X-Apparently-To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com via; Fri, 15 Dec 2006 13:10:51 -0800
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From: "Darin Adler" <darin -at- bentspoon.com> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Re: [boost] Need your permission to correct license & copyright issues
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 13:10:41 -0800
To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com [Edit - Delete]
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On Nov 20, 2006, at 2:01 AM, Andreas Huber wrote:
> 2. Reply to this email and expressly state that you grant permission
> to convert all your contributions to the boost library to the new
> license (<http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt>). This will
> ultimately have the same effect as 1. above, as I will then add your
> name to blanket-permission.txt.
I grant permission to convert all my contributions to the boost
library to the new license.
-- Darin
[SVN r36498]
X-Apparently-To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com via; Fri, 15 Dec 2006 13:10:51 -0800
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From: "Darin Adler" <darin -at- bentspoon.com> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Re: [boost] Need your permission to correct license & copyright issues
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 13:10:41 -0800
To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com [Edit - Delete]
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On Nov 20, 2006, at 2:01 AM, Andreas Huber wrote:
> 2. Reply to this email and expressly state that you grant permission
> to convert all your contributions to the boost library to the new
> license (<http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt>). This will
> ultimately have the same effect as 1. above, as I will then add your
> name to blanket-permission.txt.
I grant permission to convert all my contributions to the boost
library to the new license.
-- Darin
[SVN r36498]
X-Apparently-To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com via; Tue, 21 Nov 2006 00:31:57 -0800
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From: "Gennadiy Rozental" <rogeeff -at- mail.com>
To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com [Edit - Delete]
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 03:25:49 -0500
Subject: Re: [boost] Need your permission to correct license & copyright issues
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I grant the permission to convert all my contributions to proper licence.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Huber"
To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com
Subject: [boost] Need your permission to correct license & copyright issues
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 02:01:14 -0800 (PST)
Quite a while ago it was decided that every file that goes into the
1.34 release of the Boost distribution (www.boost.org) needs uniform
license and copyright information. For more information please see:
You are receiving this email because at least one of the files you
contributed lacks such information or has an old license. I therefore
kindly ask you to grant the permission to add such information or
change the old license to the new one.
There are several options how such permission can be granted:
1. Add your name to
(This requires that you have access to the boost main CVS)
2. Reply to this email and expressly state that you grant permission
to convert all your contributions to the boost library to the new
license ( ). This will
ultimately have the same effect as 1. above, as I will then add your
name to blanket-permission.txt.
3. Reply to this email and ask for a list of your contributed files
that need to be converted to the new license. You can then grant
permission on a file by file basis or even review the proposed
changes to your file.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Andreas Huber
P.S. A list that contains all current license and copyright issues
can be found in this post:
Gennadiy Rozental
rogeeff -at- mail.com
[SVN r36128]
X-Apparently-To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com via; Mon, 20 Nov 2006 14:00:55 -0800
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From: "Dietmar Kuehl" <dietmar_kuehl -at- yahoo.com>
Organization: EAI Systems
To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com [Edit - Delete]
Subject: Re: [boost] Need your permission to correct license & copyright issues
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 22:56:57 +0100
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Content-Length: 551
> 2. Reply to this email and expressly state that you grant permission
> to convert all your contributions to the boost library to the new
> license (<http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt>). This will
> ultimately have the same effect as 1. above, as I will then add your
> name to blanket-permission.txt.
I hereby grant permission to convert all my contributions to the Boost
library to the new license (<http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt>).
Best regards,
Dietmar Kuehl
dietmar_kuehl -at- yahoo.com> <http://www.dietmar-kuehl.de/>
[SVN r36127]
X-Apparently-To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com via; Mon, 20 Nov 2006 04:59:29 -0800
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From: "Ronald Garcia" <garcia -at- cs.indiana.edu>
Subject: Re: [boost] Need your permission to correct license & copyright issues
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 07:59:38 -0500
To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com [Edit - Delete]
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I am exercising option 2 below. You have my permission to convert my
contributions to the boost license.
And you can add my name to the blanket permissions list.
On Nov 20, 2006, at 5:01 AM, Andreas Huber wrote:
> Hello
> Quite a while ago it was decided that every file that goes into the
> 1.34 release of the Boost distribution (www.boost.org) needs uniform
> license and copyright information. For more information please see:
> <http://www.boost.org/more/license_info.html>
> You are receiving this email because at least one of the files you
> contributed lacks such information or has an old license. I therefore
> kindly ask you to grant the permission to add such information or
> change the old license to the new one.
> There are several options how such permission can be granted:
> 1. Add your name to
> <http://boost.cvs.sourceforge.net/boost/boost/more/blanket-
> permission.txt?view=markup>
> (This requires that you have access to the boost main CVS)
> 2. Reply to this email and expressly state that you grant permission
> to convert all your contributions to the boost library to the new
> license (<http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt>). This will
> ultimately have the same effect as 1. above, as I will then add your
> name to blanket-permission.txt.
> 3. Reply to this email and ask for a list of your contributed files
> that need to be converted to the new license. You can then grant
> permission on a file by file basis or even review the proposed
> changes to your file.
> Thank you for your cooperation.
> Regards,
> Andreas Huber
> P.S. A list that contains all current license and copyright issues
> can be found in this post:
> <http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20061115.170548.238890db.en.html>
[SVN r36109]