2003-12-04 11:00:04 +08:00
The following people hereby grant permission to replace all existing
licenses on their contributions to Boost with the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0.
2003-12-04 06:03:41 +08:00
2003-12-04 11:00:04 +08:00
David Abrahams (dave@boost-consulting.com)
2004-07-25 21:56:08 +08:00
Dave Abrahams (dave@boost-consulting.com)
2003-12-04 09:40:32 +08:00
Beman Dawes (bdawes@acm.org)
2003-12-04 06:03:41 +08:00
Daniel Frey (d.frey -at- gmx.de, daniel.frey -at- aixigo.de)
2006-03-10 02:30:48 +08:00
Douglas Gregor (gregod -at- cs.rpi.edu, dgregor -at- cs.indiana.edu, doug.gregor -at- gmail.com)
2003-12-11 12:39:45 +08:00
Aleksey Gurtovoy (agurtovoy@meta-comm.com)
2004-08-17 23:11:35 +08:00
Jaakko J<>rvi (jajarvi -at- osl.iu.edu)
2003-12-19 10:22:27 +08:00
Dave Moore (dmoore -at- viefinancial.com) (See Boost list message of 18 Dec 2003 15:35:50 -0500)
2003-12-22 20:36:27 +08:00
John Maddock (john - at - johnmaddock.co.uk)
2004-08-12 20:25:43 +08:00
Dr John Maddock (john - at - johnmaddock.co.uk)
2004-03-02 09:26:46 +08:00
Gary Powell (powellg - at - amazon.com) (See Boost list message of 10 Feb 2004 14:22:46 -0800)
2004-05-04 20:26:53 +08:00
Fernando Cacciola (fernando_cacciola@ciudad.com.ar)
2004-08-14 07:31:06 +08:00
Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal (fernando_cacciola@ciudad.com.ar)
2004-05-05 02:00:33 +08:00
Michael Glassford (glassfordm - at - hotmail.com)
2004-05-05 10:16:33 +08:00
Eric Friedman (ebf@users.sourceforge.net)
2004-05-07 01:18:56 +08:00
Peter Dimov (pdimov@mmltd.net)
2004-05-10 04:32:09 +08:00
Jens Maurer (Jens.Maurer@gmx.net)
2004-07-20 05:43:26 +08:00
Mac Murrett (mmurrett -at- mac.com)
2004-05-12 05:33:42 +08:00
John Bandela (jbandela-at-ufl.edu)
2004-08-15 19:54:51 +08:00
John R Bandela (jbandela-at-ufl.edu)
2004-07-25 22:52:00 +08:00
Robert Ramey (ramey@www.rrsd.com)
2004-05-30 01:21:07 +08:00
Rene Rivera (grafik/redshift-software.com, rrivera/acm.org)
2004-07-21 21:28:54 +08:00
Paul Mensonides (pmenso57 -at- comcast.net) (See Boost list message of July 21, 2004 1:12:21 AM EST)
2004-07-21 22:41:29 +08:00
Multi Media Ltd. (pdimov@mmltd.net)
2004-07-21 23:24:32 +08:00
Brad King (brad.king -at- kitware.com) (See Boost list message of Wed, 21 Jul 2004 11:15:46 -0400)
2004-07-25 21:56:08 +08:00
Jeremy Siek (jsiek@osl.iu.edu)
2004-08-13 20:40:49 +08:00
Jeremy G Siek (jsiek@osl.iu.edu)
2004-07-26 05:31:09 +08:00
Howard Hinnant (hinnant -at- twcny.rr.com) (See Boost list message of July 25, 2004 3:44:49 PM EST)
2004-07-26 11:00:04 +08:00
Joel de Guzman (joel -at- boost-consulting.com) (See Boost list message of July 25, 2004 8:32:00 PM EST)
2004-07-26 19:20:22 +08:00
Vladimir Prus (ghost@cs.msu.su)
Jeff Garland (jeff - at - crystalclearsoftware.com) (see Boost list post of July 25, 2004 19:31:09 -0700)
2004-08-17 23:11:35 +08:00
Thorsten J<>rgen Ottosen (nesotto - at - cs.auc.dk)
2004-08-15 19:54:51 +08:00
Thorsten Ottosen (nesotto - at - cs.auc.dk)
2004-07-27 19:12:09 +08:00
Daryle Walker (darylew - at - hotmail.com)
2004-07-27 19:48:55 +08:00
Toon Knapen (toon dot knapen - at - fft.be)
2004-08-10 22:31:30 +08:00
Pavol Droba (droba -at- topmail.sk)
2004-08-11 01:13:19 +08:00
Thomas Witt (witt - at - ive.uni-hannover.de, witt - at - acm.org, witt - at - styleadvisor.com)
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve (RWGrosse-Kunstleve@lbl.gov)
2004-08-30 18:14:42 +08:00
R W Grosse-Kunstleve (RWGrosse-Kunstleve@lbl.gov)
2004-08-17 23:11:35 +08:00
Herv<EFBFBD> Br<42>nnimann (hbr -at- poly.edu)
2004-08-14 02:21:01 +08:00
Herve Bronnimann (hbr -at- poly.edu)
2004-08-14 17:59:41 +08:00
Andrei Alexandrescu (andrewalex - at - hotmail.com) (See Boost list message of August 12, 2004 11:06:58 AM EST)
Cromwell D Enage (sponage -at- yahoo.com) (See Boost list message of August 12, 2004 11:49:13 AM EST)
Juergen Hunold (hunold -at- ive.uni-hannover.de) (See Boost List Message of Fri, 13 Aug 2004 19:39:55 +0200)
2004-08-14 19:51:29 +08:00
Gregory Colvin (gregory.colvin -at- oracle.com) (See Boost list message of Sat, 14 Aug 2004 10:57:00 +0100)
Greg Colvin (gregory.colvin -at- oracle.com) (See Boost list message of Sat, 14 Aug 2004 10:57:00 +0100)
2004-08-15 18:16:17 +08:00
Eric Ford (un5o6n902 -at- sneakemail.com) (See Boost list message of Sun, 15 Aug 2004 10:29:13 +0100)
2004-08-16 18:18:20 +08:00
Gottfried Ganssauge (Gottfried.Ganssauge -at- HAUFE.DE) (See Boost List message of Mon, 16 Aug 2004 10:09:19 +0200)
2004-08-17 23:11:35 +08:00
Gottfried Gan<61>auge (Gottfried.Ganssauge -at- HAUFE.DE) (Alternative spelling of Gottfried Ganssauge)
2004-08-16 18:18:20 +08:00
Gunter Winkler (gunter.winkler -at- unibw-muenchen.de) (See Boost List message of Mon, 16 Aug 2004 10:24:17 +0200)
2004-08-16 21:59:32 +08:00
Kresimir Fresl (fresl -at- master.grad.hr) (See Boost List message of August 16, 2004 8:23:35 AM EST)
2004-08-17 02:36:32 +08:00
Lie-Quan Lee (liequan - at - slac.stanford.edu, llee - at - cs.indiana.edu)
2004-08-17 09:50:35 +08:00
Bruno da Silva de Oliveira (bruno - at - esss.com.br)
2004-08-17 17:39:22 +08:00
Bruce Barr (schmoost -at- yahoo.com) (See Boost list of Mon, 16 Aug 2004 15:06:43 -0500)
Roland Richter (roland -at- flll.jku.at) (See Boost list post of Mon, 16 Aug 2004 22:16:55 +0200)
2004-08-17 17:27:19 +08:00
Michael Stevens (Michael.Stevens - at - epost.de)
2004-08-17 20:01:08 +08:00
Rational Discovery LLC (Greg Landrum Landrum -at- RationalDiscovery.com) (See Boost list post of Tue, 17 Aug 2004 10:35:36 +0100)
2004-08-17 23:11:35 +08:00
Lars Gullik Bj<42>nnes (larsbj -at- lyx.org) (See Boost list message of Tue, 17 Aug 2004 15:49:02 +0100)
Nikolay Mladenov (nickm -at- sitius.com) (See Boost list message of Tue, 17 Aug 2004 15:45:33 +0100)
2004-08-18 21:29:22 +08:00
Itay Maman (imaman -at- users.sourceforge.net)
2004-08-18 23:20:26 +08:00
Hubert Holin (hubert_holin -at- users.sourceforge.net)
2004-08-19 23:24:41 +08:00
Maarten Keijzer (mkeijzer -at- cs.vu.nl) (See Boost list message of Wed, 18 Aug 2004 21:43:18 +0100)
2004-08-23 18:37:07 +08:00
Dan Gohman (djg -at- cray.com) (See Boost list messsage of Sat, 21 Aug 2004 10:54:59 +0100)
2004-08-29 22:37:55 +08:00
Daniel Nuffer (dan -at- nuffer.name)
Dan Nuffer (dan -at- nuffer.name)
2004-08-31 17:58:27 +08:00
Nicolai M Josuttis (solutions -at- josuttis.com) (See Boost list message of Mon, 30 Aug 2004 10:52:00 +0100)
Christain Engstrom (christian.engstrom -at- glindra.org) (See Boost list message of Mon, 30 Aug 2004 14:31:49 +0200)
2004-09-13 23:49:02 +08:00
Housemarque Oy (Ilari Kuittinen ilari.kuittinen -at- housemarque.fi)
2004-09-16 18:06:27 +08:00
Kevlin Henney (kevlin -at- curbralan.com) (See Boost list message of Wed, 15 Sep 2004 18:15:17 +0200)
2004-09-17 17:46:03 +08:00
Jaap Suter (j.suter -at- student.utwente.nl) (See Boost list message of Thu, 16 Sep 2004 09:32:43 -0700)
2004-09-27 19:59:55 +08:00
Samuel Krempp (krempp -at- crans.ens-cachan.fr) (See Boost list message of Mon, 27 Sep 2004 13:18:36 +0200)
2004-09-28 20:54:18 +08:00
Stephen Cleary (scleary -at- jerviswebb.com) (See Boost list message of Tue, 28 Sep 2004 13:11:46 +0100)
Steve Cleary (Variant of Stephen Cleary)
2005-01-13 05:34:56 +08:00
Hartmut Kaiser (HartmutKaiser -at- t-online.de)
2005-07-14 00:22:58 +08:00
Indiana University ()
The Trustees of Indiana University ()
Trustees of Indiana University ()
University of Notre Dame ()
Andrew Lumsdaine ()
2006-03-10 02:30:48 +08:00
Marc Wintermantel (wintermantel -at- imes.mavt.ethz.ch, wintermantel -at- even-ag.ch) (See CVS log)
Blanket permission from Francois Faure, per this personal communication:
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Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:05:56 +0100
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To: Douglas Gregor <doug.gregor@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Licensing of Boost Graph Library contributions
References: <87C06209-FFFF-4F1C-95E8-D38EF53CC2A6@cs.indiana.edu>
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Hi Doug,
I consent to changing the license of the code I submitted to the BGL to
use the Boost Software License, version 1.0 and later.
By the way, it seems that it is not referrenced at all in the
documentation. May I suggest you to set a link to adjacency_list_io.hpp
(marked with a star) in libs/graph/doc/table_of_contents.html near AT&T
Graphviz Read/Write Utilities ? The link text could be something like
"flexible input-output of adjacency lists on iostreams"
Douglas Gregor wrote:
> Hello François,
> We are trying to convert the entirety of the Boost Graph Library to
> use the new Boost Software License. You submitted some code to the
> BGL (e.g., the adjacency_list I/O routines) under the older Boost
> Graph license agreement. Would you consent to changing the license of
> this code to use the Boost Software License, version 1.0 and later?
> More information about the BSL is available here:
> http://www.boost.org/more/license_info.html
> Thanks again for your contribution!
> Cheers,
> Doug Gregor
> Boost Moderator/Graph Library maintainer
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[SVN r33311]
2006-03-10 22:59:31 +08:00
Francois Faure (Francois.Faure -at- imag.fr) (See CVS log)
- Received permission from Brian Osman to use the Boost Software License
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Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:17:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Graph isomorphism and licensing
From: osman@vvisions.com
To: "Douglas Gregor" <doug.gregor@gmail.com>
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Hi Doug,
Wow. Blast from the past -- at least that code is. I had some idea what
you were up to, after using boost recently and seeing your name in charge
of the release.
As for the license, I have no problem with that. You have my full
permission to use the Boost Software License 1.0, or any other future
variant. As long as my name stays on the code, I don't really care what
happens to it. =)
> Hi Brian,
> If this actually follows you all the way to your inbox, I would be
> amazed. But hey, it's worth a shot, right?
> So I'm Doug Gregor, from the Generic Programming group at RPI. You
> probably remember the graph isomorphism algorithm we coded for
> Krishnamoorthy's class a couple of years back, and that's the purpose
> of this message. We'd like to update the license on that code to the
> Boost Software License instead of the old GGCL license, but we need
> your permission to do so. The reason I'm bothering with this now is
> that Debian has decided that the old GGCL license is evil, and wants
> to boot the graph library out of their distribution if we can't fix
> the license :) Ideally, you'd give us permission to us the Boost
> Software License 1.0 and any revisions to the license.
> I hope all is well. From googling to try to get your e-mail address
> (you aren't exactly an easy man to find...), I see that you're busy
> hacking video games. Very, very cool. I'm hiding out in academia as a
> post-doc at Indiana University. Most of my time is actually hacking a
> new, parallel version of the BGL.
> Cheers,
> Doug
[SVN r33323]
2006-03-12 23:00:06 +08:00
Brian Osman (osman -at- vvisions.com) (See CVS log)