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Hi, I’m Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我是 Carrie Anne,欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!
Last episode we discussed how writing programs in native machine code,
and having to contend with so many low level details, was a huge impediment to writing complex programs.
还要处理那么多底层细节 对写大型程序是个巨大障碍
To abstract away many of these low-level details, Programming Languages were developed that
let programmers concentrate on solving a problem with computation, and less on nitty gritty hardware details.
So today, we’re going to continue that discussion, and introduce some fundamental building blocks
今天我们讨论 大多数编程语言都有的基本元素
that almost all programming languages provide.
今天我们讨论 大多数编程语言都有的基本元素
Just like spoken languages, programming languages have statements.
These are individual complete thoughts, like "I want tea" or "it is raining".
By using different words, we can change the meaning;
用不同词汇可以代表不同含义 \N 比如"我想要茶"变成"我想要独角兽"
for example, "I want tea" to "I want unicorns".
用不同词汇可以代表不同含义 \N 比如"我想要茶"变成"我想要独角兽"
But we can’t change "I want tea" to "I want raining" - that doesn’t make grammatical sense.
但没法把"我想要茶"改成"我想要雨"- 语法毫无意义
The set of rules that govern the structure and composition of statements in a language
规定句子结构的一系列规则 叫语法
is called syntax.
规定句子结构的一系列规则 叫语法
The English language has syntax, and so do all programming languages.
"a = 5" is a programming language statement.
a=5 是一个编程语言语句
In this case, the statement says a variable named A has the number 5 stored in it.
意思是创建一个叫 a 的变量,把数字 5 放里面.
This is called an assignment statement because we're assigning a value to a variable.
To express more complex things, we need a series of statements,
like "A is 5, B is 10, C equals A plus B"
比如 \Na=5 \N b=10 \Nc=a+b
This program tells the computer to set variable ‘A’ equal to 5, variable ‘B’ to 10,
意思是,变量 a 设为5,变量 b 设为10
and finally to add ‘A’ and ‘B’ together, and put that result, which is 15, into -- you guessed it -- variable C.
把 a 和 b 加起来,把结果 15 放进变量 c
Note that we can call variables whatever we want.
Instead of A, B and C, it could be apples, pears, and fruits.
除了 a b c,也可以叫苹果、梨、水果
The computer doesn’t care, as long as variables are uniquely named.
But it’s probably best practice to name them things that make sense
in case someone else is trying to understand your code.
A program, which is a list of instructions, is a bit like a recipe:
boil water, add noodles, wait 10 minutes, drain and enjoy.
In the same way, the program starts at the first statement
and runs down one at a time until it hits the end.
So far, we’ve added two numbers together.
Let’s make a video game instead!
Of course, it’s way too early to think about coding an entire game,
当然,现在这个学习阶段 \N来编写一整个游戏还太早了
so instead, we’ll use our example to write little snippets of code
that cover some programming fundamentals.
Imagine we’re building an old-school arcade game where Grace Hopper has to capture bugs
假设我们在写一款老派街机游戏:Grace Hopper 拍虫子
before they get into the Harvard Mark 1 and crash the computer!
On every level, the number of bugs increases.
Grace has to catch them before they wear out any relays in the machine.
Grace 要在虫子损坏继电器之前 抓住虫子
Fortunately, she has a few extra relays for repairs.
好消息是 她有几个备用继电器
To get started, we’ll need to keep track of a bunch of values that are important for gameplay
开始编写时,我们需要一些值 来保存游戏数据
like what level the player is on, the score, the number of bugs remaining,
as well as the number of spare relays in Grace’s inventory.
Grace 还剩几个备用继电器
So, we must "initialize" our variables, that is, set their initial value:
所以我们要"初始化"变量 \N "初始化"的意思是设置最开始的值.
"level equals 1, score equals 0, bugs equals 5, spare relays equals 4, and player name equals "Andre".
关卡=1 分数=0 虫子数=5 \N 备用继电器=4 玩家名=Andre
To create an interactive game, we need to control the flow of the program
beyond just running from top to bottom.
To do this, we use Control Flow Statements.
因此用 "控制流语句"
There are several types, but If Statements are the most common.
控制流语句有好几种,最常见的是 if 语句
You can think of them as "If X is true, then do Y".
可以想成是 "如果 X 为真,那么执行 Y"
An English language example is: "If I am tired, then get tea"
用英语举例就是 "如果累了, 就去喝茶"
So if "I am tired" is a true statement, then I will go get tea
如果 "累了" 为真,就去喝茶
If "I am tired" is false, then I will not go get tea.
如果 "累了" 为假,就不喝茶
An IF statement is like a fork in the road.
if 语句就像岔路口
Which path you take is conditional on whether the expression is true or false
走哪条路 取决于 "表达式" 的真假,
so these expressions are called Conditional Statements.
因此这些表达式又叫 "条件语句"
In most programming languages, an if statement looks something like
在大多数编程语言中,if 语句看起来像这样:
"If, expression, then, some code, then end the if statement".
if [条件], then [一些代码],结束 if 语句.
For example, if "level" is 1, then we set the score to zero, because the player is just starting.
比如,if [第一关],then [分数设为0] \N 因为玩家才刚开始游戏
We also set the number of bugs to 1, to keep it easy for now.
同时把虫子数设为 1,让游戏简单些
Notice the lines of code that are conditional on the if-statement are nested between the
注意, 依赖于 if 条件的代码,要放在 IF 和 END IF 之间
IF and END IF.
注意, 依赖于 if 条件的代码,要放在 IF 和 END IF 之间
Of course, we can change the conditional expression to whatever we want to test, like
当然,条件表达式 可以改成别的,比如:
"is score greater than 10" or "is bugs less than 1".
"分数 >10" 或者 "虫子数 <1"
And If-Statements can be combined with an ELSE statement, which acts as a catch-all if the expression is false.
if 还可以和 else 结合使用 \N 条件为假会执行 else 里的代码
If the level is not 1, the code inside the ELSE block will be executed instead, and the
如果不是第1关,else 里的指令就会被执行
number of bugs that Grace has to battle is set to 3 times the level number.
Grace 要抓的虫子数,是当前关卡数 * 3
So on level 2, it would be six bugs, and on level 3 there’s 9, and so on.
所以第 2 关有 6 个虫子,第 3 关有 9 个虫子,以此类推
Score isn’t modified in the ELSE block, so Grace gets to keep any points earned.
else 中没有改分数,所以 Grace 的分数不会变
Here are some examples of if-then-else statements from some popular programming languages
这里列了一些热门编程语言 if-then-else 的具体语法
-- you can see the syntax varies a little, but the underlying structure is roughly the same.
If-statements are executed once, a conditional path is chosen, and the program moves on.
if 语句 根据条件执行一次
To repeat some statements many times, we need to create a conditional loop.
One way is a while statement, also called a while loop.
比如 while 语句,也叫 "while 循环"
As you might have guessed, this loops a piece of code "while" a condition is true.
当 while 条件为真,代码会重复执行
Regardless of the programming language, they look something like this:
In our game, let’s say at certain points, a friendly colleague restocks Grace with relays!
假设到达一定分数会冒出一个同事,给 Grace 补充继电器
To animate him replenishing our stock back up to a maximum of 4, we can use a while loop.
把继电器补满到最大数 4 个 \N 我们可以用 while 语句来做
Let’s walk through this code.
First we’ll assume that Grace only has 1 tube left when her colleague enters.
假设同事入场时, Grace 只剩一个继电器
When we enter the while loop, the first thing the computer does is test its conditional…
当执行 while 循环,第一件事是检查条件
is relays less than 4?
Well, relays is currently 1, so yes.
Now we enter the loop!
Then, we hit the line of code: "relays equals relays plus 1".
This is a bit confusing because the variable is using itself in an assignment statement,
so let's unpack it.
You always start by figuring out the right side of the equals sign first,
so what does "relays plus 1" come out to be?
"继电器数量+1" 是多少?
Well, relays is currently the value 1, so 1 plus 1 equals 2.
当前值是1,所以 1+1=2
Then, this result gets saved back into the variable relays, writing over the old value,
so now relays stores the value 2.
所以现在继电器数量是 2
We’ve hit the end of the while loop, which jumps the program back up.
Just as before, we test the conditional to see if we’re going to enter the loop.
Is relays less than 4?
Well, yes, relays now equals 2, so we enter the loop again!
2 plus 1 equals 3.
so 3 is saved into relays.
3 存入"继电器数量"
Loop again.
Is 3 less than 4?
Yes it is!
Into the loop again.
3 plus 1 equals 4.
So we save 4 into relays.
4 存入"继电器数量"
Loop again.
Is 4 less than 4?....
So the condition is now false, and thus we exit the loop and move on to any remaining code
That’s how a while loop works!
while 循环就是这样运作的!
There’s also the common For Loop.
另一种常见的叫 "for 循环"
Instead of being a condition-controlled loop that can repeat forever until the condition is false
a FOR loop is count-controlled; it repeats a specific number of times.
They look something like this:
Now, let’s put in some real values.
This example loops 10 times, because we’ve specified that variable ‘i’
上图例子会循环10次,因为设了变量 i
starts at the value 1 and goes up to 10.
从 1 开始,一直到 10
The unique thing about a FOR loop is that each time it hits NEXT, it adds one to ‘i’.
for 的特点是,每次结束, i 会 +1
When ‘i’ equals 10, the computer knows it’s been looped 10 times, and the loop exits
当 i 等于10,就知道循环了10次,然后退出.
We can set the number to whatever we want -- 10, 42, or a billion -- it’s up to us.
我们可以用任何数字,10, 42, 10 亿
Let’s say we want to give the player a bonus at the end of each level
假设每关结束后 给玩家一些奖励分
for the number of vacuum relays they have left over.
奖励分多少取决于 继电器剩余数量
As the game gets harder, it takes more skill to have unused relays,
so we want the bonus to go up exponentially based on the level.
We need to write a piece of code that calculates exponents -
that is, multiplying a number by itself a specific number of times.
A loop is perfect for this!
First lets initialize a new variable called "bonus" and set it to 1.
首先,创建一个叫"奖励分"的新变量,设为 1 (看上图)
Then, we create a FOR loop starting at 1, and looping up to the level number.
然后 for 循环,从 1 到 [当前关卡数]
Inside that loop, we multiply bonus times the number of relays,
[奖励分] x [继电器剩余数],结果存入 [奖励分]
and save that new value back into bonus.
[奖励分] x [继电器剩余数],结果存入 [奖励分]
For example, let’s say relays equals 2, and level equals 3.
So the FOR loop will loop three times, which means bonus is going to get multiplied by
for 会循环3次,奖励分会乘
relays... by relays... by relays.
继电器数量 x 继电器数量 x 继电器数量
Or in this case, times 2, times 2, times 2, which is a bonus of 8!
That’s 2 to the 3rd power!
This exponent code is useful, and we might want to use it in other parts of our code.
It’d be annoying to copy and paste this everywhere, and have to update the variable names each time.
Also, if we found a bug, we’d have to hunt around and update every place we used it.
如果代码发现问题,要补漏洞时 \N 要把每一个复制黏贴过的地方都找出来改
It also makes code more confusing to look at.
Less is more!
What we want is a way to package up our exponent code so we can use it, get the result, and
我们想要某种方法,把代码"打包" \N 可以直接使用,得出结果,
not have to see all the internal complexity.
We’re once again moving up a new level of abstraction!
To compartmentalize and hide complexity,
programming languages can package pieces of code into named functions,
可以把代码打包成 "函数"
also called methods or subroutines in different programming languages.
也叫 "方法" 或 "子程序"\N(有些编程语言这么叫)
These functions can then be used by any other part of that program just by calling its name.
Let’s turn our exponent code into a function! First, we should name it.
现在我们把指数代码变成函数. 第一步,取名.
We can call it anything we want, like HappyUnicorn,
but since our code calculates exponents, let’s call it exponent.
但因为是算指数, 直接叫"指数"合适一些
Also, instead of using specific variable names, like "relays" and "levels",
还有,与其用特定变量名,比如 "继电器" 和 "关卡数"
we specify generic variable names, like Base and Exp,
用更通用的名字,比如 底数(Base) 和 指数(Exp)
whose initial values are going to be "passed" into our function from some other part of the program.
Base 和 Exp 的初始值需要外部传入
The rest of our code is the same as before
Now tucked into our function and with new variable names.
Finally, we need to send the result of our exponent code back to the part of the program that requested it.
最后, 我们还需要把结果 交给使用这个函数的代码
For this, we use a RETURN statement, and specify that the value in ‘result’ be returned.
所以用 RETURN 语句,指明返回什么.
So our full function code looks like this:
Now we can use this function anywhere in our program,
simply by calling its name and passing in two numbers.
只需要写出名字 然后传入2个数字 就可以了
For example, if we want to calculate 2 to the 44th power, we can just call "exponent 2 comma 44."
如果要算 2 的 44 次方,写 exponent(2,44)
and like 18 trillion comes back.
结果是 18 万亿左右
Behind the scenes, 2 and 44 get saved into variables Base and Exp inside the function,
幕后原理是,2 和 44 存进 Base 和 Exp
it does all its loops as necessary, and then the function returns with the result.
Let’s use our newly minted function to calculate a score bonus.
我们来用这个新函数 算奖励分
First, we initialize bonus to 0.
首先,奖励分初始化为 0
Then we check if the player has any remaining relays with an if-statement.
然后用 if 语句,看剩不剩继电器(看上图的 > 0)
If they do, we call our exponent function, passing in relays and level,
如果还剩,用指数函数,传入 [继电器数] 和 [关卡数]
which calculates relays to the power of level, and returns the result, which we save into bonus.
它会算 [继电器数]的[关卡数]次方, 存入奖励分
This bonus calculating code might be useful later, so let’s wrap it up as a function too!
Yes, a function that calls a function!
没错,这个函数 (CalcBonus) \N 会调用另一个函数 (Exponent)
And then, wait for it…. we can use this function in an even more complex function.
还有!这个 CalcBonus 函数,可以用在其他更复杂的函数
Let’s write one that gets called everytime the player finishes a level.
我们来写一个函数, 每一关结束后都会调用
We’ll call it "LevelFinished"
叫 LevelFinished (关卡结束)
- it needs to know the number of relays left, what level it was, and the current score;
需要传入 [剩余继电器数] [关卡数] [当前分]
those values have to get passed in.
Inside our function, we’ll calculate the bonus, using our CalcBonus function,
里面用 CalcBonus 算奖励分,并加进总分
and add that to the running score.
里面用 CalcBonus 算奖励分,并加进总分
Also, if the current score is higher than the game’s high score,
还有,如果当前分 > 游戏最高分
we save the new high score and the players name.
把新高分和玩家名 存起来
Now we’re getting pretty fancy.
Functions are calling functions are calling functions!
When we call a single line of code, like this the complexity is hidden.
We don’t see all the internal loops and variables,
we just see the result come back as if by magic…. a total score of 53.
只知道结果会像魔术一样返回,总分 53
But it’s not magic, it’s the power of abstraction!
If you understand this example, then you understand the power of functions,
and the entire essence of modern programming.
It’s not feasible to write, for example, a web browser as one gigantically long list of statements.
It would be millions of lines long and impossible to comprehend!
So instead, software consists of thousands of smaller functions,
each responsible for different features.
In modern programming, it’s uncommon to see functions longer than around 100 lines of code
because by then, there’s probably something that
如果多于 100 行,应该有东西可以拆出来做成一个函数
should be pulled out and made into its own function.
如果多于 100 行,应该有东西可以拆出来做成一个函数
Modularizing programs into functions not only allows a single programmer to write an entire app
模块化编程 不仅可以让单个程序员独立制作 App
but also allows teams of people to work efficiently on even bigger programs.
Different programmers can work on different functions,
and if everyone makes sure their code works correctly,
then when everything is put together, the whole program should work too!
And in the real world, programmers aren’t wasting time writing things like exponents.
Modern programming languages come with huge bundles of pre-written functions, called Libraries.
现代编程语言 有很多预先写好的函数集合,叫 "库"
These are written by expert coders, made efficient and rigorously tested, and then given to everyone.
There are libraries for almost everything, including networking, graphics, and sound
-- topics we’ll discuss in future episodes.
But before we get to those, we need to talk about Algorithms.
You should be.
I’ll see you next week.