you ask
It is important to note here that early tabulating machines were not truly computers
as they can only do one thing-tabulate
因为它们只做一件事 - 汇总数据
their operation was fixed and not programmable
punched cards stored data, but not a program
over the next 60 years, these business machines grew in capability
Adding features to subtract multiply divide
and even make simple decisions about when to perform certain operations.
To trigger these functions appropriately
so that different calculations could be performed, a programmer accessed a control panel
this panel was full of little sockets into which a programmer would plug cables
to pass values and signals between different parts of the machine
让机器的不同部分 互相传数据和信号
for this reason they were also called plug boards
因此也叫 "插线板"
Unfortunately this meant having to rewire the machine each time a different program needed to be run
不幸的是, 这意味着 运行不同程序要重新接线
And so by the 1920s these plug boards were made swappable
所以到 1920 年代,控制面板变成了可拔插
This not only made programming a lot more comfortable
but also allowed for different programs be plugged into a machine
For example one board might be wired to calculate sales tax
While another helps with payroll
But plug boards were fiendishly complicated to program
This tangle of wires is a program for calculating a profit loss summary using an IBM 402 accounting machine
图中乱成一团的线 负责算盈亏总额 \N 用于 IBM 402 核算机
which were popular in the 1940s
在 1940 年代这样做很流行
And this style of plug board programming wasn't unique through electromechanical computers
用插线板编程 不只在机电计算机流行
The world's first general-purpose electronic computer, the ENIAC, completed in 1946
世上第一台通用电子计算机ENIAC完成于 1946 年
used a ton of them
Even after a program had been completely figured out on paper
Physically wiring up the ENIAC and getting the program to run could take upwards of three weeks
给 ENIAC 连线,最多可能花三个星期
Given the enormous cost of these early computers, weeks of downtime simply to switch programs was unacceptable
因为早期计算机非常昂贵 \N 停机几个星期只为换程序 完全无法接受
and the new faster more flexible way to program machines was badly needed
Fortunately by the late 1940s and into the 50s
幸运的是,到 1940 年代晚期 1950 年代初
electronic memory was becoming feasible
As costs fell, memory size grew, instead of storing a program as a physical plug board of wires
价格下降, 容量上升. 与其把程序存在插线板
it became possible to store a program entirely in a computer's memory
where it could be easily changed by programmers and quickly accessed by the CPU
这样程序易于修改、方便 CPU 快速读取
these machines were called Stored-program Computers
这类机器叫 "存储程序计算机"
With enough computer memory you could store not only the program you wanted to run
but also any data your program would need
including new values it created along the way
Unifying the program and data into a single shared memory is called the Von Neumann Architecture
程序和数据都存在一个地方,叫 "冯诺依曼结构"
named after John Von Neumann
命名自 约翰·冯·诺依曼
a prominent mathematician and physicist who worked on the Manhattan project and several early electronic computers
杰出的数学家和物理学家 \N 参与了曼哈顿计划和早期电子计算机项目
and once said I am thinking about something much more important than Bombs
I'm thinking about computers
The hallmarks of a Von Neumann computer are a processing unit containing an arithmetic logic unit
data registers and instruction register and instruction address register
And finally a memory to store both data and instructions
Hopefully this sounds familiar
Because we actually built a Von Neumann computer in episode 7
The very first Von Neumann Architecture Stored-program computer
was constructed in 1948 by the University of Manchester, nicknamed Baby.
由曼彻斯特大学于 1948 年建造完成,绰号"宝宝"
and even the computer you are watching this video right now
uses the same architecture
Now electronic computer memory is great and all
but you still have to load the program and data into the computer before it can run
但程序和数据 依然需要某种方式输入计算机
and for this reason punch cards were used
Let's get to the Thought bubbles
让我们进入 思维泡泡
Well into the 1980s almost all computers have a punch card reader
which could suck in a single punch card at a time
and write the contents of the card into the computer's memory
If you load it in a stack of punch cards,
the reader would load them all into memory sequentially as a big block
once the program and data were in memory, the computer would be told to execute it
Of course even simple computer programs might have hundreds of instructions
which meant that programs were stored as stacks of punch cards
So if you ever have the misfortune of accidentally dropping your program on the floor
it could take you hours days or even weeks to put the code back in the right order
A common trick was to draw a diagonal line on the side of the card stack called striping,
有个小技巧是 在卡片侧面画对角线
so you'd have at least some clue how to get it back into the right order
The largest program ever punched into punch cards was the US Air Force's SAGE air defense system, completed in 1955.
用纸卡的最大型程序 \N 是美国空军的 SAGE 防空系统,于 1955 年完成
and its peak, the project is said to have employed 20% of the world's programmers
据称顶峰时期 雇佣了世上 20% 程序员
Its main control program was stored on a whopping 62,500 punch cards
主控制程序用了 62500 张穿孔纸卡
which is equivalent to roughly 5 megabytes of data
等同于大约 5MB 的数据
Pretty underwhelming by today's standards
And punch cards weren't only useful for getting data into computers
but also getting data out of them
At the end of a program results could be written out of computer memory and onto punch cards by, well, punching cards
then this data could be analyzed by humans or loaded into a second program for additional computation
Thanks, thought-bubble
谢了 思维泡泡
A close cousin to punch cards was punched paper tape
穿孔纸卡 的亲戚是纸带
Which is basically the same idea, but continuous instead of being on individual cards
And of course we haven't talked about Hard Drives, CD-ROMs, DVDs, USB-Thumb drives and other similar goodies
当然我们还没提硬盘, 只读光盘, DVD, U盘等等
We'll get to those more advanced types of data storage in a future episode
Finally in addition to plug boards and punch paper
there was another common way to program and control computers in pre-1980
在 1980 年代前,还有一种常见编程方式
Panel programming
Rather than having to physically plug in cables to activate certain functions
this could also be done with huge panels full of switches and buttons
And there were indicator lights to display the status of various functions and values in memory
Computers of the 50s and 60s often featured huge control consoles that look like this
Although it was rare to input a whole program using just switches,it was possible
And early home computers made for the hobbyist market use switches extensively
because most home users couldn't afford expensive peripherals like punch card readers
因为大多数家庭用户负担不起昂贵的外围设备 \N 比如穿孔纸卡读取器
The first commercially successful home computer was the Altair 8800
第一款取得商业成功的家用计算机是 Altair 8800
which sold in two versions: Pre-assembled and the Kit
有两种版本可以买: \N 1. 预先装好的整机 \N 2. 需要组装的组件
the Kit which was popular with amateur computing enthusiasts,
计算机爱好者 喜欢买组件版
sold for the then unprecedented low price are around $400 in 1975
售价极低,在 1975 年卖 400 美元左右
Or about $2,000 in 2017
相当于 2017 年的 2000 美元
To program the 8800, you'd literally toggle the switches on the front panel
为了给 8800 编程,你要拨动面板上的开关
to enter the binary op-codes for the instruction you wanted
Then you press the deposit button to write that value into memory
然后按 "存储键" 把值存入内存
Then in the next location in memory you toggle the switches again
然后会到下一个内存位置 \N 你可以再次拨开关,写下一个指令
for your next instruction deposit it and so on
When you finally entered your whole program into memory
you would toggle the switches moves back to memory address 0
press the run button and watch the little lights blink
That was home computing in 1975, Wow.
这就是 1975 年的家用计算机, 哇.
Whether it was plug board, switches or punched paper
Programming these early computers was the realm of experts
either professionals who did this for living or technology enthusiasts
you needed intimate knowledge of the underlying hardware,
so things like processor op-codes and register wits, to write programs
比如 操作码, 寄存器等, 才能写程序
This meant programming was hard and tedious and even professional engineers
and scientists struggled to take full advantage of what computing could offer
哪怕工程师和科学家都无法 完全发挥计算机的能力
What was needed was a simpler way to tell computers what to do,
我们需要一种更简单方式 告诉计算机要做什么
a simpler way to write programs
And that brings us to programming languages, which we'll talk about next episode
这带领我们到下一个话题 - 编程语言, 我们下集会讲
See you next week
This episode is brought to you by CuriosityStream.
本集由 CuriosityStream 赞助播出
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
So far, for most of this series, we've focused on hardware
之前我们把重点放在硬件 - 组成计算机的物理组件
-- the physical components of computing --
之前我们把重点放在硬件 - 组成计算机的物理组件
things like: electricity and circuits, registers and RAM, ALUs and CPUs.
But programming at the hardware level is cumbersome and inflexible,
so programmers wanted a more versatile way to program computers
- what you might call a "softer" medium.
- 一种"更软的"媒介
That's right, we're going to talk about Software!
In episode 8, we walked through a simple program for the CPU we designed.
第 8 集我们一步步讲了一个简单程序
The very first instruction to be executed, the one at memory address 0, was 0010 1110.
第一条指令在内存地址 00010 1110
As we discussed, the first four bits of an instruction is the operation code,
之前说过,前 4 位是操作码
or OPCODE for short.
On our hypothetical CPU, 0010 indicated a LOAD_A instruction
对于这个假设 CPU0010 代表 LOAD_A 指令
-- which moves a value from memory into Register A.
- 把值从内存复制到寄存器 A
The second set of four bits defines the memory location,
后 4 位是内存地址1110 是十进制的 14
in this case, 1110, which is 14 in decimal.
后 4 位是内存地址1110 是十进制的 14
So what these eight numbers really mean is "LOAD Address 14 into Register A".
所以这 8 位表达的意思是 \N "读内存地址 14放入寄存器 A"
We're just using two different languages.
You can think of it like English and Morse Code.
"Hello" and ".... . .-.. .-.. ---" mean the same thing -- hello! --
"你好" 和 ".... . .-.. .-.. ---" 是一个意思:你好
they're just encoded differently.
English and Morse Code also have different levels of complexity.
English has 26 different letters in its alphabet and way more possible sounds.
英文有 26 个字母以及各种发音
Morse only has dots and dashes.
But, they can convey the same information, and computer languages are similar.
As we've seen, computer hardware can only handle raw, binary instructions.
This is the "language" computer processors natively speak.
In fact, it's the only language they're able to speak.
It's called Machine Language or Machine Code.
In the early days of computing, people had to write entire programs in machine code.
More specifically, they'd first write a high-level version of a program on paper, in English,
For example "retrieve the next sale from memory,
then add this to the running total for the day, week and year,
then calculate any tax to be added"
...and so on.
An informal, high-level description of a program like this is called Pseudo-Code.
这种对程序的高层次描述,叫 "伪代码"
Then, when the program was all figured out on paper,
they'd painstakingly expand and translate it into binary machine code by hand,
using things like opcode tables.
After the translation was complete, the program could be fed into the computer and run.
As you might imagine, people quickly got fed up with this process.
So, by the late 1940s and into the 50s,
所以在 1940~1950 年代
programmers had developed slightly higher-level languages that were more human-readable.
程序员开发出一种新语言, 更可读 更高层次
Opcodes were given simple names, called mnemonics,
which were followed by operands, to form instructions.
So instead of having to write instructions as a bunch of 1's and 0's,
与其用 1 和 0 写代码,程序员可以写"LOAD_A 14"
programmers could write something like "LOAD_A 14".
与其用 1 和 0 写代码,程序员可以写"LOAD_A 14"
We used this mnemonic in Episode 8 because it's so much easier to understand!
我们在第 8 集用过这个助记符,因为容易理解得多!
Of course, a CPU has no idea what "LOAD_A 14" is.
当然CPU 不知道 LOAD_A 14 是什么
It doesn't understand text-based language, only binary.
And so programmers came up with a clever trick.
They created reusable helper programs, in binary,
that read in text-based instructions,
and assemble them into the corresponding binary instructions automatically.
This program is called
-- you guessed it --
an Assembler.
It reads in a program written in an Assembly Language
and converts it to native machine code.
"LOAD_A 14" is one example of an assembly instruction.
"LOAD_A 14" 是一个汇编指令的例子
Over time, Assemblers gained new features that made programming even easier.
One nifty feature is automatically figuring out JUMP addresses.
其中一个功能是自动分析 JUMP 地址
This was an example program I used in episode 8:
Notice how our JUMP NEGATIVE instruction jumps to address 5,
注意, JUMP NEGATIVE 指令跳到地址 5
and our regular JUMP goes to address 2.
JUMP 指令跳到地址 2
The problem is, if we add more code to the beginning of this program,
all of the addresses would change.
That's a huge pain if you ever want to update your program!
And so an assembler does away with raw jump addresses,
and lets you insert little labels that can be jumped to.
When this program is passed into the assembler,
it does the work of figuring out all of the jump addresses.
Now the programmer can focus more on programming
and less on the underlying mechanics under the hood
enabling more sophisticated things to be built by hiding unnecessary complexity.
As we've done many times in this series,
we're once again moving up another level of abstraction.
However, even with nifty assembler features like auto-linking JUMPs to labels,
Assembly Languages are still a thin veneer over machine code.
In general, each assembly language instruction converts directly
to a corresponding machine instruction - a one-to-one mapping -
so it's inherently tied to the underlying hardware.
And the assembler still forces programmers to think about
汇编器仍然强迫程序员思考 用什么寄存器和内存地址
which registers and memory locations they will use.
汇编器仍然强迫程序员思考 用什么寄存器和内存地址
If you suddenly needed an extra value,
you might have to change a lot of code to fit it in.
Let's go to the Thought Bubble.
This problem did not escape Dr. Grace Hopper.
葛丽丝·霍普博士 也遇到了这个问题
As a US naval officer, she was one of the first programmers on the Harvard Mark 1 computer,
which we talked about in Episode 2.
这台机器我们在第 2 集提过
This was a colossal, electro-mechanical beast
这台巨大机电野兽在 1944 年战时建造完成,帮助盟军作战
completed in 1944 as part of the allied war effort.
这台巨大机电野兽在 1944 年战时建造完成,帮助盟军作战
Programs were stored and fed into the computer on punched paper tape.
By the way, as you can see,
they "patched" some bugs in this program
by literally putting patches of paper over the holes on the punch tape.
真的就 直接用胶带来补"漏洞"
The Mark 1's instruction set was so primitive,
Mark 1 的指令集非常原始,甚至没有 JUMP 指令
there weren't even JUMP instructions.
Mark 1 的指令集非常原始,甚至没有 JUMP 指令
To create code that repeated the same operation multiple times,
you'd tape the two ends of the punched tape together, creating a physical loop.
得把带子的两端连起来 做成循环
In other words, programming the Mark 1 was kind of a nightmare!
换句话说,给 Mark 1 编程简直是噩梦!
After the war, Hopper continued to work at the forefront of computing.
To unleash the potential of computers,
she designed a high-level programming language called "Arithmetic Language Version 0",
她设计了一个高级编程语言,叫"算术语言版本 0"
or A-0 for short.
Assembly languages have direct, one-to-one mapping to machine instructions.
But, a single line of a high-level programming language
但一行高级编程语言 可能会转成几十条二进制指令
might result in dozens of instructions being executed by the CPU.
但一行高级编程语言 可能会转成几十条二进制指令
To perform this complex translation, Hopper built the first compiler in 1952.
为了做到这种复杂转换 \N Hopper 在 1952 年创造了第一个编译器
This is a specialized program
编译器专门把高级语言 转成低级语言
that transforms "source" code written in a programming language into a low-level language,
编译器专门把高级语言 转成低级语言
like assembly or the binary "machine code" that the CPU can directly process.
比如汇编或机器码CPU 可以直接执行机器码)
Thanks, Thought Bubble.
谢了 思想泡泡
So, despite the promise of easier programming,
many people were skeptical of Hopper's idea.
She once said, "I had a running compiler and nobody would touch it.
they carefully told me, computers could only do arithmetic;
they could not do programs."
But the idea was a good one,
and soon many efforts were underway to craft new programming languages
-- today there are hundreds!
- 如今有上百种语言!
Sadly, there are no surviving examples of A-0 code,
可惜的是,没有任何 A-0 的代码遗留下来
so we'll use Python, a modern programming language, as an example.
所以我们用 Python 举例(一门现代编程语言)
Let's say we want to add two numbers and save that value.
Remember, in assembly code,
we had to fetch values from memory, deal with registers, and other low-level details.
But this same program can be written in python like so:
但同样的程序可以用 Python 这样写:
Notice how there are no registers or memory locations to deal with
-- the compiler takes care of that stuff, abstracting away a lot of low-level and unnecessary complexity.
- 编译器会搞定这些细节,不用管底层细节
The programmer just creates abstractions for needed memory locations, known as variables,
程序员只需要创建 代表内存地址的抽象,叫"变量"
and gives them names.
So now we can just take our two numbers, store them in variables we give names to
现在可以把两个数 存在变量里
-- in this case, I picked a and b but those variables could be anything -
这里取名 A 和 B, 实际编程时你可以随便取名
and then add those together, saving the result in c, another variable I created.
然后相加两个数,把结果存在变量 C
It might be that the compiler assigns Register A under the hood to store the value in a,
底层操作时,编译器可能把变量 A 存在寄存器 A
but I don't need to know about it!
Out of sight, out of mind!
It was an important historical milestone,
but A-0 and its later variants weren't widely used.
但 A-0 和之后的版本没有广泛使用
FORTRAN, derived from "Formula Translation",
FORTRAN名字来自 "公式翻译"
was released by IBM a few years later, in 1957,
这门语言数年后由 IBM 在 1957 年发布
and came to dominate early computer programming.
John Backus, the FORTRAN project director,
FORTRAN 项目总监 John Backus 说过
said: "Much of my work has come from being lazy.
I didn't like writing programs,
and so ... I started work on a programming system to make it easier to write programs."
You know, typical lazy person.
They're always creating their own programming systems.
Anyway, on average, programs written in FORTRAN
平均来说FORTRAN 写的程序
were 20 times shorter than equivalent handwritten assembly code.
比等同的手写汇编代码短 20 倍
Then the FORTRAN Compiler would translate and expand that into native machine code.
然后 FORTRAN 编译器会把代码转成机器码
The community was skeptical that the performance would be as good as hand written code,
but the fact that programmers could write more code more quickly,
made it an easy choice economically:
trading a small increase in computation time for a significant decrease in programmer time.
Of course, IBM was in the business of selling computers,
当时 IBM 在卖计算机
and so initially, FORTRAN code could only be compiled and run on IBM computers.
因此最初 FORTRAN 代码只能跑在 IBM 计算机上
And most programing languages and compilers of the 1950s
1950 年代大多数编程语言和编译器
could only run on a single type of computer.
So, if you upgraded your computer,
you'd often have to re-write all the code too!
In response, computer experts from industry,
因此工业界,学术界,政府的计算机专家 \N 在 1959 年组建了一个联盟
academia and government formed a consortium in 1959
因此工业界,学术界,政府的计算机专家 \N 在 1959 年组建了一个联盟
-- the Committee on Data Systems Languages, advised by our friend Grace Hopper --
- 数据系统语言委员会Grace Hopper 担任顾问
to guide the development of a common programming language
that could be used across different machines.
The result was the high-level, easy to use,
Common Business-Oriented Language, or COBOL for short.
"普通面向商业语言",简称 COBOL
To deal with different underlying hardware,
each computing architecture needed its own COBOL compiler.
每个计算架构需要一个 COBOL 编译器
But critically, these compilers could all accept the same COBOL source code,
最重​​要的是,这些编译器都可以接收相同 COBOL 代码
no matter what computer it was run on.
This notion is called write once, run anywhere.
It's true of most programming languages today,
a benefit of moving away from assembly and machine code,
不必接触 CPU 特有的汇编码和机器码
which is still CPU specific.
不必接触 CPU 特有的汇编码和机器码
The biggest impact of all this was reducing computing's barrier to entry.
Before high level programming languages existed,
it was a realm exclusive to computer experts and enthusiasts.
And it was often their full time profession.
But now, scientists, engineers, doctors, economists, teachers,
and many others could incorporate computation into their work .
Thanks to these languages,
computing went from a cumbersome and esoteric discipline
计算机科学从深奥学科 变成了大众化工具
to a general purpose and accessible tool.
计算机科学从深奥学科 变成了大众化工具
At the same time, abstraction in programming allowed those computer experts
- now "professional programmers" -
to create increasingly sophisticated programs,
which would have taken millions, tens of millions, or even more lines of assembly code.
Now, this history didn't end in 1959.
当然,计算机的历史没有在 1959 年结束
In fact, a golden era in programming language design jump started,
evolving in lockstep with dramatic advances in computer hardware.
In the 1960s, we had languages like ALGOL, LISP and BASIC.
在 1960 年代,有 ALGOL, LISP 和 BASIC 等语言
In the 70's: Pascal, C and Smalltalk were released.
70年代有PascalC 和 Smalltalk
The 80s gave us C++, Objective-C, and Perl.
80年代有C++Objective-C 和 Perl
And the 90's: python, ruby, and Java.
90年代有PythonRuby 和 Java
And the new millennium has seen the rise of Swift, C#, and Go
新千年 Swift, C#, Go 在崛起
- not to be confused with Let it Go and Pokemon Go.
不要把 Go 和\N 《冰雪奇缘》的 Let it Go 和游戏 Pokemon Go 弄混
Anyway, some of these might sound familiar
有些语言你可能听起来耳熟 - 很多现在还存在
-- many are still around today.
有些语言你可能听起来耳熟 - 很多现在还存在
It's extremely likely that the web browser you're using right now
你现在用的浏览器很可能是 C++ 或 Objective-C 写的
was written in C++ or Objective-C.
你现在用的浏览器很可能是 C++ 或 Objective-C 写的
That list I just gave is the tip of the iceberg.
我刚才说的编程语言名字 只是冰山一角
And languages with fancy, new features are proposed all the time.
Each new language attempts to leverage new and clever abstractions
to make some aspect of programming easier or more powerful,
or take advantage of emerging technologies and platforms,
so that more people can do more amazing things, more quickly.
Many consider the holy grail of programming to be the use of "plain ol' English",
where you can literally just speak what you want the computer to do,
it figures it out, and executes it.
This kind of intelligent system is science fiction for now.
And fans of 2001: A Space Odyssey may be okay with that.
"2001太空漫游" 的粉丝可能没什么意见
Now that you know all about programming languages,
we're going to deep dive for the next couple of episodes,
接下来几集 我们会深入了解
and we'll continue to build your understanding
接下来几集 我们会深入了解
of how programming languages, and the software they create,
are used to do cool and unbelievable things.
See you next week.
(给 Curiosity Stream 打广告)
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Last episode we discussed how writing programs in native machine code,
and having to contend with so many low level details, was a huge impediment to writing complex programs.
还要处理那么多底层细节 对写大型程序是个巨大障碍
To abstract away many of these low-level details, Programming Languages were developed that
let programmers concentrate on solving a problem with computation, and less on nitty gritty hardware details.
So today, were going to continue that discussion, and introduce some fundamental building blocks
今天我们讨论 大多数编程语言都有的基本元素
that almost all programming languages provide.
今天我们讨论 大多数编程语言都有的基本元素
Just like spoken languages, programming languages have statements.
These are individual complete thoughts, like "I want tea" or "it is raining".
By using different words, we can change the meaning;
用不同词汇可以代表不同含义 \N 比如"我想要茶"变成"我想要独角兽"
for example, "I want tea" to "I want unicorns".
用不同词汇可以代表不同含义 \N 比如"我想要茶"变成"我想要独角兽"
But we cant change "I want tea" to "I want raining" - that doesnt make grammatical sense.
但没法把"我想要茶"改成"我想要雨"- 语法毫无意义
The set of rules that govern the structure and composition of statements in a language
规定句子结构的一系列规则 叫语法
is called syntax.
规定句子结构的一系列规则 叫语法
The English language has syntax, and so do all programming languages.
"a = 5" is a programming language statement.
a=5 是一个编程语言语句
In this case, the statement says a variable named A has the number 5 stored in it.
意思是创建一个叫 a 的变量,把数字 5 放里面.
This is called an assignment statement because we're assigning a value to a variable.
To express more complex things, we need a series of statements,
like "A is 5, B is 10, C equals A plus B"
比如 \Na=5 \N b=10 \Nc=a+b
This program tells the computer to set variable A equal to 5, variable B to 10,
意思是,变量 a 设为5变量 b 设为10
and finally to add A and B together, and put that result, which is 15, into -- you guessed it -- variable C.
把 a 和 b 加起来,把结果 15 放进变量 c
Note that we can call variables whatever we want.
Instead of A, B and C, it could be apples, pears, and fruits.
除了 a b c也可以叫苹果、梨、水果
The computer doesnt care, as long as variables are uniquely named.
But its probably best practice to name them things that make sense
in case someone else is trying to understand your code.
A program, which is a list of instructions, is a bit like a recipe:
boil water, add noodles, wait 10 minutes, drain and enjoy.
In the same way, the program starts at the first statement
and runs down one at a time until it hits the end.
So far, weve added two numbers together.
Lets make a video game instead!
Of course, its way too early to think about coding an entire game,
当然,现在这个学习阶段 \N来编写一整个游戏还太早了
so instead, well use our example to write little snippets of code
that cover some programming fundamentals.
Imagine were building an old-school arcade game where Grace Hopper has to capture bugs
假设我们在写一款老派街机游戏Grace Hopper 拍虫子
before they get into the Harvard Mark 1 and crash the computer!
On every level, the number of bugs increases.
Grace has to catch them before they wear out any relays in the machine.
Grace 要在虫子损坏继电器之前 抓住虫子
Fortunately, she has a few extra relays for repairs.
好消息是 她有几个备用继电器
To get started, well need to keep track of a bunch of values that are important for gameplay
开始编写时,我们需要一些值 来保存游戏数据
like what level the player is on, the score, the number of bugs remaining,
as well as the number of spare relays in Graces inventory.
Grace 还剩几个备用继电器
So, we must "initialize" our variables, that is, set their initial value:
所以我们要"初始化"变量 \N "初始化"的意思是设置最开始的值.
"level equals 1, score equals 0, bugs equals 5, spare relays equals 4, and player name equals "Andre".
关卡=1 分数=0 虫子数=5 \N 备用继电器=4 玩家名=Andre
To create an interactive game, we need to control the flow of the program
beyond just running from top to bottom.
To do this, we use Control Flow Statements.
因此用 "控制流语句"
There are several types, but If Statements are the most common.
控制流语句有好几种,最常见的是 if 语句
You can think of them as "If X is true, then do Y".
可以想成是 "如果 X 为真,那么执行 Y"
An English language example is: "If I am tired, then get tea"
用英语举例就是 "如果累了, 就去喝茶"
So if "I am tired" is a true statement, then I will go get tea
如果 "累了" 为真,就去喝茶
If "I am tired" is false, then I will not go get tea.
如果 "累了" 为假,就不喝茶
An IF statement is like a fork in the road.
if 语句就像岔路口
Which path you take is conditional on whether the expression is true or false
走哪条路 取决于 "表达式" 的真假,
so these expressions are called Conditional Statements.
因此这些表达式又叫 "条件语句"
In most programming languages, an if statement looks something like
在大多数编程语言中if 语句看起来像这样:
"If, expression, then, some code, then end the if statement".
if [条件], then [一些代码],结束 if 语句.
For example, if "level" is 1, then we set the score to zero, because the player is just starting.
比如if [第一关]then [分数设为0] \N 因为玩家才刚开始游戏
We also set the number of bugs to 1, to keep it easy for now.
同时把虫子数设为 1让游戏简单些
Notice the lines of code that are conditional on the if-statement are nested between the
注意, 依赖于 if 条件的代码,要放在 IF 和 END IF 之间
IF and END IF.
注意, 依赖于 if 条件的代码,要放在 IF 和 END IF 之间
Of course, we can change the conditional expression to whatever we want to test, like
当然,条件表达式 可以改成别的,比如:
"is score greater than 10" or "is bugs less than 1".
"分数 >10" 或者 "虫子数 <1"
And If-Statements can be combined with an ELSE statement, which acts as a catch-all if the expression is false.
if 还可以和 else 结合使用 \N 条件为假会执行 else 里的代码
If the level is not 1, the code inside the ELSE block will be executed instead, and the
如果不是第1关else 里的指令就会被执行
number of bugs that Grace has to battle is set to 3 times the level number.
Grace 要抓的虫子数,是当前关卡数 * 3
So on level 2, it would be six bugs, and on level 3 theres 9, and so on.
所以第 2 关有 6 个虫子,第 3 关有 9 个虫子,以此类推
Score isnt modified in the ELSE block, so Grace gets to keep any points earned.
else 中没有改分数,所以 Grace 的分数不会变
Here are some examples of if-then-else statements from some popular programming languages
这里列了一些热门编程语言 if-then-else 的具体语法
-- you can see the syntax varies a little, but the underlying structure is roughly the same.
If-statements are executed once, a conditional path is chosen, and the program moves on.
if 语句 根据条件执行一次
To repeat some statements many times, we need to create a conditional loop.
One way is a while statement, also called a while loop.
比如 while 语句,也叫 "while 循环"
As you might have guessed, this loops a piece of code "while" a condition is true.
当 while 条件为真,代码会重复执行
Regardless of the programming language, they look something like this:
In our game, lets say at certain points, a friendly colleague restocks Grace with relays!
假设到达一定分数会冒出一个同事,给 Grace 补充继电器
To animate him replenishing our stock back up to a maximum of 4, we can use a while loop.
把继电器补满到最大数 4 个 \N 我们可以用 while 语句来做
Lets walk through this code.
First well assume that Grace only has 1 tube left when her colleague enters.
假设同事入场时, Grace 只剩一个继电器
When we enter the while loop, the first thing the computer does is test its conditional…
当执行 while 循环,第一件事是检查条件
is relays less than 4?
Well, relays is currently 1, so yes.
Now we enter the loop!
Then, we hit the line of code: "relays equals relays plus 1".
This is a bit confusing because the variable is using itself in an assignment statement,
so let's unpack it.
You always start by figuring out the right side of the equals sign first,
so what does "relays plus 1" come out to be?
"继电器数量+1" 是多少?
Well, relays is currently the value 1, so 1 plus 1 equals 2.
当前值是1所以 1+1=2
Then, this result gets saved back into the variable relays, writing over the old value,
so now relays stores the value 2.
所以现在继电器数量是 2
Weve hit the end of the while loop, which jumps the program back up.
Just as before, we test the conditional to see if were going to enter the loop.
Is relays less than 4?
Well, yes, relays now equals 2, so we enter the loop again!
2 plus 1 equals 3.
so 3 is saved into relays.
3 存入"继电器数量"
Loop again.
Is 3 less than 4?
Yes it is!
Into the loop again.
3 plus 1 equals 4.
So we save 4 into relays.
4 存入"继电器数量"
Loop again.
Is 4 less than 4?....
So the condition is now false, and thus we exit the loop and move on to any remaining code
Thats how a while loop works!
while 循环就是这样运作的!
Theres also the common For Loop.
另一种常见的叫 "for 循环"
Instead of being a condition-controlled loop that can repeat forever until the condition is false
a FOR loop is count-controlled; it repeats a specific number of times.
They look something like this:
Now, lets put in some real values.
This example loops 10 times, because weve specified that variable i
上图例子会循环10次因为设了变量 i
starts at the value 1 and goes up to 10.
从 1 开始,一直到 10
The unique thing about a FOR loop is that each time it hits NEXT, it adds one to i.
for 的特点是,每次结束, i 会 +1
When i equals 10, the computer knows its been looped 10 times, and the loop exits
当 i 等于10就知道循环了10次然后退出.
We can set the number to whatever we want -- 10, 42, or a billion -- its up to us.
我们可以用任何数字10, 42, 10 亿
Lets say we want to give the player a bonus at the end of each level
假设每关结束后 给玩家一些奖励分
for the number of vacuum relays they have left over.
奖励分多少取决于 继电器剩余数量
As the game gets harder, it takes more skill to have unused relays,
so we want the bonus to go up exponentially based on the level.
We need to write a piece of code that calculates exponents -
that is, multiplying a number by itself a specific number of times.
A loop is perfect for this!
First lets initialize a new variable called "bonus" and set it to 1.
首先,创建一个叫"奖励分"的新变量,设为 1 (看上图)
Then, we create a FOR loop starting at 1, and looping up to the level number.
然后 for 循环,从 1 到 [当前关卡数]
Inside that loop, we multiply bonus times the number of relays,
[奖励分] x [继电器剩余数],结果存入 [奖励分]
and save that new value back into bonus.
[奖励分] x [继电器剩余数],结果存入 [奖励分]
For example, lets say relays equals 2, and level equals 3.
So the FOR loop will loop three times, which means bonus is going to get multiplied by
for 会循环3次奖励分会乘
relays... by relays... by relays.
继电器数量 x 继电器数量 x 继电器数量
Or in this case, times 2, times 2, times 2, which is a bonus of 8!
Thats 2 to the 3rd power!
This exponent code is useful, and we might want to use it in other parts of our code.
Itd be annoying to copy and paste this everywhere, and have to update the variable names each time.
Also, if we found a bug, wed have to hunt around and update every place we used it.
如果代码发现问题,要补漏洞时 \N 要把每一个复制黏贴过的地方都找出来改
It also makes code more confusing to look at.
Less is more!
What we want is a way to package up our exponent code so we can use it, get the result, and
我们想要某种方法,把代码"打包" \N 可以直接使用,得出结果,
not have to see all the internal complexity.
Were once again moving up a new level of abstraction!
To compartmentalize and hide complexity,
programming languages can package pieces of code into named functions,
可以把代码打包成 "函数"
also called methods or subroutines in different programming languages.
也叫 "方法" 或 "子程序"\N有些编程语言这么叫
These functions can then be used by any other part of that program just by calling its name.
Lets turn our exponent code into a function! First, we should name it.
现在我们把指数代码变成函数. 第一步,取名.
We can call it anything we want, like HappyUnicorn,
but since our code calculates exponents, lets call it exponent.
但因为是算指数, 直接叫"指数"合适一些
Also, instead of using specific variable names, like "relays" and "levels",
还有,与其用特定变量名,比如 "继电器" 和 "关卡数"
we specify generic variable names, like Base and Exp,
用更通用的名字,比如 底数(Base) 和 指数(Exp)
whose initial values are going to be "passed" into our function from some other part of the program.
Base 和 Exp 的初始值需要外部传入
The rest of our code is the same as before
Now tucked into our function and with new variable names.
Finally, we need to send the result of our exponent code back to the part of the program that requested it.
最后, 我们还需要把结果 交给使用这个函数的代码
For this, we use a RETURN statement, and specify that the value in result be returned.
所以用 RETURN 语句,指明返回什么.
So our full function code looks like this:
Now we can use this function anywhere in our program,
simply by calling its name and passing in two numbers.
只需要写出名字 然后传入2个数字 就可以了
For example, if we want to calculate 2 to the 44th power, we can just call "exponent 2 comma 44."
如果要算 2 的 44 次方,写 exponent(2,44)
and like 18 trillion comes back.
结果是 18 万亿左右
Behind the scenes, 2 and 44 get saved into variables Base and Exp inside the function,
幕后原理是2 和 44 存进 Base 和 Exp
it does all its loops as necessary, and then the function returns with the result.
Lets use our newly minted function to calculate a score bonus.
我们来用这个新函数 算奖励分
First, we initialize bonus to 0.
首先,奖励分初始化为 0
Then we check if the player has any remaining relays with an if-statement.
然后用 if 语句,看剩不剩继电器(看上图的 > 0
If they do, we call our exponent function, passing in relays and level,
如果还剩,用指数函数,传入 [继电器数] 和 [关卡数]
which calculates relays to the power of level, and returns the result, which we save into bonus.
它会算 [继电器数]的[关卡数]次方, 存入奖励分
This bonus calculating code might be useful later, so lets wrap it up as a function too!
Yes, a function that calls a function!
没错,这个函数 (CalcBonus) \N 会调用另一个函数 (Exponent)
And then, wait for it…. we can use this function in an even more complex function.
还有!这个 CalcBonus 函数,可以用在其他更复杂的函数
Lets write one that gets called everytime the player finishes a level.
我们来写一个函数, 每一关结束后都会调用
Well call it "LevelFinished"
叫 LevelFinished (关卡结束)
- it needs to know the number of relays left, what level it was, and the current score;
需要传入 [剩余继电器数] [关卡数] [当前分]
those values have to get passed in.
Inside our function, well calculate the bonus, using our CalcBonus function,
里面用 CalcBonus 算奖励分,并加进总分
and add that to the running score.
里面用 CalcBonus 算奖励分,并加进总分
Also, if the current score is higher than the games high score,
还有,如果当前分 > 游戏最高分
we save the new high score and the players name.
把新高分和玩家名 存起来
Now were getting pretty fancy.
Functions are calling functions are calling functions!
When we call a single line of code, like this the complexity is hidden.
We dont see all the internal loops and variables,
we just see the result come back as if by magic…. a total score of 53.
只知道结果会像魔术一样返回,总分 53
But its not magic, its the power of abstraction!
If you understand this example, then you understand the power of functions,
and the entire essence of modern programming.
Its not feasible to write, for example, a web browser as one gigantically long list of statements.
It would be millions of lines long and impossible to comprehend!
So instead, software consists of thousands of smaller functions,
each responsible for different features.
In modern programming, its uncommon to see functions longer than around 100 lines of code
because by then, theres probably something that
如果多于 100 行,应该有东西可以拆出来做成一个函数
should be pulled out and made into its own function.
如果多于 100 行,应该有东西可以拆出来做成一个函数
Modularizing programs into functions not only allows a single programmer to write an entire app
模块化编程 不仅可以让单个程序员独立制作 App
but also allows teams of people to work efficiently on even bigger programs.
Different programmers can work on different functions,
and if everyone makes sure their code works correctly,
then when everything is put together, the whole program should work too!
And in the real world, programmers arent wasting time writing things like exponents.
Modern programming languages come with huge bundles of pre-written functions, called Libraries.
现代编程语言 有很多预先写好的函数集合,叫 "库"
These are written by expert coders, made efficient and rigorously tested, and then given to everyone.
There are libraries for almost everything, including networking, graphics, and sound
-- topics well discuss in future episodes.
But before we get to those, we need to talk about Algorithms.
You should be.
Ill see you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Over the past two episodes, we got our first taste of programming in a high-level language,
前两集,我们"初尝"了高级编程语言\N (比如 Python 和 Java
like Python or Java.
前两集,我们"初尝"了高级编程语言\N (比如 Python 和 Java
We talked about different types of programming language statements
我们讨论了几种语句 - 赋值语句if 语句,循环语句
- like assignments, ifs, and loops -
我们讨论了几种语句 - 赋值语句if 语句,循环语句
as well as putting statements into functions that perform a computation,
以及把代码打包成 "函数"
like calculating an exponent.
Importantly, the function we wrote to calculate exponents is only one possible solution.
重要的是,之前写的指数函数 \N 只是无数解决方案的一种
There are other ways to write this function
- using different statements in different orders -
- 用不同顺序写不同语句 也能得到一样结果
that achieve exactly the same numerical result.
- 用不同顺序写不同语句 也能得到一样结果
The difference between them is the algorithm,
不同的是 "算法",意思是:解决问题的具体步骤
that is the specific steps used to complete the computation.
不同的是 "算法",意思是:解决问题的具体步骤
Some algorithms are better than others even if they produce equal results.
Generally, the fewer steps it takes to compute, the better it is,
though sometimes we care about other factors, like how much memory it uses.
The term algorithm comes from Persian polymath Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
"算法" 一词来自 波斯博识者 阿尔·花拉子密
who was one of the fathers of algebra more than a millennium ago.
1000 多年前的代数之父之一
The crafting of efficient algorithms
如何想出高效算法 - 是早在计算机出现前就有的问题
- a problem that existed long before modern computers -
如何想出高效算法 - 是早在计算机出现前就有的问题
led to a whole science surrounding computation,
which evolved into the modern discipline of...
you guessed it!
Computer Science!
One of the most storied algorithmic problems in all of computer science is sorting
as in sorting names or sorting numbers.
Computers sort all the time.
Looking for the cheapest airfare,
arranging your email by most recently sent,
or scrolling your contacts by last name
-- those all require sorting.
You might think
你可能想"排序看起来不怎么难… 能有几种算法呢?"
"sorting isn't so tough how many algorithms can there possibly be?"
你可能想"排序看起来不怎么难… 能有几种算法呢?"
The answer is: a lot.
Computer Scientists have spent decades inventing algorithms for sorting,
with cool names like Bubble Sort and Spaghetti Sort.
Let's try sorting!
Imagine we have a set of airfare prices to Indianapolis.
试想有一堆机票价格,都飞往 印第安纳波利斯 (美国地名)
We'll talk about how data like this is represented in memory next week,
数据具体怎么在内存中表示 下周再说
but for now, a series of items like this is called an array.
上图的这样一组数据 叫"数组"Array
Let's take a look at these numbers to help see how we might sort this programmatically.
We'll start with a simple algorithm.
First, let's scan down the array to find the smallest number.
先找到最小数,从最上面的 307 开始
Starting at the top with 307.
先找到最小数,从最上面的 307 开始
It's the only number we've seen, so it's also the smallest.
The next is 239, that's smaller than 307,
下一个是 239比 307 小
so it becomes our new smallest number.
所以新的最小数变成 239
Next is 214, our new smallest number.
下一个是 214 ,新的最小数
250 is not, neither is 384, 299, 223 or 312.
250 不是384, 299, 223, 312 都不是
So we've finished scanning all numbers,
and 214 is the smallest.
214 是最小的
To put this into ascending order,
we swap 214 with the number in the top location.
把 214 和最上面的数字,交换位置
Great! We sorted one number!
好棒! 刚排序了一个数字!
Now we repeat the same procedure,
but instead of starting at the top, we can start one spot below.
这次不从最上面开始,从第 2 个数开始
First we see 239, which we save as our new smallest number.
先看到 239我们当作是 "最小数"
Scanning the rest of the array, we find 223 is the next smallest,
扫描剩下的部分,发现 223 最小
so we swap this with the number in the second spot.
所以把它和第 2 位交换
Now we repeat again, starting from the third number down.
重复这个过程,从第 3 位数字开始
This time, we swap 239 with 307.
让 239 和 307 互换位置
This process continues until we get to the very last number,
and voila, the array is sorted and you're ready to book that flight to Indianapolis!
The process we just walked through is one way
- or one algorithm - for sorting an array.
It's called Selection sort - and it's pretty basic.
叫 选择排序 - 非常基础的一种算法
Here's the pseudo-code.
This function can be used to sort 8, 80, or 80 million numbers
这个函数可以排序8个, 80个或8千万个数字
- and once you've written the function, you can use it over and over again.
With this sort algorithm, we loop through each position in the array, from top to bottom,
这里用循环 遍历数组
and then for each of those positions,
we have to loop through the array to find the smallest number to swap.
You can see this in the code, where one FOR loop is nested inside of another FOR loop.
可以在代码中看到这一点 \N (一个 for 循环套另一个 for 循环)
This means, very roughly, that if we want to sort N items, we have to loop N times,
这意味着,大致来说,如果要排 N 个东西,要循环 N 次,
inside of which, we loop N times, for a grand total of roughly N times N loops, or N squared.
每次循环中再循环 N 次,共 N*N, 或 N
This relationship of input size to the number of steps the algorithm takes to run
算法的 输入大小 和 运行步骤 之间的关系
characterizes the complexity of the Selection Sort algorithm.
叫算法的 复杂度
It gives you an approximation of how fast, or slow, an algorithm is going to be.
Computer Scientists write this order of growth in something known as - no joke -
计算机科学家们把算法复杂度叫 - 没开玩笑
"big O notation".
大 O 表示法
N squared is not particularly efficient.
算法复杂度 O(N ) 效率不高
Our example array had n = 8 items, and 8 squared is 64.
前面的例子有 8 个元素n=8, 8 = 64
If we increase the size of our array from 8 items to 80,
如果 8 个变 80 个
the running time is now 80 squared, which is 6,400.
运行时间变成 80 = 6400
So although our array only grew by 10 times - from 8 to 80 -
虽然大小只增长了 10 倍8 到 80
the running time increased by 100 times - from 64 to 6,400!
但运行时间增加了 100 倍64 到 6400
This effect magnifies as the array gets larger.
That's a big problem for a company like Google,
这对大公司来说是个问题,比如 谷歌
which has to sort arrays with millions or billions of entries.
So, you might ask,
as a burgeoning computer scientist, is there a more efficient sorting algorithm?
Let's go back to our old, unsorted array
and try a different algorithm, merge sort.
试另一个算法 "归并排序"
The first thing merge sort does is check if the size of the array is greater than 1.
第一件事是检查数组大小是否 > 1
If it is, it splits the array into two halves.
Since our array is size 8, it gets split into two arrays of size 4.
因为数组大小是 8所以分成两个数组大小是 4
These are still bigger than size 1, so they get split again, into arrays of size 2,
但依然大于 1所以再分成大小是 2 的数组
and finally they split into 8 arrays with 1 item in each.
最后变成 8 个数组,每个大小为 1
Now we are ready to merge, which is how "merge sort" gets its name.
Starting with the first two arrays, we read the first - and only - value in them,
in this case, 307 and 239.
307 和 239
239 is smaller, so we take that value first.
239 更小,所以放前面
The only number left is 307, so we put that value second.
剩下的唯一数字是 307 ,所以放第二位
We've successfully merged two arrays.
We now repeat this process for the remaining pairs, putting them each in sorted order.
Then the merge process repeats.
Again, we take the first two arrays, and we compare the first numbers in them.
This time its 239 and 214.
239 和 214
214 is lowest, so we take that number first.
214 更小,放前面
Now we look again at the first two numbers in both arrays: 239 and 250.
再看两个数组里的第一个数239 和 250
239 is lower, so we take that number next.
239 更小,所以放下一位
Now we look at the next two numbers: 307 and 250.
看剩下两个数307 和 250
250 is lower, so we take that.
250 更小,所以放下一位
Finally, we're left with just 307, so that gets added last.
最后剩下 307 ,所以放最后
In every case, we start with two arrays,
每次都以 2 个数组开始
each individually sorted, and merge them into a larger sorted array.
We repeat the exact same merging process for the two remaining arrays of size two.
Now we have two sorted arrays of size 4.
现在有两个大小是 4 的有序数组
Just as before, we merge,
comparing the first two numbers in each array, and taking the lowest.
We repeat this until all the numbers are merged,
and then our array is fully sorted again!
The bad news is: no matter how many times we sort these,
you're still going to have to pay $214 to get to Indianapolis.
你还是得付 214 美元到 印第安纳波利斯
Anyway, the "Big O" computational complexity of merge sort is N times the Log of N.
总之,"归并排序"的算法复杂度是 O(n * log n)
The N comes from the number of times we need to compare and merge items,
n 是需要 比较+合并 的次数
which is directly proportional to the number of items in the array.
The Log N comes from the number of merge steps.
log N 是合并步骤的次数
In our example, we broke our array of 8 items into 4,
例子中把大小是 8 的数组,分成四个数组
then 2, and finally 1.
然后分成 2 个,最后分成 1 个
That's 3 splits.
分了 3 次
Splitting in half repeatedly like this has a logarithmic relationship with the number of items
- trust me!
Log base 2 of 8 equals 3 splits.
Log 8=3
If we double the size of our array to 16 - that's twice as many items to sort -
如果数组大小变成 16 - 之前的两倍
it only increases the number of split steps by 1
也只要多分割 1 次
since log base 2 of 16 equals 4.
因为 Log 16=4
Even if we increase the size of the array more than a thousand times,
from 8 items to 8000 items, the number of split steps stays pretty low.
Log base 2 of 8000 is roughly 13.
log 8000≈13
That's more, but not much more than 3 -- about four times larger --
13 比 3 只是4倍多一点
and yet we're sorting a lot more numbers.
For this reason, merge sort is much more efficient than selection sort.
And now I can put my ceramic cat collection in name order MUCH faster!
这下我收藏的陶瓷猫 可以更快排序了!
There are literally dozens of sorting algorithms we could review,
but instead, I want to move on to my other favorite category of classic algorithmic problems:
graph search!
A graph is a network of nodes connected by lines.
"图" 是用线连起来的一堆 "节点"
You can think of it like a map, with cities and roads connecting them.
Routes between these cities take different amounts of time.
We can label each line with what is called a cost or weight.
可以用 成本(cost) 或 权重(weight) 来代称
In this case, it's weeks of travel.
Now let's say we want to find the fastest route
for an army at Highgarden to reach the castle at Winterfell.
The simplest approach would just be to try every single path exhaustively
and calculate the total cost of each.
That's a brute force approach.
We could have used a brute force approach in sorting,
假设用蛮力方法 来排序数组
by systematically trying every permutation of the array to check if it's sorted.
This would have an N factorial complexity
这样的时间复杂度是 O(n!)
- that is the number of nodes, times one less, times one less than that, and so on until 1.
n 是节点数n! 是 n 乘 n-1 乘 n-2... 一直到 1
Which is way worse than even N squared.
比 O(n ) 还糟糕
But, we can be way more clever!
The classic algorithmic solution to this graph problem was invented by
图搜索问题的经典算法 发明者是
one of the greatest minds in computer science practice and theory, Edsger Dijkstra
理论计算机科学的伟人 Edsger Dijkstra
so it's appropriately named Dijkstra's algorithm.
所以叫 "Dijkstra 算法"
We start in Highgarden with a cost of 0, which we mark inside the node.
For now, we mark all other cities with question marks
- we don't know the cost of getting to them yet.
Dijkstra's algorithm always starts with the node with lowest cost.
Dijkstra 算法总是从成本最低的节点开始
In this case, it only knows about one node, Highgarden, so it starts there.
目前只知道一个节点 "高庭", 所以从这里开始
It follows all paths from that node to all connecting nodes that are one step away,
and records the cost to get to each of them.
That completes one round of the algorithm.
We haven't encountered Winterfell yet,
so we loop and run Dijkstra's algorithm again.
所以再跑一次 Dijkstra 算法
With Highgarden already checked,
"高庭" 已经知道了
the next lowest cost node is King's Landing.
下一个成本最低的节点,是 "君临城"
Just as before, we follow every unvisited line to any connecting cities.
The line to The Trident has a cost of 5.
到"三叉戟河"的成本是 5
However, we want to keep a running cost from Highgarden,
so the total cost of getting to The Trident is 8 plus 5, which is 13 weeks.
所以"三叉戟河"的总成本是 8+5=13周
Now we follow the offroad path to Riverrun,
which has a high cost of 25, for a total of 33.
成本高达 25 ,总成本 33
But we can see inside of Riverrun that we've already found a path with a lower cost of just 10.
但 "奔流城" 中最低成本是 10
So we disregard our new path, and stick with the previous, better path.
所以无视新数字,保留之前的成本 10
We've now explored every line from King's Landing and didn't find Winterfell, so we move on.
现在看了"君临城"的每一条路,还没到"凛冬城" 所以继续.
The next lowest cost node is Riverrun, at 10 weeks.
下一个成本最低的节点,是"奔流城",要 10 周
First we check the path to The Trident, which has a total cost of 10 plus 2, or 12.
先看 "三叉戟河" 成本: 10+2=12
That's slightly better than the previous path we found, which had a cost of 13,
比之前的 13 好一点
so we update the path and cost to The Trident.
所以更新 "三叉戟河" 为 12
There is also a line from Riverrun to Pyke with a cost of 3.
"奔流城"到"派克城"成本是 3
10 plus 3 is 13, which beats the previous cost of 14,
and so we update Pyke's path and cost as well.
所以更新 "派克城" 为 13
That's all paths from Riverrun checked. so you guessed it, Dijkstra's algorithm loops again.
"奔流城"出发的所有路径都走遍了, \N 你猜对了,再跑一次 Dijkstra 算法
The node with the next lowest cost is The Trident
and the only line from The Trident that we haven't checked is a path to Winterfell!
It has a cost of 10,
成本是 10
plus we need to add in the cost of 12 it takes to get to The Trident,
加"三叉戟河"的成本 12
for a grand total cost of 22.
总成本 22
We check our last path, from Pyke to Winterfell, which sums to 31.
再看最后一条路,"派克城"到"凛冬城",成本 31
Now we know the lowest total cost, and also the fastest route for the army to get there,
which avoids King's Landing!
Dijkstra's original algorithm, conceived in 1956,
Dijkstra 算法的原始版本,构思于 1956 年
had a complexity of the number of nodes in the graph squared.
算法复杂度是 O(n )
And squared, as we already discussed, is never great,
because it means the algorithm can't scale to big problems
- like the entire road map of the United States.
Fortunately, Dijkstra's algorithm was improved a few years later
幸运的是Dijkstra 算法几年后得到改进
to take the number of nodes in the graph,
变成 O(n log n + l)
times the log of the number of nodes, PLUS the number of lines.
n 是节点数l 是多少条线
Although this looks more complicated,
it's actually quite a bit faster.
Plugging in our example graph, with 6 cities and 9 lines, proves it.
用之前的例子,可以证明更快 \N 6 个节点 9 条线)
Our algorithm drops from 36 loops to around 14.
从 36 减少到 14 左右
As with sorting,
there are innumerable graph search algorithms, with different pros and cons.
Every time you use a service like Google Maps to find directions,
an algorithm much like Dijkstra's is running on servers to figure out the best route for you.
类似 Dijkstra 的算法就在服务器上运行,找最佳路线
Algorithms are everywhere
and the modern world would not be possible without them.
We touched only the very tip of the algorithmic iceberg in this episode,
but a central part of being a computer scientist
is leveraging existing algorithms and writing new ones when needed,
是根据情况合理决定 用现有算法 还是自己写新算法
and I hope this little taste has intrigued you to SEARCH further.
I'll see you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Last episode, we discussed a few example classic algorithms,
like sorting a list of numbers and finding the shortest path in a graph.
What we didn't talk much about,
is how the data the algorithms ran on was stored in computer memory.
算法处理的数据 存在内存里的格式是什么
You don't want your data to be like John Green's college dorm room,
你肯定不想数据像 John Green 的大学宿舍一样乱 \N 到处都是食物,衣服和纸
with food, clothing and papers strewn everywhere.
你肯定不想数据像 John Green 的大学宿舍一样乱 \N 到处都是食物,衣服和纸
Instead, we want our data to be structured,
so that it's organized, allowing things to be easily retrieved and read.
For this, computer scientists use Data Structures!
因此计算机科学家发明了 "数据结构"
We already introduced one basic data structure last episode,
Arrays, also called lists or Vectors in some languages.
数组Array\N 也叫列表list或向量Vector在其它编程语言里
These are a series of values stored in memory.
So instead of just a single value being saved into a variable, like 'j equals 5',
所以不像之前,一个变量里只存一个值(比如 j = 5
we can define a whole series of numbers, and save that into an array variable.
To be able to find a particular value in this array, we have to specify an index.
Almost all programing languages start arrays at index 0,
大多数编程语言里,数组下标都从 0 开始
and use a square bracket syntax to denote array access.
用方括号 [ ] 代表访问数组
So, for example, if we want to add the values in the first and third spots of our array 'j',
如果想相加数组 J 的第一个和第三个元素
and save that into a variable 'a', we would write a line of code like this.
把结果存在变量 a可以写上图这样一行代码
How an array is stored in memory is pretty straightforward.
数组存在内存里的方式 十分易懂
For simplicity, let's say that the compiler chose to store ours at memory location 1,000.
为了简单,假设编译器从内存地址 1000 开始存数组
The array contains 7 numbers, and these are stored one after another in memory, as seen here.
So when we write "j index of 0", the computer goes to memory location 1,000,
写 j[0],会去内存地址 1000
with an offset of 0, and we get the value 5.
加 0 个偏移,得到地址 1000拿值5
If we wanted to retrieve "j index of 5", our program goes to memory location 1000,
如果写 j[5],会去内存地址 1000
plus an offset of 5, which in this case, holds a value of 4.
加 5 个偏移,得到地址 1005拿值 4
It's easy to confuse the fifth number in the array with the number at index 5.
很容易混淆 "数组中第 5 个数" 和 "数组下标为 5 的数"
They are not the same.
Remember, the number at index 5 is the 6th number in the array
记住,下标 5 其实是数组中第 6 个数
because the first number is at index 0.
因为下标是从 0 开始算的
Arrays are extremely versatile data structures, used all the time,
and so there are many functions that can handle them to do useful things.
所以几乎所有编程语言 都自带了很多函数来处理数组
For example, pretty much every programming language comes with a built-in sort function,
where you just pass in your array, and it comes back sorted.
So there's no need to write that algorithm from scratch.
Very closely related are Strings, which are just arrays of characters,
数组的亲戚是 字符串 (string)
like letters, numbers, punctuation and other written symbols.
其实就是字母,数字,标点符号等 组成的数组
We talked about how computers store characters way back in Episode 4.
第 4 集讨论过计算机怎么存储字符
Most often, to save a string into memory, you just put it in quotes, like so.
写代码时 用引号括起来就行了 \N j = "STAN ROCKS"
Although it doesn't look like an array, it is.
Behind the scenes, the memory looks like this.
Note that the string ends with a zero in memory.
注意,字符串在内存里以 0 结尾
It's not the character zero, but the binary value 0.
不是"字符0",是"二进制值0" \N 这叫字符"null",表示字符串结尾
This is called the null character, and denotes the end of the string in memory.
不是"字符0",是"二进制值0" \N 这叫字符"null",表示字符串结尾
This is important because if I call a function like "print quote",
这个字符非常重要,如果调用 print 函数
which writes the string to the screen,
print 在屏幕上输出字符串
it prints out each character in turn starting at the first memory location,
but it needs to know when to stop!
Otherwise, it would print out every single thing in memory as text.
否则会把内存里所有东西 都显示出来
The zero tells string functions when to stop.
0 告诉函数何时停下
Because computers work with text so often,
there are many functions that specifically handle strings.
For example, many programming languages have a string concatenation function, or "strcat",
比如连接字符串的 strcat
which takes in two strings, and copies the second one to the end of the first.
strcat 接收两个字符串,把第二个放到第一个结尾.
We can use arrays for making one dimensional lists,
but sometimes you want to manipulate data that is two dimensional,
like a grid of numbers in a spreadsheet, or the pixels on your computer screen.
For this, we need a Matrix.
那么需要 矩阵Matrix
You can think of a Matrix as an array of arrays!
可以把矩阵看成 数组的数组!
So a 3 by 3 matrix is really an array of size 3, with each index storing an array of size 3.
一个 3x3 矩阵就是一个长度为3的数组 \N 数组里每个元素都是一个长度为3的数组
We can initialize a matrix like so.
In memory, this is packed together in order like this.
To access a value, you need to specify two indexes, like "J index of 2, then index of 1" -
为了拿一个值,需要两个下标,比如 j[2][1]
this tells the computer you're looking for the item in subarray 2 at position 1.
告诉计算机在找数组 2 里,位置是 1 的元素
And this would give us the value 12.
得到数字 12
The cool thing about matrices is we're not limited to 3 by 3
矩阵酷的地方是,不止能做 3x3 的矩阵
-- we can make them any size we want
-- and we can also make them any number of dimensions we want.
For example, we can create a five dimensional matrix and access it like this.
可以做一个5维矩阵然后这样访问 \N a = j[2][0][18][18][3]
That's right, you now know how to access a five dimensional matrix
现在你知道了 怎么读一个 5 维矩阵
-- tell your friends!
So far, we've been storing individual numbers or letters into our arrays or matrices.
But often it's useful to store a block of related variables together.
但有时, 把几个有关系的变量存在一起, 会很有用
Like, you might want to store a bank account number along with its balance.
Groups of variables like these can be bundled together into a Struct.
多个变量打包在一起叫 结构体 (Struct)
Now we can create variables that aren't just single numbers,
but are compound data structures, able to store several pieces of data at once.
We can even make arrays of structs that we define,
which are automatically bundled together in memory.
这些数据在内存里 会自动打包在一起
If we access, for example, J index of 0, we get back the whole struct stored there,
如果写 j[0],能拿到 j[0] 里的结构体
and we can pull the specific account number and balance data we want.
This array of structs, like any other array,
gets created at a fixed size that can't be enlarged to add more items.
Also, arrays must be stored in order in memory,
还有,数组在内存中 按顺序存储
making it hard to add a new item to the middle.
But, the struct data structure can be used for
building more complicated data structures that avoid these restrictions.
Let's take a look at this struct that's called a "node".
我们来看一个结构体,叫 节点(node)
It stores a variable, like a number, and also a pointer.
它存一个变量 \N 一个指针pointer
A pointer is a special variable that points, hence the name, to a location in memory.
"指针" 是一种特殊变量,指向一个内存地址,因此得名.
Using this struct, we can create a linked list,
用 节点 可以做 链表linked list
which is a flexible data structure that can store many nodes.
链表是一种灵活数据结构,能存很多个 节点 (node)
It does this by having each node point to the next node in the list.
灵活性是通过每个节点 指向 下一个节点实现的
Let's imagine we have three node structs saved in memory, at locations 1000, 1002 and 1008.
假设有三个节点,在内存地址 10001002, 1008
They might be spaced apart because they were created at different times,
隔开的原因 可能是创建时间不同
and other data can sit between them.
So, you see that the first node contains the value 7, and the location 1008 in its "next" pointer.
可以看到第一个节点,值是 7指向地址 1008
This means that the next node in the linked list is located at memory location 1008.
代表下一个节点,位于内存地址 1008
Looking down the linked list, to the next node,
we see it stores the value 112 and points to another node at location 1002.
值是 112指向地址 1002
If we follow that, we find a node that contains the value 14
如果跟着它,会看到一个值为 14 的节点
and points back to the first node at location 1000.
这个节点 指回地址 1000也就是第一个节点
So this linked list happened to be circular,
这叫 循环链表
but it could also have been terminated by using a next pointer value of 0
但链表也可以是非循环的,最后一个指针是 0
-- the null value -- which would indicate we've reached the end of the list.
When programmers use linked lists,
they rarely look at the memory values stored in the next pointers.
Instead, they can use an abstraction of a linked list, that looks like this,
which is much easier to conceptualize.
Unlike an array, whose size has to be pre-defined,
linked lists can be dynamically extended or shortened.
For example, we can allocate a new node in memory,
and insert it into this list, just by changing the next pointers.
Linked Lists can also easily be re-ordered, trimmed, split, reversed, and so on.
Which is pretty nifty!
And pretty useful for algorithms like sorting, which we talked about last week.
Owing to this flexibility, many more-complex data structures are built on top of linked lists
因为灵活,很多复杂数据结构 都用链表
The most famous and universal are queues and stacks.
最出名的是 队列queue和 栈stack
A queue - like the line at your post office - goes in order of arrival.
"队列" 就像邮局排队,谁先来就排前面
The person who has been waiting the longest, gets served first.
"队列" 就像邮局排队,谁先来就排前面
No matter how frustrating it is that all you want to do is buy stamps
虽然你可能只想买邮票,而前面的人要寄 23 个包裹
and the person in front of you seems to be mailing 23 packages.
虽然你可能只想买邮票,而前面的人要寄 23 个包裹
But, regardless, this behavior is called First-In First-Out, or FIFO.
这叫 先进先出FIFO
That's the first part.
我指队列,不是指那 23 个包裹
Not the 23 packages thing.
我指队列,不是指那 23 个包裹
Imagine we have a pointer, named "post office queue", that points to the first node in our linked list.
Once we're done serving Hank, we can read Hank's next pointer,
第一个节点是 Hank服务完 Hank 之后 \N 读取 Hank 的指针
and update our "post office queue" pointer to the next person in the line.
We've successfully dequeued Hank -- he's gone, done, finished.
这样就把 Hank "出队"dequeue
If we want to enqueue someone, that is, add them to the line,
如果我们想把某人"入队"enqueue \N 意思是加到队列里
we have to traverse down the linked list until we hit the end,
and then change that next pointer to point to the new person.
With just a small change, we can use linked lists as stacks, which are LIFO…
只要稍作修改,就能用链表做 栈,\N 栈是后进先出(LIFO)
Last-In First-Out.
只要稍作修改,就能用链表做 栈,\N 栈是后进先出(LIFO)
You can think of this like a stack of pancakes...
as you make them, you add them to the top of stack.
And when you want to eat one, you take them from the top of the stack.
Instead of enqueueing and dequeuing,
data is pushed onto the stack and popped from the stacks.
叫"入栈"push "出栈"pop
Yep, those are the official terms!
If we update our node struct to contain not just one, but two pointers,
如果节点改一下,改成 2 个指针
we can build trees,
就能做 树tree
another data structure that's used in many algorithms.
很多算法用了 "树" 这种数据结构
Again, programmers rarely look at the values of these pointers,
and instead conceptualize trees like this: The top most node is called the root.
And any nodes that hang from other nodes are called children nodes.
"根节点"下的所有节点 都叫"子节点"children
As you might expect, nodes above children are called parent nodes.
任何子节点的直属上层节点,叫"母节点"parent node
Does this example imply that Thomas Jefferson is the parent of Aaron Burr?
这个例子能说明 托马斯·杰斐逊 是 阿龙·伯尔 的父亲吗?
I'll leave that to your fanfiction to decide.
And finally, any nodes that have no children
-- where the tree ends -- are called Leaf Nodes.
In our example, nodes can have up to two children,
在这里的例子中,节点最多只可以有 2 个子节点
and for that reason, this particular data structure is called a binary tree.
因此叫 二叉树binary tree
But you could just as easily have trees with three, four or any number of children
但你可以随便改,弄成 3个4个或更多
by modifying the data structure accordingly.
但你可以随便改,弄成 3个4个或更多
You can even have tree nodes that use linked lists to store all the nodes they point to.
甚至节点 可以用链表存所有子节点
An important property of trees - both in real life and in data structures - is that
there's a one-way path from roots to leaves.
"根"到"叶"是 单向 的
It'd be weird if roots connected to leaves, that connected to roots.
如果根连到叶,叶连到根 就很奇怪
For data that links arbitrarily, that include things like loops,
we can use a graph data structure instead.
Remember our graph from last episode of cities connected by roads?
This can be stored as nodes with many pointers, very much like a tree,
这种结构 可以用有多个指针的节点表示
but there is no notion of roots and leaves, and children and parents…
因此没有 根 叶 子节点 父节点 这些概念
Anything can point to anything!
So that's a whirlwind overview
of pretty much all of the fundamental data structures used in computer science.
On top of these basic building blocks,
programmers have built all sorts of clever variants, with slightly different properties
-- data structures like red-black trees and heaps, which we don't have time to cover.
These different data structures have properties that are useful for particular computations.
The right choice of data structure can make your job a lot easier,
so it pays off to think about how you want to structure your data before you jump in.
Fortunately, most programming languages come with
libraries packed full of ready-made data structures.
For example, C++ has its Standard Template Library, and Java has the Java Class Library.
比如C++有"标准模板库"Java有"Java 类库"
These mean programmers don't have to waste time implementing things from scratch,
and can instead wield the power of data structures to do more interesting things,
once again allowing us to operate at a new level of abstraction!
I'll see you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne and welcome to Crash Course computer science.
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Over the past a few episodes,
we've been building up our understanding of computer science fundamentals,
such as functions, algorithms and data structures.
Today, we're going to take a step back and look at the person
今天,我们来看一位对计算机理论 贡献巨大的人
who formulated many of the theoretical concepts that underline modern computation.
今天,我们来看一位对计算机理论 贡献巨大的人
The father of computer science
and not quite Benedict Cumberbatch lookalike, Alan Turing.
长得不怎么像 本尼 的 阿兰·图灵
Alan Mathison Turing was born in London in 1912
阿兰·马蒂森·图灵 于 1921 年出生在伦敦,\N 从小就表现出惊人数学和科学能力
and showed an incredible aptitude for maths and science throughout his early education.
阿兰·马蒂森·图灵 于 1921 年出生在伦敦,\N 从小就表现出惊人数学和科学能力
His first brush of what we now call computer science came in 1935
他对计算机科学的建树始于 1935 年
while he was a master student at King's College in Cambridge.
He set out to solve a problem posed by German Mathematician David Hilbert
他开始解决德国数学家 大卫·希尔伯特 提出的问题
known as the Entscheidungsproblem
叫 Entscheidungsproblem (德语)
or decision problem,
which asked the following:
is there an algorithm that takes, as input, a statement written in formal logic,
是否存在一种算法,输入正式逻辑语句 \N 输出准确的"是"或"否"答案?
and produces a "yes" or "no" answer that's always accurate?
是否存在一种算法,输入正式逻辑语句 \N 输出准确的"是"或"否"答案?
If such an algorithm existed,
如果这样的算法存在, \N 可以回答比如 "是否有一个数大于所有数"
we could use it to answer questions like, "Is there a number bigger than all numbers?"
如果这样的算法存在, \N 可以回答比如 "是否有一个数大于所有数"
No, there's not. We know the answer to that one,
不, 没有. 我们知道答案
but there are many other questions in mathematics that we'd like to know the answer too.
So if this algorithm existed, we'd want to know it.
所以如果这种算法存在, 我们想知道
The American mathematician Alonzo Church first presented a solution to this problem in 1935.
美国数学家 阿隆佐·丘奇 \N 于 1935年 首先提出解决方法
He developed a system of mathematical expressions called Lambda Calculus
开发了一个叫"Lambda 算子"的数学表达系统
and demonstrated that no such universal algorithm could exist.
Although Lambda Calculus was capable of representing any computation,
虽然"Lambda 算子"能表示任何计算
the mathematical technique was difficult to apply and understand.
但它使用的数学技巧 难以理解和使用
At pretty much the same time on the other side of the Atlantic,
Alan Turing came up with his own approach to solve the decision problem.
阿兰·图灵 想出了自己的办法来解决"可判定性问题"
He proposed a hypothetical computing machine, which we now call a Turing Machine.
Turing Machines provided a simple, yet powerful
mathematical model of computation.
Although using totally different mathematics,
they were functionally equivalent to lambda calculus in terms of their computational power.
但图灵机的计算能力和 Lambda 算子一样
However their relative simplicity made them much more popular
in the burgeoning field of computer science.
In fact, they're simple enough that I'm going to explain it right now.
A Turing Machine is a theoretical computing device
There's also a state variable in which we can hold a piece of information
about the current state of the machine.
And a set of rules that describes what the machine does.
Given a state and the current symbol the head is reading,
规则是根据 当前状态+读写头看到的符号,决定机器做什么
the rule can be to write a symbol on the tape,
change the state of the machine, move the read/write head to the left or right by one spot
or any combination of these actions.
To make this concrete, let's work through a simple example:
a Turing Machine that reads a string of ones ending in a zero
and computes whether there is an even number of ones.
并计算 1 的出现次数 是不是偶数
If that's true,
如果是, 在纸带上写一个 1
the machine will write a one to the tape
如果是, 在纸带上写一个 1
and if it's false, it'll write a zero.
如果不是,在纸带上写一个 0
First we need to define our Turing machine rules.
If the state is even and the current symbol of the tape is one,
如果当前状态是"偶数", 当前符号是1
then we update the machine state to odd and move the head to the right.
On the other hand if the state is even and the current symbol is zero,
如果当前状态为偶数,当前符号是 0
which means we've reached the end of the string of ones,
then we write one to the tape and change the state to halt,
那么在纸带上写一个 1并且把状态改成 停机(halt)
as in we're finished and the Turing machine has completed the computation.
状态改为"停机" 是因为图灵机已完成计算
We also need rules for when the Turing machine is in an odd state,
但我们还需要 2 条规则,来处理状态为奇数的情况
one rule for the symbol on the tape is a zero and another for when it is one.
一条处理 奇数 + 纸带是 0 的情况 \N 一条处理 奇数 + 纸带是 1 的情况
Lastly we need to define a Starting state, which we'll set to be even.
Now we've defined the rules in the starting state of our Turing machine,
定义好了 起始状态+规则
which is comparable to a computer program, we can run it on some example input.
Let's say we store 1 1 0 onto tape.
假设把"1 1 0"放在纸带上,有两个 1是偶数
That's two ones, which means there is an even number of ones,
假设把"1 1 0"放在纸带上,有两个 1是偶数
and if that's news to you,
如果"偶数"对你是新知识 \N 也许我们该开一门【十分钟速成课:数学】
We should probably get working on crash course Math.
如果"偶数"对你是新知识 \N 也许我们该开一门【十分钟速成课:数学】
Notice that our rules only ever move their head to the right
注意,规则只让 读写头 向右移动
so the rest of the tape is irrelevant.
We'll leave it blank for simplicity.
Our Turing machine is all ready to go so let's start it.
Our state is even and the first number we see is one.
机器起始状态为"偶数",看到的第一个数是 1
That matches our topmost rule and so we execute the effect,
which is to update the state to odd and move the read/write head to the right by one spot.
把状态更新到"奇数" 读写头向右移动一格
Okay, now we see another one on the tape, But this time our state is odd
然后又看到 1, 但机器状态是"奇数",所以执行第三条规则
and so we execute our third rule
然后又看到 1, 但机器状态是"奇数",所以执行第三条规则
which sets the state back to even and moves the head to the right.
Now we see a 0 and our current state is even
现在看到 0并且机器状态是 偶数,所以执行第二条规则
so we execute our second rule
现在看到 0并且机器状态是 偶数,所以执行第二条规则
which is to write a 1 to the tape signifying that yes, it's true,
在纸带上写 1表示"真" 的确有偶数个 1
there is an even number of ones,
在纸带上写 1表示"真" 的确有偶数个 1
and finally the machine halts.
That's how Turing machines work.
Pretty simple, right?
so you might be wondering why there's such a big deal.
你可能想知道 有什么大不了的
Well, Turing shows that this simple hypothetical machine
can perform any computation if given enough time and memory.
It's a general-purpose computer.
Our program was a simple example.
But with enough rules, states and tape,
只要有足够的规则,状态和纸带 可以创造任何东西
you could build anything
只要有足够的规则,状态和纸带 可以创造任何东西
- a web browser, world of warcraft, whatever!
浏览器, 魔兽世界 任何东西!
Of course it would be ridiculously inefficient, but it is theoretically possible.
当然 这样做效率很低,但理论上可行.
And that's why, as a model of computing,
it's such a powerful idea.
In fact, in terms of what it can and cannot compute
there's no computer more powerful than a turing machine.
A computer that is as powerful is called Turing complete.
和图灵机一样强大的,叫 "图灵完备"
Every modern computing system, your laptop, your smartphone
每个现代计算系统 比如笔记本电脑,智能手机
and even the little computer inside your microwave and thermostat
are all Turing Complete.
To answer Hilbert's decision problem,
Turing applied these new Turing machines to an intriguing computational puzzle:
the halting problem.
Put simply this asks
"Is there an algorithm that can determine,
given a description of a turing machine and the input from its tape,
whether the Machine will run forever or halt?"
For example we know our Turing machine will halt when given the input 1 1 0
我们知道输入 1 1 0图灵机会停机
Because we literally walk through the example until it halted,
but what about a more complex problem?
Is there a way to figure out if the program will halt without executing it?
Some programs might take years to run
so it would be useful to know before we run it
所以在运行前知道 会不会出结果很有用
and wait and wait and wait and then start getting worried and wonder
and then decades later when you're old and gray control-alt-delete.
So much sadness!
Unfortunately, Turing came up with a proof that shows the halting problem was in fact unsolvable,
图灵通过一个巧妙逻辑矛盾 \N 证明了停机问题是无法解决的
through a clever logical contradiction.
图灵通过一个巧妙逻辑矛盾 \N 证明了停机问题是无法解决的
Let's follow his reasoning.
Imagine we have a hypothetical Turing machine that takes a description of a program
想象有一个假想图灵机,\N 输入:问题的描述 + 纸带的数据
and some input for his tape
想象有一个假想图灵机,\N 输入:问题的描述 + 纸带的数据
and always outputs either Yes, it halts, or no, it doesn't.
输出 Yes 代表会"停机",输出 No 代表不会
And I'm going to give this machine a fun name
我要给这台机器一个有趣的名字叫 H \N 来自"停机"的第一个字母
H for Halts.
我要给这台机器一个有趣的名字叫 H \N 来自"停机"的第一个字母
Don't worry about how it works.
Let's just assume such a machine exists.
假设这样的机器存在就好 毕竟重点是推论
We're talking theory here.
假设这样的机器存在就好 毕竟重点是推论
Turing reasons if there existed a program whose halting behavior was not decidable by H,
图灵推理说: 如果有个程序, H 无法判断是否会"停机"
it would mean the halting problem is unsolvable.
To find one, Turing designed another Turing machine that built on top of H.
为了找到这样的程序,图灵用 H 设计了另一个图灵机
If H says the program halts,
如果 H 说程序会"停机",那么新机器会永远运行(即不会停机)
then we'll make our new machine loop forever.
如果 H 说程序会"停机",那么新机器会永远运行(即不会停机)
If the answer is no, it doesn't the halt.
如果 H 的结果为 No代表不会停机
That will have the new machine output no and halt.
那么让新机器输出 No然后"停机"
In essence, we're building a machine that does the opposite of what H says.
实质上是一台和 H 输出相反的机器
Halt if the program doesn't halt
and run forever if the program halts.
So this argument will also need to add a splitter to the front of our new machine.
So it accepts only one input and passes that as both the program and input into H.
让机器只接收一个输入,\N 这个输入既是程序,也是输入
Let's call this new Machine Bizzaro.
我们把这台新机器叫 异魔
So far this seems like a plausible machine right.
Now it's going to get pretty complicated.
But bear with me for a second.
Look what happens when you pass bizzaro a description of itself as the input.
如果把 异魔 的描述,作为本身的输入会怎样
This means We're asking h what bizzaro will do when asked to evaluate itself.
意味着在问 H ,当异魔的输入是自己时会怎样
But if H says Bizzaro halts,
但如果 H 说异魔会停机
then Bizzaro enters its infinite loop and thus doesn't halt.
And if H says the Bizzaro doesn't halt, then Bizzaro outputs no and halt.
如果 H 说异魔不会停机,那么异魔会输出 No 然后停机
So H can't possibly decide the halting problem correctly
所以 H 不能正确判定 停机问题
because there is no answer.
It's a paradox.
And this paradox means that the halting problem cannot be solved with Turing machines.
Remember Turing proves that Turing machines could implement any computation.
还记得刚刚说: 图灵证明了图灵机可以实现任何计算
So this solution to the halting problem proves
that not all problems can be solved by computation.
Wow, that's some heavy stuff.
I might have to watch that again myself.
Long story short, Church and Turing showed there were limits to the ability of computers.
No matter how much time or memory you have,
there are just some problems that cannot be solved ever.
The concurrent efforts by Church and Turing to determine the limits of computation,
and in general, formalize computability, are now called the Church-Turing Thesis.
At this point in 1936, Turing was only 24 years old
and really only just beginning his career.
From 1936 through 1938,
从1936年到1938年 \N 在丘奇指导下,他在普林斯顿拿到博士学位
he completed a PhD at Princeton University under the guidance of Church
从1936年到1938年 \N 在丘奇指导下,他在普林斯顿拿到博士学位
then after graduating he returned to Cambridge.
Shortly after in 1939, Britain became embroiled in World War II.
Turing's genius was quickly applied for the war effort.
In fact, a year before the war started,
he was already working part-time at the UK's government Code and Cypher school,
他已经在英国政府的 密码破译学校兼职
which was the British code breaking group based out of Bletchley Park.
One of his main efforts was figuring out how to decrypt German communications.
Especially those that use the Enigma Machine.
In short, these machines scrambled text
like you type the letters H-E-L-L-O
如果输入字母 H-E-L-L-O
and the letters X-W-D-B-J would come out.
机器输出 X-W-D-B-J
This process is called Encryption.
The scrambling wasn't random.
The behavior was defined by a series of real world rotors on the top of the enigma machine.
Each were 26 possible rotational positions.
There was also a plug board at the front of the machine that allow pairs of letters to be swapped.
In total, there were billions of possible settings.
If you had your only enigma machine and you knew the correct rotor and plug board settings,
you could type in X-W-D-B-J and "hello" would come out.
输入X-W-D-B-J机器会输出 hello
In other words, you decrypted the message.
Of course, the German military wasn't sharing their enigma settings on Social Media.
So the allies had to break the code.
With billions of Rotor and plug board combinations,
there was no way to check them all by hand.
Fortunately for Turing, Enigma Machines and the people who operated them were not perfect.
Like one key flaw was that a letter would never be encoded as itself,
as in an H was never encrypted as an H.
H 加密后绝对不是 H
Turing building on earlier work by Polish code breakers
designed a special-purpose electro-mechanical computer called the bombe
设计了一个机电计算机,叫 Bombe
that took advantages of this flaw.
It tried lots and lots of combinations of enigma settings for a given encrypted message.
If the bombe found a setting that led to a letter being encoded as itself
which we know no enigma machines could do.
That combination was discarded then the machine moved on to try another combination.
So bombe was used to greatly narrow the number of Possible enigma settings.
Bombe 大幅减少了搜索量
This allowed human code breakers to hone their efforts on the most probable solutions,
looking for things like common german words in fragments of decoded text.
Periodically, the Germans would suspect someone was decoding their communications
and upgrade the enigma machine,
like they'd add another rotor creating many more combinations.
They even built entirely new encryption machines.
Throughout the war, Turing and his colleagues at Bletchley Park
worked tirelessly to defeat these mechanisms.
And overall, the intelligence gained from decrypted German communications
gave the allies an edge in many theaters
with some historians arguing is shortened the war by years.
After the war, Turing return to academia
战后,图灵回到学术界 \N 为许多早期计算机工作做出贡献
and contributed to many early electronic computing efforts
战后,图灵回到学术界 \N 为许多早期计算机工作做出贡献
like the Manchester Mark 1, which was an early and influential stored-program computer.
比如曼彻斯特 1 号,一个早期有影响力的存储程序计算机
But his most famous post-war contribution was the Artificial Intelligence.
A field's so new that it didn't get that name until 1956.
It's a huge topic. So we'll get to it again in future episodes.
In 1950, Turing could envision a future where computers
1950 年,图灵设想了未来的计算机
were powerful enough to exhibit intelligence equivalent to
or at least indistinguishable from that of a human.
Turing postulated that a computer would deserve to be called intelligent
图灵提出 \N 如果计算机能欺骗人类相信它是人类,才算是智能
if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human.
图灵提出 \N 如果计算机能欺骗人类相信它是人类,才算是智能
This became the basis of a simple test, now called the Turing test.
Imagine that you are having a conversation with two different people
想像你在和两个人沟通 \N 不用嘴或面对面,而是来回发消息
not by voice or in person, but by sending type notes back and forth,
想像你在和两个人沟通 \N 不用嘴或面对面,而是来回发消息
you can ask any questions you want and you get replies.
But one of those two people is actually a computer.
If you can't tell which one is human and which one is a computer,
then the computer passes the test.
There's a modern version of this test called
a completely automated public turing test to tell computers and humans apart
or Captcha for short.
These are frequently used on the internet to prevent automated systems
from doing things like posting spam on websites.
I'll admit sometimes I can't read what those squiggly things say.
我承认 有时我都认不出那些扭曲的东西是什么字
Does that mean I'm a computer?
Normally in this series, we don't delve into the personal lives of these historical figures.
But in Turing's case his name has been inextricably tied to tragedy
so his story is worth mentioning.
Turing was gained a time when homosexuality was illegal in the United Kingdom and much of the world.
And an investigation into a 1952 Burglary at his home
1952 年调查他家的入室盗窃案时,向当局暴露了他的性取向
revealed his sexual orientation to the authorities,
1952 年调查他家的入室盗窃案时,向当局暴露了他的性取向
who charged him with gross indecency.
被起诉 "行为严重不检点"
Turing was convicted and given a choice between imprisonment,
图灵被定罪有2个选择 \N 1. 入狱 2. 接受激素来压制性欲
or probation with hormonal treatments to suppress his sexuality.
图灵被定罪有2个选择 \N 1. 入狱 2. 接受激素来压制性欲
He chose the latter in part to continue his academic work,
but it altered his mood and personality.
Although the exact circumstances will never be known,
it's most widely accepted that Alan Turing took his own life by poison in 1954.
He was only 41.
Many things have been named in recognition of Turing's contributions to theoretical computer science
But perhaps the most prestigious among them is the Turing award
the highest distinction in the field of computer science.
Equivalent to a Nobel prize in Physics, chemistry or other sciences.
相当于物理, 化学等其它领域的诺贝尔奖
Despite a life cut short, Alan inspire the first generation of computer scientists
and lead key groundwork that enabled a digital era that we get to enjoy today.
而且为如今便利的数字时代 做出了重要基石性工作
I'll see you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
So we've talked a lot about sorting in this series
and often code to sort a list of numbers might only be ten lines long,
也写了些 10 行左右的排序代码
which is easy enough for a single programmer to write.
Plus, it's short enough that you don't need any special tools
- you could do it in Notepad.
- 记事本就够了
But, a sorting algorithm isn't a program;
但排序算法很少会是独立程序 \N 更可能是大项目的一小部分
it's likely only a small part of a much larger program.
但排序算法很少会是独立程序 \N 更可能是大项目的一小部分
For example, Microsoft Office has roughly 40 millions lines of code.
举个例子,微软的 Office 大约有 4000 万代码
4000 万!
That's way too big for any one person to figure out and write!
To build huge programs like this, programmers use a set of tools and practices.
Taken together, these form the discipline of Software Engineering
- a term coined by engineer Margaret Hamilton,
- 这个词由工程师 Margaret Hamilton 创造
who helped NASA prevent serious problems during the Apollo missions to the moon.
她帮助 NASA 在阿波罗计划中避免了严重问题
She once explained it this way:
"It's kind of like a root canal: you waited till the end,
"有点像牙根管治疗:你总是拖到最后才做 \N 但有些事可以预先做好
[but] there are things you could have done beforehand.
"有点像牙根管治疗:你总是拖到最后才做 \N 但有些事可以预先做好
It's like preventative healthcare,
有点像预防性体检, 只不过是预防软件出错"
but it's preventative software."
有点像预防性体检, 只不过是预防软件出错"
As I mentioned in episode 12,
第 12 集提过
breaking big programs into smaller functions allows many people to work simultaneously.
把大项目分解成小函数 可以让多人同时工作
They don't have to worry about the whole thing,
just the function they're working on.
So, if you're tasked with writing a sort algorithm,
you only need to make sure it sorts properly and efficiently.
However, even packing code up into functions isn't enough.
然而把代码打包成函数 依然不够
Microsoft Office probably contains hundreds of thousands of them.
如果只是这样,微软 Office 会有几十万个函数
That's better than dealing with 40 million lines of code,
虽然比 4000 万行代码要好一些,但还是太多了
but it's still way too many "things" for one person or team to manage.
虽然比 4000 万行代码要好一些,但还是太多了
The solution is to package functions into hierarchies,
解决办法是:把函数打包成层级. \N 把相关代码都放在一起打包成对象objects
pulling related code together into "objects".
解决办法是:把函数打包成层级. \N 把相关代码都放在一起打包成对象objects
For example, car's software might have several functions related to cruise control,
例如,汽车软件中 可能有几个和定速巡航有关的函数
like setting speed, nudging speed up or down, and stopping cruise control altogether.
比如 设定速度,逐渐加速减速,停止定速巡航
Since they're all related,
we can wrap them up into a unified cruise control object.
But, we don't have to stop there,
cruise control is just one part of the engine's software.
There might also be sets of functions that control spark plug ignition,
可能还有 "火花塞点火" "燃油泵" 和 "散热器"
fuel pumps, and the radiator.
可能还有 "火花塞点火" "燃油泵" 和 "散热器"
So we can create a "parent" Engine Object
我们可以做一个"引擎对象" 来包括所有"子"对象
that contains all of these "children" objects.
我们可以做一个"引擎对象" 来包括所有"子"对象
In addition to children *objects*,
the engine itself might have its *own* functions.
You want to be able to stop and start it, for example.
比如 开关引擎
It'll also have its own variables,
like how many miles the car has traveled.
In general, objects can contain other objects, functions and variables.
And of course, the engine is just one part of a Car Object.
There's also the transmission, wheels, doors, windows, and so on.
Now, as a programmer, if I want to set the cruise control,
I navigate down the object hierarchy,
from the outermost objects to more and more deeply nested ones.
Eventually, I reach the function I want to trigger:
"Car, then engine, then cruise control, then set cruise speed to 55".
Car. Engine. CruiseControl. setCruiseSpeed(55)
Programming languages often use something equivalent to the syntax shown here.
The idea of packing up functional units into nested objects is called
把函数打包成对象的思想叫 "面向对象编程"
Object Oriented Programming.
把函数打包成对象的思想叫 "面向对象编程"
This is very similar to what we've done all series long:
hide complexity by encapsulating low-level details in higher-order components.
Before we packed up things like transistor circuits into higher-level boolean gates.
之前把晶体管 打包成了逻辑门
Now we're doing the same thing with software.
Yet again, it's a way to move up a new level of abstraction!
Breaking up a big program, like a car's software,
把大型软件(如汽车软件)\N 拆成一个个更小单元,适合团队合作
into functional units is perfect for teams.
把大型软件(如汽车软件)\N 拆成一个个更小单元,适合团队合作
One team might be responsible for the cruise control system,
and a single programmer on that team tackles a handful of functions.
This is similar to how big, physical things are built, like skyscrapers.
You'll have electricians running wires,
plumbers fitting pipes,
welders welding,
painters painting,
and hundreds of other people teeming all over the hull.
They work together on different parts simultaneously,
leveraging their different skills.
Until one day, you've got a whole working building!
But, returning to our cruise control example
its code is going to have to make use of functions in other parts of the engine's software,
定速巡航 要用到引擎的其它函数,来保持车速
to, you know, keep the car at a constant speed.
定速巡航 要用到引擎的其它函数,来保持车速
That code isn't part of the cruise control team's responsibility.
定速巡航 团队不负责这些代码,另一个团队负责
It's another team's code.
定速巡航 团队不负责这些代码,另一个团队负责
Because the cruise control team didn't write that,
they're going to need good documentation about what each function in the code does,
定速巡航 团队需要文档 帮助理解代码都做什么
and a well-defined Application Programming Interface
以及定义好的 "程序编程接口" -简称 API
-- or API for short.
以及定义好的 "程序编程接口" -简称 API
You can think of an API as the way that
API 帮助不同程序员合作 \N 不用知道具体细节,只要知道怎么使用就行了
collaborating programmers interact across various parts of the code.
API 帮助不同程序员合作 \N 不用知道具体细节,只要知道怎么使用就行了
For example, in the IgnitionControl object,
there might be functions to set the RPM of the engine,
check the spark plug voltage,
as well as fire the individual spark plugs.
Being able to set the motor's RPM is really useful,
the cruise control team is going to need to call that function.
But, they don't know much about how the ignition system works.
It's not a good idea to let them call functions that fire the individual spark plugs.
Or the engine might explode!
The API allows the right people access to the right functions and data.
API 控制哪些函数和数据让外部访问 \N 哪些仅供内部
Object Oriented Programming languages do this
"面向对象"的编程语言 \N 可以指定函数是 public 或 private来设置权限
by letting you specify whether functions are public or private.
"面向对象"的编程语言 \N 可以指定函数是 public 或 private来设置权限
If a function is marked as "private",
如果函数标记成 private
it means only functions inside that object can call it.
意味着 只有同一个对象内的其他函数能调用它
So, in this example, only other functions inside of IgnitionControl,
在这个例子里,只有内部函数比如 setRPM
like the setRPM function,
在这个例子里,只有内部函数比如 setRPM
can fire the sparkplugs.
才能调用 fireSparkplug 函数
On the other hand, because the setRPM function is marked as public,
而 setRPM 函数是 public \N 所以其它对象可以调用它,比如 定速巡航
other objects can call it, like cruise control.
而 setRPM 函数是 public \N 所以其它对象可以调用它,比如 定速巡航
This ability to hide complexity, and selectively reveal it,
"面向对象编程"的核心是 \N 隐藏复杂度,选择性的公布功能
is the essence of Object Oriented Programming,
"面向对象"的核心是 \N 隐藏复杂度,选择性的公布功能
and it's a powerful and popular way to tackle building large and complex programs.
Pretty much every piece of software on your computer, or game running on your console,
was built using an Object Oriented Programming Language,
都是 "面向对象" 编程语言写的
like C++, C# or Objective-C.
比如 C++, C#, Objective-C 等
Other popular "OO" languages you may have heard of are Python and Java.
其他流行 OO 语言,你可能听过 Python 和 Java
It's important to remember that code, before being compiled, is just text.
As I mentioned earlier,
you could write code in Notepad or any old word processor.
Some people do.
But generally, today's software developers use special-purpose applications for writing programs,
但一般来说,现代软件开发者 会用专门的工具来写代码
ones that integrate many useful tools for writing, organizing, compiling and testing code.
工具里集成了很多有用功能\N 帮助写代码,整理,编译和测代码
Because they put everything you need in one place,
they're called Integrated Development Environments ,
因此叫 集成开发环境,简称 IDE
or IDEs for short.
因此叫 集成开发环境,简称 IDE
All IDEs provide a text editor for writing code,
所有 IDE 都有写代码的界面
often with useful features like automatic color-coding to improve readability.
Many even check for syntax errors as you type, like spell check for code.
许多 IDE 提供实时检查,比如拼写
Big programs contain lots of individual source files,
so IDEs allow programmers to organize and efficiently navigate everything.
IDE 帮助开发者整理和看代码
Also built right into the IDE is the ability to compile and run code.
很多 IDE 还可以直接编译和运行代码
And if your program crashes,
because it's still a work in progress,
the IDE can take you back to the line of code where it happened,
IDE 可以定位到出错代码
and often provide additional information to help you track down and fix the bug,
还会提供信息 帮你解决问题
which is a process called debugging.
这叫 调试debug
This is important
because most programmers spend 70 to 80% of their time testing and debugging,
大多数程序员会花 70~80 时间调试,而不是在写代码
not writing new code.
大多数程序员会花 70~80 时间调试,而不是在写代码
Good tools, contained in IDEs,
can go a long way when it comes to helping programmers prevent and find errors.
Many computer programmers can be pretty loyal to their IDEs though
很多开发者只用一款 IDE
But let's be honest.
但承认吧VIM 才是最棒的编辑器
VIM is where it's at.
但承认吧VIM 才是最棒的编辑器
Providing you know how to quit.
In addition to coding and debugging,
another important part of a programmer's job is documenting their code.
程序员工作的另一个重要部分是 给代码写文档
This can be done in standalone files called "readme",
文档一般放在一个叫 README 的文件里
which tell other programmers to read that help file before diving in.
It can also happen right in the code itself with comment
These are specially-marked statements that the program knows
to ignore when the code is compiled.
编译代码时 注释会被忽略
They exist only to help programmers figure out what's what in the source code.
注释存在的唯一作用 \N 就是帮助开发者理解代码
Good documentation helps programmers when they revisit code they haven't seen for awhile,
好文档能帮助开发者 \N 几个月后理解自己的代码,对其他人也很重要
but it's also crucial for programmers who are totally new to it.
好文档能帮助开发者 \N 几个月后理解自己的代码,对其他人也很重要
I just want to take a second here and reiterate that it's THE WORST
我想花一秒 再强调一下注释很重要
when someone parachutes a load of uncommented and undocumented code into your lap,
and you literally have to go line by line to understand what the code is doing.
Don't be that person.
Documentation also promotes code reuse.
So, instead of having programmers constantly write the same things over and over,
they can track down someone else's code that does what they need.
Then, thanks to documentation,
they can put it to work in their program, without ever having to read through the code.
"Read the docs" as they say.
In addition to IDEs,
除了 IDE还有一个重要软件帮助团队协作
another important piece of software that
除了 IDE还有一个重要软件帮助团队协作
helps big teams work collaboratively on big coding projects is called
除了 IDE还有一个重要软件帮助团队协作
Source Control,
also known as version control or revision control.
Most often, at a big software company like Apple or Microsoft,
code for projects is stored on centralized servers,
called a code repository .
When a programmer wants to work on a piece of code,
they can check it out,
可以 check out
sort of like checking out a book out from a library.
Often, this can be done right in an IDE.
一般这种操作,可以直接在 IDE 内完成
Then, they can edit this code all they want on their personal computer,
adding new features and testing if they work.
When the programmer is confident their changes are working and there are no loose ends,
they can check the code back into the repository,
known as committing code, for everyone else to use.
这叫 提交 (commit)
While a piece of code is checked out,
当代码被 check out而且可能被改过了
and presumably getting updated or modified,
当代码被 check out而且可能被改过了
other programmers leave it alone.
This prevents weird conflicts and duplicated work.
In this way, hundreds of programmers can be simultaneously checking in and out pieces of code,
iteratively building up huge systems.
Critically, you don't want someone committing buggy code,
重要的是,你不希望提交的代码里有问题 \N 因为其他人可能用到了这些代码
because other people and teams may rely on it.
重要的是,你不希望提交的代码里有问题 \N 因为其他人可能用到了这些代码
Their code could crash, creating confusion and lost time.
The master version of the code, stored on the server,
代码的主版本 (master)
should always compile without errors and run with minimal bugs.
应该总是编译正常,尽可能少 bug
But sometimes bugs creep in.
但有时 bug 还是会出现
Fortunately, source control software keeps track of all changes,
and if a bug is found,
如果发现 bug
the whole code, or just a piece,
can be rolled back to an earlier, stable version.
It also keeps track of who made each change,
"源代码管理" 也记录了谁改了什么代码
so coworkers can send nasty,
所以同事可以给你发 讨厌的
I mean, helpful
我是说"有帮助的" 邮件给写代码的人
and encouraging emails to the offending person.
我是说"有帮助的" 邮件给写代码的人
Debugging goes hand in hand with writing code,
and it's most often done by an individual or small team.
The big picture version of debugging is Quality Assurance testing, or QA.
测试可以统称 "质量保证测试",简称 QA
This is where a team rigorously tests out a piece of software,
attempting to create unforeseen conditions that might trip it up.
Basically, they elicit bugs.
基本上就是找 bug
Getting all the wrinkles out is a huge effort,
but vital in making sure the software works
as intended for as many users in as many situations as imaginable before it ships.
You've probably heard of beta software.
你可能听过 "beta 版" 软件
This is a version of software that's mostly complete,
but not 100% fully tested.
但不是 100 完全测试过
Companies will sometimes release beta versions to the public to help them identify issues,
公司有时会向公众发布 beta 版,以帮助发现问题
it's essentially like getting a free QA team.
用户就像免费的 QA 团队
What you don't hear about as much
你听过比较少的是 \N beta 版之前的版本alpha 版本
is the version that comes before the beta: the alpha version.
你听过比较少的是 \N beta 版之前的版本alpha 版本
This is usually so rough and buggy, it's only tested internally.
alpha 版一般很粗糙,错误很多,\N 经常只在公司内部测试
So, that's the tip of the iceberg in terms of the tools, tricks and techniques
that allow software engineers to construct the huge pieces of software that we know and love today,
like YouTube, Grand Theft Auto 5, and Powerpoint.
如 YouTubeGTA5 和 PPT 等等
As you might expect,
all those millions of lines of code needs some serious processing power to run at useful speeds,
这些代码要强大的处理能力 才能高速速度运行
so next episode we'll be talking about how computers got so incredibly fast.
See you then.
This episode is brought to you by Curiosity Stream.
本集由 Curiosity Stream 赞助播出
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Over the past six episodes, we delved into software,
过去 6 集我们聊了软件 \N 从早期编程方式到现代软件工程
from early programming efforts to modern software engineering practices.
过去 6 集我们聊了软件 \N 从早期编程方式到现代软件工程
Within about 50 years, software grew in complexity from machine code punched by hand onto paper tape
在大概50年里 软件从纸带打孔 \N 变成面向对象编程语言 在集成开发环境中写程序
to object oriented programming languages, compiled in integrated development environments.
在大概50年里 软件从纸带打孔 \N 变成面向对象编程语言 在集成开发环境中写程序
But this growth in sophistication would not have been possible without improvements in hardware.
但如果没有硬件的大幅度进步 \N 软件是不可能做到这些的
To appreciate computing hardwares explosive growth in power and sophistication,
为了体会硬件性能的爆炸性增长 \N 我们要回到电子计算机的诞生年代
we need to go back to the birth of electronic computing.
为了体会硬件性能的爆炸性增长 \N 我们要回到电子计算机的诞生年代
From roughly the 1940s through the mid-1960s, every computer was built from individual parts,
大约 1940年代~1960年代中期这段时间里 \N 计算机都由独立部件组成
called discrete components, which were all wired together.
叫"分立元件" \N 然后不同组件再用线连在一起
For example, the ENIAC, consisted of more than 17,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors,
举例, ENIAC 有1万7千多个真空管, 7万个电阻
10,000 capacitors, and 7,000 diodes, all of which required 5 million hand-soldered connections.
1万个电容器, 7千个二极管, 5百万个手工焊点
Adding more components to increase performance meant more connections, more wires
如果想提升性能,就要加更多部件 \N 这导致更多电线,更复杂
and just more complexity, what was dubbed the Tyranny of Numbers.
这个问题叫 "数字暴政''
By the mid 1950s, transistors were becoming commercially available
1950 年代中期,晶体管开始商业化(市场上买得到) \N 开始用在计算机里
and being incorporated into computers.
1950 年代中期,晶体管开始商业化(市场上买得到) \N 开始用在计算机里
These were much smaller, faster and more reliable than vacuum tubes
晶体管比电子管 更小更快更可靠
but each transistor was still one discrete component.
In 1959, IBM upgraded their vacuum-tube-based "709" computers to transistors by replacing
1959年IBM 把 709 计算机从原本的电子管 \N 全部换成晶体管
by replacing all the discrete vacuum tubes with discrete transistors.
1959年IBM 把 709 计算机从原本的电子管 \N 全部换成晶体管
The new machine, the IBM 7090, was six times faster and half the cost.
诞生的新机器 IBM 7090 \N 速度快 6 倍,价格只有一半
These transistorized computers marked the second generation of electronic computing.
晶体管标志着"计算 2.0 时代"的到来
However, although faster and smaller,
虽然更快更小 \N 但晶体管的出现 还是没有解决"数字暴政"的问题
discrete transistors didnt solve the Tyranny of Numbers.
虽然更快更小 \N 但晶体管的出现 还是没有解决"数字暴政"的问题
It was getting unwieldy to design,
有几十万个独立元件的计算机不但难设计 \N 而且难生产
let alone physically manufacture computers with hundreds of thousands of individual components.
有几十万个独立元件的计算机不但难设计 \N 而且难生产
By the the 1960s, this was reaching a breaking point.
1960 年代,这个问题的严重性达到顶点 \N 电脑内部常常一大堆电线缠绕在一起
The insides of computers were often just huge tangles of wires.
1960 年代,这个问题的严重性达到顶点 \N 电脑内部常常一大堆电线缠绕在一起
Just look at what the inside of a PDP-8 from 1965 looked like!
看看这个 1965 年 PDP-8 计算机的内部
The answer was to bump up a new level of abstraction, and package up underlying complexity!
The breakthrough came in 1958, when Jack Kilby, working at Texas Instruments,
突破性进展在 1958 年 \N 当时 Jack Killby 在德州仪器工作
demonstrated such an electronic part, "wherein all the components of the electronic circuit are completely integrated.
演示了一个电子部件:\N "电路的所有组件都集成在一起"
Put simply: instead of building computer parts out of many discrete components
简单说就是:\N 与其把多个独立部件用电线连起来,拼装出计算机
and wiring them all together,
简单说就是:\N 与其把多个独立部件用电线连起来,拼装出计算机
you put many components together, inside of a new, single component.
These are called Integrated Circuits, or ICs.
这就是 集成电路IC
A few months later in 1959, Fairchild Semiconductor, lead by Robert Noyce, made ICs practical.
几个月后在1959年 Robert Noyce 的仙童半导体 \N 让集成电路变为现实
Kilby built his ICs out of germanium, a rare and unstable material.
Kilby 用锗来做集成电路,锗很稀少而且不稳定
But, Fairchild used the abundant silicon, which makes up about a quarter of the earth's crust!
仙童半导体公司用硅 \N 硅的蕴藏量丰富,占地壳四分之一
Its also more stable, therefore more reliable.
For this reason, Noyce is widely regarded as the father of modern ICs,
所以 Noyce 被公认为现代集成电路之父
ushering in the electronics era... and also Silicon Valley, where Fairchild was based
and where many other semiconductor companies would soon pop up.
In the early days, an IC might only contain a simple circuit with just a few transistors,
起初,一个 IC 只有几个晶体管 \N 例如这块早期样品,由西屋公司制造
like this early Westinghouse example.
起初,一个 IC 只有几个晶体管 \N 例如这块早期样品,由西屋公司制造
But even this allowed simple circuits, like the logic gates from Episode 3,
即使只有几个晶体管 \N 也可以把简单电路,第 3 集的逻辑门,能封装成单独组件
to be packaged up into a single component.
即使只有几个晶体管 \N 也可以把简单电路,第 3 集的逻辑门,能封装成单独组件
ICs are sort of like lego for computer engineers
IC 就像电脑工程师的乐高积木 \N 可以组合出无数种设计
"building blocks" that can be arranged into an infinite array of possible designs.
IC 就像电脑工程师的乐高积木 \N 可以组合出无数种设计
However, they still have to be wired together at some point
但最终还是需要连起来, \N 创造更大更复杂的电路,比如整个计算机
to create even bigger and more complex circuits, like a whole computer.
但最终还是需要连起来, \N 创造更大更复杂的电路,比如整个计算机
For this, engineers had another innovation: printed circuit boards, or PCB
所以工程师们再度创新:印刷电路板,简称 PCB
Instead of soldering and bundling up bazillions of wires, PCBs, which could be mass manufactured,
PCB 可以大规模生产,无需焊接或用一大堆线. \N 它通过蚀刻金属线的方式,把零件连接到一起
have all the metal wires etched right into them to connect components together.
PCB 可以大规模生产,无需焊接或用一大堆线. \N 它通过蚀刻金属线的方式,把零件连接到一起
By using PCBs and ICs together, one could achieve exactly the same functional circuit
把 PCB 和 IC 结合使用 \N 可以大幅减少独立组件和电线,但做到相同的功能
as that made from discrete components,
把 PCB 和 IC 结合使用 \N 可以大幅减少独立组件和电线,但做到相同的功能
but with far fewer individual components and tangled wires.
把 PCB 和 IC 结合使用 \N 可以大幅减少独立组件和电线,但做到相同的功能
Plus, its smaller, cheaper and more reliable.
而且更小,更便宜,更可靠. 三赢!
Triple win!
而且更小,更便宜,更可靠. 三赢!
Many early ICs were manufactured using teeny tiny discrete components
许多早期 IC 都是把很小的分立元件 \N 封装成一个独立单元,例如这块 1964 年的IBM样品
packaged up as a single unit, like this IBM example from 1964.
许多早期 IC 都是把很小的分立元件 \N 封装成一个独立单元,例如这块 1964 年的IBM样品
However, even when using really really itty-bitty components,
不过,即使组件很小 \N 塞5个以上的晶体管还是很困难
it was hard to get much more than around five transistors onto a single IC.
不过,即使组件很小 \N 塞5个以上的晶体管还是很困难
To achieve more complex designs, a radically different fabrication process was needed that
为了实现更复杂的设计,需要全新的制作工艺 \N "光刻"登场!
changed everything: Photolithography!
为了实现更复杂的设计,需要全新的制作工艺 \N "光刻"登场!
In short, its a way to use light to transfer complex patterns to a material, like a semiconductor
简单说就是 \N用光把复杂图案印到材料上比如半导体
It only has a few basic operations, but these can be used to create incredibly complex circuits.
Lets walk through a simple, although extensive example, to make one of these!
We start with a slice of silicon, which, like a thin cookie, is called a wafer.
我们从一片硅开始,叫"晶圆" \N 长得像薄饼干一样
Silicon, as we discussed briefly in episode 2, is special because its a semiconductor,
我们在第 2 集讨论过 \N 硅很特别,它是半导体
that is, a material that can sometimes conduct electricity and other times does not.
它有时导电,有时不导电 \N 我们可以控制导电时机
We can control where and when this happens,
它有时导电,有时不导电 \N 我们可以控制导电时机
making Silicon the perfect raw material for making transistors.
We can also use a wafer as a base to lay down complex metal circuits, so everything is integrated,
我们可以用晶圆做基础 \N 把复杂金属电路放上面,集成所有东西
perfect for... integrated circuits!
非常适合做.. 集成电路!
The next step is to add a thin oxide layer on top of the silicon,
下一步是在硅片顶部 \N 加一层薄薄的氧化层, 作为保护层
which acts as a protective coating.
下一步是在硅片顶部 \N 加一层薄薄的氧化层, 作为保护层
Then, we apply a special chemical called a photoresist.
然后加一层特殊化学品, 叫 "光刻胶" \N 光刻胶被光照射后 会变得可溶
When exposed to light, the chemical changes, and becomes soluble,
然后加一层特殊化学品, 叫 "光刻胶" \N 光刻胶被光照射后 会变得可溶
so it can be washed away with a different special chemical.
Photoresists arent very useful by themselves,
单单光刻胶本身,并不是很有用 \N 但和"光掩膜"配合使用会很强大
but are super powerful when used in conjunction with a photomask.
单单光刻胶本身,并不是很有用 \N 但和"光掩膜"配合使用会很强大
This is just like a piece of photographic film, but instead of a photo of
光掩膜就像胶片一样,只不过不是 \N 吃墨西哥卷饼的可爱仓鼠,而是要转移到晶圆上的图案
a hamster eating a tiny burrito, it contains a pattern to be transferred onto the wafer.
光掩膜就像胶片一样,只不过不是 \N 吃墨西哥卷饼的可爱仓鼠,而是要转移到晶圆上的图案
We do this by putting a photomask over the wafer, and turning on a powerful light.
把光掩膜盖到晶圆上,用强光照射 \N 挡住光的地方,光刻胶不会变化
Where the mask blocks the light, the photoresist is unchanged.
把光掩膜盖到晶圆上,用强光照射 \N 挡住光的地方,光刻胶不会变化
But where the light does hit the photoresist it changes chemically
光照到的地方,光刻胶会发生化学变化 \N 洗掉它之后,暴露出氧化层
which lets us wash away only the photoresist that was exposed to light, selectively revealing areas of our oxide layer.
光照到的地方,光刻胶会发生化学变化 \N 洗掉它之后,暴露出氧化层
Now, by using another special chemical, often an acid, we can remove any exposed oxide,
用另一种化学物质 - 通常是一种酸 \N 可以洗掉"氧化层"露出的部分, 蚀刻到硅层
and etch a little hole the entire way down to the raw silicon.
用另一种化学物质 - 通常是一种酸 \N 可以洗掉"氧化层"露出的部分, 蚀刻到硅层
Note that the oxide layer under the photoresist is protected.
To clean up, we use yet another special chemical that washes away any remaining photoresist.
Yep, there are a lot of special chemicals in photolithography,
each with a very specific function!
So now we can see the silicon again,
现在硅又露出来了 \N 我们想修改硅露出来的区域 让它导电性更好
we want to modify only the exposed areas to better conduct electricity.
现在硅又露出来了 \N 我们想修改硅露出来的区域 让它导电性更好
To do that, we need to change it chemically through a process called: doping.
Im not even going to make a joke. Lets move on.
Most often this is done with a high temperature gas, something like Phosphorus,
"掺杂" 通常用高温气体来做,比如磷 \N 渗透进暴露出的硅,改变电学性质
which penetrates into the exposed area of silicon.
"掺杂" 通常用高温气体来做,比如磷 \N 渗透进暴露出的硅,改变电学性质
This alters its electrical properties.
"掺杂" 通常用高温气体来做,比如磷 \N 渗透进暴露出的硅,改变电学性质
Were not going to wade into the physics and chemistry of semiconductors,
but if youre interested, theres a link in the description to an excellent video
如果你感兴趣,描述里有个视频链接 \N 视频制作者是 Derek Muller 他的频道叫 Veritasium
by our friend Derek Muller from Veritasium.
如果你感兴趣,描述里有个视频链接 \N 视频制作者是 Derek Muller 他的频道叫 Veritasium
But, we still need a few more rounds of photolithography to build a transistor.
但我们还需要几轮光刻法 来做晶体管
The process essentially starts again, first by building up a fresh oxide layer ...
which we coat in photoresist.
Now, we use a photomask with a new and different pattern,
然后用新的光掩膜,这次图案不同 \N 在掺杂区域上方开一个缺口
allowing us to open a small window above the doped area.
然后用新的光掩膜,这次图案不同 \N 在掺杂区域上方开一个缺口
Once again, we wash away remaining photoresist.
Now we dope, and avoid telling a hilarious joke, again, but with a different gas that
然后用另一种气体掺杂 \N 把一部分硅转成另一种形式
converts part of the silicon into yet a different form.
然后用另一种气体掺杂 \N 把一部分硅转成另一种形式
Timing is super important in photolithography in order to control things like doping diffusionand etch depth.
为了控制深度,时机很重要 \N 我们不想超过之前的区域
In this case, we only want to dope a little region nested inside the other.
为了控制深度,时机很重要 \N 我们不想超过之前的区域
Now we have all the pieces we need to create our transistor!
现在 所有需要的组件都有了
The final step is to make channels in the oxide layer
最后一步,在氧化层上做通道 \N 这样可以用细小金属导线,连接不同晶体管
so that we can run little metal wires to different parts of our transistor.
最后一步,在氧化层上做通道 \N 这样可以用细小金属导线,连接不同晶体管
Once more, we apply a photoresist, and use a new photomask to etch little channels.
再次用光刻胶和光掩膜 蚀刻出小通道
Now, we use a new process, called metalization,
现在用新的处理方法 叫"金属化" \N 放一层薄薄的金属,比如铝或铜
that allows us to deposit a thin layer of metal, like aluminium or copper.
现在用新的处理方法 叫"金属化" \N 放一层薄薄的金属,比如铝或铜
But we dont want to cover everything in metal.
但我们不想用金属盖住所有东西 \N 我们想蚀刻出具体的电路
We want to etch a very specific circuit design.
但我们不想用金属盖住所有东西 \N 我们想蚀刻出具体的电路
So, very similar to before, we apply a photoresist, use a photomask, dissolve the exposed resist,
所以又是类似的步骤 \N 用光刻胶+光掩膜,然后溶掉暴露的光刻胶,暴露的金属
and use a chemical to remove any exposed metal.
所以又是类似的步骤 \N 用光刻胶+光掩膜,然后溶掉暴露的光刻胶,暴露的金属
Our transistor is finally complete!
晶体管终于做好了! \N 它有三根线,连接着硅的三个不同区域
It has three little wires that connect to three different parts of the silicon
晶体管终于做好了! \N 它有三根线,连接着硅的三个不同区域
each doped a particular way to create, in this example, whats called a bipolar junction transistor.
Heres the actual patent from 1962, an invention that changed our world forever!
这个 1962 年的真实专利,永远改变了世界
Using similar steps, photolithography can create other useful electronic elements, like
用类似步骤,光刻可以制作其他电子元件 \N 比如电阻和电容,都在一片硅上
resistors and capacitors, all on a single piece of silicon
用类似步骤,光刻可以制作其他电子元件 \N 比如电阻和电容,都在一片硅上
plus all the wires needed to hook them up into circuits
Goodbye discrete components!
In our example, we made one transistor, but in the real world,
之前的例子 只做了一个晶体管,但现实中 \N 光刻法一次会做上百万个细节
photomasks lay down millions of little details all at once.
之前的例子 只做了一个晶体管,但现实中 \N 光刻法一次会做上百万个细节
Here is what an IC might look like from above, with wires crisscrossing above and below each other,
interconnecting all the individual elements together into complex circuits.
Although we could create a photomask for an entire wafer,
尽管可以把光掩膜投影到一整片晶圆上 \N 但光可以投射成任意大小
we can take advantage of the fact that light can be focused and projected to any size we want.
尽管可以把光掩膜投影到一整片晶圆上 \N 但光可以投射成任意大小
In the same way that a film can be projected to fill an entire movie screen,
we can focus a photomask onto a very small patch of silicon, creating incredibly fine details.
我们可以把光掩膜 \N 聚焦到极小的区域,制作出非常精细的细节
A single silicon wafer is generally used to create dozens of ICs.
一片晶圆可以做很多 IC \N 整块都做完后,可以切割然后包进微型芯片
Then, once youve got a whole wafer full, you cut them up and package them into microchips,
一片晶圆可以做很多 IC \N 整块都做完后,可以切割然后包进微型芯片
those little black rectangles you see in electronics all the time.
Just remember: at the heart of each of those chips is one of these small pieces of silicon.
记住,芯片的核心都是一小片 IC
As photolithography techniques improved, the size of transistors shrunk, allowing for greater densities.
随着光刻技术发展,晶体管变小 密度变高
At the start of the 1960s, an IC rarely contained more than 5 transistors,
1960 年代初IC 很少超过 5 个晶体管,因为塞不下
they just couldnt possibly fit.
1960 年代初IC 很少超过 5 个晶体管,因为塞不下
But, by the mid 1960s, we were starting to see ICs with over 100 transistors on the market.
但 1960 年代中期 \N 市场上开始出现超过 100 个晶体管的 IC
In 1965, Gordon Moore could see the trend: that approximately every two years,
thanks to advances in materials and manufacturing, you could fit twice the number of transistors
得益于材料和制造技术的发展 \N 同样大小的空间,能塞进两倍数量的晶体管!
into the same amount of space.
得益于材料和制造技术的发展 \N 同样大小的空间,能塞进两倍数量的晶体管!
This is called Moores Law.
这叫 摩尔定律
The term is a bit of a misnomer though.
然而这个名字不太对 \N 因为它不是定律,只是一种趋势
Its not really a law at all, more of a trend.
然而这个名字不太对 \N 因为它不是定律,只是一种趋势
But its a good one.
IC prices also fell dramatically, from an average of $50 in 1962 to around $2 in 1968.
芯片的价格也急剧下降 \N 1962年平均50美元下降到1968年2美元左右
Today, you can buy ICs for cents.
如今 几美分就能买到 IC
Smaller transistors and higher densities had other benefits too.
晶体管更小密度更高 还有其他好处
The smaller the transistor, the less charge you have to move around, allowing it to switch
晶体管越小,要移动的电荷量就越少 \N 能更快切换状态 耗电更少
states faster and consume less power.
晶体管越小,要移动的电荷量就越少 \N 能更快切换状态 耗电更少
Plus, more compact circuits meant less delay in signals resulting in faster clock speeds.
电路更紧凑 还意味着信号延迟更低 \N 导致时钟速度更快
In 1968, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore teamed up and founded a new company,
1968年罗伯特·诺伊斯 和 戈登·摩尔 \N 联手成立了一家新公司
combining the words Integrated and Electronics...
结合 Intergrated(集成) 和 Electronics(电子) 两个词
Intel. the largest chip maker today.
取名 Intel 如今最大的芯片制造商
The Intel 4004 CPU, from Episodes 7 and 8, was a major milestone.
Intel 4004 CPU, 在第 7, 8 集介绍过 \N 是个重要里程碑
Released in 1971, it was the first processor that shipped as an IC, whats called a microprocessor,
发布于1971年 \N 是第一个用 IC 做的处理器,也叫微型处理器
because it was so beautifully small!
It contained 2,300 transistors.
People marveled at the level of integration, an entire CPU in one chip,
人们惊叹于它的整合水平 \N 整个 CPU 在一个芯片里
which just two decades earlier would have filled an entire room using discrete components.
而仅仅 20 年前,用分立元件会占满整个屋子
This era of integrated circuits, especially microprocessors, ushered in the third generation of computing.
集成电路的出现 \N 尤其是用来做微处理器,开启了计算 3.0
And the Intel 4004 was just the start.
而 Intel 4004 只是个开始CPU 晶体管数量爆发增长
CPU transistor count exploded!
而 Intel 4004 只是个开始CPU 晶体管数量爆发增长
By 1980, CPUs contained 30 thousand transistors.
1980年3 万晶体管 \N 1990年100 万晶体管
By 1990, CPUs breached the 1 million transistor count.
1980年3 万晶体管 \N 1990年100 万晶体管
By 2000, 30 million transistors,
2000年3000 万个晶体管
2010年10亿个晶体管\N 在一个芯片里!我的天啊!
To achieve this density, the finest resolution possible with photolithography has improved
为了达到这种密度,光刻的分辨率 \N 从大约一万纳米,大概是人类头发直径的 1/10
from roughly 10 thousand nanometers, thats about 1/10th the thickness of a human hair,
为了达到这种密度,光刻的分辨率 \N 从大约一万纳米,大概是人类头发直径的 1/10
to around 14 nanometers today.
发展到如今的 14 纳米 \N 比血红细胞小 400 倍!
Thats over 400 times smaller than a red blood cell!
发展到如今的 14 纳米 \N 比血红细胞小 400 倍!
And of course, CPUs werent the only components to benefit.
当然CPU 不是唯一受益的元件
Most electronics advanced essentially exponentially:
大多数电子器件都在指数式发展:\N 内存,显卡,固态硬盘,摄像头感光元件,等等
RAM, graphics cards, solid state hard drives, camera sensors, you name it.
大多数电子器件都在指数式发展:\N 内存,显卡,固态硬盘,摄像头感光元件,等等
Todays processors, like the A10 CPU inside Of an iPhone 7, contains a mind melting 3.3 BILLION
如今的处理器,比如 iPhone 7 的 A10 CPU \N 有33亿个晶体管
transistors in an IC roughly 1cm by 1cm.
面积仅有 1cm x 1cm比一张邮票还小
Thats smaller than a postage stamp!
面积仅有 1cm x 1cm比一张邮票还小
And modern engineers arent laying out these designs by hand, one transistor at a time
现代工程师设计电路时,当然不是手工一个个设计晶体管 \N 这不是人力能做到的
- its not humanly possible.
现代工程师设计电路时,当然不是手工一个个设计晶体管 \N 这不是人力能做到的
Starting in the 1970s, very-large-scale integration, or VLSI software, has been used
1970年代开始超大规模集成(VLSI)软件 \N 用来自动生成芯片设计
to automatically generate chip designs instead.
1970年代开始超大规模集成(VLSI)软件 \N 用来自动生成芯片设计
Using techniques like logic synthesis, where whole, high-level components can be laid down,like a memory cache
用比如 "逻辑综合" 这种技术 \N 可以放一整个高级组件,比如内存缓存
the software generates the circuit in the most efficient way possible.
Many consider this to be the start of fourth generation computers.
许多人认为这是计算 4.0 的开始
Unfortunately, experts have been predicting the end of Moores Law for decades
坏消息是,专家们几十年来 \N 一直在预言摩尔定律的终结
and we might finally be getting close to it.
There are two significant issues holding us back from further miniaturization.
进一步做小,会面临 2 个大问题
First, were bumping into limits on how fine we can make features on a photomask and
1. 用光掩膜把图案弄到晶圆上 \N 因为光的波长,精度已达极限
its resultant wafer due to the wavelengths of light used in photolithography.
1. 用光掩膜把图案弄到晶圆上 \N 因为光的波长,精度已达极限
In response, scientists have been developing light sources with smaller and smaller wavelengths
that can project smaller and smaller features.
The second issue is that when transistors get really really small, where electrodes
2. 当晶体管非常小,电极之间可能只距离几个原子 \N 电子会跳过间隙,这叫:量子隧道贯穿
might be separated by only a few dozen atoms, electrons can jump the gap, a phenomenon called
2. 当晶体管非常小,电极之间可能只距离几个原子 \N 电子会跳过间隙,这叫:量子隧穿效应
quantum tunneling.
2. 当晶体管非常小,电极之间可能只距离几个原子 \N 电子会跳过间隙,这叫:量子隧穿效应
If transistors leak current, they dont make very good switches.
Nonetheless, scientists and engineers are hard at work figuring out ways around these problems.
Transistors as small as 1 nanometer have been demonstrated in research labs.
Whether this will ever be commercially feasible remains MASKED in mystery.
But maybe well be able to RESOLVE it in the future.
Im DIEING to know. See you next week.
This episode is supported by Hover.
本集由 Hover 赞助播出
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Computers in the 1940s and early 50s ran one program at a time.
1940,1950 年代的电脑,每次只能运行一个程序
A programmer would write one at their desk, for example, on punch cards.
Then, they'd carry it to a room containing a room-sized computer,
然后拿到一个计算机房间, 交给操作员
and hand it to a dedicated computer operator.
然后拿到一个计算机房间, 交给操作员
That person would then feed the program into the computer when it was next available.
The computer would run it, spit out some output, and halt.
This very manual process worked OK back when computers were slow,
and running a program often took hours, days or even weeks.
But, as we discussed last episode,
computers became faster... and faster... and faster
exponentially so!
Pretty soon, having humans run around and inserting programs into readers
很快,放程序的时间 比程序运行时间还长
was taking longer than running the actual programs themselves.
很快,放程序的时间 比程序运行时间还长
We needed a way for computers to operate themselves,
我们需要一种方式 让计算机自动运作
and so, operating systems were born.
Operating systems , or OS for short, are just programs.
操作系统,简称 OS其实也是程序
But, special privileges on the hardware let them run and manage other programs.
但它有操作硬件的特殊权限 \N 可以运行和管理其它程序
They're typically the first one to start when a computer is turned on,
and all subsequent programs are launched by the OS.
其他所有程序 都由操作系统启动
They got their start in the 1950s,
操作系统开始于 1950 年代 \N 那时计算机开始变得更强大更流行
as computers became more widespread and more powerful.
操作系统开始于 1950 年代 \N 那时计算机开始变得更强大更流行
The very first OS augmented the mundane, manual task of loading programs by hand.
第一个操作系统 加强了程序加载方式
Instead of being given one program at a time,
computers could be given batches.
When the computer was done with one,
it would automatically and near-instantly start the next.
There was no downtime while someone scurried around an office to find the next program to run.
This was called batch processing .
这叫 批处理
While computers got faster, they also got cheaper.
So, they were popping up all over the world,
especially in universities and government offices.
Soon, people started sharing software.
But there was a problem
In the era of one-off computers, like the Harvard Mark 1 or ENIAC,
在哈佛1号和 ENIAC 那个时代,计算都是一次性的
programmers only had to write code for that one single machine.
The processor, punch card readers, and printers were known and unchanging.
But as computers became more widespread,
their configurations were not always identical,
like computers might have the same CPU, but not the same printer.
比如计算机可能有相同 CPU但不同的打印机
This was a huge pain for programmers.
Not only did they have to worry about writing their program,
but also how to interface with each and every model of printer,
and all devices connected to a computer, what are called peripherals.
Interfacing with early peripherals was very low level,
requiring programmers to know intimate hardware details about each device.
On top of that, programmers rarely had access to every model of a peripheral to test their code on.
So, they had to write code as best they could, often just by reading manuals,
and hope it worked when shared.
Things weren't exactly plug-and-play
back then more plug-and-pray.
This was clearly terrible,
so to make it easier for programmers,
Operating Systems stepped in as intermediaries between software programs and hardware peripherals.
More specifically, they provided a software abstraction, through APIs,
更具体地说,操作系统提供 API 来抽象硬件,叫"设备驱动程序"
called device drivers .
更具体地说,操作系统提供 API 来抽象硬件,叫"设备驱动程序"
These allow programmers to talk to common input and output hardware,
程序员可以用标准化机制 和输入输出硬件I/O交互
or I/O for short, using standardized mechanisms.
程序员可以用标准化机制 和输入输出硬件I/O交互
For example, programmers could call a function like "print highscore",
比如,程序员只需调用 print(highscore)
and the OS would do the heavy lifting to get it onto paper.
操作系统会处理 输到纸上的具体细节
By the end of the 1950s, computers had gotten so fast,
到 1950 年代尾声,电脑已经非常快了
they were often idle waiting for slow mechanical things, like printers and punch card readers.
While programs were blocked on I/O,
程序阻塞在 I/O 上
the expensive processor was just chillin'... not like a villain
you know, just relaxing.
In the late 50's, the University of Manchester, in the UK,
50年代后期英国曼彻斯特大学 \N 开始研发世界上第一台超级计算机Atlas
started work on a supercomputer called Atlas, one of the first in the world.
50年代后期英国曼彻斯特大学 \N 开始研发世界上第一台超级计算机Atlas
They knew it was going to be wicked fast,
so they needed a way to make maximal use of the expensive machine.
Their solution was a program called the Atlas Supervisor, finished in 1962.
他们的解决方案是一个程序叫 Atlas Supervisor \N 于1962年完成
This operating system not only loaded programs automatically, like earlier batch systems,
这个操作系统 \N不仅像更早期的批处理系统那样能自动加载程序
but could also run several at the same time on its single CPU.
还能在单个 CPU 上同时运行几个程序
It did this through clever scheduling.
Let's say we have a game program running on Atlas,
假设 Atlas 上有一个游戏在运行
and we call the function "print(highscore)"
并且我们调用一个函数 print(highscore)
which instructs Atlas to print the value of a variable named "highscore"
它让 Atlas 打印一个叫 highscore 的变量值
onto paper to show our friends that we're the ultimate champion of virtual tiddlywinks.
让朋友知道 我是最高分冠军
That function call is going to take a while, the equivalent of thousands of clock cycles,
print 函数运行需要一点时间,大概上千个时钟周期
because mechanical printers are slow in comparison to electronic CPUs.
但因为打印机比 CPU 慢,与其等着它完成操作
So instead of waiting for the I/O to finish,
但因为打印机比 CPU 慢,与其等着它完成操作
Atlas instead puts our program to sleep,
Atlas 会把程序休眠,运行另一个程序
then selects and runs another program that's waiting and ready to run.
Atlas 会把程序休眠,运行另一个程序
Eventually, the printer will report back to Atlas that it finished printing the value of "highscore".
最终, 打印机会告诉 Atlas, 打印已完成
Atlas then marks our program as ready to go,
Atlas 会把程序标记成可继续运行
and at some point, it will be scheduled to run again on the CPU,
之后在某时刻会安排给 CPU 运行
and continue onto the next line of code following the print statement.
并继续 print 语句之后的下一行代码
In this way, Atlas could have one program running calculations on the CPU,
这样, Atlas 可以在 CPU 上运行一个程序
while another was printing out data,
and yet another reading in data from a punch tape.
Atlas' engineers doubled down on this idea,
Atlas 的工程师做的还要多配了4台纸带读取器4台纸带打孔机
and outfitted their computer with 4 paper tape readers, 4 paper tape punches,
Atlas 的工程师做的还要多配了4台纸带读取器4台纸带打孔机
and up to 8 magnetic tape drives.
This allowed many programs to be in progress all at once,
使多个程序可以同时运行,在单个 CPU 上共享时间
sharing time on a single CPU.
使多个程序可以同时运行,在单个 CPU 上共享时间
This ability, enabled by the Operating System, is called
There's one big catch to having many programs running simultaneously on a single computer, though.
Each one is going to need some memory,
每个程序都会占一些内存 \N 当切换到另一个程序时,我们不能丢失数据
and we can't lose that program's data when we switch to another program.
每个程序都会占一些内存 \N 当切换到另一个程序时,我们不能丢失数据
The solution is to allocate each program its own block of memory.
解决办法是 给每个程序分配专属内存块
So, for example, let's say a computer has 10,000 memory locations in total.
举个例子,假设计算机一共有 10000 个内存位置
Program A might get allocated memory addresses 0 through 999,
程序 A 分配到内存地址 0 到 999
and Program B might get 1000 through 1999, and so on.
而程序 B 分配到内存地址 1000 到 1999以此类推
If a program asks for more memory,
the operating system decides if it can grant that request,
and if so, what memory block to allocate next.
This flexibility is great, but introduces a quirk.
It means that Program A could end up being allocated non-sequential blocks of memory,
程序 A 可能会分配到非连续的内存块
in say addresses 0 through 999, and 2000 through 2999.
比如内存地址 0 到 999以及 2000 到 2999
And this is just a simple example
- a real program might be allocated dozens of blocks scattered all over memory.
As you might imagine,
this would get really confusing for programmers to keep track of.
Maybe there's a long list of sales data in memory that
a program has to total up at the end of the day,
but this list is stored across a bunch of different blocks of memory.
但列表 存在一堆不连续的内存块里
To hide this complexity, Operating Systems virtualize memory locations.
为了隐藏这种复杂性,操作系统会把内存地址进行 "虚拟化"
With Virtual Memory, programs can assume their memory always starts at address 0,
这叫 "虚拟内存"程序可以假定内存总是从地址0开始
keeping things simple and consistent.
However, the actual, physical location in computer memory
而实际物理位置 被操作系统隐藏和抽象了
is hidden and abstracted by the operating system.
而实际物理位置 被操作系统隐藏和抽象了
Just a new level of abstraction.
Let's take our example Program B,
用程序 B 来举例 \N 它被分配了内存地址 1000 到 1999
which has been allocated a block of memory from address 1000 to 1999.
用程序 B 来举例 \N 它被分配了内存地址 1000 到 1999
As far as Program B can tell, this appears to be a block from 0 to 999.
对程序 B 而言,它看到的地址是 0 到 999
The OS and CPU handle the virtual-to-physical memory remapping automatically.
操作系统会自动处理 \N 虚拟内存和物理内存之间的映射
So, if Program B requests memory location 42,
如果程序 B 要地址 42实际上是物理地址 1042
it really ends up reading address 1042.
如果程序 B 要地址 42实际上是物理地址 1042
This virtualization of memory addresses is even more useful for Program A,
这种内存地址的虚拟化 对程序 A 甚至更有用
which in our example, has been allocated two blocks of memory
在例子中A 被分配了两块隔开的内存
that are separated from one another.
在例子中A 被分配了两块隔开的内存
This too is invisible to Program A.
程序 A 不知道这点.
As far as it can tell, it's been allocated a continuous block of 2000 addresses.
以 A 的视角,它有 2000 个连续地址
When Program A reads memory address 999,
当程序 A 读内存地址 999 时 \N 会刚好映射到物理内存地址 999
that does coincidentally map to physical memory address 999.
当程序 A 读内存地址 999 时 \N 会刚好映射到物理内存地址 999
But if Program A reads the very next value in memory, at address 1000,
但如果程序 A 读下一个地址 1000
that gets mapped behind the scenes to physical memory address 2000.
会映射到物理地址 2000
This mechanism allows programs to have flexible memory sizes,
这种机制使程序的内存大小可以灵活增减 \N 叫"动态内存分配"
called dynamic memory allocation,
这种机制使程序的内存大小可以灵活增减 \N 叫"动态内存分配"
that appear to be continuous to them.
It simplifies everything and offers tremendous flexibility to the Operating System
它简化了一切,为操作系统同时运行多个程序 \N 提供了极大的灵活性
in running multiple programs simultaneously.
它简化了一切,为操作系统同时运行多个程序 \N 提供了极大的灵活性
Another upside of allocating each program its own memory,
给程序分配专用的内存范围,\N 另一个好处是 这样隔离起来会更好
is that they're better isolated from one another.
给程序分配专用的内存范围,\N 另一个好处是 这样隔离起来会更好
So, if a buggy program goes awry, and starts writing gobbledygook,
it can only trash its own memory, not that of other programs.
This feature is called Memory Protection.
这叫 "内存保护"
This is also really useful in protecting against malicious software, like viruses.
For example, we generally don't want other programs to have the ability
例如,我们不希望其他程序有能力 \N 读或改邮件程序的内存
to read or modify the memory of, let say, our email,
例如,我们不希望其他程序有能力 \N 读或改邮件程序的内存
with that kind of access,
如果有这种权限 \N 恶意软件可能以你的名义发邮件,甚至窃取个人信息
malware could send emails on your behalf and maybe steal personal information.
如果有这种权限 \N 恶意软件可能以你的名义发邮件,甚至窃取个人信息
Not good!
Atlas had both virtual and protected memory.
Atlas 既有"虚拟内存"也有"内存保护"
It was the first computer and OS to support these features!
By the 1970s, computers were sufficiently fast and cheap.
到 1970 年代,计算机足够快且便宜
Institutions like a university could buy a computer and let students use it.
It was not only fast enough to run several programs at once,
but also give several users simultaneous, interactive access.
This was done through a terminal,
which is a keyboard and screen that connects to a big computer,
"终端"只是键盘+屏幕,连到主计算机 \N 终端本身没有处理能力
but doesn't contain any processing power itself.
"终端"只是键盘+屏幕,连到主计算机 \N 终端本身没有处理能力
A refrigerator-sized computer might have 50 terminals connected to it,
allowing up to 50 users.
Now operating systems had to handle not just multiple programs,
but also multiple users.
So that no one person could gobble up all of a computer's resources,
为了确保其中一个人 不会占满计算机资源
operating systems were developed that offered time-sharing.
开发了 分时操作系统
With time-sharing each individual user was only allowed to utilize
意思是 每个用户只能用一小部分处理器,内存等
a small fraction of the computer's processor, memory, and so on.
意思是 每个用户只能用一小部分处理器,内存等
Because computers are so fast,
因为电脑很快 \N 即使拿到 1/50 的资源也足以完成许多任务
even getting just 1/50th of its resources was enough for individuals to complete many tasks.
因为电脑很快 \N 即使拿到 1/50 的资源也足以完成许多任务
The most influential of early time-sharing Operating Systems was
早期分时操作系统中,最有影响力的是 \N Multics多任务信息与计算系统
Multics, or Multiplexed Information and Computing Service,
早期分时操作系统中,最有影响力的是 \N Multics多任务信息与计算系统
released in 1969.
于 1969 年发布
Multics was the first major operating system designed to be secure from the outset.
Multics 是第一个,从设计时就考虑到安全的操作系统
Developers didn't want mischievous users accessing data they shouldn't,
开发人员不希望恶意用户 访问不该访问的数据
like students attempting to access the final exam on their professor's account.
Features like this meant Multics was really complicated for its time,
这导致 Multics 的复杂度超过当时的平均水准
using around 1 Megabit of memory, which was a lot back then!
操作系统会占大约 1 Mb 内存,这在当时很多!
That might be half of a computer's memory, just to run the OS!
Dennis Ritchie, one of the researchers working on Multics, once said:
Multics 的研究人员之一 Dennis Ritchie 曾说过
"One of the obvious things that went wrong with Multics as a commercial success
"阻碍 Multics 获得商业成功的一个明显问题是
was just that it was sort of over-engineered in a sense.
There was just too much in it."
This lead Dennis, and another Multics researcher,
所以 Dennis 和另一个 Multics 研究员 \N Ken Thompson 联手打造新的操作系统
Ken Thompson, to strike out on their own and build a new, lean operating system
所以 Dennis 和另一个 Multics 研究员 \N Ken Thompson 联手打造新的操作系统
called Unix.
叫 Unix
They wanted to separate the OS into two parts:
First was the core functionality of the OS,
things like memory management, multitasking,and dealing with I/O,
如内存管理,多任务和输入/输出处理 \N 这叫"内核"
which is called the kernel .
如内存管理,多任务和输入/输出处理 \N 这叫"内核"
The second part was a wide array of useful tools that came bundled with,
but not part of the kernel, things like programs and libraries.
Building a compact, lean kernel meant intentionally leaving some functionality out.
紧凑的内核 意味着功能没有那么全面
Tom Van Vleck, another Multics developer, recalled:
Multics 的另一个开发者 Tom Van Vleck 回忆说:
"I remarked to Dennis that easily half the code I was writing in Multics was error recovery code."
"我对 Dennis 说,我在 Multics 写的一半代码都是错误恢复代码"
He said, "We left all that stuff out of Unix.
他说:"Unix 不会有这些东西
If there's an error, we have this routine called panic,
and when it is called, the machine crashes,
and you holler down the hall, 'Hey, reboot it.'""
You might have heard of kernel panics.
你可能听过 "内核恐慌"kernel panic
This is where the term came from.
It's literally when the kernel crashes, has no recourse to recover,
and so calls a function called "panic".
Originally, all it did was print the word "panic" and then enter an infinite loop.
This simplicity meant that Unix could be run on cheaper and more diverse hardware,
这种简单性意味着 \N Unix 可以在更便宜更多的硬件上运行
making it popular inside Bell Labs, where Dennis and Ken worked.
使 Unix 在 Dennis 和 Ken 工作的 \N 贝尔实验室大受欢迎
As more developers started using Unix to build and run their own programs,
越来越多开发人员用 Unix 写程序和运行程序
the number of contributed tools grew.
Soon after its release in 1971,
1971 年发布后不久
it gained compilers for different programming languages and even a word processor,
就有人写了不同编程语言的编译器 \N 甚至文字处理器
quickly making it one of the most popular OSes of the 1970s and 80s.
使得 Unix 迅速成为 \N 1970~80年代最流行的操作系统之一
At the same time, by the early 1980s,
到 1980 年代早期
the cost of a basic computer had fallen to the point where individual people could afford one,
计算机的价格 降到普通人买得起 \N 这些叫"个人电脑"或"家庭电脑"
called a personal or home computer.
计算机的价格 降到普通人买得起 \N 这些叫"个人电脑"或"家庭电脑"
These were much simpler than the big mainframes
这些电脑比大型主机简单得多 \N 主机一般在大学,公司和政府
found at universities, corporations, and governments.
这些电脑比大型主机简单得多 \N 主机一般在大学,公司和政府
So, their operating systems had to be equally simple.
For example, Microsoft's Disk Operating System, or MS-DOS, was just 160 kilobytes,
举例微软的磁盘操作系统MS-DOS只有 160 kB \N 一张磁盘就可以容纳
allowing it to fit, as the name suggests, onto a single disk.
举例微软的磁盘操作系统MS-DOS只有 160 kB \N 一张磁盘就可以容纳
First released in 1981, it became the most popular OS for early home computers,
于 1981 年发布,成为早期家用电脑最受欢迎的操作系统
even though it lacked multitasking and protected memory.
This meant that programs could,
and would, regularly crash the system.
While annoying, it was an acceptable tradeoff,
as users could just turn their own computers off and on again!
Even early versions of Windows,
哪怕是微软 1985 年发布的早期 Windows \N 虽然在 90 年代很流行
first released by Microsoft in 1985 and which dominated the OS scene throughout the 1990s,
哪怕是微软 1985 年发布的早期 Windows \N 虽然在 90 年代很流行
lacked strong memory protection.
When programs misbehaved,
you could get the blue screen of death,
a sign that a program had crashed so badly that it took down the whole operating system.
Luckily, newer versions of Windows have better protections and usually don't crash that often.
Today, computers run modern operating systems,
如今的计算机 有现代操作系统
like Mac OS X, Windows 10, Linux, iOS and Android.
比如 Mac OS XWindows 10 \NLinuxiOS和Android
Even though the computers we own are most often used by just a single person,
their OS all have multitasking and virtual and protected memory.
操作系统依然有"多任务, "虚拟内存", "内存保护"
So, they can run many programs at once:
you can watch YouTube in your web browser,
一边在浏览器看 YouTube一边在 Photoshop 修图
edit a photo in Photoshop,
一边在浏览器看 YouTube一边在 Photoshop 修图
play music in Spotify and sync Dropbox all at the same time.
用 Spotify 放音乐,同步 Dropbox
This wouldn't be possible without those decades of research and development on Operating Systems,
and of course the proper memory to store those programs.
Which we'll get to next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
We've talked about computer memory several times in this series,
系列中 我们多次谈到内存Memory
and we even designed some in Episode 6.
甚至在第 6 集设计了一个简单内存
In general, computer memory is non-permanent.
一般来说,电脑内存是 "非永久性"
If your xbox accidently gets unplugged and turns off,
如果 Xbox 电源线不小心拔掉了,内存里所有数据都会丢失
any data saved in memory is lost.
如果 Xbox 电源线不小心拔掉了,内存里所有数据都会丢失
For this reason, it's called volatile memory.
What we haven't talked so much about this series is storage,
我们还没谈过的话题 是存储器Storage
which is a tad different.
Any data written to storage, like your hard drive,
任何写入"存储器"的数据,比如你的硬盘 \N 数据会一直存着,直到被覆盖或删除,断电也不会丢失
will stay there until it's over-written or deleted, even if the power goes out.
任何写入"存储器"的数据,比如你的硬盘 \N 数据会一直存着,直到被覆盖或删除,断电也不会丢失
It's non-volatile.
It used to be that volatile memory was fast and non-volatile storage was slow,
but as computing technologies have improved, this distinction is becoming less true,
and the terms have started to blend together.
Nowadays, we take for granted technologies like this little USB stick,
如今我们认为稀松平常的技术,比如这个 U 盘
which offers gigabytes of memory, reliable over long periods of time, all at low cost,
能低成本+可靠+长时间 存储上 GB 的数据
but this wasn't always true.
The earliest computer storage was paper punch cards,
最早的存储介质是 打孔纸卡 \N 以及纸卡的亲戚 打孔纸带
and its close cousin, punched paper tape.
最早的存储介质是 打孔纸卡 \N 以及纸卡的亲戚 打孔纸带
By the 1940s, punch cards had largely standardized into a grid of 80 columns and 12 rows,
到1940年代纸卡标准是 80列x12行
allowing for a maximum of 960 bits of data to be stored on a single card.
一张卡能存 960 位数据 (80x12=960)
The largest program ever punched onto cards, that we know of,
据我们所知的 最大纸卡程序
was the US Military's Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, or SAGE,
是美国军方的"半自动地面防空系统" 简称 SAGE
an Air Defense System that became operational in 1958.
一个在 1958 年投入使用的防空系统
The main program was stored on 62,500 punchcards,
主程序存储在 62,500 个纸卡上
roughly equivalent to 5 megabytes of data,
大小 5MB 左右, 相当如今手机拍张照
that's the size of an average smartphone photo today.
大小 5MB 左右, 相当如今手机拍张照
Punch cards were a useful and popular form of storage for decades,
they didn't need power, plus paper was cheap and reasonably durable.
However, punchcards were slow and write-once,
you can't easily un-punch a hole.
So they were a less useful form of memory,
where a value might only be needed for a fraction of a second during a program's execution,
and then discarded.
A faster, larger and more flexible form of computer memory was needed.
An early and practical approach was developed by J. Presper Eckert,
J. Presper Eckert 在 1944 年建造 ENIAC 时发明了一种方法
as he was finishing work on ENIAC in 1944.
J. Presper Eckert 在 1944 年建造 ENIAC 时发明了一种方法
His invention was called Delay Line Memory, and it worked like this.
叫"延迟线存储器"Delay Line Memory原理如下
You take a tube and fill it with a liquid, like mercury.
Then, you put a speaker at one end and microphone at the other.
When you pulse the speaker, it creates a pressure wave.
扬声器发出脉冲时 会产生压力波
This takes time to propagate to the other end of the tube,
压力波需要时间 传播到另一端的麦克风
where it hits the microphone,
压力波需要时间 传播到另一端的麦克风
converting it back into an electrical signal.
麦克风将压力波 转换回电信号.
And we can use this propagation delay to store data!
我们可以用压力波的传播延迟 来存储数据!
Imagine that the presence of a pressure wave is a 1
假设有压力波代表 1没有代表 0
and the absence of a pressure wave is a 0.
假设有压力波代表 1没有代表 0
Our speaker can output a binary sequence like 1010 0111.
扬声器可以输出 1010 0111
The corresponding waves will travel down the tube, in order,
and a little while later, hit the microphone,
which converts the signal back into 1's and 0's.
将信号转换回 1 和 0
If we create a circuit that connects the microphone to the speaker,
plus a little amplifier to compensate for any loss,
we can create a loop that stores data.
The signal traveling along the wire is near instantaneous,
so there's only ever one bit of data showing at any moment in time.
所以任何时间点只显示 1 bit 数据
But in the tube, you can store many bits!
After working on ENIAC, Eckert and his colleague John Mauchly,
忙完 ENIAC 后Eckert 和同事 John Mauchly
set out to build a bigger and better computer called EDVAC, incorporating Delay Line Memory.
着手做一个更大更好的计算机叫 EDVAC使用了延迟线存储器
In total, the computer had 128 Delay Lines,
总共有 128 条延迟线,每条能存 352 位bits
each capable of storing 352 bits.
总共有 128 条延迟线,每条能存 352 位bits
That's a grand total of 45 thousands bits of memory,
总共能存 45,000 位(bit)
not too shabby for 1949!
对 1949 年来说还不错!
This allowed EDVAC to be one of the very earliest Stored-Program Computers,
这使得 EDVAC 成为最早的 "存储程序计算机" 之一
which we talked about in Episode 10.
我们在第 10 集讨论过
However, a big drawback with delay line memory
is that you could only read one bit of data from a tube at any given instant.
每一个时刻只能读一位 (bit) 数据
If you wanted to access a specific bit, like bit 112,
如果想访问一个特定的 bit比如第 112 位(bit) \N 你得等待它从循环中出现
you'd have to wait for it to come around in the loop,
如果想访问一个特定的 bit比如第 112 位(bit) \N 你得等待它从循环中出现
what's called sequential or cyclic-access memory,
所以又叫 "顺序存储器"或"循环存储器"
whereas we really want random access memory,
而我们想要的是 "随机存取存储器" \N 可以随时访问任何位置
where we can access any bit at any time.
而我们想要的是 "随机存取存储器" \N 可以随时访问任何位置
It also proved challenging to increase the density of the memory,
packing waves closer together meant they were more easily mixed up.
把压力波变得更紧密 意味着更容易混在一起
In response, new forms of delay line memory were invented,
所以出现了其他类型的 "延迟线存储器"
such as magnetostrictive delay lines .
如 "磁致伸缩延迟存储器"
These delay lines use a metal wire that could be twisted,
creating little torsional waves that represented data.
By forming the wire into a coil, you could store around 1000 bits in a 1 foot by 1 foot square.
通过把线卷成线圈1英尺×1英尺的面积能存储大概 1000位(bit)
However, delay line memory was largely obsolete by the mid 1950s,
然而,延迟线存储器在 1950 年代中期就基本过时了
surpassed in performance, reliability and cost by a new kid on the block:
magnetic core memory which was constructed out of little magnetic donuts,
called cores.
If you loop a wire around this core.
and run an electrical current through the wire,
we can magnetize the core in a certain direction.
If we turn the current off, the core will stay magnetized.
If we pass current through the wire in the opposite direction,
the magnetization direction, called polarity,
flips the other way.
In this way, we can store 1's and 0's!
这样就可以存 1 和 0
1 bit of memory isn't very useful, so these little donuts were arranged into grids.
如果只存 1 位不够有用,所以把小甜甜圈排列成网格
There were wires for selecting the right row and column, and a wire that ran through every core,
有电线负责选行和列 \N 也有电线贯穿每个磁芯, 用于读写一位(bit)
which could be used to read or write a bit.
有电线负责选行和列 \N 也有电线贯穿每个磁芯, 用于读写一位(bit)
Here is an actual piece of core memory!
In each of these little yellow squares, there are 32 rows and 32 columns of tiny cores,
每个黄色方格 有32行x32列的磁芯 \N 每个磁芯存 1 位数据
each one holding 1 bit of data.
每个黄色方格 有32行x32列的磁芯 \N 每个磁芯存 1 位数据
So, each of these yellow squares could hold 1024 bits.
所以能存 1024 位(bit) (32x32=1024)
In total, there are 9 of these,
总共 9 个黄色方格
so this memory board could hold a maximum of 9216 bits,
所以这块板子最多能存 9216 位(bit) (1024x9=9216)
which is around 9 kilobytes.
换算过来大约是 9 千字节 \N (9216 bit ~= 9 kb)
The first big use of core memory was MIT's Whirlwind 1 computer, in 1953,
磁芯内存的第一次大规模运用\N 是 1953 年麻省理工学院的 Whirlwind 1 计算机
which used a 32 by 32 core arrangement.
磁芯排列是 32×32
And, instead of just a single plane of cores, like this,
用了 16 块板子,能存储大约 16000 位(bit)
it was 16 boards deep, providing roughly 16 thousand bits of storage.
用了 16 块板子,能存储大约 16000 位(bit)
Importantly, unlike delay line memory,
更重要的是,不像"延迟线存储器" \N 磁芯存储器能随时访问任何一位(bit)
any bit could be accessed at any time.
更重要的是,不像"延迟线存储器" \N 磁芯存储器能随时访问任何一位(bit)
This was a killer feature,
and magnetic core memory became the predominant Random Access Memory technology
"磁芯存储器" 从 1950 年代中期开始成为主流 \N 流行了 20 多年
for two decades, beginning in the mid 1950
"磁芯存储器" 从 1950 年代中期开始成为主流 \N 流行了 20 多年
even though it was typically woven by hand!
Although starting at roughly 1 dollar per bit,
刚开始时 存储成本大约 1 美元 1 位(bit) \N 到1970年代下降到 1 美分左右
the cost fell to around 1 cent per bit by the 1970s.
刚开始时 存储成本大约 1 美元 1 位(bit) \N 到1970年代下降到 1 美分左右
Unfortunately, even 1 cent per bit isn't cheap enough for storage.
不幸的是,即使每位 1 美分也不够便宜
As previously mentioned,
之前提过,现代手机随便拍张照片都有 5 MB
an average smartphone photo is around 5 megabytes in size,
之前提过,现代手机随便拍张照片都有 5 MB
that's roughly 40 million bits.
5MB 约等于 4000 万 bit
Would you pay 4 hundred thousand dollars to store a photo on core memory?
你愿意花 40 万美元在"磁芯存储器"上存照片吗?
If you have that kind of money to drop,
did you know that Crash Course is on Patreon?
你知道 Crash Course 在 Patreon 有赞助页吗?
Right? Wink wink.
Anyway, there was tremendous research into storage technologies happening at this time.
By 1951, Eckert and Mauchly had started their own company,
到 1951 年Eckert 和 Mauchly 创立了自己的公司
and designed a new computer called UNIVAC,
设计了一台叫 UNIVAC 的新电脑
one of the earliest commercially sold computers.
It debuted with a new form of computer storage:
magnetic tape.
This was a long, thin and flexible strip of magnetic material, stored in reels.
磁带是纤薄柔软的一长条磁性带子 卷在轴上
The tape could be moved forwards or backwards inside of a machine called a tape drive.
Inside is a write head,
which passes current through a wound wire to generate a magnetic field,
causing a small section of the tape to become magnetized.
The direction of the current sets the polarity, again, perfect for storing 1's and 0's.
电流方向决定了极性,代表 1 和 0
There was also a separate read head could detect the polarity non-destructively.
The UNIVAC used half-inch-wide tape with 8 parallel data tracks,
UNIVAC 用了半英寸宽8条并行的磁带
each able to store 128 bits of data per inch.
磁带每英寸可存 128 位数据
With each reel containing 1200 feet of tape,
每卷有 1200 英尺长
it meant you could store roughly 15 million bits
意味着一共可以存 1500 万位左右
- that's almost 2 megabytes!
- 接近2兆字节2 MB
Although tape drives were expensive,
the magnetic tape itself was cheap and compact,
and for this reason, they're still used today for archiving data.
The main drawback is access speed.
Tape is inherently sequential,
you have to rewind or fast-forward to get to data you want.
This might mean traversing hundreds of feet of tape to retrieve a single byte,
which is slow.
A related popular technology in the 1950s and 60s was Magnetic Drum Memory.
1950,60年代有个类似技术是 "磁鼓存储器"
This was a metal cylinder - called a drum - coated in a magnetic material for recording data
The drum was rotated continuously,
and positioned along its length were dozens of read and write heads.
These would wait for the right spot to rotate underneath them to read or write a bit of data.
等滚筒转到正确的位置\N 读写头会读或写 1 位(bit) 数据
To keep this delay as short as possible,
为了尽可能缩短延迟, 鼓轮每分钟上千转!
drums were rotated thousand of revolutions per minute!
为了尽可能缩短延迟, 鼓轮每分钟上千转!
By 1953, when the technology started to take off,
到 1953 年,磁鼓技术飞速发展 \N 可以买到存 80,000 位的"磁鼓存储器"
you could buy units able to record 80,000 bits of data
到 1953 年,磁鼓技术飞速发展 \N 可以买到存 80,000 位的"磁鼓存储器"
- that's 10 kilobytes,
- 也就是 10 KB
but the manufacture of drums ceased in the 1970s.
但到 1970 年代 "磁鼓存储器" 不再生产
However, Magnetic Drums did directly lead to the development of Hard Disk Drives,
然而,磁鼓导致了硬盘的发展 \N 硬盘和磁鼓很相似
which are very similar, but use a different geometric configuration.
然而,磁鼓导致了硬盘的发展 \N 硬盘和磁鼓很相似
Instead of large cylinder, hard disks use,
well disks that are hard.
Hence the name!
The storage principle is the same,
the surface of a disk is magnetic,
allowing write and read heads to store and retrieve 1's and 0's.
写入头和读取头 可以处理上面的 1 和 0
The great thing about disks is that they are thin,
so you can stack many of them together,
providing a lot of surface area for data storage.
That's exactly what IBM did for the world's first computer with a disk drive:
IBM 对世上第一台磁盘计算机就是这样做的
the RAMAC 305.
Sweet name BTW.
It contained fifty, 24-inch diameter disks,
它有 50 张 24 英寸直径的磁盘,总共能存 5 MB 左右
offering a total storage capacity of roughly 5 megabytes.
它有 50 张 24 英寸直径的磁盘,总共能存 5 MB 左右
Yess!! We've finally gotten to a technology that can store a single smartphone photo!
太棒啦! 终于能存一张现代手机的照片了!这年是 1956 年
The year was 1956.
太棒啦! 终于能存一张现代手机的照片了!这年是 1956 年
To access any bit of data,
要访问某个特定 bit
a read/write head would travel up or down the stack to the right disk,
and then slide in between them.
Like drum memory, the disks are spinning,
so the head has to wait for the right section to come around.
The RAMAC 305 could access any block of data, on average, in around 6/10ths of a second,
RAMAC 305 访问任意数据,平均只要六分之一秒左右
what's called the seek time.
While great for storage, this was not nearly fast enough for memory,
虽然六分之一秒对存储器来说算不错 \N 但对内存来说还不够快
so the RAMAC 305 also had drum memory and magnetic core memory.
所以 RAMAC 305 还有"磁鼓存储器"和"磁芯存储器"
This is an example of a memory hierarchy,
where you have a little bit of fast memory, which is expensive,
slightly more medium-speed memory, which is less expensive,
and then a lot of slowish memory, which is cheap.
This mixed approach strikes a balance between cost and speed.
这种混合 在成本和速度间取得平衡
Hard disk drives rapidly improved and became commonplace by the 1970s.
1970 年代,硬盘大幅度改进并变得普遍
A hard disk like this can easily hold 1 terabyte of data today
如今的硬盘可以轻易容纳 1TB 的数据
- that's a trillion bytes - or roughly 200,000 five megabyte photos!
能存 20 万张 5MB 的照片!
And these types of drives can be bought online for as little as 40 US dollars.
网上最低 40 美元就可以买到
That's 0.0000000005 cents per bit.
每 bit 成本 0.0000000005 美分
A huge improvement over core memory's 1 cent per bit!
比磁芯内存 1 美分 1 bit 好多了!
Also, modern drives have an average seek time of under 1/100th of a second.
另外,现代硬盘的平均寻道时间低于 1/100 秒
I should also briefly mention a close cousin of hard disks, the floppy disk,
which is basically the same thing, but uses a magnetic medium that's, floppy.
You might recognise it as the save icon on some of your applications,
but it was once a real physical object!
It was most commonly used for portable storage,
软盘是为了便携,在 1970~1990 非常流行
and became near ubiquitous from the mid 1970s up to the mid 90s.
软盘是为了便携,在 1970~1990 非常流行
And today it makes a pretty good coaster.
Higher density floppy disks, like Zip Disks,
密度更高的软盘,如 Zip Disks在90年代中期流行起来
became popular in the mid 1990s,
密度更高的软盘,如 Zip Disks在90年代中期流行起来
but fell out of favor within a decade.
Optical storage came onto the scene in 1972, in the form of a 12-inch "laser disc."
光学存储器于 1972 年出现12 英寸的"激光盘"
However, you are probably more familiar with its later, smaller, are more popular cousin,
你可能对后来的产品更熟:光盘(简称 CD
the Compact Disk, or CD,
你可能对后来的产品更熟:光盘(简称 CD
as well as the DVD which took off in the 90s.
以及 90 年代流行的 DVD
Functionally, these technologies are pretty similar to hard disks and floppy disks,
but instead of storing data magnetically,
optical disks have little physical divots in their surface that cause light to be reflected differently,
which is captured by an optical sensor, and decoded into 1's and 0's.
光学传感器会捕获到,并解码为 1 和 0
However, today, things are moving to solid state technologies, with no moving parts,
like this hard drive and also this USB stick.
比如这个硬盘,以及 U 盘
Inside are Integrated Circuits,
里面是集成电路,我们在第 15 集讨论过
which we talked about in Episode 15.
里面是集成电路,我们在第 15 集讨论过
The first RAM integrated circuits became available in 1972 at 1 cent per bit,
第一个 RAM 集成电路出现于 1972 年 \N 成本每比特 1 美分
quickly making magnetic core memory obsolete.
Today, costs have fallen so far,
如今成本下降了更多 \N 机械硬盘 被 固态硬盘 逐渐替代,简称 SSD
that hard disk drives are being replaced with non-volatile,
如今成本下降了更多 \N 机械硬盘 被 固态硬盘 逐渐替代,简称 SSD
Solid State Drives, or SSDs, as the cool kids say.
如今成本下降了更多 \N 机械硬盘 被 固态硬盘 逐渐替代,简称 SSD
Because they contain no moving parts,
由于 SSD 没有移动部件
they don't really have to seek anywhere,
so SSD access times are typically under 1/1000th of a second.
所以 SSD 访问时间低于 1/1000 秒
That's fast!
But it's still many times slower than your computer's RAM.
但还是比 RAM 慢很多倍
For this reason, computers today still use memory hierarchies.
所以现代计算机 仍然用存储层次结构
So, we've come along way since the 1940s.
我们从 1940 年代到现在进步巨大
Much like transistor count and Moore's law,
就像在第 14 集讨论过的 晶体管数量和摩尔定律
which we talked about in Episode 14,
就像在第 14 集讨论过的 晶体管数量和摩尔定律
memory and storage technologies have followed a similar exponential trend.
From early core memory costing millions of dollars per megabyte, we're steadily fallen,
从早期每 MB 成本上百万美元,下滑到
to mere cents by 2000, and only fractions of a cent today.
2000 年只要几分钱,如今远远低于 1 分钱
Plus, there's WAY less punch cards to keep track of.
Seriously, can you imagine if there was a slight breeze in that room containing the SAGE program?
你能想象 SEGA 的纸卡房间风一吹会怎样吗?
62,500 punch cards.
62,500 张卡
I don't even want to think about it.
I'll see you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Last episode we talked about data storage, how technologies like magnetic tape and hard
disks can store trillions of bits of data,
for long durations, even without power.
Which is perfect for recording "big blobs" of related data,
what are more commonly called computer files.
You've no doubt encountered many types,
你肯定见过很多种文件 \N 比如文本文件,音乐文件,照片和视频
like text files, music files, photos and videos.
你肯定见过很多种文件 \N 比如文本文件,音乐文件,照片和视频
Today, we're going to talk about how files work,
今天,我们要讨论文件到底是什么 \N 以及计算机怎么管理文件
and how computers keep them all organized with File Systems.
今天,我们要讨论文件到底是什么 \N 以及计算机怎么管理文件
It's perfectly legal for a file to contain arbitrary, unformatted data,
but it's most useful and practical if the data inside the file is organized somehow.
This is called a file format.
这叫 "文件格式"
You can invent your own, and programmers do that from time to time,
but it's usually best and easiest to use an existing standard, like JPEG and MP3.
但最好用现成标准,比如 JPEG 和 MP3
Let's look at some simple file formats.
The most straightforward are text files,
also know as TXT file, which contain...surprise! text.
也叫 TXT 文件, 里面包含的是... 文字 (惊喜吧)
Like all computer files, this is just a huge list of numbers, stored as binary.
If we look at the raw values of a text file in storage, it would look something like this:
We can view this as decimal numbers instead of binary,
but that still doesn't help us read the text.
The key to interpreting this data is knowing that TXT files use ASCII,
解码数据的关键是 ASCII 编码
a character encoding standard we discussed way back in Episode 4.
一种字符编码标准,第 4 集讨论过.
So, in ASCII, our first value, 72, maps to the capital letter H.
第一个值 72 \N 在 ASCII 中是大写字母 H
And in this way, we decode the whole file.
以此类推 解码其他数字
Let's look at a more complicated example: a WAVE File, also called a WAV,
来看一个更复杂的例子:波形(Wave)文件,也叫 WAV \N 它存音频数据
which stores audio.
来看一个更复杂的例子:波形(Wave)文件,也叫 WAV \N 它存音频数据
Before we can correctly read the data, we need to know some information,
like the bit rate and whether it's a single track or stereo.
比如码率(bit rate),以及是单声道还是立体声
Data about data, is called meta data.
关于数据的数据,叫"元数据"(meta data)
This metadata is stored at the front of the file, ahead of any actual data,
元数据存在文件开头,在实际数据前面 \N 因此也叫 文件头(Header)
in what's known as a Header.
元数据存在文件开头,在实际数据前面 \N 因此也叫 文件头(Header)
Here's what the first 44 bytes of a WAV file looks like.
WAV 文件的前 44 个字节长这样
Some parts are always the same, like where it spells out W-A-V-E.
有的部分总是一样的,比如写着 WAVE 的部分
Other parts contain numbers that change depending on the data contained within.
The audio data comes right behind the metadata, and it's stored as a long list of numbers.
These values represent the amplitude of sound captured many times per second, and if you
want a primer on sound, check out our video all about it in Crash Course Physics.
如果想学声音的基础知识 \N 可以看物理速成课第18集
Link in the dobblydoo.
如果想学声音的基础知识 \N 可以看物理速成课第18集
As an example, let's look at a waveform of me saying: "hello!" Hello!
Now that we've captured some sound, let's zoom into a little snippet.
A digital microphone, like the one in your computer or smartphone,
samples the sound pressure thousands of times.
Each sample can be represented as a number.
Larger numbers mean higher sound pressure, what's called amplitude.
And these numbers are exactly what gets stored in a WAVE file!
WAVE 文件里存的就是这些数据!
Thousands of amplitudes for every single second of audio!
When it's time to play this file, an audio program needs to actuate the computer's speakers
such that the original waveform is emitted.
So, now that you're getting the hang of file formats, let's talk about bitmaps or
现在来谈谈 位图(Bitmap),后缀 .bmp, 它存图片
BMP, which store pictures.
现在来谈谈 位图(Bitmap),后缀 .bmp, 它存图片
On a computer, Pictures are made up of little tiny square elements called pixels.
Each pixel is a combination of three colors: red, green and blue.
These are called additive primary colors, and they can be mixed together to create any
other color on our electronic displays.
Now, just like WAV files, BMPs start with metadata,
就像 WAV 文件一样BMP 文件开头也是元数据 \N 有图片宽度,图片高度,颜色深度
including key values like image width, image height, and color depth.
就像 WAV 文件一样BMP 文件开头也是元数据 \N 有图片宽度,图片高度,颜色深度
As an example, let's say the metadata specified an image 4 pixels wide, by 4 pixels tall,
举例,假设元数据说图是 4像素宽 x 4像素高
with a 24-bit color depth - that's 8-bits for red, 8-bits for green, and 8-bits for blue.
颜色深度 24 位\N 8 位红色8 位绿色8 位蓝色
As a reminder, 8 bits is the same as one byte.
提醒一下8位 (bit) 和 1字节(byte)是一回事
The smallest number a byte can store is 0, and the largest is 255.
一个字节能表示的最小数是 0最大 255
Our image data is going to look something like this:
图像数据看起来会类似这样:\N 来看看第一个像素的颜色
Let's look at the color of our first pixel.
图像数据看起来会类似这样:\N 来看看第一个像素的颜色
It has 255 for its red value, 255 for green and 255 for blue.
This equates to full intensity red, full intensity green and full intensity blue.
These colors blend together on your computer monitor to become white.
So our first pixel is white!
The next pixel has a Red-Green-Blue, or RGB value of 255, 255, 0.
下一个像素的红绿蓝值,或 RGB 值 \N 255,255,0 是黄色!
That's the color yellow!
下一个像素的红绿蓝值,或 RGB 值 \N 255,255,0 是黄色!
The pixel after that has a RGB value of 0,0,0 - that's zero intensity everything, which is black.
下一个像素是 0,0,0 ,黑色
And the next one is yellow.
Because the metadata specified this was a 4 by 4 image, we know that we've reached
因为元数据说图片是 4x4 \N 我们知道现在到了第一行结尾
the end of our first row of pixels.
因为元数据说图片是 4x4 \N 我们知道现在到了第一行结尾
So, we need to drop down a row.
The next RGB value is 255,255,0 yellow again.
下一个 RGB 值是 255,255,0又是黄色
Okay, let's go ahead and read all the pixels in our 4x4 image tada!
A very low resolution pac-man!
Obviously this is a simple example of a small image,
刚才显然只是一个简单例子,但这张图片也可以用 BMP 存
but we could just as easily store this image in a BMP.
刚才显然只是一个简单例子,但这张图片也可以用 BMP 存
I want to emphasize again that it doesn't matter if it's a text file, WAV,
BMP, or fancier formats we don't have time to discuss,
Under the hood, they're all the same: long lists of numbers, stored as binary, on a storage device.
文件在底层全是一样的: 一长串二进制
File formats are the key to reading and understanding the data inside.
Now that you understand files a little better, let's move on to
现在你对文件更了解了 \N 我们接下来讨论计算机怎么存文件
how computers go about storing them.
现在你对文件更了解了 \N 我们接下来讨论计算机怎么存文件
Even though the underlying storage medium might be
a strip of tape, a drum, a disk, or integrated circuits...
hardware and software abstractions let us think of storage as a
long line of little buckets that store values.
In the early days, when computers only performed one computation
在很早期时,计算机只做一件事,比如算火炮射程表 \N 整个储存器就像一整个文件
like calculating artillery range tables. the entire storage operated like one big file.
在很早期时,计算机只做一件事,比如算火炮射程表 \N 整个储存器就像一整个文件
Data started at the beginning of storage, and then filled it up in order as output was
produced, up to the storage capacity.
However, as computational power and storage capacity improved, it became possible, and
但随着计算能力和存储容量的提高 \N 存多个文件变得非常有用
useful, to store more than one file at a time.
但随着计算能力和存储容量的提高 \N 存多个文件变得非常有用
The simplest option is to store files back-to-back.
最简单的方法 是把文件连续存储
This can work... but how does the computer know where files begin and end?
这样能用, \N 但怎么知道文件开头和结尾在哪里?
Storage devices have no notion of files C they're just a mechanism for storing lots of bits.
So, for this to work, we need to have a special file that records where other ones are located.
所以为了存多个文件 \N 需要一个特殊文件,记录其他文件的位置
This goes by many names, but a good general term is Directory File.
这个特殊文件有很多名字,这里泛称 "目录文件"
Most often, it's kept right at the front of storage, so we always know where to access it.
Location zero!
位置 0
Inside the Directory File are the names of all the other files in storage.
In our example, they each have a name, followed by a period
格式是文件名 + 一个句号 + 扩展名,比如 BMP 或 WAV
and end with what's called a File Extension, like "BMP" or "WAV".
格式是文件名 + 一个句号 + 扩展名,比如 BMP 或 WAV
Those further assist programs in identifying file types.
The Directory File also stores metadata about these files, like when they were created and
last modified, who the owner is, and if it can be read, written or both.
最后修改时间,文件所有者是谁\N是否能读/写 或读写都行
But most importantly, the directory file contains where these files
begin in storage, and how long they are.
If we want to add a file, remove a file, change a filename, or similar,
we have to update the information in the Directory File.
It's like the Table of Contents in a book, if you make a chapter shorter, or move it
就像书的目录,如果缩短或移动了一个章节 \N 要更新目录,不然页码对不上
somewhere else, you have to update the table of contents, otherwise the page numbers won't match!
就像书的目录,如果缩短或移动了一个章节 \N 要更新目录,不然页码对不上
The Directory File, and the maintenance of it, is an example of a very basic File System,
目录文件,以及对目录文件的管理 \N 是一个非常简单的文件系统例子
the part of an Operating System that manages and keep track of stored files.
This particular example is a called a Flat File System, because they're all stored at one level.
刚刚的例子叫"平面文件系统" \N因为文件都在同一个层次
It's flat!
Of course, packing files together, back-to-back, is a bit of a problem,
当然,把文件前后排在一起 有个问题
because if we want to add some data to let's say "todo.txt",
如果给 todo.txt 加一点数据 \N 会覆盖掉后面 carrie.bmp 的一部分
there's no room to do it without overwriting part of "carrie.bmp".
如果给 todo.txt 加一点数据 \N 会覆盖掉后面 carrie.bmp 的一部分
So modern File Systems do two things.
First, they store files in blocks.
1. 把空间划分成一块块 \N 导致有一些 "预留空间" 可以方便改动
This leaves a little extra space for changes, called slack space.
1. 把空间划分成一块块 \N 导致有一些 "预留空间" 可以方便改动
It also means that all file data is aligned to a common size, which simplifies management.
In a scheme like this, our Directory File needs to keep track of
what block each one is stored in.
The second thing File Systems do, is allow files to be broken up into chunks
2. 拆分文件,存在多个块里
and stored across many blocks.
2. 拆分文件,存在多个块里
So let's say we open "todo.txt", and we add a few more items then the file becomes
假设打开 todo.txt 加了些内容\N 文件太大存不进一块里
too big to be saved in its one block.
假设打开 todo.txt 加了些内容\N 文件太大存不进一块里
We don't want to overwrite the neighboring one, so instead, the File System allocates
我们不想覆盖掉隔壁的块,所以文件系统会分配 \N 一个没使用的块,容纳额外的数据
an unused block, which can accommodate extra data.
我们不想覆盖掉隔壁的块,所以文件系统会分配 \N 一个没使用的块,容纳额外的数据
With a File System scheme like this, the Directory File needs to store
not just one block per file, but rather a list of blocks per file.
In this way, we can have files of variable sizes that can be easily
expanded and shrunk, simply by allocating and deallocating blocks.
If you watched our episode on Operating Systems, this should sound a lot like Virtual Memory.
如果你看了第18集 操作系统 \N 这听起来很像"虚拟内存"
Conceptually it's very similar!
Now let's say we want to delete "carrie.bmp".
假设想删掉 carrie.bmp \N 只需要在目录文件删掉那条记录
To do that, we can simply remove the entry from the Directory File.
假设想删掉 carrie.bmp \N 只需要在目录文件删掉那条记录
This, in turn, causes one block to become free.
Note that we didn't actually erase the file's data in storage, we just deleted the record of it.
At some point, that block will be overwritten with new data, but until then, it just sits there.
之后某个时候,那些块会被新数据覆盖 \N 但在此之前,数据还在原处
This is one way that computer forensic teams can "recover" data from computers even
though people think it has been deleted. Crafty!
虽然别人以为数据已经"删了", 狡猾!
Ok, let's say we add even more items to our todo list, which causes the File System
假设往 todo.txt 加了更多数据 \N 所以操作系统分配了一个新块,用了刚刚 carrie.bmp 的块
to allocate yet another block to the file, in this case,
假设往 todo.txt 加了更多数据 \N 所以操作系统分配了一个新块,用了刚刚 carrie.bmp 的块
recycling the block freed from carrie.bmp.
假设往 todo.txt 加了更多数据 \N 所以操作系统分配了一个新块,用了刚刚 carrie.bmp 的块
Now our "todo.txt" is stored across 3 blocks, spaced apart, and also out of order.
现在 todo.txt 在 3 个块里,隔开了,顺序也是乱的
Files getting broken up across storage like this is called fragmentation.
It's the inevitable byproduct of files being created, deleted and modified.
For many storage technologies, this is bad news.
On magnetic tape, reading todo.txt into memory would require
如果 todo.txt 存在磁带上,读取文件要
seeking to block 1, then fast forwarding to block 5, and then rewinding to block 3
先读块1, 然后快进到块5然后往回转到块2
that's a lot of back and forth!
In real world File Systems, large files might be stored across hundreds of blocks,
and you don't want to have to wait five minutes for your files to open.
The answer is defragmentation!
That might sound like technobabble, but the process is really simple,
and once upon a time it was really fun to watch!
以前看计算机做碎片整理 真的很有趣!
The computer copies around data so that files have blocks located together
in storage and in the right order.
After we've defragged, we can read our todo file,
整理后 todo.txt 在 1 2 3方便读取.
now located in blocks 1 through 3, in a single, quick read pass.
整理后 todo.txt 在 1 2 3方便读取.
So far, we've only been talking about Flat File Systems,
where they're all stored in one directory.
This worked ok when computers only had a little bit of storage,
如果存储空间不多,这可能就够用了 \N 因为只有十几个文件
and you might only have a dozen or so files.
如果存储空间不多,这可能就够用了 \N 因为只有十几个文件
But as storage capacity exploded, like we discussed last episode,
so did the number of files on computers.
Very quickly, it became impractical to store all files together at one level.
Just like documents in the real world, it's handy to store related files together in folders.
就像现实世界\N 相关文件放在同一个文件夹会方便很多
Then we can put connected folders into folders, and so on.
This is a Hierarchical File System, and its what your computer uses.
There are a variety of ways to implement this, but let's stick with the File System example
we've been using to convey the main idea.
The biggest change is that our Directory File needs to be able to point not just to files,
最大的变化是 目录文件不仅要指向文件, 还要指向目录
but also other directories.
最大的变化是 目录文件不仅要指向文件, 还要指向目录
To keep track of what's a file and what's a directory, we need some extra metadata.
我们需要额外元数据 来区分开文件和目录,
This Directory File is the top-most one, known as the Root Directory.
All other files and folders lie beneath this directory along various file paths.
We can see inside of our "Root" Directory File that we have 3 files
图中可以看到根目录文件有3个文件 \N 2个子文件夹"音乐"和"照片"
and 2 subdirectories: music and photos.
图中可以看到根目录文件有3个文件 \N 2个子文件夹"音乐"和"照片"
If we want to see what's stored in our music directory, we have to go to that block and
如果想知道"音乐"文件夹里有什么 \N 必须去那边读取目录文件(格式和根目录文件一样)
read the Directory File located there; the format is the same as our root directory.
如果想知道"音乐"文件夹里有什么 \N 必须去那边读取目录文件(格式和根目录文件一样)
There's a lot of great songs in there!
In addition to being able to create hierarchies of unlimited depth,
除了能做无限深度的文件夹 \N 这个方法也让我们可以轻松移动文件
this method also allows us to easily move around files.
除了能做无限深度的文件夹 \N 这个方法也让我们可以轻松移动文件
So, if we wanted to move "theme.wav" from our root directory to the music directory,
如果想把 theme.wav 从根目录移到音乐目录
we don't have to re-arrange any blocks of data.
We can simply modify the two Directory Files, removing an entry from one and adding it to another.
只需要改两个目录文件 \N 一个文件里删一条记录,另一个文件里加一条记录
Importantly, the theme.wav file stays in block 5.
theme.wav 依然在块5
So that's a quick overview of the key principles of File Systems.
文件系统的几个重要概念 现在介绍完了.
They provide yet another way to move up a new level of abstraction.
File systems allow us to hide the raw bits stored on magnetic tape, spinning disks and
文件系统使我们不必关心 \N 文件在磁带或磁盘的具体位置
the like, and they let us think of data as neatly organized and easily accessible files.
We even started talking about users, not programmers, manipulating data,
like opening files and organizing them,
foreshadowing where the series will be going in a few episodes.
I'll see you next week.
This episode is brought to you by Curiosity Stream.
本集由 Curiosity Stream 赞助播出
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Last episode we talked about Files, bundles of data, stored on a computer, that
are formatted and arranged to encode information, like text, sound or images.
We even discussed some basic file formats, like text, wave, and bitmap.
还举了具体例子 .txt .wav .bmp
While these formats are perfectly fine and still used today,
这些格式虽然管用,而且现在还在用 \N 但它们的简单性意味着效率不高
their simplicity also means they're not very efficient.
这些格式虽然管用,而且现在还在用 \N 但它们的简单性意味着效率不高
Ideally, we want files to be as small as possible, so we can store lots of them without filling
up our hard drives, and also transmit them more quickly.
Nothing is more frustrating than waiting for an email attachment to download. Ugh!
The answer is compression, which literally squeezes data into a smaller size.
解决方法是 压缩,把数据占用的空间压得更小
To do this, we have to encode data using fewer bits than the original representation.
That might sound like magic, but it's actually computer science!
Lets return to our old friend from last episode, Mr. Pac-man!
我们继续用上集的 吃豆人例子,图像是 4像素x4像素
This image is 4 pixels by 4 pixels.
我们继续用上集的 吃豆人例子,图像是 4像素x4像素
As we discussed, image data is typically stored as a list of pixel values.
To know where rows end, image files have metadata, which defines properties like dimensions.
为了知道一行在哪里结束 \N 图像要有元数据,写明尺寸等属性
But, to keep it simple today, we're not going to worry about it.
If you mix full intensity red, green and blue - that's 255 for all
如果红绿蓝都是 255 会得到白色
three values - you get the color white.
如果红绿蓝都是 255 会得到白色
If you mix full intensity red and green, but no blue (it's 0), you get yellow.
如果混合 255红色和255绿色会得到黄色
We have 16 pixels in our image, and each of those needs 3 bytes of color data.
这个图像有16个像素(4x4), 每个像素3个字节
That means this image's data will consume 48 bytes of storage.
But, we can compress the data and pack it into a smaller number of bytes than 48!
但我们可以压缩到少于 48 个字节
One way to compress data is to reduce repeated or redundant information.
一种方法是 减少重复信息
The most straightforward way to do this is called Run-Length Encoding.
最简单的方法叫 游程编码(Run-Length Encoding)
This takes advantage of the fact that there are often runs of identical values in files.
For example, in our pac-man image, there are 7 yellow pixels in a row.
比如吃豆人 有7个连续黄色像素
Instead of encoding redundant data: yellow pixel, yellow pixel, yellow pixel, and so
on, we can just say "there's 7 yellow pixels in a row" by inserting
an extra byte that specifies the length of the run, like so:
And then we can eliminate the redundant data behind it.
To ensure that computers don't get confused with which bytes are run lengths and which
为了让计算机能分辨哪些字节是"长度" 哪些字节是"颜色" \N 格式要一致
bytes represent color, we have to be consistent in how we apply this scheme.
为了让计算机能分辨哪些字节是"长度" 哪些字节是"颜色" \N 格式要一致
So, we need to preface all pixels with their run-length.
In some cases, this actually adds data, but on the whole, we've dramatically reduced
the number of bytes we need to encode this image.
我们大大减少了字节数之前是48 现在是24
We're now at 24 bytes, down from 48.
我们大大减少了字节数之前是48 现在是24
That's 50% smaller!
A huge saving!
Also note that we haven't lost any data.
还有,我们没有损失任何数据 \N 我们可以轻易恢复到原来的数据
We can easily expand this back to the original form without any degradation.
还有,我们没有损失任何数据 \N 我们可以轻易恢复到原来的数据
A compression technique that has this characteristic is called
lossless compression, because we don't lose anything.
The decompressed data is identical to the original before compression, bit for bit.
Let's take a look at another type of lossless compression, where
blocks of data are replaced by more compact representations.
This is sort of like " don't forget to be awesome " being replaced by DFTBA.
有点像 "别忘了变厉害" 简写成 DFTBA
To do this, we need a dictionary that stores the mapping from codes to data.
Lets see how this works for our example.
We can view our image as not just a string of individual pixels,
but as little blocks of data.
For simplicity, we're going to use pixel pairs, which are 6 bytes long,
but blocks can be any size.
In our example, there are only four pairings: White-yellow, black-yellow,
我们只有四对: 白黄 黑黄 黄黄 白白
yellow-yellow and white-white.
我们只有四对: 白黄 黑黄 黄黄 白白
Those are the data blocks in our dictionary we want to generate compact codes for.
我们会为这四对 生成紧凑代码(compact codes)
What's interesting, is that these blocks occur at different frequencies.
One method for generating efficient codes is building a Huffman Tree, invented by David
1950年代 大卫·霍夫曼 发明了一种高效编码方式叫 \N "霍夫曼树"Huffman Tree 当时他是麻省理工学院的学生
Huffman while he was a student at MIT in the 1950s.
1950年代 大卫·霍夫曼 发明了一种高效编码方式叫 \N "霍夫曼树"Huffman Tree 当时他是麻省理工学院的学生
His algorithm goes like this.
First, you layout all the possible blocks and their frequencies.
At every round, you select the two with the lowest frequencies.
Here, that's Black-Yellow and White-White, each with a frequency of 1.
这里 黑黄 和 白白 的频率最低,它们都是 1
You combine these into a little tree. which have a combined frequency of 2,
可以把它们组成一个树,总频率 2
so we record that.
可以把它们组成一个树,总频率 2
And now one step of the algorithm done.
Now we repeat the process.
This time we have three things to choose from.
Just like before, we select the two with the lowest frequency, put them into a little tree,
and record the new total frequency of all the sub items.
Ok, we're almost done.
This time it's easy to select the two items with the lowest frequency
because there are only two things left to pick.
We combine these into a tree, and now we're done!
Our tree looks like this, and it has a very cool property: it's arranged by frequency,
with less common items lower down.
So, now we have a tree, but you may be wondering how this gets us to a dictionary.
现在有了一棵树,你可能在想 "怎么把树变成字典?"
Well, we use our frequency-sorted tree to generate the codes we need
我们可以把每个分支用 0 和 1 标注,就像这样
by labeling each branch with a 0 or a 1, like so.
我们可以把每个分支用 0 和 1 标注,就像这样
With this, we can write out our code dictionary.
Yellow-yellow is encoded as just a single 0. White-yellow is encoded as 10
黄黄 编码成 0 \N 白黄 编码成 10 \N 黑黄 编码成 110 \N 白白 编码成 111
Black-Yellow is 1 1 0. and finally white-white is 1 1 1.
黄黄 编码成 0 \N 白黄 编码成 10 \N 黑黄 编码成 110 \N 白白 编码成 111
The really cool thing about these codewords is that there's no way to
酷的地方是 它们绝对不会冲突
have conflicting codes, because each path down the tree is unique.
This means our codes are prefix-free, that is no code starts with another complete code.
Now, let's return to our image data and compress it!
-- NOT BYTES -- BITS!! That's less than 2 bytes of data!
注意是位(bit) 不是字节(byte) \N 14位(bit) 还不到2个字节(byte)
But, don't break out the champagne quite yet!
This data is meaningless unless we also save our code dictionary.
字典也要保存下来,否则 14 bit 毫无意义
So, we'll need to append it to the front of the image data, like this.
所以我们把字典 加到 14 bit 前面,就像这样
Now, including the dictionary, our image data is 30 bytes long.
现在加上字典,图像是 30 个字节(bytes) \N 比 48 字节好很多
That's still a significant improvement over 48 bytes.
现在加上字典,图像是 30 个字节(bytes) \N 比 48 字节好很多
The two approaches we discussed,
removing redundancies and using more compact representations, are often combined,
and underlie almost all lossless compressed file formats,
几乎所有无损压缩格式都用了它们 \N 比如 GIF, PNG, PDF, ZIP
like GIF, PNG, PDF and ZIP files.
几乎所有无损压缩格式都用了它们 \N 比如 GIF, PNG, PDF, ZIP
Both run-length encoding and dictionary coders are lossless compression techniques.
游程编码 和 字典编码 都是无损压缩
No information is lost; when you decompress, you get the original file.
That's really important for many types of files.
Like, it'd be very odd if I zipped up a word document to send to you,
比如我给你发了个压缩的 word 文档\N 你解压之后发现内容变了,这就很糟糕了
and when you decompressed it on your computer, the text was different.
比如我给你发了个压缩的 word 文档\N 你解压之后发现内容变了,这就很糟糕了
But, there are other types of files where we can get away with little changes, perhaps
by removing unnecessary or less important information, especially information
that human perception is not good at detecting.
And this trick underlies most lossy compression techniques.
These tend to be pretty complicated, so we're going to attack this at a conceptual level.
Let's take sound as an example.
Your hearing is not perfect.
We can hear some frequencies of sound better than others.
And there are some we can't hear at all, like ultrasound.
Unless you're a bat.
Basically, if we make a recording of music, and there's data in the ultrasonic frequency range,
举个例子,如果录音乐,超声波数据都可以扔掉 \N 因为人类听不到超声波
we can discard it, because we know that humans can't hear it.
举个例子,如果录音乐,超声波数据都可以扔掉 \N 因为人类听不到超声波
On the other hand, humans are very sensitive to frequencies in the vocal range, like people
singing, so it's best to preserve quality there as much as possible.
Deep bass is somewhere in between.
Humans can hear it, but we're less attuned to it.
We mostly sense it.
Lossy audio compressors takes advantage of this, and encode different
frequency bands at different precisions.
Even if the result is rougher, it's likely that users won't perceive the difference.
Or at least it doesn't dramatically affect the experience.
And here comes the hate mail from the audiophiles!
You encounter this type of audio compression all the time.
It's one of the reasons you sound different on a cellphone versus in person.
所以你在电话里的声音 和现实中不一样
The audio data is being compressed, allowing more people to take calls at once.
As the signal quality or bandwidth get worse, compression algorithms remove more data,
further reducing precision, which is why Skype calls sometimes sound like robots talking.
进一步降低声音质量,所以 Skype 通话有时听起来像机器人
Compared to an uncompressed audio format, like a WAV or FLAC (there we go, got the audiophiles back)
和没压缩的音频格式相比,比如 WAV 或 FLAC \N ( 这下音乐发烧友满意了)
compressed audio files, like MP3s, are often 10 times smaller.
压缩音频文件如 MP3能小10倍甚至更多.
That's a huge saving!
And it's why I've got a killer music collection on my retro iPod.
所以我的旧 iPod 上有一堆超棒的歌
Don't judge.
This idea of discarding or reducing precision in a manner that aligns with human perception
is called perceptual coding,
and it relies on models of human perception,
which come from a field of study called Psychophysics.
This same idea is the basis of lossy compressed image formats, most famously JPEGs.
这是各种"有损压缩图像格式"的基础,最著名的是 JPEG
Like hearing, the human visual system is imperfect.
We're really good at detecting sharp contrasts, like the edges of objects,
but our perceptual system isn't so hot with subtle color variations.
JPEG takes advantage of this by breaking images up into blocks of 8x8 pixels,
JPEG 利用了这一点,把图像分解成 8x8 像素块
then throwing away a lot of the high-frequency spatial data.
For example, take this photo of our directors dog - Noodle.
So cute!
Let's look at a patch of 8x8 pixels.
我们来看其中一个 8x8 像素
Pretty much every pixel is different from its neighbor,
几乎每个像素都和相邻像素不同,用无损技术很难压缩 \N 因为太多不同点了
making it hard to compress with loss-less techniques because there's just a lot going on.
几乎每个像素都和相邻像素不同,用无损技术很难压缩 \N 因为太多不同点了
Lots of little details.
But human perception doesn't register all those details.
So, we can discard a lot of that detail, and replace it with a simplified patch like this.
This maintains the visual essence, but might only use 10% of the data.
We can do this for all the patches in the image and get this result.
我们可以对所有 8x8 块做一样的操作
You can still see it's a dog, but the image is rougher.
So, that's an extreme example, going from a slightly compressed JPEG to a highly compressed one,
one-eighth the original file size.
Often, you can get away with a quality somewhere in between, and perceptually,
it's basically the same as the original.
Can you tell the difference between the two?
Probably not, but I should mention that video compression plays a role in that too,
since I'm literally being compressed in a video right now.
Videos are really just long sequences of images, so a lot of what I said
视频只是一长串连续图片 \N 所以图片的很多方面也适用于视频
about them applies here too.
视频只是一长串连续图片 \N 所以图片的很多方面也适用于视频
But videos can do some extra clever stuff, because between frames,
但视频可以做一些小技巧 \N 因为帧和帧之间很多像素一样
a lot of pixels are going to be the same.
但视频可以做一些小技巧 \N 因为帧和帧之间很多像素一样
Like this whole background behind me!
This is called temporal redundancy.
这叫 时间冗余
We don't need to re-transmit those pixels every frame of the video.
视频里不用每一帧都存这些像素 \N 可以只存变了的部分
We can just copy patches of data forward.
视频里不用每一帧都存这些像素 \N 可以只存变了的部分
When there are small pixel differences, like the readout on this frequency generator behind me,
most video formats send data that encodes just the difference between patches,
which is more efficient than re-transmitting all the pixels afresh, again taking advantage
这比存所有像素更有效率 \N 利用了帧和帧之间的相似性
of inter-frame similarity.
这比存所有像素更有效率 \N 利用了帧和帧之间的相似性
The fanciest video compression formats go one step further.
更高级的视频压缩格式 会更进一步
They find patches that are similar between frames, and not only copy them forward, with
找出帧和帧之间相似的补丁 \N 然后用简单效果实现,比如移动和旋转
or without differences, but also can apply simple effects to them, like a shift or rotation.
找出帧和帧之间相似的补丁 \N 然后用简单效果实现,比如移动和旋转
They can also lighten or darken a patch between frames.
So, if I move my hand side to side like this the video compressor will identify the similarity,
capture my hand in one or more patches, then just move these patches around between frames.
You're actually seeing my hand from the past kinda freaky, but it uses a lot less data.
所以你看到的是我过去的手(不是实时的)\N 有点可怕 但数据量少得多
MPEG-4 videos, a common standard, are often 20 to 200 times
MPEG-4 是常见标准可以比原文件小20倍到200倍
smaller than the original, uncompressed file.
MPEG-4 是常见标准可以比原文件小20倍到200倍
However, encoding frames as translations and rotations of patches from previous frames
但用补丁的移动和旋转 来更新画面
can go horribly wrong when you compress too heavily, and there isn't
当压缩太严重时会出错 \N 没有足够空间更新补丁内的像素
enough space to update pixel data inside of the patches.
当压缩太严重时会出错 \N 没有足够空间更新补丁内的像素
The video player will forge ahead, applying the right motions,
even if the patch data is wrong.
And this leads to some hilarious and trippy effects, which I'm sure you've seen.
Overall, it's extremely useful to have compression techniques for all the types of data I discussed today.
(I guess our imperfect vision and hearing are "useful," too.)
从这个角度来讲,人类不完美的视觉和听觉 也算有用
And it's important to know about compression because it allows users to
学习压缩非常重要 \N 因为可以高效存储图片,音乐,视频
store pictures, music, and videos in efficient ways.
学习压缩非常重要 \N 因为可以高效存储图片,音乐,视频
Without it, streaming your favorite Carpool Karaoke videos on YouTube would be nearly impossible,
如果没有压缩 \N 在 YouTube 看"明星拼车唱歌"几乎不可能
due to bandwidth and the economics of transmitting that volume of data for free.
因为你的带宽可能不够(会很卡) \N 而且供应商不愿意免费传输那么多数据
And now when your Skype calls sound like they're being taken over by demons,
现在你知道为什么打 Skype 电话 \N 有时像在和恶魔通话
you'll know what's really going on.
现在你知道为什么打 Skype 电话 \N 有时像在和恶魔通话
I'll see you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
We've talked a lot about inputs and outputs in this series,
我们之前讨论过 输入输出 \N 但都是计算机组件互相输入输出
but they've mostly been between different parts of a computer
我们之前讨论过 输入输出 \N 但都是计算机组件互相输入输出
like outputting data from RAM or inputting instructions to a CPU.
比如 RAM 输出数据,或输指令进 CPU
We haven't discussed much about inputs coming from humans.
我们还没讲 来自人类的输入
We also haven't learned how people get information out of a computer,
other than by printing or punching it onto paper.
Of course, there's a wide variety of input and output devices that
当然,有很多种 "输入输出设备" \N 让我们和计算机交互
allow us users to communicate with computers.
当然,有很多种 "输入输出设备" \N 让我们和计算机交互
They provide an interface between human and computer.
And today, there's a whole field of study called Human-Computer Interaction.
如今有整个学科专门研究这个,叫 "人机交互"
These interfaces are so fundamental to the user experience
界面对用户体验非常重要 \N 所以是我们接下来几集的重点
that they're the focus of the next few episodes.
界面对用户体验非常重要 \N 所以是我们接下来几集的重点
As we discussed at the very beginning of the series,
the earliest mechanical and electro-mechanical computing devices
早期机械计算设备 \N 用齿轮,旋钮和开关等机械结构来输入输出
used physical controls for inputs and outputs, like gears, knobs and switches,
早期机械计算设备 \N 用齿轮,旋钮和开关等机械结构来输入输出
and this was pretty much the extent of the human interface.
Even the first electronic computers, like Colossus and ENIAC,
甚至早期电子计算机 比如 Colossus 和 ENIAC
were configured using huge panels of mechanical controls and patch wires.
也是用一大堆机械面板和线 来操作
It could take weeks to enter in a single program, let alone run it,
and to get data out after running a program, results were most often printed to paper.
Paper printers were so useful
that even Babbage designed one for his Difference Engine,
甚至 查尔斯·巴贝奇 都给差分机专门设计了一个
and that was in the 1820s!
那可是 1820 年代!
However, by the 1950s, mechanical inputs were rendered obsolete
然而,到 1950 年代,机械输入完全消失
by programs and data stored entirely on mediums like punch cards and magnetic tape.
Paper printouts were still used for the final output,
and huge banks of indicator lights were developed
to provide real time feedback while the program was in progress.
It's important to recognize that computer input of this era was
那个时代的特点是 尽可能迁就机器 \N 对人类好不好用是其次
designed to be as simple and robust as possible for computers.
那个时代的特点是 尽可能迁就机器 \N 对人类好不好用是其次
Ease and understanding for users was a secondary concern.
那个时代的特点是 尽可能迁就机器 \N 对人类好不好用是其次
Punch tape is a great example
this was explicitly designed to be easy for computers to read.
The continuous nature of tape made it easy to handle mechanically,
and the holes could be reliably detected with a mechanical or optical system,
纸孔可以方便地 用机械或光学手段识别
which encoded instructions and data.
But of course, humans don't think in terms of little punched holes on strips of paper.
当然, 人类不是以纸孔方式思考的.
So, the burden was on programmers.
They had to spend the extra time and effort to convert their ideas and programs
他们要花额外时间和精力 \N 转成计算机能理解的格式
into a language and a format that was easy for computers of the era to understand
他们要花额外时间和精力 \N 转成计算机能理解的格式
often with the help of additional staff and auxiliary devices.
It's also important to note that early computers, basically pre-1950,
要注意的是,基本上 1950 年前的早期计算机 \N "输入"的概念很原始
had an extremely simple notion of human input.
要注意的是,基本上 1950 年前的早期计算机 \N "输入"的概念很原始
Yes, humans input programs and data into computers,
是的,的确是人类负责输入程序和数据 \N 但计算机不会交互式回应
but these machines generally didn't respond interactively to humans.
是的,的确是人类负责输入程序和数据 \N 但计算机不会交互式回应
Once a program was started, it typically ran until it was finished.
程序开始运行后会一直运行 直到结束
That's because these machines were way too expensive to be
因为机器太贵了 \N 不能等人类慢慢敲命令和给数据
waiting around for humans to type a command or enter data.
因为机器太贵了 \N 不能等人类慢慢敲命令和给数据
Any input needed for a computation was fed in at the same time as the program.
This started to change in the late 1950s.
这在 1950 年代晚期开始发生变化
On one hand, smaller-scale computers started to become cheap enough
that it was feasible to have a human-in-the loop;
让人类来回和计算机交互 变得可以接受
that is, a back and forth between human and computer.
And on the other hand,
big fancy computers became fast and sophisticated enough to support many programs and users at once,
what were called multitasking and time-sharing systems .
But these computers needed a way to get input from users.
但交互式操作时 \N 计算机需要某种方法来获得用户输入
For this, computers borrowed the ubiquitous data entry mechanism of the era: keyboards.
At this point, typing machines had already been in use for a few centuries,
but it was Christopher Latham Sholes, who invented the modern typewriter in 1868.
但现代打字机是 \N克里斯托弗·莱瑟姆·肖尔斯 在 1868 年发明的
It took until 1874 to refine the design and manufacture it,
虽然到 1874 年才完成设计和制造
but it went on to be a commercial success.
Sholes' typewriter adopted an unusual keyboard layout that you know well QWERTY
肖尔斯 的打字机用了不寻常的布局QWERTY
named for the top-left row of letter keys.
There has been a lot of speculation as to why this design was used.
为什么这么设计 有很多猜测
The most prevalent theory is that it put common letter pairings in English far apart
最流行的理论是 这样设计是为了 \N 把常见字母放得远一些,避免按键卡住
to reduce the likelihood of typebars jamming when entered in sequence.
最流行的理论是 这样设计是为了 \N 把常见字母放得远一些,避免按键卡住
It's a convenient explanation, but it's also probably false,
or at least not the full story.
In fact, QWERTY puts many common letter pairs together,
事实上QWERTY 把很多常见字母放在了一起 \N 比如 TH 和 ER
like "TH" and "ER".
事实上QWERTY 把很多常见字母放在了一起 \N 比如 TH 和 ER
And we know that Sholes and his team went through many iterations
我们知道 肖尔斯和他的团队设计了很多版 \N 才进化到这个布局
before arriving at this iconic arrangement.
我们知道 肖尔斯和他的团队设计了很多版 \N 才进化到这个布局
Regardless of the reason, the commercial success of Sholes' typewriter meant
总之,肖尔斯 的打字机取得了成功 \N 所以其它公司很快开始抄他的设计
the competitor companies that soon followed duplicated his design.
总之,肖尔斯 的打字机取得了成功 \N 所以其它公司很快开始抄他的设计
Many alternative keyboard layouts have been proposed over the last century,
claiming various benefits.
But, once people had invested the time to learn QWERTY,
但人们已经熟悉了 QWERTY 布局 \N 根本不想学新布局
they just didn't want to learn something new.
但人们已经熟悉了 QWERTY 布局 \N 根本不想学新布局
This is what economists would call a switching barrier or switching cost.
这是经济学家所说的 转换成本
And it's for this very basic human reason
所以现在都快1个半世纪了 \N 我们还在用 QWERTY 键盘布局
that we still use QWERTY keyboards almost a century and a half later!
所以现在都快1个半世纪了 \N 我们还在用 QWERTY 键盘布局
I should mention that QWERTY isn't universal.
我应该提一下QWERTY 不是通用的
There are many international variants,
有很多变体,比如法国 AZERTY 布局
like the French AZERTY layout,
有很多变体,比如法国 AZERTY 布局
or the QWERTZ layout common in central Europe.
以及中欧常见的 QWERTZ 布局
Interestingly, Sholes didn't envision that typing would ever be faster than handwriting,
有趣的是,肖尔斯 根本没想到打字会比手写快
which is around 20 words per minute.
手写速度大约是每分钟 20 个
Typewriters were introduced chiefly for legibility and standardization of documents, not speed.
However, as they became standard equipment in offices, the desire for speedy typing grew,
然而随着打字机成为办公室标配 \N 对快速打字的渴望越来越大
and there were two big advances that unlocked typing's true potential.
有两个重大进步 解放了打字的潜力
Around 1880, Elizabeth Longley, a teacher at the Cincinnati Shorthand and Type-Writer Institute,
1880年左右辛辛那提速记学院 \N 一名叫 伊丽莎白·朗利 的老师
started to promote ten-finger typing.
开始推广 十指打字
This required much less finger movement than hunt-and-peck,
so it offered enhanced typing speeds.
Then, a few years later, Frank Edward McGurrin, a federal court clerk in Salt Lake City,
几年后,弗兰克·爱德华·麦克格林 \N 盐湖城的一位联邦法庭书记
taught himself to touch-type; as in, he didn't need to look at the keys while typing.
In 1888, McGurrin won a highly publicized typing-speed contest,
1888年麦格高林 赢了备受关注的打字速度比赛
after which ten-finger, touch-typing began to catch on.
Professional typists were soon able to achieve speeds upwards of 100 words per minute,
专业打字员 每分钟 100 字以上
much faster than handwriting!
And nice and neat too!
So, humans are pretty good with typewriters,
but we can't just plunk down a typewriter in front of a computer and have it type
they have no fingers!
Instead, early computers adapted a special type of typewriter that was used for telegraphs,
called a teletype machine.
叫 电传打字机
These were electromechanically-augmented typewriters
that can send and receive text over telegraph lines.
Pressing a letter on one teletype keyboard would cause a signal to be sent,
over telegraph wires, to a teletype machine on the other end,
which would then electromechanically type that letter.
This allowed two humans to type to one another over long distances.
basically a steampunk version of a chat room.
Since these teletype machines already had an electronic interface,
they were easily adapted for computer use,
and teletype computer interfaces were common in the 1960s and 70s.
电传交互界面在 1960~1970 很常见
Interaction was pretty straightforward.
Users would type a command, hit enter, and then the computer would type back.
This text "conversation" between a user and a computer went back and forth.
These were called command line interfaces,
and they remained the most prevalent form of human-computer interaction
它是最主要的人机交互方式,一直到 1980 年代
up until around the 1980s.
它是最主要的人机交互方式,一直到 1980 年代
Command Line interaction on a teletype machine looks something like this.
用电传打字机的命令行交互 类似这样:
A user can type any number of possible commands.
Let's check out a few,
beginning with seeing all of the files in the current directory we're in.
For this, we would type the command, "ls", which is short for list,
输入命令 ls名字来自 list 的缩写
and the computer replies with a list of the files in our current directory.
然后计算机会列出 当前目录里的所有文件
If we want to see what's in our "secretStarTrekDiscoveryCast.txt.txt file",
如果想看 secretStarTrekDiscoveryCast.txt 有什么
we use yet another command to display the contents.
要用另一个命令 显示文件内容
In unix, we can call "cat" - short for concatenate.
unix 用 cat 命令显示文件内容 \N cat 是连接(concatenate)的缩写
We need to specify which file to display, so we include that after the command, called an argument.
然后指定文件名,指定的方法是写在 cat 命令后面 \N 传给命令的值叫 参数
If you're connected to a network with other users,
you can use a primitive version of a Find My Friends app
你可以用 finger 命令找朋友 \N 就像是个很原始的"找朋友" App
to get more info on them with the command "finger".
你可以用 finger 命令找朋友 \N 就像是个很原始的"找朋友" App
Electromechanical teletype machines
电传打字机 直到1970年代左右都是主流交互方式
were the primary computing interface for most users up until around the 1970s.
电传打字机 直到1970年代左右都是主流交互方式
Although computer screens first emerged in the 1950s,
尽管屏幕最早出现在 1950 年代 \N 但对日常使用太贵 而且分辨率低
and were used for graphics they were too expensive and low resolution for everyday use.
尽管屏幕最早出现在 1950 年代 \N 但对日常使用太贵 而且分辨率低
However, mass production of televisions for the consumer market, and general improvements
然而因为针对普通消费者的电视机开始量产 \N 同时处理器与内存也在发展
in processors and memory, meant that by 1970, it was economically viable
到1970年代屏幕代替电传打字机 变得可行
to replace electromechanical teletype machines with screen-based equivalents.
到1970年代屏幕代替电传打字机 变得可行
But rather than build a whole new standard to interface computers with these screens,
但与其为屏幕 专门做全新的标准
engineers simply recycled the existing text-only, teletype protocol.
工程师直接用现有的 电传打字机协议
These machines used a screen, which simulated endless paper.
屏幕就像无限长度的纸 \N 除了输入和输出字,没有其它东西
It was text in and text out, nothing more.
屏幕就像无限长度的纸 \N 除了输入和输出字,没有其它东西
The protocol was identical, so computers couldn't even tell if it was paper or a screen.
These virtual teletype or glass teletype machines became known as terminals .
这些"虚拟电传打字机"或"玻璃电传打字机"\N 叫 终端
By 1971, it was estimated, in the United States,
到1971年美国大约有 7 万台电传打字机 \N 以及 7 万个终端
there was something on the order of 70,000 electro-mechanical teletype machines
到1971年美国大约有 7 万台电传打字机 \N 以及 7 万个终端
and 70,000 screen-based terminals in use.
到1971年美国大约有 7 万台电传打字机 \N 以及 7 万个终端
Screens were so much better, faster and more flexible, though.
Like, you could delete a mistake and it would disappear.
如果删一个错别字 会立刻消失
So, by the end of the 1970s, screens were standard.
所以到 1970 年代末 屏幕成了标配
You might think that command line interfaces are way too primitive to do anything interesting.
你也许会想,命令行界面太原始了 \N 做不了什么有意思的事
But even when the only interaction was through text, programmers found a way to make it fun.
即便只有文字 \N 程序员也找到了一些方法,让它变得有趣一些
Early interactive, text-based computer games include famous titles like Zork,
早期的著名交互式文字游戏 Zork
created in 1977.
出现于 1977 年
Players of these sorts of early games were expected to engage their limitless imaginations
as they visualized the fictional world around them, like what terrifying monster confronted them
when it was pitch black and you were likely to be eaten by a grue.
Let's go back to our command line, now on a fancy screen-based terminal, and play!
Just like before, we can see what's in our current directory with the "ls" command.
就像之前,我们可以用 ls 命令,看当前目录有什么
Then, let's go into our games directory by using the "cd" command, for " change directory ".
然后用 cd 命令,进入游戏文件夹 \N cd 的意思是 "改变文件夹"
Now, we can use our "ls" command again to see what games are installed on our computer.
再用 ls 看有哪些游戏
Sweet, we have Adventure!
All we have to do to run this program is type its name.
Until this application halts, or we quit it, it takes over the command line.
在程序自行停止或我们主动退出前 \N 它会接管命令行
What you're seeing here is actual interaction from "Colossal Cave Adventure",
first developed by Will Crowther in 1976.
由 Will Crowther 在 1976 年开发
In the game, players can type in one- or two-word commands to move around,
游戏中玩家可以输入1个词或2个词的命令 \N 来移动人物,和其他东西交互,捡物品等
interact with objects, pickup items and so on.
游戏中玩家可以输入1个词或2个词的命令 \N 来移动人物,和其他东西交互,捡物品等
The program acts as the narrator, describing locations, possible actions,
然后游戏会像旁白一样,输出你的当前位置, \N 告诉你能做什么动作,以及你的动作造成的结果
and the results of those actions.
然后游戏会像旁白一样,输出你的当前位置, \N 告诉你能做什么动作,以及你的动作造成的结果
Certain ones resulted in death!
The original version only had 66 locations to explore,
原始版本只有 66 个地方可供探索
but it's widely considered to be the first example of interactive fiction.
These text adventure games later became multiplayer, called MUDs or Multi-User Dungeons.
游戏后来从纯文字进化成多人游戏 \N 简称 MUD或多人地牢游戏
And they're the great-forbearers of the awesome graphical MMORPG's
是如今 MMORPG 的前辈 \N (大型多人在线角色扮演游戏)
(massive, multiplayer online role playing games) we enjoy today.
是如今 MMORPG 的前辈 \N (大型多人在线角色扮演游戏)
And if you want to know more about the history of these and other games
如果你想了解游戏史,我们有游戏速成课 \N 主持人 Andre Meadows
we've got a whole series on it hosted by Andre Meadows!
如果你想了解游戏史,我们有游戏速成课 \N 主持人 Andre Meadows
Command line interfaces, while simple, are very powerful.
命令行界面虽然简单 但十分强大
Computer programming is still very much a written task, and as such,
编程大部分依然是打字活 \N 所以用命令行比较自然
command lines are a natural interface.
编程大部分依然是打字活 \N 所以用命令行比较自然
For this reason, even today, most programmers use
因此,即使是现在 \N 大多数程序员工作中依然用命令行界面
command line interfaces as part of their work.
因此,即使是现在 \N 大多数程序员工作中依然用命令行界面
And they're also the most common way to access computers that are far away,
而且用命令行访问远程计算机 是最常见的方式 \N 比如服务器在另一个国家
like a server in a different country.
而且用命令行访问远程计算机 是最常见的方式 \N 比如服务器在另一个国家
If you're running Windows, macOS or Linux,
如果你用 Windows, macOS, Linux
your computer has a command line interface one you may have never used.
Check it out by typing "cmd" in your Windows search bar,
你可以在 Windows 搜索栏中输入 cmd
or search for Terminal on Mac.
或在 Mac 上搜 Terminal
Then install a copy of Zork and play on!
然后你可以装 Zork 玩!
So, you can see how these early advancements still have an impact on computing today.
现在你知道了 \N 早期计算机的发展是如何影响到现在的.
Just imagine if your phone didn't have a good ol' fashioned QWERTY keyboard.
想想要是手机没有 QWERTY 键盘 \N 在 Instagram 给图片配标题可就麻烦了
It could take forever to type your Instagram captions.
想想要是手机没有 QWERTY 键盘 \N 在 Instagram 给图片配标题可就麻烦了
But, there's still something missing from our discussion.
All the sweet sweet graphics!
That's our topic for next week.
See you soon.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
This 1960 PDP-1 is a great example of early computing with graphics.
这台 1960 年的 PDP-1 \N 是一个早期图形计算机的好例子
You can see a cabinet-sized computer on the left,
你可以看到 左边是柜子大小的电脑
an electromechanical teletype machine in the middle,
and a round screen on the right.
Note how they're separated.
That's because text-based tasks and graphical tasks were often distinct back then.
In fact, these early computer screens had a very hard time rendering crisp text, whereas
typed paper offered much higher contrast and resolution.
而打印到纸上 有更高的对比度和分辨率
The most typical use for early computer screens was to keep track of a program's operation,
早期屏幕的典型用途 是跟踪程序的运行情况
like values in registers.
It didn't make sense to have a teletype machine print this on paper
如果用打印机 \N 一遍又一遍打印出来没有意义
over and over and over again -- that'd waste a lot of paper, and it was slow.
On the other hand, screens were dynamic and quick to update -- perfect for temporary values.
Computer screens were rarely considered for program output, though.
Instead, any results from a computation were typically written to paper
or some other more permanent medium.
But, screens were so darn useful
但屏幕超有用 \N 到1960年代人们开始用屏幕做很多酷炫的事情
that by the early 1960s, people started to use them for awesome things.
但屏幕超有用 \N 到1960年代人们开始用屏幕做很多酷炫的事情
A lot of different display technologies have been created over the decades,
but the most influential, and also the earliest, were Cathode Ray Tubes, or CRT
但最早最有影响力的是 阴极射线管CRT
These work by shooting electrons out of an emitter at a phosphor-coated screen.
原理是把电子发射到 有磷光体涂层的屏幕上
When electrons hit the coating, it glows for a fraction of a second.
当电子撞击涂层时 会发光几分之一秒
Because electrons are charged particles,
their paths can be manipulated with electromagnetic fields.
Plates or coils are used inside to steer electrons to a desired position,
屏幕内用板子或线圈 把电子引导到想要的位置
both left-right and up-down.
With this control, there are two ways you can draw graphics.
既然可以这样控制,有 2 种方法绘制图形 \N 1. 引导电子束描绘出形状
The first option is to direct the electron beam to trace out shapes.
既然可以这样控制,有 2 种方法绘制图形 \N 1. 引导电子束描绘出形状
This is called Vector Scanning.
Because the glow persists for a little bit, if you repeat the path quickly enough,
因为发光只持续一小会儿 \N 如果重复得足够快 可以得到清晰的图像
you create a solid image.
因为发光只持续一小会儿 \N 如果重复得足够快 可以得到清晰的图像
The other option is to repeatedly follow a fixed path, scanning line by line,
2. 按固定路径,一行行来 \N 从上向下,从左到右,不断重复
from top left to bottom right, and looping over and over again.
2. 按固定路径,一行行来 \N 从上向下,从左到右,不断重复
You only turn on the electron beam at certain points to create graphics.
This is called Raster Scanning.
这叫 "光栅扫描"
With this approach, you can display shapes... and even text... all made of little line segments.
用这种方法,可以用很多小线段绘制形状 甚至文字
Eventually, as display technologies improved,
it was possible to render crisp dots onto the screen, aka pixels.
The Liquid Crystal Displays, or LCDs,
液晶显示器,简称 LCD
that we use today are quite a different technology.
But, they use raster scanning too,
但 LCD 也用光栅扫描 \N 每秒更新多次 像素里红绿蓝的颜色
updating the brightness of little tiny red, green and blue pixels many times a second.
但 LCD 也用光栅扫描 \N 每秒更新多次 像素里红绿蓝的颜色
Interestingly, most early computers didn't use pixels
-- not because they couldn't physically,
- 不是技术做不到, 而是因为像素占太多内存
but because it consumed way too much memory for computers of the time.
- 不是技术做不到, 而是因为像素占太多内存
A 200 by 200 pixel image contains 40,000 pixels.
200像素×200像素的图像有 40,000 个像素
Even if you use just one bit of data for each pixel,
哪怕每个像素只用一个 bit 表示 \N 代表黑色或白色,连灰度都没有!
that's black OR white -- not grayscale!
哪怕每个像素只用一个 bit 表示 \N 代表黑色或白色,连灰度都没有!
-- the image would consume 40,000 bits of memory.
- 会占 40,000 bit 内存 \N 比 PDP-1 全部内存的一半还多
That would have gobbled up more than half of a PDP-1's entire RAM.
- 会占 40,000 bit 内存 \N 比 PDP-1 全部内存的一半还多
So, computer scientists and engineers had to come up with clever tricks to render graphics
所以计算机科学家和工程师,得想一些技巧来渲染图形 \N 等内存发展到足够用
until memory sizes caught up to our pixelicious ambitions.
所以计算机科学家和工程师,得想一些技巧来渲染图形 \N 等内存发展到足够用
Instead of storing tens of thousands of pixels,
所以早期计算机不存大量像素值 \N 而是存符号80x25个符号最典型
early computers stored a much smaller grid of letters, most typically 80 by 25 characters.
所以早期计算机不存大量像素值 \N 而是存符号80x25个符号最典型
That's 2000 characters in total.
总共 2000 个字符
And if each is encoded in 8 bits, using something like ASCII,
如果每个字符用 8 位表示,比如用 ASCII
it would consume 16,000 bits of memory for an entire screen full of text,
总共才 16000 位,这种大小更合理
which is way more reasonable.
总共才 16000 位,这种大小更合理
To pull this off, computers needed an extra piece of hardware that
could read characters out of RAM, and convert them into raster graphics to be drawn onto the screen.
来从内存读取字符,转换成光栅图形 \N 这样才能显示到屏幕上
This was called a character generator, and they were basically the first graphics cards.
这个硬件叫 "字符生成器",基本算是第一代显卡
Inside, they had a little piece of Read Only Memory, a ROM,
它内部有一小块只读存储器,简称 ROM
that stored graphics for each character, called a dot matrix pattern.
If the graphics card saw the 8-bit code for the letter "K",
如果图形卡看到一个 8 位二进制,发现是字母 K
then it would raster scan the 2D pattern for the letter K onto the screen, in the appropriate position.
那么会把字母 K 的点阵图案 \N光栅扫描显示到屏幕的适当位置
To do this, the character generator had special access to a portion of a computer's memory
为了显示,"字符生成器" 会访问内存中一块特殊区域 \N 这块区域专为图形保留,叫 屏幕缓冲区
reserved for graphics, a region called the screen buffer.
为了显示,"字符生成器" 会访问内存中一块特殊区域 \N 这块区域专为图形保留,叫 屏幕缓冲区
Computer programs wishing to render text to the screen
simply manipulated the values stored in this region,
just as they could with any other data in RAM.
This scheme required much less memory,
这个方案用的内存少得多 \N 但也意味着 只能画字符到屏幕上
but it also meant the only thing you could draw was text.
这个方案用的内存少得多 \N 但也意味着 只能画字符到屏幕上
Even still, people got pretty inventive with ASCII art!
即使有这样限制 \N 人们用 ASCII 艺术发挥了很多创意!
People also tried to make rudimentary, pseudo-graphical interfaces out of this basic set of characters
using things like underscores and plus signs to create boxes, lines and other primitive shapes.
But, the character set was really too small to do anything terribly sophisticated.
So, various extensions to ASCII were made that added new semigraphical characters,
因此对 ASCII 进行了各种扩展,加新字符
like IBM's CP437 character set, seen here, which was used in DOS.
比如上图的 IBM CP437 字符集,用于 DOS.
On some systems, the text color and background color could be defined with a few extra bits.
某些系统上 \N 可以用额外的 bit 定义字体颜色和背景颜色
That allowed glorious interfaces like this DOS example,
做出这样的 DOS 界面 \N 这界面只用了刚刚提到的字符集
which is built entirely out the character set you just saw.
做出这样的 DOS 界面 \N 这界面只用了刚刚提到的字符集
Character generators were a clever way to save memory.
字符生成器 是一种省内存的技巧 \N 但没办法绘制任意形状
But, they didn't provide any way to draw arbitrary shapes.
字符生成器 是一种省内存的技巧 \N 但没办法绘制任意形状
And that's important if you want to draw content like electrical circuits, architectural
绘制任意形状很重要 \N 因为电路设计,建筑平面图,地图,好多东西都不是文字!
plans, maps, and... well pretty much everything that isn't text!
绘制任意形状很重要 \N 因为电路设计,建筑平面图,地图,好多东西都不是文字!
To do this, without resorting to memory-gobbling pixels,
computer scientists used the vector mode available on CRTs.
计算机科学家用 CRT 上的"矢量模式"
The idea is pretty straightforward: all content to be drawn on screen is defined by a series of lines.
There's no text.
If you need to draw text, you have to draw it out of lines.
Don't read between the lines here. There is only lines!
Got it? Alright, no more word play.
I'm drawing the line here.
Let's pretend this video is a cartesian plane, 200 units wide and 100 tall, with the
假设这个视频是一个 笛卡尔平面 \N 200个单位宽100个单位高
origin that's the zero-zero point in the upper left corner.
原点 (0,0) 在左上角
We can draw a shape with the following vector commands,
which we've borrowed from the Vectrex, an early vector display system.
这些命令来自 Vectrex一个早期矢量显示系统
First, we reset, which clears the screen,
首先reset ,这个命令会清空屏幕
moves the drawing point of the electron gun to zero-zero,
把电子枪的绘图点移动到坐标 (0,0)
and sets the brightness of lines to zero.
并把线的亮度设为 0
Then we move the drawing point down to 50 50,
MOVE_TO 50 50 \N 把绘图点移动到坐标 (50,50)
and set the line intensity to 100%.
INTENSITY 100 \N 把强度设为 100
With the intensity up, now we move to 100, 50, then 60, 75 and then back to 50,50.
现在亮度提高了\N 移动到 (100,50) 然后 (60,75) 然后 (50,50)
The last thing to do is set our line intensity back to 0%.
最后把强度设回 0
Cool! We've got a triangle!
This sequence of commands would consume on the order of 160 bits, which is way more efficient
这些命令占 160 bit \N 比存一个庞大的像素矩阵更好
than keeping a huge matrix of pixel values!
这些命令占 160 bit \N 比存一个庞大的像素矩阵更好
Just like how characters were stored in memory and turned into graphics by a character generator,
就像之前的"字符生成器" \N把内存里的字符转成图形一样
these vector instructions were also stored in memory, and rendered to a screen using
这些矢量指令也存在内存中 \N 通过矢量图形卡画到屏幕上
a vector graphics card.
这些矢量指令也存在内存中 \N 通过矢量图形卡画到屏幕上
Hundreds of commands could be packed together, sequentially, in the screen buffer,
and used to build up complex graphics. All made of lines!
Because all these vectors are stored in memory, computer programs can update the values freely,
由于这些矢量都在内存中 \N 程序可以更新这些值
allowing for graphics that change over time -- Animation!
让图形随时间变化 - 动画!
One of the very earliest video games, Spacewar!,
最早的电子游戏之一, Spacewar!
was built on a PDP-1 in 1962 using vector graphics.
是 1962 年在 PDP-1 上用矢量图形制作的.
It's credited with inspiring many later games, like Asteroids,
它启发了许多后来的游戏,比如 爆破彗星(Asteroids)
and even the first commercial arcade video game: Computer Space.
1962 was also a huge milestone because of Sketchpad,
1962 年是一个大里程碑 \N Sketchpad 诞生
an interactive graphical interface
一个交互式图形界面,用途是计算机辅助设计 (CAD)
that offered Computer-Aided Design -- called CAD Software today.
一个交互式图形界面,用途是计算机辅助设计 (CAD)
It's widely considered the earliest example of a complete graphical application.
And its inventor, Ivan Sutherland, later won the Turing Award for this breakthrough.
发明人 伊万·萨瑟兰 后来因此获得图灵奖
To interact with graphics,
为了与图形界面交互 \N Sketchpad 用了当时发明不久的输入设备 光笔
Sketchpad used a recently invented input device called a light pen,
为了与图形界面交互 \N Sketchpad 用了当时发明不久的输入设备 光笔
which was a stylus tethered to a computer with a wire.
By using a light sensor in the tip, the pen detected the refresh of the computer monitor.
Using the timing of the refresh,
the computer could actually figure out the pen's position on the screen!
With this light pen, and various buttons on a gigantic computer,
有了光笔和各种按钮 \N 用户可以画线和其他简单形状
users could draw lines and other simple shapes.
有了光笔和各种按钮 \N 用户可以画线和其他简单形状
Sketchpad could do things like make lines perfectly parallel, the same length, straighten
Sketchpad 可以让线条完美平行,长度相同 \N 完美垂直90度甚至动态缩放
corners into perfect 90 degree intersections, and even scale shapes up and down dynamically.
Sketchpad 可以让线条完美平行,长度相同 \N 完美垂直90度甚至动态缩放
These things that were laborious on paper, a computer now did with a press of a button!
Users were also able to save complex designs they created,
用户还可以保存设计结果,方便以后再次使用 \N 甚至和其他人分享
and then paste them into later designs, and even share with other people.
用户还可以保存设计结果,方便以后再次使用 \N 甚至和其他人分享
You could have whole libraries of shapes, like electronic components and pieces of furniture
你可以有一整个库 \N 里面有电子元件和家具之类的
that you could just plop in and manipulate in your creations.
This might all sound pretty routine from today's perspective.
从如今的角度来看 好像很普通
But in 1962, when computers were still cabinet-sized behemoths chugging through punch cards,
但在1962年 \N 计算机还是吃纸带的大怪兽,有柜子般大小
Sketchpad and light pens were equal parts eye opening and brain melting.
Sketchpad 和光笔让人大开眼界
They represented a key turning point in how computers could be used.
They were no longer just number crunching math machines that hummed along behind closed doors.
电脑不再是关在门后 负责算数的机器了
Now, they were potential assistants, interactively augmenting human tasks.
可以当助手 帮人类做事
The earliest computers and displays with true pixel graphics emerged in the late 1960s.
最早用真正像素的计算机和显示器\N 出现于 1960 年代末
Bits in memory directly "mapped" to pixels on the screen,
内存中的位(Bit) 对应屏幕上的像素
what are called bitmapped displays.
这叫 位图显示
With full pixel control, totally arbitrary graphics were possible.
You can think of a screen's graphics as a huge matrix of pixel values .
As before,
computers reserve a special region of memory for pixel data, called the frame buffer.
计算机把像素数据存在内存中一个特殊区域 \N 叫"帧缓冲区"
In the early days, the computer's RAM was used,
早期时,这些数据存在内存里\N 后来存在高速视频内存里,简称 VRAM
but later systems used special high speed Video RAM, or VRAM,
早期时,这些数据存在内存里\N 后来存在高速视频内存里,简称 VRAM
which was located on the graphics card itself for high speed access.
VRAM 在显卡上,这样访问更快 \N 如今就是这样做的.
This is how it's done today.
VRAM 在显卡上,这样访问更快 \N 如今就是这样做的.
On an 8-bit grayscale screen, we can set values from 0 intensity, which is black,
在 8 位灰度屏幕上,我们可用的颜色范围是 0 强度(黑色)
to 255 intensity, which is white.
到 255 强度(白色)
Well actually, it might be green... or orange, as many early displays couldn't do white.
其实更像绿色或橙色 \N 因为许多早期显示器不能显示白色
Let's pretend this video is a really low resolution bitmapped screen,
我们假设 这个视频在低分辨率的位图屏幕上
with a resolution of 60 by 35 pixels.
分辨率 60x35像素
If we wanted to set the pixel at 10 10 to be white,
如果我们想把 (10,10) 的像素设为白色 \N 可以用这样的代码
we could do it with a piece of code like this.
如果我们想把 (10,10) 的像素设为白色 \N 可以用这样的代码
If we wanted to draw a line, let's say from 30, 0 to 30, 35, we can use a loop, like so.
如果想画一条线 假设从(30,0)到(30,35) \N 可以用这样一个循环
.And this changes a whole line of pixels to white.
If we want to draw something more complicated, let's say a rectangle,
we need to know four values.
The X and Y coordinate of its starting corner, and its width and height.
1. 起始点X坐标 \N2. 起始点Y坐标 \N 3. 宽度 \N 4. 高度
So far, we've drawn everything in white, so let's specify this rectangle to be grey.
Grey is halfway between 0 and 255, so that's a color value of 127.
灰色介于0到255中间 \N 所以我们用 127 (255/2=127.5)
Then, with two loops C one nested in the other,
so that the inner loop runs once for every iteration of the outer loop,
这样外部每跑一次,内部会循环多次 \N 可以画一个矩形
we can draw a rectangle.
这样外部每跑一次,内部会循环多次 \N 可以画一个矩形
When the computer executes our code as part of its draw routine, it colors in all the
计算机绘图时会用指定的颜色 127
pixels we specified.
计算机绘图时会用指定的颜色 127
Let's wrap this up into a "draw rectangle function", like this:
我们来包装成 "画矩形函数",就像这样:
Now, to draw a second rectangle on the other side of the screen, maybe in black this time,
假设要在屏幕的另一边 画第二个矩形 \N 这次可能是黑色矩形
we can just call our rectangle drawing function. Voila!!
可以直接调用 "画矩形函数", 超棒!
Just like the other graphics schemes we've discussed,
programs can manipulate pixel data in the frame buffer, creating interactive graphics.
Pong time!
Of course, programmers aren't wasting time writing drawing functions from scratch.
当然,程序员不会浪费时间从零写绘图函数 \N 而是用预先写好的函数来做,画直线,曲线,图形,文字等
They use graphics libraries with ready-to-go functions
当然,程序员不会浪费时间从零写绘图函数 \N 而是用预先写好的函数来做,画直线,曲线,图形,文字等
for drawing lines, curves, shapes, text, and other cool stuff.
当然,程序员不会浪费时间从零写绘图函数 \N 而是用预先写好的函数来做,画直线,曲线,图形,文字等
Just a new level of abstraction!
The flexibility of bitmapped graphics opened up a whole new world of possibilities for
位图的灵活性,为交互式开启了全新可能 \N 但它的高昂成本持续了十几年
interactive computing, but it remained expensive for decades.
位图的灵活性,为交互式开启了全新可能 \N 但它的高昂成本持续了十几年
As I mentioned last episode, by as late as 1971,
上集提到1971 年 \N 整个美国也只有大约 7 万个电传打字机和 7 万个终端
it was estimated there were around 70,000 electro-mechanical teletype machines
上集提到1971 年 \N 整个美国也只有大约 7 万个电传打字机和 7 万个终端
and 70,000 terminals in use, in the United States.
上集提到1971 年 \N 整个美国也只有大约 7 万个电传打字机和 7 万个终端
Amazingly, there were only around 1,000 computers in the US that had interactive graphical screens.
令人惊讶的是 \N 只有大约 1000 台电脑有交互式图形屏幕
That's not a lot!
But the stage was set helped along by pioneering efforts like Sketchpad and Space Wars
Sketchpad 和 太空大战 这样的先驱 \N 推动了图形界面发展
for computer displays to become ubiquitous,
帮助普及了计算机显示器 \N 由此,图形界面的曙光初现
and with them, the dawn of graphical user interfaces,
帮助普及了计算机显示器 \N 由此,图形界面的曙光初现
which we'll cover in a few episodes!
I'll see you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science.
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!
Early in this series we covered computing history
之前介绍了计算机历史 \N 从人类文明的曙光开始 (第1集
From roughly the dawn of civilization,
之前介绍了计算机历史 \N 从人类文明的曙光开始 (第1集
up to the birth of electronic general purpose computers in the mid 1940s.
一直到 1940 年代中期 电子计算机诞生
A lot of the material we've discussed over the past 23 episodes
过去 23 集里讲的很多东西
like programming languages and compilers
Algorithms and integrated circuits
Floppy disks and operating systems, telly types and screens
all emerged over roughly a 30-year period,
From the mid 1940s up to the mid 1970s
This is the era of computing before companies like Apple and Microsoft existed
那时苹果和微软还不存在,也没有推特,谷歌或者 Uber.
and long before anyone Tweeted, Googled or Uber-d.
那时苹果和微软还不存在,也没有推特,谷歌或者 Uber.
It was a formative period setting the stage for personal computers,
worldwide web, self-driving cars, virtual reality, and many other topics
而万维网,无人驾驶汽车,虚拟现实等主题,\N 这个系列的后半部分会讲
we'll get to in the second half of this series.
而万维网,无人驾驶汽车,虚拟现实等主题,\N 这个系列的后半部分会讲
Today we're going to step back from circuits and algorithms
今天, 我们不管电路和算法 \N 来聊聊这个影响力巨大的时代
and review this influential period.
今天, 我们不管电路和算法 \N 来聊聊这个影响力巨大的时代
We'll pay special attention to the historical backdrop of the cold war,
我们会把重点放在 \N 冷战,太空竞赛,全球化,消费主义的兴起.
The space race and the rise of globalization and consumerism.
我们会把重点放在 \N 冷战,太空竞赛,全球化,消费主义的兴起.
Pretty much immediately after World War II concluded in 1945,
there was tension between the world's two new superpowers
the United States and the USSR
The Cold War had begun and with it,
因此政府往科学和工程学 投入大量资金
massive government spending on science and engineering.
因此政府往科学和工程学 投入大量资金
Computing which had already demonstrated its value
计算机在战时已经证明了自身的价值 \N 比如曼哈顿计划 和 破解纳粹通讯加密
in wartime efforts like the Manhattan Project
计算机在战时已经证明了自身的价值 \N 比如曼哈顿计划 和 破解纳粹通讯加密
and code breaking Nazi communications,
计算机在战时已经证明了自身的价值 \N 比如曼哈顿计划 和 破解纳粹通讯加密
was lavished with government funding.
所以政府大量投入资源 \N 各种雄心勃勃的项目得以进行
They enabled huge ambitious computing projects to be undertaken,
所以政府大量投入资源 \N 各种雄心勃勃的项目得以进行
like ENIAC, EDVAC, Atlas and Whirlwind all mentioned in previous episodes.
比如之前提过的 ENIAC, EDVAC, Atlas, Whirlwind
This spurred rapid advances that simply weren't possible in the commercial sector alone,
where projects were generally expected to recoup development costs through sales.
This began to change in the early 1950s,
especially with Eckert and Buckley's Univac 1,
特别是 Univac 1它是第一台取得商业成功的电脑
the first commercially successful computer.
特别是 Univac 1它是第一台取得商业成功的电脑
Unlike ENIAC or Atlas , this wasn't just one single computer. It was a model of computers.
不像 ENIAC 或 Atlas \N Univanc 1 不是一台机器,而是一个型号
in total more than 40 were built.
Most of these Univacs went to government offices or large companies.
大部分 Univac 去了政府或大公司
Which was part of the growing military industrial complex in the United States,
with pockets deep enough to afford the cutting edge.
Famously, a Univac 1 built for the U.S atomic energy commission
一个著名的例子是,\N 一台给 美国原子能委员会 生产的 Univac 1
was used by CBS to predict the results of the 1952 U.S. presidential election.
被 CBS 用来预测 1952 年美国总统大选的结果
With just 1% of the vote the computer correctly predicted
仅用1的选票Univac 1 正确预测了结果. \N 艾森豪威尔 获得压倒性胜利,而专家预测 史蒂文森 会赢
Eisenhower landslide, while pundits favored Stevenson.
仅用1的选票Univac 1 正确预测了结果. \N 艾森豪威尔 获得压倒性胜利,而专家预测 史蒂文森 会赢
It was a media event that helped propel computing to the forefront of the public's imagination
Computing was unlike machines of the past,
which generally augmented human physical abilities.
以前的机器 增强人类的物理能力
Trucks allowed us to carry more, automatic looms whoa faster,
Machine tools were more precise and so on
机床更精确 等等. 这些东西代表了工业革命.
for a bunch of contraptions that typify the industrial revolution.
机床更精确 等等. 这些东西代表了工业革命.
But computers on the other hand could augment human intellect.
This potential wasn't lost on Vannevar Bush,
范内瓦·布什 看到了这种潜力 \N 他在1945年发表了一篇文章
who in 1945 published an article on a
范内瓦·布什 看到了这种潜力 \N 他在1945年发表了一篇文章
hypothetical computing device he envisioned called the Memex.
描述了一种假想计算设备叫 Memex
This was a device in which an individual stores all his books,
可以用这个设备 \N 存自己所有的书, 其他资料 以及和别人沟通
records and communications and which is mechanized,
而且数据是按照格式存储, \N 所以可以快速查询,有很大灵活性.
so it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility
而且数据是按照格式存储, \N 所以可以快速查询,有很大灵活性.
It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.
He also predicted that wholly new forms of encyclopedia will appear,
他还预测会出现 新的百科全书形式
ready-made, with a mesh of associative trails running through them.
Sound familiar?
Memex directly inspired several subsequent game-changing systems,
Memex 启发了 之后几个重要里程碑
like Ivan Sutherland Sketchpad, which we discussed last episode,
比如上集 伊万·萨瑟兰 的 Sketchpad(画板)
and Dough Engelbart's online system, which we will cover soon.
以及后面很快会讲到 \N Dough Engelbart 的 oN-LINE 系统第26集
Vannevar Bush was the head of the U.S. office of Scientific Research and Development,
范内瓦·布什 \N 做过"美国科学研究与开发办公室"的头头
which was responsible for funding and coordinating scientific research during World War 2.
这个部门负责在二战期间 \N 资助和安排科学研究
With the Cold War brewing, Bush lobbied for a creation of a peace time equivalent,
冷战时 范内瓦·布什 到处游说,\N 想建立一个职责类似,但是在和平时期运作的部门
the National Science Foundation, formed in 1950.
因此 国家科学基金会 于1950年成立
To this day the NSF provides federal funding to support scientific research in the United States.
至今,国家科学基金会 \N 依然负责给科学研究 提供政府资金
And it is a major reason the U.S. has continued to be a leader in the technology sector.
It was also in the 1950s that consumers started to buy transistor powered gadgets,
notable among them was the transistor radio,
其中值得注意的是 收音机
which was small, durable and battery-powered.
And it was portable,
unlike the vacuum tube based radio sets from the 1940s and before.
不像 1940 年代之前的收音机,用的是真空管.
It was a runaway success, the Furby or iPhone of its day.
收音机非常成功,卖的像"菲比精灵"和 iPhone 一样畅销.
The Japanese government looking for industrial opportunities,
to bolster their post-war economy, soon got in on the action.
Licensing the rights to Transistors from Bell Labs in 1952.
他们很快动手从贝尔实验室 取得晶体管的授权
Helping launch the Japanese semiconductor and electronics industry.
In 1955, the first Sony product was released:
The TR-55 Transistor Radio. Concentrating on quality and price,
TR-55 晶体管收音机. 他们把重心放在质量和价格.
Japanese companies captured half of the U.S. Market for portable radios in just five years.
This planted the first seeds of a major industrial rivalry in the decades to come.
In 1953, there were only around 100 computers on the entire planet
and at this point, the USSR was only a few years behind the West in computing technology,
苏联这时的计算机科技 只比西方落后几年
completing their first programmable electronic computer in 1950.
苏联在1950年 \N完成了第一个可编程电子计算机
But the Soviets were way ahead in the burgeoning space race.
Let's go to the thought-bubble.
The Soviets launched the world's first satellite into orbit, Sputnik one,
苏联在1957年 \N 把第一个卫星送上轨道史波尼克1号
in 1957, and a few years later in 1961.
Soviet Cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.
苏联宇航员 尤里·加加林 第一个进入太空
This didn't sit well with the American public
and prompted President Kennedy, a month after Gagarin's mission,
使得肯尼迪总统 \N 在加加林太空任务一个月后
to encourage the nation to land a man on the moon within the decade. And it was expensive!
提出要登陆月球. 登月很贵的!
NASA's budget grew almost tenfold,
NASA 的预算增长了几乎十倍,
peaking in 1966 at roughly 4.5 percent of the U.S. Federal budget
在 1966 年达到顶峰占了政府预算的4.5%
Today, It's around half a percent
如今, NASA 的预算只占 0.5%
NASA used this funding to tackle a huge array of enormous challenges
NASA 用这笔钱资助各种科学研究
this culminated in the Apollo program
Which is peak employed roughly 400,000 people
further supported by over 20,000 universities and companies
one of these huge challenges was navigating in space
其中一个挑战是 怎样在太空中导航
NASA needed a computer to process complex trajectories
NASA 需要电脑计算复杂的轨道来引导太空船
and issue guidance commands to the spacecraft
NASA 需要电脑计算复杂的轨道来引导太空船
For this, they built the Apollo guidance computer,
因此,他们造了 "阿波罗导航计算机"
There were three significant requirements
First, the computer had to be fast, no surprise there.
1. 计算机要快, 这在意料之中.
Second, it had to be small & lightweight
2. 计算机要又小又轻.
there's not a lot of room in a spacecraft
and every ounce is precious when you're flying a quarter million miles to the moon
And finally it had to be really really ridiculously reliable
3. 要超级可靠
This is super important in a spacecraft
Where there's lots of vibration radiation and temperature change
And there's no running to Best Buy, if something breaks.
the technology of the era of vacuum tubes and discrete transistors
那时的主流科技 \N 真空管和晶体管 无法胜任这些要求
Just weren't up to the task
so NASA turned to a brand-new technology, integrated circuits.
所以 NASA 用全新科技:集成电路
Which we discussed a few episodes ago
The Apollo guidance computer was the first computer to use them, a huge paradigm shift
阿波罗导航计算机 首先使用了集成电路
NASA was also the only place that could afford them
NASA 是唯一负担得起集成电路的组织
Initially each chip cost around $50
And the guidance computer needed thousands of them.
But by paying that price, the Americans were able to beat the soviets to the moon
Thanks, thought-bubble
谢了 思想泡泡
Although the Apollo Guidance computer is credited
虽然人们经常把集成电路的发展 \N 归功于阿波罗导航计算机
with spurring the development and adoption of integrated circuits
虽然人们经常把集成电路的发展 \N 归功于阿波罗导航计算机
It was a low volume, product there are only 17 Apollo missions after all.
但它们的产量很低,一共只有 17 次阿波罗任务
it was actually military applications
实际上是军事 大大推进了集成电路发展
Especially the minuteman and polaris nuclear missile systems
That allowed integrated circuits to become a mass-produced item
This rapid Advancement was further accelerated by the U.S.
Building and buying huge powerful computers
Often called supercomputers, because they were frequently
一般叫"超级计算机"\N 因为它们经常比全球最快电脑还快10倍以上
10 times faster than any other computer on the planet, upon their release.
一般叫"超级计算机"\N 因为它们经常比全球最快电脑还快10倍以上
but these machines built by companies like CDC, Cray and IBM were also
但 CDCCrayIBM 制造的计算机非常昂贵
super in cost, and pretty much only governments could afford to buy them.
in the U.S. these machines went to government Agencies like the NSA.
and government research labs like Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National laboratories
以及实验室比如 \N 劳伦斯·利弗莫尔 实验室 \N 洛斯·阿拉莫斯 国家实验室
Initially the U.S. semiconductor industry boomed
最初,美国的半导体行业 \N 靠高利润政府合同起步
buoyed by High profit government contracts
最初,美国的半导体行业 \N 靠高利润政府合同起步
However this meant that most U.S.companies overlooked
the consumer market where profit margins were small
the Japanese Semiconductor industry came to dominate this niche
因此日本半导体行业在1950和1960年代 \N 靠低利润率占领了消费者市场
by having to operate with lean profit margins in the 1950s and 60s
因此日本半导体行业在1950和1960年代 \N 靠低利润率占领了消费者市场
the Japanese had invested heavily in manufacturing capacity
to achieve economies of scale
in research to improve quality and Yields and in automation to keep manufacturing costs low.
同时研究技术,提高质量和产量 \N 以及用自动化来降低成本
in the 1970s with the Space Race and cold war subsiding
1970年代太空竞赛和冷战逐渐消退 \N 高利润的政府合同变少
previously juicy defense contracts began to dry up.
1970年代太空竞赛和冷战逐渐消退 \N 高利润的政府合同变少
and American semi-conductor and electronics companies found it harder to compete.
it didn't help the many computing components had been commoditized
So why buy expensive Intel memory when you could buy the same chip for less from Hitachi?
Throughout the 1970s U.S. companies began to downsize,
1970年代 美国公司开始缩小,合并,或直接倒闭
consolidate or outright fail.
1970年代 美国公司开始缩小,合并,或直接倒闭
Intel had to lay off a third of its workforce in 1974
1974年 英特尔不得不裁员三分之一
and even the storied Fairchild semiconductor
知名的仙童半导体也在 1979 年濒临倒闭 \N 被其他公司收购了
was acquired in 1979 after near bankruptcy
知名的仙童半导体也在 1979 年濒临倒闭 \N 被其他公司收购了
to survive many of these companies began to outsource their manufacturing in a bid to reduce costs.
Intel withdrew from its main product category, Memory IC
英特尔不再把精力放在 内存集成电路 \N 而是把精力放在处理器
and decided to refocus on processes.
英特尔不再把精力放在 内存集成电路 \N 而是把精力放在处理器
Which ultimately saved the company.
This low and U.S.
美国公司的无力 \N 导致 夏普 和 卡西欧 这样的日本公司
electronics industry allowed Japanese companies like Sharp and Casio
美国公司的无力 \N 导致 夏普 和 卡西欧 这样的日本公司
to dominate the breakout computing product of the 1970s.
Handheld electronic calculators.
by using integrated circuits, these could be made small and cheap.
They replaced expensive desktop adding machines you find in offices.
For most people it was the first time they didn't have to do math on paper, or use a slide rule
对大多数人 \N 这是他们第一次不必用纸笔和计算尺来做计算
They were an instant hit, selling by the millions.
This further drove down the cost of integrated circuits
and led to the development and widespread use of micro processors.
like the Intel 4004 we've discussed previously
比如之前讨论过的 Intel 4004
This chip was built by Intel in 1971
Intel 在1971年 \N 应日本计算器公司 Busicom 的要求做了这个芯片
at the request of Japanese calculator company Busicom.
Intel 在1971年 \N 应日本计算器公司 Busicom 的要求做了这个芯片
Soon, Japanese electronics were everywhere.
from televisions of VCRs to digital wristwatches and Walkmans
the availability of inexpensive microprocessor
Spawned in entirely new products like video arcades,
the world got Pong in 1972 and Breakout in 1976.
as cost continued to plummet
soon it became possible for regular people to afford computing devices
during this time we see the emergence of the first successful home computers
这段期间第一批家用电脑开始出现比如1975年的 Altair 8800
like the 1975 Altair 8800
这段期间第一批家用电脑开始出现比如1975年的 Altair 8800
and also the first home gaming consoles
以及第一款家用游戏机比如1977年的Atari 2600
like the Atari 2600 in 1977,
以及第一款家用游戏机比如1977年的Atari 2600
Home, now I repeat that, Home.
家用!我再说一遍 家用!
That seems like a small thing today.
But this was the dawn of a whole new era in computing.
in just three decades, computers have evolved from
在短短三十年内,计算机从大到人类可以在 CPU 里走来走去
machines where you could literally walk inside of the CPU.
在短短三十年内,计算机从大到人类可以在 CPU 里走来走去
assuming you had government clearance
to the point where a child could play with a handheld toy
Containing a microprocessor many times faster,
Critically, this dramatic evolution would have been but without two powerful forces at play
Governments and Consumers.
Government funding like the United States provided during the cold war
enabled early adoption of many nascent computing technologies
This funding helped flow entire Industries relate into computing long enough
for the technology to mature and become commercially feasible.
Then businesses and ultimately consumers, provided the demand to take it mainstream.
The cold war may be over, but this relationship continues today
Governments are still funding science research.
intelligence agencies are still buying supercomputers.
humans are still being launched into space.
And you're still buying TV, Xbox, Playstation, Laptop and Smartphone
and for these reasons,
Computing continues to advance a lightning pace.
I'll see you next week
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!
As we discussed last week, the idea of having a computer all to yourself a personal
上周说过"个人计算机"的概念 \N 在计算机发展的头 30 年难以想象
computer was elusive for the first three decades of electronic computing.
上周说过"个人计算机"的概念 \N 在计算机发展的头 30 年难以想象
It was just way too expensive for a computer to be owned and used by one single person.
But, by the early 1970s, all the required components had fallen into place to build
但到 70 年代初,各种组件的成本都下降了 \N 可以做出低成本 同时性能足够强大的计算机
a low cost, but still usefully powerful computer.
但到 70 年代初,各种组件的成本都下降了 \N 可以做出低成本 同时性能足够强大的计算机
Not a toy, but a tool.
Most influential in this transition was the advent of single-chip CPUs,
这个转变中 \N 最有影响力的是 单芯片 CPU 的出现
which were surprisingly powerful, yet small and inexpensive.
强大 + 体积小 + 便宜
Advances in integrated circuits also offered low-cost solid-state memory,
both for computer RAM and ROM.
可以用于计算机的 RAM 和 ROM
Suddenly it was possible to have an entire computer on one circuit board,
忽然间 \N 把整台计算机做到一张电路板上成为可能
dramatically reducing manufacturing costs.
Additionally, there was cheap and reliable computer storage,
而且,那时有便宜可靠的储存介质 \N 比如磁带和软盘
like magnetic tape cassettes and floppy disks.
而且,那时有便宜可靠的储存介质 \N 比如磁带和软盘
And finally, the last ingredient was low cost displays, often just repurposed televisions.
最后是 低成本的显示器 \N 通常是电视机稍作改装而成
If you blended these four ingredients together in the 1970s, you got,
如果在 1970 年代 \N 将这四种原料混在一起
what was called a microcomputer,
because these things were so tiny compared to "normal" computers of that era, the
因为和那个时代的"普通"计算机相比 \N 这些计算机很小
types you'd see in business or universities.
But more important than their size was their cost.
These were, for the first time, sufficiently cheap.
It was practical to buy one and only have one person ever use it.
No time sharing,
no multi-user logins, just a single owner and user.
The personal computer era had arrived.
Computer cost and performance eventually reached the point
计算机成本下降+性能提升, 让个人计算机成为可能
where personal computing became viable.
计算机成本下降+性能提升, 让个人计算机成为可能
But, it's hard to define exactly when that happened.
但这个时间点很难准确定义, 并没有一个具体时间点
There's no one point in time.
但这个时间点很难准确定义, 并没有一个具体时间点
And as such, there are many contenders for the title of "first" personal computer,
like the Kenback-1 and MCM/70.
比如 Kenback-1 和 MCM/70
Less disputed, however, is the first commercially successful personal computer: The Altair 8800.
不过第一台取得商业成功的个人计算机 \N 争议较小Altair 8800
This machine debuted on the cover of Popular Electronics in 1975,
首次亮相在 1975 年《Popular Electronics》封面
and was sold as a $439 kit that you built yourself.
售价 $439 美元,需要自己组装
Inflation adjusted, that's about $2,000 today,
计算通货膨胀后,相当如今的 2000 美元左右
which isn't chump change, but extremely cheap for a computer in 1975.
不算小钱,但比起 1975 年的其它计算机,算是非常便宜了
Tens of thousands of kits were sold to computer hobbyists,
各种需要自己组装的组件包 \N卖给了计算机爱好者
and because of its popularity, there were soon all sorts of nifty add-ons available...
things like extra memory, a paper tape reader and even a teletype interface.
This allowed you, for example, to load a longer, more complicated program from punch tape,
and then interact with it using a teletype terminal.
However, these programs still had to be written in machine code,
但程序还是要用 机器码 写
which was really low level and nasty, even for hardcore computer enthusiasts.
This problem didn't escape a young Bill Gates and Paul Allen,
who were 19 and 22 respectively.
They contacted MITS, the company making the Altair 8800,
他们联系了制造 Altair 8800 的 MITS 公司
suggesting the computer would be more attractive to hobbyists
建议说,如果能运行 BASIC 程序 \N 会对爱好者更有吸引力
if it could run programs written in BASIC,
建议说,如果能运行 BASIC 程序 \N 会对爱好者更有吸引力
a popular and simple programming language.
BASIC 是一门更受欢迎更简单的编程语言
To do this, they needed to write a program that converted BASIC instructions
为此,他们需要一个程序 \N 把 BASIC 代码转成可执行机器码
into native machine code, what's called an interpreter.
这叫 解释器 (interpreter)
This is very similar to a compiler,
but happens as the programs runs instead of beforehand.
Let's go to the thought bubble!
MITS was interested,
MITS 表示感兴趣
and agreed to meet Bill and Paul for a demonstration.
同意与 Bill 和 Paul 见个面,让他们演示一下
Problem is, they hadn't written the interpreter yet.
So, they hacked it together in just a few weeks
所以他们花了几个星期赶工 \N 而且还不是在 Altair 8800 上写的
without even an Altair 8800 to develop on,
所以他们花了几个星期赶工 \N 而且还不是在 Altair 8800 上写的
finishing the final piece of code on the plane.
The first time they knew their code worked was at MITS headquarters
他们在墨西哥 阿尔伯克基(城市) \N 的 MITS 总部做演示时,才知道代码可以成功运行
in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for the demo.
他们在墨西哥 阿尔伯克基(城市) \N 的 MITS 总部做演示时,才知道代码可以成功运行
Fortunately, it went well and MITS agreed to distribute their software.
幸运的是进展顺利 \N MITS 同意在计算机上搭载他们的软件
Altair BASIC became the newly formed Microsoft's first product.
Altair BASIC 成了微软的第一个产品
Although computer hobbyists existed prior to 1975,
the Altair 8800 really jump-started the movement.
但 Altair 8800 大量催生了更多计算机爱好者
Enthusiast groups formed, sharing knowledge and software and passion about computing.
爱好者们组成各种小组 \N 分享知识,软件,以及对计算机的热爱
Most legendary among these is the Homebrew Computer Club,
which met for the first time in March 1975
to see a review unit of the Altair 8800, one of the first to ship to California.
看一台第一批运来加州的 Altair 8800
At that first meeting was 24-year-old Steve Wozniak, who was so inspired by
第一次聚会上24岁的 Steve Wozniak \N 被 Altair 8800 大大激励
the Altair 8800 that he set out to design his own computer.
In May 1976, he demonstrated his prototype to the Club
and shared the schematics with interested members.
Unusual for the time, it was designed to connect to a TV and offered a text interface
他的设计不同寻常 \N 要连到电视显示,并提供文本界面
a first for a low-cost computer.
Interest was high, and shortly after fellow club member and college friend Steve Jobs
同是俱乐部成员和大学朋友的 史蒂夫·乔布斯
suggested that instead of just sharing the designs for free,
they should just sell an assembled motherboard.
However, you still had to add your own keyboard, power supply, and enclosure.
It went on sale in July 1976 with a price tag of $666.66.
It was called the Apple-I, and it was Apple Computer's first product.
它叫 Apple-I ,苹果计算机公司的第一个产品
Thanks thought bubble!
谢了 思想泡泡
Like the Altair 8800, the Apple-I was sold as a kit.
就像 Altair 8800 一样Apple-I 也是作为套件出售
It appealed to hobbyists,
Apple-I 吸引了业余爱好者 \N 不介意机器买回来自己组装
who didn't mind tinkering and soldering,
Apple-I 吸引了业余爱好者 \N 不介意机器买回来自己组装
but consumers and businesses weren't interested.
但个人消费者和公司对 Apple-I 不感兴趣
This changed in 1977,
这在 1977 年发生变化 \N 市场上有了三款开箱即用的计算机
with the release of three game-changing computers, that could be used right out of the box.
这在 1977 年发生变化 \N 市场上有了三款开箱即用的计算机
First was the Apple II,
第一款是 Apple-II
Apple's earliest product that sold as a complete system
that was professionally designed and manufactured.
It also offered rudimentary color graphics and sound output,
amazing features for a low cost machine.
The Apple II series of computers sold by the millions and quickly
Apple-II 卖了上百万套
propelled Apple to the forefront of the personal computing industry.
The second computer was the TRS-80 Model I,
第二款是"TRS-80 1型"
made by the Tandy Corporation
由 Tandy 公司生产
and sold by RadioShack hence the "TRS"
由 Radioshack 销售,所以叫 TRS
Although less advanced than the Apple II,
虽然不如 Apple-II 先进 \N 但因为价格只有一半,所以卖得很火爆
it was half the cost and sold like hot cakes.
虽然不如 Apple-II 先进 \N 但因为价格只有一半,所以卖得很火爆
Finally, there was the Commodore PET 2001,
最后一款是 Commodore PET 2001
with a unique all-in-one design
that combined computer, monitor, keyboard and tape drive into one device,
aimed to appeal to consumers.
It started to blur the line between computer and appliance.
These three computers became known as the 1977 Trinity.
They all came bundled with BASIC interpreters,
它们都自带了 BASIC 解释器
allowing non-computer-wizards to create programs.
让不那么精通计算机的人也能用 BASIC 写程序
The consumer software industry also took off,
针对消费者的软件行业 开始腾飞
offering games and productivity tools for personal computers,
市场上出现了各种 \N 针对个人计算机的游戏和生产力工具
like calculators and word processors.
The killer app of the era was 1979's VisiCalc,
最火的是 1979 年的 VisiCalc
the first spreadsheet program
which was infinitely better than paper
and the forbearer of programs like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.
是微软 Excel 和 Google Sheets 的老祖先
But perhaps the biggest legacy of these computers was their marketing,
但这些计算机带来的最大影响 \N 也许是他们的营销策略
they were the first to be targeted at households, and not just businesses and hobbyists.
它们针对普通消费者 \N 而不是企业和爱好者
And for the first time in a substantial way,
computers started to appear in homes, and also small businesses and schools.
This caught the attention of the biggest computer company on the planet, IBM, who had seen its
这引起了全球最大计算机公司 IBM 的注意
share of the overall computer market shrink from 60% in 1970 to around 30% by 1980.
其市场份额从1970年的60 \N 在1980年降到了30左右
This was mainly because IBM had ignored the microcomputer market,
which was growing at about 40% annually.
As microcomputers evolved into personal computers, IBM knew it needed to get in on the action.
随着微型计算机演变成个人计算机 \N IBM 知道他们需要采取行动
But to do this, it would have to radically rethink its computer strategy and design.
但要做到这一点 \N 公司要从根本上重新思考战略和设计
In 1980, IBM's least-expensive computer, the 5120, cost roughly ten thousand dollars,
1980年 IBM 最便宜的计算机 \N "5120"的价格大概是一万美元
which was never going to compete with the likes of the Apple II.
永远也没法和 Apple-II 这样的计算机竞争
This meant starting from scratch.
A crack team of twelve engineers, later nicknamed the dirty dozen,
were sent off to offices in Boca Raton, Florida,
被派往佛罗里达州的 \N 博卡拉顿Boca Raton办公室
to be left alone and put their talents to work.
Shielded from IBM internal politics, they were able to design a machine as they desired.
不受 IBM 内部的政治斗争干扰 \N 他们想怎么设计怎么设计
Instead of using IBM proprietary CPUs, they chose Intel chips.
没用 IBM 的 CPU选了 Intel 的芯片
Instead of using IBM's prefered operating system, CP/M,
也没用 IBM 的首选操作系统 CP/M
they licenced Microsoft's Disk Operating System: DOS
而是用了微软的 DOS
and so on, from the screen to the printer.
For the first time, IBM divisions had to compete with outside firms
IBM 第一次不得不与外部公司竞争
to build hardware and software for the new computer.
This radical break from the company tradition of in-house development kept costs low
这和 IBM 的传统做法不同:自己做硬件来节省成本
and brought partner firms into the fold.
After just a year of development,
the IBM Personal Computer, or IBM PC was released.
IBM 个人计算机发布了,简称 IBM PC
It was an immediate success,
especially with businesses that had long trusted the IBM brand.
长期信任 IBM 品牌的企业买了很多
But, most influential to its ultimate success was that the computer featured an open architecture,
但最有影响力的是 \N 它使用 "开放式架构"
with good documentation and expansion slots,
allowing third parties to create new hardware and peripherals for the platform.
That included things like graphics cards, sounds cards, external hard drives, joysticks,
包括显卡,声卡,外置硬盘,游戏控制杆 \N 以及无数其它组件
and countless other add-ons.
包括显卡,声卡,外置硬盘,游戏控制杆 \N 以及无数其它组件
This spurred innovation, and also competition, resulting in a huge ecosystem of products.
This open architecture became known as "IBM Compatible".
这个开放架构叫 IBM Compatible"IBM 兼容)
If you bought an "IBM Compatible" computer, it meant you
could use that huge ecosystem of software and hardware.
Being an open architecture also meant that competitor companies could follow the standard
开放架构也意味着 竞争对手公司可以遵循这个标准
and create their own IBM Compatible computers.
做出自己的"IBM 兼容"计算机
Soon, Compaq and Dell were selling their own PC clones...
很快,康柏和戴尔也开始卖 PC
And Microsoft was happy to license MS-DOS to them,
微软很乐意把 MS-DOS 授权给他们
quickly making it the most popular PC operating system.
使 DOS 迅速成为最受欢迎的 PC 操作系统
IBM alone sold two million PCs in the first three years, overtaking Apple.
仅在前三年 \N IBM就卖出了200万台 PC ,超过了苹果
With a large user base, software and hardware developers concentrated
有了庞大用户群,软件和硬件开发人员 \N 把精力放在"IBM 兼容"平台,因为潜在用户更多
their efforts on IBM Compatible platforms, there were just more users to sell to.
有了庞大用户群,软件和硬件开发人员 \N 把精力放在"IBM 兼容"平台,因为潜在用户更多
Then, people wishing to buy a computer bought the one with the
同时,想买计算机的人 \N 也会看哪种计算机的软硬件选择更多
most software and hardware available, and this effect snowballed.
Companies producing non-IBM-compatible computers, often with superior specs,
而那些生产非"IBM兼容"计算机的公司 (一般性能更好)
Only Apple kept significant market share without IBM compatibility.
只有苹果公司在没有"IBM兼容"的情况下 \N 保持了足够市场份额
Apple ultimately chose to take the opposite approach a "closed architecture" proprietary
designs that typically prevent people from adding new hardware to their computers.
This meant that Apple made its own computers, with its own operating system, and often its
own peripherals, like displays, keyboards, and printers.
By controlling the full stack, from hardware to software,
Apple was able to control the user experience and improve reliability.
These competing business strategies were the genesis of the "Mac" versus "PC" division
不同的商业策略是"Mac vs PC 谁更好"这种争论的起源
that still exists today... which is a misnomer, because they're both personal computers!
这些争论如今还存在 \N 不过"Mac vs PC"用词不对,因为它们都是个人计算机!
But whatever.
To survive the onslaught of low-cost PCs,
Apple needed to up its game,
苹果需要提高自身水平 \N 提供比 PC 和 DOS 更好的用户体验
and offer a user experience that PCs and DOS couldn't.
苹果需要提高自身水平 \N 提供比 PC 和 DOS 更好的用户体验
Their answer was the Macintosh, released in 1984.
他们的答案是 Macintosh于 1984 年发布
This ground breaking, reasonably-low-cost, all-in-one computer
一台突破性 价格适中的一体式计算机 \N 用的不是命令行界面,而是图形界面
booted not a command-line text-interface, but rather a graphical user interface,
一台突破性 价格适中的一体式计算机 \N 用的不是命令行界面,而是图形界面
our topic for next week. See you then.
我们下周讨论图形界面. 到时见
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨 我是 Carrie Anne 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
We ended last episode with the 1984 release of Apple's Macintosh personal computer.
我们上集最后 \N 谈了苹果在1984年发布的 Macintosh
It was the first computer a regular person could buy with a graphical user interface
这是普通人可以买到的 \N 第一台带图形用户界面的计算机
and a mouse to interact with it.
This was a radical evolution from the command line interfaces
那时的计算机全是命令行 \N 图形界面是个革命性进展
found on all other personal computers of the era.
那时的计算机全是命令行 \N 图形界面是个革命性进展
Instead of having to remember...
or guess... the right commands to type in,
a graphical user interface shows you what functions are possible.
You just have to look around the screen for what you want to do.
It's a "point and click" interface.
All of a sudden, computers were much more intuitive.
Anybody, not just hobbyists or computer scientists,
不只是爱好者或科学家能用计算机 \N 任何人都可以用计算机解决问题
could figure things out all by themselves.
不只是爱好者或科学家能用计算机 \N 任何人都可以用计算机解决问题
The Macintosh is credited with taking Graphical User Interfaces, or GUIs, mainstream,
人们认为是 Macintosh \N 把图形用户界面GUI变成主流
but in reality they were the result of many decades of research.
In previous episodes, we discussed some early interactive graphical applications,
like Sketchpad and Spacewar!, both made in 1962.
比如 Sketchpad 和太空战争 \N 都是1962年制作的
But these were one-off programs,
and not whole integrated computing experiences.
Arguably, the true forefather of modern GUIs was Douglas Engelbart.
现代图形界面的先驱 \N 可以说是 道格拉斯·恩格尔巴特
Let's go to the thought bubble!
During World War 2, while Engelbart was stationed in the Philippines as a radar operator,
二战期间 \N 恩格尔巴特 驻扎在菲律宾做雷达操作员
he read Vannevar Bush's article on the Memex.
他读了 万尼瓦尔·布什 的 Memex 文章
These ideas inspired him,
and when his Navy service ended,
he returned to school, completing a Ph.D. in 1955 at U.C. Berkeley.
他回到学校 \N 1955年在 UCB 取得博士学位
Heavily involved in the emerging computing scene,
he collected his thoughts in a seminal 1962 report,
他在1962年一份开创性报告中 \N 汇集了各种想法
titled: "Augmenting Human Intellect".
Engelbart believed that the complexity of the problems facing mankind
恩格尔巴特认为,人类面临的问题 \N 比解决问题的能力增长得更快
was growing faster than our ability to solve them.
恩格尔巴特认为,人类面临的问题 \N 比解决问题的能力增长得更快
Therefore, finding ways to augment our intellect
因此,找到增强智力的方法 \N 似乎是必要且值得一做的目标
would seem to be both a necessary and a desirable goal.
因此,找到增强智力的方法 \N 似乎是必要且值得一做的目标
He saw that computers could be useful beyond just automation,
and be essential interactive tools for future knowledge workers to tackle complex problems.
也可以成为未来知识型员工 \N 应对复杂问题的工具
Further inspired by Ivan Sutherland's recently demonstrated Sketchpad,
伊凡·苏泽兰 的"几何画板" \N 进一步启发了 恩格尔巴特
Engelbart set out to make his vision a reality, recruiting a team to build the oN-Line System.
他决定动手把愿景变为现实 \N 开始招募团队来做 oN-Line System
He recognized that a keyboard alone was insufficient
他意识到如果只有键盘 \N 对他想搭建的程序来说是不够的
for the type of applications he was hoping to enable.
他意识到如果只有键盘 \N 对他想搭建的程序来说是不够的
In his words:
"We envisioned problem-solvers using computer-aided working stations to augment their efforts.
They required the ability to interact with information displays
using some sort of device to move [a cursor] around the screen."
And in 1964, working with colleague Bill English,
he created the very first computer mouse.
The wire came from the bottom of the device
and looked very much like a rodent and the nickname stuck.
看起来很像老鼠 \N 因此"鼠标"这个名字沿用了下来
Thanks thought bubble!
In 1968, Engelbart demonstrated his whole system at the Fall Joint Computer Conference,
1968年 恩格尔巴特 \N 在"秋季计算机联合会议"展示了他的系统
in what's often referred to as "the mother of all demos".
这次演示 被视为如今所有演示的祖先
The demo was 90 minutes long and demonstrated many features of modern computing:
演示有90分钟 \N 展现了现代计算机的许多功能:
bitmapped graphics,
包括 位图图像
video conferencing,
word processing,
and collaborative real-time editing of documents.
和 实时协作编辑文件
There were also precursors to modern GUIs,
还有现代图形界面的原型 比如鼠标和多窗口
like the mouse and multiple windows
还有现代图形界面的原型 比如鼠标和多窗口
- although they couldn't overlap.
- 不过窗口不能重叠
It was way ahead of its time,
and like many products with that label, it ultimately failed,
at least commercially.
But its influence on computer researchers of the day was huge.
Engelbart was recognized for this watershed moment in computing with a Turing Award in 1997.
恩格尔巴特 因此获得1997年图灵奖
Federal funding started to reduce in the early 1970s,
政府资金在 1970 年代初开始减少
which we discussed two episodes ago.
At that point, many of Engelbart's team, including Bill English,
left and went to Xerox's newly formed Palo Alto Research Center,
more commonly known as Xerox PARC.
更为人熟知的名字是 Xerox PARC
It was here that the first true GUI computer was developed:
他们在这里开发了第一台带真正 GUI 的计算机:
the Xerox Alto, finished in 1973.
施乐奥托 于1973年完成
For the computer to be easy to use,
it needed more than just fancy graphics.
It needed to be built around a concept that people were already familiar with,
so they could immediately recognize how to use the interface with little or no training.
让人们不用培训 就能很快明白如何使用
Xerox's answer was to treat the 2D screen like the top of a desk or desktop.
Just like how you can have many papers laid out on a desk,
a user could have several computer programs open at once.
用户可以打开多个程序 \N 每个程序都在一个框里,叫"窗口"
Each was contained in their own frame,
用户可以打开多个程序 \N 每个程序都在一个框里,叫"窗口"
which offered a view onto the application called a window.
用户可以打开多个程序 \N 每个程序都在一个框里,叫"窗口"
Also like papers on a desk,
these windows could overlap, blocking the items behind them.
And there were desk accessories, like a calculator and clock,
that the user could place on the screen and move around.
It wasn't an exact copy of a desktop though.
Instead, it was a metaphor of a desktop.
For this reason, surprisingly, it's called the Desktop Metaphor.
There are many ways to design an interface like this,
有很多方法来设计界面 \N 但 Alto 团队用窗口,图标,菜单和指针来做
but the Alto team did it with windows, icons, menus, and a pointer
有很多方法来设计界面 \N 但 Alto 团队用窗口,图标,菜单和指针来做
- what's called a WIMP interface.
- 因此叫 WIMP 界面
It's what most desktop GUIs use today.
It also offered a basic set of widgets,
reusable graphical building blocks, things like buttons, checkboxes, sliders, and tabs
可复用的基本元素 \N 比如按钮,打勾框,滑动条和标签页
which were also drawn from real world objects to make them familiar.
GUI applications are constructed from these widgets,
GUI 程序就是这些小组件组成的
so let's try coding a simple example using this new programming paradigm.
First, we have to tell the operating system that we need a new window to be created for our app.
首先,我们必须告诉操作系统 \N 为程序创建一个窗口
We do this through a GUI API.
我们通过 GUI API 实现 \N 需要指定窗口的名字和大小
We need to specify the name of the window and also its size.
我们通过 GUI API 实现 \N 需要指定窗口的名字和大小
Let's say 500 by 500 pixels.
假设是 500×500 像素
Now, let's add some widgets - a text box and a button.
These require a few parameters to create.
First, we need to specify what window they should appear in,
首先要指定出现在哪个窗口 \N 因为程序可以有多个窗口
because apps can have multiple windows.
首先要指定出现在哪个窗口 \N 因为程序可以有多个窗口
We also need to specify the default text, the X and Y location in the window, and a width and height.
还要指定默认文字\N 窗口中的 X,Y 位置 以及宽度和高度
Ok, so now we've got something that looks like a GUI app,
好,现在我们有个 \N 看起来像 GUI 程序的东西
but has no functionality.
If you click the "roll" button, nothing happens.
如果点 Roll 按钮,什么也不会发生
In previous examples we've discussed,
the code pretty much executes from top to bottom.
GUIs, on the other hand, use what's called event-driven programming;
但 GUI 是 "事件驱动编程"
code can fire at any time, and in different orders, in response to events.
代码可以在任意时间执行 以响应事件
In this case, it's user driven events,
这里是用户触发事件 \N 比如点击按钮,选一个菜单项,或滚动窗口
like clicking on a button, selecting a menu item, or scrolling a window.
这里是用户触发事件 \N 比如点击按钮,选一个菜单项,或滚动窗口
Or if a cat runs across your keyboard,
it's a bunch of events all at once!
Let's say that when the user clicks the "roll" button,
假设当用户点 Roll 按钮
we want to randomly generate a number between 1 and 20,
and then show that value in our text box.
We can write a function that does just that.
We can even get a little fancy and say if we get the number 20,
我们还可以让它变有趣些,假设随机数是 20 \N 就把背景颜色变成血红色!
set the background color of the window to blood red!
我们还可以让它变有趣些,假设随机数是 20 \N 就把背景颜色变成血红色!
The last thing we need to do is hook this code up
最后,把代码与"事件"相连 \N 每次点按钮时 都触发代码
so that it's triggered each time our button is clicked.
最后,把代码与"事件"相连 \N 每次点按钮时 都触发代码
To do this, we need to specify that our function "handles" this event for our button,
那么,要设置事件触发时 \N 由哪个函数来处理
by adding a line to our initialize function.
The type of event, in this case, is a click event,
我们要处理的,是"点击"事件 \N 然后函数会处理这个事件
and our function is the event handler for that event.
我们要处理的,是"点击"事件 \N 然后函数会处理这个事件
Now we're done.
We can click that button all day long,
可以点按钮点上一整天 \N 每次都会执行 rollD20 函数
and each time, our "roll D20" function gets dispatched and executed.
可以点按钮点上一整天 \N 每次都会执行 rollD20 函数
This is exactly what's happening behind the scenes
when you press the little bold button in a text editor, or select shutdown from a dropdown menu
在编辑器里点 粗体 或菜单里选 关机 \N 一个处理该事件的函数会触发
- a function linked to that event is firing.
在编辑器里点 粗体 或菜单里选 关机 \N 一个处理该事件的函数会触发
Hope I don't roll a 20.
希望不会随机到 20
Ok, back to the Xerox Alto!
Roughly 2000 Altos were made, and used at Xerox and given to University labs.
大约制作了2000台奥托\N 有的在施乐公司内部用,有的送给大学实验室
They were never sold commercially.
Instead, the PARC team kept refining the hardware and software,
然而PARC 团队不断完善硬件和软件
culminating in the Xerox Star system, released in 1981.
最终于1981年发布了 施乐之星系统
The Xerox Star extended the desktop metaphor.
Now, files looked like pieces of paper,
现在文件看起来就像一张纸 \N 还可以存在文件夹里
and they could be stored in little folders,
现在文件看起来就像一张纸 \N 还可以存在文件夹里
all of which could sit on your desktop, or be put away into digital filing cabinets.
It's a metaphor that sits ontop of the underlying file system.
From a user's perspective, this is a new level of abstraction!
Xerox, being in the printing machine business, also advanced text and graphics creation tools.
施乐卖的是印刷机 \N 但在文本和图形制作工具领域也有领先
For example, they introduced the terms: cut, copy and paste.
例如,他们首先使用了\N "剪切""复制""粘贴"这样的术语
This metaphor was drawn
from how people dealt with making edits in documents written on typewriters.
You'd literally cut text out with scissors, and then paste it, with glue,
真的是剪刀"剪切" \N 然后胶水"粘贴" 到另一个文件
into the spot you wanted in another document.
真的是剪刀"剪切" \N 然后胶水"粘贴" 到另一个文件
Then you'd photocopy the page to flatten it back down into a single layer,
making the change invisible.
Thank goodness for computers!
This manual process was moot with the advent of word processing software,
文字处理软件出现后 \N 这种手工做法就消失了
which existed on platforms like the Apple II and Commodore PET.
Apple II 和 Commodore PET 上有文字处理软件
But Xerox went way beyond the competition
with the idea that whatever you made on the computer
无论你在计算机上做什么 \N 文件打印出来应该长得一样
should look exactly like the real world version, if you printed it out.
无论你在计算机上做什么 \N 文件打印出来应该长得一样
They dubbed this What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get or WYSIWYG.
Unfortunately, like Engelbart's oN-Line System,
不幸的是,就像恩格尔巴特的 oN-Line System
the Xerox Star was ahead of its time.
Sales were sluggish
because it had a price tag equivalent to nearly $200,000 today for an office setup.
It also didn't help that the IBM PC launched that same year,
IBM 同年推出了 IBM PC
followed by a tsunami of cheap "IBM Compatible" PC Clones.
But the great ideas that PARC researchers had been cultivating
但 PARC 研究人员花了十几年做的这些 \N 没有被浪费
and building for almost a decade didn't go to waste.
但 PARC 研究人员花了十几年做的这些 \N 没有被浪费
In December of 1979, a year and a half before the Xerox Star shipped,
a guy you may have heard of visited: Steve Jobs.
有个人去施乐公司参观 \N 你可能听说过这个人:史蒂夫·乔布斯
There's a lot of lore surrounding this visit,
with many suggesting that Steve Jobs and Apple stole Xerox's ideas.
许多人认为\N 乔布斯和苹果偷走了施乐的创意
But that simply isn't true.
In fact, Xerox approached Apple, hoping to partner with them.
Ultimately, Xerox was able to buy a million dollar stake in Apple
before its highly anticipated I.P.O.
在苹果备受瞩目的 首次公开募股(IPO) 前买的
-but it came with an extra provision:
"disclose everything cool going on at Xerox PARC".
Steve knew they had some of the greatest minds in computing,
but he wasn't prepared for what he saw.
There was a demonstration of Xerox's graphical user interface,
running on a crisp, bitmapped display,
一个清晰的位图显示器上,运行着施乐公司的图形界面 \N 操作全靠鼠标直观进行
all driven with intuitive mouse input.
一个清晰的位图显示器上,运行着施乐公司的图形界面 \N 操作全靠鼠标直观进行
Steve later said, "It was like a veil being lifted from my eyes.
I could see the future of what computing was destined to be."
Steve returned to Apple with his engineering entourage,
and they got to work inventing new features,
like the menu bar and a trash can to store files to be deleted;
it would even bulge when full - again with the metaphors.
满了甚至会膨胀 - 再次使用了隐喻
Apple's first product with a graphical user interface, and mouse,
was the Apple Lisa, released in 1983.
是 1983 年发行的 Apple Lisa
It was a super advanced machine, with a super advanced price
- almost 25 thousand dollars today.
- 差不多是如今的 25000 美元
That was significantly cheaper than the Xerox Star,
but it turned out to be an equal flop in the market.
Luckily, Apple had another project up its sleeve:
The Macintosh, released a year later, in 1984.
Macintosh于 1984 年发布
It had a price of around 6,000 dollars today - a quarter of the Lisa's cost.
价格大约是如今的6000美元 - Lisa 的四分之一
And it hit the mark, selling 70,000 units in the first 100 days.
But after the initial craze, sales started to falter,
and Apple was selling more of its Apple II computers than Macs.
苹果公司卖的 Apple II 比 Mac 多
A big problem was that no one was making software for this new machine
with it's new radical interface.
And it got worse. The competition caught up fast.
Soon, other personal computers had primitive,
不久,其它价格只有 Mac 几分之一的个人计算机 \N 有了原始但可用的图形界面
but usable graphical user interfaces on computers a fraction of the cost.
不久,其它价格只有 Mac 几分之一的个人计算机 \N 有了原始但可用的图形界面
Consumers ate it up, and so did PC software developers.
消费者认可它们, PC 软件开发者也认可
With Apple's finances looking increasingly dire,
随着苹果的财务状况日益严峻 \N 以及和苹果新 CEO 约翰·斯卡利 的关系日益紧张
and tensions growing with Apple's new CEO, John Sculley,
随着苹果的财务状况日益严峻 \N 以及和苹果新 CEO 约翰·斯卡利 的关系日益紧张
Steve Jobs was ousted.
A few months later, Microsoft released Windows 1.0.
几个月后,微软发布了 Windows 1.0
It may not have been as pretty as Mac OS,
它也许不如 Mac OS 漂亮
but it was the first salvo in what would become a bitter rivalry
但让微软在市场中站稳脚跟 \N 奠定了统治地位
and near dominance of the industry by Microsoft.
但让微软在市场中站稳脚跟 \N 奠定了统治地位
Within ten years, Microsoft Windows was running on almost 95% of personal computers.
十年内95的个人计算机上都有微软的 Windows
Initially, fans of Mac OS could rightly claim superior graphics and ease-of-use.
最初Mac OS 的爱好者还可以说\N Mac 有卓越的图形界面和易用性
Those early versions of Windows were all built on top of DOS,
Windows 早期版本都是基于 DOS \N 而 DOS 设计时 没想过运行图形界面
which was never designed to run GUIs.
Windows 早期版本都是基于 DOS \N 而 DOS 设计时 没想过运行图形界面
But, after Windows 3.1,
但 Windows 3.1 之后
Microsoft began to develop a new consumer-oriented OS
微软开始开发新的,\N 面向消费者的 GUI 操作系统
with upgraded GUI called Windows 95.
叫 Windows 95
This was a significant rewrite that offered much more than just polished graphics.
这是一个意义非凡的版本 \N 不仅提供精美的界面
It also had advanced features Mac OS didn't have,
还有 Mac OS 没有的高级功能
like program multitasking and protected memory.
Windows 95 introduced many GUI elements still seen in Windows versions today,
Windows 95 引入了许多 \N 如今依然见得到的 GUI 元素
like the Start menu, taskbar, and Windows Explorer file manager.
比如开始菜单,任务栏和 Windows 文件管理器
Microsoft wasn't infallible though.
Looking to make the desktop metaphor even easier and friendlier,
为了让桌面更简单友好 \N 微软开发了一个产品叫 Microsoft Bob
it worked on a product called Microsoft Bob,
为了让桌面更简单友好 \N 微软开发了一个产品叫 Microsoft Bob
and it took the idea of using metaphors to an extreme.
Now you had a whole virtual room on your screen,
with applications embodied as objects that you could put on tables and shelves.
It even came with a crackling fireplace and a virtual dog to offer assistance.
甚至还有噼啪作响的壁炉 \N 和提供帮助的虚拟狗狗
And you see those doors on the sides?
Yep, those went to different rooms in your computer
是的,那些门通往不同房间 \N 房间里有不同程序
where different applications were available.
是的,那些门通往不同房间 \N 房间里有不同程序
As you might have guessed,
it was not a success.
This is a great example of how the user interfaces we enjoy today
are the product of what's essentially natural selection.
Whether you're running Windows, Mac, Linux, or some other desktop GUI,
无论你用的是 \N WindowsMacLinux 或其他 GUI
it's almost certainly an evolved version of the WIMP paradigm first introduced on the Xerox Alto.
几乎都是施乐奥托 WIMP 的变化版
Along the way, a lot of bad ideas were tried, and failed.
Everything had to be invented, tested, refined, adopted or dropped.
Today, GUIs are everywhere and while they're good,
如今,图形界面无处不在 \N 使用体验一般只是可以接受,而不是非常好
they are not always great.
如今,图形界面无处不在 \N 使用体验一般只是可以接受,而不是非常好
No doubt you've experienced design-related frustrations
after downloading an application, used someone else's phone,
比如下载了很烂的 App用过别人糟糕的手机
or visited a website. And for this reason,
computer scientists and interface designers continue to work hard
计算机科学家和界面设计师 \N 会继续努力工作
to craft computing experiences that are both easier and more powerful.
Ultimately, working towards Engelbart's vision of augmenting human intellect.
I'll see you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!
Over the past five episodes,
we've worked up from text-based teletype interfaces to pixelated bitmapped graphics.
我们从基于电传打字机的命令行界面 \N 讲到图形怎么显示到屏幕上
Then, last episode,we covered Graphical User Interfaces and all
再到上集的 图形用户界面GUI
their "Ooey Gooey" richness.
All of these examples have been 2D. But of course "we are living in a 3D world
之前的例子都是2D, 但我们生活的世界是3D的
and I'm a 3 dimensional girl!
我也是个三维 girl~
So today, we're going to talk about some fundamental methods in 3D computer graphics
and how you render them onto a 2D screen.
以及如何渲染 3D 图形到 2D 屏幕上
As we discussed in episode 24 we can write functions that draw a line between any two points like A and B.
24集中说过 \N 可以写一个函数从A到B画一条线
By manipulating the X and Y coordinates of points A and B, we can manipulate the line.
通过控制 A 和 B 的(X,Y)坐标,可以控制一条线
In 3D graphics, points have not just two coordinates, but three -- X, Y and Z.
在3D图像中, 点的坐标不再是两点, 而是三点, X,Y,Z
Or "zee" but I'm going to say "zed".
Of course, we don't have X/Y/Z coordinates on a 2D computer screen
当然2D的电脑屏幕上\N不可能有 XYZ 立体坐标轴
so graphics algorithms are responsible for "flattening" 3D coordinates onto a 2D plane.
所以有图形算法 \N 负责把3D坐标"拍平"显示到2D屏幕上
This process is known as 3D Projection.
Once all of the points have been converted from 3D to 2D
we can use the regular 2D line drawing function to connect the dots… literally.
就可以用画2D线段的函数 来连接这些点
This is called Wireframe Rendering.
这叫 "线框渲染"
Imagine building a cube out of chopsticks, and shining a flashlight on it.
The shadow it casts onto your wall - its projection - is flat.
If you rotate the cube around
you can see it's a 3D object, even though it's a flat projection.
投影看起来会像 3D 物体,尽管是投影面是平的
This transformation from 3D to 2D is exactly what your computer is doing
just with a lot more math… and less chopsticks.
There are several types of 3D Projection.
What you're seeing right now is an Orthographic Projection
你现在看到的,叫 正交投影
where, for example, the parallel sides in the cube appear as parallel in the projection.
In the real 3D world through, parallel lines converge as they get further from the viewer
like a road going to the horizon.
This type of 3D projection is called Perspective Projection .
这叫 透视投射
It's the same process, just with different math.
Sometimes you want perspective and sometimes you don't --
the choice is up to the developer.
Simple shapes, like cubes, are easily defined by straight lines.
But for more complex shapes, triangles are better
-- what are called polygons in 3D graphics.
在3D图形学中 \N 我们叫三角形"多边形"(Polygons)
Look at this beautiful teapot made out of polygons.
看看这个多边形组成的 漂亮茶壶
A collection of polygons like this is a mesh
一堆多边形的集合叫 网格
The denser the mesh, the smoother the curves and the finer the details.
But, that also increases the polygon count, which means more work for the computer
Game designers have to carefully balance model fidelity vs. polygon count,
游戏设计者要平衡角色的真实度 \N 和多边形数量
because if the count goes too high
如果数量太多 \N 帧率会下降到肉眼可感知,用户会觉得卡
the framerate of an animation drops below what users perceive as smooth.
如果数量太多 \N 帧率会下降到肉眼可感知,用户会觉得卡
For this reason, there are algorithms for simplifying meshes.
The reason triangles are used,
之所以三角形更常用 \N 而不是用正方形,或其它更复杂的图形
and not squares, or polygons, or some other more complex shape
之所以三角形更常用 \N 而不是用正方形,或其它更复杂的图形
is simplicity:
three points in space unambiguously define a plane.
空间中 三点定义一个平面
If you give me three points in a 3D space, I can draw a plane through it
there is only one.. single.. answer.
This isn't guaranteed to be true for shapes with four or more points.
Also two points aren't enough to define a plane, only a line,
so three is the perfect and minimal number. Triangles for the win!
Wireframe rendering is cool and all - sorta retro - but of course 3D graphics can also be filled.
线框渲染 虽然很酷但3D图像需要填充
The classic algorithm for doing this is called Scanline Rendering,
填充图形的经典算法叫 扫描线渲染 (Scanline Rendering) \N 于1967年诞生在犹他州大学
first developed in 1967 at the University of Utah
填充图形的经典算法叫 扫描线渲染 (Scanline Rendering) \N 于1967年诞生在犹他州大学
For a simple example, let's consider just one polygon.
Our job here is to figure out how this polygon translates to filled pixels on a computer screen
我们要思考 \N 这个多边形如何转成一块填满像素的区域
so let's first overlay a grid of pixels to fill
The scanline algorithm starts by reading the three points that make up the polygon
扫描线算法 先读多边形的3个点
and finding the lowest and highest Y values. It will only consider rows between these two points.
Then, the algorithm works down one row at a time.
In each row, it calculates where a line running through
the center of a row - intersects with the side of the polygon.
Because polygons are triangles, if you intersect one line, you have to intersect with another.
因为是三角形,如果相交一条边, 必然相交另一条
It's guaranteed!
因为是三角形,如果相交一条边, 必然相交另一条
The job of the scanline algorithm is to fill in the pixels between the two intersections.
扫描线算法 会填满2个相交点之间的像素
Let's see how this works.
On the first row we look at we intersect here and here.
第一行 相交于这里和这里
The algorithm then colors in all pixels between those two intersections.
And this just continues, row by row, which is why it's called Scan... Line... Rendering.
然后下一行,再下一行,所以叫 扫描..线..渲染
When we hit the bottom of the polygon, we're done.
The rate at which a computer fills in polygons is called the fillrate.
填充的速度叫 fillrate填充速率
Admittedly, this is a pretty ugly filled polygon. It has what are known as "Jaggies" rough edges.
当然 这样的三角形比较丑,边缘满是锯齿
This effect is less pronounced when using smaller pixels.
当像素较小时 就不那么明显
But nonetheless, you see these in games all the time, especially on lower powered platforms.
但尽管如此 \N 你肯定在游戏里见过这种效果,特别是低配电脑
One method to soften this effect is Antialiasing.
一种减轻锯齿的方法叫\N 抗锯齿(Antialiasing)
Instead of filling pixels in a polygon with the same color,
we can adjust the color based on how much the polygon cuts through each pixel
If a pixel is entirely inside of a polygon,it gets fully colored.
But if the polygon only grazes a pixel, it'll get a lighter shade.
This feathering of the edges is much more pleasant to the eyes.
这种边缘羽化的效果 看着更舒服些
Antialiasing is used all over the place, including in 2D graphics, like fonts and icons.
抗锯齿 被广泛使用,比如字体和图标
If you lean in real close to your monitor..
Closer, Closer.
You'll see all the fonts in your browser are Antialiased. So smooth!
In a 3D scene, there are polygons that are part objects in the back, near the front,and just about everywhere.
Only some are visible,
because some objects are hidden behind other objects in the scene
-- what's called occlusion .
这叫 遮挡
The most straightforward way to handle this is to use a sort algorithm,
and arrange all the polygons in the scene from farthest to nearest, then render them in that order.
This is called the Painter's Algorithm , because painters also have to start with the background
这叫 画家算法 因为画家也是先画背景
and then increasingly work up to foreground elements.
Consider this example scene with three overlapping polygons.
To make things easier to follow, we're going to color the polygons differently.
Also for simplicity, we'll assume these polygons are all parallel to the screen
but in a real program, like a game,
但在实际应用中, 比如游戏里\N多边形可能是倾斜的
the polygons can be tilted in 3D space.
但在实际应用中, 比如游戏里\N多边形可能是倾斜的
Our three polygons, A B and C… are at distance 20, 12 and 14.
The first thing the Painter's Algorithm does is sort all the polygons, from farthest to nearest.
Now that they're in order, we can use scanline rendering to fill each polygon, one at a time.
现在有序了,我们可以用 扫描线算法 填充多边形,一次填一个
We start with Polygon A, the farthest one away.
Then we repeat the process for the next farthest polygon, in this case, C.
And then we repeat this again, for Polygon B.
然后是 B
Now we're all done, and you can see the ordering is correct. The polygons that are closer, are in front!
An alternative method for handling occlusion is called Z-Buffering .
还有一种方法叫 深度缓冲
It achieves the same output as before, but with a different algorithm.
Let's go back to our previous example, before it was sorted.
That's because this algorithm doesn't need to sort any polygons, which makes it faster.
In short, Z-buffering keeps track of the closest distance
简而言之Z-buffering 算法会记录
to a polygon for every pixel in the scene.
It does this by maintaining a Z-Buffer, which is just a matrix of values that sits in memory.
At first, every pixel is initialized to infinity.
Then Z-buffering starts with the first polygon in its list. In this case, that's A.
然后 Z-buffering 从列表里第一个多边形开始处理也就是A
It follows the same logic as the scanline algorithm, but instead of coloring in pixels,
it checks the distance of the polygon versus what's recorded in its Z-Buffer.
而是把多边形的距离\N和 Z-Buffer 里的距离进行对比
It records the lower of the two values.
For our Polygon A, with a distance of 20, it wins against infinity every time.
When it's done with Polygon A, it moves on to the next polygon in its list, and the same thing happens.
Now, because we didn't sort the polygons,
it's not always the case that later polygons overwrite high values.
In the case of Polygon C,
only some of the values in the Z-buffer get new minimum distances.
This completed Z-buffer is used in conjunction with a fancier version of scanline rendering
that not only tests for line intersection,
but also does a look up to see if that pixel will even be visible in the final scene.
If it's not, the algorithm skips it and moves on.
An interesting problem arises when two polygons have the same distance,
当两个多边形距离相同时 \N 会出现一个有趣问题
like if Polygon A and B are both at a distance of 20. Which one do you draw on top?
比如多边形 A 和 B 距离都是 20, 哪个画上面?
Polygons are constantly being shuffled around in memory and changing their access order.
Plus, rounding errors are inherent in floating point computations.
So, which one gets drawn on top is often unpredictable.
所以哪一个画在上面, 往往是不可预测的
The result is a flickering effect called Z-Fighting, which if you've played 3D games no doubt encountered.
导致出现 Z-fighting 效果 \N 如果你玩过3D游戏肯定见过
Speaking of glitches, another common optimization in 3D graphics is called Back-Face Culling.
说起 故障3D游戏中有个优化叫 背面剔除
If you think about it, a triangle has two sides, a front and a back.
With something like the head of an avatar, or the ground in a game,
you should only ever see one side -- the side facing outwards.
So to save processing time, the back-side of polygons are often ignored in the rendering pipeline
which cuts the number of polygon faces to consider in half.
This is great, except when there's a bug that lets you get inside of those objects,and look outwards.
这很好,但有个bug是 如果进入模型内部往外看
Then the avatar head or ground becomes invisible.
Moving on. We need to talk about lighting -- also known as shading
继续,我们讲灯光,也叫 明暗处理
because if it's a 3D scene, the lighting should vary over the surface of objects.
因为3D场景中, 物体表面应该有明暗变化
Let's go back to our teapot mesh.
With scanline rendering coloring in all the polygons, our teapot looks like this.
Not very 3D.
没什么 3D 感
So, let's add some lighting to enhance the realism!
As an example, we'll pick 3 polygons from different parts of our teapot.
Unlike our previous examples, we're now going to consider how these polygons are oriented in 3D space
they're no longer parallel to the screen, but rather tilted in different 3D directions.
The direction they face is called the Surface Normal ,
他们面对的方向叫 " 表面法线 "
and we can visualize that direction with a little 3D arrow that's perpendicular to the polygon's surface.
Now let's add a light source.
Each polygon is going to be illuminated a different amount. Some will appear brighter
每个多边形被照亮的程度不同 有的更亮
because their angle causes more light to be reflected towards the viewer.
For example, the bottom-most polygon is tilted downwards,
away from the light source, which means it's going to be dark.
In a similar way, the rightmost polygon is slightly facing away from the light,
so it will be partially illuminated.
And finally, there's the upper-left polygon.
Its angle means that it will reflect light from the light source towards our view.
因为它面对的角度 意味着会把光线反射到我们这里
So, it'll appear bright.
If we do this for every polygon, our teapot looks like this which is much more realistic!
This approach is called Flat Shading, and it's the most basic lighting algorithm.
这叫 平面着色,是最基本的照明算法
Unfortunately, it also makes all those polygon boundaries really noticeable
and the mesh doesn't look smooth.
For this reason, more advanced lighting algorithms were developed,
such as Gouraud Shading and Phong Shading .
比如 高洛德着色 和 冯氏着色
Instead of coloring in polygons using just one colour,
they vary the colour across the surface in clever ways,
which results in much nicer output.
We also need to talk about textures ,
我们还要说下" 纹理 "
which in graphics refers to the look of a surface,rather than its feel.
Like with lighting, there are many algorithms with all sorts of fancy effects.
就像照明算法一样,\N 纹理也有多种算法,来做各种花哨效果
The simplest is texture mapping .
最简单的是 纹理映射
To visualize this process,let's go back to our single polygon.
When we're filling this in, using scanline rendering,
we can look up what color to use at every pixel according to a texture image saved in memory.
可以看看内存内的纹理图像 决定像素用什么颜色
To do this, we need a mapping between the polygon's coordinates and the texture's coordinates.
为了做到这点,\N 需要把多边形坐标和纹理坐标对应起来
Let's jump to the first pixel that scanline rendering needs to fill in.
The texturing algorithm will consult the texture in memory,
take the average color from the corresponding region, and fill the polygon accordingly.
This process repeats for all pixels in the polygon, and that's how we get textures.
If you combine all the techniques we've talked about this episode, you get a wonderfully funky little teapot.
如果结合这集提到的所有技巧 \N 会得到一个精美的小茶壶
And this teapot can sit in an even bigger scene, comprised of millions of polygons.
这个茶壶可以放进更大的场景里 \N 场景由上百万个多边形组成
Rendering a scene like this takes a fair amount of computation.
But importantly, it's the same type of calculations being performed
但重要的是,再大的场景,过程都是一样的 \N 一遍又一遍,处理所有多边形
over and over and over again for many millions of polygons
但重要的是,再大的场景,过程都是一样的 \N 一遍又一遍,处理所有多边形
scanline filling, antialiasing, lighting, and texturing.
扫描线填充, 抗锯齿, 光照, 纹理化
However there are a couple of ways to make this much faster!
First off, we can speed things up by having special hardware
首先,我们可以为这种特定运算 \N 做专门的硬件来加快速度,让运算快如闪电
with extra bells and whistles just for these specific types of computations, making them lightning fast.
首先,我们可以为这种特定运算 \N 做专门的硬件来加快速度,让运算快如闪电
And secondly,we can divide up a 3D scene into many smaller parts,
and then render all the pieces in parallel,rather than sequentially.
CPU's aren't designed for this, so they aren't particularly fast.
So, computer engineers created special processors just for graphics
a GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit.
叫 GPU "图形处理单元"
These can be found on graphics cards inside of your computer, along with RAM reserved for graphics.
GPU 在显卡上,周围有专用的 RAM
This is where all the meshes and textures live,
allowing them to be accessed super fast by many different cores of the GPU all at once.
让 GPU 的多个核心可以高速访问
A modern graphics card, like a GeForce GTX 1080 TI,
现代显卡,如 GeForce GTX 1080 TI
contains 3584 processing cores, offering massive parallelization.
It can process hundreds of millions of polygons every second!
Ok, that concludes our whistle stop tour of 3D graphics.
Next week, we switch topics entirely.
I'll ping you then.
我到时会 ping 你~
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
The internet is amazings
In just a few keystrokes, we can stream videos on Youtube -- Hello!
键盘敲几下就能在 Youtube 直播--哈喽!
- read articles on Wikipedia,
order supplies on amazon, video chat with friends, and tweet about the weather.
在亚马逊买东西 和朋友视频 发一条天气推特
Without a doubt, the ability for computers, and their users, to send and receive information
毫无疑问,\N 用户在全球网络中发送和接收信息的能力
over a global telecommunications network forever changed the world.
150 years ago, sending a letter from London to California would have taken two to three
150年前 发一封信件从伦敦到加州 要花2~3周
weeks, and thats if you paid for express mail.
Today, that email takes a fraction of a second.
如今 电子邮件只要几分之一秒.
This million fold improvement in latency, thats the time it takes for a message to
"时延"改善了上百万倍 \N (时延指传播一条信息所需的时间)
transfer, juiced up the global economy helping the modern world to
振兴了全球经济 \N 帮助现代世界在遍布全球的光纤中快速发展
move at the speed of light on fiber optic cables spanning the globe.
振兴了全球经济 \N 帮助现代世界在遍布全球的光纤中快速发展
You might think that computers and networks always went hand in hand, but actually most
computers pre-1970 were humming away all alone.
1970年以前 大多数计算机是独立运行的
However, as big computers began popping up everywhere,
然而 因为大型计算机开始随处可见
and low cost machines started to show up on peoples desks,
it became increasingly useful to share data and resources,
and the first networks of computers appeared.
Today, were going to start a three-episode arc on how computer networks came into being
and the fundamental principles and techniques that power them.
The first computer networks appeared in the 1950s and 60s.
They were generally used within an organization like a company or research lab
to facilitate the exchange of information between different people and computers.
This was faster and more reliable than the previous method of having someone walk a pile
of punch cards, or a reel of magnetic tape, to a computer on the other side of a building
which was later dubbed a sneakernet.
A second benefit of networks was the ability to share physical resources.
For example, instead of each computer having its own printer,
everyone could share one attached to the network.
It was also common on early networks to have large, shared, storage drives,
ones too expensive to have attached to every machine.
These relatively small networks of close-by computers
计算机近距离构成的小型网络 \N 叫局域网, 简称LAN
are called Local Area Networks, or LANs.
计算机近距离构成的小型网络 \N 叫局域网, 简称LAN
A LAN could be as small as two machines in the same room,
or as large as a university campus with thousands of computers.
Although many LAN technologies were developed and deployed,
尽管开发和部署了很多不同 LAN 技术
the most famous and successful was Ethernet, developed in the
其中最著名和成功的是"以太网" , 开发于1970年代 \N 在施乐的"帕洛阿尔托研究中心"诞生, 今日仍被广泛使用
early 1970s at Xerox PARC, and still widely used today.
其中最著名和成功的是"以太网" , 开发于1970年代 \N 在施乐的"帕洛阿尔托研究中心"诞生, 今日仍被广泛使用
In its simplest form, a series of computers are connected to a single, common ethernet cable.
When a computer wants to transmit data to another computer,
it writes the data, as an electrical signal, onto the cable.
Of course, because the cable is shared, every computer plugged into the network sees the
当然 因为电缆是共享的 \N 连在同一个网络里的其他计算机也看得到数据
transmission, but doesnt know if data is intended for them or another computer.
To solve this problem, Ethernet requires that each computer has a unique
为了解决这个问题 以太网需要每台计算机有唯一的 \N 媒体访问控制地址 简称 MAC地址
Media Access Control address, or MAC address.
为了解决这个问题 以太网需要每台计算机有唯一的 \N 媒体访问控制地址 简称 MAC地址
This unique address is put into a header that prefixes any data sent over the network.
So, computers simply listen to the ethernet cable,
所以,计算机只需要监听以太网电缆 \N 只有看到自己的 MAC 地址,才处理数据
and only process data when they see their address in the header.
所以,计算机只需要监听以太网电缆 \N 只有看到自己的 MAC 地址,才处理数据
This works really well; every computer made today comes with its own unique MAC address
这运作得很好 现在制造的每台计算机都自带唯一的MAC地址
for both Ethernet and WiFi.
The general term for this approach is Carrier Sense Multiple Access, or CSMA for short.
多台电脑共享一个传输媒介,\N 这种方法叫 "载波侦听多路访问" 简称"CSMA"
The "carrier", in this case, is any shared transmission medium that carries data
copper wire in the case of ethernet, and the air carrying radio waves for WiFi.
以太网的"载体"是铜线 \N WiFi 的"载体"是传播无线电波的空气
Many computers can simultaneously sense the carrier,
hence the "Sense" and "Multiple Access",
and the rate at which a carrier can transmit data is called its Bandwidth.
而载体传输数据的速度 叫"带宽"
Unfortunately, using a shared carrier has one big drawback.
不幸的是 使用共享载体有个很大的弊端
When network traffic is light, computers can simply wait for silence on the carrier,
当网络流量较小时 计算机可以等待载体清空
and then transmit their data.
But, as network traffic increases, the probability that
但随着网络流量上升 两台计算机想同时写入数据的概率也会上升
two computers will attempt to write data at the same time also increases.
但随着网络流量上升 两台计算机想同时写入数据的概率也会上升
This is called a collision, and the data gets all garbled up,
这叫冲突 数据全都乱套了
like two people trying to talk on the phone at the same time.
Fortunately, computers can detect these collisions by listening to the signal on the wire.
幸运的是 计算机能够通过监听电线中的信号检测这些冲突
The most obvious solution is for computers to stop transmitting,
wait for silence, then try again.
等待网络空闲, 然后再试一遍
Problem is, the other computer is going to try that too,
问题是 其他计算机也打算这样做
and other computers on the network that have been waiting for the
carrier to go silent will try to jump in during any pause.
This just leads to more and more collisions.
Soon, everyone is talking over one another and has a backlog of things they need to say,
很快,每个人都一个接一个地讲话 而且有一堆事要说
like breaking up with a boyfriend over a family holiday dinner.
Terrible idea!
Ethernet had a surprisingly simple and effective fix.
When transmitting computers detect a collision,
当计算机检测到冲突 就会在重传之前等待一小段时间
they wait for a brief period before attempting to re-transmit.
当计算机检测到冲突 就会在重传之前等待一小段时间
As an example, lets say 1 second.
因为要举例,假设是 1 秒好了
Of course, this doesnt work if all the computers use the same wait duration
当然 如果所有计算机用同样的等待时间 是不行的
-- theyll just collide again one second later.
So, a random period is added: one computer might wait 1.3 seconds,
所以加入一个随机时间 一台计算机可能等1.3秒
while another waits 1.5 seconds.
With any luck, the computer that waited 1.3 seconds will wake up,
要是运气好 等1.3秒的计算机会醒来
find the carrier to be silent, and start transmitting.
发现载体是空闲的 然后开始传输
When the 1.5 second computer wakes up a moment later, itll see the carrier is in use,
当1.5秒的计算机醒来后 会发现载体被占用 \N 会等待其他计算机完成
and will wait for the other computer to finish.
当1.5秒的计算机醒来后 会发现载体被占用 \N 会等待其他计算机完成
This definitely helps, but doesnt totally solve the problem, so an extra trick is used.
这有用 但不能完全解决问题 所以要用另一个小技巧
As I just explained, if a computer detects a collision while transmitting,
正如我刚才说的 \N如果一台计算机在传输数据期间检测到冲突
it will wait 1 second, plus some random extra time.
However, if it collides again, which suggests network congestion,
然而 如果再次发生冲突 表明有网络拥塞
instead of waiting another 1 second, this time it will wait 2 seconds.
If it collides again, itll wait 4 seconds, and then 8, and then 16,
如果再次发生冲突 等4秒 然后8秒 16秒等等
and so on, until its successful.
With computers backing off, the rate of collisions goes down,
因为计算机的退避 冲突次数降低了 \N 数据再次开始流动起来 网络变得顺畅
and data starts moving again, freeing up the network.
因为计算机的退避 冲突次数降低了 \N 数据再次开始流动起来 网络变得顺畅
Family dinner saved!
This "backing off" behavior using an exponentially growing wait time is called
Exponential Backoff.
Both Ethernet and WiFi use it, and so do many transmission protocols.
以太网和WiFi都用这种方法 很多其他传输协议也用
But even with clever tricks like Exponential Backoff,
you could never have an entire universitys
worth of computers on one shared ethernet cable.
To reduce collisions and improve efficiency,
we need to shrink the number of devices on any given shared carrier
我们需要减少同一载体中设备的数量 \N 载体和其中的设备总称 "冲突域"
-- whats called the Collision Domain.
我们需要减少同一载体中设备的数量 \N 载体和其中的设备总称 "冲突域"
Let go back to our earlier Ethernet example, where we had six computers on one shared cable,
让我们回到之前以太网的例子 一根电缆连6台计算机
a.k.a. one collision domain.
To reduce the likelihood of collisions, we can break this network
为了减少冲突 我们可以用交换机把它拆成两个冲突域
into two collision domains by using a Network Switch.
为了减少冲突 我们可以用交换机把它拆成两个冲突域
It sits between our two smaller networks, and only passes data between them if necessary.
交换机位于两个更小的网络之间 \N 必要时才在两个网络间传数据
It does this by keeping a list of what MAC addresses are on what side of the network.
交换机会记录一个列表 \N 写着哪个 MAC 地址在哪边网络
So if A wants to transmit to C, the switch doesnt forward the data to the other network
如果A想传数据给C \N 交换机不会把数据转发给另一边的网络
theres no need.
This means if E wants to transmit to F at the same time, the network is wide open, and
two transmissions can happen at once.
But, if F wants to send data to A, then the switch passes it through,
但如果F想发数据给A 数据会通过交换机
and the two networks are both briefly occupied.
This is essentially how big computer networks are constructed,
including the biggest one of all The Internet
包括最大的网络 - 互联网
which literally inter-connects a bunch of smaller networks,
allowing inter-network communication.
Whats interesting about these big networks,
is that theres often multiple paths to
get data from one location to another.
And this brings us to another fundamental networking topic, routing.
这就带出了另一个话题 路由
The simplest way to connect two distant computers, or networks,
连接两台相隔遥远的计算机或网路,最简单的办法 \N 是分配一条专用的通信线路
is by allocating a communication line for their exclusive use.
连接两台相隔遥远的计算机或网路,最简单的办法 \N 是分配一条专用的通信线路
This is how early telephone systems worked.
For example, there might be 5 telephone lines running between Indianapolis and Missoula.
If John picked up the phone wanting to call Hank, in the 1910s,
如果在1910年代John 想打电话给 Hank
John would tell a human operator where he wanted to call,
and theyd physically connect Johns phone line into
然后工作人员手动将 John 的电话连到 \N 通往米苏拉的未使用线路
an unused line running to Missoula.
然后工作人员手动将 John 的电话连到 \N 通往米苏拉的未使用线路
For the length of the call, that line was occupied, and if all 5 lines were already
通话期间 这条线就被占用了 如果五条线都被占用了 \N John 要等待某条线空出来
in use, John would have to wait for one to become free.
通话期间 这条线就被占用了 如果五条线都被占用了 \N John 要等待某条线空出来
This approach is called Circuit Switching,
这叫 "电路交换"\N因为是把电路连接到正确目的地
because youre literally switching whole
这叫 "电路交换"\N因为是把电路连接到正确目的地
circuits to route traffic to the correct destination.
这叫 "电路交换"\N因为是把电路连接到正确目的地
It works fine, but its relatively inflexible and expensive,
能用倒是能用 \N 但不灵活而且价格昂贵 因为总有闲置的线路
because theres often unused capacity.
能用倒是能用 \N 但不灵活而且价格昂贵 因为总有闲置的线路
On the upside, once you have a line to yourself or if you have the money to buy one for
好处是 如果有一条专属于自己的线路 \N 你可以最大限度地随意使用,无需共享
your private use you can use it to its full capacity, without having to share.
好处是 如果有一条专属于自己的线路 \N 你可以最大限度地随意使用,无需共享
For this reason, the military, banks and other high importance operations
因此军队, 银行和其他一些机构
still buy dedicated circuits to connect their data centers.
Another approach for getting data from one place to another is Message Switching,
传输数据的另一个方法是 "报文交换"
which is sort of like how the postal system works.
"报文交换" 就像邮政系统一样
Instead of dedicated route from A to B, messages are passed through several stops.
不像之前A和B有一条专有线路 \N 消息会经过好几个站点
So if John writes a letter to Hank,
如果 John 写一封信给 Hank
it might go from Indianapolis to Chicago, and then
hop to Minneapolis, then Billings, and then finally make it to Missoula.
然后"明尼阿波利斯" 然后"比林斯" 最后到"米苏拉"
Each stop knows where to send it next
每个站点都知道下一站发哪里 \N 因为站点有表格,记录到各个目的地,信件该怎么传
because they keep a table of where to pass letters given a destination address.
每个站点都知道下一站发哪里 \N 因为站点有表格,记录到各个目的地,信件该怎么传
Whats neat about Message Switching is that it can use different routes,
报文交换的好处是 可以用不同路由 \N 使通信更可靠更能容错
making communication more reliable and fault-tolerant.
报文交换的好处是 可以用不同路由 \N 使通信更可靠更能容错
Sticking with our mail example,
if theres a blizzard in Minneapolis grinding things to a halt,
如果"明尼阿波利斯"有暴风雪中断了通信 \N "芝加哥"可以传给"奥马哈"
the Chicago mail hub can decide to route the letter through Omaha instead.
如果"明尼阿波利斯"有暴风雪中断了通信 \N "芝加哥"可以传给"奥马哈"
In our example, cities are acting like network routers.
The number of hops a message takes along a route is called the hop count.
消息沿着路由跳转的次数 \N 叫"跳数"(hop count)
Keeping track of the hop count is useful because it can help identify routing problems.
For example, lets say Chicago thinks the fastest route to Missoula is through Omaha,
举例,假设芝加哥认为 \N 去米苏拉的最快路线是 奥马哈
but Omaha thinks the fastest route is through Chicago.
但奥马哈认为 \N 去米苏拉的最快路线是 芝加哥
That's bad, because both cities are going to look at the destination address, Missoula,
这就糟糕了\N 因为2个城市看到目的地是米苏拉
and end up passing the message back and forth between them, endlessly.
Not only is this wasting bandwidth, but its a routing error that needs to get fixed!
不仅浪费带宽 而且这个路由错误需要修复!
This kind of error can be detected because the hop count is
这种错误会被检测到,因为跳数记录在消息中 \N 而且传输时会更新跳数
stored with the message and updated along its journey.
这种错误会被检测到,因为跳数记录在消息中 \N 而且传输时会更新跳数
If you start seeing messages with high hop counts,
如果看到某条消息的跳数很高 \N 就知道路由肯定哪里错了
you can bet something has gone awry in the routing!
如果看到某条消息的跳数很高 \N 就知道路由肯定哪里错了
This threshold is the Hop Limit.
A downside to Message Switching is that messages are sometimes big.
So, they can clog up the network, because the whole message has to be transmitted from
会堵塞网络 因为要把整个报文从一站传到下一站后 \N 才能继续传递其他报文
one stop to the next before continuing on its way.
会堵塞网络 因为要把整个报文从一站传到下一站后 \N 才能继续传递其他报文
While a big file is transferring, that whole link is tied up.
传输一个大文件时 整条路都阻塞了
Even if you have a tiny, one kilobyte email trying to get through,
即便你只有一个1KB的电子邮件要传输 \N 也只能等大文件传完,或是选另一条效率稍低的路线
it either has to wait for the big file transfer to finish or take a less efficient route.
即便你只有一个1KB的电子邮件要传输 \N 也只能等大文件传完,或是选另一条效率稍低的路线
Thats bad.
The solution is to chop up big transmissions into many small pieces, called packets.
解决方法是 将大报文分成很多小块,叫"数据包"
Just like with Message Switching, each packet contains a destination address on the network,
就像报文交换 每个数据包都有目标地址 \N 因此路由器知道发到哪里
so routers know where to forward them.
就像报文交换 每个数据包都有目标地址 \N 因此路由器知道发到哪里
This format is defined by the "Internet Protocol", or IP for short,
报文具体格式由"互联网协议"定义,简称 IP \N 这个标准创建于 1970 年代
a standard created in the 1970s.
报文具体格式由"互联网协议"定义,简称 IP \N 这个标准创建于 1970 年代
Every computer connected to a network gets an IP Address.
Youve probably seen these as four, 8-bit numbers written with dots in between.
For example, is an IP Address for one of Googles servers.
例如 是 Google 其中一个服务器的IP地址
With millions of computers online, all exchanging data,
数百万台计算机在网络上不断交换数据 \N 瓶颈的出现和消失是毫秒级的
bottlenecks can appear and disappear in milliseconds.
数百万台计算机在网络上不断交换数据 \N 瓶颈的出现和消失是毫秒级的
Network routers are constantly trying to balance the load across whatever routes they know
路由器会平衡与其他路由器之间的负载 \N 以确保传输可以快速可靠,这叫"阻塞控制"
to ensure speedy and reliable delivery, which is called congestion control.
路由器会平衡与其他路由器之间的负载 \N 以确保传输可以快速可靠,这叫"阻塞控制"
Sometimes different packets from the same message take different routes through a network.
有时,同一个报文的多个数据包 \N 会经过不同线路
This opens the possibility of packets arriving at their destination out of order,
which is a problem for some applications.
Fortunately, there are protocols that run on top of IP,
幸运的是,在 IP 之上还有其他协议
like TCP/IP, that handle this issue.
比如 TCP/IP, 可以解决乱序问题
Well talk more about that next week.
Chopping up data into small packets,
and passing these along flexible routes with spare capacity,
is so efficient and fault-tolerant, its what the whole internet runs on today.
This routing approach is called Packet Switching.
It also has the nice property of being decentralized,
有个好处是 它是去中心化的
with no central authority or single point of failure.
没有中心权威机构 没有单点失败问题
In fact, the threat of nuclear attack is why
事实上 因为冷战期间有核攻击的威胁,所以创造了分组交换
packet switching was developed during the cold war!
事实上 因为冷战期间有核攻击的威胁,所以创造了分组交换
Today, routers all over the globe work cooperatively to find efficient routings,
exchanging information with each other using special protocols,
like the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
比如 "因特网控制消息协议"(ICMP)
and the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
和 "边界网关协议"(BGP)
The world's first packet-switched network,
and the ancestor to the modern internet, was the ARPANET,
以及现代互联网的祖先是 ARPANET
named after the US agency that funded it,
the Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Heres what the entire ARPANET looked like in 1974.
这是 1974 年整个 ARPANET 的样子
Each smaller circle is a location,
每个小圆表示一个地点 \N 比如大学或实验室,那里运行着一个路由器
like a university or research lab, that operated a router.
每个小圆表示一个地点 \N 比如大学或实验室,那里运行着一个路由器
They also plugged in one or more computers
you can see PDP-1s, IBM System 360s,
能看到 "PDP-1" 和"IBM 360系统"
and even an ATLAS in London connected over a satellite link.
甚至还有一个伦敦的 ATLAS \N 是通过卫星连到网络里的
Obviously the internet has grown by leaps and bounds in the decades since.
显然 互联网在这几十年间发展迅速
Today, instead of a few dozen computers online, its estimated to be nearing 10 billion.
如今不再只有几十台计算机联网 \N 据估计 有接近100亿台联网设备
And it continues to grow rapidly,
especially with the advent of wifi-connected refrigerators, thermostat
特别是如今各种智能设备层出不穷 \N 比如联网冰箱,恒温器
and other smart appliances, forming an "internet of things".
So thats part one an overview of computer networks.
第一部分到此结束 \N 我们对计算机网络进行了概览
Is it a series of tubes?
Well, sort of.
额 算是吧
Next week well tackle some higher-level transmission protocols,
slowly working our way up to the World Wide Web.
Ill see you then!
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!
As we talked about last episode, your computer is connected to a large, distributed network,
called The Internet.
I know this because youre watching a YouTube video,
which is being streamed over that very internet.
Its arranged as an ever-enlarging web of interconnected devices.
For your computer to get this video,
计算机为了获取这个视频 \N 首先要连到局域网,也叫 LAN
the first connection is to your local area network, or LAN,
计算机为了获取这个视频 \N 首先要连到局域网,也叫 LAN
which might be every device in your house thats connected to your wifi router.
你家 WIFI 路由器连着的所有设备,组成了局域网.
This then connects to a Wide Area Network, or WAN,
局域网再连到广域网,广域网也叫 WAN
which is likely to be a router run by your Internet Service Provider, or ISP
WAN 的路由器一般属于你的"互联网服务提供商",简称 ISP
companies like Comcast, AT&T or Verizon.
比如 ComcastAT&T 和 Verizon 这样的公司
At first, this will be a regional router, like one for your neighborhood,
and then that router connects to an even bigger WAN,
然后连到一个更大的 WAN可能覆盖整个城市
maybe one for your whole city or town.
然后连到一个更大的 WAN可能覆盖整个城市
There might be a couple more hops, but ultimately youll connect to the backbone of the internet
made up of gigantic routers with super high-bandwidth connections running between them.
To request this video file from YouTube,
为了从 YouTube 获得这个视频,
a packet had to work its way up to the backbone,
travel along that for a bit, and then work its way back down to a YouTube server that had the file.
沿着主干到达有对应视频文件的 YouTube 服务器
That might be four hops up, two hops across the backbone,
数据包从你的计算机跳到 Youtube 服务器可能要跳个10次
and four hops down, for a total of ten hops.
先跳4次到互联网主干2次穿过主干\N主干出来可能再跳4次然后到 Youtube 服务器
If youre running Windows, Mac OS or Linux, you can see the route data takes to different
如果你在用 Windows, Mac OS 或 Linux系统可以用 traceroute 来看跳了几次
places on the internet by using the traceroute program on your computer.
如果你在用 Windows, Mac OS 或 Linux系统可以用 traceroute 来看跳了几次
Instructions in the Doobly Doo.
For us here at the Chad & Stacey Emigholz Studio in Indianapolis,
我们在"印第安纳波利斯"的 Chad&Stacy Emigholz 工作室,\N 访问加州的 DFTBA 服务器,
the route to the DFTBA server in California goes through 11 stops.
We start at -- that's the IP address for my computer on our LAN.
从 出发,这是我的电脑在 局域网LAN里的 IP 地址
Then theres the wifi router here at the studio,
然后到工作室的 WIFI 路由器
then a series of regional routers, then we get onto the backbone,
and then we start working back down to the computer hosting "”,
which has the IP address
IP 地址是
But how does a packet actually get there?
What happens if a packet gets lost along the way?
If I type "” into my web browser, how does it know the servers address?
如果在浏览器里输 "",浏览器怎么知道服务器的地址多少?
These are our topics for today!
As we discussed last episode, the internet is a huge distributed network
上集说过,互联网是一个巨型分布式网络 \N 会把数据拆成一个个数据包来传输
that sends data around as little packets.
上集说过,互联网是一个巨型分布式网络 \N 会把数据拆成一个个数据包来传输
If your data is big enough, like an email attachment,
如果要发的数据很大,比如邮件附件 \N 数据会被拆成多个小数据包
it might get broken up into many packets.
如果要发的数据很大,比如邮件附件 \N 数据会被拆成多个小数据包
For example, this video stream is arriving to your computer right now
举例,你现在看的这个视频 \N 就是一个个到达你电脑的数据包
as a series of packets, and not one gigantic file.
Internet packets have to conform to a standard called the Internet Protocol, or IP.
数据包packet想在互联网上传输 \N 要符合"互联网协议"的标准,简称 IP
Its a lot like sending physical mail through the postal system
就像邮寄手写信一样,邮寄是有标准的\N 每封信需要一个地址,而且地址必须是独特的
every letter needs a unique and legible address written on it,
就像邮寄手写信一样,邮寄是有标准的\N 每封信需要一个地址,而且地址必须是独特的
and there are limits to the size and weight of packages.
Violate this, and your letter wont get through.
IP packets are very similar.
IP 数据包也是如此
However, IP is a very low level protocol
因为 IP 是一个非常底层的协议
there isnt much more than a destination address in a packets header
which is the metadata thats stored in front of the data payload.
头部存 "关于数据的数据" \N 也叫 元数据(metadata)
This means that a packet can show up at a computer, but the computer may not know
这意味着当数据包到达对方电脑 \N 对方不知道把包交给哪个程序,是交给 Skype 还是使命召唤?
which application to give the data to; Skype or Call of Duty.
这意味着当数据包到达对方电脑 \N 对方不知道把包交给哪个程序,是交给 Skype 还是使命召唤?
For this reason, more advanced protocols were developed that sit on top of IP.
因此需要在 IP 之上,开发更高级的协议.
One of the simplest and most common is the User Datagram Protocol, or UDP.
这些协议里 \N 最简单最常见的叫"用户数据报协议",简称 UDP
UDP has its own header, which sits inside the data payload.
UDP 也有头部,这个头部位于数据前面
Inside of the UDP header is some useful, extra information.
One of them is a port number.
Every program wanting to access the internet will
每个想访问网络的程序 \N 都要向操作系统申请一个端口号.
ask its host computers Operating System to be given a unique port.
每个想访问网络的程序 \N 都要向操作系统申请一个端口号.
Like Skype might ask for port number 3478.
比如 Skype 会申请端口 3478
When a packet arrives to the computer, the Operating System
当一个数据包到达时 \N 接收方的操作系统会读 UDP 头部,读里面的端口号
will look inside the UDP header and read the port number.
当一个数据包到达时 \N 接收方的操作系统会读 UDP 头部,读里面的端口号
Then, if it sees, for example, 3478, it will give the packet to Skype.
如果看到端口号是 3478就把数据包交给 Skype
So to review, IP gets the packet to the right computer,
总结:\NIP 负责把数据包送到正确的计算机 \N UDP 负责把数据包送到正确的程序
but UDP gets the packet to the right program running on that computer.
总结:\NIP 负责把数据包送到正确的计算机 \N UDP 负责把数据包送到正确的程序
UDP headers also include something called a checksum,
UDP 头部里还有"校验和",用于检查数据是否正确
which allows the data to be verified for correctness.
UDP 头部里还有"校验和",用于检查数据是否正确
As the name suggests, it does this by checking the sum of the data.
正如"校验和"这个名字所暗示的 \N 检查方式是把数据求和来对比
Heres a simplified version of how this works.
Let's imagine the raw data in our UDP packet is
假设 UDP 数据包里 \N 原始数据是 89 111 33 32 58 41
89 111 33 32 58 and 41.
假设 UDP 数据包里 \N 原始数据是 89 111 33 32 58 41
Before the packet is sent, the transmitting computer calculates the checksum
在发送数据包前 \N 电脑会把所有数据加在一起,算出"校验和"
by adding all the data together: 89 plus 111 plus 33 and so on.
89+111+33+... 以此类推
In our example, this adds up to a checksum of 364.
得到 364这就是"校验和".
In UDP, the checksum value is stored in 16 bits.
UDP 中,\N"校验和"以 16 位形式存储 (就是16个0或1)
If the sum exceeds the maximum possible value, the upper-most bits overflw,
如果算出来的和,超过了 16 位能表示的最大值 \N 高位数会被扔掉,保留低位
and only the lower bits are used.
如果算出来的和,超过了 16 位能表示的最大值 \N 高位数会被扔掉,保留低位
Now, when the receiving computer gets this packet,
it repeats the process, adding up all the data.
它会重复这个步骤 \N 把所有数据加在一起89+111+33... 以此类推
89 plus 111 plus 33 and so on.
它会重复这个步骤 \N 把所有数据加在一起89+111+33... 以此类推
If that sum is the same as the checksum sent in the header, all is well.
如果结果和头部中的校验和一致 \N 代表一切正常
But, if the numbers dont match, you know that the data got corrupted
at some point in transit, maybe because of a power fluctuation or faulty cable.
Unfortunately, UDP doesnt offer any mechanisms to fix the data, or request a new copy
不幸的是UDP 不提供数据修复或数据重发的机制
receiving programs are alerted to the corruption, but typically just discard the packet.
Also, UDP provides no mechanisms to know if packets are getting through
而且UDP 无法得知数据包是否到达.
a sending computer shoots the UDP packet off,
but has no confirmation it ever gets to its destination successfully.
Both of these properties sound pretty catastrophic, but some applications are ok with this,
because UDP is also really simple and fast.
因为 UDP 又简单又快.
Skype, for example, which uses UDP for video chat, can handle corrupt or missing packets.
拿 Skype 举例 \N 它用 UDP 来做视频通话,能处理坏数据或缺失数据
Thats why sometimes if youre on a bad internet connection,
所以网速慢的时候 Skype 卡卡的 \N 因为只有一部分数据包到了你的电脑
Skype gets all glitchy only some of the UDP packets are making it to your computer.
所以网速慢的时候 Skype 卡卡的 \N 因为只有一部分数据包到了你的电脑
But this approach doesnt work for many other types of data transmission.
Like, it doesnt really work if you send an email, and it shows up with the middle missing.
比如发邮件,\N 邮件不能只有开头和结尾 没有中间.
The whole message really needs to get there correctly!
When it "absolutely, positively needs to get there”,
如果"所有数据必须到达" \N 就用"传输控制协议",简称 TCP
programs use the Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP,
如果"所有数据必须到达" \N 就用"传输控制协议",简称 TCP
which like UDP, rides inside the data payload of IP packets.
TCP 和 UDP 一样,头部也在存数据前面
For this reason, people refer to this combination of protocols as TCP/IP.
因此,人们叫这个组合 TCP/IP
Like UDP, the TCP header contains a destination port and checksum.
就像 UDP TCP 头部也有"端口号"和"校验和"
But, it also contains fancier features, and well focus on the key ones.
但 TCP 有更高级的功能,我们这里只介绍重要的几个
First off, TCP packets are given sequential numbers.
1. TCP 数据包有序号
So packet 15 is followed by packet 16, which is followed by 17, and so on...
15号之后是16号16号之后是17号以此类推 \N 发上百万个数据包也是有可能的.
for potentially millions of packets sent during that session.
15号之后是16号16号之后是17号以此类推 \N 发上百万个数据包也是有可能的.
These sequence numbers allow a receiving computer to put the packets into the correct order,
even if they arrive at different times across the network.
So if an email comes in all scrambled, the TCP implementation in your computers operating
哪怕到达顺序是乱的TCP 协议也能把顺序排对
system will piece it all together correctly.
哪怕到达顺序是乱的TCP 协议也能把顺序排对
Second, TCP requires that once a computer has correctly received a packet
2. TCP 要求接收方的电脑收到数据包 \N 并且"校验和"检查无误后(数据没有损坏)\N 给发送方发一个确认码,代表收到了
and the data passes the checksum that it send back an acknowledgement,
2. TCP 要求接收方的电脑收到数据包 \N 并且"校验和"检查无误后(数据没有损坏)\N 给发送方发一个确认码,代表收到了
or "ACK” as the cool kids say, to the sending computer.
"确认码" 简称 ACK \N 得知上一个数据包成功抵达后,发送方会发下一个数据包
Knowing the packet made it successfully, the sender can now transmit the next packet.
"确认码" 简称 ACK \N 得知上一个数据包成功抵达后,发送方会发下一个数据包
But this time, lets say, it waits, and doesnt get an acknowledgement packet back.
假设这次发出去之后,没收到确认码 \N 那么肯定哪里错了
Something must be wrong. If enough time elapses,
如果过了一定时间还没收到确认码 \N 发送方会再发一次
the sender will go ahead and just retransmit the same packet.
如果过了一定时间还没收到确认码 \N 发送方会再发一次
Its worth noting here that the original packet might have actually gotten there,
注意 数据包可能的确到了
but the acknowledgment is just really delayed.
Or perhaps it was the acknowledgment that was lost.
Either way, it doesnt matter, because the receiver has those sequence numbers,
但这不碍事 因为收件方有序列号
and if a duplicate packet arrives, it can be discarded.
Also, TCP isnt limited to a back and forth conversation it can send many packets,
还有TCP 不是只能一个包一个包发
and have many outstanding ACKs, which increases bandwidth significantly, since you arent
可以同时发多个数据包,收多个确认码 \N 这大大增加了效率,不用浪费时间等确认码
wasting time waiting for acknowledgment packets to return.
可以同时发多个数据包,收多个确认码 \N 这大大增加了效率,不用浪费时间等确认码
Interestingly, the success rate of ACKs, and also the round trip time
有趣的是,确认码的成功率和来回时间 \N 可以推测网络的拥堵程度
between sending and acknowledging, can be used to infer network congestion.
有趣的是,确认码的成功率和来回时间 \N 可以推测网络的拥堵程度
TCP uses this information to adjust how aggressively it sends packets
TCP 用这个信息,调整同时发包数量,解决拥堵问题
a mechanism for congestion control.
TCP 用这个信息,调整同时发包数量,解决拥堵问题
So, basically, TCP can handle out-of-order packet delivery, dropped packets
简单说TCP 可以处理乱序和丢失数据包,丢了就重发.
including retransmission and even throttle its transmission rate according to available bandwidth.
Pretty awesome!
You might wonder why anyone would use UDP when TCP has all those nifty features.
你可能会奇怪,既然 TCP 那么厉害,还有人用 UDP 吗?
The single biggest downside are all those acknowledgment packets
TCP 最大的缺点是 \N 那些"确认码"数据包把数量翻了一倍
it doubles the number of messages on the network,
TCP 最大的缺点是 \N 那些"确认码"数据包把数量翻了一倍
and yet, you're not transmitting any more data.
That overhead, including associated delays, is sometimes not worth the improved robustness,
有时候这种代价是不值得的 \N 特别是对时间要求很高的程序,比如在线射击游戏
especially for time-critical applications, like Multiplayer First Person Shooters.
有时候这种代价是不值得的 \N 特别是对时间要求很高的程序,比如在线射击游戏
And if its you getting lag-fragged youll definitely agree!
When your computer wants to make a connection to a website, you need two things
当计算机访问一个网站时 \N 需要两个东西1.IP地址 2.端口号
- an IP address and a port.
当计算机访问一个网站时 \N 需要两个东西1.IP地址 2.端口号
Like port 80, at
例如 的 80 端口 \N 这是谷歌的 IP 地址和端口号
This example is the IP address and port for the Google web server.
例如 的 80 端口 \N 这是谷歌的 IP 地址和端口号
In fact, you can enter this into your browsers address bar, like so,
and youll end up on the google homepage.
This gets you to the right destination,
有了这两个东西就能访问正确的网站 \N 但记一长串数字很讨厌
but remembering that long string of digits would be really annoying.
有了这两个东西就能访问正确的网站 \N 但记一长串数字很讨厌
Its much easier to remember: 比一长串数字好记
So the internet has a special service that maps these domain names to addresses.
所以互联网有个特殊服务 \N 负责把域名和 IP 地址一一对应
Its like the phone book for the internet.
就像专为互联网的电话簿 \N 它叫"域名系统",简称 DNS
And its called the Domain Name System, or DNS for short.
就像专为互联网的电话簿 \N 它叫"域名系统",简称 DNS
You can probably guess how it works.
When you type something like "” into your web browser,
在浏览器里输 \N 浏览器会去问 DNS 服务器,它的 IP 地址是多少
it goes and asks a DNS server usually one provided by your ISP to lookup the address.
一般 DNS 服务器 \N 是互联网供应商提供的
DNS consults its huge registry, and replies with the address... if one exists.
DNS 会查表,如果域名存在,就返回对应 IP 地址.
In fact, if you try mashing your keyboard, adding ".com”, and then hit enter in your
如果你乱敲键盘加个.com 然后按回车
browser, youll likely be presented with an error that says DNS failed.
你很可能会看到 DNS 错误
Thats because that site doesnt exist, so DNS couldnt give your browser an address.
因为那个网站不存在,所以 DNS 无法返回给你一个地址
But, if DNS returns a valid address, which it should for "”, then your
如果你输的是有效地址,比如 \N DNS 按理会返回一个地址
browser shoots off a request over TCP for the websites data.
然后浏览器会给这个 IP 地址 \N 发 TCP 请求
Theres over 300 million registered domain names, so to make out DNS Lookup a little
more manageable, its not stored as one gigantically long list,
DNS 不是存成一个超长超长的列表,而是存成树状结构
but rather in a tree data structure.
DNS 不是存成一个超长超长的列表,而是存成树状结构
What are called Top Level Domains, or TLDs, are at the very top.
顶级域名(简称 TLD在最顶部比如 .com 和 .gov
These are huge categories like .com and .gov.
顶级域名(简称 TLD在最顶部比如 .com 和 .gov
Then, there are lower level domains that sit below that, called second level domains; Examples
下一层是二级域名,比如 .com 下面有 \N 和
under .com include and
下一层是二级域名,比如 .com 下面有 \N 和
Then, there are even lower level domains, called subdomains,
再下一层叫子域名,\N 比如,
再下一层叫子域名,\N 比如,
And this tree is absolutely HUGE!
Like I said, more than 300 million domain names, and that's just second level domain
我前面说的"三千万个域名"只是二级域名 \N 不是所有子域名
names, not all the sub domains.
我前面说的"三千万个域名"只是二级域名 \N 不是所有子域名
For this reason, this data is distributed across many DNS servers,
因此,这些数据散布在很多 DNS 服务器上
which are authorities for different parts of the tree.
Okay, I know youve been waiting for it...
好了 我知道你肯定在等这个梗:
Weve reached a new level of abstraction!
Over the past two episodes, weve worked up from electrical signals on wires,
过去两集里 \N 我们讲了线路里的电信号,以及无线网络里的无线信号
or radio signals transmitted through the air in the case of wireless networks.
过去两集里 \N 我们讲了线路里的电信号,以及无线网络里的无线信号
This is called the Physical Layer.
MAC addresses, collision detection,
而"数据链路层"负责操控"物理层"\N 数据链路层有媒体访问控制地址MAC碰撞检测
exponential backoff and similar low level protocols that
而"数据链路层"负责操控"物理层"\N 数据链路层有媒体访问控制地址MAC碰撞检测
mediate access to the physical layer are part of the Data Link Layer.
Above this is the Network Layer,
which is where all the switching and routing technologies that we discussed operate.
And today, we mostly covered the Transport layer, protocols like UDP and TCP,
而今天,我们讲了"传输层"里一大部分, 比如 UDP 和 TCP 这些协议,
which are responsible for point to point data transfer between computers,
and also things like error detection and recovery when possible.
Weve also grazed the Session Layer
where protocols like TCP and UDP are used to open a connection,
"会话层"会使用 TCP 和 UDP 来创建连接,传递信息,然后关掉连接
pass information back and forth, and then close the connection when finished
"会话层"会使用 TCP 和 UDP 来创建连接,传递信息,然后关掉连接
whats called a session.
This is exactly what happens when you, for example, do a DNS Lookup, or request a webpage.
查询 DNS 或看网页时,就会发生这一套流程
These are the bottom five layers of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model,
这是 开放式系统互联通信参考模型(OSI) 的底下5层
a conceptual framework for compartmentalizing all these different network processes.
这个概念性框架 把网络通信划分成多层
Each level has different things to worry about and solve,
and it would be impossible to build one huge networking implementation.
如果不分层 \N 直接从上到下捏在一起实现网络通信,是完全不可能的
As weve talked about all series, abstraction allows computer scientists and engineers to
抽象使得科学家和工程师能分工同时改进多个层 \N 不被整体复杂度难倒.
be improving all these different levels of the stack simultaneously,
抽象使得科学家和工程师能分工同时改进多个层 \N 不被整体复杂度难倒.
without being overwhelmed by the full complexity.
抽象使得科学家和工程师能分工同时改进多个层 \N 不被整体复杂度难倒.
And amazingly, were not quite done yet
The OSI model has two more layers, the Presentation Layer and the Application Layer,
OSI 模型还有两层,"表示层"和"应用程序层"
which include things like web browsers, Skype,
HTML decoding, streaming movies and more.
Which well talk about next week. See you then.
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science.
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!
Over the past two episodes, weve delved into the wires, signals, switches, packets,
前两集我们深入讨论了电线 信号 交换机 数据包 \N 路由器以及协议,它们共同组成了互联网.
routers and protocols that make up the internet.
前两集我们深入讨论了电线 信号 交换机 数据包 \N 路由器以及协议,它们共同组成了互联网.
Today were going to move up yet another level of abstraction
and talk about the World Wide Web.
This is not the same thing as the Internet,
万维网(World Wide Web) \N 和互联网(Internet)不是一回事
even though people often use the two terms interchangeably.
The World Wide Web runs on top of the internet,
in the same way that Skype, Minecraft or Instagram do.
互联网之上还有 Skype, Minecraft 和 Instagram
The Internet is the underlying plumbing that conveys the data for all these different applications.
And The World Wide Web is the biggest of them all
a huge distributed application running on millions of servers worldwide,
accessed using a special program called a web browser.
Were going to learn about that, and much more, in todays episode.
The fundamental building block of the World Wide Web or web for short
is a single page.
This is a document, containing content, which can include links to other pages.
页面有内容,也有去往其他页面的链接 \N 这些链接叫"超链接"
These are called hyperlinks.
页面有内容,也有去往其他页面的链接 \N 这些链接叫"超链接"
You all know what these look like: text or images that you can click,
and they jump you to another page.
These hyperlinks form a huge web of interconnected information,
which is where the whole thing gets its name.
This seems like such an obvious idea.
But before hyperlinks were implemented,
every time you wanted to switch to another piece of information on a computer,
you had to rummage through the file system to find it, or type it into a search box.
你需要在文件系统中找到它 \N 或是把地址输入搜索框
With hyperlinks, you can easily flow from one related topic to another.
The value of hyperlinked information was conceptualized by Vannevar Bush way back in 1945.
超链接的价值早在 1945 年 \N 就被 Vannevar Bush 意识到了
He published an article describing a hypothetical machine called a Memex,
在第 24 集中我们说过,他发过一篇文章 \N 描述一个假想的机器 Memex
which we discussed in Episode 24.
在第 24 集中我们说过,他发过一篇文章 \N 描述一个假想的机器 Memex
Bush described it as "associative indexing... whereby any item may be caused
Bush的形容是"关联式索引.. 选一个物品会引起
at will to select another immediately and automatically."
He elaborated: "The process of tying two things together is the important thing...
thereafter, at any time, when one of those items is in view,
the other [item] can be instantly recalled merely by tapping a button."
In 1945, computers didnt even have screens, so this idea was way ahead of its time!
1945年的时候计算机连显示屏都没有\N 所以这个想法非常超前!
Text containing hyperlinks is so powerful,
it got an equally awesome name: hypertext!
Web pages are the most common type of hypertext document today.
Theyre retrieved and rendered by web browsers
which we'll get to in a few minutes.
In order for pages to link to one another, each hypertext page needs a unique address.
On the web, this is specified by a Uniform Resource Locator, or URL for short.
这个地址叫 "统一资源定位器",简称 URL
An example web page URL is
一个网页URL的例子是 ""
Like we discussed last episode, when you request a site,
the first thing your computer does is a DNS lookup.
This takes a domain name as input like ""
"DNS查找"的输入是一个域名 \N 比如
and replies back with the corresponding computers IP address.
DNS 会输出对应的IP地址
Now, armed with the IP address of the computer you want,
现在有了IP地址 \N 你的浏览器会打开一个 TCP 连接到这个 IP 地址
your web browser opens a TCP connection to a computer
现在有了IP地址 \N 你的浏览器会打开一个 TCP 连接到这个 IP 地址
thats running a special piece of software called a web server.
The standard port number for web servers is port 80.
网络服务器的标准端口是 80 端口
At this point, all your computer has done is connect to
这时,你的计算机连到了 \N 的服务器
the web server at the address
这时,你的计算机连到了 \N 的服务器
The next step is to ask that web server for the "courses" hypertext page.
To do this, it uses the aptly named Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP.
The very first documented version of this spec, HTTP 0.9, created in 1991,
HTTP的第一个标准HTTP 0.9创建于1991年
only had one command "GET".
只有一个指令,"GET" 指令
Fortunately, thats pretty much all you need.
Because were trying to get the "courses" page,
we send the server the following command GET /courses.
我们向服务器发送指令:"GET /courses"
This command is sent as raw ASCII text to the web server,
which then replies back with the web page hypertext we requested.
服务器会返回该地址对应的网页 \N 然后浏览器会渲染到屏幕上
This is interpreted by your computer's web browser and rendered to your screen.
服务器会返回该地址对应的网页 \N 然后浏览器会渲染到屏幕上
If the user follows a link to another page, the computer just issues another GET request.
And this goes on and on as you surf around the website.
In later versions, HTTP added status codes,
which prefixed any hypertext that was sent following a GET request.
For example, status code 200 means OK Ive got the page and here it is!
举例,状态码 200 代表 "网页找到了,给你"
Status codes in the four hundreds are for client errors.
Like, if a user asks the web server for a page that doesnt exist,
thats the dreaded 404 error!
Web page hypertext is stored and sent as plain old text,
for example, encoded in ASCII or UTF-16, which we talked about in Episodes 4 and 20.
举个例子,编码可能是 ASCII 或 UTF-16 \N 我们在第4集和第20集讨论过
Because plain text files dont have a way to specify whats a link and whats not,
因为如果只有纯文本 \N 无法表明什么是链接,什么不是链接
it was necessary to develop a way to "mark up" a text file with hypertext elements.
For this, the Hypertext Markup Language was developed.
因此开发了 超文本标记语言HTML)
The very first version of HTML version 0.8, created in 1990,
HTML 第一版的版本号是 0.8,创建于 1990 年
provided 18 HTML commands to markup pages.
Thats it!
Lets build a webpage with these!
First, lets give our web page a big heading.
To do this, we type in the letters "h1", which indicates the start of a first level
我们输 h1 代表一级标题,然后用<>括起来
heading, and we surround that in angle brackets.
我们输 h1 代表一级标题,然后用<>括起来
This is one example of an HTML tag.
Then, we enter whatever heading text we want.
We dont want the whole page to be a heading.
我们不想一整页都是标题 \N 所以加 </h1> 作为结束标签
So, we need to "close" the "h1" tag like so, with a little slash in the front.
我们不想一整页都是标题 \N 所以加 </h1> 作为结束标签
Now lets add some content.
Visitors may not know what Klingons are, so lets make that word a hyperlink to the
Klingon Language Institute for more information.
We do this with an "A" tag, inside of which we include an attribute
我们用 <a> 标签来做,它有一个 href 属性
that specifies a hyperlink reference.
Thats the page to jump to if the link is clicked.
And finally, we need to close the A tag.
最后用 </a> 关闭标签
Now lets add a second level heading, which uses an "h2" tag.
接下来用 <h2> 标签做二级标题
HTML also provides tags to create lists.
We start this by adding the tag for an ordered list.
我们先写<ol> \N 代表 有序列表ordered list
Then we can add as many items as we want,
然后想加几个列表项目 就加几个 \N 用 <li> 包起来就行
surrounded in "<li>" tags, which stands for list item.
然后想加几个列表项目 就加几个 \N 用 <li> 包起来就行
People may not know what a bat'leth is, so lets make that a hyperlink too.
Lastly, for good form, we need to close the ordered list tag.
And were done thats a very simple web page!
这就完成了 - 一个很简单的网页!
If you save this text into notepad or textedit, and name it something like "test.html",
如果把这些文字存入记事本或文本编辑器,\N 然后文件取名"test.html"
you should be able to open it by dragging it into your computers web browser.
Of course, todays web pages are a tad more sophisticated.
The newest version of HTML, version 5, has over a hundred different tags
最新版的 HTMLHTML5有100多种标签
for things like images, tables, forms and buttons.
And there are other technologies were not going to discuss, like Cascading Style Sheets
还有其他相关技术就不说了\N 比如 层叠样式表 (CSS)
or CSS and JavaScript, which can be embedded into HTML pages and do even fancier things.
和 JavaScript这俩可以加进网页做一些更厉害的事
That brings us back to web browsers.
This is the application on your computer that lets you talk with all these web servers.
Browsers not only request pages and media,
but also render the content thats being returned.
The first web browser, and web server,
was written by (now Sir) Tim Berners-Lee over the course of two months in 1990.
是 Tim Berners-Lee 在 1990 年写的一共花了2个月
At the time, he was working at CERN in Switzerland.
To pull this feat off, he simultaneously created several of the fundamental web standards
we discussed today: URL, HTML and HTTP.
Not bad for two months work!
Although to be fair, hed been researching hypertext systems for over a decade.
After initially circulating his software amongst colleagues at CERN,
和同事在 CERN 内部使用一阵子后
it was released to the public in 1991.
在 1991 年发布了出去
The World Wide Web was born.
Importantly, the web was an open standard,
making it possible for anyone to develop new web servers and browsers.
This allowed a team at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to
create the Mosaic web browser in 1993.
在 1993 年做了 Mosaic 浏览器
It was the first browser that allowed graphics to be embedded alongside text;
previous browsers displayed graphics in separate windows.
It also introduced new features like bookmarks, and had a friendly GUI interface,
which made it popular.
Even though it looks pretty crusty, its recognizable as the web we know today!
By the end of the 1990s, there were many web browsers in use,
like Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Opera, OmniWeb and Mozilla.
Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer \N Opera, OmniWeb, Mozilla
Many web servers were also developed,
like Apache and Microsofts Internet Information Services (IIS).
比如 Apache 和 微软互联网信息服务(IIS)
New websites popped up daily, and web mainstays
like Amazon and eBay were founded in the mid-1990s.
比如亚马逊和 eBay创始于 1990 年代中期
It was a golden era!
The web was flourishing and people increasingly needed ways to find things.
If you knew the web address of where you wanted to go
如果你知道网站地址 \N 比如 ebay.com直接输入浏览器就行
like you could just type it into the browser.
如果你知道网站地址 \N 比如 ebay.com直接输入浏览器就行
But what if you didnt know where to go?
Like, you only knew that you wanted pictures of cute cats.
Right now!
Where do you go?
At first, people maintained web pages
which served as directories hyperlinking to other websites.
"Most famous among these was "Jerry and David's guide to the World Wide Web",
renamed Yahoo in 1994.
As the web grew, these human-edited directories started to get unwieldy,
and so search engines were developed.
Lets go to the thought bubble!
The earliest web search engine that operated like the ones we use today, was JumpStation,
created by Jonathon Fletcher in 1993 at the University of Stirling.
由Jonathon Fletcher于1993年在斯特林大学创建
This consisted of three pieces of software that worked together.
它有 3 个部分
The first was a web crawler, software that followed all the links it could find on the web;
anytime it followed a link to a page that had new links,
it would add those to its list.
The second component was an ever enlarging index,
recording what text terms appeared on what pages the crawler had visited.
The final piece was a search algorithm that consulted the index;
for example, if I typed the word "cat" into JumpStation,
举个例子,如果我在 JumpStation 输入"猫"
every webpage where the word "cat" appeared would come up in a list.
Early search engines used very simple metrics to rank order their search results, most often
早期搜索引擎的排名方式 非常简单
just the number of times a search term appeared on a page.
取决于 搜索词在页面上的出现次数
This worked okay, until people started gaming the system,
like by writing "cat" hundreds of times on their web pages just to steer traffic their way.
Googles rise to fame was in large part
谷歌成名的一个很大原因是 \N 创造了一个聪明的算法来规避这个问题
due to a clever algorithm that sidestepped this issue.
谷歌成名的一个很大原因是 \N 创造了一个聪明的算法来规避这个问题
Instead of trusting the content on a web page,
与其信任网页上的内容 \N 搜索引擎会看其他网站 有没有链接到这个网站
they looked at how other websites linked to that page.
与其信任网页上的内容 \N 搜索引擎会看其他网站 有没有链接到这个网站
If it was a spam page with the word cat over and over again, no site would link to it.
But if the webpage was an authority on cats, then other sites would likely link to it.
So the number of what are called "backlinks", especially from reputable sites,
was often a good sign of quality.
This started as a research project called BackRub at Stanford University in 1996, before
Google 一开始时是 1996 年斯坦福大学 \N 一个叫 BackRub 的研究项目
being spun out, two years later, into the Google we know today.
Thanks thought bubble!
Finally, I want to take a second to talk about a term youve probably heard a lot recently,
最后 我想讲一个词,你最近可能经常听到
"Net Neutrality".
Now that youve built an understanding of packets, internet routing, and the World Wide
Web, you know enough to understand the essence, at least the technical essence, of this big debate.
In short, network neutrality is the principle that
all packets on the internet should be treated equally.
It doesnt matter if the packets are my email or you streaming this video,
they should all chug along at the same speed and priority.
But many companies would prefer that their data arrive to you preferentially.
Take for example, Comcast, a large ISP that also owns many TV channels,
拿 Comcast 举例,它们不但是大型互联网服务提供商\N 而且拥有多家电视频道
like NBC and The Weather Channel, which are streamed online.
比如 NBC 和 The Weather Channel可以在线看.
Not to pick on Comcast, but in the absence of Net Neutrality rules,
我不是特意找Comcast麻烦 \N 但要是没有网络中立性
they could for example say that they want their content to be delivered silky smooth, with high priority…
Comcast 可以让自己的内容优先到达 \N 节流其他线上视频
But other streaming videos are going to get throttled,
Comcast 可以让自己的内容优先到达 \N 节流其他线上视频
that is, intentionally given less bandwidth and lower priority.
节流(Throttled) 意思是故意给更少带宽和更低优先级
Again I just want to reiterate here this is just conjecture.
再次重申,这只是举例,不是说 Comcast 很坏
At a high level, Net Neutrality advocates argue that giving internet providers this
支持网络中立性的人说 \N 没有中立性后,服务商可以推出提速的"高级套餐"
ability to essentially set up tolls on the internet to provide premium packet delivery
支持网络中立性的人说 \N 没有中立性后,服务商可以推出提速的"高级套餐"
plants the seeds for an exploitative business model.
ISPs could be gatekeepers to content, with strong incentives to not play nice with competitors.
互联网服务供应商成为信息的"守门人"\N 它们有着强烈的动机去碾压对手
Also, if big companies like Netflix and Google can pay to get special treatment,
small companies, like start-ups, will be at a disadvantage, stifling innovation.
而小公司,比如刚成立的创业公司,\N 会处于劣势,阻止了创新
On the other hand, there are good technical reasons why you might
want different types of data to flow at different speeds.
That skype call needs high priority,
but its not a big deal if an email comes in a few seconds late.
Net-neutrality opponents also argue that market forces and competition would discourage bad
behavior, because customers would leave ISPs that are throttling sites they like.
如果供应商把客户喜欢的网站降速 \N 客户会离开供应商
This debate will rage on for a while yet, and as we always encourage on Crash Course,
这场争辩还会持续很久,\N 就像我们在 Crash Course 其他系列中说过
you should go out and learn more
because the implications of Net Neutrality are complex and wide-reaching.
Ill see you next week.
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!
Over the last three episodes, weve talked about how computers have become interconnected,
过去3集 我们讲了计算机如何互连
allowing us to communicate near-instantly across the globe.
But, not everyone who uses these networks is going to play by the rules,
但不是每个使用网络的人都会规规矩矩 不损害他人利益
or have our best interests at heart.
但不是每个使用网络的人都会规规矩矩 不损害他人利益
Just as how we have physical security like locks, fences
and police officers to minimize crime in the real world,
we need cybersecurity to minimize crime and harm in the virtual world.
Computers dont have ethics.
Give them a formally specified problem and
只要给计算机写清具体问题 它们很乐意地闪电般算出答案
theyll happily pump out an answer at lightning speed.
只要给计算机写清具体问题 它们很乐意地闪电般算出答案
Running code that takes down a hospitals computer systems
破坏医院计算机系统的代码 和 保持病人心跳的代码 \N 对计算机来说没有区别
is no different to a computer than code that keeps a patient's heart beating.
破坏医院计算机系统的代码 和 保持病人心跳的代码 \N 对计算机来说没有区别
Like the Force, computers can be pulled to the light side or the dark side.
就像"原力"一样 \N 计算机可以被拉到"光明面"或"黑暗面"
Cybersecurity is like the Jedi Order, trying to bring peace and justice to the cyber-verse.
网络安全就像 绝地武士团 \N 给网络世界带来和平与正义
The scope of cybersecurity evolves as fast as the capabilities of computing,
but we can think of it as a set of techniques to protect the secrecy,
integrity and availability of computer systems and data against threats.
Lets unpack those three goals:
Secrecy, or confidentiality, means that only authorized people
"保密性"是只有有权限的人 \N 才能读取计算机系统和数据
should be able to access or read specific computer systems and data.
"保密性"是只有有权限的人 \N 才能读取计算机系统和数据
Data breaches, where hackers reveal peoples credit card information,
is an attack on secrecy.
Integrity means that only authorized people
"完整性"是只有有权限的人 \N 才能使用和修改系统和数据
should have the ability to use or modify systems and data.
"完整性"是只有有权限的人 \N 才能使用和修改系统和数据
Hackers who learn your password and send e-mails masquerading as you, is an integrity attack.
黑客知道你的邮箱密码,假冒你发邮件\N 就是攻击"完整性"
And availability means that authorized people should
"可用性"是有权限的人 \N 应该随时可以访问系统和数据
always have access to their systems and data.
"可用性"是有权限的人 \N 应该随时可以访问系统和数据
Think of Denial of Service Attacks, where hackers overload a website
拒绝服务攻击(DDOS) 就是黑客
with fake requests to make it slow or unreachable for others.
Thats attacking the services availability.
To achieve these three general goals, security experts start with
为了实现这三个目标,安全专家会从 \N 抽象层面想象"敌人"可能是谁,这叫"威胁模型分析"
a specification of who your "enemy" is, at an abstract level, called a threat model.
为了实现这三个目标,安全专家会从 \N 抽象层面想象"敌人"可能是谁,这叫"威胁模型分析"
This profiles attackers: their capabilities, goals, and probable means of attack
模型会对攻击者有个大致描述:\N 能力如何,目标可能是什么,可能用什么手段
whats called, awesomely enough, an attack vector.
Threat models let you prepare against specific threats, rather than
being overwhelmed by all the ways hackers could get to your systems and data.
不被可能的攻击手段数量所淹没 \N 因为手段实在有太多种了
And there are many, many ways.
不被可能的攻击手段数量所淹没 \N 因为手段实在有太多种了
Lets say you want to "secure" physical access to your laptop.
假设你想确保笔记本计算机的"物理安全" \N 你的威胁模型是"好管闲事的室友"
Your threat model is a nosy roommate.
假设你想确保笔记本计算机的"物理安全" \N 你的威胁模型是"好管闲事的室友"
To preserve the secrecy, integrity and availability of your laptop,
为了保证保密性,完整性和可用性 \N 你可以藏在脏兮兮的洗衣篮里
you could keep it hidden in your dirty laundry hamper.
为了保证保密性,完整性和可用性 \N 你可以藏在脏兮兮的洗衣篮里
But, if your threat model is a mischievous younger sibling
who knows your hiding spots,
then youll need to do more: maybe lock it in a safe.
In other words, how a system is secured depends heavily on who its being secured against.
Of course, threat models are typically a bit more formally defined than just "nosy roommate".
Often youll see threat models specified in terms of technical capabilities.
通常威胁模型分析里 会以能力水平区分
For example, "someone who has physical access to your laptop along with unlimited time".
With a given threat model, security architects need to come up
with a solution that keeps a system secure
as long as certain assumptions are met,
like no one reveals their password to the attacker.
There are many methods for protecting computer systems, networks and data.
A lot of security boils down to two questions:
who are you, and what should you have access to?
Clearly, access should be given to the right people, but refused to the wrong people.
Like, bank employees should be able to open ATMs to restock them, but not me…
比如银行员工可以打开取款机来补充现金。\N 但我不应该有权限打开
because Id take it all... all of it!
因为我会把钱拿走 全拿走!
That ceramic cat collection doesnt buy itself!
So, to differentiate between right and wrong people, we use authentication
所以,为了区分谁是谁,\N 我们用 "身份认证"(authentication)
- the process by which a computer understands who its interacting with.
- 让计算机得知使用者是谁
Generally, there are three types, each with their own pros and cons:
What you know.
What you have.
And what you are.
What you know authentication is based on knowledge of a secret that
"你知道什么" 是基于某个秘密
should be known only by the real user and the computer,
for example, a username and password.
比如 用户名和密码
This is the most widely used today because its the easiest to implement.
But, it can be compromised if hackers guess or otherwise come to know your secret.
Some passwords are easy for humans to figure out, like 12356 or qwerty.
But, there are also ones that are easy for computers.
Consider the PIN: 2580.
This seems pretty difficult to guess and it is for a human.
看起来很难猜中 - 起码对人类来说是这样
But there are only ten thousand possible combinations of 4-digit PINs.
A computer can try entering 0000, then try 0001, and then 0002,
all the way up to 9999... in a fraction of a second.
This is called a brute force attack, because it just tries everything.
Theres nothing clever to the algorithm.
Some computer systems lock you out, or have you wait a little, after say three wrong attempts.
如果你错误尝试3次\N 有些系统会阻止你继续尝试,或让你等一会儿
Thats a common and reasonable strategy,
and it does make it harder for less sophisticated attackers.
But think about what happens if hackers have already taken over
tens of thousands of computers, forming a botnet.
Using all these computers, the same pin 2580
用这么多计算机尝试密码 2580
can be tried on many tens of thousands of bank accounts simultaneously.
Even with just a single attempt per account, theyll very likely
get into one or more that just happen to use that PIN.
碰到某个账户刚好用这个 PIN
In fact, weve probably guessed the pin of someone watching this video!
事实上,看视频的某人可能刚好用这个 PIN
Increasing the length of PINs and passwords can help,
but even 8 digit PINs are pretty easily cracked.
This is why so many websites now require you to use a mix of upper and lowercase letters,
这就是为什么现在很多网站 要求大写+小写字母
special symbols, and so on it explodes the number of possible password combinations.
An 8-digit numerical PIN only has a hundred million combinations
computers eat that for breakfast!
But an 8-character password with all those funky things mixed in
has more than 600 trillion combinations.
Of course, these passwords are hard for us mere humans to remember,
so a better approach is for websites to let us pick something more memorable,
所以更好的方法是 选一些更好记的东西
like three words joined together:
"green brothers rock" or "pizza tasty yum".
English has around 100,000 words in use,
so putting three together would give you roughly
1 quadrillion possible passwords. Good luck trying to guess that!
I should also note here that using non-dictionary words
is even better against more sophisticated kinds of attacks,
but we dont have time to get into that here.
Computerphile has a great video on choosing a password - link in the dooblydoo.
Computerphile 频道有个视频讲怎么选择好密码 - \N 链接请看 Youtube 描述
What you have authentication, on the other hand,
is based on possession of a secret token that only the real user has.
An example is a physical key and lock.
You can only unlock the door if you have the key.
This escapes this problem of being "guessable".
And they typically require physical presence,
so its much harder for remote attackers to gain access.
Someone in another country cant gain access to your front door in Florida
without getting to Florida first.
But, what you have authentication can be compromised if an attacker is physically close.
Keys can be copied, smartphones stolen, and locks picked.
Finally, what you are authentication is based on... you!
You authenticate by presenting yourself to the computer.
Biometric authenticators, like fingerprint readers and iris scanners are classic examples.
生物识别验证器,\N 比如指纹识别器和虹膜扫描仪就是典型例子
These can be very secure, but the best technologies are still quite expensive.
Furthermore, data from sensors varies over time.
What you know and what you have authentication have the nice property of being deterministic
either correct or incorrect.
- 要么正确,要么错误
If you know the secret, or have the key, youre granted access 100% of the time.
If you dont, you get access zero percent of the time.
Biometric authentication, however, is probabilistic.Theres some chance the system wont recognize you…
maybe youre wearing a hat or the lighting is bad.
Worse, theres some chance the system will recognize the wrong person as you
like your evil twin!
Of course, in production systems, these chances are low, but not zero.
Another issue with biometric authentication is it cant be reset.
You only have so many fingers, so what happens if an attacker compromises your fingerprint data?
This could be a big problem for life.
And, recently, researchers showed its possible to forge your iris
just by capturing a photo of you, so thats not promising either.
Basically, all forms of authentication have strengths and weaknesses,
and all can be compromised in one way or another.
So, security experts suggest using two or more forms of authentication
所以,对于重要账户,\N 安全专家建议用两种或两种以上的认证方式
for important accounts.
所以,对于重要账户,\N 安全专家建议用两种或两种以上的认证方式
This is known as two-factor or multi-factor authentication.
An attacker may be able to guess your password or steal your phone:
but its much harder to do both.
After authentication comes Access Control.
Once a system knows who you are, it needs to know what you should be able to access,
and for that theres a specification of who should be able to see, modify and use what.
因此应该有个规范,\N 说明谁能访问什么,修改什么,使用什么。
This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL),
which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer.
"Read" permission allows a user to see the contents of a file,
"write" permission allows a user to modify the contents,
and "execute" permission allows a user to run a file, like a program.
For organizations with users at different levels of access privilege
like a spy agency its especially important for Access Control Lists
to be configured correctly to ensure secrecy, integrity and availability.
Lets say we have three levels of access: public, secret and top secret.
The first general rule of thumb is that people shouldnt be able to "read up".
第一个普遍的好做法是,\N 用户不能"读上", 不能读等级更高的信息
If a user is only cleared to read secret files, they shouldnt be able to read top secret
如果用户能读"机密"文件\N 那么不应该有权限读"绝密"文件
files, but should be able to access secret and public ones.
The second general rule of thumb is that people shouldnt be able to "write down".
If a member has top secret clearance, then they should be able to
write or modify top secret files, but not secret or public files.
那么能写入或修改"绝密"文件,\N 但不能修改"机密"或"公共"文件
It may seem weird that even with the highest clearance,
听起来好像很奇怪 \N 有最高等级也不能改等级更低的文件
you cant modify less secret files.
听起来好像很奇怪 \N 有最高等级也不能改等级更低的文件
But, it guarantees that theres no accidental leakage of
但这样确保了"绝密" \N 不会意外泄露到"机密"文件或"公共"文件里
top secret information into secret or public files.
但这样确保了"绝密" \N 不会意外泄露到"机密"文件或"公共"文件里
This "no read up, no write down" approach is called the Bell-LaPadula model.
这个"不能向上读,不能向下写"的方法\N 叫 Bell-LaPadula 模型
It was formulated for the U.S. Department of Defenses Multi-Level Security policy.
There are many other models for access control like the Chinese Wall model and Biba model.
还有许多其他的访问控制模型 - 比如"中国墙"模型和"比伯"模型
Which model is best depends on your use-case.
Authentication and access control help a computer determine who you are
and what you should access,
but depend on being able to trust the hardware and software
that run the authentication and access control programs.
Thats a big dependence.
If an attacker installs malicious software called malware
compromising the host computers operating system,
- 控制了计算机的操作系统
how can we be sure security programs dont have a backdoor that let attackers in?
The short answer is… we cant.
We still have no way to guarantee the security of a program or computing system.
Thats because even while security software might be "secure" in theory,
implementation bugs can still result in vulnerabilities.
But, we do have techniques to reduce the likelihood of bugs,
like quickly find and patch bugs when they do occur,
and mitigate damage when a program is compromised.
Most security errors come from implementation error.
To reduce implementation error, reduce implementation.
One of the holy grails of system level security is a "security kernel"
or a "trusted computing base": a minimal set of operating system software
thats close to provably secure.
A challenge in constructing these security kernels is deciding what should go into it.
构建安全内核的挑战在于 决定内核应该有什么
Remember, the less code, the better!
Even after minimizing code bloat, it would be great to "guarantee"
在最小化代码数量之后,\N 要是能"保证"代码是安全的,会非常棒
thats code is written in secure.
在最小化代码数量之后,\N 要是能"保证"代码是安全的,会非常棒
Formally verifying the security of code is an active area of research.
正式验证代码的安全性 是一个活跃的研究领域
The best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and Validation.
This works by having code audited by a crowd of security-minded developers.
This is why security code is almost always open-sourced.
Its often difficult for people who wrote the original code to find bugs,
but external developers, with fresh eyes and different expertise, can spot problems.
但外部开发人员有新鲜的眼光 \N和不同领域的专业知识可以发现问题.
There are also conferences where like-minded hackers and security experts
can mingle and share ideas,
the biggest of which is DEF CON, held annually in Las Vegas.
一年一次在拉斯维加斯举办的 DEF CON \N 是全球最大的安全大会
Finally, even after reducing code and auditing it,
最后,即便尽可能减少代码 并进行了安全审计
clever attackers are bound to find tricks that let them in.
With this in mind, good developers should take the approach that,
not if, but when their programs are compromised,
the damage should be limited and contained,
and not let it compromise other things running on the computer.
This principle is called isolation.
To achieve isolation, we can "sandbox" applications.
This is like placing an angry kid in a sandbox; when the kid goes ballistic,
they only destroy the sandcastle in their own box,
but other kids in the playground continue having fun.
Operating Systems attempt to sandbox applications
by giving each their own block of memory that others programs cant touch.
Its also possible for a single computer to run multiple Virtual Machines, essentially
simulated computers, that each live in their own sandbox.
If a program goes awry, worst case is that it crashes or
compromises only the virtual machine on which its running.
All other Virtual Machines running on the computer are isolated and unaffected.
Ok, thats a broad overview of some key computer security topics.
好,一些重要安全概念的概览 \N 我们到此就介绍完了
And I didnt even get to network security, like firewalls.
Next episode, well discuss some methods
下集我们会讨论 黑客侵入系统的一些方法
hackers use to get into computer systems.
下集我们会讨论 黑客侵入系统的一些方法
After that, well touch on encryption.
Until then, make your passwords stronger, turn on 2-factor authentication,
and NEVER click links in unsolicited emails!
Ill see you next week.
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Last episode, we talked about the basics of computer security,
principles and techniques used to keep computer systems safe and sound.
But, despite our best efforts, the news is full of stories of individuals, companies
但尽管尽了最大努力,新闻上还是各种 \N 个人,公司,政府被黑客攻击的故事
and governments getting cyberattacked by hackers, people who,
但尽管尽了最大努力,新闻上还是各种 \N 个人,公司,政府被黑客攻击的故事
with their technical knowledge, break into computer systems.
那些黑客凭技术知识 闯入计算机系统
Not all hackers are bad though.
There are hackers who hunt for bugs and try to close security holes
有些黑客会寻找并修复软件漏洞 \N 让系统更安全
in software to make systems safer and more resilient.
有些黑客会寻找并修复软件漏洞 \N 让系统更安全
Theyre often hired by companies and governments to perform security evaluations.
These hackers are called White Hats, theyre the good guys.
On the flip side, there are Black Hats, malicious hackers with
intentions to steal, exploit and sell computer vulnerabilities and data.
Hackers motivations also differ wildly.
Some hack for amusement and curiosity,
while cybercriminals hack most often for monetary gain.
And then there are hacktivists, who use their skills to promote a social or political goal.
还有的叫"黑客行动主义者"\N 通过黑客手段影响社会或达到政治目的
And thats just the tip of the iceberg.
Basically, the stereotypical view of a hacker as some unpopular kid sitting in a dark room
一般对黑客的刻板印象是 \N 某个不受欢迎的小孩在黑暗的房间里
full of discarded pizza boxes probably better describes John Green in college than it does hackers.
Today, were not going to teach you how to be a hacker.
Instead, well discuss some classic examples of how hackers
break into computer systems to give you an idea of how its done.
The most common way hackers get into computer systems isnt
by hacking at all; its by tricking users into letting them in.
This is called social engineering, where a person is manipulated into divulging confidential
information, or configuring a computer system so that it permits entry by attackers.
The most common type of attack is phishing, which you most often encounter as an email
asking you to login to an account on a website, say your bank.
Youll be asked to click a link in the email, which takes you to a site that looks legit
to the casual observer, but is really an evil clone.
When you enter your username and password, that information goes straight to the hackers,
who then can login to the real website as you.
Bad news!
Even with a 1/10th of one percent success rate, a million phishing emails might yield
a thousand compromised accounts.
Another social engineering attack is pretexting, where attackers call up, let's say a company,
另一种方法叫 假托(Pretexting)\N 攻击者给某个公司打电话
and then confidently pretend to be from their IT department.
Often attackers will call a first number, and then ask to be transferred to a second,
so that the phone number appears to be internal to the company.
Then, the attacker can instruct an unwitting user to configure their computer in a compromising
way, or get them to reveal confidential details, like passwords or network configurations.
Sorry, one sec…
Oh. Hey, it's Susan from It.
嘿,我是 IT 部门的苏珊
Were having some network issues down here, can you go ahead and check a setting for me?"
... and it begins.
Attackers can be very convincing, especially with a little bit
of research beforehand to find things like key employees names.
It might take ten phone calls to find an victim, but you only need one to get in.
也许要10通电话才能找到一个受害者\N 但只要一个人上当就够了
Emails are also a common delivery mechanism for trojan horses,
programs that masquerade as harmless attachments, like a photo or invoice,
but actually contain malicious software, called malware.
Malware can take many forms.
Some might steal your data, like your banking credentials.
Others might encrypt your files and demand a ransom, what's known as ransomware.
If they cant run malware or get a user to let them in,
attackers have to force their way in through other means.
One method, which we briefly discussed last episode, is to brute force a password
try every combination of password until you gain entry.
Most modern systems defend against this type of attack by having you wait incrementally
longer periods of time following each failed attempt,
or even lock you out entirely after a certain number of tries.
One recent hack to get around this is called NAND Mirroring,
最近出现一种攻破方法叫 "NAND镜像"
where if you have physical access to the computer,
you can attach wires to the device's memory chip
and make a perfect copy of its contents.
With this setup, you can try a series of passwords, until the device starts making you wait.
When this happens, you just reflash the memory with the original copy you made,
essentially resetting it, allowing you to try more passwords immediately, with no waiting.
This technique was shown to be successful on an iPhone 5C,
这项方法在 iPhone 5C 上管用
but many newer devices include mechanisms to thwart this type of attack.
If you dont have physical access to a device,
you have to find a way to hack it remotely, like over the internet.
In general, this requires an attacker to find and take advantage of a bug in a system, and
successfully utilizing a bug to gain capabilities or access is called an exploit.
One common type of exploit is a buffer overflow.
Buffers are a general term for a block of memory reserved for storing data.
We talked about video buffers for storing pixel data in Episode 23.
As a simple example, we can imagine an operating systems login prompt,
which has fields for a username and password.
Behind the scenes, this operating system uses buffers for storing the text values that are entered.
For illustration, let's say these buffers were specified to be of size ten.
In memory, the two text buffers would look something like this:
Of course, the operating system is keeping track of a lot more than just a username and
password, so theres going to be data stored both before and after in memory.
所以缓冲区前后 肯定有其他数据
When a user enters a username and password, the values are copied into the buffers,
where they can be verified.
A buffer overflow attack does exactly what the name suggests: overflows the buffer.
In this case, any password longer than ten characters
will overwrite adjacent data in memory.
Sometimes this will just cause a program or operating system to crash,
because important values are overwritten with gobbledygook.
Crashing a system is bad, and maybe thats all that
a mischievous hacker wants to do, be a nuisance.
But attackers can also exploit this bug more cleverly by injecting purposeful new values
但攻击者可以更巧妙地利用这个漏洞(bug)\N 注入有意义的新值
into a programs memory, for example, setting an "is admin" variable to true.
With the ability to arbitrarily manipulate a programs memory,
hackers can bypass things like login prompts,
and sometimes even use that program to hijack the whole system.
There are many methods to combat buffer overflow attacks.
The easiest is to always test the length of input before copying it into a buffer,
called bounds checking.
这叫 "边界检查"
Many modern programming languages implement bounds checking automatically.
Programs can also randomize the memory location of variables,
like our hypothetical "is admin" flag,
so that hackers dont know what memory location to overwrite,
and are more likely to crash the program than gain access.
Programs can also leave unused space after buffers,
and keep an eye on those values to see if they change;
if they do, they know an attacker is monkeying around with memory.
These regions are called canaries, named after the small birds miners
used to take underground to warn them of dangerous conditions.
Another classic hack is code injection.
Its most commonly used to attack websites that use databases,
which pretty much all big websites do.
We wont be covering databases in this series,
so heres a simple example to illustrate this type of attack.
Well use Structured Query Language, S-Q-L, also called sequel, a popular database API.
我们会用"结构化查询语言"也叫SQL\N 一种流行的数据库API
Lets imagine our login prompt is now running on a webpage.
When a user clicks "login", the text values are sent to a server, which executes code
that checks if that username exists, and if it does, verifies the password matches.
服务器会运行代码,检查用户名是否存在,\N 如果存在,看密码是否匹配
To do this, the server will execute code, known as a SQL query,
为了做检查,服务器会执行一段叫 "SQL查询" 的代码
that looks something like this.
First, it needs to specify what data were retrieving from the database.
In this case, we want to fetch the password.
在这个例子中,我们想查的是密码 (password) \N (SELECT password)
The server also needs to specify from what place in the database
还要指定从哪张表查数据 \N (FROM users)
to retrieve the value from.
还要指定从哪张表查数据 \N (FROM users)
In this case, lets imagine all the users data is stored
在这个例子里,\N 我们假设所有用户数据都存在 "users" 表里
in a data structure called a table labeled "users".
在这个例子里,\N 我们假设所有用户数据都存在 "users" 表里
Finally, the server doesnt want to get back a giant list of passwords for every user
最后,服务器不想每次取出一个巨大密码列表,\N 包含所有用户密码
in the database, so it specifies that it only wants data for the account
所以用 username = '用户名'\N 代表只要这个用户
whose username equals a certain value.
所以用 username = '用户名'\N 代表只要这个用户
That value is copied into the SQL query by the server, based on what the user typed in,
so the actual command thats sent to the SQL database would look something like this,
所以实际发到 SQL 数据库的命令,是这样的.
where username='philbin'
Where username='philbin'
Note also that SQL commands end with a semicolon.
So how does someone hack this?
By sending in a malicious username, with embedded SQL commands!
Like, we could send the server this funky username:
When the server copies this text into the SQL Query, it ends up looking like this:
As I mentioned before, semicolons are used to separate commands,
so the first command that gets executed is this:
If there is a user named whatever, the database will return the password.
Of course, we have no idea what whatevers password is,
so well get it wrong and the server will reject us.
If theres no user named whatever, the database will return
如果没有一个用户叫"whatever",数据库会返回 \N 空密码或直接错误,服务器也会拒绝我们
no password or provide an error, and the server will again reject us.
如果没有一个用户叫"whatever",数据库会返回 \N 空密码或直接错误,服务器也会拒绝我们
Either way, we dont care, because its the next SQL command were interested in:
总之 我们不在乎,\N 我们感兴趣的是下一个SQL命令
"drop table users" a command that we injected by manipulating the username field.
"drop table users" - 我们注入的命令
This command instructs the SQL database to delete the table containing all user data.
这条命令的意思是 删掉 users 这张表
Wiped clean!
Which would cause a lot of headaches at a place like a bank... or really anywhere.
And notice that we didnt even break into the system
its not like we correctly guessed a username and password.
Even with no formal access, we were able to create mayhem by exploiting a bug.
即使没有正式访问权限,还是可以利用 bug 来制造混乱
This is a very simple example of code injection,
which almost all servers today have defenses against.
With more sophisticated attacks, its possible to add records to the database
like a new administrator account
- 比如一个新管理员帐户 -
or even get the database to reveal data, allowing hackers
to steal things like credit card numbers, social security numbers
and all sorts of nefarious goodies.
But were not going to teach you how to do that.
As with buffer overflows, programmers should always assume input coming from the outside
to be potentially dangerous, and examine it carefully.
Most username and password forms on the web dont let you
include special symbols like semicolons or quotes as a first level of defense.
Good servers also sanitize input by removing or
modifying special characters before running database queries.
Working exploits are often sold or shared online.
The more prevalent the bug, or the more damaging the exploit,
the higher the price or prestige it commands.
Even governments sometimes buy exploits,
which allow them to compromise computers for purposes like spying.
When a new exploitable bug is discovered that the software creators werent aware of,
its called a zero day vulnerability.
那么这个漏洞叫 "零日漏洞"
Black Hat Hackers rush to use the exploit for maximum benefit
before white hat programmers release a patch for the bug.
This is why its so important to keep your computers software up to date;
a lot of those downloads are security patches.
If bugs are left open on enough systems, it allows hackers to
write a program that jump from computer to computer automatically
which are called worms.
If a hacker can take over a large number of computers, they can be used together,
to form whats called a botnet.
This can have many purposes, like sending huge volumes of spam,
mining bitcoins using other people's computing power and electricity,
用别人电脑的计算能力和电费挖 Bitcoin
and launching Distributed Denial of Service or DDoS attacks against servers.
DDoS is where all the computers in the botnet send a flood of dummy messages.
DDoS 就是僵尸网络里的所有电脑发一大堆垃圾信息
This can knock services offline, either to force owners
to pay a ransom or just to be evil.
Despite all of the hard working white hats, exploits documented online,
and software engineering best practices, cyberattacks happen on a daily basis.
They cost the global economy roughly half a trillion dollars annually,
and that figure will only increase as we become more reliant on computing systems.
This is especially worrying to governments, as infrastructure is increasingly computer-driven,
like powerplants, the electrical grid, traffic lights, water treatment plants, oil refineries,
air traffic control, and lots of other key systems.
Many experts predict that the next major war will be fought in cyberspace,
where nations are brought to their knees not by physical attack,
but rather crippled economically and infrastructurally through cyberwarfare.
There may not be any bullets fired, but the potential for lives lost is still very high...
maybe even higher than conventional warfare.
So, we should all adopt good cybersecurity practices.
And, as a community interconnected over the internet,
we should ensure our computers are secured against those
who wish to use their great potential for harm.
So maybe stop ignoring that update notification?
Ill see you next week.
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Over the past two episodes, weve talked a lot about computer security.
But the fact is, theres no such thing as a perfectly, 100% secure, computer system.
但事实是 世上不存在100%安全的系统
There will always be bugs and security experts know that.
So system architects employ a strategy called defence in depth
which uses many layers of varying security mechanisms to frustrate attackers.
Its a bit like how castles are designed
first youve got to dodge the archers
then cross the moat, scale the walls, avoid the hot oil, get over the ramparts, and defeat the guards
before you get to the throne room
but in this case were talking about one of the most common forms of computer security
The word cryptography comes from the roots crypto and graphy, roughly translating to "secret writing".
密码学(cryptography) 一词 \N 来自 crypto 和 graphy大致翻译成"秘密写作"
In order to make information secret, you use a cipher an algorithm that converts plain text into ciphertext
为了加密信息,要用加密算法(Cipher) 把明文转为密文
which is gibberish unless you have a key that lets you undo the cipher.
The process of making text secret is called encryption
and the reverse process is called decryption
Ciphers have been used long before computers showed up.
Julius Caesar used whats now called a Caesar cipher, to encrypt private correspondence.
朱利叶斯·凯撒 用如今我们叫"凯撒加密"的方法 来加密私人信件
He would shift the letters in a message forward by three places.
他会把信件中的字母 向前移动三个位置
So, A became D, and the word "brutus" became this: "euxwxv".
To decipher the message, recipients had to know both the algorithm and the number to shift by, which acted as the key.
为了解密,接收者要知道 \N 1. 用了什么算法 2. 要偏移的字母位数
The Caesar cipher is one example of a larger class of techniques called substitution ciphers.
These replace every letter in a message with\Nsomething else according to a translation.
A big drawback of basic substitution ciphers is that letter frequencies are preserved.
For example, E is the most common letter in English
so if your cipher translates E to an X
then X will show up the most frequently in the ciphertext.
那么密文中 X 的出现频率会很高
A skilled cryptanalyst can work backwards from these kinds of statistics to figure out the message.
Indeed, it was the breaking of a substitution cipher that led to the execution of Mary Queen of Scots,in 1587 for plotting to kill Queen Elizabeth.
Another fundamental class of techniques are permutation ciphers.
另一类加密算法叫 "移位加密"
Lets look at a simple example, called a columnar transposition cipher.
我们来看一个简单例子叫 "列移位加密"
Here, we take a message, and fill the letters into a grid.
In this case, weve chosen 5 by 5
网格大小我们这里选择 5x5
To encrypt our message, we read out the characters in a different order
lets say from the bottom left, working upwards, one column at a time.
The new letter ordering, whats called a permutation, is the encrypted message.
The ordering direction, as well as the 5 by 5 grid size, serves as the key.
Like before, if the cipher and key are known, a recipient can reverse the process to reveal the original message.
就像之前,如果接收者知道密文和加密方法 \N 才能解密得到原始消息
By the 1900s, cryptography was mechanized in the form of encryption machines.
The most famous was the German Enigma, used by the Nazis to encrypt their wartime communications.
其中最有名的是德国的英格玛Enigma\N 纳粹在战时用英格玛加密通讯信息
As we discussed back in Episode 15, the Enigma was a typewriter-like machine, with a keyboard and lampboard, both showing the full alphabet.
正如第15集中说过Enigma 是一台像打字机的机器,\N 有键盘和灯板,两者都有完整的字母表
Above that, there was a series of configurable rotors that were the key to the Enigmas encryption capability.
而且它有一系列"转子"(rotros) ,是加密的关键
First, lets look at just one rotor.
One side had electrical contacts for all 26 letters.
These connected to the other side of the rotor using cross-crossing wires that swapped one letter for another.
If H went in, K might come out the other side.
If "K went in, F might come out, and so on.
This letter swapping behavior should sound familiar: its a substitution cipher!
But, the Enigma was more sophisticated becauseit used three or more rotors in a row, each feeding into the next.
但英格玛(Enigma)更复杂一些因为它有3个或更多转子\N 一个转子的输出作为下一个转子的输入。
Rotors could also be rotated to one of 26 possible starting positions
and they could be inserted in different orders, providinga lot of different substitution mappings.
Following the rotors was a special circuit called a reflector.
Instead of passing the signal on to another rotor, it connected every pin to another,
and sent the electrical signal back through the rotors.
Finally, there was a plug board at the front of the machine
that allowed letters coming from the keyboard to be optionally swapped,
adding another level of complexity.
With our simplified circuit, lets encrypta letter on this example enigma configuration.
If we press the H key, electricity flows through the plugboard, then the rotors
hits the reflector, comes back through the rotorsand plugboard, and illuminates the letter L on the lampboard.
So H is encrypted to L.
H 就加密成了 L
Note that the circuit can flow both ways
注意, 电路是双向的
so if we typed the letter L, H would light up.
所以如果我们按下 LH 会亮起来
In other words, its the same process for encrypting and decrypting;
you just have to make sure the sending and receiving machineshave the same initial configuration.
你只需要确保 发送机和接收机的初始配置一样就行
If you look carefully at this circuit, youll notice its impossible for a letter to be encrypted as itself
which turned out to be a fatal cryptographic weakness.
Finally, to prevent the Enigma from being a simple substitution cipher
every single time a letter was entered, the rotors advanced by one spot, sort of like an odometer in a car.
So if you entered the text A-A-A, it might come out as B-D-K, where the substitution mapping changed with every key press.
The Enigma was a tough cookie to crack, for sure.
But as we discussed in Episode 15, Alan Turingand and his colleagues
at Bletchley Park were able to break Enigma codes and largely automate the process.
But with the advent of computers, cryptography moved from hardware into software.
One of the earliest software ciphers to become widespread
was the Data Encryption Standard developed by IBM and the NSA in 1977
是 IBM 和 NSA 于1977年开发的"数据加密标准"
DES, as it was known, originally used binary keys that were 56 bits long,
DES最初用的是56 bit长度的二进制密钥
which means that there are 2 to the 56, or about 72 quadrillion different keys.
Back in 1977, that meant that nobody except perhaps the NSA
在1977年时也许 NSA 有这能力,
had enough computing power to brute-force all possible keys.
但没有其他人有足够计算能力 来暴力破解所有可能密钥。
But, by 1999, a quarter-million dollar computer could try every possible DES key in just two days, rendering the cipher insecure.
但到1999年一台25万美元的计算机能在两天内 \N 把 DES 的所有可能密钥都试一遍,让 DES 算法不再安全
So, in 2001, the Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) was finalized and published.
因此 2001 年出了高级加密标准AES
AES is designed to use much bigger keys 128,192 or 256 bits in size making brute force attacks much, much harder.
AES 用更长的密钥 - 128位/192位/256位 - 让暴力破解更加困难
For a 128-bit keys, you'd need trillions of years to try every combination, even if you used every single computer on the planet today.
128位的密钥哪怕用现在地球上的所有计算机\N 也要上万亿年才能试遍所有组合
So you better get started!
AES chops data up into 16-byte blocks, and then applies a series of substitutions and permutations,
AES将数据切成一块一块每块16个字节\N 然后用密钥进行一系列替换加密和移位加密
based on the key value plus some other operations to obscure the message,
and this process is repeated ten or more times for each block.
You might be wondering: why only ten rounds?
Or why only 128 bit keys, and not ten thousand bit keys?
Well, its a performance tradeoff.
If it took hours to encrypt and send an email,or minutes to connect to a secure website, people wouldn't use it
AES balances performance and security to provide practical cryptography.
AES 在性能和安全性间取得平衡
Today, AES is used everywhere, from encrypting files on iPhones
and transmitting data over WiFi with WPA2 to accessing websites using HTTPS.
用 WPA2 协议在 WiFi 中访问 HTTPS 网站
So far, the cryptographic techniques weve discussed rely on keys that are known by both sender and recipient.
到目前为止 我们讨论过的加密技术\N 依赖于发送者和接收者都知道密钥
The sender encrypts a message using a key, and the recipient decrypts it using the same key.
In the old days, keys would be shared by voice, or physically;
for example, the Germans distributed codebooks with daily settings for their Enigma machines.
But this strategy could never work in the internet era.
Imagine having to crack open a codebook to connect to youtube
你能想象 要打开密码本才能访问 YouTube 吗?
Whats needed is a way for a server to send a secret key over the public internet to a user wishing to connect securely.
我们需要某种方法 在公开的互联网上传递密钥给对方
It seems like that wouldnt be secure, because if the key is sent in the open and intercepted by a hacker
couldnt they use that to decrypt all communication between the two?
The solution is key exchange!
解决方案是 "密钥交换"
An algorithm that lets two computers agreeon a key without ever sending one.
密钥交换是一种不发送密钥,\N 但依然让两台计算机在密钥上达成共识的算法
We can do this with one-way functions
mathematical operations that are very easy to do in one direction, but hard to reverse.
单项函数是一种数学操作,很容易算出结果,\N 但想从结果逆向推算出输入非常困难
To show you how one-way functions work, let s use paint colors as an analogy.
Its easy to mix paint colors together, but its not so easy to figure
out the constituent colors that were used to make a mixed paint color.
Youd have to test a lot of possibilities to figure it out.
In this metaphor, our secret key is a unique shade of paint.
First, theres a public paint color that everyone can see.
Then, John and I each pick a secret paint color.
To exchange keys, I mix my secret paint color with the public paint color.
为了交换密钥,我把我的 秘密颜色 和 公开颜色 混在一起
Then, I send that mixed color to John by anymeans mail, carrier pigeon, whatever.
John does the same mixing his secret paint color with the public color, then sending that to me.
When I receive Johns color, I simply add my private color to create a blend of all three paints.
我收到约翰的颜色之后,把我的秘密颜色加进去,\N 现在3种颜色混合在一起
John does the same with my mixed color.
John 也一样做
And Voila!
We both end up with the same paint color!
We can use this as a shared secret, even though we never sent each other our individual secret colors.
A snooping outside observer would know partial information, but theyd find it very difficult to figure out our shared secret color.
Of course, sending and mixing paint colors isnt going to work well for transmitting computer data.
But luckily, mathematical one-way functions are perfect,
and this is what Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange uses.
我们可以用 "迪菲-赫尔曼密钥交换"
In Diffie-Hellman, the one-way function is modular exponentiation.
在 Diffie-Hellman 中,单向函数是模幂运算
This means taking one number, the base, to the power of another number,
意思是先做幂运算,拿一个数字当底数,拿一个数字当指数,比如 A
the exponent, and taking the remainder when dividing by a third number, the modulus.
So, for example, if we wanted to calculate 3 to the 5th power, modulo 31,
we would calculate 3 to the 5th, which is 243,
then take the remainder when divided by 31, which is 26.
The hard part is figuring out the exponent given only the result and the base.
重点是 如果只给余数和基数。很难得知指数是多少
If I tell you I raised 3 to some secret number, modulo 31, and got 7 as the remainder
如果我告诉你3的某次方 模31余数是7
you'd have to test a lot of exponents to know which one I picked.
If we make these numbers big, say hundreds of digits long,
then finding the secret exponent is nearly impossible.
Now lets talk about how Diffie-Hellman
现在我们来讨论 Diffie-Hellman 是怎么
uses modular exponentiation to calculate a shared key.
用模幂运算 算出双方共享的密钥
First, there's a set of public values the base and the modulus,
首先,我们有公开的值 - 基数和模数
that, like our public paint color, everyone gets to know... even the bad guys!
To send a message securely to John, I would pick a secret exponent: X.
为了安全向 John 发信息我选一个秘密指数X
Then, Id calculate B to the power of X, modulo M.
然后算 B^X mod M 的结果
I send this big number over to John.
然后把这个大数字发给 John.
John does the same, picking a secret exponent Y, and sending me B to the Y modulo M.
John 也一样做选一个秘密指数Y然后把 B^Y mod M 的结果发我
To create a shared secret key,
为了算出 双方共用的密钥
I take what John sent me, and take it to the power of X, my secret exponent.
我把 John 给我的数,用我的秘密指数 X进行模幂运算 (看上图)
This is mathematically equivalent to B to the XY modulus M.
数学上相等于 B的XY次方 模M
John does the same, taking what I sent to him to the power of Y, and we both end up with the exact same number!
John也一样做拿我给他的数 进行模幂运算,最终得到一样的数
Its a secret shared key, even though we never sent each other our secret number.
We can use this big number as a shared key for encrypted communication, using something like AES for encryption.
我们可以用这个大数字当密钥,用 AES 之类的加密技术来加密通信
Diffie-Hellman key exchange is one method for establishing a shared key.
"Diffie-Hellman 密钥交换"是建立共享密钥的一种方法。
These keys that can be used by both sender and receiver, to encrypt and decrypt messages
双方用一样的密钥加密和解密消息,这叫"对称加密", 因为密钥一样
are called symmetric keys because the key is the same on both sides.
双方用一样的密钥加密和解密消息,这叫"对称加密", 因为密钥一样
The Caesar Cipher, Enigma and AES are all symmetric encryption.
凯撒加密英格玛AES 都是"对称加密"
Theres also asymmetric encryption, where there are two different keys
most often one thats public and another thats private.
So, people can encrypt a message using a public key that
人们用公钥加密消息 \N 只有有私钥的人能解密
only the recipient, with their private key, can decrypt.
人们用公钥加密消息 \N 只有有私钥的人能解密
In other words, knowing the public key only lets you encrypt, but not decrypt its asymmetric!
换句话说,知道公钥只能加密但不能解密 \N - 它是"不对称"的!
So, think about boxes with padlocks that you can open with a key.
To receive a secure message, I can give a sender a box and padlock.
They put their message in it and lock it shut.
Now, they can send that box back to me and only I can open it, with my private key.
After locking the box, neither the sender,
上锁后,如果发件人或其他人想打开盒子 \N 除了暴力尝试没有其他办法.
nor anyone else who finds the box, can open it without brute force.
上锁后,如果发件人或其他人想打开盒子 \N 除了暴力尝试没有其他办法.
In the same way, a digital public key can encrypt something that can only be decrypted with a private key.
The reverse is possible too: encrypting something with a
反过来也是可以的:私钥加密后 用公钥解密
private key that can be decrypted with a public key.
反过来也是可以的:私钥加密后 用公钥解密
This is used for signing, where a server encrypts data using their private key.
Anyone can decrypt it using the server's public key.
This acts like an unforgeable signature,
as only the owner, using their private key, can encrypt.
因为只有私钥的持有人 能加密
It proves that you're getting data from the right server or person, and not an imposter.
The most popular asymmetric encryption technique used today is RSA,
目前最流行的"非对称加密"技术是 RSA
named after its inventors: Rivest, Shamir and Adleman.
名字来自发明者: Rivest, Shamir, Adleman.
So, now you know all the "key" parts of modern cryptography:
symmetric encryption, key exchange and public-key cryptography.
When you connect to a secure website, like your bank,
that little padlock icon means that your computer has used public key cryptography
绿色锁图标代表 用了公钥密码学
to verify the server key exchange to establish a secret temporary key,
and symmetric encryption to protect all the back-and-forth communication from prying eyes.
Whether you're buying something online, sending emails to BFFs,
or just browsing cat videos
cryptography keeps all that safe, private and secure.
Thanks cryptography!
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
As we've touched on many times in this series,
我们之前说过 \N 计算机很擅长存放,整理,获取和处理大量数据
computers are incredible at storing, organizing,
我们之前说过 \N 计算机很擅长存放,整理,获取和处理大量数据
fetching and processing huge volumes of data.
我们之前说过 \N 计算机很擅长存放,整理,获取和处理大量数据
That's perfect for things like e-commerce websites with millions of items for sale,
and for storing billions of health records for quick access by doctors.
But what if we want to use computers not just to fetch and display data,
but to actually make decisions about data?
This is the essence of machine learning
algorithms that give computers the ability to learn from data,
机器学习算法让计算机可以从数据中学习,\N 然后自行做出预测和决定
and then make predictions and decisions.
机器学习算法让计算机可以从数据中学习,\N 然后自行做出预测和决定
Computer prosgrams with this ability
能自我学习的程序很有用 \N 比如判断是不是垃圾邮件
are extremely useful in answering questions like Is an email spam?
能自我学习的程序很有用 \N 比如判断是不是垃圾邮件
Does a person's heart have arrhythmia?
or what video should youtube recommend after this one?
YouTube 的下一个视频该推荐哪个?
While useful, we probably wouldn't describe these programs as "intelligent"
in the same way we think of human intelligence.
So, even though the terms are often interchanged,
虽然 AI 和 ML 这两词经常混着用
most computer scientists would say that machine learning is a set of techniques
大多数计算机科学家会说 \N机器学习是为了实现人工智能这个更宏大目标的技术之一
that sits inside the even more ambitious goal of Artificial Intelligence,
大多数计算机科学家会说 \N机器学习是为了实现人工智能这个更宏大目标的技术之一
or AI for short.
人工智能简称 AI
Machine Learning and AI algorithms tend to be pretty sophisticated.
So rather than wading into the mechanics of how they work,
所以我们不讲具体细节 重点讲概念
we're going to focus on what the algorithms do conceptually.
所以我们不讲具体细节 重点讲概念
Let's start with a simple example:
deciding if a moth is a Luna Moth or an Emperor Moth.
This decision process is called classification,
and an algorithm that does it is called a classifier.
做分类的算法叫 "分类器"
Although there are techniques that can use raw data for training
虽然我们可以用 照片和声音 来训练算法
- like photos and sounds -
虽然我们可以用 照片和声音 来训练算法
many algorithms reduce the complexity of real world objects
and phenomena into what are called features.
把数据简化成 "特征"
Features are values that usefully characterize the things we wish to classify.
For our moth example, we're going to use two features: "wingspan" and "mass".
对于之前的飞蛾分类例子\N 我们用两个特征:"翼展"和"重量"
In order to train our machine learning classifier to make good predictions,
we're going to need training data.
To get that,
we'd send an entomologist out into a forest to collect data for both luna and emperor moths.
我们派昆虫学家到森林里 收集"月蛾"和"帝蛾"的数据
These experts can recognize different moths,
so they not only record the feature values,
but also label that data with the actual moth species.
This is called labeled data.
这叫 "标记数据"
Because we only have two features,
it's easy to visualize this data in a scatterplot.
Here, I've plotted data for 100 Emperor Moths in red and 100 Luna Moths in blue.
红色标了100个帝蛾\N 蓝色标了100个月蛾
We can see that the species make two groupings, but.
there's some overlap in the middle
so it's not entirely obvious how to best separate the two.
That's what machine learning algorithms do
- find optimal separations!
- 找出最佳区分
I'm just going to eyeball it
and say anything less than 45 millimeters in wingspan is likely to be an Emperor Moth.
然后判断 翼展小于45毫米的 很可能是帝蛾
We can add another division that says additionally mass must be less than .75
in order for our guess to be Emperor Moth.
These lines that chop up the decision space are called decision boundaries.
这些线叫 "决策边界"
If we look closely at our data,
we can see that 86 emperor moths would correctly end up inside the emperor decision region,
but 14 would end up incorrectly in luna moth territory.
On the other hand, 82 luna moths would be correct,
with 18 falling onto the wrong side.
A table, like this, showing where a classifier gets things right and wrong
这里有个表 记录正确数和错误数
is called a confusion matrix...
which probably should have also been the title of the last two movies in the Matrix Trilogy!
Notice that there's no way for us to draw lines that give us 100% accuracy.
注意我们没法画出 100% 正确分类的线
If we lower our wingspan decision boundary,
we misclassify more Emperor moths as Lunas.
If we raise it, we misclassify more Luna moths.
The job of machine learning algorithms,
at a high level,
is to maximize correct classifications while minimizing errors
是最大化正确分类 + 最小化错误分类
On our training data, we get 168 moths correct, and 32 moths wrong,
for an average classification accuracy of 84%.
Now, using these decision boundaries,
if we go out into the forest and encounter an unknown moth,
we can measure its features and plot it onto our decision space.
我们可以测量它的特征, 并绘制到决策空间上
This is unlabeled data.
这叫 "未标签数据"
Our decision boundaries offer a guess as to what species the moth is.
In this case, we'd predict it's a Luna Moth.
This simple approach, of dividing the decision space up into boxes,
这个把决策空间 切成几个盒子的简单方法
can be represented by what's called a decision tree,
which would look like this pictorially or could be written in code using If-Statements, like this.
画成图像,会像左侧 \N 用 if 语句写代码,会像右侧
A machine learning algorithm that produces decision trees
生成决策树的 机器学习算法
needs to choose what features to divide on
and then for each of those features, what values to use for the division.
Decision Trees are just one basic example of a machine learning technique.
There are hundreds of algorithms in computer science literature today.
And more are being published all the time.
A few algorithms even use many decision trees working together to make a prediction.
Computer scientists smugly call those Forests
because they contain lots of trees.
There are also non-tree-based approaches,
like Support Vector Machines,
which essentially slice up the decision space using arbitrary lines.
And these don't have to be straight lines;
they can be polynomials or some other fancy mathematical function.
Like before, it's the machine learning algorithm's job
to figure out the best lines to provide the most accurate decision boundaries.
So far, my examples have only had two features,
which is easy enough for a human to figure out.
If we add a third feature,
let's say, length of antennae,
then our 2D lines become 3D planes,
creating decision boundaries in three dimensions.
These planes don't have to be straight either.
Plus, a truly useful classifier would contend with many different moth species.
而且 真正有用的分类器 会有很多飞蛾种类
Now I think you'd agree this is getting too complicated to figure out by hand
你可能会同意 现在变得太复杂了
But even this is a very basic example
- just three features and five moth species.
- 只有3个特征和5个品种
We can still show it in this 3D scatter plot.
我们依然可以用 3D散点图 画出来
Unfortunately, there's no good way to visualize four features at once, or twenty features,
let alone hundreds or even thousands of features.
But that's what many real-world machine learning problems face.
Can YOU imagine trying to figure out the equation for a hyperplane
你能想象靠手工 在一个上千维度的决策空间里
rippling through a thousand-dimensional decision space?
Probably not,
but computers, with clever machine learning algorithms can
and they do, all day long, on computers at places like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.
GoogleFacebook微软和亚马逊的计算机里\N 整天都在跑这些算法
Techniques like Decision Trees and Support Vector Machines are strongly rooted in the field of statistics,
"决策树"和"支持向量机"这样的技术 \N 发源自统计学
which has dealt with making confident decisions,
using data, long before computers ever existed.
There's a very large class of widely used statistical machine learning techniques,
but there are also some approaches with no origins in statistics.
Most notable are artificial neural networks,
其中最值得注意的是 人工神经网络
which were inspired by neurons in our brains!
For a primer of biological neurons,
check out our three-part overview here,
but basically neurons are cells
that process and transmit messages using electrical and chemical signals.
用电信号和化学信号 来处理和传输消息
They take one or more inputs from other cells,
它从其他细胞 得到一个或多个输入
process those signals,
and then emit their own signal.
These form into huge interconnected networks that are able to process complex information.
Just like your brain watching this youtube video.
就像你的大脑 在看这个视频
Artificial Neurons are very similar.
Each takes a series of inputs, combines them, and emits a signal.
Rather than being electrical or chemical signals,
artificial neurons take numbers in, and spit numbers out.
They are organized into layers that are connected by links,
forming a network of neurons, hence the name.
Let's return to our moth example to see how neural nets can be used for classification.
Our first layer - the input layer -
我们的第一层 - 输入层 -
provides data from a single moth needing classification.
Again, we'll use mass and wingspan.
At the other end, we have an output layer, with two neurons:
one for Emperor Moth and another for Luna Moth.
The most excited neuron will be our classification decision.
2个神经元里最兴奋的 就是分类结果
In between, we have a hidden layer,
that transforms our inputs into outputs, and does the hard work of classification.
To see how this is done,
let's zoom into one neuron in the hidden layer.
The first thing a neuron does is multiply each of its inputs by a specific weight,
神经元做的第一件事 \N 是把每个输入乘以一个权重
let's say 2.8 for its first input, and .1 for it's second input.
Then, it sums these weighted inputs together,
which is in this case, is a grand total of 9.74.
The neuron then applies a bias to this result
- in other words, it adds or subtracts a fixed value,
意思是 加或减一个固定值
for example, minus six, for a new value of 3.74.
These bias and inputs weights are initially set to random values when a neural network is created.
Then, an algorithm goes in, and starts tweaking all those values to train the neural network,
然后算法会调整这些值 来训练神经网络
using labeled data for training and testing.
This happens over many interactions, gradually improving accuracy
- a process very much like human learning.
- 很像人类学习的过程
Finally, neurons have an activation function, also called a transfer function,
that gets applied to the output, performing a final mathematical modification to the result.
For example, limiting the value to a range from negative one and positive one,
or setting any negative values to 0.
We'll use a linear transfer function that passes the value through unchanged,
so 3.74 stays as 3.74.
So for our example neuron,
given the inputs .55 and 82, the output would be 3.74.
This is just one neuron,
but this process of weighting, summing, biasing
and applying an activation function is computed for all neurons in a layer,
and the values propagate forward in the network, one layer at a time.
In this example, the output neuron with the highest value is our decision:
Luna Moth.
Importantly, the hidden layer doesn't have to be just one layer
it can be many layers deep.
This is where the term deep learning comes from.
Training these more complicated networks takes a lot more computation and data.
训练更复杂的网络 需要更多的计算量和数据
Despite the fact that neural networks were invented over fifty years ago,
deep neural nets have only been practical very recently,
thanks to powerful processors,
but even more so, wicked fast GPUs.
So, thank you gamers for being so demanding about silky smooth framerates!
A couple of years ago, Google and Facebook
demonstrated deep neural nets that could find faces in photos as well as humans
展示了深度神经网络 \N 在照片中识别人脸的准确率,和人一样高
- and humans are really good at this!
- 人类可是很擅长这个的!
It was a huge milestone.
Now deep neural nets are driving cars,
translating human speech,
diagnosing medical conditions and much more.
These algorithms are very sophisticated,
but it's less clear if they should be described as "intelligent".
They can really only do one thing like classify moths, find faces, or translate languages.
This type of AI is called Weak AI or Narrow AI.
It's only intelligent at specific tasks.
But that doesn't mean it's not useful;
I mean medical devices that can make diagnoses,
and cars that can drive themselves are amazing!
But do we need those computers to compose music
and look up delicious recipes in their free time?
Probably not.
Although that would be kinda cool.
如果有的话 还挺酷的
Truly general-purpose AI, one as smart and well-rounded as a human,
真正通用的像人一样聪明的AI叫 "强AI"
is called Strong AI.
真正通用的像人一样聪明的AI叫 "强AI"
No one has demonstrated anything close to human-level artificial intelligence yet.
目前没人能做出来 接近人类智能的 AI
Some argue it's impossible,
but many people point to the explosion of digitized knowledge
但许多人说 数字化知识的爆炸性增长
- like Wikipedia articles, web pages, and Youtube videos -
- 比如维基百科网页和Youtube视频 -
as the perfect kindling for Strong AI.
是"强 AI"的完美引燃物
Although you can only watch a maximum of 24 hours of youtube a day,
你一天最多只能看24小时的 YouTube \N 计算机可以看上百万小时
a computer can watch millions of hours.
你一天最多只能看24小时的 YouTube \N 计算机可以看上百万小时
For example, IBM's Watson consults and synthesizes information from 200 million pages of content,
比如IBM 的沃森吸收了 2 亿个网页的内容
including the full text of Wikipedia.
While not a Strong AI, Watson is pretty smart,
虽然不是"强AI" 但沃森也很聪明 \N 在2011年的知识竞答中碾压了人类
and it crushed its human competition in Jeopardy way back in 2011.
虽然不是"强AI" 但沃森也很聪明 \N 在2011年的知识竞答中碾压了人类
Not only can AIs gobble up huge volumes of information,
AI不仅可以吸收大量信息 \N 也可以不断学习进步,而且一般比人类快得多
but they can also learn over time, often much faster than humans.
AI不仅可以吸收大量信息 \N 也可以不断学习进步,而且一般比人类快得多
In 2016, Google debuted AlphaGo,
2016 年 Google 推出 AlphaGo
a Narrow AI that plays the fiendishly complicated board game Go.
One of the ways it got so good and able to beat the very best human players,
它和自己的克隆版下无数次围棋 \N 从而打败最好的人类围棋选手
was by playing clones of itself millions and millions of times.
它和自己的克隆版下无数次围棋 \N 从而打败最好的人类围棋选手
It learned what worked and what didn't,
学习什么管用,什么不管用 \N 自己发现成功的策略
and along the way, discovered successful strategies all by itself.
学习什么管用,什么不管用 \N 自己发现成功的策略
This is called Reinforcement Learning,
这叫 "强化学习" 是一种很强大的方法
and it's a super powerful approach.
这叫 "强化学习" 是一种很强大的方法
In fact, it's very similar to how humans learn.
People don't just magically acquire the ability to walk...
it takes thousands of hours of trial and error to figure it out.
Computers are now on the cusp of learning by trial and error,
and for many narrow problems,
reinforcement learning is already widely used.
What will be interesting to see, is if these types of learning techniques can be applied more broadly,
to create human-like, Strong AIs that learn much like how kids learn, but at super accelerated rates.
创造出类似人类的"强AI" \N 能像人类小孩一样学习,但学习速度超快
If that happens, there are some pretty big changes in store for humanity
- a topic we'll revisit later.
- 我们以后会讨论
Thanks for watching. See you next week.
感谢收看. 我们下周见
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨 我是Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Today, let's start by thinking about how important vision can be.
今天 我们来思考视觉的重要性
Most people rely on it to prepare food,
walk around obstacles,
read street signs,
watch videos like this,
and do hundreds of other tasks.
Vision is the highest bandwidth sense,
视觉是信息最多的感官 \N 比如周围的世界是怎样的,如何和世界交互
and it provides a firehose of information about the state of the world and how to act on it.
视觉是信息最多的感官 \N 比如周围的世界是怎样的,如何和世界交互
For this reason, computer scientists have been trying to give computers vision for half a century,
因此半个世纪来\N 计算机科学家一直在想办法让计算机有视觉
birthing the sub-field of computer vision.
Its goal is to give computers the ability
to extract high-level understanding from digital images and videos.
As everyone with a digital camera or smartphone knows,
用过相机或手机的都知道 \N 可以拍出有惊人保真度和细节的照片
computers are already really good at capturing photos with incredible fidelity and detail
用过相机或手机的都知道 \N 可以拍出有惊人保真度和细节的照片
- much better than humans in fact.
- 比人类强得多
But as computer vision professor Fei-Fei Li recently said,
但正如计算机视觉教授 李飞飞 最近说的
"Just like to hear is the not the same as to listen.
To take pictures is not the same as to see."
As a refresher, images on computers are most often stored as big grids of pixels.
Each pixel is defined by a color, stored as a combination of three additive primary colors:
每个像素的颜色 通过三种基色定义:红,绿,蓝
red, green and blue.
每个像素的颜色 通过三种基色定义:红,绿,蓝
By combining different intensities of these three colors,
通过组合三种颜色的强度 \N 可以得到任何颜色, 也叫 RGB 值
we can represent any color. what's called a RGB value,
通过组合三种颜色的强度 \N 可以得到任何颜色, 也叫 RGB 值
Perhaps the simplest computer vision algorithm
- and a good place to start -
is to track a colored object, like a bright pink ball.
The first thing we need to do is record the ball's color.
首先,我们记下球的颜色,保存最中心像素的 RGB 值
For that, we'll take the RGB value of the centermost pixel.
首先,我们记下球的颜色,保存最中心像素的 RGB 值
With that value saved, we can give a computer program an image,
and ask it to find the pixel with the closest color match.
An algorithm like this might start in the upper right corner,
and check each pixel, one at time,
calculating the difference from our target color.
Now, having looked at every pixel,
the best match is very likely a pixel from our ball.
We're not limited to running this algorithm on a single photo;
不只是这张图片 \N 我们可以在视频的每一帧图片跑这个算法
we can do it for every frame in a video,
不只是这张图片 \N 我们可以在视频的每一帧图片跑这个算法
allowing us to track the ball over time.
Of course, due to variations in lighting, shadows, and other effects,
the ball on the field is almost certainly not going to be the exact same RGB value as our target color,
球的颜色会有变化,不会和存的 RGB 值完全一样
but merely the closest match.
In more extreme cases, like at a game at night,
如果情况更极端一些 \N 比如比赛是在晚上,追踪效果可能会很差
the tracking might be poor.
如果情况更极端一些 \N 比如比赛是在晚上,追踪效果可能会很差
And if one of the team's jerseys used the same color as the ball,
our algorithm would get totally confused.
For these reasons, color marker tracking and similar algorithms are rarely used,
unless the environment can be tightly controlled.
This color tracking example was able to search pixel-by-pixel,
颜色跟踪算法是一个个像素搜索 \N 因为颜色是在一个像素里
because colors are stored inside of single pixels.
颜色跟踪算法是一个个像素搜索 \N 因为颜色是在一个像素里
But this approach doesn't work for features larger than a single pixel,
但这种方法 不适合占多个像素的特征
like edges of objects, which are inherently made up of many pixels.
To identify these types of features in images,
computer vision algorithms have to consider small regions of pixels,
called patches.
As an example, let's talk about an algorithm that finds vertical edges in a scene,
let's say to help a drone navigate safely through a field of obstacles.
To keep things simple, we're going to convert our image into grayscale,
为了简单,我们把图片转成灰度 \N 不过大部分算法可以处理颜色
although most algorithms can handle color.
为了简单,我们把图片转成灰度 \N 不过大部分算法可以处理颜色
Now let's zoom into one of these poles to see what an edge looks like up close.
We can easily see where the left edge of the pole starts,
可以很容易地看到 杆子的左边缘从哪里开始
because there's a change in color that persists across many pixels vertically.
We can define this behavior more formally by creating a rule
that says the likelihood of a pixel being a vertical edge
某像素是垂直边缘的可能性 \N 取决于左右两边像素的颜色差异程度
is the magnitude of the difference in color
某像素是垂直边缘的可能性 \N 取决于左右两边像素的颜色差异程度
between some pixels to its left and some pixels to its right.
某像素是垂直边缘的可能性 \N 取决于左右两边像素的颜色差异程度
The bigger the color difference between these two sets of pixels,
the more likely the pixel is on an edge.
If the color difference is small, it's probably not an edge at all.
The mathematical notation for this operation looks like this
这个操作的数学符号 看起来像这样
it's called a kernel or filter.
It contains the values for a pixel-wise multiplication,
the sum of which is saved into the center pixel.
总和 存到中心像素里
Let's see how this works for our example pixel.
I've gone ahead and labeled all of the pixels with their grayscale values.
Now, we take our kernel, and center it over our pixel of interest.
This specifies what each pixel value underneath should be multiplied by.
Then, we just add up all those numbers.
In this example, that gives us 147.
在这里,最后结果是 147
That becomes our new pixel value.
This operation, of applying a kernel to a patch of pixels,
把 核 应用于像素块,这种操作叫"卷积"
is call a convolution.
把 核 应用于像素块,这种操作叫"卷积"
Now let's apply our kernel to another pixel.
In this case, the result is 1. Just 1.
结果是 1
In other words, it's a very small color difference, and not an edge.
If we apply our kernel to every pixel in the photo,
the result looks like this,
where the highest pixel values are where there are strong vertical edges.
Note that horizontal edges, like those platforms in the background,
are almost invisible.
If we wanted to highlight those features,
we'd have to use a different kernel
- one that's sensitive to horizontal edges.
Both of these edge enhancing kernels are called Prewitt Operators,
这两个边缘增强的核叫"Prewitt 算子"
named after their inventor.
These are just two examples of a huge variety of kernels,
able to perform many different image transformations.
For example, here's a kernel that sharpens images.
And here's a kernel that blurs them.
Kernels can also be used like little image cookie cutters that match only certain shapes.
So, our edge kernels looked for image patches
with strong differences from right to left or up and down.
But we could also make kernels that are good at finding lines, with edges on both sides.
但我们也可以做出 擅长找线段的"核"
And even islands of pixels surrounded by contrasting colors.
These types of kernels can begin to characterize simple shapes.
For example, on faces, the bridge of the nose tends to be brighter than the sides of the nose,
resulting in higher values for line-sensitive kernels.
Eyes are also distinctive
- a dark circle sounded by lighter pixels -
- 一个黑色圆圈被外层更亮的一层像素包着
a pattern other kernels are sensitive to.
When a computer scans through an image,
most often by sliding around a search window,
it can look for combinations of features indicative of a human face.
Although each kernel is a weak face detector by itself,
虽然每个"核"单独找出脸的能力很弱 \N 但组合在一起会相当准确
combined, they can be quite accurate.
虽然每个"核"单独找出脸的能力很弱 \N 但组合在一起会相当准确
It's unlikely that a bunch of face-like features will cluster together if they're not a face.
不是脸但又有一堆脸的特征在正确的位置,\N 这种情况不太可能
This was the basis of an early and influential algorithm
called Viola-Jones Face Detection.
叫 维奥拉·琼斯 人脸检测算法
Today, the hot new algorithms on the block are Convolutional Neural Networks.
如今的热门算法是 "卷积神经网络"
We talked about neural nets last episode, if you need a primer.
In short, an artificial neuron
- which is the building block of a neural network -
takes a series of inputs, and multiplies each by a specified weight,
它有多个输入,然后会把每个输入 乘一个权重值
and then sums those values all together.
This should sound vaguely familiar, because it's a lot like a convolution.
In fact, if we pass a neuron 2D pixel data, rather than a one-dimensional list of inputs,
it's exactly like a convolution.
The input weights are equivalent to kernel values,
but unlike a predefined kernel,
neural networks can learn their own useful kernels
that are able to recognize interesting features in images.
Convolutional Neural Networks use banks of these neurons to process image data,
each outputting a new image, essentially digested by different learned kernels.
每个都会输出一个新图像,\N 本质上是被不同的"核"处理了
These outputs are then processed by subsequent layers of neurons,
allowing for convolutions on convolutions on convolutions.
The very first convolutional layer might find things like edges,
as that's what a single convolution can recognize, as we've already discussed.
The next layer might have neurons that convolve on those edge features
to recognize simple shapes, comprised of edges, like corners.
A layer beyond that might convolve on those corner features,
and contain neurons that can recognize simple objects,
like mouths and eyebrows.
And this keeps going, building up in complexity,
until there's a layer that does a convolution that puts it together:
eyes, ears, mouth, nose, the whole nine yards,
and says "ah ha, it's a face!"
Convolutional neural networks aren't required to be many layers deep,
but they usually are, in order to recognize complex objects and scenes.
That's why the technique is considered deep learning.
Both Viola-Jones and Convolutional Neural Networks can be applied to many image recognition problems,
"维奥拉·琼斯"和"卷积神经网络"\N 不只是认人脸,还可以识别手写文字
beyond faces, like recognizing handwritten text,
"维奥拉·琼斯"和"卷积神经网络"\N 不只是认人脸,还可以识别手写文字
spotting tumors in CT scans and monitoring traffic flow on roads.
在 CT 扫描中发现肿瘤,监测马路是否拥堵
But we're going to stick with faces.
Regardless of what algorithm was used, once we've isolated a face in a photo,
we can apply more specialized computer vision algorithms to pinpoint facial landmarks,
可以用更专用的计算机视觉算法 \N 来定位面部标志
like the tip of the nose and corners of the mouth.
This data can be used for determining things like if the eyes are open,
which is pretty easy once you have the landmarks
it's just the distance between points.
We can also track the position of the eyebrows;
their relative position to the eyes can be an indicator of surprise, or delight.
眉毛相对眼睛的位置 可以代表惊喜或喜悦
Smiles are also pretty straightforward to detect based on the shape of mouth landmarks.
All of this information can be interpreted by emotion recognition algorithms,
giving computers the ability to infer when you're happy, sad, frustrated, confused and so on.
In turn, that could allow computers to intelligently adapt their behavior...
maybe offer tips when you're confused,
比如当你不明白时 给你提示
and not ask to install updates when you're frustrated.
This is just one example of how vision can give computers the ability to be context sensitive,
that is, aware of their surroundings.
And not just the physical surroundings
不只是物理环境 - 比如是不是在上班,或是在火车上
- like if you're at work or on a train -
不只是物理环境 - 比如是不是在上班,或是在火车上
but also your social surroundings
还有社交环境 - 比如是朋友的生日派对,还是正式商务会议
- like if you're in a formal business meeting versus a friend's birthday party.
还有社交环境 - 比如是朋友的生日派对,还是正式商务会议
You behave differently in those surroundings, and so should computing devices,
if they're smart.
Facial landmarks also capture the geometry of your face,
面部标记点 也可以捕捉脸的形状
like the distance between your eyes and the height of your forehead.
This is one form of biometric data,
and it allows computers with cameras to recognize you.
Whether it's your smartphone automatically unlocking itself when it sees you,
不管是手机解锁 还是政府用摄像头跟踪人
or governments tracking people using CCTV cameras,
不管是手机解锁 还是政府用摄像头跟踪人
the applications of face recognition seem limitless.
There have also been recent breakthroughs in landmark tracking for hands and whole bodies,
另外 跟踪手臂和全身的标记点,最近也有一些突破
giving computers the ability to interpret a user's body language,
and what hand gestures they're frantically waving at their internet connected microwave.
As we've talked about many times in this series,
abstraction is the key to building complex systems,
and the same is true in computer vision.
At the hardware level, you have engineers building better and better cameras,
硬件层面,有工程师在造更好的摄像头 \N 让计算机有越来越好的视力
giving computers improved sight with each passing year,
硬件层面,有工程师在造更好的摄像头 \N 让计算机有越来越好的视力
which I can't say for myself.
Using that camera data,
用来自摄像头的数据 可以用视觉算法找出脸和手
you have computer vision algorithms crunching pixels to find things like faces and hands.
用来自摄像头的数据 可以用视觉算法找出脸和手
And then, using output from those algorithms,
you have even more specialized algorithms for interpreting things
like user facial expression and hand gestures.
On top of that, there are people building novel interactive experiences,
like smart TVs and intelligent tutoring systems,
比如智能电视和智能辅导系统 \N 会根据用户的手势和表情来回应
that respond to hand gestures and emotion.
比如智能电视和智能辅导系统 \N 会根据用户的手势和表情来回应
Each of these levels are active areas of research,
with breakthroughs happening every year.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Today, computer vision is everywhere
如今 计算机视觉无处不在
- whether it's barcodes being scanned at stores,
- 商店里扫条形码 \N 等红灯的自动驾驶汽车
self-driving cars waiting at red lights,
- 商店里扫条形码 \N 等红灯的自动驾驶汽车
or snapchat filters superimposing mustaches.
或是 Snapchat 里添加胡子的滤镜
And, the most exciting thing is that computer scientists are really just getting started,
令人兴奋的是 一切才刚刚开始
enabled by recent advances in computing, like super fast GPUs.
最近的技术发展比如超快的GPU\N 会开启越来越多可能性
Computers with human-like ability to see is going to totally change how we interact with them.
视觉能力达到人类水平的计算机 \N 会彻底改变交互方式
Of course, it'd also be nice if they could hear and speak,
which we'll discuss next week. I'll see you then.
我们下周讨论 到时见
Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨 我是Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
Last episode we talked about computer vision
上集我们讨论了计算机视觉 - 让电脑能看到并理解
- giving computers the ability to see and understand visual information.
上集我们讨论了计算机视觉 - 让电脑能看到并理解
Today we're going to talk about how to give computers the ability to understand language.
今天我们讨论 怎么让计算机理解语言
You might argue they've always had this capability.
Back in Episodes 9 and 12,
we talked about machine language instructions,
as well as higher-level programming languages.
While these certainly meet the definition of a language,
虽然从定义来说 它们也算语言
they also tend to have small vocabularies and follow highly structured conventions.
Code will only compile and run if it's 100 percent free of spelling and syntactic errors.
Of course, this is quite different from human languages
当然,这和人类语言完全不同 \N - 人类语言叫"自然语言"
- what are called natural languages -
当然,这和人类语言完全不同 \N - 人类语言叫"自然语言"
containing large, diverse vocabularies,
words with several different meanings,
speakers with different accents,
and all sorts of interesting word play.
People also make linguistic faux pas when writing and speaking,
like slurring words together, leaving out key details so things are ambiguous,
比如单词拼在一起发音 \N 关键细节没说 导致意思模糊两可
and mispronouncing things.
But, for the most part, humans can roll right through these challenges.
The skillful use of language is a major part of what makes us human.
And for this reason,
the desire for computers to understand and speak our language
has been around since they were first conceived.
This led to the creation of Natural Language Processing, or NLP,
"自然语言处理"因此诞生,简称 NLP
an interdisciplinary field combining computer science and linguistics.
结合了计算机科学和语言学的 一个跨学科领域
There's an essentially infinite number of ways to arrange words in a sentence.
We can't give computers a dictionary of all possible sentences
to help them understand what humans are blabbing on about.
So an early and fundamental NLP problem was deconstructing sentences into bite-sized pieces,
所以 NLP 早期的一个基本问题是 \N 怎么把句子切成一块块
which could be more easily processed.
In school, you learned about nine fundamental types of English words:
上学时,老师教你 英语单词有九种基本类型:
nouns, pronouns, articles, verbs, adjectives,
adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
These are called parts of speech.
There are all sorts of subcategories too,
like singular vs. plural nouns and superlative vs. comparative adverbs,
单数名词 vs 复数名词 \N 副词最高级 vs 副词比较级
but we're not going to get into that.
Knowing a word's type is definitely useful,
but unfortunately, there are a lot words that have multiple meanings - like "rose" and "leaves",
但不幸的是,很多词有多重含义 比如 rose 和 leaves
which can be used as nouns or verbs.
A digital dictionary alone isn't enough to resolve this ambiguity,
so computers also need to know some grammar.
For this, phrase structure rules were developed, which encapsulate the grammar of a language.
因此开发了 "短语结构规则" 来代表语法规则
For example, in English there's a rule
that says a sentence can be comprised of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase.
Noun phrases can be an article, like "the",
名词短语可以是冠词,如 the
followed by a noun or they can be an adjective followed by a noun.
And you can make rules like this for an entire language.
Then, using these rules, it's fairly easy to construct what's called a parse tree,
which not only tags every word with a likely part of speech,
but also reveals how the sentence is constructed.
These smaller chunks of data allow computers to more easily access,
数据块更小 更容易处理
process and respond to information.
数据块更小 更容易处理
Equivalent processes are happening every time you do a voice search,
like: "where's the nearest pizza".
比如 "最近的披萨在哪里"
The computer can recognize that this is a "where" question,
knows you want the noun "pizza",
and the dimension you care about is "nearest".
The same process applies to "what is the biggest giraffe?" or "who sang thriller?"
"最大的长颈鹿是什么?"或"Thriller是谁唱的" \N 也是这样处理
By treating language almost like lego,
computers can be quite adept at natural language tasks.
They can answer questions and also process commands,
计算机可以回答问题 以及处理命令
like "set an alarm for 2:20"
比如"设 2:20 的闹钟"
or "play T-Swizzle on spotify".
或"用 Spotify 播放 T-Swizzle"
But, as you've probably experienced, they fail when you start getting too fancy,
and they can no longer parse the sentence correctly, or capture your intent.
Hey Siri... me thinks the mongols doth roam too much,
嘿Siri ...... 俺觉得蒙古人走得太远了
what think ye on this most gentle mid-summer's day?
Siri: I'm not sure I got that.
I should also note that phrase structure rules, and similar methods that codify language,
can be used by computers to generate natural language text.
This works particularly well when data is stored in a web of semantic information,
where entities are linked to one another in meaningful relationships,
providing all the ingredients you need to craft informational sentences.
Siri: Thriller was released in 1983 and sung by Michael Jackson
SiriThriller 于1983年发行由迈克尔杰克逊演唱
Google's version of this is called Knowledge Graph.
Google 版的叫"知识图谱"
At the end of 2016,
it contained roughly seventy billion facts about, and relationships between, different entities.
These two processes, parsing and generating text,
处理, 分析, 生成文字 \N 是聊天机器人的最基本部件
are fundamental components of natural language chatbots
处理, 分析, 生成文字 \N 是聊天机器人的最基本部件
- computer programs that chat with you.
- 聊天机器人就是能和你聊天的程序
Early chatbots were primarily rule-based,
where experts would encode hundreds of rules mapping what a user might say,
专家把用户可能会说的话,和机器人应该回复什么,\N 写成上百个规则
to how a program should reply.
专家把用户可能会说的话,和机器人应该回复什么,\N 写成上百个规则
Obviously this was unwieldy to maintain and limited the possible sophistication.
A famous early example was ELIZA, created in the mid-1960s at MIT.
一个著名早期例子叫 Eliza\N 1960年代中期 诞生于麻省理工学院
This was a chatbot that took on the role of a therapist,
and used basic syntactic rules to identify content in written exchanges,
它用基本句法规则 来理解用户打的文字
which it would turn around and ask the user about.
Sometimes, it felt very much like human-human communication,
but other times it would make simple and even comical mistakes.
但有时会犯简单 甚至很搞笑的错误
Chatbots, and more advanced dialog systems,
have come a long way in the last fifty years, and can be quite convincing today!
Modern approaches are based on machine learning,
where gigabytes of real human-to-human chats are used to train chatbots.
用上GB的真人聊天数据 来训练机器人
Today, the technology is finding use in customer service applications,
where there's already heaps of example conversations to learn from.
People have also been getting chatbots to talk with one another,
and in a Facebook experiment, chatbots even started to evolve their own language.
在 Facebook 的一个实验里,\N 聊天机器人甚至发展出自己的语言
This experiment got a bunch of scary-sounding press,
很多新闻把这个实验 报导的很吓人
but it was just the computers crafting a simplified protocol to negotiate with one another.
但实际上只是计算机 \N 在制定简单协议来帮助沟通
It wasn't evil, it's was efficient.
But what about if something is spoken
- how does a computer get words from the sound?
- 计算机怎么从声音中提取词汇?
That's the domain of speech recognition,
which has been the focus of research for many decades.
Bell Labs debuted the first speech recognition system in 1952,
nicknamed Audrey, the automatic digit recognizer.
绰号 Audrey自动数字识别器
It could recognize all ten numerical digits,
if you said them slowly enough.
The project didn't go anywhere
because it was much faster to enter telephone numbers with a finger.
Ten years later, at the 1962 World's Fair,
IBM demonstrated a shoebox-sized machine capable of recognizing sixteen words.
To boost research in the area,
DARPA kicked off an ambitious five-year funding initiative in 1971,
DARPA 在1971年启动了一项雄心勃勃的五年筹资计划
which led to the development of Harpy at Carnegie Mellon University.
之后诞生了卡内基梅隆大学的 Harpy
Harpy was the first system to recognize over a thousand words.
Harpy 是第一个可以识别1000个单词以上的系统
But, on computers of the era,
transcription was often ten or more times slower than the rate of natural speech.
Fortunately, thanks to huge advances in computing performance in the 1980s and 90s,
幸运的是1980,1990年代 计算机性能的大幅提升
continuous, real-time speech recognition became practical.
There was simultaneous innovation in the algorithms for processing natural language,
moving from hand-crafted rules,
to machine learning techniques
that could learn automatically from existing datasets of human language.
Today, the speech recognition systems with the best accuracy are using deep neural networks,
如今准确度最高的语音识别系统 用深度神经网络
which we touched on in Episode 34.
To get a sense of how these techniques work,
let's look at some speech, specifically,
the acoustic signal.
Let's start by looking at vowel sounds,
like aaaaa and eeeeee.
比如 a 和 e
These are the waveforms of those two sounds, as captured by a computer's microphone.
As we discussed in Episode 21 - on Files and File Formats -
this signal is the magnitude of displacement,
这个信号来自 麦克风内部隔膜震动的频率
of a diaphragm inside of a microphone, as sound waves cause it to oscillate.
这个信号来自 麦克风内部隔膜震动的频率
In this view of sound data, the horizontal axis is time,
and the vertical axis is the magnitude of displacement, or amplitude.
Although we can see there are differences between the waveforms,
it's not super obvious what you would point at to say,
"ah ha! this is definitely an eeee sound".
"啊!这个声音肯定是 e"
To really make this pop out, we need to view the data in a totally different way:
a spectrogram.
In this view of the data, we still have time along the horizontal axis,
but now instead of amplitude on the vertical axis,
we plot the magnitude of the different frequencies that make up each sound.
The brighter the color, the louder that frequency component.
This conversion from waveform to frequencies is done with a very cool algorithm called
这种波形到频率的转换 是用一种很酷的算法做的
a Fast Fourier Transform.
If you've ever stared at a stereo system's EQ visualizer,
如果你盯过立体声系统的 EQ 可视化器
it's pretty much the same thing.
A spectrogram is plotting that information over time.
You might have noticed that the signals have a sort of ribbed pattern to them
that's all the resonances of my vocal tract.
To make different sounds,
I squeeze my vocal chords, mouth and tongue into different shapes,
which amplifies or dampens different resonances.
We can see this in the signal, with areas that are brighter, and areas that are darker.
If we work our way up from the bottom, labeling where we see peaks in the spectrum
- what are called formants -
- 叫"共振峰" -
we can see the two sounds have quite different arrangements.
And this is true for all vowel sounds.
It's exactly this type of information that lets computers recognize spoken vowels,
and indeed, whole words.
Let's see a more complicated example,
like when I say: "she.. was.. happy"
We can see our "eee" sound here, and "aaa" sound here.
可以看到 e 声,和 a 声
We can also see a bunch of other distinctive sounds,
like the "shh" sound in "she",
比如 she 中的 shh 声
the "wah" and "sss" in "was", and so on.
was 中的 wah 和 sss等等
These sound pieces, that make up words,
are called phonemes.
Speech recognition software knows what all these phonemes look like.
语音识别软件 知道这些音素
In English, there are roughly forty-four,
so it mostly boils down to fancy pattern matching.
Then you have to separate words from one another,
figure out when sentences begin and end...
and ultimately, you end up with speech converted into text,
allowing for techniques like we discussed at the beginning of the episode.
Because people say words in slightly different ways,
due to things like accents and mispronunciations,
transcription accuracy is greatly improved when combined with a language model,
which contains statistics about sequences of words.
For example "she was" is most likely to be followed by an adjective, like "happy".
比如:"她"后面很可能跟一个形容词,\N 比如"很开心"
It's uncommon for "she was" to be followed immediately by a noun.
So if the speech recognizer was unsure between, "happy" and "harpy",
如果不确定是 happy 还是 harpy会选 happy
it'd pick "happy",
如果不确定是 happy 还是 harpy会选 happy
since the language model would report that as a more likely choice.
Finally, we need to talk about Speech Synthesis,
最后, 我们来谈谈 "语音合成"
that is, giving computers the ability to output speech.
This is very much like speech recognition, but in reverse.
We can take a sentence of text, and break it down into its phonetic components,
and then play those sounds back to back, out of a computer speaker.
You can hear this chaining of phonemes very clearly with older speech synthesis technologies,
like this 1937, hand-operated machine from Bell Labs.
Say, "she saw me" with no expression.
She saw me.
Now say it in answer to these questions.
Who saw you?
She saw me.
Who did she see?
She saw me.
Did she see you or hear you?
She saw me.
By the 1980s, this had improved a lot,
but that discontinuous and awkward blending of phonemes
still created that signature, robotic sound.
Thriller was released in 1983 and sung by Michael Jackson.
Thriller 于1983年发行迈克尔·杰克逊 演唱.
Today, synthesized computer voices, like Siri, Cortana and Alexa,
如今,电脑合成的声音,比如 Siri, Cortana, Alexa
have gotten much better, but they're still not quite human.
But we're soo soo close,
and it's likely to be a solved problem pretty soon.
Especially because we're now seeing an explosion of voice user interfaces on our phones,
in our cars and homes, and maybe soon, plugged right into our ears.
This ubiquity is creating a positive feedback loop,
where people are using voice interaction more often,
which in turn, is giving companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft
more data to train their systems on.
Which is enabling better accuracy,
which is leading to people using voice more,
which is enabling even better accuracy and the loop continues!
Many predict that speech technologies will become as common a form of interaction
as screens, keyboards, trackpads and other physical input-output devices that we use today.
That's particularly good news for robots,
who don't want to have to walk around with keyboards in order to communicate with humans.
机器人就不用走来走去时 带个键盘和人类沟通
But, we'll talk more about them next week. See you then.
下周我们讲机器人. 到时见
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
嗨,我是 Carrie Anne欢迎收看计算机速成课
Today were going to talk about robots.
今天 我们要讨论机器人
The first image that jumps to your mind is probably a humanoid robot,
你脑中冒出来的第一个印象估计是 类人机器人
like we usually see in shows or movies.
Sometimes theyre our friends and colleagues,
but more often, they're sinister, apathetic and battle-hardened.
We also tend to think of robots as a technology of the future.
But the reality is: theyre already here by the millions
and they're our workmates,
- 它们是同事
helping us to do things harder, better, faster, and stronger.
There are many definitions for robots, but in general,
these are machines capable of carrying out a series of actions automatically
guided by computer control.
How they look isnt part of the equation
robots can be industrial arms that spray paint cars,
drones that fly, snake-like medical robots that assist surgeons,
as well as humanoid robotic assistants.
Although the term "robot" is sometimes
applied to interactive virtual characters,
its more appropriate to call these "bots", or even better, "agents."
但叫 bot 甚至 agent 会更合适
Thats because the term "robot" carries a physical connotation
因为"机器人"的潜在含义是 存在于现实世界中的机器
a machine that lives in and acts on the real world.
因为"机器人"的潜在含义是 存在于现实世界中的机器
The word "robot" was first used in a 1920 Czech play
robot (机器人) 一词 \N 首次出现在1920年的一部捷克戏剧
to denote artificial, humanoid characters.
The word was derived from "robota", the slavic-language word for a forced laborer,
robot 源于斯拉夫语词汇 robota \N 代表强迫劳动
indicating peasants in compulsory service in feudal, nineteenth century Europe.
代表农民在十九世纪 \N 欧洲封建社会的强迫劳动
The play didnt go too much into technological details.
But, even a century later, its still a common portrayal:
mass-produced, efficient, tireless creatures that look human-esque,
but are emotionless, indifferent to self-preservation and lack creativity.
The more general idea of self-operating machines
goes back even further than the 1920s.
Many ancient inventors created mechanical devices that
很多古代发明家 \N 发明了能自动运行的机械装置
performed functions automatically,
很多古代发明家 \N 发明了能自动运行的机械装置
like keeping the time and striking bells on the hour.
There are plenty of examples of automated animal and humanoid figures,
有很多装置 有动物和人类的形象 \N 能跳舞,唱歌,打鼓等
that would perform dances, sing songs, strike drums and do other physical actions.
有很多装置 有动物和人类的形象 \N 能跳舞,唱歌,打鼓等
These non-electrical and certainly non-electronic machines were called automatons.
For instance, an early automaton created in 1739
举个例子 \N 1739年法国人 Jacques de Vaucans 做了个自动机
by the Frenchman Jacques de Vaucanson
举个例子 \N 1739年法国人 Jacques de Vaucans 做了个自动机
was the Canard Digerateur or Digesting Duck,
法语叫 Canard Digerateur翻译过来是 "吃饭鸭"
a machine in the shape of a duck that appeared
to eat grain and then defecate.
In 1739 Voltaire wrote,
"Without the voice of le Maure and Vaucansons duck,
you would have nothing to remind you of the glory of France."
One of the most infamous examples was the "Mechanical Turk":
a chess-playing, humanoid automaton.
After construction in 1770, it toured all over Europe,
wowing audiences with its surprisingly good chess-playing.
It appeared to be a mechanical, artificial intelligence.
Unfortunately, it was a hoax there was a dainty human stuffed inside the machine.
不幸的是,这是个骗局 - 机器里有人控制
The first machines controlled by computers emerged in the late 1940s.
These Computer Numerical Control, or CNC machines,
这些计算机数控的机器,简称 CNC 机器
could run programs that instructed a machine to perform a series of operations.
可以执行一连串 程序指定的操作
This level of control also enabled the creation of new manufactured goods,
精细的控制 让我们能生产之前很难做的物品
like milling a complex propellor design out of a block of aluminum
比如从一整块铝 加工出复杂的螺旋桨
something that was difficult to do using standard machine tools,
- 这用普通机械工具很难做到
and with tolerances too small to be done by hand.
CNC machines were a huge boon to industry,
CNC 机器大大推进了制造业
not just due to increased capability and precision,
不仅提高了制造能力和精确度 还降低了生产成本
but also in terms of reducing labor costs by automating human jobs
不仅提高了制造能力和精确度 还降低了生产成本
a topic we'll revisit in a later episode.
- 我们之后会深入讨论这个第40集
The first commercial deployment was a programmable industrial robot
第一个商业贩卖的 可编程工业机器人
called the Unimate, sold to General Motors in 1960
叫 Unimate于1960年卖给通用汽车公司
to lift hot pieces of metal from a die casting machine and stack them.
This was the start of the robotics industry.
Soon, robots were stacking pallets, welding parts, painting cars and much more.
For simple motions like a robotic gripper that moves back and forth on a track
对于简单运动 - 比如机器爪子 在轨道上来回移动
a robot can be instructed to move to a particular position,
and it'll keep moving in that direction until the desired position is reached
它会一直朝那个方向移动,直到到达 \N 然后停下来
at which point itll stop.
它会一直朝那个方向移动,直到到达 \N 然后停下来
This behavior can be achieved through a simple control loop.
这种行为 可以用简单控制回路做
First, sense the robot position.
Are we there yet?
So keep moving.
Now sense position again.
Are we there yet?
Nope, so keep moving.
Are we there yet?
So we can stop moving, and also please be quiet!
Because were trying to minimize the distance between
因为我们在不断缩小 当前位置和目标位置的距离
the sensed position and the desired position,
因为我们在不断缩小 当前位置和目标位置的距离
this control loop is, more specifically, a negative feedback loop.
这个控制回路 更准确的叫"负反馈回路"
A negative feedback control loop has three key pieces.
负反馈回路 有三个重要部分
Theres a sensor, that measures things in the real world,
like water pressure, motor position, air temperature,
or whatever youre trying to control.
From this measurement, we calculate how far we are from
where we want to be the error.
The error is then interpreted by a controller,
which decides how to instruct the system to minimize that error.
Then, the system acts on the world though pumps, motors,
heating elements, and other physical actuators.
In tightly controlled environments, simple control loops, like this, work OK.
But in many real world applications, things are a tad more complicated.
Imagine that our gripper is really heavy, and even when the control loop says to stop,
momentum causes the gripper to overshoot the desired position.
That would cause the control loop to take over again,
this time backing the gripper up.
A badly tuned control loop might overshoot and overshoot and overshoot,
一个糟糕的控制回路 可能会让爪子不断来回移动
and maybe even wobble forever.
To make matters worse, in real world settings,
there are typically external and variable forces acting on a robot,
like friction, wind and items of different weight.
To handle this gracefully, more sophisticated control logic is needed.
A widely used control-loop, feedback mechanism is a
proportionalintegralderivative controller.
叫 "比例-积分-微分控制器"
Thats a bit of a mouthful, so people call them PID controllers.
这个有点绕口,所以一般简称 "PID控制器"
These used to be mechanical devices, but now its all done in software.
Lets imagine a robot that delivers coffee.
Its goal is to travel between customers at two meters per second,
设计目标是 每秒两米的速度在顾客间穿行
which has been determined to be the ideal speed
thats both safe and expedient.
Of course, the environment doesnt always cooperate.
Sometimes theres wind, and sometimes there's uphills and downhills
and all sorts of things that affect the speed of the robot.
So, its going to have to increase and decrease power
to its motors to maintain the desired speed.
Using the robot's speed sensor, we can keep track of its
actual speed and plot that alongside its desired speed.
PID controllers calculate three values from this data.
PID 控制器根据这些数据算出3个值
First is the proportional value, which is the difference between
the desired value and the actual value
at the most recent instant in time or the present.
This is what our simpler control loop used before.
The bigger the gap between actual and desired,
the harder you'll push towards your target.
In other words, its proportional control.
Next, the integral value is computed,
which is the sum of error over a window of time,
就是一段时间内 误差的总和
like the last few seconds.
This look back helps compensate for steady state errors,
resulting from things like motoring up a long hill.
If this value is large, it means proportional control is not enough,
and we have to push harder still.
Finally, theres the derivative value,
which is the rate of change between the desired and actual values.
This helps account for possible future error,
有助于解决 未来可能出现的错误,
and is sometimes called "anticipatory control".
For example, if you are screaming in towards your goal too fast,
you'll need to ease up a little to prevent overshoot.
These three values are summed together, with different relative weights,
to produce a controller output thats passed to the system.
PID controllers are everywhere,
PID 控制器到处都是
from the cruise control in your car,
to drones that automatically adjust their rotor speeds to maintain level flight,
as well as more exotic robots,
like this one that balances on a ball to move around.
Advanced robots often require many control loops running in parallel,
working together, managing everything from robot balance to limb position.
As weve discussed, control loops are responsible for
getting robot attributes like location to desired values.
So, you may be wondering where these values come from.
你可能好奇这些值 是哪里来的
This is the responsibility of higher-level robot software,
which plans and executes robot actions,
软件负责做出计划 并让机器人执行动作,
like plotting a path around sensed obstacles, or breaking down physical tasks,
like picking up a ball, into simple, sequential motions.
Using these techniques, robots have racked up some impressive achievements
they've been to the deepest depths of Earth's oceans
- 它们潜到了海洋最深处
and roved around on Mars for over a decade.
But interestingly, lots of problems that are trivial for many humans
have turned out to be devilishly difficult for robots:
like walking on two legs, opening a door, picking up objects
without crushing them, putting on a t-shirt, or petting a dog.
These are tasks you may be able to do without thinking,
but a supercomputer-powered robot fails at spectacularly.
These sorts of tasks are all active areas of robotics research.
Artificial intelligence techniques,
我们前几集聊过的 人工智能
which we discussed a few episodes ago, are perhaps
我们前几集聊过的 人工智能
the most promising avenue to overcome these challenges.
For example, Google has been running an experiment
with a series of robotic arms that spend their days
moving miscellaneous objects from one box to another, learning from trial and error.
After thousands of hours of practice, the robots had cut their error rate in half.
Of course, unlike humans, robots can run twenty-four hours a day
and practice with many arms at the same time.
So, it may just be a matter of time until they become adept at grasping things.
But, for the time being, toddlers can out-grasp them.
One of the biggest and most visible robotic breakthrough
in recent years has been self-driving, autonomous cars.
If you think about it, cars dont have too many system inputs
you can speed up or slow down, and you can steer left or right.
- 只是加速减速,左转右转
The tough part is sensing lanes, reading signs,
难的问题是 判断车道,理解路标
and anticipating and navigating traffic, pedestrians,
bicyclists, and a whole host of obstacles.
In addition to being studded with proximity sensors,
these robotic vehicles heavily rely
on Computer Vision algorithms, which we discussed in Episode 35.
Were also seeing the emergence of very primitive androids
robots that look and act like humans.
- 外貌和行为像人类的机器人
Arguably, were not close on either of those goals,
as they tend to look pretty weird and act even weirder.
At least well always have Westworld.
But anyway, these remain a tantalizing goal for roboticists
combine many computer science topics
weve touched on over the last few episodes, like artificial intelligence,
computer vision and natural language processing.
As for why humans are so fascinated by
至于人类为什么如此着迷 做出和我们一样的机器人
creating artificial embodiments of ourselves.
至于人类为什么如此着迷 做出和我们一样的机器人
you'll have to go to Crash Course Philosophy for that.
And for the foreseeable future,
realistic androids will continue to be the stuff of science fiction.
和人类一样的机器人 依然只能存在科幻小说里。
Militaries also have a great interest in robots
军队也对机器人很有兴趣 -
they're not only replaceable, but can surpass humans
in attributes like strength, endurance, attention, and accuracy.
Bomb disposal robots and reconnaissance drones are fairly common today.
But fully autonomous, armed-to-the-teeth robots are slowly appearing,
like the Samsung SGR-A1 sentry gun deployed by South Korea.
比如韩国的三星 SGR-A1 哨兵炮
Robots with the intelligence and capability to take human lives
are called lethal autonomous weapons.
叫 "致命自主武器"
And theyre widely considered a complex and thorny issue.
Without doubt, these systems could save soldiers lives
毫无疑问,它们可以把士兵从战场带离 挽救生命
by taking them off the battlefield and out of harms way.
毫无疑问,它们可以把士兵从战场带离 挽救生命
It might even discourage war all together.
Though its worth noting that people said the same thing
值得注意的是 人们对炸药和核弹也说过一样的话
about dynamite and nuclear weapons.
值得注意的是 人们对炸药和核弹也说过一样的话
On the flip side, we might be creating ruthlessly
另一方面,我们可能会不小心创造出 \N 无情又高效的杀人机器
efficient killing machines that don't apply human judgment
or compassion to complex situations.
And the fog of war is about as complex and murky as they come.
These robots would be taking orders and executing them
as efficiently as they can and sometimes
human orders turn out to be really bad.
This debate is going to continue for a long time,
and pundits on both sides will grow louder as robotic technology improves.
Its also an old debate
the danger was obvious to science fiction writer Isaac Asimov,
科幻作家 艾萨克·阿西莫夫 早预见了这种危险
who introduced a fictional "Three Laws of Robotics" in his 1942 short story "Runaround".
他在1942年短篇小说 Runaround 中写了"机器人三定律"
And then, later he added a zeroth rule.
In short, its a code of conduct or moral compass for robots
简单说 这些定律指导机器人的行为准则 或者说道德指南
guiding them to do no harm, especially to humans.
Its pretty inadequate for practical application and it leaves plenty of room for equivocation.
But still, Asimovs laws inspired a ton of science fiction and academic discussion,
但阿西莫夫三定律 激发了大量科幻小说讨论和学术讨论,
and today there are whole conferences on robot ethics.
Importantly, Asimov crafted his fictional rules
as a way to push back on "Robot as a Menace" memes
是为了反对 "机器人都很邪恶" 这种常见描述
common in fiction from his childhood.
These were stories where robots went off the rails,
harming or even destroying their creators in the process.
Asimov, on the other hand, envisioned robots as useful,
阿西莫夫认为 机器人有用,可靠,甚至可以让人喜爱
reliable, and even loveable machines.
阿西莫夫认为 机器人有用,可靠,甚至可以让人喜爱
And its this duality I want to leave you thinking about today.
Like many of the technologies weve discussed throughout this series,
there are benevolent and malicious uses.
Our job is to carefully reflect on computing's potential and peril,
and wield our inventive talents to improve the state of the world.
And robots are one of the most potent reminders of this responsibility.
Ill see you next week.
我 们 下 周 见
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!
So, over the course of this series,
weve focused almost exclusively on computers
the circuits and algorithms that make them tick.
Because...this is Crash Course Computer Science.
But ultimately, computers are tools employed by people.
And humans are… well… messy.
而人类有点... 乱
We havent been designed by human engineers from the ground up
with known performance specifications.
We can be logical one moment and irrational the next.
Have you ever gotten angry at your navigation system? Surfed wikipedia aimlessly?
Begged your internet browser to load faster?
Nicknamed your roomba?
These behaviors are quintessentially human!
To build computer systems that are useful, usable and enjoyable,
we need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of both computers and humans.
And for this reason, when good system designers are creating software,
they employ social, cognitive, behavioral, and perceptual psychology principles.
会运用社会心理学,认知心理学,\N 行为心理学,感知心理学的原理
No doubt youve encountered a physical or computer interface
你肯定见过难用的物理界面/计算机界面 \N 阻碍你做事
that was frustrating to use, impeding your progress.
你肯定见过难用的物理界面/计算机界面 \N 阻碍你做事
Maybe it was so badly designed that you couldnt figure it out and just gave up.
That interface had poor usability.
Usability is the degree to which a human-made artifact like software
"易用度"指的是人造物体,比如软件 \N 达到目的的效率有多高
can be used to achieve an objective effectively and efficiently.
"易用度"指的是人造物体,比如软件 \N 达到目的的效率有多高
To facilitate human work, we need to understand humans
为了帮助人类工作,我们需要了解人类 \N - 怎么看,思考,反应和互动
- from how they see and think, to how they react and interact.
为了帮助人类工作,我们需要了解人类 \N - 怎么看,思考,反应和互动
For instance, the human visual system has been well studied by Psychologists.
举个例子,心理学家已经对 \N 人类的视觉系统做了全面的研究
Like, we know that people are good at ordering intensities of colors.
Here are three.
Can you arrange these from lightest to darkest?
You probably dont have to think too much about it.
Because of this innate ability, color intensity is a great choice
for displaying data with continuous values.
On the other hand, humans are terrible at ordering colors.
Heres another example for you to put in order.
is orange before blue, or after blue?
Where does green go?
You might be thinking we could order this by wavelength of light,
你可能想通过光的波长排序 \N 就像彩虹一样,但这样太累了
like a rainbow, but thats a lot more to think about.
你可能想通过光的波长排序 \N 就像彩虹一样,但这样太累了
Most people are going to be much slower and error-prone at ordering.
Because of this innate ineptitude of your visual system,
displaying continuous data using colors can be a disastrous design choice.
Youll find yourself constantly referring back to a color legend to compare items.
However, colors are perfect for when the data is discrete with no ordering,
like categorical data.
This might seem obvious, but youd be amazed at
也许这些看起来很明显 \N 但你会惊讶有多少设计把这些基本事情搞错
how many interfaces get basic things like this wrong.
也许这些看起来很明显 \N 但你会惊讶有多少设计把这些基本事情搞错
Beyond visual perception, understanding human cognition helps us
除了视觉 \N 理解人类的认知系统能帮我们设计更好的界面
design interfaces that align with how the mind works.
除了视觉 \N 理解人类的认知系统能帮我们设计更好的界面
Like, humans can read, remember and process information more effectively
比如,如果信息分块了 \N 会更容易读,更容易记
when it's chunkedthat is, when items are put together into small, meaningful groups.
Humans can generally juggle seven items, plus-or-minus two, in short-term memory.
To be conservative, we typically see groupings of five or less.
Thats why telephone numbers are broken into chunks, like 317, 555, 3897.
所以电话号码一般分块,比如 317-555-3897
Instead of being ten individual digits that wed likely forget, its three chunks,
which we can handle better.
From a computer's standpoint, this needlessly takes more time and space,
so it's less efficient.
But, its way more efficient for us humans
a tradeoff we almost always make in our favor,
- 碰到这种抉择时,我们总是以人类优先
since were the ones running the show...for now.
现在我们还是老大.. 暂时啦
Chunking has been applied to computer interfaces for things
界面设计用了分块 \N 比如下拉菜单 和带按钮的菜单栏
like drop-down menu items and menu bars with buttons.
界面设计用了分块 \N 比如下拉菜单 和带按钮的菜单栏
Itd be more efficient for computers to just pack all those together, edge to edge
its wasted memory and screen real estate.
分块浪费内存 浪费屏幕
But designing interfaces in this way makes them much easier
to visually scan, remember and access.
Another central concept used in interface design is affordances.
According to Don Norman, who popularized the term in computing,
Don Norman 让这个词在计算机界流行起来,根据他的说法
"affordances provide strong clues to the operations of things.
"直观功能 为如何操作物体提供线索
Plates are for pushing.
Knobs are for turning.
Slots are for inserting things into.
[...] When affordances are taken advantage of, the user knows what to do just by looking:
no picture, label, or instruction needed."
If youve ever tried to pull a door handle, only to realize that you have to push it open,
youve discovered a broken affordance.
On the other hand, a door plate is a better design
because it only gives you the option to push.
Doors are pretty straightforward if you need to put written instructions on them,
you should probably go back to the drawing board.
Affordances are used extensively in graphical user interfaces,
which we discussed in episode 26.
Its one of the reasons why computers became so much easier to use than with command lines.
You dont have to guess what things on-screen are clickable, because they look like buttons.
你不用猜测屏幕上什么东西是可点的,\N 可点的会看起来像按钮
They pop out, just waiting for you to press them!
One of my favorite affordances, which suggests to users that an on-screen element is draggable,
is knurling that texture added to objects
"滚花" - 一种视觉纹理
to improve grip and show you where to best grab them.
This idea and pattern was borrowed from real world physical tools.
Related to the concept of affordances is the psychology of recognition vs recall.
和"直观功能"相关的一个心理学概念是 "认出与回想"
You know this effect well from tests
it's why multiple choice questions are easier than fill-in-the-blank ones.
In general, human memory is much better when its triggered by a sensory cue,
like a word, picture or sound.
Thats why interfaces use icons pictorial representations of functions
like a trash can for where files go to be deleted.
- 比如"垃圾桶"图标 代表里面放着被删除的文件
We dont have to recall what that icon does, we just have to recognise the icon.
This was also a huge improvement over command line interfaces,
where you had to rely on your memory for what commands to use.
Do I have to type "delete", or "remove", or... "trash", or… shoot, it could be anything!
到底是输入"删除""移除""垃圾"还是"射出"\N 可能是任何命令!
Its actually "rm" in linux,
顺带一说,在 Linux 里删除文件的命令是 "rm"
but anyway, making everything easy to discover and learn sometimes means slow to access,
回到正题,\N 让所有菜单选项好找好记,有时候意味着用的时候会慢一些
which conflicts with another psychology concept: expertise.
As you gain experience with interfaces, you get faster,
building mental models of how to do things efficiently.
So, good interfaces should offer multiple paths to accomplish goals.
所以 好的界面应该提供多种方法来实现目标
A great example of this is copy and paste, which can be found in the edit dropdown menu
of word processors, and is also triggered with keyboard shortcuts.
One approach caters to novices, while the other caters to experts, slowing down neither.
So, you can have your cake and eat it too!
In addition to making humans more efficient,
we'd also like computers to be emotionally intelligent
adapting their behavior to respond appropriately
to their users' emotional state also called affect.
That could make experiences more empathetic, enjoyable, or even delightful.
This vision was articulated by Rosalind Picard in her 1995 paper on Affective Computing,
Rosalind Picard 在 1995 年关于"情感计算"的论文中,阐述了这一愿景
which kickstarted an interdisciplinary field combining aspects
of psychology, social and computer sciences.
It spurred work on computing systems that could recognize,
interpret, simulate and alter human affect.
This was a huge deal, because we know emotion influences cognition and perception
in everyday tasks like learning, communication, and decision making.
Affect-aware systems use sensors, sometimes worn, that capture things like speech and
video of the face, as well as biometrics, like sweatiness and heart rate.
This multimodal sensor data is used in conjunction with computational models that represent how
people develop and express affective states, like happiness and frustration,
模型会写明人类如何表达情感,怎么是快乐 怎么是沮丧
and social states, like friendship and trust.
These models estimate the likelihood of a user being in a particular state,
and figure out how to best respond to that state,
in order to achieve the goals of the system.
This might be to calm the user down, build trust, or help them get their homework done.
A study, looking at user affect, was conducted by Facebook in 2012.
Facebook 在 2012 年进行了一项"影响用户"的研究
For one week, data scientists altered the content
on hundreds of thousands of users' feeds.
修改了很多用户 时间线上显示的内容
Some people were shown more items with positive content,
while others were presented with more negative content.
The researchers analyzed people's posts during that week,
and found that users who were shown more positive content,
tended to also post more positive content.
On the other hand, users who saw more negative content, tended to have more negative posts.
Clearly, what Facebook and other services show you
can absolutely have an affect on you.
As gatekeepers of content, thats a huge opportunity and responsibility.
作为信息的守门人,这是巨大的机会 同时也是责任
Which is why this study ended up being pretty controversial.
Also, it raises some interesting questions about
how computer programs should respond to human communication.
If the user is being negative, maybe the computer shouldnt be
annoying by responding in a cheery, upbeat manner.
以一种烦人的 "你要振作起来呀" 的态度回答问题.
Or, maybe the computer should attempt to evoke a positive response,
even if it's a bit awkward.
The "correct" behavior is very much an open research question.
Speaking of Facebook, its a great example of computer-mediated communication, or CMC,
既然说到Facebook\N 这是一个"以计算机为媒介沟通"的好例子,简称 "CMC"
another large field of research.
This includes synchronous communication like video calls, where all participants are online
这包括同步通信 - 所有参与者同时在线进行视频通话
simultaneously as well as asynchronous communication like tweets, emails, and
以及异步通信 - 比如推特,邮件,
text messages, where people respond whenever they can or want.
Researchers study things like the use of emoticons, rules such as turn-taking,
and language used in different communication channels.
One interesting finding is that people exhibit higher levels of self-disclosure
that is, reveal personal information in computer-mediated conversations,
as opposed to face-to-face interactions.
So if you want to build a system that knows how many hours a user truly spent
所以如果想知道用户 \N 真正花了多少小时看"大英烘培大赛"(电视节目)
watching The Great British Bakeoff, it might be better to build a chatbot
比起做个带脸的虚拟助理 \N 做 聊天机器人 是个更好的选择
than a virtual agent with a face.
比起做个带脸的虚拟助理 \N 做 聊天机器人 是个更好的选择
Psychology research has also demonstrated that eye gaze is
心理学研究也表明,如果想说服,讲课,或引起注意 \N 眼神注视非常重要
extremely important in persuading, teaching and getting people's attention.
心理学研究也表明,如果想说服,讲课,或引起注意 \N 眼神注视非常重要
Looking at others while talking is called mutual gaze.
在谈话时看着别人叫 相互凝视
This has been shown to boost engagement and help achieve the goals of a conversation,
这被证明可以促进参与感 帮助实现谈话目标,
whether thats learning, making a friend, or closing a business deal.
In settings like a videotaped lecture, the instructor rarely, if ever, looks into the
在录像讲座中,老师很少直视相机 \N 一般是看在场学生
camera, and instead generally looks at the students who are physically present.
在录像讲座中,老师很少直视相机 \N 一般是看在场学生
Thats ok for them, but it means people who
对他们没问题,但这会让在线看视频的人 没什么参与感
watch the lectures online have reduced engagement.
对他们没问题,但这会让在线看视频的人 没什么参与感
In response, researchers have developed computer vision
为此,研究人员开发了计算机视觉和图形软件 \N 来纠正头部和眼睛
and graphics software that can warp the head and eyes,
为此,研究人员开发了计算机视觉和图形软件 \N 来纠正头部和眼睛
making it appear as though the instructor is looking into the camera
right at the remote viewer.
This technique is called augmented gaze.
Similar techniques have also been applied to video conference calls, to correct for
the placement of webcams, which are almost always located above screens.
Since youre typically looking at the video of your conversation partner,
因为你一般会盯着屏幕上的另一方 \N 而不是盯着摄像头
rather than directly into the webcam,
因为你一般会盯着屏幕上的另一方 \N 而不是盯着摄像头
you'll always appear to them as though you're looking downwards
breaking mutual gaze which can create all kinds of
没有相互凝视 - 这会导致各种不幸的副作用,比如权力不平衡
unfortunate social side effects, like a power imbalance.
没有相互凝视 - 这会导致各种不幸的副作用,比如权力不平衡
Fortunately, this can be corrected digitally, and appear to participants
幸运的是 可以用软件修正
as though you're lovingly gazing into their eyes.
Humans also love anthropomorphizing objects, and computers are no exception,
especially if they move, like our Robots from last episode.
Beyond industrial uses that prevailed over the last century,
robots are used increasingly in medical, education, and entertainment settings,
有越来越多机器人用于医疗,教育和娱乐 \N 它们经常和人类互动
where they frequently interact with humans.
有越来越多机器人用于医疗,教育和娱乐 \N 它们经常和人类互动
Human-Robot Interaction or HRI
人机交互,简称 HRI
is a field dedicated to studying these interactions,
- 是一个研究人类和机器人交互的领域,
like how people perceive different robots behaviors and forms,
比如人类如何感受 机器人的不同形式和不同行为
or how robots can interpret human social cues to blend in and not be super awkward.
As we discussed last episode, theres an ongoing quest to make
robots as human-like in their appearance and interactions as possible.
When engineers first made robots in the 1940s and 50s, they didnt look very human at all.
工程师在1940 1950年代刚开始做机器人时\N 看起来完全不像人
They were almost exclusively industrial machines with no human-likeness.
Over time, engineers got better and better at making human-like robots
they gained heads and walked around on two legs,
but… they couldn't exactly go to restaurants and masquerade as humans.
As people pushed closer and closer to human likeness,
replacing cameras with artificial eyeballs, and covering metal chassis with synthetic flesh,
things started to get a bit... uncanny...
事情会开始变得有些.. 奇怪.. \N 引起一种怪异不安的感觉
eliciting an eerie and unsettling feeling.
事情会开始变得有些.. 奇怪.. \N 引起一种怪异不安的感觉
This dip in realism between almost-human and actually-human became known as the uncanny valley.
这个"几乎像人类"和"真的人类"之间的小曲线,叫 "恐怖谷"
Theres debate over whether robots should act like humans too.
Lots of evidence already suggests that even if robots dont act like us,
people will treat them as though they know our social conventions.
And when they violate these rules such as not apologizing if they cut in front of
而当机器人违反习俗时 - 比如插队或踩了脚不道歉 \N 人们会很生气!
you or roll over your foot people get really mad!
而当机器人违反习俗时 - 比如插队或踩了脚不道歉 \N 人们会很生气!
Without a doubt, psychology and computer science are a potent combination,
and have tremendous potential to affect our everyday lives.
Which leaves us with a lot of question, like you might lie to your laptop,
but should your laptop lie to you?
What if it makes you more efficient or happy?
Or should social media companies curate the content they show you to
或社交媒体公司 \N 是否应该精心挑选展示给你的内容
make you stay on their site longer to make you buy more products?
They do by the way.
These types of ethical considerations arent easy to answer, but psychology can at least
help us understand the effects and implications of design choices in our computing systems.
帮助我们理解不同选择 带来的影响和意义
But, on the positive side, understanding the psychology behind design
might lead to increased accessibility.
A greater number of people can understand and use computers
now that they're more intuitive than ever.
Conference calls and virtual classrooms are becoming more agreeable experiences.
As robot technology continues to improve, the population
will grow more comfortable in those interactions.
Plus, thanks to psychology, we can all bond over our love of knurling.
Ill see you next week.
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!\N
One of the most dramatic changes enabled by computing technology
计算机带来的最大改变之一 \N 是信息的创造和传播能力
has been the creation and widespread availability of information.
计算机带来的最大改变之一 \N 是信息的创造和传播能力
There are currently 1.3 billion websites on the internet.
Wikipedia alone has five million English language articles,
spanning everything from the Dancing Plague of 1518
to proper toilet paper roll orientation.
Every day, Google serves up four billion searches to access this information.
And every minute, 3.5 million videos are viewed on Youtube,
and 400 hours of NEW video get uploaded by users.
Lots of these views are people watching Gangnam Style and Despacito.
很多观看量都是 Gangnam Style 和 Despacito
But another large percentage could be considered educational,
但剩下的 大部分是教育型内容
like what youre doing right now.
This amazing treasure trove of information can be accessed
如今只要手机上点几下 就能访问到这些宝藏
with just a few taps on your smartphone.
如今只要手机上点几下 就能访问到这些宝藏
Anywhere, anytime.
But, having information available isnt the same as learning from it.
To be clear, we here at Crash Course we are big fans of interactive in-class learning,
先说清楚,我们 Crash Course 喜欢互动式课堂学习
directed conversations, and hands-on experiences as powerful tools for learning.
But we also believe in the additive power of educational technology
both inside and outside the classroom.
So today were going to go a little meta,
今天我们要在这个教育型视频里 \N 聊教育型科技
and talk specifically about how computer science
can support learning with educational technology.
Technology, from paper and pencil to recent machine-learning-based intelligent systems,
从纸和笔 到用机器学习的智能系统,
has been supporting education for millennia -
even as early as humans drawing cave paintings
甚至早期人类 在洞穴里画狩猎场景也是为了后代
to record hunting scenes for posterity.
甚至早期人类 在洞穴里画狩猎场景也是为了后代
Teaching people at a distance has long been a driver of educational technology.
For example, around 50 CE, St. Paul was sending epistles
例如公元50年左右圣保罗就发书信 \N 给亚洲设立的新教堂提供宗教课程
that offered lessons on religious teachings
例如公元50年左右圣保罗就发书信 \N 给亚洲设立的新教堂提供宗教课程
for new churches being set up in Asia.
例如公元50年左右圣保罗就发书信 \N 给亚洲设立的新教堂提供宗教课程
Since then, several major waves of technological advances
have each promised to revolutionize education,
from radio and television, to DVDs and laserdiscs.
In fact, as far back as 1913, Thomas Edison predicted,
事实上在1913年 托马斯·爱迪生 预测说
"Books will soon be obsolete in the schools…
"书籍很快会过时.. 用影片来教授所有知识是可能的
It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture.
"书籍很快会过时.. 用影片来教授所有知识是可能的
Our school system will be completely changed in the next ten years."
Of course, you know that didnt happen.
But distributing educational materials in formats like video has become more and more popular.
Before we discuss what educational technology research can do for you,
there are some simple things research has shown you can do,
有研究表明 有些简单事情 \N 可以显著提高学习效率
while watching an educational video like this one,
有研究表明 有些简单事情 \N 可以显著提高学习效率
significantly increase what you learn and retain.
有研究表明 有些简单事情 \N 可以显著提高学习效率
First, video is naturally adjustable, so make sure the pacing is right for you,
1. 把速度调整到适合你YouTube 的速度设置在右下角
by using the video speed controls.
1. 把速度调整到适合你YouTube 的速度设置在右下角
On YouTube, you can do that in the right hand corner of the screen.
1. 把速度调整到适合你YouTube 的速度设置在右下角
You should be able to understand the video and have enough time to reflect on the content.
让你能理解视频 有足够的时间思考
Second, pause!
2. 暂停!在困难的部分暂停
You learn more if you stop the video at the difficult parts.
2. 暂停!在困难的部分暂停
When you do, ask yourself questions about what youve watched, and see if you can answer.
Or ask yourself questions about what might be coming up next,
或想想视频接下来可能讲什么 \N 然后继续播放,看猜对没有
and then play the video to see if youre right.
或想想视频接下来可能讲什么 \N 然后继续播放,看猜对没有
Third, try any examples or exercises that are presented in the video on your own.
3. 做视频中的提供的练习
Even if you arent a programmer, write pseudocode on paper,
and maybe even give coding a try.
Active learning techniques like these
这些主动学习的技巧已被证明 \N 可以把学习效率提升10倍或以上
have been shown to increase learning by a factor of ten.
这些主动学习的技巧已被证明 \N 可以把学习效率提升10倍或以上
And if you want more information like this - weve got a whole course on it here.
The idea of video as a way to spread quality education
把高质量教育内容做成视频传播 \N 在过去一个世纪吸引了很多人
has appealed to a lot of people over the last century.
把高质量教育内容做成视频传播 \N 在过去一个世纪吸引了很多人
Whats just the latest incarnation of this idea
came in the form of Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs.
In fact, the New York Times declared 2012 the Year of the MOOC!
纽约时报宣称 2012 年是 MOOC 年!
A lot of the early forms were just videos of lectures from famous professors.
很多早期视频 直接录制著名教授上课
But for a while, some people thought this might mean the end of universities as we know them.
Whether you were worried about this idea or excited by it,
that future also hasnt really come to pass
and most of the hype has dissipated.
This is probably mostly because when you try to scale up learning
这可能是因为加大规模时 同时教百万名学生
using technology to include millions of students simultaneously
这可能是因为加大规模时 同时教百万名学生
with small numbers of instructional staff - or even none
- you run into a lot of problems.
- 会遇到很多问题
Fortunately, these problems have intrigued computer scientists and more specifically,
幸运的是,这引起了计算机科学家,\N 或具体一点 "教育科技家"的兴趣
educational technologists, who are finding ways to solve them.
For example, effective learning involves getting timely and relevant feedback
but how do you give good feedback
when you have millions of learners and only one teacher?
For that matter, how does a teacher grade a million assignments?
Solving many of these problems means creating hybrid, human-technology systems.
A useful, but controversial insight,
一种有用 但有些争议的做法是
was that students could be a great resource to give each other feedback.
Unfortunately, theyre often pretty bad at doing so
theyre neither experts in the subject matter, nor teachers.
However, we can support their efforts with technology.
Like, by using algorithms, we can match perfect learning partners together,
比如通过算法,从数百万个选择里 \N 匹配出最完美的学习伙伴
out of potentially millions of groupings.
比如通过算法,从数百万个选择里 \N 匹配出最完美的学习伙伴
Also, parts of the grading can be done with automated systems while humans do the rest.
For instance, computer algorithms that grade the
例如,给 SAT 写作部分打分的电脑算法
writing portions of the SATs have been found to be
just as accurate as humans hired to grade them by hand.
Other algorithms are being developed that provide personalized learning experiences,
much like Netflixs personalized movie recommendations or Googles personalized search results.
类似于 Netflix 的电影推荐 \N 或 Google 的个性化搜索结果
To achieve this, the software needs to understand what a learner knows and doesnt know.
为了个性化推荐,\N 软件需要了解用户知道什么,不知道什么
With that understanding, the software can present the right material, at the right time,
to give each particular learner practice on the things that are hardest for them,
rather than what theyre already good at.
Such systems most often powered by Artificial Intelligence
这种系统一般用 AI 实现
are broadly called Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
Lets break down a hypothetical system that follows common conventions.
So, imagine a student is working on this algebra problem in our hypothetical tutoring software.
The correct next step to solve it, is to subtract both sides by 7.
The knowledge required to do this step can be represented by something called a production rule.
我们可以用 "判断规则" 来表示这一步
These describe procedures as IF-THEN statements.
用 IF-THEN 语句来描述
The pseudo code of a production rule for this step would say
IF there is a constant on the same side as the variable,
*如果* 变量和常数在同一边
THEN subtract that constant from both sides.
*那么* 两侧都减去这个常数
The cool thing about production rules is that they can also be used
"判断规则" 酷的地方是也可以用来
to represent common mistakes a student might make.
These production rules are called "buggy rules".
For example, instead of subtracting the constant,
the student might mistakenly try to subtract the coefficient.
No can do!
Its totally possible that multiple competing production rules
are triggered after a student completes a step
it may not be entirely clear what misconception has led to a students answer.
系统不能完全弄清 是什么原因让学生选了那个答案
So, production rules are combined with an algorithm that selects the most likely one.
That way, the student can be given a helpful piece of feedback.
These production rules, and the selection algorithm,
"判断规则"+选择算法,组合在一起成为 "域模型"
combine to form whats called a Domain Model,
"判断规则"+选择算法,组合在一起成为 "域模型"
which is a formal representation of the knowledge,
它给知识,解决步骤和一门学科 比如代数,\N 用一种"正式写法"来表示
procedures and skills of a particular discipline - like algebra.
它给知识,解决步骤和一门学科 比如代数,\N 用一种"正式写法"来表示
Domain models can be used to assist learners on any individual problem,
域模型可以用来 帮助学习者解决特定问题
but theyre insufficient for helping learners move through a whole curriculum
但它无法带着学习者 \N 以正确顺序搞定整个学科该上的所有课程
because they dont track any progress over time.
For that, intelligent tutoring systems build and maintain a student model
因此智能辅导系统 负责创建和维护学生模型
one that tracks, among other things, what production rules a student has mastered,
- 记录学生已经掌握的判断规则
and where they still need practice.
This is exactly what we need to properly personalize the tutor.
That doesnt sound so hard,
but its actually a big challenge to figure out what a student knows and doesnt know
但只靠学生对一些问题的回答,\N 来弄清学生知道什么,不知道什么,是很大的挑战
based only on their answers to problems.
但只靠学生对一些问题的回答,\N 来弄清学生知道什么,不知道什么,是很大的挑战
A common technique for figuring this out is Bayesian knowledge tracing.
"贝叶斯知识追踪" 常用来解决这个问题
The algorithm treats student knowledge as a set of latent variables,
这个算法把学生的知识 当成一组隐藏变量
which are variables whose true value is hidden from
an outside observer, like our software.
This is also true in the physical world,
where a teacher would not know for certain whether
老师无法知道 学生是否完全掌握了某个知识点
a student knows something completely.
老师无法知道 学生是否完全掌握了某个知识点
Instead, they might probe that knowledge using a test
to see if the student gets the right answer.
Similarly, Bayesian knowledge tracing updates its estimate of the students knowledge
同样,"贝叶斯知识追踪" \N 会看学生答题的正确度,更新学生掌握程度的估算值
by observing the correctness of each interaction using that skill.
同样,"贝叶斯知识追踪" \N 会看学生答题的正确度,更新学生掌握程度的估算值
To do this, the software maintains four probabilities..
First is the probability that a student has learned how to do a particular skill.
首先是 "学生已经学会的概率"
For example, the skill of subtracting constants from both sides of an algebraic equation.
Lets say our student correctly subtracts both sides by 7.
Because she got the problem correct,
we might assume she knows how to do this step.
But theres also the possibility that the student got it correct by accident,
and doesnt actually understand how to solve the problem.
This is the probability of guess.
这叫 "瞎猜的概率"
Similarly, if the student gets it wrong,
you might assume that she doesnt know how to do the step.
But, theres also the possibility that she knows it,
but made a careless error or other slip-up.
This is called the probability of slip.
这叫 "失误的概率"
The last probability that Bayesian knowledge tracing calculates
is the probability that the student started off the problem
是学生一开始不会做,\N 但是在解决问题的过程中,学会了怎么做
not knowing how to do the step, but learned how to do
是学生一开始不会做,\N 但是在解决问题的过程中,学会了怎么做
it as a result of working through the problem.
是学生一开始不会做,\N 但是在解决问题的过程中,学会了怎么做
This is called the probability of transit.
这叫 "做题过程中学会的概率"
These four probabilities are used in a set of equations that update the student model,
keeping a running assessment for each skill the student is supposed to know.
The first equation asks:
whats the probability that the student has learned a particular skill
which takes into account the probability that it was
already learned previously and the probability of transit.
Like a teacher, our estimate of this probability that it was already learned previously
depends on whether we observe a student getting a question correct or incorrect,
and so we have these two equations to pick from.
After we compute the right value, we plug it into our first equation,
updating the probability that a student has learned a particular skill,
which then gets stored in their student model.
Although there are other approaches,
intelligent tutoring systems often use Bayesian knowledge tracing
但"智能辅导系统"通常用 贝叶斯知识追踪
to support whats called mastery learning, where students practice skills,
until theyre deeply understood.
To do this most efficiently, the software selects the
best problems to present to the student to achieve mastery,
whats called adaptive sequencing,
which is one form of personalization.
But, our example is still just dealing with data from one student.
Internet-connected educational apps or sites
现在有 App 或网站
now allow teachers and researchers the ability
让教师和研究人员 收集上百万学习者的数据
to collect data from millions of learners.
让教师和研究人员 收集上百万学习者的数据
From that data, we can discover things like common pitfalls and where students get frustrated.
从数据中可以发现常见错误\N 一般哪里难倒学生
Beyond student responses to questions,
this can be done by looking at how long they pause
before entering an answer, where they speed up a video,
and how they interact with other students on discussion forums.
This field is called Educational Data Mining,
这个领域叫 "教育数据挖掘"
and it has the ability to use all those face palms and "ah ha" moments
to help improve personalized learning in the future.
Speaking of the future, educational technologists have often
drawn inspiration for their innovations from science fiction.
In particular, many researchers were inspired by the future envisioned in the book
具体来说Neal Stephenson 的"钻石时代"这本书\N 激励了很多研究人员
"The Diamond Age" by Neal Stephenson.
具体来说Neal Stephenson 的"钻石时代"这本书\N 激励了很多研究人员
It describes a young girl who learns from a book
that has a set of virtual agents who interact with her
in natural language acting as coaches, teachers,
and mentors who grow and change with her as she grows up.
They can detect what she knows and hows shes feeling,
and give just the right feedback and support to help her learn.
Today, there are non-science-fiction researchers, such as Justine Cassell,
如今 有非科幻小说研究者,比如 贾斯汀卡塞尔,
crafting pedagogical virtual agents
that can "exhibit the verbal and bodily behaviors found in
助手可以"像人类一样沟通 有人类一样的行为
conversation among humans, and in doing so, build trust,
rapport and even friendship with their human students."
Maybe Crash Course in 2040 will have a little John Green A.I. that lives on your iPhone 30.
2040年的"速成课" \N 可能会有一个 John Green AI活在你的 iPhone 30 上
Educational technology and devices are now moving off of laptop and desktop computers,
教育科技和设备 \N如今在逐渐扩展到笔记本和台式电脑之外
onto huge tabletop surfaces, where students can collaborate in groups,
and also tiny mobile devices, where students can learn on the go.
Virtual reality and augmented reality are also getting people excited
and enabling new educational experiences for learners
它们可以为学习者提供全新的体验 -
diving deep under the oceans, exploring outer space,
traveling through the human body, or interacting with cultures
they might never encounter in their real lives.
If we look far into the future, educational interfaces might disappear entirely,
and instead happen through direct brain learning,
where people can be uploaded with new skills, directly into their brains.
This might seem really far fetched,
but scientists are making inroads already - such as detecting
但科学家们已经在摸索 - 比如
whether someone knows something just from their brain signals.
That leads to an interesting question:
if we can download things INTO our brains,
could we also upload the contents of our brains?
Well explore that in our series finale next week about the far future of computing.
I'll see you then.
Hi, Im Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!
Were here: the final episode!
我们到了 最后一集!
If youve watched the whole series,
hopefully youve developed a newfound appreciation
希望你对计算机影响的深度和广度 \N 有全新的认知和欣赏
for the incredible breadth of computing applications and topics.
希望你对计算机影响的深度和广度 \N 有全新的认知和欣赏
Its hard to believe weve worked up from mere transistors and logic gates,
难以相信 我们从简单的晶体管和逻辑门开始
all the way to computer vision, machine learning, robotics and beyond.
Weve stood on the shoulders of giants
like Babbage and Lovelace, Hollerith and Turing,
Charles Babbage \N Ada Lovelac \N Herman Hollerith \N Alan Turing
Eckert and Hopper, Sutherland and Engelbart,
J. Presper Eckert \N Grace Hopper \N Ivan Sutherland \N Douglas Engelbart
Bush and Berners Lee, Gates and the Woz,
Vannevar Bush (Memex) \N Berners-Lee (万维网) \N Bill Gates (微软)\N Steve Wozniak (苹果)
and many other computing pioneers.
My biggest hope is that these episodes have inspired you to
我最大的希望是 这些视频能激励你 \N 去了解这些东西如何影响你的人生
learn more about how these subjects affect your life.
我最大的希望是 这些视频能激励你 \N 去了解这些东西如何影响你的人生
Maybe youll even pick up programming or choose a career in computing.
Its awesome!
Its also a skill of the future.
I said in the very first episode that computer science isnt magic, but it sort of is!
我在第一集说过,计算机科学不是魔法\N 但它有点像魔法
Knowing how to use and program computers is sorcery of the 21st century.
Instead of incantations and spells, its scripts and code.
只不过用的不是咒语 而是代码
Those who know how to wield that tremendous power will be able to craft great things,
not just to improve their own lives, but also their communities and humanity at large.
Computing is also going to be literally everywhere
计算机会随处可见 -
not just the computers we see today, sitting on desks and countertops,
不仅是放在桌上 带在包里
and carried in pockets and bags but inside every object imaginable.
Inside all your kitchen appliances, embedded in your walls, nanotagged in your food,
woven into your clothes, and floating around inside your body.
This is the vision of the field of Ubiquitous Computing.
In some ways, its already here, and in other ways, weve got many decades to go.
从某种角度来讲 它已经来临了\N 而换一个角度 还要几十年
Some might view this eventuality as dystopian,
有些人把这种未来看成 反乌托邦
with computers everywhere surveilling us and competing for our attention.
But the late Mark Weiser, who articulated this idea in the 1990s,
但 1990 年代提出这个想法的 马克·维泽尔
saw the potential very differently:
"For [fifty] years, most interface design, and most computer design,
has been headed down the path of the "dramatic" machine.
Its highest idea is to make a computer so exciting, so wonderful,
so interesting, that we never want to be without it.
A less-traveled path I call the "invisible";
另一条少有人走的路 是"无形"的
its highest idea is to make a computer so imbedded, so fitting,
把计算机整合到所有东西里 \N 用的时候很自然 完全注意不到
so natural, that we use it without even thinking about it …
把计算机整合到所有东西里 \N 用的时候很自然 完全注意不到
The most profound technologies are those that disappear.
They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life
它们融入到日常生活的每一部分 直到无法区分"
until they are indistinguishable from it."
它们融入到日常生活的每一部分 直到无法区分"
That doesnt describe computing of today
where people sit for hours upon end in front of computer monitors,
- 人们在电脑前连续坐好几小时
and social media notifications interrupt us at dinner.
But, it could describe computing of the future, our final topic.
但它可以描述计算的未来 \N 本系列最后一个主题
When people think of computing in the future,
人们思考计算机的未来时 经常会直接想到人工智能
they often jump right to Artificial Intelligence.
人们思考计算机的未来时 经常会直接想到人工智能
No doubt there will be tremendous strides made in AI in the coming years,
but not everything will be, or need to be, AI-powered.
但不是所有东西都要做成 AI ,或需要 AI
Your car might have an AI to self-drive, but the door locks
might continue to be powered by what are essentially if-statements.
AI technology is just as likely to enhance existing devices,
like cars, as it is to open up entirely new product categories.
比如汽车AI 带来了一个全新的产品种类
The exact same thing happened with the advent of electrical power lightbulbs replaced candles.
But electrification also led to the creation of hundreds of new electrically-powered gadgets.
And of course, we still have candles today.
当然 我们如今仍然有蜡烛
Its most likely that AI will be yet another tool
最可能的情况是 AI 变成 \N 计算机科学家手中的另一门新工具
that computer scientists can draw upon to tackle problems.
最可能的情况是 AI 变成 \N 计算机科学家手中的另一门新工具
What really gets people thinking, and sometimes sweating,
is whether Artificial Intelligence will surpass human intelligence.
This is a really tricky question for a multitude of reasons,
这个问题很难 有多方面原因
including most immediately: "what is intelligence?"
比如 "智能的准确定义是什么?"
On one hand, we have computers that can drive cars,
recognize songs with only a few seconds of audio,
几秒就能识别歌的 App
translate dozens of languages, and totally dominate at games like chess, Jeopardy, and Go.
翻译几十种语言,\N 还称霸了一些游戏,比如象棋,知识竞答和围棋
That sounds pretty smart!
But on the other hand, computers fail at some basic tasks,
like walking up steps, folding laundry,
understanding speech at a cocktail party, and feeding themselves.
Were a long way from Artificial Intelligence thats as general purpose and capable as a human.
With intelligence being somewhat hard to quantify,
people prefer to characterize computers and creatures
by their processing power instead,
but thats a pretty computing-centric view of intelligence.
Nonetheless, if we do this exercise,
但如果把视频中出现过的电脑和处理器 画张图
plotting computers and processors weve talked about in this series,
但如果把视频中出现过的电脑和处理器 画张图
we find that computing today has very roughly equivalence in calculating
可以看到 如今的计算能力粗略等同于一只老鼠
power to that of a mouse...
可以看到 如今的计算能力粗略等同于一只老鼠
which, to be fair, also cant fold laundry, although that would be super cute!
公平点说,老鼠也不会叠衣服\N 但如果真的会叠 就太可爱了
Human calculating power is up here, another 10 to the 5,
or 100,000 times more powerful than computers today.
That sounds like a big gap, but with the rate of change in computing technologies,
we might meet that point in as early as a decade,
even though processor speeds are no longer following Moores Law,
虽然现在处理器的速度 不再按摩尔定律增长了
like we discussed in Episode 17.
If this trend continues, computers would have more processing power/intelligence,
than the sum total of all human brains combined before the end of this century.
计算机的处理能力/智能 会比全人类加起来还多
And this could snowball as such systems need less human input,
with an artificial superintelligence designing and training new versions of itself.
This runaway technological growth, especially with respect to an intelligence explosion,
智能科技的失控性发展叫 "奇点"
is called the singularity.
智能科技的失控性发展叫 "奇点"
The term was first used by our old friend from Episode 10,
第10集 约翰·冯·诺伊曼 最早用这个词
John von Neumann, who said:
"The accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life,
give the appearance of approaching some essential singularity
in the history of the race beyond which human affairs,
as we know them, could not continue."
And Von Neumann suggested this back in the 1950s,
冯诺依曼在 1950 年代说的这话.
when computers were trillions of times slower than they are today.
Sixty years later, though, the singularity is
still just a possibility on the horizon.
Some experts believe this progress is going to level off,
一些专家认为 发展趋势会更平缓一些
and be more of an S curve than an exponential one,
where as complexity increases, it becomes more difficult to make additional progress.
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen calls it a "complexity brake".
微软联合创始人 保罗·艾伦 叫这个"复杂度刹车"
But, as a thought experiment,
lets just say that superintelligent computers will emerge.
我们假设 超智能计算机会出现。
What that would mean for humanity is a hotly debated topic.
There are people who eagerly await it,
and those who are already working to stop it from happening.
Probably the most immediate effect would be technological unemployment,
where workers in many job sectors are rendered obsolete
by computers like AIs and Robots
that can do their work better and for less pay.
Although computers are new, this effect is not.
Remember Jacquard's Loom from Episode 10?
还记得第10集里 雅卡尔的织布机 吗?
That automated the task of skilled textile workers back in the 1800s, which led to riots.
Also, back then, most of the population of the US and Europe were farmers.
当时美国和欧洲 大部分人都是农民
Thats dropped to under 5% today,
due to advances like synthetic fertilizers and tractors.
More modern examples include telephone switchboard operators
being replaced with automatic switchboards in 1960,
and robotic arms replacing human painters in car factories in the 1980s.
And the list goes on and on.
On one hand, these were jobs lost to automation.
And on the other hand, clothes, food, bicycles, toys,
另一方面,我们有大量产品,\N 衣服,食物,自行车,玩具等
and a myriad of other products are all plentiful today
另一方面,我们有大量产品,\N 衣服,食物,自行车,玩具等
because they can be cheaply produced thanks to computing.
But, experts argue that AI, robots and computing technologies in general,
但专家认为人工智能,机器人 以及更广义的计算
are going to be even more disruptive than these historical examples.
Jobs, at a very high level, can be summarized along two dimensions.
First, jobs can be either more manual like assembling toys
or more cognitive like picking stocks.
- 或思维型工作 - 比如选股票
These jobs can also be routine the same tasks over and over again
or non-routine, where tasks vary and workers need to problem solve and be creative.
We already know that routine-manual jobs can be automated by machines.
我们知道 重复性手工工作,可以让机器自动化
It has already happened for some jobs and is happening right now for others.
Whats getting people worried is that non-routine manual jobs,
like cooks, waiters and security guards, may get automated too.
And the same goes for routine cognitive work,
like customer service agents, cashiers, bank tellers, and office assistants.
That leaves us with just one quadrant that might be safe,
at least for a little while:
non-routine cognitive work,
which includes professions like teachers and artists,
novelists and lawyers, and doctors and scientists.
These types of jobs encompass roughly 40% of the US workforce.
That leaves 60% of jobs vulnerable to automation.
People argue that technological unemployment at this scale
would be unprecedented and catastrophic,
with most people losing their jobs.
Others argue that this will be great,
freeing people from less interesting jobs to pursue better ones,
all while enjoying a higher standard of living with the bounty of food and products
that will result from computers and robots doing most of the hard work.
No one really knows how this is going to shake out,
but if history is any guide, itll probably be ok in the long run.
但如果历史有指导意义,长远看 一切会归于平静
Afterall, no one is advocating that 90% of people
毕竟现在没人嚷嚷着让90的人 回归耕田和纺织
go back to farming and weaving textiles by hand.
毕竟现在没人嚷嚷着让90的人 回归耕田和纺织
The tough question, which politicians are now discussing,
is how to handle hopefully-short-term economic disruption,
怎么处理数百万人突然失业 \N 造成的短期经济混乱
for millions of people that might be suddenly out of a job.
怎么处理数百万人突然失业 \N 造成的短期经济混乱
Beyond the workplace, computers are also very likely to change our bodies.
For example, futurist Ray Kurzweil believes that
举个例子, 未来学家 Ray Kurzweil 认为
"The Singularity will allow us to transcend
"奇点会让我们超越 肉体和大脑的局限性
[the] limitations of our biological bodies and brains.
"奇点会让我们超越 肉体和大脑的局限性
We will gain power over our fates.
... We will be able to live as long as we want.
可以想活多久活多久 我们能完全理解并扩展大脑思维
We will fully understand human thinking and will vastly extend and expand its reach."
可以想活多久活多久 我们能完全理解并扩展大脑思维
Transhumanists see this happening in the form of cyborgs,
where humans and technology merge, enhancing our intellect and physiology.
There are already brain computer interfaces in use today.
And wearable computers, like Google Glass and Microsoft Hololens,
而 Google Glass 和 微软 Hololens \N 这样的穿戴式计算机 也在模糊这条界线
are starting to blur the line too.
而 Google Glass 和 微软 Hololens \N 这样的穿戴式计算机 也在模糊这条界线
There are also people who foresee "Digital Ascension",
which, in the words of Jaron Lanier,
Jaron Lanier 的说法是
"would involve people dying in the flesh and being uploaded into a computer and remaining conscious".
This transition from biological to digital beings
从生物体变成数字体 可能是下一次进化跨越
might end up being our next evolutionary step...
从生物体变成数字体 可能是下一次进化跨越
and a new level of abstraction.
Others predict humans staying largely human,
其他人则预测 人类大体会保持原样
but with superintelligent computers as a benevolent force,
emerging as a caretaker for humanity running all the farms,
curing diseases, directing robots to pick-up trash,
building new homes and many other functions.
建房子 以及很多其他事情
This would allow us to simply enjoy our time on this lovely pale blue dot.
让我们在这个可爱蓝点上(地球) 好好享受
Still others view AI with more suspicion
另一些人对 AI 持怀疑态度 -
why would a superintelligent AI waste its time taking care of us?
为什么超级人工智能 会费时间照顾我们?
Its not like weve taken on the role of being the benevolent caretaker of ants.
So maybe this play out like so many Sci-Fi movies
where were at war with computers, our own creation having turned on us.
Its impossible to know what the future holds,
but its great that this discussion and debate is already happening,
so as these technologies emerge, we can plan and react intelligently.
Whats much more likely, regardless of whether you see computers as future friend or foe,
is that they will outlive humanity.
Many futurists and science fiction writers have speculated
that computers will head out into space and colonize the galaxy,
ambivalent to time scales, radiation,
无视时间,辐射 \N 以及一些其他让人类难以长时间太空旅行的因素.
and all that other stuff that makes
无视时间,辐射 \N 以及一些其他让人类难以长时间太空旅行的因素.
long-distance space travel difficult for us humans.
无视时间,辐射 \N 以及一些其他让人类难以长时间太空旅行的因素.
And when the sun is burned up and the Earth is space dust,
亿万年后太阳燃尽 地球成为星尘 \N 也许我们的机器人孩子 会继续努力探索宇宙每一个角落
maybe our technological children will be hard at work
亿万年后太阳燃尽 地球成为星尘 \N 也许我们的机器人孩子 会继续努力探索宇宙每一个角落
exploring every nook and cranny of the universe,
亿万年后太阳燃尽 地球成为星尘 \N 也许我们的机器人孩子 会继续努力探索宇宙每一个角落
hopefully in honor of their parents tradition to build knowledge,
improve the state of the universe,
and to boldly go where no one has gone before!
In the meantime, computers have a long way to go,
and computer scientists are hard at work advancing
计算机科学家们在努力推进 过去40集谈到的话题
all of the topics we talked about over the past forty episodes.
计算机科学家们在努力推进 过去40集谈到的话题
In the next decade or so,
well likely see technologies like virtual and augmented reality,
VR 和 AR无人驾驶车无人机可穿戴计算机
self-driving vehicles, drones, wearable computers,
VR 和 AR无人驾驶车无人机可穿戴计算机
and service robots go mainstream.
和服务型机器人 会变得主流
The internet will continue to evolve new services,
stream new media, and connect people in different ways.
在线看新媒体. 用新方式连接人们
New programming languages and paradigms will be developed
to facilitate the creation of new and amazing software.
And new hardware will make complex operations blazingly fast,
而新硬件能让复杂运算快如闪电 \N 比如神经网络和3D图形
like neural networks and 3D graphics.
而新硬件能让复杂运算快如闪电 \N 比如神经网络和3D图形
Personal computers are also ripe for innovation,
perhaps shedding their forty-year old desktop metaphor
不像过去40年着重宣传 "桌面" 电脑
and being reborn as omnipresent and lifelong virtual assistants.
And theres so much we didnt get to talk about in this series,
这个系列 我们还有很多话题没谈
like cryptocurrencies, wireless communication,
3D printing, bioinformatics, and quantum computing.
Were in a golden age of computing
and theres so much going on, its impossible to summarize.
But most importantly, you can be a part of this amazing transformation and challenge,
但最重要的是 你可以学习计算机 \N 成为这个惊人转型的一部分
by learning about computing, and taking whats arguably humanitys greatest invention,
但最重要的是 你可以学习计算机 \N 成为这个惊人转型的一部分
to make the world a better place.
Thanks for watching.