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  <title>Updating The Boost Website</title>

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  <h1>Making Updates to the Boost Website Content</h1>

  <p>Any boost developer can update the Boost website content between

    <li>We <em>strongly</em> recommend the use of <a href=
    "http://tidy.sourceforge.net/">HTML Tidy</a> when editing HTML and XHTML
    files intented for the website. Using <code>tidy</code> helps in
    preventing errors in the HTML, in keeping a clear revision history, and
    in conforming to Web standards to help make the website readable by the
    majority of people. The Boost web pages currently have a variety of
    different types of HTML and XHTML content. Each needs to be dealt with
    differently by <code>tidy</code>. Most pages are regular HTML 3.x/4.x,
    for these use a <code>tidy</code> invocation of:
tidy --tidy-mark no -i -wrap 78 -m <i>some_page.html</i>
</pre>Other pages are using the more recent XHTML 1.0 and XHTML 1.0 Strict
standards. Most notably this include the <a href="../index.htm">home
page</a>. Some additional options are needed to make <code>tidy</code>
enforce the XHTML standard:
tidy --tidy-mark no -i -wrap 78 -m -asxhtml <i>some_page.html</i>
</pre>That command is also useful if one is converting from HTML to XHTML. To
have <code>tidy</code> check for the XHTML 1.0 Strict format use:
tidy --tidy-mark no -i -wrap 78 -m -asxhtml --doctype strict <i>some_page.html</i>
</pre>If you have a choice as to what format to use, prefer the XHTML 1.0
Strict format as that opens the content to the widest audience.

    <li>If the change you are making is intended to be part of a release, you
    should first make the change in our CVS repository, so it doesn't get
    lost or overwritten by the next person that updates the page between
    releases. Of course if you don't check in (say because the change is not
    supposed to be in the next release), and someone else changes the page
    after you, the change may be lost. This procedure does not account for
    that case; you'll have to use your head and figure out what to do.</li>

    <li>You will upload the file(s) by <code>scp</code>'ing to the
    appropriate subdirectory of
    <code>shell.sf.net:/home/groups/b/bo/boost/htdocs/</code>. For example,
    to update the page you are reading, I would issue
scp updating_the_website.html david_abrahams@shell.sf.net:/home/groups/b/bo/boost/htdocs/more/

    <li>It is <b>crucial</b> to ensure that you set group write permission on
    every file you upload. If you don't do that, nobody else will be able to
    change it, which is particularly deadly at release time. If you are on
    Unix or Cygwin, you may be able to do that with a <tt>chmod</tt> command
    before uploading the file. The absolutely failsafe thing to do is to <tt>
      ssh</tt> into <tt>shell.sf.net</tt> and do the <tt>chmod</tt> there.
      The files also need to have general read permission, and any
      directories should have general execute permission and the "set user or
      group ID on execution" (s) bit should also be set. If you're not
      touching any directories, you can do it all with one command, e.g.
ssh david_abrahams@shell.sf.net "chmod a+r,g+rw /home/groups/b/bo/boost/htdocs/more/updating_the_website.html"
  <hr />

  <p>Revised <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B,
                            %Y" startspan -->$Date$ 
  <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan
                            i-checksum="38708" --></p>

  <p>&copy; Copyright David Abrahams 2005</p>

  <p>&copy; Copyright Rene Rivera 2005</p>

  <p>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
  accompanying file <a href="../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</a> or copy
  at <a href=