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Print publications about Boost or Boost Libraries
Online publications about Boost or Boost Libraries
Print mentions of Boost or Boost Libraries
Online mentions of Boost or Boost Libraries
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[MaddockCleary00] | John Maddock and Steve Cleary, C++ Type Traits. Dr. Dobb's Journal, Vol. 25, Issue 10, October, 2000, page 38. www.boost.org/libs/type_traits/c++_type_traits.htm |
[Maddock01] | John Maddock, Regular Expressions in C++. Dr. Dobb's Journal, Vol. 26, Issue 10, October, 2001, page 21. |
[SiekLumsdaine01] | Jeremy Siek and Andrew Lumsdaine, C++ Concept Checking. Dr. Dobb's Journal, Vol. 26, Issue 6, June, 2001, page 64. |
[Karlsson02] | Björn Karlsson, Smart Pointers in Boost. C/C++ Users Journal, April, 2002. www.cuj.com/documents/s=8014/cuj0204karlsson/ |
[Karlsson02a] | Björn Karlsson, C/C++ Tip #9: Lexical Conversions. C/C++ Users Journal, November, 2002. www.cuj.com/documents/s=8470/cuj0211karlsson/ |
[Kempf02] | Bill Kempf, The Boost.Threads Library. C/C++ Users Journal, May, 2002. www.cuj.com/documents/s=8013/cuj0205kempf/ |
[SiekLeeLumsdaine02] |
Jeremy Siek, Lie-Quan Lee and Andrew Lumsdaine, The Boost Graph Library.
Addison-Wesley, 2002. ISBN: 0-201-72914-8.
A sample chapter is available at: tinyurl.com/24666 |
[AbrahamsGrosse-Kunstleve03] | David Abrahams and Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve, Building Hybrid Systems with Boost.Python. C/C++ Users Journal, July, 2003. www.cuj.com/documents/s=8470/cuj0307abrahams/ |
[GuzmanNuffer03] | Joel de Guzman and Dan Nuffer, The Spirit Library: Inline Parsing in C++. C/C++ Users Journal, September, 2003, Vol. 21, Issue 9, page 22. |
[Karlsson03] | Björn Karlsson, Lambda Expressions & C++. C/C++ Users Journal, December, 2003, Vol. 21, Issue 12, page 20. |
[Sutter03] | Herb Sutter, Generalized Function Pointers. C/C++ Users Journal, August, 2003. www.cuj.com/documents/s=8464/cujcexp0308sutter/ |
[AbrahamsGurtovoy04] |
David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy, C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts,
Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond. Addison-Wesley, November,
2004. ISBN: 0-321-22725-5.
Additional information and two sample chapters are available at: boost-consulting.com/tmpbook/ |
[Inaba04] |
Kazuhiro Inaba, Boost C++ Library Programming. Shuwa System, May, 2004. ISBN: 4-7980-0786-2.
Additional information and a sample chapter are available at: www.kmonos.net/pub/BoostBook/ |
[López04] | Joaquín M López Muñoz, The Boost Multi-Index Containers Library. C/C++ Users Journal, September, 2004, Vol. 22, Issue 9, page 6. |
[Karlsson05] |
Björn Karlsson, Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost. Addison-Wesley, August 31, 2005. ISBN: 0-3211-3354-4.
A sample chapter is available at: www.awprofessional.com/content/images/0321133544/samplechapter/karlsson_ch09.pdf |
[Brownell02] | David Brownell, C++ Techniques for Tomorrow That Can be Implemented Today (a.k.a. Boosting your Code). NWCPP, November 13, 2002. www.nwcpp.org/Meetings/2002/11.html |
[Long02] | Matt Long, Adding Regular Expressions to Your App with Regex++. The Code Project, June 18, 2002. www.codeproject.com/string/regex__.asp |
[Siek02] | Jeremy G. Siek, The Boost Graph Library. InformIT, March 1, 2002. tinyurl.com/2hc27 |
[Siek02a] | Jeremy G. Siek, A Boost Graph Library Tutorial. InformIT, March 1, 2002. tinyurl.com/2sa4s |
[Abrahams03] | David Abrahams, The Boost Metaprogramming Library. ACCU, 2003. www.boost-consulting.com/writing/ACCU_MPL_slides.ppt |
[Dawes03] | Beman Dawes, Multiplatform Software Development. 2003. www.esva.net/~beman/multiplat_dev.ppt |
[Halleux03] | Jonathan de Halleux, Opening a door towards Spirit: a parser framework. The Code Project, March 24, 2003. www.codeproject.com/cpp/spiritintro.asp |
[Kaiser03] | Hartmut Kaiser, Wave: a Standard conformant C++ preprocessor library. The Code Project, March 25, 2003. www.codeproject.com/cpp/wave_preprocessor.asp |
[Trentini03] | Matthew S. Trentini, Introduction to Boost. |
[Walker03] | Andrew Walker, An Introduction to Boost.
The Code Project, July 7, 2003.
A short and straightforward introduction to Boost. |
[Dawes04] | Beman Dawes, Boost for Visual C++ Developers. MSDN, May 17, 2004. tinyurl.com/2lzyh |
[D'Agostino04] | Jim D'Agostino, Designing Robust Objects with Boost. The Code Project, August 17, 2004. www.codeproject.com/cpp/Designing_Robust_Objects.asp |
[Handley04] | Dave Handley, An Introduction to the Boost Spirit Parser framework. The Code Project, October 9, 2004. www.codeproject.com/vcpp/stl/introduction_spirit.asp |
[Handley04a] | Dave Handley, Implementing Semantic Actions in the Boost Spirit Parser Framework. The Code Project, October 10, 2004. www.codeproject.com/vcpp/stl/spirit_semantic_actions.asp |
[Hauptmann04] | Peter Hauptmann, Smart Pointers to boost your code. The Code Project, September 27, 2004. www.codeproject.com/vcpp/stl/boostsmartptr.asp |
[Hauptmann04a] | Peter Hauptmann, boost 2: shared_ptr wraps resource handles. The Code Project, October 4, 2004. www.codeproject.com/vcpp/stl/boostsp_handleref.asp |
[Wikipedia04] | Wikipedia, Boost (Programming). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 2004. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boost_(programming) |
[Witt04] | Thomas Witt, The Boost Iterator Library. ACCU Spring Conference, 2004. www.accu.org/conference/presentations/Witt_-_Boost_Iterator_Library.pdf |
[Karlsson05a] | Bjorn Karlsson, How the Boost Bind Library Can Improve Your C++ Programs. InformIT, August 26, 2005. http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=412354 |
[Cogswell05] | Jeff Cogswell, Adding an Easy File Save and File Load Mechanism
to Your C++ Program. InformIT, July 1, 2005.
Explains Boost.Serialization. |
[Gurtovoy05] | Aleksey Gurtovoy and David Abrahams An In-Depth Look at Metafunctions in C++. InformIT, April 1, 2005. http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=375705 |
[HyslopSutter01] | Jim Hyslop and Herb Sutter, Conversations:
I'd Hold Anything for You. C/C++ Users Journal, December, 2001.
[Meyers01] | Scott Meyers, Item 50: Familiarize yourself with STL-related web sites. Effective STL, Addison-Wesley, 2001, page 221. ISBN: 0-201-74962-9 |
[Sutter01] | Herb Sutter, The String Formatters of
Manor Farm. C/C++ Users Journal, Vol. 19, November, 2001.
[Ablavsky02] | Vitaly Ablavsky, Applying BGL to Computational Geometry. C/C++ Users Journal, August, 2002. www.cuj.com/documents/s=8470/cuj0208ablavsky/ |
[Alexandrescu02] | Andrei Alexandrescu, Generic<Programming>:
Efficient Generic Sorting and Searching in C++ (I): In Search of a Better
Search. C/C++ Users Journal, October, 2002.
[HyslopSutter02] | Jim Hyslop and Herb Sutter, Conversations:
Getting to the Point. C/C++ Users Journal, July, 2002.
smart pointer discussion. boost::scoped_ptr, shared_ptr, scoped_array,
[Sutter02] | Herb Sutter, The New C++: The Group of Seven - Extensions under Consideration for the C++ Standard Library. C/C++ Users Journal, April, 2002. www.cuj.com/documents/s=7984/cujcexp2004sutter/ |
[Sutter02a] | Herb Sutter, The New C++: Smart(er) Pointers. C/C++ Users Journal, August, 2002. www.cuj.com/documents/s=7980/cujcexp2008sutter/ |
[Besser03] | Mitch Besser, Generic Printable ENUM++.
C/C++ Users Journal, June, 2003.
Mentions BOOST_PP
[Nasonov03] | Alexander Nasonov, I/O System: dynamic_any
Campaign. C/C++ Users Journal, September, 2003.
Improved boost::any
[Sutter03a] | Herb Sutter, Generalizing Observer. C/C++ Users Journal, September, 2003. www.cuj.com/documents/s=8840/cujexp0309sutter/ |
[Tan03] | Kwee H. Tan, Exploring EDA Algorithms with the Boost Graph Library. C/C++ Users Journal, July, 2003. www.cuj.com/documents/s=8470/cuj0307tan/ |
[VandervoordeJosuttis03] | David Vandevoorde and Nicolai M.
Josuttis, Using Templates in Practice. C/C++ Users Journal, February,
Concept Check Library |
[Meyers05] | Scott Meyers, Item 55: Familiarize yourself with Boost. Effective C++, 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, May 12, 2005. ISBN: 0-321-33487-6 |
[Siek01] | Jeremy G. Siek, An Implementation of Graph Isomorphism Testing, December 9, 2001. www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/isomorphism-impl.pdf |
[Burnap02] | Steven R. Burnap, Boost::any, Kuro5hin, May 1, 2002. www.kuro5hin.org/story/2002/5/1/142321/9513 |
[Carbon02] | David S?, Boost : The handy library of handy libraries. Kuro5hin, July 18, 2002. www.kuro5hin.org/story/2002/7/18/3313/01429 |
[Curran02] | James Curran, Access Raw Data with
Performance Counters in Visual C++. DevX.com, October, 2002.
Devotes several paragraphs to boost::shared_ptr<> .
[Siek02b] | Jeremy G. Siek, Internet Packet Routing with the Boost Graph Library. InformIT, March 1, 2002. tinyurl.com/26dwj |
[Casad03] | Joe Casad, Introducing the Boost Corner. C/C++ Users Journal, August, 2003. www.cuj.com/documents/s=8470/cuj0308boostcorner/ |
[Lischner03] |
Ray Lischner, C++: Beyond the Standard Library. O'Reilly Network, May 6,
2003. www.oreillynet.com/lpt/a/3683
Mentions tuples, shared_ptr, lambda, spirit .
[Inaba04a] | Kazuhiro Inaba, Let's Boost. 2004. www.kmonos.net/alang/boost/ |
[Stein04] |
Sebastian Stein, How to use Boost Test for automated testing. 2004. www.hpfsc.de/boosttest/ |
[Lindrud05] | Jarl Lindrud, RMI for C++.
The Code Project, April 11, 2005. www.codeproject.com/threads/RMI_For_Cpp.asp
Uses Boost.Serialization. |
Please help us keep this page updated - users can post new citations to the mailing list, while Boost developers should update the page directly in CVS.
Fredrik Blomqvist provided many of the initial citations.
Revised 17 September, 2005
© Copyright Beman Dawes 2003
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)