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<p>. <a href="../index.htm">Home</a><br>
. <a href="../libs/libraries.htm">Libraries</a><br>
. <a href="../people/people.htm">People</a><br>
. <a href="faq.htm">FAQ</a><br>
. <a href="index.htm">More</a></p>
<h1>Getting Started</h1>
<li><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<a href="#Download">Download</a>
<li><a href="#.zip">.zip file</a></li>
<li><a href="#.tar.gz">.tar.gz and .tar.bz2 files</a></li>
<li><a href="#CVS">Boost CVS Repository</a></li>
<a href="#Preparation">Preparation</a>
<li><a href="#Configuring">Configuring the tools</a></li>
<li><a href="#Tools">Supported Toolsets</a></li>
<li><a href="#Build_Install">Build and Install</a></li>
<li><a href="#Results">Results</a></li>
<li><a href="#auto-link">Automatic Linking on Windows</a></li>
<li><a href="#Additional_Steps">Additional Steps</a></li>
<h2><a id="Introduction" name="Introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
<p>These instructions are intended to help you get started using the Boost
Libraries. This walks you through getting, building, and installing the
libraries. To summarize these are the steps to get Boost built and
<li><a href="#step1">Download Boost</a>.</li>
<li><a href="#step2">Install Boost.Jam</a>.</li>
<li><a href="#step3">Configure your compiler toolset</a>.</li>
<li><a href="#step4">Go to Boost distribution directory</a>.</li>
<li><a href="#step5">Build and install</a>.</li>
<h2><a id="Download" name="Download"></a>Download</h2>
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="100%" summary="" border="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td valign="top" align="center" width="40" bgcolor="#FFFF66">
<font size="6"><b><a id="step1" name="step1"></a>1</b></font></td>
<td>The Boost Libraries are distributed through the SourceForge file
distribution system. Click here to <b><a href=
<font size="4">download releases from SourceForge</font></a></b>. And
unpack the release to a convenient location.</td>
<p>The Boost release includes all of the libraries and other material from
the web site. It is available in <a href="#.zip">ZIP</a>, <a href=
"#.tar.gz">TAR.GZ</a>, and <a href="#.tar.gz">TAR.BZ2</a> formats. Past
releases are also available.</p>It is also possible to download current
snapshots of work-in-progress from Boost's <a href="#CVS">CVS
<h3><a id="zip" name=".zip">.zip</a> file</h3>The .zip format is widely
supported by both free decoders and commercial compress/archive utilities.
If you don't already have a .zip file decoder, download one from the
<a href="http://www.info-zip.org/">Info-ZIP</a> web site, which supplies
versions for many operating systems.
<p>Text file line endings in the .zip file are as supplied by each library
developer. This works fine for Windows, but not for Unix/Linux.
The .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 files supply Unix/Linux friendly line endings.</p>
<h3><a id="tar_gz" name=".tar.gz">.tar.gz</a> and .tar.bz2 files</h3>
<p>The .tar.gz format is widely supported on Unix/Linux platforms. Some
Windows compress/archive utilities can read the format as well.
Because the gzip format compresses the archive as a single file rather than
compressing each file individually, the .tar.gz file is smaller that the
.zip file.</p>
<p>The .tar.bz2 format is becoming widely available on Unix/Linux platforms
and is built into many tar utilities. This format differs for the .tar.gz
format in the compression used, which is considerably better and therefore
creates smaller files.</p>
<p>Text file line endings in the .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 files have been
converted to newlines for ease of use on Unix/Linux platforms.</p>
<h3>Boost <a id="CVS" name="CVS">CVS</a> Repository</h3>
<p>All Boost files, including the entire distribution tree including web
site HTML is maintained in a CVS repository. Command line, GUI, or browser
access is available.</p>
<h4>Boost CVS access via command line or graphical clients</h4>For those
who have CVS clients installed, the libraries are also available from the
public <a href="http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=7586">Boost CVS
repository</a>. Free command line clients (often already installed on
Linux/Unix systems) are available for many systems, and free GUI clients
are available for Windows, Mac, and other systems.
<p>See the much improved <a href=
"http://sourceforge.net/docman/?group_id=1">CVS documentation</a> (Section
F) from SourceForge, which includes links to the home pages for various GUI
and command line clients.</p>
<p>The general procedure for command-line clients is something like
<code>cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/boost
[Hit <return> when it asks for a password]<br>
<code>cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/boost
checkout boost</code><br>
<code>cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/boost
</blockquote>Read the manual for your CVS client for further information.
<p>This access is read-only; if you are a library author and wish to have
CVS write access, please contact one of the <a href=
<h4>Boost CVS access via web <a id="Browser" name=
"Browser">Browser</a></h4>For access to the CVS archive from any modern web
browser, you can also use the <a href=
browser interface</a>. Try one of the color diffs to see how a
file has changed over time. <b>Note:</b> this interface is only suitable
for viewing individual files and their revision histories.
<h4><a id="generated" name="generated">Documentation</a> generated from
BoostBook in CVS</h4>
<p>Some of the Boost documentation is generated from <a href=
"../doc/html/boostbook.html">BoostBook XML</a> source stored in the CVS
repository, and will not appear directly in the CVS tree as readable HTML.
View a nightly build of the generated HTML on the <a href=
Nightly Generated Documentation</a> page. Where generated HTML is missing
from the CVS tree, an attempt has been made to include redirection to this
nightly build, but if you are away from an internet connection you may want
to download the generated documentation archive from the aforementioned
page so you can browse those documents offline.</p>
<h2><a id="Preparation" name="Preparation"></a>Preparation</h2>
<p>The recommended way to build and install the Boost Libraries is to use
<a href="../tools/build/v1/build_system.htm">Boost.Build</a>, the Boost
Build system. The rest of these instructions explain that use, but it is up
to you to use this method, or not. Note that some of the libraries also
include non Boost.Build makefiles and/or project files. But all include the
needed files for building with Boost.Build.</p>
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="100%" summary="" border="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td valign="top" align="center" width="40" bgcolor="#FFFF66">
<font size="6"><b><a id="step2" name="step2"></a>2</b></font></td>
<td>The build system uses <a href=
"../tools/jam/index.html">Boost.Jam</a>, an extension of the
<a href="http://www.perforce.com/jam/jam.html">Perforce Jam</a>
portable <i>make</i> replacement. The recommended way to get Boost.Jam
if you are using a Boost distribution is to <strong><a href=
download a prebuilt executable</a></strong> from SourceForge. If a
prebuilt executable is not provided for your platform or you are using
Boost's sources in an unreleased state, it may be necessary to <a href=
"../doc/html/jam/building.html">build <tt>bjam</tt>
from sources</a> included in the Boost source tree. To install
Boost.Jam, copy the <tt>bjam</tt> executable to a location accessible
in your <tt>PATH</tt>.</td>
<h3><a id="Configuring" name="Configuring">Configuring the tools</a></h3>
<p>Before using Boost.Build you will need to configure the compiler tools
you are using. The build system's toolsets are designed to work in either
of two ways:</p>
<li>The user sets up all of the environment for each toolset he wants to
use in the normal way. For example, for Microsoft VC++, ...VC98/Bin or
.../VC7/Bin is in the PATH environment variable, VCVARS32.BAT or
VSVARS32.BAT has been invoked, etc. For Metrowerks CodeWarrior, cwenv.bat
or equivalent has been called and ...Other Metrowerks Tools/Command Line
Tools is in the path. Many Unix operating systems come preconfigured this
way and require no user intervention.<br>
<li>The user doesn't want his environment cluttered with settings or has
nonstandard installations for some of his tools. Instead, he or she sets
variables which point to the toolset installation directories, either in
the command shell environment or on the <code>bjam</code> command-line.
These variables are used by the build system to locate the tools and
invoke the necessary setup. To set the variables on the <tt>bjam</tt>
command-line you use the "<tt>-s</tt>" option. For example:<br>
<tt>bjam "-sGCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY=/usr/local/gcc-3.3.2"</tt><br>
Some variables, like the toolset <tt>TOOLS</tt> variable, can accept
multiple values separated by spaces. Others, like the path above, can
contain spaces. For such circumstances you should use quotes appropriate
for your command interpreter.<br></li>
<h3><a id="Tools" name="Tools">Supported Toolsets</a></h3>
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="100%" summary="" border="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td valign="top" align="center" width="40" bgcolor="#FFFF66">
<font size="6"><b><a id="step3" name="step3"></a>3</b></font></td>
<td>The following toolsets are supported by Boost.Build. For
information about <a href="#Configuring">configuring</a> each toolset,
click its name in the leftmost column.</td>
<table cellpadding="5" summary="" border="1">
<td><b>TOOLS Name</b></td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
"http://www.borland.com/bcppbuilder/freecompiler">Borland</a> C++</td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href="http://www.comeaucomputing.com">Comeau C++</a> compiler
front-end for non-Windows platforms</td>
<td><code><a href=
<td><a href="http://www.comeaucomputing.com">Comeau C++</a> compiler
front-end for Windows, using Microsoft <a href=
"http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Visual C++</a>as a back-end.</td>
<td><a href="../tools/build/v1/cw-tools.html"><code>cw</code></a></td>
<td><a href="http://www.metrowerks.com">Metrowerks CodeWarrior</a> Pro
6.x, 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x command-line tools</td>
<td><a href=
<td>Apple Darwin OS hosted GNU <a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href="http://www.digitalmars.com/">Digital Mars C++</a>.</td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href="http://www.digitalmars.com/">Digital Mars C++</a>, using
the <a href="http://www.stlport.org">STLport</a> standard library
<td><a href=
<td><a href="http://www.edg.com/">Edison Design Group</a> compiler
front-end (evaluation version)</td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href="http://gcc.gnu.org">GNU GCC</a> on Unix and <a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href="http://gcc.gnu.org">GNU GCC</a> on Unix and <a href=
"http://www.cygwin.com">Cygwin</a>, using the <a href=
"http://www.stlport.org">STLport</a> standard library
<td><a href=
<td>GNU GCC Cygwin command line compiler tools running in "no-cygwin"
mode (produces commercially redistributable objects)</td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
"http://www.intel.com/software/products/compilers/c60l/">Intel C++ for
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
"http://www.intel.com/software/products/compilers/c60/">Intel C++ for
Windows</a> using the Dinkumware standard library in the Intel-required
Microsoft <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Visual C++</a> 6
or 7 installation</td>
<td><a href=
<td>KAI C++</td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href="http://www.borland.com/kylix">Borland C++ for Linux
<td><a href=
<td>GNU GCC and associated tools in <a href=
"http://www.mingw.org">MinGW</a> configuration (produces commercially
redistributable objects)</td>
<td><a href=
<td>GNU GCC and associated tools in <a href=
"http://www.mingw.org">MinGW</a> configuration (produces commercially
redistributable objects), using the <a href=
"http://www.stlport.org">STLport</a> standard library
<td><a href=
<td>SGI <a href=
C and C++</a></td>
<td><a href=
<td>Microsoft <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Visual
C++</a> version 6 command-line tools. NOTE; For version 7.x (the .NET
series) use the vc7, vc-7_1, or vc-8_0 toolsets below.</td>
<td><a href=
<td>Microsoft <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Visual
C++</a> version 6 command-line tools, using the <a href=
"http://www.stlport.org">STLport</a> standard library implementation.
NOTE; For version 7.x (the .NET series) use the vc7-stlport or
vc-7_1-stlport toolsets below.</td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
"http://wwws.sun.com/software/sundev/suncc/index.html">SunPRO C++</a>
<td><a href=
<td><a href="http://www.tru64unix.compaq.com/cplus/">Compaq C++</a> for
Tru64 UNIX (versions prior to 6.5)</td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href="http://www.tru64unix.compaq.com/cplus/">Compaq C++</a>
Version 6.5 for Tru64 UNIX</td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href="http://www-3.ibm.com/software/ad/vacpp/">IBM Visual Age
C++</a> command-line tools</td>
<td><a href=
<td>Microsoft <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Visual
C++</a> command-line tools from Visual Studio .NET.</td>
<td><a href=
<td>Microsoft <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Visual
C++</a> command-line tools from Visual Studio .NET + STLPort.</td>
<td><a href=
<td>Microsoft <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Visual
C++</a> command-line tools from Visual Studio .NET 2003.</td>
<td><a href=
<td>Microsoft <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Visual
C++</a> command-line tools from Visual Studio .NET 2003 + STLPort.</td>
<td><a href=
<td>Microsoft <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Visual
C++</a> command-line tools from Visual Studio .NET 2005.</td>
<h2><a id="Build_Install" name="Build_Install"></a>Build and Install</h2>
<p>The common build and install process is driven by the top-level build
file (<a href="../Jamfile">Jamfile</a>).</p>
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="100%" summary="" border="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td valign="top" align="center" width="40" bgcolor="#FFFF66">
<font size="6"><b><a id="step4" name="step4"></a>4</b></font></td>
<p>First you need to change to the directory where you have the Boost
distribution you downloaded. For example:</p>
<p><code>chdir boost-1.31.0</code></p>
<p>The default build and install attempts to build all available libraries
and install to default locations the libraries and Boost header files. On
Unix systems the default install location is "<tt>/usr/local</tt>", and on
Windows systems the default is "<tt>C:\Boost</tt>". Within those
directories libraries are installed to the "<tt>lib</tt>" subdirectory, and
headers to an "<tt>include/boost-1_31</tt>" subdirectory, the version will
reflect the distribution you are installing.</p>
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="100%" summary="" border="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td valign="top" align="center" width="40" bgcolor="#FFFF66">
<font size="6"><b><a id="step5" name="step5"></a>5</b></font></td>
Invoke the build system, specifying the <a href=
"#Tools">toolset</a>(s) you wish to use, to build and install. For
example for GNU/GCC.
<p><code>bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" install</code></p>
<p>Or if you are interested only in the built libraries you can have
them built and collected to a common directory without
<p><code>bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" stage</code></p>
<p>The build and install system can be controlled through a set of options
similar in style to GNU configure options. The options allow you to, among
other things, change the install location, disable building of libraries,
etc. You can see a summary of the available options by invoking "<tt>bjam
--help</tt>". The full invocation takes the form:</p>
<p><code>bjam [<i>options</i>...] [install|stage]</code></p>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" summary="" border="1">
<td> </td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><i>none</i></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Only builds the Boost libraries. This
lets you do the first part of what the <tt>install</tt> action normally
does without copying the built libraries to the install location.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>install</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Builds and installs Boost libraries and
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>stage</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Builds the Boost libraries and copies
them into a common directory.</td>
<th nowrap>Option</th>
<td valign="top" align="left"> </td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>--help</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Shows a short summary of the options and
syntax of the command.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left">
<td valign="top" align="left">The list of tools to compile with.
Usually only one is needed.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>--prefix=PREFIX</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Install architecture independent files
Default; <tt>C:\Boost</tt> on Win32.<br>
Default; <tt>/usr/local</tt> on Unix. Linux, etc.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left">
<td valign="top" align="left">Install architecture dependent files
Default; <tt>PREFIX</tt></td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>--libdir=DIR</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Install libraries here.<br>
Default; <tt>EPREFIX/lib</tt></td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>--includedir=DIR</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Install source headers here. The Boost
headers are installed in a version specific
"<tt>boost-<version></tt>" subdirectory in this directory.<br>
Default; <tt>PREFIX/include</tt></td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>--builddir=DIR</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Build in this location instead of
building within the distribution tree. This moves where the sources for
the libraries are compiled to before they are installed.
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>--stagedir=DIR</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">When staging only, with the
"<tt>stage</tt>" action, copy to the given location.<br>
Default; <tt>./stage</tt></td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left">
<td valign="top" align="left">Do not build, stage, or install the
specified library.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left">
<td valign="top" align="left">Build, stage, or install the specified
library. This changes the default from trying to build all possible
libraries, to only building the specified libraries.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left">
<td valign="top" align="left">Build Boost.Python libraries with the
Python devel packages located at <tt>PYTHON_ROOT</tt>. The Boost.Python
libraries are built only if the build can find the Python development
package at this location.<br>
Default; <tt>C:\Python24</tt> on Win32.<br>
Default; <tt>/usr</tt> on Unix, Linux, Cygwin, etc.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left">
<td valign="top" align="left">Build Boost.Python libraries with the
Python version indicated.<br>
Default; 2.4.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>--with-pydebug</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Build Boost.Python libraries using the
Python debug runtime. This builds an additional set of libraries for
use with the debug version of Python. The regular versions of the
Boost.Python libraries are also built.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>-sHAVE_ICU=1</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Build Boost.Regex libraries with Unicode
support provided by the <a href=
libraries</a>. ICU must have been built with the same compiler that you
are using to build Boost, and must be installed into your compiler's
include and library search paths. See <a href=
"../libs/regex/doc/install.html#unicode">the Boost.Regex installation
documentation for more information</a>.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left">
<td valign="top" align="left">Build Boost.Regex libraries with Unicode
support provided by the <a href=
libraries</a>. ICU must have been built with the same compiler that you
are using to build Boost, and must have been built (or installed to)
directory <i>path</i>. For example if you configured ICU with
<tt>--prefix=/usr/local/icu/3.3</tt>, then use
<tt>-sICU_PATH=/usr/local/icu/3.3</tt>. See <a href=
"../libs/regex/doc/install.html#unicode">the Boost.Regex installation
documentation for more information</a>.</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap align="left"><tt>-sNO_COMPRESSION=1</tt></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">Build Boost.Iostreams without support for
the compression filters which rely on the non-Boost libraries zlib and
libbz2. If you use Windows, this option is enabled by default. If you
use UNIX, the compression filters will likely work with no
configuration, so this option should not be necessary. For full details
see <a href=
<p>There are additional options as supported by <a href=
"../tools/build/v1/build_system.htm">Boost.Build</a> and <a href=
"../tools/jam/index.html">Boost.Jam</a>. Of the additional
options perhaps the most imporant is "<tt>-s<a href=
which lets you override what is built by default. The
"<tt><features/variants></tt>" value is a list, separated by spaces,
of build requests. Features take the form of a tag and a value or values.
And variants are single symbolic names for a collection of features. For
example the default is to request "<tt>debug release
<runtime-link>static/dynamic <threading>single/multi</tt>", in
which "<tt>debug</tt>" and "<tt>release</tt>" are variants, and the rest
features with two values each.</p>
<p>If you have some feedback about the build and install process please
drop us a line at the <a href="mailing_lists.htm#jamboost">Boost.Build
mailing list</a>. We are particularly interested if it works for your
platform and if it there is anything that you feel could be done
<h2><a id="Results" name="Results"></a>Results</h2>
<p>The results of building come in to forms: static libraries, and dynamic
libraries. Depending on the platform the libraries produced have different
names to accommodate the platform requirements. For a single Boost library
the build with the default will produce eight different libraries. For
example building the Boost.Datetime library on Unix type system it would
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" summary="" border="0">
<td colspan="11">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" summary=""
<th>· Library Prefix</th>
<td width="80%"> </td>
<td valign="bottom" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" rowspan="7"><tt><font size=
<td colspan="11">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" summary="" border="0">
<th>· Library Name</th>
<td valign="bottom" rowspan="6"><tt><font size=
<td colspan="10">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" summary=""
<th>· Toolset</th>
<td valign="bottom" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" rowspan="5"><tt><font size=
<td valign="bottom" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" rowspan="5"><tt><font size=
<td colspan="8">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" summary="" border="0">
<th>· Threading</th>
<td valign="bottom" rowspan="4"><tt><font size="+1">-</font></tt></td>
<td valign="bottom" rowspan="4"><tt><font size="+1">mt</font></tt></td>
<td colspan="6">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" summary=""
<th>· Runtime</th>
<td valign="bottom" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" rowspan="3"><tt><font size=
<td valign="bottom" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" rowspan="3"><tt><font size=
<td colspan="4">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" summary="" border="0">
<th>· Boost Version</th>
<td valign="bottom" rowspan="2"><tt><font size="+1">-</font></tt></td>
<td valign="bottom" rowspan="2"><tt><font size=
<td colspan="2">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" summary=""
<th>· Library Type</th>
<td valign="bottom" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><tt><font size=
<td> </td>
<h3>Library Prefix</h3>
<p>The "lib" prefix on the libraries is a requirement on many platforms,
like Unix, and on others like GCC running on Windows. The prefix is
therefore added to all libraries on Unix type systems, and to static
libraries on Windows. That is on Unix shared libraries and static libraries
(object archives) are named respectively:</p>
<p>On Windows shared libraries do not have the prefix to differentiate the
import libraries from static libraries. Consequently on Windows the
libraries are named:</p>
<table id="Table1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="300" border="0">
<td><font face="Courier New">*.dll</font></td>
<td>Dynamic library version.</td>
<td><font face="Courier New">*.lib</font></td>
<td>Import library for the dll.</td>
<td><font face="Courier New">lib*.lib</font></td>
<td>Static library version.</td>
<h3>Library Name</h3>
<p>For Boost libraries the name has the "<tt>boost_</tt>" prefix to
separate them from other libraries in your system.</p>
<p>The toolset name is an abbreviation based on the compiler you are
building with. The abbreviation is composed of a short, 2 to 4 characters,
tag for the compiler and a version number of the compiler's major and minor
revision (if available). For example if your toolset is
"<tt>gcc-3_2_3</tt>" the toolset tag would be "<tt>gcc32</tt>". The toolset
abbreviations used are as follows:</p>
<table cellpadding="5" summary="" border="1">
<td><b>TOOLS Name</b></td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><code><a href=
<td><a href="../tools/build/v1/cw-tools.html"><code>cw</code></a></td>
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td><a href=
<td>The first part of the toolset name.</td>
<p>This tag indicates if the library is compiled with threading support. If
threading is enabled "<tt>-mt</tt>" is added, otherwise nothing is
<p>This specifies the type of runtime the library was compiled against, and
the type of code that is compiled. More commonly this encodes the ABI
variation used in the code. For each feature of the runtime system and code
compilation option a single letter is added to this tag.</p>
<table cellpadding="5" summary="" border="1">
<td>Static link to runtime.</td>
<td>Debug runtime.</td>
<td>Debug Python system.</td>
<td>Debug enabled code.</td>
<td>STLport runtime, instead of the vendor toolset runtime.</td>
<td>STLport runtime using the "native" IO streams instead of the
STLport IO streams.</td>
<p>For example if you compile debug code for STLport using native IO
streams, and statically link to the debug runtime the tag would be:
<h3>Boost Version</h3>
<p>This is the short label for the version of the Boost Libraries. The
major and minor version numbers are taken together separated by an
underscore. For example version 1.31.0 would be tagged as "<tt>-1_31</tt>".
For patch versions the patch number is also included, for example a version
of 1.31.1 would be tagged as "<tt>-1_31_1</tt>".</p>
<h3>Library Type</h3>
<p>The extension holds the type of library. This follows the platform
requirements. On Windows this is "<tt>.dll</tt>" for shared libraries, and
"<tt>.lib</tt>" for static libraries including import libraries. On Unix
this is ".a" for static libraries (archives), and ".so" for shared
libraries. For toolsets that support it in Unix they will also have a full
version extension (for example "<tt>.so.1.31.0</tt>") with a symbolic link
for the un-versioned library.</p>
<h2><a name="auto-link"></a>Automatic Linking on Windows</h2>
<p>For most Boost libraries that have separate source, the correct build
variant is linked against automatically when you include one of that
library's header files. For this feature to work, your compiler must
support the <code>#pragma comment(lib, name)</code> feature (Microsoft
Visual C++, Intel C++, Metrowerks C++ , and Borland C++ all support
<p>If you are linking to a dynamic runtime, then you can choose to link to
either a static or a dynamic Boost library, the default is to do a static
link. You can alter this for a specific library <em>whatever</em> by
defining BOOST_WHATEVER_DYN_LINK to force Boost library <em>whatever</em>
to be linked dynamically. Alternatively you can force all Boost
libraries to dynamic link by defining BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK.</p>
<p>This feature can be disabled for Boost library <em>whatever</em> by
defining BOOST_WHATEVER_NO_LIB, or for all of Boost by defining
<p>If you want to observe which libraries are being linked against then
defining BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC will cause the auto-linking code to emit a
<code>#pragma message</code> each time a library is selected for
<p>There are some Boost libraries (<a href=
"../libs/test/doc/index.html">Boost.Test</a> is one one special case),
where automatic linking is not supported for technical reasons: please
consult the documentation for each of the libraries you are using for more
information, and the <a href="../libs/config/index.html">Boost.Config</a>
documentation for more information on configuration macros. The
following table shows the current supported configurations, (Boost
libraries not listed here consist of headers only):</p>
<table id="Table2" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="100%" border="1">
<td><strong>Static Link</strong></td>
<td><strong>Dynamic Link</strong></td>
<td><strong>Default linkage</strong></td>
<td><strong>Automatic library selection</strong></td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>The separate Graph library source is needed only when <a href=
"../libs/graph/doc/read_graphviz.html">reading an AT&T graphviz
<td> </td>
<td>Program Options</td>
<td> </td>
<td>Since all Python extensions are DLL's it makes sense to dynamic
link to the Boost Python library by default (static linking is
only really an option if you are embedding python).</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>Which library you link to depends upon which program entry point
you define, rather than which Boost.Test features you use.</td>
<td>static (Visual C++), otherwise dynamic</td>
<td>For technical reasons static linking is supported on only one
Windows compiler (Visual C++).</td>
<td> </td>
<h2><a id="Additional_Steps" name="Additional_Steps"></a>Additional
<p>Depending on your platform and configuration you may need to perform
some additional configuration to get Boost to build and install.</p>
<li><a href="../libs/config/config.htm#configuring">Configure the boost
source code</a>. This step should not be required on the vast majority of
platforms, but if you're trying to build Boost on an untested or
unsupported platform it may be necessary.<br>
<li>If Boost.Build has problems detecting your Python installation it
will print a short messages about how to configure for finding the Python
installation. For more information, see these detailed <a href=
<p>Revised $Date$</p>
<p>Copyright © Rene Rivera 2003.<br>
Copyright © Jens Maurer 2001.<br>
Copyright © John Maddock 2004.</p>
<p><small>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
accompanying file <a href="../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</a> or copy
at <a href=