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    <h1>Making Updates to the Boost Website Content</h1>

    <p>Any boost developer can update the Boost website content between

      <li>You should first make the change in our CVS repository, so it
      doesn't get lost or overwritten by the next person that updates the
      page between releases.</li>

        You will upload the file(s) by <code>scp</code>'ing to the
        appropriate subdirectory of
        <code>shell.sf.net:/home/groups/b/bo/boost/htdocs/</code>. For
        example, to update the page you are reading, I would issue 
scp updating_the_website.html david_abrahams@shell.sf.net:/home/groups/b/bo/boost/htdocs/more/

        It is <b>crucial</b> to ensure that you set group write permission on
        every file you upload. If you don't do that, nobody else will be able
        to change it, which is particularly deadly at release time. If you
        are on Unix or Cygwin, you may be able to do that with a
        <tt>chmod</tt> command before uploading the file. The absolutely
        failsafe thing to do is to <tt>ssh</tt> into <tt>shell.sf.net</tt>
        and do the <tt>chmod</tt> there. The files also need to have general
        read permission, and any directories should have general execute
        permission and the "set user or group ID on execution" (s) bit should
        also be set. If you're not touching any directories, you can do it
        all with one command, e.g. 
ssh david_abrahams@shell.sf.net &quot;chmod a+r,g+rw /home/groups/b/bo/boost/htdocs/more/updating_the_website.html&quot;

        <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->05
        March, 2005<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="38708" -->

        <p>&copy; Copyright David Abrahams 2005</p>

        <p>Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the Boost
        Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file <a href=
        "../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</a> or copy at <a href=