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Boost Policies

Mailing List Discussion Policy.  What's acceptable and what isn't.

Library Requirements and Guidelines.  Basic standards for those preparing a submission.

Guidelines for Libraries with Separate Source.  Basic tutorial for libraries that require the building of a separate link library.

Writing Documentation for Boost Basic guidelines for writing documentation and templates for quickly generating documentation that follows the guidelines.

Test Policy and Protocols.  How testing works at Boost.

Library Submission Process.  How to submit a library to Boost.

Library Formal Review Process. Including how to submit a review comment.

Header Policy.  Headers are where a library contacts its users, so programming practices are particularly important.

Implementation Variations.  Sometimes one size fits all, sometimes it doesn't.  This page deals with the trade-offs.

Library Reuse.  Should Boost libraries use other boost libraries?  What about the C++ Standard Library?  It's another trade-off.

Moderators.  Who they are and what they do.

Boost Whatever

License Information  Information about the Boost Software License.

Bibliography  Print and online publications relating to Boost and Boost libraries.

Compiler Status  Describes what library works with which compiler.

Links  Links of special interest to Boost users.

Formal Review Schedule  Future, current, and recently past Formal Reviews.

Release Procedures  How developers and the release manager prepare for a Boost release.

Updating the Website  How developers can update the Boost website between releases.

Internal Regression Test Suite   Describes the tool for generating the compiler status tables

Proposal for a C++ Library Repository Web Site  The original 1998 proposal that launched Boost.

How to report bugs  Ways to report Boost bugs.

How to request features Ways to request new library features.

C++ Committee Meetings FAQ for Boost Members wishing to attend a standards committee meeting.

Version History Changes and additions in past Boost releases.

Articles and Papers

Error and Exception Handling describes approaches to errors and exceptions by David Abrahams.

Counted Body Techniques by Kevlin Henney is must reading for those interested in reference counting, a widely used object management idiom.  Originally published in Overload magazine.

Generic Programming Techniques by David Abrahams and Jeremy Siek describe some of the techniques used in Boost libraries.

Feature Model Diagrams in text and HTML describes how to represent feature model diagrams in text form.

Portability Hints: Borland C++ 5.5.1 describes Borland C++ portability issues, with suggested workarounds.

Portability Hints: Microsoft VC++ 6.0 SP4 describes Microsoft C++ portability issues, with suggested workarounds.

Coding Guidelines for Integral Constant Expressions describes how to work through the maze of compiler related bugs surrounding this tricky topic.

Revised 10 May, 2005

© Copyright Beman Dawes 2003.

Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at