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Hi, I'm Carrie Ann and this is Crash Course Computer Science.
嗨,我是 Carrie Anne,欢迎收看计算机科学速成课
So last episode, we talked about how numbers can be represented in binary.
Representing Like, 00101010 is 42 in decimal.
比如二进制 00101010 是十进制的 42
Representing and storing numbers is an important function of a computer,
but the real goal is computation, or manipulating numbers in a structured and purposeful way,
like adding two numbers together.
These operations are handled by a computer's Arithmetic and Logic Unit,
这些操作由计算机的 "算术逻辑单元 "处理
but most people call it by its street name:
the ALU.
The ALU is the mathematical brain of a computer.
ALU 是计算机的数学大脑
When you understand an ALU's design and function,
等你理解了 ALU 的设计和功能之后
you'll understand a fundamental part of modern computers.
It is THE thing that does all of the computation in a computer,
ALU *就是* 计算机里负责运算的组件\N 基本其他所有部件都用到了它
so basically everything uses it.
ALU *就是* 计算机里负责运算的组件\N 基本其他所有部件都用到了它
First though, look at this beauty.
This is perhaps the most famous ALU ever, the Intel 74181.
这可能是最著名的 ALU,英特尔 74181
When it was released in 1970,
1970 年发布时,它是第一个封装在单个芯片内的完整 ALU
it was It was the first complete ALU that fit entirely inside of a single chip -
1970 年发布时,它是第一个封装在单个芯片内的完整 ALU
Which was a huge engineering feat at the time.
So today we're going to take those Boolean logic gates we learned about last week
to build a simple ALU circuit with much of the same functionality as the 74181.
做一个简单的 ALU 电路,功能和 74181 一样
And over the next few episodes we'll use this to construct a computer from scratch.
So it's going to get a little bit complicated,
but I think you guys can handle it.
An ALU is really two units in one
ALU 有 2 个单元,1 个算术单元和 1 个逻辑单元
-- there's an arithmetic unit and a logic unit.
ALU 有 2 个单元,1 个算术单元和 1 个逻辑单元
Let's start with the arithmetic unit,
which is responsible for handling all numerical operations in a computer,
like addition and subtraction.
It also does a bunch of other simple things like add one to a number,
which is called an increment operation, but we'll talk about those later.
Today, we're going to focus on the piece of rsistance, the crme de la crme of operations
今天的重点是一切的根本 - "把两个数字相加"
that underlies almost everything else a computer does - adding two numbers together.
今天的重点是一切的根本 - "把两个数字相加"
We could build this circuit entirely out of individual transistors,
我们可以用单个晶体管一个个拼,把这个电路做出来,\N 但很快就会复杂的难以理解
but that would get confusing really fast.
我们可以用单个晶体管一个个拼,把这个电路做出来,\N 但很快就会复杂的难以理解
So instead as we talked about in Episode 3
所以与其用晶体管,我们会像第 3 集
- we can use a high-level of abstraction and build our components out of logic gates,
- 用更高层的抽象,用逻辑门来做
in this case: AND, OR, NOT and XOR gates.
我们会用到 AND,OR,NOT 和 XOR 逻辑门
The simplest adding circuit that we can build takes two binary digits, and adds them together.
最简单的加法电路, \N 是拿 2 个 bit 加在一起(bit 是 0 或 1)
So we have two inputs, A and B, and one output, which is the sum of those two digits.
有 2 个输入:A 和 B, 1 个输出:就是两个数字的和
Just to clarify: A, B and the output are all single bits.
需要注意的是:A, B, 输出,这3个都是单个 Bit ( 0 或 1 )
There are only four possible input combinations.
The first three are: 0+0 = 0
前三个是\N 0 + 0 = 0 \N 1 + 0 = 1 \N 0 + 1 = 1
1+0 = 1 0+1 = 1
前三个是\N 0 + 0 = 0 \N 1 + 0 = 1 \N 0 + 1 = 1
Remember that in binary, 1 is the same as true, and 0 is the same as false.
记住二进制里,1 与 true 相同,0 与 false 相同
So this set of inputs exactly matches the boolean logic of an XOR gate,
这组输入和输出,和 XOR 门的逻辑完全一样
and we can use it as our 1-bit adder.
所以我们可以把 XOR 用作 1 位加法器(adder)
But the fourth input combination, 1 + 1, is a special case. 1 + 1 is 2 (obviously)
但第四个输入组合,1+1,是个特例 \N 1+1=2(显然)
but there's no 2 digit in binary,
但二进制里没有 2
so as we talked about last episode, the result is 0 and the 1 is carried to the next column.
上集说过,二进制 1+1 的结果是0,1进到下一位
So the sum is really 10 in binary.
和是 10 (二进制)
Now, the output of our XOR gate is partially correct - 1 plus 1, outputs 0.
XOR 门的输出,只对了一部分, 1+1 输出 0
But, we need an extra output wire for that carry bit.
但我们需要一根额外的线代表 "进位"
The carry bit is only "true" when the inputs are 1 AND 1,
只有输入是 1 和 1 时,进位才是 "true"
because that's the only time when the result (two) is bigger than 1 bit can store
因为算出来的结果用 1 个 bit 存不下
and conveniently we have a gate for that!
It's not that complicated - just two logic gates -
没那么复杂 - 就两个逻辑门而已
but let's abstract away even this level of detail
and encapsulate our newly minted half adder as its own component,
把 "半加器" 封装成一个单独组件
with two inputs - bits A and B - and two outputs, the sum and the carry bits.
两个输入 A 和 B 都是 1 位 \N 两个输出 "总和" 与 "进位"
This takes us to another level of abstraction
heh I feel like I say that a lot.
I wonder if this is going to become a thing.
Anyway, If you want to add more than 1 + 1
如果想处理超过 1+1 的运算,我们需要"全加器"
we're going to need a "Full Adder."
如果想处理超过 1+1 的运算,我们需要"全加器"
That half-adder left us with a carry bit as output.
半加器 输出了进位
That means that when we move on to the next column in a multi-column addition,
and every column after that, we are going to have to add three bits together, no two.
还有之后的每一列,我们得加 3 个位在一起,并不是 2 个
A full adder is a bit more complicated
- it takes three bits as inputs: A, B and C.
有 3 个输入:A, B, C (都是 1 个 bit)
So the maximum possible input is 1 + 1 + 1,
所以最大的可能是 1 + 1 + 1
which equals 1 carry out 1, so we still only need two output wires: sum and carry.
"总和"1 "进位"1 \N 所以要两条输出线: "总和"和"进位"
We can build a full adder using half adders.
我们可以用 半加器 做 全加器
To do this, we use a half adder to add A plus B
我们先用半加器将 A 和 B 相加
just like before - but then feed that result and input C into a second half adder.
然后把 C 输入到第二个半加器
Lastly, we need a OR gate to check if either one of the carry bits was true.
最后用一个 OR 门检查进位是不是 true
That's it, we just made a full adder!
Again,we can go up a level of abstraction and wrap up this full adder as its own component.
It takes three inputs, adds them, and outputs the sum and the carry, if there is one.
全加器会把 A,B,C 三个输入加起来 \N 输出 "总和" 和 "进位"
Armed with our new components, we can now build a circuit that takes two, 8-bit numbers
现在有了新组件,我们可以相加两个 8 位数字
Let's call them A and B and adds them together.
叫两个数字叫 A 和 B 好了
Let's start with the very first bit of A and B,
我们从 A 和 B 的第一位开始
which we'll call A0 and B0.
叫 A0 和 B0 好了
At this point, there is no carry bit to deal with,
because this is our first addition.
So we can use our half adder to add these two bits together.
The output is sum0.
输出叫 sum0
Now we want to add A1 and B1 together.
现在加 A1 和 B1
It's possible there was a carry from the previous addition of A0 and B0,
因为 A0 和 B0 的结果有可能进位
so this time we need to use a full adder that also inputs the carry bit.
所以这次要用全加器,除了 A1 和 B1,还要连上进位
We output this result as sum1.
输出叫 sum1
Then, we take any carry from this full adder,
然后,把这个全加器的进位 \N 连到下个全加器的输入,处理 A2 和 B2
and run it into the next full adder that handles A2 and B2.
然后,把这个全加器的进位 \N 连到下个全加器的输入,处理 A2 和 B2
And we just keep doing this in a big chain until all 8 bits have been added.
以此类推,把 8 个 bit 都搞定
Notice how the carry bits ripple forward to each subsequent adder.
For this reason, this is called an 8-bit ripple carry adder.
所以叫 "8位行波进位加法器"
Notice how our last full adder has a carry out.
注意最后一个全加器有 "进位" 的输出
If there is a carry into the 9th bit, it means the sum of the two numbers is too large to fit into 8-bits.
如果第 9 位有进位,代表着 2 个数字的和太大了,超过了 8 位
This is called an overflow.
这叫 "溢出" (overflow)
In general, an overflow occurs when the result of an addition is too large
一般来说 "溢出" 的意思是, 两个数字的和太大了
to be represented by the number of bits you are using.
This can usually cause errors and unexpected behavior.
Famously, the original PacMan arcade game used 8 bits to keep track of what level you were on.
著名的例子是,吃豆人用 8 位存当前关卡数
This meant that if you made it past level 255 - the largest number storablein 8 bits - to level 256,
如果你玩到了第 256 关( 8 位 bit 最大表示 255)
the ALU overflowed.
ALU 会溢出
This caused a bunch of errors and glitches making the level unbeatable.
The bug became a rite of passage for the greatest PacMan players.
这个 bug 成了厉害吃豆人玩家的代表
So if we want to avoid overflows,
we can extend our circuit with more full adders, allowing us to add 16 or 32 bit numbers.
我们可以加更多全加器,可以操作 16 或 32 位数字
This makes overflows less likely to happen, but at the expense of more gates.
An additional downside is that it takes a little bit of time for each of the carries to ripple forward.
Admittedly, not very much time, electrons move pretty fast,
so we're talking about billionths of a second,
but that's enough to make a difference in today's fast computers.
For this reason, modern computers use a slightly different adding circuit
called a 'carry-look-ahead' adder
叫 "超前进位加法器"
which is faster, but ultimately does exactly the same thing
它更快,做的事情是一样的 - 把二进制数相加
-- adds binary numbers.
它更快,做的事情是一样的 - 把二进制数相加
The ALU's arithmetic unit also has circuits for other math operations
ALU 的算术单元,也能做一些其他数学运算
and in general these 8 operations are always supported.
一般支持这 8 个操作
And like our adder, these other operations are built from individual logic gates.
Interestingly, you may have noticed that there are no multiply and divide operations.
That's because simple ALUs don't have a circuit for this,
因为简单的 ALU 没有专门的电路来处理
and instead just perform a series of additions.
Let's say you want to multiply 12 by 5.
假设想算 12x5
That's the same thing as adding 12 to itself 5 times.
这和把 "12" 加 5 次是一样的
So it would take 5 passes through the ALU to do this one multiplication.
所以要 5 次 ALU 操作来实现这个乘法
And this is how many simple processors,
like those in your thermostat, TV remote, and microwave, do multiplication.
It's slow, but it gets the job done.
However, fancier processors, like those in your laptop or smartphone,
have arithmetic units with dedicated circuits for multiplication.
And as you might expect, the circuit is more complicated than addition
-- there's no magic, it just takes a lot more logic gates
- 没什么魔法,只是更多逻辑门
which is why less expensive processors don't have this feature.
Ok, let's move on to the other half of the ALU:
好了,我们现在讲 ALU 的另一半:逻辑单元
the Logic Unit.
好了,我们现在讲 ALU 的另一半:逻辑单元
Instead of arithmetic operations, the Logic Unit performs well...
logical operations, like AND, OR and NOT, which we've talked about previously.
比如之前讨论过的 AND,OR 和 NOT 操作
It also performs simple numerical tests,
like checking if a number is negative.
For example, here's a circuit that tests if the output of the ALU is zero.
例如,这是检查 ALU 输出是否为 0 的电路
It does this using a bunch of OR gates to see if any of the bits are 1.
它用一堆 OR 门检查其中一位是否为 1
Even if one single bit is 1,
哪怕只有一个 Bit (位) 是1,
we know the number can't be zero and then we use a final NOT gate to flip this input
我们就知道那个数字肯定不是 0,然后用一个 NOT 门取反
so the output is 1 only if the input number is 0.
所以只有输入的数字是 0,输出才为 1
So that's a high level overview of what makes up an ALU.
以上就是 ALU 的一个高层次概括
We even built several of the main components from scratch, like our ripple adder.
As you saw, it's just a big bunch of logic gates connected in clever ways.
Which brings us back to that ALU you admired so much at the beginning of the episode.
让我们回到视频开始时的 ALU,英特尔 74181
The Intel 74181.
让我们回到视频开始时的 ALU,英特尔 74181
Unlike the 8-bit ALU we made today, the 74181 could only handle 4-bit inputs,
和我们刚刚做的 8 位 ALU 不同,74181 只能处理 4 位输入
which means
你刚做了一个比英特尔 74181 还好的 ALU !
Well.. sort of.
其实 差不多啦..
We didn't build the whole thing
but you get the idea.
The 74181 used about 70 logic gates, and it couldn't multiply or divide.
74181 用了大概 70 个逻辑门,但不能执行乘除.
But it was a huge step forward in miniaturization,
opening the doors to more capable and less expensive computers.
This 4-bit ALU circuit is already a lot to take in,
4 位 ALU 已经要很多逻辑门了
but our 8-bit ALU would require hundreds of logic gates to fully build
但我们的 8 位 ALU 会需要数百个逻辑门
and engineers don't want to see all that complexity when using an ALU,
工程师不想在用 ALU 时去想那些事情,
so they came up with a special symbol to wrap it all up, which looks like a big V'.
所以想了一个特殊符号来代表它,看起来像一个大 "V"
Just another level of abstraction!
Our 8-bit ALU has two inputs, A and B, each with 8 bits.
我们的 8 位 ALU 有两个输入,A和B,都是 8 位 (bits)
We also need a way to specify what operation the ALU should perform,
我们还需要告诉 ALU 执行什么操作
for example, addition or subtraction.
For that, we use a 4-bit operation code.
所以我们用 4 位的操作代码
We'll talk about this more in a later episode,
but in brief, 1000 might be the command to add, while 1100 is the command for subtract.
简言之,"1000"可能代表加法命令 \N "1100"代表减法命令
Basically, the operation code tells the ALU what operation to perform.
操作代码告诉 ALU 执行什么操作
And the result of that operation on inputs A and B is an 8-bit output.
输出结果是 8 位的
ALUs also output a series of Flags,
ALU 还会输出一堆标志(Flag)
which are 1-bit outputs for particular states and statuses.
For example, if we subtract two numbers, and the result is 0,
比如相减两个数字,结果为 0
our zero-testing circuit, the one we made earlier, sets the Zero Flag to True (1).
我们的零测试电路(前面做的)\N 会将零标志设为 True(1)
This is useful if we are trying to determine if two numbers are are equal.
If we wanted to test if A was less than B,
如果想知道: A 是否小于 B
we can use the ALU to calculate A subtract B and look to see if the Negative Flag was set to true.
可以用 ALU 来算 A 减 B,看负标志是否为 true
If it was, we know that A was smaller than B.
如果是 true,我们就知道 A 小于 B
And finally, there's also a wire attached to the carry out on the adder we built,
so if there is an overflow, we'll know about it.
This is called the Overflow Flag.
Fancier ALUs will have more flags,
高级 ALU 有更多标志
but these three flags are universal and frequently used.
但这 3 个标志是 ALU 普遍用的
In fact, we'll be using them soon in a future episode.
So now you know how your computer does all its basic mathematical operations digitally
现在你知道了\N 计算机是怎样在没有齿轮或杠杆的情况下 进行运算
with no gears or levers required.
现在你知道了\N 计算机是怎样在没有齿轮或杠杆的情况下 进行运算
We're going to use this ALU when we construct our CPU two episodes from now.
接下来两集 我们会用 ALU 做 CPU
But before that, our computer is going to need some memory!
但在此之前,计算机需要一些 "记忆" !
We'll talk about that next week.