diff --git a/whos_using/Jamfile.v2 b/whos_using/Jamfile.v2 deleted file mode 100644 index 1cf60df..0000000 --- a/whos_using/Jamfile.v2 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ - -# Copyright John Maddock 2005. Distributed under the -# Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file -# LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) - -using quickbook ; - -xml using : using.qbk ; -boostbook standalone - : - using - : - nav.layout=none - #navig.graphics=0 - ; - -install html : ../../doc/html/boostbook.css ; -install ../ : ../../boost.png ; - - diff --git a/whos_using/using.qbk b/whos_using/using.qbk deleted file mode 100644 index a747c5d..0000000 --- a/whos_using/using.qbk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1246 +0,0 @@ -[article Who's Using Boost? - [quickbook 1.4] - [copyright 2005 Various Authors] - [license - Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. - (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at - - http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt - ) - ] - [last-revision $Date$] -] - -[/ begin by defining some links to Boost libraries] - -[def __regex [@../../libs/regex/index.html Boost.Regex]] -[def __functional [@../../libs/functional/index.html Boost.Functional]] -[def __format [@../../libs/format/index.html Boost.Format]] -[def __function [@../../libs/function/index.html Boost.Function]] -[def __bind [@../../libs/bind/index.html Boost.Bind]] -[def __smart [@../../libs/smart_ptr/index.html Boost.SmartPointers]] -[def __date_time [@../../libs/date_time/index.html Boost.DateTime]] -[def __iterator [@../../libs/iterator/index.html Boost.Iterator]] -[def __thread [@../../libs/thread/index.html Boost.Thread]] -[def __preprocessor [@../../libs/preprocessor/index.html Boost.Preprocessor]] -[def __any [@../../libs/any/index.html Boost.Any]] -[def __tokenizer [@../../libs/tokenizer/index.html Boost.Tokenizer]] -[def __signals [@../../libs/signals/index.html Boost.Signals]] -[def __property_map [@../../libs/property_map/index.html Boost.PropertyMap]] -[def __array [@../../libs/array/index.html Array]] -[def __operators [@../../libs/utility/operators.htm Boost.Operators]] -[def __tuple [@../../libs/tuple/index.html Boost.Tuple]] -[def __random [@../../libs/random/index.html Boost.Random]] -[def __variant [@../../libs/variant/index.html Boost.Variant]] -[def __string_algo [@../../libs/algorithm/string/index.html Boost.StringAlgorithms]] -[def __mpl [@../../libs/mpl/index.html Boost.MPL]] -[def __type_traits [@../../libs/type_traits/index.html Boost.TypeTraits]] -[def __dyn_bitset [@../../libs/dynamic_bitset/index.html Boost.DynamicBitset]] -[def __enable_if [@../../libs/utility/enable_if.html Boost.EnableIf]] -[def __timer [@../../libs/timer/index.html Boost.Timer]] -[def __phoenix [@../../libs/spirit/phoenix/index.html Boost.Phoenix]] -[def __spirit [@../../libs/spirit/index.html Boost.Spirit]] -[def __pointer_cont [@../../libs/ptr_container/index.html Boost.PointerContainer]] -[def __serialization [@../../libs/serialization/index.html Boost.Serialization]] -[def __lambda [@../../libs/lambda/index.html Boost.Lambda]] -[def __lexical_cast [@../../libs/conversion/lexical_cast.htm Boost.LexicalCast]] -[def __tribool [@../../doc/html/tribool.html Boost.Tribool]] -[def __numeric_cast [@../../libs/conversion/cast.htm#numeric_cast Boost.NumericCast]] -[def __ref [@../../libs/bind/ref.html Boost.Ref]] -[def __mem_fun [@../../libs/bind/mem_fn.html Boost.MemFn]] -[def __static_assert [@../../libs/static_assert/index.html Boost.StaticAssert]] -[def __shared_ptr [@../../libs/smart_ptr/index.html Boost.SharedPointer]] -[def __assign [@../../libs/assign/index.html Boost.Assign]] -[def __crc [@../../libs/crc/index.html Boost.CRC]] -[def __file_system [@../../libs/filesystem/index.html Boost.FileSystem]] -[def __optional [@../../libs/optional/index.html Boost.Optional]] -[def __utility [@../../libs/utility/index.html Boost.Utility]] -[def __integer [@../../libs/integer/index.html Boost.Integer]] -[def __multi_index [@../../libs/multi_index/index.html Boost.MultiIndex]] -[def __program_options [@../../libs/program_options/index.html Boost.ProgramOptions]] -[def __range [@../../libs/range/index.html Boost.Range]] -[def __concept_check [@../../libs/concept_check/index.html Boost.ConceptCheck]] -[def __graph [@../../libs/graph/index.html Boost.Graph]] -[def __ublas [@../../libs/numeric/ublas/index.html Boost.Ublas]] -[def __python [@../../libs/python/doc/index.html Boost.Python]] -[def __conversion [@../../libs/conversion/index.html Boost.Conversion]] -[def __test [@../../libs/test/index.html Boost.Test]] -[def __rational [@../../libs/rational/index.html Boost.Rational]] -[def __asio [@../../libs/asio/index.html Boost.Asio]] -[def __bjam [@../../tools/build/v2/index.html Boost.Build]] -[def __gil [@../../libs/gil/doc/index.html Boost.GIL]] - -[section:intro Introduction] - -Open source isn't just for nerds and researchers. Real world programming challenges, -irrespective of whether they are open or closed source, can benefit enormously from -the thought and experience that has gone into the Boost software libraries. Put simply, -for any given problem for which Boost provides a solution, Boost will strive to provide -the best solution possible. It's up to you to decide whether we've achieved that, but -as these pages will testify, many other developers have found our solutions to be the -best for them. - -['Disclaimer:] Boost's developers try to ensure that the -information on these pages is correct, but from time to time inadvertent -mistakes are bound to occur: -if you would like an entry in these pages to be removed or corrected please contact -the [@mailto:boost-owner@lists.boost.org Boost Moderators]. - -[endsect] - -[section:shrink Shrink Wrapped Boost] - -Boost has found it's way into many products that are available "off the shelf", -including consumer applications from Adobe, through to business -middleware from SAP. - -[blurb [*Adobe Photoshop CS2] - -[@http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/main.html Adobe Photoshop CS2] -uses the -[@http://opensource.adobe.com/ Adobe Software Libraries], which in -turn depend upon large parts of Boost. The [@http://opensource.adobe.com/ -Adobe Software Libraries] are being rolled -out across the Adobe product line to provide cross platform user interface logic. -] - -[blurb [*Adobe Indesign] - -[@http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign/main.html Adobe Indesign] offers -best of breed page design: -Indesign and it's asociated SDK depend upon Boost -__regex, __functional and others. -] - -[blurb [*SAP NetWeaver] - -[@http://www.sap.com/solutions/netweaver/index.epx SAP NetWeaver] -is the technical foundation of mySAP Business Suite solutions, -SAP xApps composite applications, partner solutions, and customer -custom-built applications. __regex -provides the regular expression -implementation for SAP's -[@https://www.sdn.sap.com/sdn/developerareas/abap.sdn?node=linkDnode6-3 ABAP language].] - -[blurb [*Real Networks, Rhapsody] - -The [@http://www.real.com/ Rhapsody Music Service] allows its subscribers to legally -download/transfer/burn over a million songs. The Rhapsody client -software was built with many Boost libraries: - -__format: Boost.Format is top notch. Using it is a bliss. - -__functional, -__function, -and __bind: These three libraries, -along with __smart are the most used in our application. I could not imagine -not having them handy. - -__smart: Hands down, the most useful, and used library of the lot! - -__date_time: Simple to use, effective, does the job. I love the -flexible input string parsing facilities, and the -human readable ISO output. - -__iterator: Wow. Moving legacy iterating interfaces, or -interfaces that should of been properly designed -as iterators to STL compliant iterators was easy -and painless. The gains in functionality to our -code made by this library are invaluable. - -__regex: When you need it, it works magic. - -__thread: Used to implement the monitor pattern in key areas. - -__preprocessor: Used to implement repetitive unit-test -code generation. The codebase benefited -greatly from the clarity __preprocessor -brought. -] - -[blurb [*McAfee, Managed VirusScan 3] - -[@http://www.mcafeesecurity.com/us/products/mcafee/smb/managed_services/managed_vs_smb.htm McAfee Managed VirusScan], -is an always on, automatic virus protection for desktops -and servers. - -More details of the Boost libraries used can be found -[@http://betavscan.mcafeeasap.com/beta/docs/readme/Readme.html here].] - - -[blurb [*DataSolid GmbH Germany, CADdy++ Mechanical Design (c)] - -[@http://www.DataSolid.com CADdy++ Mechanical Design professional (c)] -is a fully parametric 3D CAD -application with unbroken link between 3D -models and 2D drawings. CADdy++ uses the Boost libraries: -__any, -__tokenizer, -__signals, -__property_map, -__array, -__bind, -__operators, -__tuple, -__random. - -['"Many thanks to all the boost developers for their great work and effort -spending into boost."]] - -[blurb [*Dimension 5, Miner3D] - -Data visualization technology enabling advanced data analysis, -visualization, sonification and speech applications for business and science. - -The [@http://www.miner3D.com Miner3D] application provides means for interactive visual analysis of -arbitrary tabular data from various data sources. It has a powerful OpenGL-based -visualization engine and an intuitive GUI. This combination helps a human eye -guide the application of statistical tools and spot the patterns that -might otherwise remain hidden. - -['"We are using the following boost libraries: -__date_time, -__variant, -__regex, -__format, -__string_algo, -__smart, -__mpl, -__type_traits, -__operators, -__dyn_bitset, -__enable_if, -__timer."] -] - -[blurb [*Synergy, mailIntercept] - -[@http://www.mintercept.com mailIntercept] from [@http://www.synergy.com.br Synergy] -is a mail interceptor service for Exchange Server 2000\/2003. - -mailIntercept intercepts and interprets the e-mails from a -LAN using Exchange Server and converts the microsoft proprietary -format to MIME and passes them to an SMTP filter and returns the -emails to the Exchange Server as modified by the SMTP filter, -converted back to the microsoft proprietary format and with its -features preserved. - -mailIntercept was built using the following Boost libraries: -__mpl, -__string_algo, -__bind, -__phoenix, -__spirit, -__pointer_cont, -__serialization, -__regex, -__iterator, -__lambda, -__lexical_cast, -__operators, -__smart, -__tribool and -__type_traits -] - -[blurb [*Integrated Research P/L, PROGNOSIS IP Telephony Manager and IP Telephony Express] - -[@http://www.ir.com PROGNOSIS] is a suite of IP telephony management software products, -specifically designed to address the key challenges of IP telephony -life cycle management, including network-readiness, assessment, -pre-deployment assurance testing, and ongoing Day-2 management of -Cisco CallManager, Cisco Unity, and Cisco AVVID infrastructure. -['"The Boost libraries used were: -__any, - __bind, - __function, - __lexical_cast, - __mpl, - __numeric_cast, - __ref, - __regex, - __smart, - __thread, - __type_traits."] -] - -[blurb [*Kinook Software, Visual Build Professional] - -[@http://www.visualbuild.com/ Visual Build Professional] -is a tool that enables developers, -software process engineers, and build specialists to create an -automated, repeatable process for building their software. Visual Build -provides built-in support for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and 2005, -Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual J++, SourceSafe, eMbedded Tools, -Borland Delphi, JBuilder, C++Builder, and more. - -The following Boost Libraries were used: -__any, -__mem_fun, -__regex, -__smart, -__static_assert -] - -[blurb [*Kinook Software, Ultra Recall] - -[@http://www.ultrarecall.com/ Ultra Recall] -is a personal information management (PIM) / -knowledge management (KM) application for Microsoft Windows. It helps -you capture, organize, and recall all of your electronic information -across all the applications that you use. - -Used the following Boost libraries: -__format, -__shared_ptr, -__static_assert -] - -[blurb [*Applied Dynamics International, ADvantageDE] - -[@http://www.adi.com Applied Dynamics International (ADI)] -provides state-of-the art software and -hardware tools to the automotive, aerospace, and defense industries to -design and test embedded control systems. ADI's tools provide advanced capabilities in real-time hardware-in-the-loop -(HIL) simulation, rapid prototyping, and embedded controller software -development. We have been a leading supplier of HIL simulation solutions -since 1957. - -ADvantageDE is the development environment. It allows simulation models to -be easily connected to one another or to hardware components for real-time -simulation. ADvantageDE projects can be created for execution on your PC, -Unix workstation or on our real-time platforms. - -ADvantageVI is the point of control and the graphical user interface for -all of the run-time activities. The run-time architecture includes extensive -features for interacting with, visualizing, and automating simulation and -test activities. - -DasCom provides access to real-time simulation data from most Windows -applications, such as Micrsoft Excel, National Instruments Labview, etc. - -The following Boost Libraries are used: -__array, -__assign, -__bind, -__crc, -__dyn_bitset, -__enable_if, -__file_system, -__function, -__functional, -__iterator, -__lambda, -__optional, -__preprocessor, -__ref, -__regex, -__serialization, -__signals, -__smart, -__static_assert, -__spirit, -__string_algo, -__tokenizer, -__tuple, -__utility and -__variant -] - -[blurb [*PeerGuardian] - -[@http://methlabs.org/projects/peerguardian-2-windows/ PeerGuardian 2] -is Methlabs premier IP blocker for Windows. -With features like support for multiple lists, a list editor, -automatic updates, and blocking all of IPv4 (TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc), -PeerGuardian 2 is the safest and easiest way to protect your privacy on P2P. - -Boost Libraries used include -__crc, -__bind, -__integer, -__function, -__functional, -__smart, -__lexical_cast, -__string_algo, -__random, -__format, -__utility.] - -[blurb [*DECOMSYS::DESIGNER PRO] - -[@http://www.decomsys.com/ DECOMSYS::DESIGNER PRO] enables the user to design -a highly complex [@http://www.flexray.com/ FlexRay] communication -system, which is going to be the fundament for tomorrow's -automotive electronics. - -['"Boost Libraries used: -__bind, -__dyn_bitset, -__format, -__function, -__iterator, -__mpl, -__multi_index, -__utility, -__operators, -__preprocessor (nice for generating data for unit tests), -__program_options (for the unit test programs), -__ref, -__regex, -__serialization, -__signals, -__smart, -__spirit, -__timer and -__variant] - -['"We are also planning to use Andreas Huber's FSM library and Iostreams -(together with Serialize) once -they are officially released."] -] - -[blurb [*Wise Riddles Software, Audiomatic] - -[@http://www.WiseRiddles.com/Audiomatic Audiomatic] -is a tool used to make system-wide macros and then launch those -macros with a voice command or keyboard shortcut at any time... from any -Windows application. Audiomatic enables you to launch programs, files, or -websites; simulate keystrokes; play sounds; speak text; or even run scripts. -You can do it all with a voice command or keyboard shortcut! -['"Boost libraries Used: -__bind, -__function, -__smart, -__date_time, -__string_algo, -__utility, -__regex, -__thread, -__mpl and -__type_traits."] -] - -[blurb [*SMProcess FxEngine] - -The [@http://www.smprocess.com/Bin/FxEngineSetup.exe FxEngine] -from [@http://www.smprocess.com SMProcess] is a Free Framework for data flow processing and the -design of dynamic systems using plugins. The Framework provides a full -control to the plugin architecture for applications that require -custom solutions. - -The Framework is essentially based on three boost libraries: -__thread: Used to implement each "Pin" work. __thread includes -everything what we were looking for a portable framework like -mutex and condition components. -__functional and __bind: Provide a great flexibility compared to the STL. -__timer: A very straightforward and effective timer. - -] - -[blurb [*Megahard Software Technologies Inc., Rule in Hell] - -[@http://www.ruleinhell.com Rule in Hell] is a -Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (still in beta). - -The Boost libraries used were: -__bind, -__function, -__any, -__tuple, -__ref, -__shared_ptr, -__type_traits and -__utility. - -['"By far the combination of __bind, __function, __shared_ptr and __ref is what we use -most heavily".] -] - -[blurb [*Dr. Detlef Meyer-Eltz, TextTransformer] - -The [@http://www.texttransformer.com TextTransformer] -is a Windows IDE for the generation of top down -parsers with included c++ interpreter code for semantic actions. Both -can be executed or debugged immediately on single source files or on -groups of files. Generated parsers can be exported as c++ code -including as well the interpretable code as any arbitrary other code. -Tokens are defined as POSIX regular expressions and rules are defined -in a similar syntax quasi as regular expressions of regular -expressions. The construction of parse trees and their traversal is -supported. - -['"The TextTransformer is essentially based on the __regex, -by which the tokens for a parser can be defined. The __lexical_cast and -the Format library are used for the integrated c++ interpreter. For -the future also an interpreter version of the __string_algo is -planned. The __program_options library will be used too to improve the -command line version of the texttransformer."] -] - - -[blurb [*Redshift Software, The Thot Tool] - -[@http://thot-tool.com/ The Thot Tool] -is an asset management tool for a group of game developers. -Thot combines assets, both binary and text, with workflow automation -into a unified whole, and was built using Boost -__thread, -__smart, -__regex, -__mpl, -and __type_traits. -] - -[blurb [*Paragent, Paragent Manage 2.1] - -[@http://www.paragent.com/ Paragent Manage] -is a Desktop Management Application that uses a -lightweight agent written in C++. Unlike traditional desktop management -solutions, Paragent Manage avoids the complexity and cost of servers by -using peer-to-peer communication between agents and the administrative -console. This allows real-time inventory searching, alerting and -software auditing in an easy-to-deploy and maintain package. - -['"We have used Boost extensively throughout our agent, including: -__thread, -__shared_ptr, -__bind, -__spirit, -__date_time, -__string_algo, -__multi_index, -__file_system.] - -['"Apart from some read_write_mutex issues we had, Boost has been a -seamless part of our development, and has allowed us to develop and -deploy a very complex, highly threaded networking agent with a built-in -lisp-like xml-based scripting language all done in C++. Our entire -development team would like to thank everyone for their hard work on -behalf of C++ coders everywhere."] -] - -[blurb [*LW-WORKS Software, Clipboard Recorder] - -[@http://www.lw-works.com/clipboard-recorder Clipboard Recorder] -is an application that helps users to manage their -clipboard history and provides easy ways for users to access their -saved clipboard data. - -Libraries used: -__smart, __serialization, __asio, __string_algo, __bind, __thread, -__conversion, Iostreams. -] - -[endsect] - -[section:open Open Source Boost] - -Boost is used in a variety of Open Source Projects, both applications and libraries. -Indeed many Open Source libraries developed around Boost have in the past been judged -of high enough quality to be absorbed -into the main Boost source tree, a process that will no doubt continue into the future. -Others are in highly specialized niche markets, ranging from probability theory to -astronomy, via mass spectroscopy: whatever your field of interest you'll find -something of value in Boost. - -[blurb [*Adobe Software Libraries] - -The [@http://opensource.adobe.com/ Adobe Software Libraries] provide -components for modeling the human interface appearance and behavior -in a software application. The Adobe Software Libraries depend on many -parts of Boost including __any, -__bind, __function, -__mpl, __operators, -__range, __static_assert, -__thread, and __type_traits. - -Currently Boost and the Adobe Software Libraries are in use in around 30 Adobe products. -] - -[blurb [*LyX Document Editor] - -[@http://www.lyx.org/ The LyX Document Editor] -is an advanced open source document processor that encourages an -approach to writing based on the structure of your documents, -not their appearance. LyX produces high quality, professional output, -using LaTeX, an industrial strength typesetting engine. - -LyX uses many parts of Boost, including __array, -__bind, __regex, -__type_traits, -__function, -and __signals.] - -[blurb [*CodeSynthesis XML Schema to C++ Data Binding Compiler (XSD) by Code Synthesis Tools CC] - -[@http://codesynthesis.com/products/xsd/ CodeSynthesis XML -Schema to C++ Data Binding Compiler (XSD)] is an -open-source, cross-platform XML Data Binding implementation for C++. -Provided with an XML instance specification (XML Schema), it generates -C++ classes that represent the given vocabulary as well as parsing and -serialization code. You can then access the data stored in XML using -types and functions that semantically correspond to your application -domain rather than dealing with elements, attributes, and text in a -direct representation of XML such as DOM or SAX. - -XSD uses __regex and -__file_system libraries from Boost. -__regex is used -to perform transformations on file, type and member names. -__file_system is used to -capture and manipulate XML Schema include and import paths. -Additionally, we are planning to provide an optional mapping of XML -Schema date and time types to C++ types from the Boost -__date_time library. -] - -[blurb [*CodeShop] - -I am happy to announce Amsterdam based [@http://www.code-shop.com CodeShop] -has been using Boost -since 2005 on all of it's projects (and CodeShop memebers have been -using Boost since 2001). - -We used it on the following: - -['OpenZoep] - -An open source voip stack (xmpp-sip/rtp/(port)audio/codecs), capable of -pc2pc calls and pc2pstn calls - it's a message based sdk, so you could -write your own Gtalk or Skype ... - -Boost is used everywhere: from the xmpp implementation (__function, -__asio) to the codecs-wrapper (__smart) - and more. -Boost made the code a lot easier, more fun, safer and faster to develop. -Bjam was used as build system. - -See [@http://www.code-shop.com/2007/1/14/openzoep description] -and [@http://www.code-shop.com/openzoep trac&svn]. - -['Abonja \/ Whitelabelvideo] - -Online videosharing platform: you can upload and watch flashvideo -online, but at the same time run your pc client and download all your -preferences automatically for viewing later at home - -Boost and C++ are used for the serverside tooling. Bjam is used as -build system. - -[@http://www.abonja.nl www.abonja.nl] and -[@www.whitelabelvideo.nl www.whitelabelvideo.nl] (Dutch only: a javascript sdk for viewing and -uploading - Boost is used serverside also). - -Code from above and other projects made available as plain download or -as library. - -Pieces address 'simple' problems like a windows registry wrapper to more -system like parts as for instance a drm implementation. Boost is used -all over (__filesystem, __thread, __asio, __spirit etc); -__bjam is used as build system. -] - -[blurb [*CGAL] - -[@http://www.cgal.org/ CGAL] is the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library, - an open source C++ library providing generic components - such as triangulations, convex hulls algorithms, boolean - operations of polygons and many other things. - ['"We currently use the following Boost libraries : - __operators, - __iterator, - __tuple, - __concept_check, - __mpl, - __bind, - __optional and - __smart."] -] - - -[blurb [*ALPS] - -[@http://alps.comp-phys.org/ ALPS] is an open source project to develop codes -for the accurate simulation of quantum lattice models, such as quantum magnets, -electronic systems and Bose-Einstein condensates. The main Boost libraries -used are: -__graph, -__random, -__multi_index, -__program_options, -__lexical_cast, -__serialization, -__regex, -__tuple, -__file_system, -__smart, -__bind, -__functional and -__type_traits -] - -[blurb [*SmartWin++] - -[@http://smartwin.sourceforge.net/ SmartWin++] -is a 100% free GUI library for developing Windows applications, -it's free both as in "free beer" and as in "free speech", you can freely use -SmartWin++ for commercial applications and for Open Source applications! -] - -[blurb [*Open VRML] - -[@http://openvrml.org/ Open VRML] is a free cross-platform runtime -for VRML. -The basic OpenVRML distribution includes libraries you can use to add -VRML support to an application, and Lookat, a simple stand-alone VRML browser. -] - -[blurb [*Bayes++] - -[@http://bayesclasses.sourceforge.net/Bayes++.html Bayes++] is an open source -library that represents and implements a wide variety of numerical algorithms -for Bayesian Filtering of discrete systems from the -[@http://www.acfr.usyd.edu.au/ Australian Centre for Field Robotics]. -Bayes++ makes particularly heavy use of __ublas -for matrix and numeric computations. -] - -[blurb [*Kohonen Neural Network Library (KNNL)] - -[@http://knnl.sourceforge.net/ Kohonen neural network library] -is a set of classes and functions for design, -train and use Kohonen networks (self organizing maps). - -KNNL Uses __bind, __function, __type_traits -__program_options. - -] - -[blurb [*The C++/Tk Library] - -[@http://cpptk.sourceforge.net The C++/Tk Library] is an open source -C++ interface to the Tk GUI Library. -] - -[blurb [*GluCat] - -[@http://glucat.sourceforge.net/ GluCat] is a library of template classes -which model the universal Clifford algebras over the real or complex fields, -with arbitrary dimension and arbitrary signature. -] - -[blurb [*OpenMS] - -[@http://open-ms.sourceforge.net/main.html OpenMS] is an open source C++ library -for LC/MS data management, reduction, evaluation, visualization, storage and -sophisticated statistical analyses. It can be used to develop mass -spectrometry related applications. -] - -[blurb [*libpdf++] - -[@http://libpdfxx.sourceforge.net/doc/index.html libpdf++] is an object-oriented -library for generating PDF (portable document format) files. It is designed -in a way that the objects in the document are mapped directly to classes -in the library. -] - -[blurb [*Regina] - -[@http://regina.sourceforge.net/ Regina] is a suite of mathematical software -for 3-manifold topologists. It focuses upon the study of 3-manifold -triangulations and includes support for normal surfaces and angle structures. -] - -[blurb [*MetaFS] - -[@http://metafs.sourceforge.net/ MetaFS] is a daemon for Linux -(and Linux only) that allows you to access information about your -files (such as MP3 tags or JPEG's EXIF tags) easily and consistently -using extended attributes. It also allows you to perform fast searches -using this information. MetaFS is extensible, so anyone can write plug-ins -to access new types of metadata. -] - -[blurb [*The ASN.1 Tool] - -Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is a -formal language for abstractly describing messages to be exchanged among an -extensive range of applications involving the Internet, intelligent network, -cellular phones, ground-to-air communications, electronic commerce, secure -electronic services, interactive television, intelligent transportation -systems, Voice Over IP and others. - -[@http://iiiasn1.sourceforge.net/main.html The ASN.1 Tool] includes two parts : -an ASN.1 compiler "asnparser" which compiles the Abstract Syntax to c++ files, -and a runtime library which is used to link with the c++ files generated by -asnparser. Based on the works of Open H.323 projects, it is developed for -the needs of H.450 series protocol. -] - -[blurb [*DGD] - -[@http://dgd.sourceforge.net/dgd_home.html DGD] (Depression Glass Debug) -is simple, easy to use C++ ostream extension -created with a goal to produce nice, readable and easy to understand trace logs] - -[blurb [*FEAR] - -[@http://fear.sourceforge.net/ FEAR] is a language independent -open-source project providing portable support for the creation of -genuine Artificial Intelligence within realistic simulated worlds.] - -[blurb [*XEngine] - -[@http://xengine.sourceforge.net/features.php XEngine] is a platform- and -rendering-API-independent 3D engine for real-time visualization with -support for programmable graphics pipeline architectures and is implemented in C++.] - -[blurb [*Spheral++] - -[@http://spheral.sourceforge.net/ Spheral++] is a numerical tool -for simulating the evolution of a set of fluid or solid materials subject to -hydrodynamic, gravitational, and radiative effects. -Spherical++ uses __python.] - -[blurb [*C++ XML Objects] - -[@http://cppxmlobj.sourceforge.net/ C++ XML Objects] is a framework for persisting -hierarchies of C++ objects to and from XML.] - -[blurb [*HippoDraw] - -[@http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/ek/hippodraw/index.html HippoDraw] provides a -highly interactive data analysis environment. -HippoDraw uses __python.] - -[blurb [*Orocos] - -[@http://people.mech.kuleuven.ac.be/~psoetens/orocos/doc/orocos-control-manual.html -The Orocos Robot Control Software Application Framework].] - -[blurb [*ECell] - -The [@http://www.e-cell.org/ E-Cell Project] is an international research -project aiming at developing necessary theoretical supports, technologies -and software platforms to allow precise whole cell simulation.] - -[blurb [*VCS Made Easy] - -[@http://vcsme.sourceforge.net/ VCS Made Easy], -or vcsme for short, is an utility whose main -purpose is to simplify the maintenance of file trees managed by a version -control system, such as the well known CVS or Subversion. Simply put, -it automates the process of bringing all these directories to an up-to-date -status with a single and simple command. - -['"The following Boost libraries were used: -__format, -__smart, -__utility and -__file_system."] -] - -[blurb [*Monotone] - -[@http://www.venge.net/monotone/ Monotone] -is a free distributed version control system. It provides - a simple, single-file transactional version store, with fully disconnected - operation and an efficient peer-to-peer synchronization protocol. It - understands history-sensitive merging, lightweight branches, integrated - code review and 3rd party testing. It uses cryptographic version naming - and client-side RSA certificates. It has good internationalization support, - has no external dependencies, runs on linux, solaris, OSX, windows, and - other unixes, and is licensed under the GNU GPL. - -['"The followind Boost libraries were used: -__date_time, -__file_system, -__conversion, -__optional, -__random, -__regex, -__smart, -__static_assert, -__tokenizer, -__tuple and -__test."] -] - -[blurb [*Hydranode Engine] - -[@http://hydranode.com/ Hydranode Engine] -is a plugin-driven P2P client engine that relies -heavily on Boost libraries. Hydranode codebase is licenced under GNU -GPL, and is developed mainly by Alo Sarv. Currently in Beta phase, -Hydranode runs on wide range of platforms, including Windows, Linux, -BSD, Mac OS, Solaris etc. - -['"Hydranode Engine and plugins rely heavily on the following Boost -libraries: __bind, __function, __lambda, __multi_index, __signals, Threads, -__smart, Format, __lexical_cast. Other Boost libraries being used -include __file_system, __string_algo, __date_time, __program_options, __spirit, -__random, __tokenizer, __type_traits, __tribool, __tuple and __any. Once Boost 1.33 -is released, I'm also looking forward to using the Boost Iostreams library -in Hydranode.] - -['"All complex data structures in Hydranode are implemented using -__multi_index containers, which significantly reduced development time -and kept code clean. Format is being used for all text formatting. -Having __thread and __file_system libraries available made cross-platform -development lot easier in those areas."] -] - -[blurb [*Hugin] - -With [@http://hugin.sourceforge.net/ hugin] you can assemble a mosiac of -photographs into a complete -immersive panorama, stitch any series of overlapping pictures and much more.] - -[blurb [*Enblend] - -[@http://enblend.sourceforge.net/ Enblend] is a tool for compositing images. -Given a set of images that overlap -in some irregular way, Enblend overlays them in such a way that the seam -between the images is invisible, or at least very difficult to see.] - -[blurb [*GNU Source-highlight] - -[@http://www.gnu.org/software/src-highlite/source-highlight.html GNU Source-highlight], -given a source file, produces a document with -syntax highlighting. The colors and the styles can be specified -(bold, italics, underline) by means of a configuration file, and some -other options can be specified at the command line. The output format -can be HTML, XHTML and ANSI color escape sequences. GNU Source Highlight -is build around __regex] - -[blurb [*Luabind] - -[@http://luabind.sourceforge.net/ Luabind] is a library that helps you create -bindings between C++ and lua. It has the ability to expose functions and classes, -written in C++, to lua. It will also supply the functionality to define classes -in lua and let them derive from other lua classes or C++ classes. -Lua classes can override virtual functions from their C++ baseclasses. -It is written towards lua 5.0, and does not work with lua 4.] - -[blurb [*C++/Tcl] - -[@http://cpptcl.sourceforge.net/ C++/Tcl] is a library that allows the easy -integration of C++ and Tcl.] - -[blurb [*QuantLib] - -The [@http://quantlib.org/ QuantLib] project provides a comprehensive software -framework for quantitative finance. QuantLib is a free\/open-source library -for modeling, trading, and risk management in real-life. -Boost components used include -__smart, -__iterator, -and __test. -] - -[blurb [*CBCanaylzer] - -[@http://www.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de/index.php?id=524 CBCanaylzer] - is developed by the Department of Bioinformatics, -at the University of Wuerzburg. - -['"CBCAnalyzer (CBC = compensatory base change) is a tool to create ``small'' -phylogenetic trees from sequence alignments. To measure the distance of sequences -the compensatory base changes are detected and counted. The bionj -algorithm is then used to construct a tree. CBCAnalyzer is available on -Windows, Linux and partly works on MacOSX. ] - -['"Boost libraries used: - __program_options - - creates really nice output, and is both easy to extend and simple to handle. - __iterator, - __spirit - - Saved a lot of my time, and makes the vast amount of biological file - formats simple to support, - __shared_ptr, - __lambda.] -] - -[blurb [*Profdist] - -[@http://www.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de/index.php?id=523 Profdist] -is developed by the Department of Bioinformatics, at the University of Wuerzburg. - -['"Profdist is a tool for the construction of large phylogenetic trees based on -profile distances. The input alignment data gets extended by random -picking of rows, and a clustering technique is used to create profiles -of the most frequent subtrees. The iterative approach allows working on -large datasets. Currently the application is very limited by the quality of -wxWidgets, and only available for Windows and Linux. ] - -['"The Boost librarie used were: - __string_algo, - __ref, - __iterator, - __spirit, - __shared_ptr and - __lambda."] -] - -[blurb [*The Yake Engine] - -[@http://www.yake.org/ The Yake Engine] -is a component-based, object-oriented engine written in C++ -and primarily designed for VR applications and games. It abstracts typical -low-level and middleware APIs and provides various low, mid and application -level functionality as well as tools to create and import content. -] - -[blurb [*Python-Ogre] - -[@http://python-ogre.python-hosting.com/ Python-Ogre] -is a Python bindings for Ogre 3D - a scene-oriented, -flexible 3D engine. - -Python-Ogre uses __python to expose next libraries to Python: - -* Ogre\n -* Newton\n -* ODE\n -* OgreAL\n -* CEGUI\n -* OIS\n -] - -[endsect] - -[section:inhouse In House Boost] - -Whether you're a government department, an internet startup, or a specialist consultancy, in-house -developement using the Boost Libraries can significantly shorten your -development cycles. - -[blurb [*Google] - -[@http://code.google.com/p/google-gtags/ google-gtags] Provides server-based -tags serving for large codebases. This is an extension to GNU Emacs and X-Emacs -TAGS functionality, that uses __test as its -unit test framework. -] - -[blurb [*LiquidNet] - -[@http://www.liquidnet.com/ LiquidNet] is Americas number one electronic -marketplace for large block trading, and the 5th fastest growing company -according to Inc Magazine. - -"['Boost Libraries most used, in order of importance:] - -['"__shared_ptr, -__bind, -__python, -__lexical_cast, -__optional, -__any and -__tuple] -] - -[def __oce Oc'''é'''] - -[blurb [*__oce-Technologies B.V.] - -Throughout the world -[@http://www.oce.com __oce] is one of the major suppliers of document -management and printing systems and the related services. We develop, -manufacture, service and sell printers, scanners, peripheral -equipment and media, supported by unique software. __oce -products for the corporate and commercial market are widely known for -their quality, ease of use, speed and reliability. - -The Boost libraries enable us to get a higher degree of uniformity and -quality in our code. During a redesign last year we found that lots of -small constructions from Boost shortens development time and prevents -having to reinvent many wheels. Libraries that we use include -__assign, __date_time, __enable_if, __file_system, __format, __function, __iterator, -__multi_index, __operators, __optional, __pointer_cont, __signals, __smart, -__thread, and __variant. -] - -[blurb [*MetOcean Engineers] - -[@http://www.metoceanengineers.com MetOcean Engineers] -are a leading consultancy providing oceanographic and meteorological -services in support of coastal and ocean engineering and environmental -protection. Core activities encompass: oceanographic measurements; -metocean monitoring systems; coastal and ocean engineering; environmental -consultancy; data management. - -Boost Libraries currently in use: -__any, -__assign, -__bind, -__date_time, -__iterator, -__lexical_cast, -__mpl, -__phoenix, -__program_options, -__ref, -__smart, -__spirit, -__string_algo, -__tribool and -__variant -] - -[blurb [*TeraView Ltd] - -[@http://www.teraview.com TeraView Ltd] develop terahertz based systems -for a variety of applications -including spectroscopy and imaging. - -['"We use: -__thread, -__file_system, -__date_time, -__serialization, -__smart, -__function, -__bind, -__iterator, -__lexical_cast, -__format, -__tuple, -__any and -__optional"] -] - -[blurb [*NPC International] - -With about 800 restaurants, [@http://www.npcinternational.com NPC International] -is the world's largest Pizza Hut franchisee. - -['"We make extensive use of boost in our internally developed point of sale, -restaurant management, communications, and accounting systems. -We use the following Boost libraries in approximate order of frequency of use: -__bind, -__function, -__optional, -__shared_ptr, -__date_time, -__thread, -__lambda, -__type_traits, -__mpl, -__tuple, -__enable_if, -__variant, -__spirit, -__string_algo, -__preprocessor, -__file_system, -__operators, -__iterator and -__tokenizer."] -] - -[blurb [*Rational Discovery LLC] - -[@http://www.rationaldiscovery.com Rational Discovery] -provides computational modeling, combinatorial -library design and custom software development services to the -pharmaceutical, biotech and chemical industries. - -['"We do a substantial amount of internal research to develop new -approaches for applying machine-learning techniques to solve chemical -problems. Because we're a small organization and chemistry is a large -and complex field, it is essential that we be able to quickly and -easily prototype and test new algorithms. We have found the Boost -libraries, a reliable source of high-quality code, to be -indispensable.] - -['"Boost libraries used: -__python, -__graph, -__smart, -__any, -__lexical_cast, -__random, -__string_algo, -__tuple, -__ublas."] -] - -[blurb [*Archelon LLC] - -[@http://www.archelon-us.com Archelon LLC] is a global securities firm -headquartered in Chicago. We actively trade equities, futures and -derivatives in both electronic and floor-based markets. Archelon is -one of the highest volume market makers on EUREX and a leading -U.S. option market maker focusing on the most active securities. - -['"We use: -__any, -__array, -__bind, -__date_time, -__function, -__lexical_cast, -__optional, -__rational, -__regex, -__signals, -__smart, -__tokenizer, -__tuple and -__utility."] -] - -[blurb [*Automated Trading Deck] - -[@http://www.atdesk.com Automated Trading Deck] (ATD) uses a large number -of Boost libraries. ATD is a technology company specializing in -automated trading and customized equity execution solutions for its -customers. We offer automated execution solutions in all domestic cash -equity markets, including the listed, over-the-counter, exchange traded -fund and bulletin board marketplaces. Our proprietary "Pricing Engine" -and automated limit-order trading algorithms apply advanced expert -systems to limit-order trading and customer executions. -] - -[blurb [*"EB" Automotive] - -[@http://www.elektrobit.com/static/en/index.html "EB" Automotive] -is currently using __gil, __mpl and __string_algo -for a in house tool. Additionally we use Stefan Seefelds Boost.XML from -sandbox, with a few small extensions. - -['"Especially __gil gave our image preprocessing routines a strong -speed boost and greatly simplified our code".] -] - - -[endsect] - -[section:submit Submissions] - -If you have an application or library that's using Boost and would like to be -listed here, please post the following information to the -[@http://www.boost.org/more/mailing_lists.htm#main main Boost developer -mailing list]: - -* The name of the Application/Product/Service. -* The name of the company (where appropriate). -* A paragraph describing the Application/Product/Service. -* Any information you can provide about which parts of Boost you used, - along with any comments you may have on how Boost helped your product - development. -* URLs to your companies home page, and the home page of the - Application/Product/Service if there is one. - -Finally, if the subheadings used in the structure of these pages -don't fit your Product/Application/Service please say so: we're -always interested to hear how these pages can be improved or better -structured. - -[endsect] - - -