Hi, I’m Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science! (。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课! So, over the course of this series, 在这个系列中, we’ve focused almost exclusively on computers – 我们聊的话题几乎全是计算机-比如电路和算法 the circuits and algorithms that make them tick. 我们聊的话题几乎全是计算机-比如电路和算法 Because...this is Crash Course Computer Science. 毕竟这是*计算机*速成课 But ultimately, computers are tools employed by people. 但归根结底,计算机只是给人用的工具 And humans are… well… messy. 而人类有点... 乱 We haven’t been designed by human engineers from the ground up 人类不是被工程师设计的,没有具体性能规格 with known performance specifications. 人类不是被工程师设计的,没有具体性能规格 We can be logical one moment and irrational the next. 我们一会儿是理性的,一会儿是不理性的 Have you ever gotten angry at your navigation system? Surfed wikipedia aimlessly? 你有没有对导航生过气?或是漫无目的的刷维基百科? Begged your internet browser to load faster? 求浏览器加载快点? Nicknamed your roomba? 给扫地机器人取名? These behaviors are quintessentially human! 这些是人类行为! To build computer systems that are useful, usable and enjoyable, 为了做出使用愉快的计算机 we need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of both computers and humans. 我们需要了解计算机和人类的优缺点 And for this reason, when good system designers are creating software, 优秀的系统设计师在创造软件时 they employ social, cognitive, behavioral, and perceptual psychology principles. 会运用社会心理学,认知心理学,\N 行为心理学,感知心理学的原理 No doubt you’ve encountered a physical or computer interface 你肯定见过难用的物理界面/计算机界面 \N 阻碍你做事 that was frustrating to use, impeding your progress. 你肯定见过难用的物理界面/计算机界面 \N 阻碍你做事 Maybe it was so badly designed that you couldn’t figure it out and just gave up. 甚至糟糕到放弃使用 That interface had poor usability. 那个界面的"易用度"很差 Usability is the degree to which a human-made artifact – like software "易用度"指的是人造物体,比如软件 \N 达到目的的效率有多高 – can be used to achieve an objective effectively and efficiently. "易用度"指的是人造物体,比如软件 \N 达到目的的效率有多高 To facilitate human work, we need to understand humans 为了帮助人类工作,我们需要了解人类 \N - 怎么看,思考,反应和互动 - from how they see and think, to how they react and interact. 为了帮助人类工作,我们需要了解人类 \N - 怎么看,思考,反应和互动 For instance, the human visual system has been well studied by Psychologists. 举个例子,心理学家已经对 \N 人类的视觉系统做了全面的研究 Like, we know that people are good at ordering intensities of colors. 我们知道人类擅长给颜色强度排序 Here are three. 这里有三个颜色 Can you arrange these from lightest to darkest? 你能从浅色到深色排序吗? You probably don’t have to think too much about it. 你可以轻易做到 Because of this innate ability, color intensity is a great choice 所以颜色强度很适合显示连续值 for displaying data with continuous values. 所以颜色强度很适合显示连续值 On the other hand, humans are terrible at ordering colors. 另一方面,人类很不擅长排序颜色 Here’s another example for you to put in order. 这是另一个例子 is orange before blue, or after blue? 把橙色放到蓝色前面还是后面?绿色放哪里? Where does green go? 把橙色放到蓝色前面还是后面?绿色放哪里? You might be thinking we could order this by wavelength of light, 你可能想通过光的波长排序 \N 就像彩虹一样,但这样太累了 like a rainbow, but that’s a lot more to think about. 你可能想通过光的波长排序 \N 就像彩虹一样,但这样太累了 Most people are going to be much slower and error-prone at ordering. 大部分人会很慢而且容易出错 Because of this innate ineptitude of your visual system, 由于视觉系统天生是这样 displaying continuous data using colors can be a disastrous design choice. 所以用不同颜色显示连续性数据,是个糟糕的选择 You’ll find yourself constantly referring back to a color legend to compare items. 你得经常看表格来对比数据 However, colors are perfect for when the data is discrete with no ordering, 然而,如果数据没有顺序,用不同颜色就很合适 like categorical data. 比如分类数据 This might seem obvious, but you’d be amazed at 也许这些看起来很明显 \N 但你会惊讶有多少设计把这些基本事情搞错 how many interfaces get basic things like this wrong. 也许这些看起来很明显 \N 但你会惊讶有多少设计把这些基本事情搞错 Beyond visual perception, understanding human cognition helps us 除了视觉 \N 理解人类的认知系统能帮我们设计更好的界面 design interfaces that align with how the mind works. 除了视觉 \N 理解人类的认知系统能帮我们设计更好的界面 Like, humans can read, remember and process information more effectively 比如,如果信息分块了 \N 会更容易读,更容易记 when it's chunked–that is, when items are put together into small, meaningful groups. 分块是指把信息分成更小,更有意义的块 Humans can generally juggle seven items, plus-or-minus two, in short-term memory. 人类的短期记忆能记住5到9个东西 To be conservative, we typically see groupings of five or less. 保守一点,分组一般是5个或更少 That’s why telephone numbers are broken into chunks, like 317, 555, 3897. 所以电话号码一般分块,比如 317-555-3897 Instead of being ten individual digits that we’d likely forget, it’s three chunks, 10个连续数可能会忘,分成3块更好记 which we can handle better. 10个连续数可能会忘,分成3块更好记 From a computer's standpoint, this needlessly takes more time and space, 从计算机的角度来看,分块更费时费空间 so it's less efficient. 效率更低 But, it’s way more efficient for us humans – 但这对人类更有效率 a tradeoff we almost always make in our favor, - 碰到这种抉择时,我们总是以人类优先 since we’re the ones running the show...for now. 现在我们还是老大.. 暂时啦 Chunking has been applied to computer interfaces for things 界面设计用了分块 \N 比如下拉菜单 和带按钮的菜单栏 like drop-down menu items and menu bars with buttons. 界面设计用了分块 \N 比如下拉菜单 和带按钮的菜单栏 It’d be more efficient for computers to just pack all those together, edge to edge 对电脑来说,全部挤在一起更有效率 – it’s wasted memory and screen real estate. 分块浪费内存 浪费屏幕 But designing interfaces in this way makes them much easier 但这样设计更容易扫视,记住和访问 to visually scan, remember and access. 但这样设计更容易扫视,记住和访问 Another central concept used in interface design is affordances. 界面设计中另一个重点概念是"直观功能" According to Don Norman, who popularized the term in computing, Don Norman 让这个词在计算机界流行起来,根据他的说法 "affordances provide strong clues to the operations of things. "直观功能 为如何操作物体提供线索 Plates are for pushing. 平板用来推 Knobs are for turning. 旋钮用来转 Slots are for inserting things into. 插槽用来插东西 [...] When affordances are taken advantage of, the user knows what to do just by looking: [...]直观功能做的好,用户只需要看一眼就知道怎么做: no picture, label, or instruction needed." 不需要图片,标签或指南来说明" If you’ve ever tried to pull a door handle, only to realize that you have to push it open, 如果你拉过门把手打不开,然后意识到要推开才对 you’ve discovered a broken affordance. 那么你发现了一个坏掉的"直观功能" On the other hand, a door plate is a better design 平板是更好的设计 because it only gives you the option to push. 因为只能推开 Doors are pretty straightforward – if you need to put written instructions on them, 门是简单的东西,如果你要贴指示让人们明白怎么用. you should probably go back to the drawing board. 那么也许你应该重新设计 Affordances are used extensively in graphical user interfaces, "直观功能"广泛用于图形界面 which we discussed in episode 26. 我们在第26集讨论过 It’s one of the reasons why computers became so much easier to use than with command lines. 这是图形界面比命令行更容易用的原因之一 You don’t have to guess what things on-screen are clickable, because they look like buttons. 你不用猜测屏幕上什么东西是可点的,\N 可点的会看起来像按钮 They pop out, just waiting for you to press them! 他们弹出来,只是等着你压他们! One of my favorite affordances, which suggests to users that an on-screen element is draggable, 我最喜欢的"直观功能"之一,是向用户表明元素是可拖动的 is knurling – that texture added to objects "滚花" - 一种视觉纹理 to improve grip and show you where to best grab them. 告诉用户哪里可以拖动 This idea and pattern was borrowed from real world physical tools. 这个点子来自现实世界中的工具 Related to the concept of affordances is the psychology of recognition vs recall. 和"直观功能"相关的一个心理学概念是 "认出与回想" You know this effect well from tests – 如果你考过试,肯定感受过这个 it's why multiple choice questions are easier than fill-in-the-blank ones. 这就是为什么选择题比填空题容易 In general, human memory is much better when it’s triggered by a sensory cue, 一般来说,用感觉来触发记忆会容易得多 like a word, picture or sound. 比如文字,图片或声音 That’s why interfaces use icons – pictorial representations of functions 所以我们用图标代表功能 – like a trash can for where files go to be deleted. - 比如"垃圾桶"图标 代表里面放着被删除的文件 We don’t have to recall what that icon does, we just have to recognise the icon. 我们不用去回想图标的功能是什么,只要能认出来就行了 This was also a huge improvement over command line interfaces, 比命令行好得多 where you had to rely on your memory for what commands to use. 命令行得依靠记忆来输命令 Do I have to type "delete", or "remove", or... "trash", or… shoot, it could be anything! 到底是输入"删除""移除""垃圾"还是"射出"?\N 可能是任何命令! It’s actually "rm" in linux, 顺带一说,在 Linux 里删除文件的命令是 "rm" but anyway, making everything easy to discover and learn sometimes means slow to access, 回到正题,\N 让所有菜单选项好找好记,有时候意味着用的时候会慢一些 which conflicts with another psychology concept: expertise. 这与另一个心理学概念冲突:"专业知识" As you gain experience with interfaces, you get faster, 当你用界面熟悉之后,速度会更快一些 building mental models of how to do things efficiently. 建立如何高效完成事情的"心理模型" So, good interfaces should offer multiple paths to accomplish goals. 所以 好的界面应该提供多种方法来实现目标 A great example of this is copy and paste, which can be found in the edit dropdown menu 一个好例子是复制粘贴,可以在"编辑"的下拉菜单中找到 of word processors, and is also triggered with keyboard shortcuts. 也可以用快捷键 One approach caters to novices, while the other caters to experts, slowing down neither. 一种适合新手,一种适合专家,两者都不耽误 So, you can have your cake and eat it too! 鱼和熊掌兼得! In addition to making humans more efficient, 除了让人类做事更高效, we'd also like computers to be emotionally intelligent – 我们也希望电脑能有一点情商 adapting their behavior to respond appropriately 能根据用户的状态做出合适地反应 to their users' emotional state – also called affect. 能根据用户的状态做出合适地反应 That could make experiences more empathetic, enjoyable, or even delightful. 让使用电脑更加愉快 This vision was articulated by Rosalind Picard in her 1995 paper on Affective Computing, Rosalind Picard 在 1995 年关于"情感计算"的论文中,阐述了这一愿景 which kickstarted an interdisciplinary field combining aspects 这篇论文开创了心理学,社会科学和计算机科学的跨学科结合 of psychology, social and computer sciences. 这篇论文开创了心理学,社会科学和计算机科学的跨学科结合 It spurred work on computing systems that could recognize, 促进了让计算机理解人类情感的研究 interpret, simulate and alter human affect. 促进了让计算机理解人类情感的研究 This was a huge deal, because we know emotion influences cognition and perception 这很重要,因为情绪会影响日常活动 in everyday tasks like learning, communication, and decision making. 比如学习,沟通和决策 Affect-aware systems use sensors, sometimes worn, that capture things like speech and 情感系统会用传感器,录声音, video of the face, as well as biometrics, like sweatiness and heart rate. 录像(你的脸)以及生物指标,比如出汗和心率 This multimodal sensor data is used in conjunction with computational models that represent how 得到的数据和计算模型结合使用 people develop and express affective states, like happiness and frustration, 模型会写明人类如何表达情感,怎么是快乐 怎么是沮丧 and social states, like friendship and trust. 以及社交状态,比如友谊和信任 These models estimate the likelihood of a user being in a particular state, 模型会估算用户的情绪 and figure out how to best respond to that state, 以及怎样以最好的回应用户 in order to achieve the goals of the system. 以达到目标 This might be to calm the user down, build trust, or help them get their homework done. 比如让用户冷静下来,建立信任,或帮忙完成作业 A study, looking at user affect, was conducted by Facebook in 2012. Facebook 在 2012 年进行了一项"影响用户"的研究 For one week, data scientists altered the content 数据科学家在一个星期内 on hundreds of thousands of users' feeds. 修改了很多用户 时间线上显示的内容 Some people were shown more items with positive content, 有些人会看到更多积极向上的内容 while others were presented with more negative content. 有些人会看到更多负面消极的内容 The researchers analyzed people's posts during that week, 研究人员分析了那一周内人们的发帖 and found that users who were shown more positive content, 发现看到积极向上内容的用户, tended to also post more positive content. 发的帖子往往更正面 On the other hand, users who saw more negative content, tended to have more negative posts. 另一方面,看到负面内容的用户,发的内容也更负面 Clearly, what Facebook and other services show you 显然,Facebook和其他网站向你展示的内容 can absolutely have an affect on you. 绝对会对你有影响 As gatekeepers of content, that’s a huge opportunity and responsibility. 作为信息的守门人,这是巨大的机会 同时也是责任 Which is why this study ended up being pretty controversial. 研究结果相当有争议性. Also, it raises some interesting questions about 而且它还产生了一个有趣的问题: how computer programs should respond to human communication. 计算机程序如何回应人类 If the user is being negative, maybe the computer shouldn’t be 如果用户的情绪比较负面,也许电脑不应该 annoying by responding in a cheery, upbeat manner. 以一种烦人的 "你要振作起来呀" 的态度回答问题. Or, maybe the computer should attempt to evoke a positive response, 或者,也许电脑应该试着积极正面的回应用户 even if it's a bit awkward. 即使这有点尴尬. The "correct" behavior is very much an open research question. 什么行为是"正确的",是个开放性的研究问题 Speaking of Facebook, it’s a great example of computer-mediated communication, or CMC, 既然说到Facebook,\N 这是一个"以计算机为媒介沟通"的好例子,简称 "CMC" another large field of research. 也是一个很大的研究领域 This includes synchronous communication – like video calls, where all participants are online 这包括同步通信 - 所有参与者同时在线进行视频通话 simultaneously – as well as asynchronous communication – like tweets, emails, and 以及异步通信 - 比如推特,邮件, text messages, where people respond whenever they can or want. 短信,人们可以随时随地回复信息 Researchers study things like the use of emoticons, rules such as turn-taking, 研究人员还研究用户怎么用表情包,怎么轮换发言, and language used in different communication channels. 以及用不同沟通渠道时,用词有什么区别. One interesting finding is that people exhibit higher levels of self-disclosure 一个有趣的发现是,比起面对面沟通, – that is, reveal personal information –in computer-mediated conversations, 人们更愿意在网上透露自己的信息 as opposed to face-to-face interactions. 人们更愿意在网上透露自己的信息 So if you want to build a system that knows how many hours a user truly spent 所以如果想知道用户 \N 真正花了多少小时看"大英烘培大赛"(电视节目) watching The Great British Bakeoff, it might be better to build a chatbot 比起做个带脸的虚拟助理 \N 做 聊天机器人 是个更好的选择 than a virtual agent with a face. 比起做个带脸的虚拟助理 \N 做 聊天机器人 是个更好的选择 Psychology research has also demonstrated that eye gaze is 心理学研究也表明,如果想说服,讲课,或引起注意 \N 眼神注视非常重要 extremely important in persuading, teaching and getting people's attention. 心理学研究也表明,如果想说服,讲课,或引起注意 \N 眼神注视非常重要 Looking at others while talking is called mutual gaze. 在谈话时看着别人叫 相互凝视 This has been shown to boost engagement and help achieve the goals of a conversation, 这被证明可以促进参与感 帮助实现谈话目标, whether that’s learning, making a friend, or closing a business deal. 不管是学习,交朋友,还是谈生意 In settings like a videotaped lecture, the instructor rarely, if ever, looks into the 在录像讲座中,老师很少直视相机 \N 一般是看在场学生 camera, and instead generally looks at the students who are physically present. 在录像讲座中,老师很少直视相机 \N 一般是看在场学生 That’s ok for them, but it means people who 对他们没问题,但这会让在线看视频的人 没什么参与感 watch the lectures online have reduced engagement. 对他们没问题,但这会让在线看视频的人 没什么参与感 In response, researchers have developed computer vision 为此,研究人员开发了计算机视觉和图形软件 \N 来纠正头部和眼睛 and graphics software that can warp the head and eyes, 为此,研究人员开发了计算机视觉和图形软件 \N 来纠正头部和眼睛 making it appear as though the instructor is looking into the camera 视频时会觉得对方在直视摄像头,看着他们 – right at the remote viewer. 视频时会觉得对方在直视摄像头,看着他们 This technique is called augmented gaze. 这叫"增强凝视" Similar techniques have also been applied to video conference calls, to correct for 类似技术也用于视频会议 the placement of webcams, which are almost always located above screens. 纠正摄像头位置,因为摄像头几乎总在屏幕上方 Since you’re typically looking at the video of your conversation partner, 因为你一般会盯着屏幕上的另一方 \N 而不是盯着摄像头 rather than directly into the webcam, 因为你一般会盯着屏幕上的另一方 \N 而不是盯着摄像头 you'll always appear to them as though you're looking downwards – 所以视频里看起来像在向下看 breaking mutual gaze – which can create all kinds of 没有相互凝视 - 这会导致各种不幸的副作用,比如权力不平衡 unfortunate social side effects, like a power imbalance. 没有相互凝视 - 这会导致各种不幸的副作用,比如权力不平衡 Fortunately, this can be corrected digitally, and appear to participants 幸运的是 可以用软件修正 as though you're lovingly gazing into their eyes. 看起来像在凝视着对方的眼睛 Humans also love anthropomorphizing objects, and computers are no exception, 人类也喜欢"拟人化"的物体,对计算机也不例外 especially if they move, like our Robots from last episode. 特别是会动的计算机,比如上集说的机器人 Beyond industrial uses that prevailed over the last century, 在过去一个世纪,除了工业用途机器人 robots are used increasingly in medical, education, and entertainment settings, 有越来越多机器人用于医疗,教育和娱乐 \N 它们经常和人类互动 where they frequently interact with humans. 有越来越多机器人用于医疗,教育和娱乐 \N 它们经常和人类互动 Human-Robot Interaction – or HRI 人机交互,简称 HRI – is a field dedicated to studying these interactions, - 是一个研究人类和机器人交互的领域, like how people perceive different robots behaviors and forms, 比如人类如何感受 机器人的不同形式和不同行为 or how robots can interpret human social cues to blend in and not be super awkward. 或是机器人如何明白人类暗示来社交,而不是尴尬的互动 As we discussed last episode, there’s an ongoing quest to make 正如上集说的,我们有追求 robots as human-like in their appearance and interactions as possible. 把机器人的外表和行为,做得尽可能像人一样 When engineers first made robots in the 1940s and 50s, they didn’t look very human at all. 工程师在1940 1950年代刚开始做机器人时,\N 看起来完全不像人 They were almost exclusively industrial machines with no human-likeness. 是完完全全的工业机器 Over time, engineers got better and better at making human-like robots 随着时间的推移,工程师越来越擅长做类人机器人 – they gained heads and walked around on two legs, 它们有头,而且用两条腿走路 but… they couldn't exactly go to restaurants and masquerade as humans. 但它们做不到伪装成人类去餐馆点餐 As people pushed closer and closer to human likeness, 随着机器人可以做得越来越像人类 replacing cameras with artificial eyeballs, and covering metal chassis with synthetic flesh, 用人造眼球代替摄像头,用人工肌肉盖住金属骨架 things started to get a bit... uncanny... 事情会开始变得有些.. 奇怪.. \N 引起一种怪异不安的感觉 eliciting an eerie and unsettling feeling. 事情会开始变得有些.. 奇怪.. \N 引起一种怪异不安的感觉 This dip in realism between almost-human and actually-human became known as the uncanny valley. 这个"几乎像人类"和"真的人类"之间的小曲线,叫 "恐怖谷" There’s debate over whether robots should act like humans too. 对于机器人是否应该有人类一样的行为,也存在争议 Lots of evidence already suggests that even if robots don’t act like us, 很多证据表明,即使机器人的行为不像人类 people will treat them as though they know our social conventions. 人类也会用社交习俗对待它们 And when they violate these rules – such as not apologizing if they cut in front of 而当机器人违反习俗时 - 比如插队或踩了脚不道歉 \N 人们会很生气! you or roll over your foot – people get really mad! 而当机器人违反习俗时 - 比如插队或踩了脚不道歉 \N 人们会很生气! Without a doubt, psychology and computer science are a potent combination, 毫无疑问,心理学+计算机科学是强大的组合 and have tremendous potential to affect our everyday lives. 可以影响日常生活的巨大潜力 Which leaves us with a lot of question, like you might lie to your laptop, 这也带来了很多开放式问题,比如你可能会对计算机撒谎 but should your laptop lie to you? 但计算机应不应该对你撒谎? What if it makes you more efficient or happy? 如果撒谎能让你更高效更快乐呢? Or should social media companies curate the content they show you to 或社交媒体公司 \N 是否应该精心挑选展示给你的内容 make you stay on their site longer to make you buy more products? 让你在网站上多待一会儿,买更多东西? They do by the way. 顺带一说,他们的确有这样做 These types of ethical considerations aren’t easy to answer, but psychology can at least 这类道德问题不容易回答,但心理学至少可以 help us understand the effects and implications of design choices in our computing systems. 帮助我们理解不同选择 带来的影响和意义 But, on the positive side, understanding the psychology behind design 但从积极的方面来说,了解设计背后的心理学 might lead to increased accessibility. 能增加易用性 A greater number of people can understand and use computers 让更多人可以明白和使用电脑,如今计算机比以往更加直观 now that they're more intuitive than ever. 让更多人可以明白和使用电脑,如今计算机比以往更加直观 Conference calls and virtual classrooms are becoming more agreeable experiences. 线上会议和虚拟教室的体验越来越好 As robot technology continues to improve, the population 随着机器人技术不断提高,互动也会越来越舒适 will grow more comfortable in those interactions. 随着机器人技术不断提高,互动也会越来越舒适 Plus, thanks to psychology, we can all bond over our love of knurling. 另外,感谢心理学,让我们能分享对"滚花"的热爱 I’ll see you next week. 我们下周见