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synced 2025-03-23 16:20:40 +08:00
Signed-off-by: Connor <zbk602423539@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Nick Cameron <nrc@ncameron.org> Co-authored-by: linning <linningde25@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: YangKeao <keao.yang@yahoo.com> Co-authored-by: andylokandy <andylokandy@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Iosmanthus Teng <myosmanthustree@gmail.com>
261 lines
7.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer
261 lines
7.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package kvrpcpb;
import "metapb.proto";
import "errorpb.proto";
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
// Raw commands.
message RawGetRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
string cf = 3;
message RawGetResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
bytes value = 3;
// True if the requested key doesn't exist; another error will not be signalled.
bool not_found = 4;
message RawPutRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
string cf = 4;
message RawPutResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
message RawDeleteRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
string cf = 3;
message RawDeleteResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
message RawScanRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes start_key = 2;
// The maximum number of values read.
uint32 limit = 3;
string cf = 4;
message RawScanResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
// An error which affects the whole scan. Per-key errors are included in kvs.
string error = 2;
repeated KvPair kvs = 3;
// Transactional commands.
// Note that "version" and "timestamp" are synonymous.
// Read the value of a key at the given time.
message GetRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
uint64 version = 3;
message GetResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
bytes value = 3;
// True if the requested key doesn't exist; another error will not be signalled.
bool not_found = 4;
// Prewrite is the first phase of two phase commit. A prewrite commit contains all the
// writes (mutations) which a client would like to make as part of a transaction. The
// request succeeds if none of the keys are locked. In that case all those keys will
// be locked. If the prewrite fails, no changes are made to the DB.
message PrewriteRequest {
Context context = 1;
repeated Mutation mutations = 2;
// Key of the primary lock.
bytes primary_lock = 3;
uint64 start_version = 4;
uint64 lock_ttl = 5;
// Empty if the prewrite is successful.
message PrewriteResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
repeated KeyError errors = 2;
// Commit is the second phase of 2pc. The client must have successfully prewritten
// the transaction to all nodes. If all keys are locked by the given transaction,
// then the commit should succeed. If any keys are locked by a different
// transaction or are not locked at all (rolled back or expired), the commit
// fails.
message CommitRequest {
Context context = 1;
// Identifies the transaction, must match the start_version in the transaction's
// prewrite request.
uint64 start_version = 2;
// Must match the keys mutated by the transaction's prewrite request.
repeated bytes keys = 3;
// Must be greater than start_version.
uint64 commit_version = 4;
// Empty if the commit is successful.
message CommitResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// Read multiple values from the DB.
message ScanRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes start_key = 2;
// The maximum number of values read.
uint32 limit = 3;
uint64 version = 4;
message ScanResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
// Other errors are recorded for each key in pairs.
repeated KvPair pairs = 2;
// Rollback an un-committed transaction. Will fail if the transaction has already
// been committed or keys are locked by a different transaction. If the keys were never
// locked, no action is needed but it is not an error. If successful all keys will be
// unlocked and all uncommitted values removed.
message BatchRollbackRequest {
Context context = 1;
uint64 start_version = 2;
repeated bytes keys = 3;
// Empty if the rollback is successful.
message BatchRollbackResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// CheckTxnStatus reports on the status of a transaction and may take action to
// rollback expired locks.
// If the transaction has previously been rolled back or committed, return that information.
// If the TTL of the transaction is exhausted, abort that transaction and roll back the primary lock.
// Otherwise, returns the TTL information.
message CheckTxnStatusRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes primary_key = 2;
uint64 lock_ts = 3; // primary key and lock ts together to locate the primary lock of a transaction.
uint64 current_ts = 4; // current_ts is used to check TTL timeout, it may be inaccurate.
message CheckTxnStatusResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
// Three kinds of txn status:
// locked: lock_ttl > 0
// committed: commit_version > 0
// rolled back: lock_ttl == 0 && commit_version == 0
uint64 lock_ttl = 2;
uint64 commit_version = 3;
// The action performed by TinyKV in response to the CheckTxnStatus request.
Action action = 4;
// Resolve lock will find all locks belonging to the transaction with the given start timestamp.
// If commit_version is 0, TinyKV will rollback all locks. If commit_version is greater than
// 0 it will commit those locks with the given commit timestamp.
// The client will make a resolve lock request for all secondary keys once it has successfully
// committed or rolled back the primary key.
message ResolveLockRequest {
Context context = 1;
uint64 start_version = 2;
uint64 commit_version = 3;
// Empty if the lock is resolved successfully.
message ResolveLockResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// Utility data types used by the above requests and responses.
// Either a key/value pair or an error for a particular key.
message KvPair {
KeyError error = 1;
bytes key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
enum Op {
Put = 0;
Del = 1;
Rollback = 2;
// Used by TinySQL but not TinyKV.
Lock = 3;
message Mutation {
Op op = 1;
bytes key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
enum Action {
NoAction = 0;
// The lock is rolled back because it has expired.
TTLExpireRollback = 1;
// The lock does not exist, TinyKV left a record of the rollback, but did not
// have to delete a lock.
LockNotExistRollback = 2;
// Data types used for errors.
// Many responses can include a KeyError for some problem with one of the requested key.
// Only one field is set and it indicates what the client should do in response.
message KeyError {
LockInfo locked = 1; // Client should backoff or cleanup the lock then retry.
string retryable = 2; // Client may restart the txn. e.g write conflict.
string abort = 3; // Client should abort the txn.
WriteConflict conflict = 4; // Another transaction is trying to write a key. The client can retry.
message LockInfo {
bytes primary_lock = 1;
uint64 lock_version = 2;
bytes key = 3;
uint64 lock_ttl = 4;
message WriteConflict {
uint64 start_ts = 1;
uint64 conflict_ts = 2;
bytes key = 3;
bytes primary = 4;
// Miscellaneous data present in each request.
message Context {
uint64 region_id = 1;
metapb.RegionEpoch region_epoch = 2;
metapb.Peer peer = 3;
uint64 term = 5;