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<h1>What to do about Boost bugs</h1>
  <li>Make sure the bug isn't already fixed in the latest sources. The most 
  recent version of everything on the Boost web site is available from
  <a href="http://www.boost.org/more/download.html#CVS">boost public CVS 
  <li>If you are a Boost user, or a Boost developer that doesn't have a CVS 
  write access: <br>
    <li>Submit a bug report to either
    <a href="http://www.boost.org/more/mailing_lists.htm#users">boost-users list</a>,
    <a href="http://www.boost.org/more/mailing_lists.htm#main">boost mailing 
    list</a>, or our <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=7586">bug 
    tracking facility</a> at SourceForge; submitting it to either of the mailing 
    lists is a preferred way - because many of the Boost developers read the 
    lists on a daily basis, this way you are likely to get a quicker response, 
    and the discussions that often arise there from (possible) bug reports are 
    quite interesting and educational as well;<br>
    <li>If you have a proposed patch to the code, post it along with your bug 
    report, preferably in the <em>context diffs</em> format (<code>diff -c</code>); 
    if you can, send a patch relative to the current CVS state. <br>
  <li>If you are a Boost developer, and you have a CVS write access: <br>
    <li>If bug is trivial (e.g. misspelled name, missed <code>typename</code>, 
    etc.), and you are willing to make a fix, either make your changes locally 
    and contact the library author(s)/maintainer(s) about it, or go ahead and 
    check the fix into CVS, but post a notification about it to the
    <a href="http://www.boost.org/more/mailing_lists.htm#main">boost mailing 
    list</a> (if the author is not very active on the list, you also might want 
    to consider <code>cc</code>'ing him as well); <br>
    <li>If bug is non-trivial, or/and you don't have time/resources to fix it, 
    submit a bug report (see p. 2 above); chances are that the maintainer(s) 
    will respond promptly and take care of the problem; <br>
    <li>Otherwise create a temporary branch in CVS, make your changes there, and 
    ask the library author(s)/maintainer(s) to review them; if they are ok with 
    the new code, either you or they can integrate the fixes into the main 
    trunk. </li>
<p>Contributed by <a href="../people/aleksey_gurtovoy.htm">Aleksey Gurtovoy</a></p>
<p>Revised <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" s-type="EDITED" s-format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->18 January, 2002<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" i-checksum="38453" endspan -->

