diff --git a/bugs.htm b/bugs.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ff5cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bugs.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+What to do about Boost bugs
+ - Make sure the bug isn't already fixed in the latest sources. The most
+ recent version of everything on the Boost web site is available from
+ boost public CVS
+ repository.
+ - If you are a Boost user, or a Boost developer that doesn't have a CVS
+ write access:
+ - Submit a bug report to either
+ boost-users list,
+ boost mailing
+ list, or our bug
+ tracking facility at SourceForge; submitting it to either of the mailing
+ lists is a preferred way - because many of the Boost developers read the
+ lists on a daily basis, this way you are likely to get a quicker response,
+ and the discussions that often arise there from (possible) bug reports are
+ quite interesting and educational as well;
+ - If you have a proposed patch to the code, post it along with your bug
+ report, preferably in the context diffs format (
diff -c
+ if you can, send a patch relative to the current CVS state.
+ - If you are a Boost developer, and you have a CVS write access:
+ - If bug is trivial (e.g. misspelled name, missed
+ etc.), and you are willing to make a fix, either make your changes locally
+ and contact the library author(s)/maintainer(s) about it, or go ahead and
+ check the fix into CVS, but post a notification about it to the
+ boost mailing
+ list (if the author is not very active on the list, you also might want
+ to consider cc
'ing him as well);
+ - If bug is non-trivial, or/and you don't have time/resources to fix it,
+ submit a bug report (see p. 2 above); chances are that the maintainer(s)
+ will respond promptly and take care of the problem;
+ - Otherwise create a temporary branch in CVS, make your changes there, and
+ ask the library author(s)/maintainer(s) to review them; if they are ok with
+ the new code, either you or they can integrate the fixes into the main
+ trunk.
+Contributed by Aleksey Gurtovoy
+Revised 18 January, 2002
diff --git a/faq.htm b/faq.htm
index 33c7e80..7a00b4c 100644
--- a/faq.htm
+++ b/faq.htm
@@ -159,9 +159,15 @@ extension communicates nothing and forces inspection of file contents to
determine type. Using '.hpp' unambiguously identifies it as C++ header file, and
works well in actual practice. (Rainer Deyke)
+What should I do if I spot a bug in the Boost code or documentation?
+See the suggestions on the Bugs page.
+How can I request a new feature in a Boost Library? See the
+Requesting New Features page.
-Revised 26 December, 2001
Revised 18 January, 2002