<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>FAQ</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> <meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="none, default"> <meta name="Microsoft Border" content="none, default"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <table border="1" bgcolor="#007F7F" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><img src="../c++boost.gif" alt="c++boost.gif (8819 bytes)" WIDTH="277" HEIGHT="86"></td> <td><a href="../index.htm"><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><big>Home </big></font></a></td> <td><a href="../libraries.htm"><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><big>Libraries </big></font></a></td> <td><a href="../people.htm"><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><big>People </big></font></a></td> <td><a href="faq.htm"><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><big>FAQ </big></font></a></td> <td><a href="index.htm"><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><big>More </big></font></a></td> </tr> </table> <h1>Frequently Asked Questions</h1> <p><b>How is a library accepted for posting on the site?</b> An initial review by the library master filters out libraries which do not meet the absolute requirements (must be C++, ownership clear, reasonable format, etc.) The author is free to rework and resubmit libraries which do not pass initial muster. This is encouraged, particularly when reviewers like the idea behind a library but feel that details are lacking.</p> <p><b>Is there any assurance libraries actually work as claimed?</b> No. The review process will hopefully eliminate the most seriously flawed libraries, but a well constructed library with hidden defects is likely to slip through. Encouraging ordinary users to report their experience with a library is intended to address such concerns. </p> <p><b>How does someone submit a comment?</b> Send email to <a href="mailto:boost@egroups.com">boost@egroups.com</a>. </p> <p><strong>How does someone submit a library?</strong> See <a href="lib_guide.htm">Library Guidelines</a></p> <p><b>Are commercial libraries requiring a fee acceptable?</b> No. However, a library that a commercial enterprise makes available without fee is acceptable. If the description of the library makes a low-key plug for the supplier, that is acceptable as long as the library delivers real value and isn’t just a Trojan horse for the plug.</p> <p><b>Are shareware libraries acceptable?</b> No. At least initially, only free libraries will be accepted.</p> <p><strong>Are open source license libraries acceptable?</strong> No, not currently. Open source licenses often require redistribution or availability of source code, inclusion of license document with machine-executable redistribution, give the initial developer rights to licensee modifications, and need a lawyer to understand. These would be immediate disqualifications for many business, commercial, and consumer applications. Boost aims to avoid subjecting users to hard-to-comply-with license terms.<br> <br> This is subject to review for a particularly important piece of software, or as the industry changes.</p> <p><b>Must full source code be provided?</b> Yes, these are source code libraries.</p> <p><b>What about documentation?</b> A very simple library might be accepted with only a well commented header file. For more substantial libraries, some form of documentation is certainly going to be expected. HTML is the preferred form.</p> <p><b>Are platform specific libraries acceptable?</b> There is a preference for portable libraries. Libraries will be accepted that have portable interfaces but require platform specific implementations, as long as the author supplies implementations for a couple of disparate major operating systems.</p> <p><b>Must a library do useful work? </b>No. A library meant as a teaching example or demonstration might not actually do any work.</p> <p><b>Who owns the libraries?</b> Presumably many authors will copyright their libraries. Others authors may wish to place their libraries in the public domain. The Boost.org policy is to only accept libraries with a clear copyright notice. It is up to potential users to decide if they find the copyright terms acceptable, and to not use libraries with unacceptable copyrights.</p> <p><b>What support is available for the libraries?</b> Try the <a href="mailto:boost@egroups.com">boost@egroups.com</a> mailing list. </p> <p><b>Is there a relationship between Boost.org and the C++ Standards Committee?</b> No. The people who started Boost.org were all on the committee, but that was just happenstance.</p> <p><b>Will the Boost.org libraries become part of the next C++ Standard?</b> Some might, someday off in the future, but that is up to the standards committee. To the extent a library becomes "existing practice", the likelihood increases that someone will propose it for future standardization. Submitting a library to Boost.org is one way to establish existing practice - as long as enough people are interested to download and use it!</p> <p><b>Is the site a commercial business?</b> No. It is just some people getting together as a kind of cyberspace civic association. If it ever needs to incorporate, it would be as non-profit organization.</p> <p><b>Is there any charge for submitting libraries or reviews to Boost.org?</b> No. Unlike the standards committees, you don’t have to pay to volunteer!</p> <p><b>Will the site include material beyond libraries?</b> The main focus is on libraries, but if people contribute occasional articles or other material to make the site more interesting, that could be a nice fit.</p> <p><strong>How do I unzip the distribution files on my [whatever] computer?</strong> The .zip format is used for distribution because there are free decoders and encoders available for many, many different platforms. See the <a HREF="http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/">Info-ZIP</a> web site, which includes a FAQ and much other useful information about the .zip format. Many commercial compressor-archiver utilities also support this format.</p> <p>-- End of FAQ --</p> <p>Revised May 17, 1999</p> </body> </html>