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// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package server
import (
var (
// ErrNotBootstrapped is error info for cluster not bootstrapped.
ErrNotBootstrapped = errors.New("TiKV cluster not bootstrapped, please start TiKV first")
// ErrServerNotStarted is error info for server not started.
ErrServerNotStarted = errors.New("The server has not been started")
// ErrOperatorNotFound is error info for operator not found.
ErrOperatorNotFound = errors.New("operator not found")
// ErrAddOperator is error info for already have an operator when adding operator.
ErrAddOperator = errors.New("failed to add operator, maybe already have one")
// ErrRegionNotAdjacent is error info for region not adjacent.
ErrRegionNotAdjacent = errors.New("two regions are not adjacent")
// ErrRegionNotFound is error info for region not found.
ErrRegionNotFound = func(regionID uint64) error {
return errors.Errorf("region %v not found", regionID)
// ErrRegionAbnormalPeer is error info for region has abonormal peer.
ErrRegionAbnormalPeer = func(regionID uint64) error {
return errors.Errorf("region %v has abnormal peer", regionID)
// ErrRegionIsStale is error info for region is stale.
ErrRegionIsStale = func(region *metapb.Region, origin *metapb.Region) error {
return errors.Errorf("region is stale: region %v origin %v", region, origin)
// ErrStoreNotFound is error info for store not found.
ErrStoreNotFound = func(storeID uint64) error {
return errors.Errorf("store %v not found", storeID)
const (
etcdTimeout = time.Second * 3
etcdStartTimeout = time.Minute * 5
leaderTickInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
// pdRootPath for all pd servers.
pdRootPath = "/pd"
pdClusterIDPath = "/pd/cluster_id"
// EnableZap enable the zap logger in embed etcd.
var EnableZap = false
// Server is the pd server.
type Server struct {
// Server state.
isServing int64
// Configs and initial fields.
cfg *config.Config
etcdCfg *embed.Config
scheduleOpt *config.ScheduleOption
serverLoopCtx context.Context
serverLoopCancel func()
serverLoopWg sync.WaitGroup
member *member.Member
client *clientv3.Client
clusterID uint64 // pd cluster id.
rootPath string
// Server services.
// for id allocator, we can use one allocator for
// store, region and peer, because we just need
// a unique ID.
idAllocator *id.AllocatorImpl
// for storage operation.
storage *core.Storage
// for tso.
tso *tso.TimestampOracle
// for raft cluster
cluster *RaftCluster
// For async region heartbeat.
hbStreams *heartbeatStreams
// Zap logger
lg *zap.Logger
logProps *log.ZapProperties
// CreateServer creates the UNINITIALIZED pd server with given configuration.
func CreateServer(cfg *config.Config) (*Server, error) {
log.Info("PD Config", zap.Reflect("config", cfg))
s := &Server{
cfg: cfg,
scheduleOpt: config.NewScheduleOption(cfg),
member: &member.Member{},
// Adjust etcd config.
etcdCfg, err := s.cfg.GenEmbedEtcdConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
etcdCfg.ServiceRegister = func(gs *grpc.Server) { schedulerpb.RegisterSchedulerServer(gs, s) }
s.etcdCfg = etcdCfg
if EnableZap {
// The etcd master version has removed embed.Config.SetupLogging.
// Now logger is set up automatically based on embed.Config.Logger,
// Use zap logger in the test, otherwise will panic.
// Reference: https://go.etcd.io/etcd/blob/master/embed/config_logging.go#L45
s.etcdCfg.Logger = "zap"
s.etcdCfg.LogOutputs = []string{"stdout"}
s.lg = cfg.GetZapLogger()
s.logProps = cfg.GetZapLogProperties()
return s, nil
func (s *Server) startEtcd(ctx context.Context) error {
log.Info("start embed etcd")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, etcdStartTimeout)
defer cancel()
etcd, err := embed.StartEtcd(s.etcdCfg)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
// Check cluster ID
urlmap, err := types.NewURLsMap(s.cfg.InitialCluster)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
tlsConfig, err := s.cfg.Security.ToTLSConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
if err = etcdutil.CheckClusterID(etcd.Server.Cluster().ID(), urlmap, tlsConfig); err != nil {
return err
select {
// Wait etcd until it is ready to use
case <-etcd.Server.ReadyNotify():
case <-ctx.Done():
return errors.Errorf("canceled when waiting embed etcd to be ready")
endpoints := []string{s.etcdCfg.ACUrls[0].String()}
log.Info("create etcd v3 client", zap.Strings("endpoints", endpoints))
client, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{
Endpoints: endpoints,
DialTimeout: etcdTimeout,
TLS: tlsConfig,
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
etcdServerID := uint64(etcd.Server.ID())
// update advertise peer urls.
etcdMembers, err := etcdutil.ListEtcdMembers(client)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, m := range etcdMembers.Members {
if etcdServerID == m.ID {
etcdPeerURLs := strings.Join(m.PeerURLs, ",")
if s.cfg.AdvertisePeerUrls != etcdPeerURLs {
log.Info("update advertise peer urls", zap.String("from", s.cfg.AdvertisePeerUrls), zap.String("to", etcdPeerURLs))
s.cfg.AdvertisePeerUrls = etcdPeerURLs
s.client = client
s.member = member.NewMember(etcd, client, etcdServerID)
return nil
func (s *Server) startServer(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
if err = s.initClusterID(); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("init cluster id", zap.Uint64("cluster-id", s.clusterID))
s.rootPath = path.Join(pdRootPath, strconv.FormatUint(s.clusterID, 10))
s.member.MemberInfo(s.cfg, s.Name(), s.rootPath)
s.idAllocator = id.NewAllocatorImpl(s.client, s.rootPath, s.member.MemberValue())
s.tso = tso.NewTimestampOracle(
func() time.Duration { return s.scheduleOpt.LoadPDServerConfig().MaxResetTSGap },
kvBase := kv.NewEtcdKVBase(s.client, s.rootPath)
s.storage = core.NewStorage(kvBase)
s.cluster = newRaftCluster(ctx, s, s.clusterID)
s.hbStreams = newHeartbeatStreams(ctx, s.clusterID, s.cluster)
// Server has started.
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.isServing, 1)
return nil
func (s *Server) initClusterID() error {
// Get any cluster key to parse the cluster ID.
resp, err := etcdutil.EtcdKVGet(s.client, pdClusterIDPath)
if err != nil {
return err
// If no key exist, generate a random cluster ID.
if len(resp.Kvs) == 0 {
s.clusterID, err = initOrGetClusterID(s.client, pdClusterIDPath)
return err
s.clusterID, err = typeutil.BytesToUint64(resp.Kvs[0].Value)
return err
// Close closes the server.
func (s *Server) Close() {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&s.isServing, 1, 0) {
// server is already closed
log.Info("closing server")
if s.client != nil {
if s.member.Etcd() != nil {
if s.hbStreams != nil {
if err := s.storage.Close(); err != nil {
log.Error("close storage meet error", zap.Error(err))
log.Info("close server")
// IsClosed checks whether server is closed or not.
func (s *Server) IsClosed() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&s.isServing) == 0
// Run runs the pd server.
func (s *Server) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := s.startEtcd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.startServer(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Context returns the loop context of server.
func (s *Server) Context() context.Context {
return s.serverLoopCtx
func (s *Server) startServerLoop(ctx context.Context) {
s.serverLoopCtx, s.serverLoopCancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
go s.leaderLoop()
go s.etcdLeaderLoop()
func (s *Server) stopServerLoop() {
func (s *Server) bootstrapCluster(req *schedulerpb.BootstrapRequest) (*schedulerpb.BootstrapResponse, error) {
clusterID := s.clusterID
log.Info("try to bootstrap raft cluster",
zap.Uint64("cluster-id", clusterID),
zap.String("request", fmt.Sprintf("%v", req)))
if err := checkBootstrapRequest(clusterID, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
clusterMeta := metapb.Cluster{
Id: clusterID,
MaxPeerCount: uint32(s.scheduleOpt.GetReplication().GetMaxReplicas()),
// Set cluster meta
clusterValue, err := clusterMeta.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
clusterRootPath := s.getClusterRootPath()
var ops []clientv3.Op
ops = append(ops, clientv3.OpPut(clusterRootPath, string(clusterValue)))
// Set bootstrap time
bootstrapKey := makeBootstrapTimeKey(clusterRootPath)
nano := time.Now().UnixNano()
timeData := typeutil.Uint64ToBytes(uint64(nano))
ops = append(ops, clientv3.OpPut(bootstrapKey, string(timeData)))
// Set store meta
storeMeta := req.GetStore()
storePath := makeStoreKey(clusterRootPath, storeMeta.GetId())
storeValue, err := storeMeta.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
ops = append(ops, clientv3.OpPut(storePath, string(storeValue)))
// TODO: we must figure out a better way to handle bootstrap failed, maybe intervene manually.
bootstrapCmp := clientv3.Compare(clientv3.CreateRevision(clusterRootPath), "=", 0)
resp, err := kv.NewSlowLogTxn(s.client).If(bootstrapCmp).Then(ops...).Commit()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
if !resp.Succeeded {
log.Warn("cluster already bootstrapped", zap.Uint64("cluster-id", clusterID))
return nil, errors.Errorf("cluster %d already bootstrapped", clusterID)
log.Info("bootstrap cluster ok", zap.Uint64("cluster-id", clusterID))
if err := s.cluster.start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &schedulerpb.BootstrapResponse{}, nil
func (s *Server) createRaftCluster() error {
if s.cluster.isRunning() {
return nil
return s.cluster.start()
func (s *Server) stopRaftCluster() {
// GetAddr returns the server urls for clients.
func (s *Server) GetAddr() string {
return s.cfg.AdvertiseClientUrls
// GetMemberInfo returns the server member information.
func (s *Server) GetMemberInfo() *schedulerpb.Member {
return proto.Clone(s.member.Member()).(*schedulerpb.Member)
// GetEndpoints returns the etcd endpoints for outer use.
func (s *Server) GetEndpoints() []string {
return s.client.Endpoints()
// GetClient returns builtin etcd client.
func (s *Server) GetClient() *clientv3.Client {
return s.client
// GetLeader returns leader of etcd.
func (s *Server) GetLeader() *schedulerpb.Member {
return s.member.GetLeader()
// GetMember returns the member of server.
func (s *Server) GetMember() *member.Member {
return s.member
// GetStorage returns the backend storage of server.
func (s *Server) GetStorage() *core.Storage {
return s.storage
// GetAllocator returns the ID allocator of server.
func (s *Server) GetAllocator() *id.AllocatorImpl {
return s.idAllocator
// Name returns the unique etcd Name for this server in etcd cluster.
func (s *Server) Name() string {
return s.cfg.Name
// ClusterID returns the cluster ID of this server.
func (s *Server) ClusterID() uint64 {
return s.clusterID
// GetConfig gets the config information.
func (s *Server) GetConfig() *config.Config {
cfg := s.cfg.Clone()
cfg.Schedule = *s.scheduleOpt.Load()
cfg.Replication = *s.scheduleOpt.GetReplication().Load()
cfg.PDServerCfg = *s.scheduleOpt.LoadPDServerConfig()
storage := s.GetStorage()
if storage == nil {
return cfg
sches, configs, err := storage.LoadAllScheduleConfig()
if err != nil {
return cfg
payload := make(map[string]string)
for i, sche := range sches {
payload[sche] = configs[i]
cfg.Schedule.SchedulersPayload = payload
return cfg
// GetScheduleConfig gets the balance config information.
func (s *Server) GetScheduleConfig() *config.ScheduleConfig {
cfg := &config.ScheduleConfig{}
*cfg = *s.scheduleOpt.Load()
return cfg
// GetReplicationConfig get the replication config.
func (s *Server) GetReplicationConfig() *config.ReplicationConfig {
cfg := &config.ReplicationConfig{}
*cfg = *s.scheduleOpt.GetReplication().Load()
return cfg
// SetReplicationConfig sets the replication config.
func (s *Server) SetReplicationConfig(cfg config.ReplicationConfig) error {
old := s.scheduleOpt.GetReplication().Load()
log.Info("replication config is updated", zap.Reflect("new", cfg), zap.Reflect("old", old))
return nil
// GetSecurityConfig get the security config.
func (s *Server) GetSecurityConfig() *config.SecurityConfig {
return &s.cfg.Security
func (s *Server) getClusterRootPath() string {
return path.Join(s.rootPath, "raft")
// GetRaftCluster gets Raft cluster.
// If cluster has not been bootstrapped, return nil.
func (s *Server) GetRaftCluster() *RaftCluster {
if s.IsClosed() || !s.cluster.isRunning() {
return nil
return s.cluster
// GetCluster gets cluster.
func (s *Server) GetCluster() *metapb.Cluster {
return &metapb.Cluster{
Id: s.clusterID,
MaxPeerCount: uint32(s.scheduleOpt.GetReplication().GetMaxReplicas()),
// GetMetaRegions gets meta regions from cluster.
func (s *Server) GetMetaRegions() []*metapb.Region {
cluster := s.GetRaftCluster()
if cluster != nil {
return cluster.GetMetaRegions()
return nil
// GetClusterStatus gets cluster status.
func (s *Server) GetClusterStatus() (*ClusterStatus, error) {
defer s.cluster.Unlock()
return s.cluster.loadClusterStatus()
// SetLogLevel sets log level.
func (s *Server) SetLogLevel(level string) {
s.cfg.Log.Level = level
log.Warn("log level changed", zap.String("level", log.GetLevel().String()))
var healthURL = "/pd/ping"
// CheckHealth checks if members are healthy.
func (s *Server) CheckHealth(members []*schedulerpb.Member) map[uint64]*schedulerpb.Member {
unhealthMembers := make(map[uint64]*schedulerpb.Member)
for _, member := range members {
for _, cURL := range member.ClientUrls {
resp, err := dialClient.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", cURL, healthURL))
if resp != nil {
if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
unhealthMembers[member.GetMemberId()] = member
return unhealthMembers
func (s *Server) leaderLoop() {
defer logutil.LogPanic()
defer s.serverLoopWg.Done()
for {
if s.IsClosed() {
log.Info("server is closed, return leader loop")
leader, rev, checkAgain := s.member.CheckLeader(s.Name())
if checkAgain {
if leader != nil {
log.Info("start watch leader", zap.Stringer("leader", leader))
s.member.WatchLeader(s.serverLoopCtx, leader, rev)
log.Info("leader changed, try to campaign leader")
etcdLeader := s.member.GetEtcdLeader()
if etcdLeader != s.member.ID() {
log.Info("skip campaign leader and check later",
zap.String("server-name", s.Name()),
zap.Uint64("etcd-leader-id", etcdLeader))
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
func (s *Server) campaignLeader() {
log.Info("start to campaign leader", zap.String("campaign-leader-name", s.Name()))
lease := member.NewLeaderLease(s.client)
defer lease.Close()
if err := s.member.CampaignLeader(lease, s.cfg.LeaderLease); err != nil {
log.Error("campaign leader meet error", zap.Error(err))
// Start keepalive and enable TSO service.
// TSO service is strictly enabled/disabled by leader lease for 2 reasons:
// 1. lease based approach is not affected by thread pause, slow runtime schedule, etc.
// 2. load region could be slow. Based on lease we can recover TSO service faster.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(s.serverLoopCtx)
defer cancel()
go lease.KeepAlive(ctx)
log.Info("campaign leader ok", zap.String("campaign-leader-name", s.Name()))
log.Debug("sync timestamp for tso")
if err := s.tso.SyncTimestamp(lease); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to sync timestamp", zap.Error(err))
defer s.tso.ResetTimestamp()
// Try to create raft cluster.
err := s.createRaftCluster()
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to create raft cluster", zap.Error(err))
defer s.stopRaftCluster()
defer s.member.DisableLeader()
log.Info("PD cluster leader is ready to serve", zap.String("leader-name", s.Name()))
tsTicker := time.NewTicker(tso.UpdateTimestampStep)
defer tsTicker.Stop()
leaderTicker := time.NewTicker(leaderTickInterval)
defer leaderTicker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-leaderTicker.C:
if lease.IsExpired() {
log.Info("lease expired, leader step down")
etcdLeader := s.member.GetEtcdLeader()
if etcdLeader != s.member.ID() {
log.Info("etcd leader changed, resigns leadership", zap.String("old-leader-name", s.Name()))
case <-tsTicker.C:
if err = s.tso.UpdateTimestamp(); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to update timestamp", zap.Error(err))
case <-ctx.Done():
// Server is closed and it should return nil.
log.Info("server is closed")
func (s *Server) etcdLeaderLoop() {
defer logutil.LogPanic()
defer s.serverLoopWg.Done()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(s.serverLoopCtx)
defer cancel()
for {
select {
case <-time.After(s.cfg.LeaderPriorityCheckInterval.Duration):
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Info("server is closed, exit etcd leader loop")